Privacy-Aware IoT: State-of-the-Art and Challenges
Shukun Tokas
, Gencer Erdogan
and Ketil Stølen
Sustainable Communication Technologies, SINTEF Digital, Oslo, Norway
Privacy, GDPR, IoT, Privacy-Enhancing Technologies, Privacy Challenges, Privacy Recommendations,
Privacy Assistance, State of the Art.
The consumer IoT is now prevalent and creates an enormous amount of fine-grained, detailed information
about consumers’ everyday actions, personalities, and preferences. Such detailed information brings new and
unique privacy challenges. The consumers are not aware of devices that surround them. There is a lack of
transparency and absence of support for consumers to control the collection and processing of their personal
and sensitive data. This paper reports on a review of state-of-the-art on privacy protection in IoT, with respect
to privacy enhancing technologies (PETs) and GDPR-specific privacy principles. Drawing on a thorough
analysis of 36 full papers, we identify key privacy challenges in IoT that need to be addressed to provide
consumers with transparency and control over their personal data. The privacy challenges we have identified
are (1) the lack of technical expertise in privacy notice comprehension, (2) the lack of transparency and control
of personal data, and (3) the lack of personalized privacy recommendations.
Leaving a group of people to take a personal call, tilt-
ing a document to protect it from prying eyes, or low-
ering our voice during intimate conversations are ex-
amples of offline privacy behaviors we instinctively
engage in (Acquisti et al., 2020). Violation of privacy
invokes reactions such as shifting of gaze, adopting
protective postures (Altman, 1977), or some form of
actions to protect privacy. Altman’s insights apply
also to how individuals interact in an online world,
engaging in everyday internet-enabled technologies
such as e-mail, social media, instant messaging, and
Internet of Things. The Internet of Things (IoT) de-
vices are deployed in public and private spaces and
enable use cases that enhance productivity and qual-
ity of life. For example, fine-grained information
about consumers’ everyday habits and actions can be
used for accurate personalized recommendations to
enhance consumer experience. Collectively, the in-
formation can be used in the context of smart cities
to assist in data-driven strategic decisions regarding
infrastructures. However, the data captured by IoT
devices and services is often personal and sensitive,
revealing consumer’s preferences, health, finances
all kind of information that they prefer not to reveal.
Several research studies and surveys reveal that
privacy concerns are at an all-time high, as the collec-
tion and use of data in IoT are happening with very
little or no control. Organizations collecting data are
most of the time unknown to consumers. For exam-
ple, a Norwegian population survey (Norwegian Con-
sumer Council, 2021) reveals that more than 50% of
the participants feel uncomfortable about commercial
actors collecting information about them. They also
state that they have no other choice but to share their
data. An increased lack of transparency and absence
of support for consumers to control the collection and
processing of their personal data in IoT may heavily
affect many areas of our lives and even constitute a
long-term danger for democracy.
In 2019, Cisco conducted a consumer privacy sur-
vey (CISCO, 2019) of 2601 adults from twelve of
the world’s largest economies in Europe, Asia Pa-
cific, and America and confirmed that privacy has be-
come a critical matter for individuals worldwide. The
survey reports that 84% of the participants indicated
that they care about privacy and want more control
over the use of their data, and 32% had already taken
action to protect their privacy. Essentially, the need
to protect privacy is emphasized by the fact that pri-
vacy is a fundamental human right. The General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EP and CEU, 2016)
Tokas, S., Erdogan, G. and Stølen, K.
Privacy-Aware IoT: State-of-the-Art and Challenges.
DOI: 10.5220/0011656400003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 450-461
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
strengthened this further by explicitly adding key data
protection principles. Several studies investigate this
strengthening, e.g., Godinho and Adjerid (Godinho de
Matos and Adjerid, 2021) found that opt-in consent
to the personal data collection such as location data
was only 6.2%, and Cisco (CISCO, 2019) confirms
that 55% of respondents view GDPR very favorably.
GDPR offers an extended definition of data protec-
tion in terms of privacy principles which are required
to be implemented as a part of an overall approach to
protect privacy with respect to processing of personal
data. To reap the full benefits of IoT technologies and
protect consumers and their Right to Privacy, coordi-
nated R&D efforts in privacy are necessary. Research
efforts in privacy-aware IoT, especially on consumer-
centric privacy control, are in the early stages. We
need new technology to restore control over personal
and sensitive data in IoT systems. In this paper we
review the state-of-the-art, by considering privacy en-
hancing technologies (PETs) and GDPR-specific pri-
vacy principles.
