Facilitating SNOMED-CT Template Creation by Targeting Stopwords
Rashmi Burse, Michela Bertolotto and Gavin McArdle
University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Quality Assurance, Biomedical Ontologies, SNOMED-CT Templates, Lexical Auditing, Semantic Analysis,
Biomedical Named Entity Recognition.
Quality Assurance (QA) of biomedical ontologies is a major challenge in the health-informatics domain. One
of the preliminary ways in which we can maintain the quality of a biomedical ontology is by ensuring consis-
tency in the modelling styles of biomedical concepts. Maintaining consistency in the lexical, structural and on-
tological modelling of biomedical concepts reduces a concept’s susceptibility to errors. SNOMED-CT, which
is one of the most widely adopted biomedical ontologies, strives to achieve this consistency by creating tem-
plates for logical definitions based on the description of biomedical concept names. The work presented here
in based on the observation that the majority of the SNOMED-CT templates contain stopwords (non-medical
terms) in their description that indicate a relationship between two medical concepts. We hypothesize that the
process of creating SNOMED-CT templates can be automated to a large extent by targeting stopwords. In this
work, we present a method that exploits stopwords in concept names to create templates for the structural and
logical modelling of lexically and semantically similar biomedical concepts. The results have shown promis-
ing potential by extracting a multitude of SNOMED-CT templates, exhibiting more than 200 templates for the
stopword of. Given the high demand for QA of biomedical ontologies, these results are highly beneficial in
automating the existing mechanisms employed in maintaining consistency in the modeling of SNOMED-CT
concepts. The presented method can be used as a complementary process to mitigate the manual efforts of
SNOMED-CT curators. Furthermore, auditing potentially incomplete definitions of SNOMED-CT concepts
using the extracted templates has identified 49-87% inconsistent concepts for the stopwords of and in in the
biomedical ontology.
Biomedical ontologies are referenced by Electronic
Health Record (EHR) systems to populate clinical
information in patient records to achieve semantic
interoperability across healthcare organizations
(Burse et al., 2021; Duarte et al., 2014; Kim et al.,
2020; Willett et al., 2018). Considering the end goal,
consistency within a biomedical ontology becomes
implicitly critical. However, given the huge volume
and variety of biomedical ontologies, maintaining
consistency in the logical definitions of clinical
concepts (even within the same ontology) is often
difficult to achieve. The cause of such inconsistencies
can be attributed to the prolonged development
process and the involvement of a team of multi-
disciplinary experts like healthcare professionals,
ontology experts, and computer scientists (Unertl
et al., 2012; Ceusters et al., 2004).
SNOMED-CT (IHTSDO, 2002a) is one of the
world’s most widely adopted biomedical ontologies
with more than 300,000 concepts. Despite its high
rate of adoption, studies have shown that there is
scope for improvement in the quality of SNOMED-
CT. The development of efficient auditing techniques
for Quality Assurance (QA) of biomedical ontolo-
gies, including SNOMED-CT, has been a major chal-
lenge in the health-informatics domain (Amith et al.,
2018). The auditing techniques can be broadly cat-
egorized into structural, lexical, semantic and hy-
brid approaches (Amith et al., 2018). A major
part of lexical auditing techniques involves detect-
ing inconsistencies in the structural modeling of lex-
ically similar concepts. Many SNOMED-CT con-
cepts with similar lexical formats for their Fully Spec-
ified Names (FSNs) have different structural mod-
elling styles (Agrawal, 2018; Burse et al., 2022b).
A consequence of such an unwarranted variety in
the modelling styles of lexically similar concepts is
that they are highly prone to missing attribute rela-
tionships. Consistency in the lexical and structural
Burse, R., Bertolotto, M. and McArdle, G.
Facilitating SNOMED-CT Template Creation by Targeting Stopwords.
DOI: 10.5220/0011660500003414
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2023) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 279-286
ISBN: 978-989-758-631-6; ISSN: 2184-4305
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
modelling styles of biomedical concepts decreases the
probability of missing attribute relationships thus en-
suring complete logical definitions and superior qual-
ity of biomedical ontologies.
To provide excellent quality of healthcare deliv-
ery, maintaining consistency in the modeling styles
of SNOMED-CT concepts is crucial. SNOMED-CT
strives to achieve this by developing modelling
templates and description patterns (IHTSDO, 2002b).