The main contributions of this study are (i) a re-
view of literature on privacy protection in IoT, and (ii)
identification of research challenges that need to be
addressed to empower consumers in making informed
privacy choices. The rest of the paper is structured as
follows: Section 2 presents background information
about the underlying privacy principles and privacy-
enhancing technologies. Section 3 presents the re-
search method used to conduct our study. In Section 4
we present and discuss the results of the review, while
in Section 5 we present the identified privacy research
challenges. Section 6 gives an overview of related
work. Section 7 concludes the paper.
IoT devices are now ubiquitous in the very spaces
the consumers move through, e.g., cars, wearables,
smart buildings. These connected devices generates
unprecedented quantities of data about consumer be-
havior. All this information undoubtedly enhances
productivity and quality of life. For example, activity
trackers allows consumers to track their daily physi-
cal activity, including the number of steps, quality of
sleep, heart rate, oxygen saturation etc. Wearables for
head, e.g., Muse headband can measure brain activity,
brain health and performance, in real world environ-
ments to track the user’s ability to focus. Informa-
tion from these connected devices can in combination
measure consumers’ body movement, behavioral pat-
terns, and productivity. But these very useful IoT de-
vices also raise unique privacy challenges, mainly due
to current malpractices such as unknown data collec-
tion, complicated privacy notices, dark patterns, no-
tification overload, or low privacy notice comprehen-
sion, leading to provocation of paradoxical behavior
and privacy resignation (Feng et al., 2021). With the
GDPR now fully applicable, it has become a legal
obligation for all data controllers to take account of
the state of the art privacy solutions. Next, we present
an overview of the data protection principles and data
protection friendly technology.
2.1 GDPR’S Privacy Principles
The GDPR’s processing principles (EP and CEU,
2016) are set out in Article 5(1) and required to be
followed by entities responsible for processing per-
sonal data. Data controllers are prescribed with the
duty to demonstrate compliance (in Article 5(2)) with
the privacy principles. In the following we present a
brief description of the privacy principles.
Lawfulness, Fairness and Transparency: Under
the regulation, personal data shall be processed law-
fully, fairly, and in a transparent manner. In short,
this principle requires honest usage and communica-
tion with the data subject about their personal data.
Purpose Limitation: It restricts the collection and pro-
cessing of personal data for specific, explicit and le-
gitimate purposes only, and requires that the data is
not processed beyond such purposes. Data Minimiza-
tion: It means that the data controllers must only col-
lect and process personal data that is relevant, nec-
essary, and adequate to accomplish the purposes for
which it is processed. Accuracy: It means that the
data controllers must take reasonable measures to pre-
vent inaccuracies and ensure that the data is accu-
rate and up to date. It also includes taking neces-
sary measures to respond to data subjects’ request to
correct inaccurate or incomplete information. Stor-
age Limitation: It means that personal data must not
be kept for longer than necessary for the purposes
for which it was collected for. Once the data is no
longer needed, it must be securely deleted. Confi-
dentiality and Integrity: It means that the controllers
must take appropriate security measures to protect
the data against unauthorized and unlawful process-
ing, accidental loss, and so on. Accountability: The
GDPR strengthens the six privacy principles by ex-
plicitly adding the accountability requirement (in Ar-
ticle 5(2)). It means that the data controller is respon-
sible for complying with the aforementioned six prin-
ciples, and they must be able to evidence their com-
Article 25 introduces data protection by design
and data protection by default obligations on the data
Privacy-Aware IoT: State-of-the-Art and Challenges
controllers. The data protection by design princi-
ple requires the controller to implement appropriate
technical and organizational measures (EP and CEU,
2016), but it is not specified how such measures can
be embedded into the design. In addition, it intro-
duces a specific data protection by default obligation.
This principle necessitates that privacy is built into the
system by default, i.e., no measures to protect privacy
are required by the data subject, when he/she acquires
a new product or service.
The regulation prescribes that the data subject has
Right of Access (Article 15), which requires the data
controllers to provide a data subject that requests to
know, with his or her personal data. For example,
the controller needs to inform the data subject (upon
request) about the purposes of processing, the legal
bases for processing, recipients of data when personal
information has been or will be disclosed, and the
right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory author-
ity. In this paper, we focus on clause 1(a)-1(e), which
are particularly concerned with information related to
access control on personal data.
2.2 Privacy Enhancing Technology
Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) is an um-
brella term covering a broad range of emerging tech-
nologies and approaches that protects privacy by
eliminating or preventing unnecessary processing of
personal data. PETs allow both data protection and
privacy-preserving data analytics. PETs can range
from a piece of tape masking a webcam to an ad-
vanced blockchain based technique. A report on
PETs from The Royal Society (The Royal Society,
2019), explores promising PETs that have the poten-
tial to enable privacy-aware data collection, analysis
and dissemination of results: homomorphic encryp-
tion, trusted execution environments, secure multi-
party computation, differential privacy, and personal
data stores. In this section, we briefly describe above-
mentioned PETs, along with PETs we found during
our analysis of the state-of-the-art. Encryption (E),
in general, it is the process of encoding information.
Encryption converts the original representation of the
information, using cryptographic keys, into a cipher.
Differential privacy (DP) protects from sharing pri-
vate information about individuals. It is a property of
the cryptographic algorithm that performs analysis on
a dataset. DP adds sufficient noise to the dataset or
aggregates to hide the impact of any one individual,
as it enables to describe patterns of groups within the
dataset while maintaining the privacy of individuals.
Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), also known as
secure enclaves, is a secure area inside the main pro-
cessor that allows the isolation of secret code from the
rest of the software running on a system. It prevents
the operating system or the hypervisor from reading
code in the TEE. Obfuscation (O) is a technique for
protecting personal and sensitive data through com-
puter algorithms and masking techniques, e.g., adding
misleading data. Anonymization (A) is the least re-
strictive way to utilize data because anonymized data
is not regulated. Anonymization techniques attempt
to either obscure personally identifiable data or re-
move any attributes associated with an individual that
could make the individual identifiable in a dataset.
Suppression, generalization, and noise addition are
well known anonymization approaches. Framework
(F) refers to privacy frameworks, such as a framework
to ensure consumer trust, a framework to reason about
keeping humans in the loop to reduce discrimination,
or a framework to fulfill privacy compliance obliga-
tions, etc. Architecture (Arch.) refers to privacy ar-
chitectures that at a high-level envision several com-
plementary requirements, such as, empower data sub-
jects to effectively manage privacy settings, privacy-
aware data collection and processing, reduce disclo-
sure of personal data, etc. Ontology (Ont.) refers to
privacy-aware metamodels for capturing privacy re-
quirements, e.g., notice, preferences, purpose, privacy
profiles, interactions between data collectors and pro-
cessors across the value chain, etc. Privacy assistant
(Asst.) refers to a privacy management interface or
an app, endowed with dialog and machine learning
to assist users in making informed privacy decision
and managing IoT privacy settings. Users can inter-
act with such assistants to review their privacy set-
tings of IoT devices, get recommendations in case of
difficult privacy decision-making situations, and also
semi-automate the process of setting privacy prefer-
ences to reduce the notification overload. Guidelines
(G) refers to recommendations and procedures, e.g.,
privacy-by-design guidelines intended for developers
to assist them in creation of privacy-aware systems,
actionable recommendations on how to effectively
present privacy attributes on an IoT label to better
communicate privacy risk to consumers. Privacy pre-
dictive model (PPM) refers to a specific model which
is used to predict future privacy decisions or privacy
preferences of users. Model (M) refers to privacy-
aware models, e.g., a privacy-preserving data collec-
tion and access control model. Voice and gaze com-
munication cues (VGCC) refers to a unique blend of
voice volume level and gaze direction to minimize
data collection by smart speakers. Blockchain (B)
refers to a blockchain based technique to build trusted
relationship between data sharing parties. Privacy
Announcement Mechanisms (PAM) refers to a pri-
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
vacy notice announcement mechanism in context of
body-worn cameras, to indicate whether the camera
in question is recording or idle. Denaturing Mech-
anisms (DM) refers to the technique of scrubbing a
video or picture of personal identifiers, such as face
and landmark locations. IoT Locator (Loc.) refers to
visual, auditory, or contextual pictures as locators to
help users physically find a nearby IoT device. Lo-
cators enhance user’s awareness of the presence of
nearby IoT devices. Design space for privacy choices
(DSPC) refers to a design space for privacy choices
based on a user-centered analysis of what makes pri-
vacy notices effective. In addition to privacy notices,
DSPC can be used to implement more effective pri-
vacy controls in privacy assistants.