SNOMED-CT documentation provides a list of
description templates to model concepts conforming
to a specific lexical format. Currently this is done
by domain experts by filling an authoring template
(IHTSDO, 2002c). The creation of the templates is
undertaken as a part of the SNOMED-CT QI (Quality
Improvement) Project (IHTSDO, 2019). We believe
the work presented here, that develops SNOMED-CT
modeling templates in a semi-automated way, can act
as a complementary process to mitigate the manual
effort of domain experts.
The method proposed in this paper is based on
the observation that the majority of the templates
created by SNOMED-CT contain stopwords (non-
medical terms) in their description that indicate a rela-
tionship between two medical concepts. For instance
the preposition of, which is usually considered to be
a stopword in the processing of blocks of free natu-
ral language text, in the concept name Neoplasm of
heart divulges significant information on the seman-
tic relationship between the medical terms Neoplasm
and heart ensuring the presence of a relationship find-
ing site - heart in the concept’s logical definition. We
hypothesize that the process of creating SNOMED-
CT templates can be automated to a large extent by
targeting stopwords. The work presented here is an
extension of the technique mentioned in (Burse et al.,
2022b). To improve on the results obtained in (Burse
et al., 2022b), we have extended the method to en-
hance the quality of the original research by adding
lexical information that considers the beginning to-
ken of a concept name in template creation. The ex-
tended implementation has complemented the previ-
ous results by extracting a multitude of new templates,
ranging from 6 templates for the stopword of in the
original implementation to as high as 200+ templates
in the extended implementation.
SNOMED-CT (IHTSDO, 2002a) categorizes
biomedical information into 19 major hierarchies.
Concepts in SNOMED-CT are represented using a
unique identifier (SCTID) and a unique name called
Fully Specified Name (FSN). Concepts are linked to
each other using two types of relationships
IS-A relationships, which are hierarchical in na-
ture and represent subsumption relationships be-
tween two concepts that belong to the same hier-
Attribute relationships, which give more informa-
tion about a concept by linking it to concepts from
other hierarchies based on domain and range con-
straints defined in the logical model of SNOMED-
Furthermore, SNOMED-CT contains two types of
Fully Defined (FD) concepts (IHTSDO, 2002a),
which are sufficiently defined to distinguish them
from other concepts.
Primitive / Partially Defined (PD) concepts, which
are not sufficiently defined. There are multiple
reasons as to why a concept may be a PD con-
cept (IHTSDO, 2002d). One of the reasons being
that the attribute relationships that distinguish the
concept from other concepts may not be present
in its definition.
The presented method is an extension of the work
(Burse et al., 2022b). To summarize, the method pre-
sented in (Burse et al., 2022b) is based on two core
FD concepts are more suitable for machine pro-
cessing because firstly, they are sufficiently dif-
ferential, i.e., the concept has at least one suffi-
cient definition that distinguishes it from any con-
cepts or expressions that are neither equivalent to,
nor sub-types of, the defined concept (IHTSDO,
2002a); secondly, FD concepts are manually
inspected by SNOMED-CT authors (IHTSDO,
2002d) to attain the FD status and therefore are
more reliable than PD concepts. The higher the
number of FD concepts in an ontology, the more
reliable the biomedical ontology is (Schulz et al.,
2009). Based on this assumption (Burse et al.,
2022b) treats FD concepts as a benchmark to cre-
ate templates and audit PD concepts that are lexi-
cally and semantically similar.
Stopwords, although often typically disregarded
in the processing of natural language text, are a
rich source of semantic information in the highly
constrained lexical structure of concept names in
biomedical ontologies and can be exploited to
identify missing attribute relationships in biomed-
ical concepts.
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
Based on these assumptions, the method (Burse et al.,
2022b) targets a list of stopwords from the PubMed
stopword list
(Pubmed, 2022) and groups lexically
similar concepts together. These concepts are then
semantically analyzed by using an atomic annotator
(Burse et al., 2022a). The atomic annotator labels the
individual tokens in each FSN with a semantic do-
main tag (Burse et al., 2022a). Concepts belonging to
the same lexical and semantic pattern are grouped to-
gether into sample-sets, i.e., a sample-set is a collec-
tion of SNOMED-CT concepts exhibiting the same
lexical and semantic pattern. The FD sample-sets
are processed using an intersection set logic to cal-
culate the attribute relationships common to all con-
cepts within a sample-set. These attributes are then
assumed to be mandatory for that sample-set and a
mandatory relationship template is created for each
stopword and each sample-set within a stopword (e.g.
Finding site is a mandatory attribute relationship for
Disorder of Body structure (DOB). Finally, these tem-
plates are used to audit PD concepts belonging to
matching sample-sets.