Our research method consisted of three main steps. In
Step 1, we identified scientific papers addressing pri-
vacy in IoT. We used the following online databases to
search for relevant papers: IEEE Xplore, ACM Digi-
tal Library, SpringerLink, and Science Direct. These
were selected because they are central sources for sci-
entific literature related to privacy and computer sci-
ence. For each of the databases, we conducted man-
ual searches within the database, using the following
keywords: privacy, data protection, privacy enhanc-
ing technology (PET), privacy engineering, GDPR,
ubiquitous computing, and internet of things (IoT).
To limit the result set and support the screening pro-
cess, we defined a set of inclusion and exclusion crite-
ria. Our inclusion criteria state that the studies should
be: Related to privacy engineering, privacy enhanc-
ing technology within IoT domain; Written in En-
glish; Peer reviewed; Published between 2013-2021.
As per our exclusion criteria we excluded: Repeated
studies found in different search engines; Inaccessi-
ble papers; Studies in the form of patents, general
web pages, books, thesis, tutorials, reports or white
papers. In Step 2, for each paper included in our
analysis, we extracted information related to privacy
enhancing technologies and GDPR-specific privacy
principles. We classified the papers with respect to
the aforementioned topics, and created a mapping of
privacy solutions in IoT that supports GDPR’s core
privacy principles. Finally, in Step 3, we analyzed the
extracted information from the papers to identify the
state-of-the-art and privacy challenges in IoT.
Through our research, we identified 36 studies.
The studies were then assessed and information was
extracted as per the classification scheme by two inde-
pendent researchers. There was no duplication of ef-
forts, in terms of assessment and information extrac-
tion. Each researcher got a unique set of 18 papers. A
calibration exercise, on four randomly selected stud-
ies, was carried out to address the variances in inter-
pretations of classification parameters. In cases of
uncertainties in interpretations, the researchers con-
cluded and collated the results in a joint session.
In the following, we introduce the classification
scheme, present an overall summary of information
extracted from selected papers with respect to the
classification scheme and discuss the results. With
respect to the headings of the columns in Figure 1,
Paper refers to the selected papers, PETs refers to the
PET abbreviations (Section 2.2), columns P1-P7 re-
fer to the seven core privacy principles (Section 2.1),
column P8 refers to the data protection by design and
by default, and column P9 refers to the data subject
access right. Essentially, P1-P9 covers Article 5, Arti-
cle 25, and Article 15 [clause 1(a)-1(e)] of the GDPR.
Note that P1 consists of three different yet connected
components. For simplicity reasons, if a study sup-
ports one or more components of P1, then we consider
that the study supports the principle as a whole. Simi-
larly, P8 includes the terms by-design and by-default,
if either or both are supported then we consider that
the study supports P8 as a whole.
4.1 Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Figure 2 shows the privacy enhancing technologies
(PETs) that are addressed by two or more primary
studies. One primary study may address more than
one PET. In total, we have identified 19 PETs (see
Section 2.2). From Figure 2 we see that there are
nine PETs that are addressed by two or more papers.
The remaining PETs that are not listed in Figure 2
were each addressed by only one primary study. The
PETs addressed by two or more papers are privacy
guidelines, privacy assistants, Ontology, privacy mod-
els, privacy architectures, privacy frameworks, pri-
vacy predictive models, encryption-related solutions
to support privacy, and anonymization.
There are several PETs that can provide users with
tools to enhance transparency and control in IoT. For
instance, Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2017) present
a privacy-aware IoT architecture comprising several
components, including a software module privacy
mediator. The mediator receives the user’s privacy
preferences through a smartphone app called the IoT
Assistant (IoTA). It applies the privacy preferences to
Privacy-Aware IoT: State-of-the-Art and Challenges
Paper PETs P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9
(Benhamida et al., 2021) A, E X X X X
(Arachchige et al., 2020) E, DP X X X
(Koelle et al., 2018b) PAM, G X X
(Feng et al., 2021) DSPC X X
(Fernandez et al., 2021a) Asst. X
(Emami-Naeini et al., 2017) PPM X X
(Wang et al., 2017) DM X X X X
(Pappachan et al., 2017) F X X X X
(Emami-Naeini et al., 2021) G X
(Lee and Kobsa, 2019) Arch., PPM X X X X X X
(Huang et al., 2021) F X
(Fernandez et al., 2021b) A, Arch. X X X X
(Bose et al., 2015) E X X
(Koelle et al., 2018a) A X X X
(Antignac and Le M
etayer, 2014) Arch. X X
(Ren et al., 2021) A X
(Mehrotra et al., 2016) A X
(Escher et al., 2020) F X
andez et al., 2020) E, M X X X X
(Conzon et al., 2019) Arch. X
(Toumia et al., 2020) Ont. X X X X X
(Song et al., 2020) Loc. X
(Mhaidli et al., 2020) VGCC X X
(Foukia et al., 2016) Arch. X X X X
(O’Connor et al., 2017) G X X X
(Fernandez et al., 2019) Arch. X X X X X X
(Zhang et al., 2020) PPM X X X
(Morel et al., 2019) F X X X X X
(Sadique et al., 2020) M, G X X
(Kammueller, 2018) F X X X X
(Das et al., 2018) Asst. X X X X
(Alkhariji et al., 2021) Asst. X X X X X X X X X
(Elkhodr et al., 2013) Asst., O X X
(Shi et al., 2021) B, TEE X X X X
(Agarwal et al., 2020) Ont. X X X X
(Sanchez et al., 2020) Ont. X X X X X
Figure 1: Identified primary studies, PETs, and principles (Abbr. for principles: P1: Lawfulness, fairness, transparency;
P2: Purpose limitation; P3: Data minimization; P4: Accuracy; P5: Storage Limitation; P6: Confidentiality & integrity; P7:
Accountability; P8: Privacy-by-design and by-default; P9: Data subject access request).