The presented method is an extension of the work
(Burse et al., 2022b). Let us refer to the method in
(Burse et al., 2022b) as the Basic Algorithm (BA). To
extend the BA , an additional lexical layer was ap-
plied to all sample-sets in order to extract more spe-
cific templates by sub-grouping concepts starting with
the same lexical token within a sample-set (e.g. the
sample-set Disorder of Body structure (DOB) creates
a general template whereas Neoplasm of Body struc-
ture (DOB-Neoplasm) creates a more specific tem-
plate). The skewed distribution of FD and PD tem-
plates, which was a limitation of the basic algorithm
that prevented the auditing of potentially inconsistent
concepts, was handled as follows (Let us refer to this
work as the Enhanced Algorithm (EA)):
If a FD template did not exist for a PD concept,
the PD concept was audited against a more gen-
eral template. For example, DID-hypertrichosis
(DID stands for Disorder in Disorder) was audited
against DID since a FD template did not exist for
Ideally sample-sets were created if more than
A few non-medical terms, like following and caused,
were added by (Burse et al., 2022b) to the list of PubMed
stop-words after observing repeating lexical patterns in
SNOMED-CT concepts. The analyzed stopwords also in-
clude combinations e.g. due to.
one concept starting with the same lexical to-
ken existed within a semantic pattern but, to han-
dle skewed template distribution, exceptional PD
sample-sets with a single concept were created in
case a FD template existed for them. For example,
a new sample-set was created for a single PD con-
cept Astrocytoma of retina (SCTID-255026000)
because DOB-astrocytoma was a template in FD
An interesting observation was an increase in the
number of mandatory attributes for general templates
in BA after specific templates were created for sub-
grouped concepts within the semantic pattern in EA.
For example, while the mandatory attribute tem-
plate for DID (DID stands for Disorder in Disor-
der) included Associated with (SCTID - 47429007)
in BA, the mandatory attribute template for DID had
three attributes (Associated morphology (SCTID
116676008), Finding site (SCTID – 363698007), and
Associated with (SCTID - 47429007)) in EA. While
this has identified additional inconsistent PD concepts
in the auditing step, the accuracy of these inconsis-
tency detections remains an issue of manual inspec-
tion. To assist the domain experts in gauging the
accuracy of these suggestions, we have provided a
confidence level for each of the identified inconsis-
tency. The confidence level is denoted using three de-
grees, namely, low, medium, high. The fundamental
reasoning behind calculating the confidence levels is
that the relevance of the superfluous attributes added
to general templates in EA needs to be manually in-
spected. We need to determine whether the presence
of these attributes can be credited to an impartial in-
tersection logic result or the additional attributes are
simply common because of the elimination of other
concepts, by sub-grouping, that originally belonged
to this general category. The confidence level is as-
signed as follows.
1. If a specific concept is audited against a matching
specific template then the confidence level is high.
2. If a general concept is audited against a matching
general template then:
(a) If at least one of the suggested attributes is
present in the BA template then the confidence
level is high. The reasoning is that BA tem-
plates capture the essence of the stopword in
the majority of the cases. For example, the
stopword caused by translated to mandatory at-
tribute Causative agent (SCTID- 246075003).
The stopword in translated to mandatory at-
tribute Associated with (SCTID- 47429007),
i.e., how Disorder 1 is associated with Disorder
2 in DID, thus the confidence level is higher for
Facilitating SNOMED-CT Template Creation by Targeting Stopwords
this suggestion.
(b) If none of the suggested attributes is present
in the BA template then the confidence level is
medium, owing to the doubt in superfluous at-
tributes in EA general templates.
3. If a specific concept is audited against a more gen-
eral template then:
(a) If at least one of the suggested attributes is
present in the BA template then the confidence
level is medium.
(b) If none of the suggested attributes is present in
the BA template then the confidence level is
low, e.g. DID-myopathy is validated against
DID and the suggested missing attribute is As-
sociated morphology (SCTID - 116676008).
Associated morphology is not a mandatory at-
tribute for DID in BA, thus the confidence level
is low for this suggestion.
Table 1 summarizes the additional features added in
the EA of the method. The next section discusses
the improvements in the results obtained using the EA
over BA.
Table 1: Summary of enhancements made in the presented
method over BA.
Implementation Description Example
Basic Algorithm (BA) Templates calculated
as Variable–stopword–
Variable. (3 excep-
tions DOS-abuse,
DOS-overdose, and
for “disorder
of body structure”
Enhanced Algorithm
Template Creation:
Templates calculated
as Constant-stopword-
Variable. The first
token was scrutinized
to create additional
sample-sets within
a semantic pattern.
Skewed distribution of
FD and PD templates
was handled. Audit-
ing PD concepts: A
confidence level was
added to each iden-
tified inconsistency
/ missing attribute
suggestion in PD
Subgrouping within
DOB based on the first
token. E.g. Abscess-
4.1 Template Generation
After enhancing the BA with EA, the number of ex-
tracted templates has increased for 8 out of the 11
stopwords analyzed by the method. The stagnant
number of templates for stopwords during, to, and
into can be ascribed to the extremely limited num-
ber of FD concepts available for analysis (6,3,3 re-
spectively). Although the count is constant, the tem-
plate for into changed from DITB (DITB stands for
Disorder into Body structure) in BA to a more spe-
cific DITB-hemorrhage in EA. On the other hand, the
templates for during (DDP) (DDP stands for Disor-
der during Procedure) and to (DTB) (DTB stands for
Disorder to Body structure) did not change. Figure 1.
illustrates the statistics with the help of a bar chart.
Figure 1: Number of templates extracted in EA and BA im-
plementations of the method.
Furthermore, in EA the number of mandatory at-
tributes detected for each specific sub-grouped tem-
plate has also increased in the majority of the cases.
This is logical, given the increased specificity of the
new templates. The maximum number of mandatory
attributes per template increased from 2 in BA to 5
in EA. Table 2 lists a few examples of general BA
templates and their corresponding specific EA coun-
terparts to demonstrate the increase in the number of
mandatory attributes extracted.
It is noteworthy that in the majority of the cases,
the original general templates still exist in EA, ow-
ing to a number of concepts starting with an individ-
ual lexical token that did not have any other concept
starting with the same lexical token to pair/sub-group
with. For example, 89 SNOMED-CT concepts (such
as Achalasia of esophagus (SCTID- 45564002) and
Acrosyndactyly of toe (SCTID – 699049007)) are still
included in DOB sample-set despite the generation
of 197 additional specific templates under DOB, i.e.
DOB-firstLexicalToken. In total, only 3 of the 26 BA
templates were not present in the EA results; how-
ever they were replaced by more detailed templates.
More specifically, DdtO (DdtO stands for Disorder
due to Object) was replaced by DdtO-injury, DOnB
(DOnB stands for Disorder on Body structure) by
DOnB-callosity and DOnB-ulcer, and DITB (DITB
stands for Disorder into Body structure) by DITB-
Semantic pattern from (Burse et al., 2022b)
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 2: Comparative evaluation of the number of manda-
tory attributes extracted by BA and the corresponding EA
BA Template Semantic pattern Descrip-
BA Mandatory Attributes
EA Template EA Mandatory Attributes (SCTID-
DFP Disorder Following Proce-
dure (DFP)
255234002-After DFP-infection 255234002-After
370135005-Pathological process
363698007-Finding site
116676008-Associated morphol-
DdtO Disorder due to Object 42752001-Due to DdtO-injury 42752001-Due to
246075003-Causative agent 246075003-Causative agent
116676008-Associated morphol-
DdtD Disorder due to disorder 42752001-Due to DdtD- erythrocy-
363698007-Finding site
42752001-Due to
363713009-Has interpretation
116676008-Associated morphol-
363698007-Finding site
42752001-Due to
DOB Disorder of body structure 363698007-Finding site DOB-agenesis 370135005-Pathological process
363698007-Finding site
116676008-Associated morphol-
DOB-abrasion 116676008-Associated morphol-
363698007-Finding site
42752001-Due to
116676008-Associated morphol-
363698007-Finding site
363713009-Has interpretation
363698007-Finding site
246075003-Causative agent
370135005-Pathological process
DCBO Disorder caused by organ-
246075003- Causative agent DCBO-
116676008-Associated morphol-
363698007-Finding site
246075003-Causative agent
263502005-Clinical course
370135005-Pathological process
4.2 Auditing PD Concepts
Figure 2. illustrates the number of inconsistent PD
concepts identified, per stopword, by each of the two
implementations. The EA templates have identified
a promising percentage of inconsistent PD concepts
containing the stopwords of (49.2%), in (87.5%),
and due to (72.2%). The identified PD concepts are
deemed inconsistent because they do not follow the
modelling styles of FD concepts, which is assumed to
be the ground truth by our semi-automated method.