a real-time video before the video is stored or made
available for analytics. The IoTA is used to communi-
cate the available privacy notices and choices of reg-
istered IoT devices to its users. The privacy media-
tor runs on a cloudlet (edge device) located near an
IoT device. When a user comes near a video camera,
IoTA identifies the camera, retrieves camera-specific
privacy policies, and alerts the user if the user has
not set privacy preferences for this camera. Feng et
al. (Feng et al., 2021) address the issue of provid-
ing meaningful privacy choices to users. In particu-
lar, they propose a design space for privacy choices
based on a user-centered analysis of what makes pri-
vacy notices effective. A newer version of the IoTA
app leverages the design space (Feng et al., 2021)
to implement meaningful privacy choices. Morel et
al. (Morel et al., 2019) propose a generic framework
for IoT to facilitate the management of information
and consent in a way that reduces information asym-
metry (or power imbalances) between data controllers
and data subjects. They provide a Personal Data Cus-
todian, a software tool installed on gateway devices to
inform data subjects about privacy notices which are
specified in a policy language endowed with formal
semantics. Fernandez et al. (Fernandez et al., 2021a)
provide a novel augmented reality privacy manage-
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 2: The number of papers addressing the various Pri-
vacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs).
ment interface, i.e., the Privacy Augmented Reality
Assistant (PARA), for smart home devices. When a
smartphone points to a smart IoT device, the PARA
interface shows the data collected and allows the users
to switch on or off the data collection, offering real-
time privacy control. The evaluation results show that
PARA users become more aware of IoT devices and
their disclosed data, improving their privacy percep-
tion and control.
In addition, several research studies (Lee and
Kobsa, 2019; Zhang et al., 2020; Emami-Naeini et al.,
2017) consider the ability to predict consumers’ pref-
erences or decisions as useful. For our purposes,
we refer to PETs proposed in these studies (Lee and
Kobsa, 2019; Zhang et al., 2020; Emami-Naeini et al.,
2017) as privacy predictive models (PPM). The stud-
ies designed and performed surveys about different
IoT scenarios to capture and analyze consumers’ pri-
vacy expectations, preferences, and various other fac-
tors impacting privacy decisions. Consumers’ re-
sponses are then used for building machine learning
models to predict privacy decisions in IoT. Naeini et
al. (Emami-Naeini et al., 2017) presents a prediction
model to predict user’s comfort level (of data collec-
tion) and consent (to allow or deny data collection and
use). Lee et al. (Lee and Kobsa, 2019) performed
ML experiments to check the feasibility of privacy
decision support for user’s in IoT and deduce that it
feasible to generate meaningful privacy recommen-
dations for users, but it is crucial to train the model
on confident privacy decisions. Zhang et al. (Zhang
et al., 2020) demonstrates that by using clustering
techniques it is possible to often accurately predict
user’s consent in facial recognition scenarios. There
are several PETs that can increase user’s awareness of
presence of nearby IoT devices. For instance, Song et
al. (Song et al., 2020) designed, prototyped, and eval-
uated several designs for locators to assist the user
to physically locate nearby IoT devices. The loca-
tors were, e.g., LED on devices for visual cues, beep
sound for auditory cues, or contextualized pictures on
a smartphone app. Koelle et al. (Koelle et al., 2018b)
investigated announcement mechanisms in context of
body-worn cameras to address the problems of lack
of noticeability