We recommend a further manual inspection of the
highlighted inconsistencies by SNOMED-CT cura-
tors. Of note, the absence of inconsistencies in PD
concepts for the majority of the stopwords does not
reflect poorly on the potential of the EA method.
In such cases, either PD concepts were unavailable
for auditing or the mandatory attributes were already
present in their definitions and hence they were not
flagged as inconsistent.
There are several differences between the templates
extracted by the presented EA method vs SNOMED-
CT templates created by authors. These are discussed
Figure 2: Number of inconsistent PD concepts identified by
EA and BA templates.
Process. While the SNOMED-CT templates are
manually created to restrict both FD and PD con-
cepts to a certain structural modeling style, our semi-
automated method extracts mandatory attributes by
assuming FD concepts to be a source of ground truth.
Thus, the quality of the extracted templates depends
on the quality of the existing FD concepts. There have
been cases of outlier detection within FD concepts
(Burse et al., 2022b). Outliers are FD concepts that do
not conform to the modelling style of the majority of
the FD concepts. Such outliers were eliminated man-
ually to avoid degrading the quality of the extracted
templates by omitting mandatory attributes exhibited
by most of the FD concepts. The extracted templates
have identified a promising percentage of inconsistent
PD concepts containing the stopwords of, in, and due
to (Figure 2).
Level of Detail. Firstly, our templates focus only
on identifying mandatory attributes based on the
presence of those attributes in FD concepts conform-
ing to a particular lexical and semantic pattern, thus
the cardinality in our templates is always assumed
to be 1..*, i.e., the mandatory attribute should be
present at least once in the logical definition. We
do not extract non-mandatory attributes with vary-
ing cardinalities or restrict the upper limit of the
cardinality of an extracted mandatory attribute. For
example, the SNOMED-CT template for Neoplasm
of [body structure] has non-mandatory attributes like
occurrence, pathological process, causative agent,
clinical course, and finding site with a cardinality
of 0..1, whereas our template has only extracted
the mandatory attributes associated morphology
and finding site, with a cardinality of 1..*, for
DOB-neoplasm. The presented example further
highlights one of the discrepancies found between
the general rules of SNOMED-CT templates and the
specific templates (IHTSDO, 2002b). While general
rule 6(a) states that ”of [body structure]” should be
Facilitating SNOMED-CT Template Creation by Targeting Stopwords
removed from the FSN, if the attribute finding site is
not present, this rule is clearly violated in many of
the specific SNOMED-CT templates including the
previous example, Neoplasm of [body structure]. In
contrast, the templates extracted by our method abide
by all the general rules (IHTSDO, 2002b).
Secondly, our templates do not account for the
cardinality within a role-group. In SNOMED-CT,
a role-group is an association between a set of at-
tribute value pairs that causes them to be consid-
ered together. Role-group information is omitted for
two reasons, (a) the aim of our method is to iden-
tify mandatory attributes that help make a concept
FD and the presence of the attribute in at least one
role-group is more important than deciding exactly
which role-group. Furthermore, the role-group infor-
mation would have been relevant if we had extracted
other non-mandatory attributes to group them with the
mandatory attributes in specific role-groups. Since
non-mandatory attributes are not within the scope of
our template, the role-group information is extrane-
ous to our method. (b) The role-group number be-
tween different concepts can vary, causing the inter-
section logic to fail. For example, while attribute X
falls in role-group 1 in concept A, the same attribute
can fall under role-group 2 in concept B, thus render-
ing the intersection result NULL despite its manda-
tory nature.
5.1 Analysis of Extracted Templates
While the quantitative analysis of the extracted
mandatory attributes is straightforward and can be
fully automated, to ensure high standards qualitative
analysis of the automatically extracted templates re-
quires manual inspection by a domain expert. While
on the one hand, the increased specificity due to sub-
grouping effectively captures significant details in
some templates, e.g., DOnB-callosity has mandatory
attributes finding site, associated morphology, and
very specifically causative agent that captures the
cause of callosity, i.e., friction. On the other hand,
given the complex variety in SNOMED-CT con-
cepts, sub-grouping may not always be conducive,
e.g., in cases where the same template brings out
necessary details for some concepts but appends
unnecessary mandatory attributes for some others.
This happens in cases where the mandatory attributes
depend on the nature of the disorder in the FSN
and just conducting a lexical and semantic analysis
is not sufficient. For example, when Myopathy
in osteomalacia (SCTID-240092003) is audited
against the template DID, the suggested attribute
Associated morphology seems to be accurate because
Osteomalacia (SCTID- 4598005) has the attribute
Associated morphology. But when Myopathy in
acromegaly (SCTID-240089002) is audited against
DID, neither myopathy nor acromegaly have the
attribute Associated morphology, which makes it
necessary to examine the suggested mandatory
attribute for concepts in DID-myopathy sample-set.
However, on examination of the previous ex-
ample, the irrelevance of the attribute suggestion,
Associated morphology, for Myopathy in acromegaly
(SCTID-240089002) can either be attributed to
the different nature of the atomic disorders in the
FSN or simply be backtracked to the individual
disorders and their definition status. For example,
while Osteomalacia (SCTID- 4598005) is a FD
concept, Acromegaly (SCTID- 74107003) is a PD
concept. Backtracking to the definition status of the
atomic disorders in the FSN, the slight irrelevance
in the suggested mandatory attributes for certain
concepts may not reflect poorly on the quality of the
extracted templates but rather be due to the fact that
the individual PD concepts forming the FSN need
to be scrutinized instead. If that is the case then our
templates audit not only concepts falling under the
sample-set but also trace back to individual disorders
forming the semantic pattern.
Another interesting observation was that in most
of the cases the attributes extracted for the spe-
cific sub-grouped templates in EA always include
the attributes of the more general template, denoting
that specificity already accounts for inheritance while
defining a concept logically. To summarize, while
the quantitative analysis is straightforward, the qual-
itative analysis of the extracted mandatory attributes
would require manual inspection.
5.2 Limitations
One of the limitations of the method is the analysis
of cases where PD concepts already have all the
mandatory attributes in their definitions and are still
assigned the PD status. Determining the reason for
the PD status of such concepts is out of the scope
of our semi-automated method and perhaps can
be attributed to one of the reasons mentioned in
(IHTSDO, 2002d). A manual inspection might be
necessary to find the root cause of such incomplete
definitions and what attributes need to be added
in order to fully define them (IHTSDO, 2002d).
Alternatively, another reasoning could be that these
concepts are assigned the PD status in error, even
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
after the presence of all mandatory attributes as per
their FD counterparts, and should be assigned FD
status instead. In the latter case, our templates will
tremendously benefit in increasing the number of FD
concepts in SNOMED-CT and thereby increasing its
rate of adoption (Schulz et al., 2009).
Furthermore, although the EA method has solved
the problem of the skewed distribution of FD and PD
templates, this issue can only be handled if the most
general sample-set exists in the FD template. For ex-
ample, PD DID-myopathy concepts could be audited
against DID template. However, if DID (the most
general template) were absent there would not be
any template to audit the skewed PD DID-myopathy
concepts. A possible solution to this problem would
be manually completing the definition of at least one
of the PD defined concepts to extract a FD template
and then using that template to audit the remaining
PD concepts belonging to the matching sample-set
(Burse et al., 2022b).
Finally, given the semi-automatic nature of the
method, the level of in-depth analysis (as available
in manually curated SNOMED-CT templates) may
not always be feasible. However, extraction of the
basic templates is currently the best option to stan-
dardize thousands of existing SNOMED-CT concepts
into predefined templates. The basic templates ex-
tracted automatically can then be refined into sophis-
ticated templates after manual inspection by domain
experts. Although the level of templates extracted by
this semi-automated method will not be as detailed as
the ones that were manually created by the domain
experts, this is a good start to identify repeating pat-
terns and ascertain if there are any inconsistencies in
the way these concepts are currently modeled. Com-
plete automation of QA of biomedical ontologies will
continue to be a challenge in the health-informatics
domain. We believe that our contribution will aid in
a complementary way to ease the manual efforts of
SNOMED-CT curators.
In this work, we presented an improved method to
extract mandatory attribute relationship templates for
SNOMED-CT concepts by considering FD concepts
as a source of ground truth. The method has ex-
tracted a multitude of new templates over the basic
implementation (Burse et al., 2022b). The auditing
results that identified inconsistent PD concepts have
shown promising potential to highlight inconsisten-
cies in the modeling styles of lexically similar con-
cepts. An interesting direction for future work would
be resolving the atomic annotator bottleneck (Burse
et al., 2022b; Burse et al., 2022a) in order to increase
the coverage of SNOMED-CT concepts being ana-
lyzed. Indeed the atomic annotator restricts the num-
ber of SNOMED-CT concepts being processed based
on the length of their FSNs and limits the number of
atomic dictionaries created due to its semi-automatic
nature. We believe the results would further improve
after resolving this bottleneck.
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HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics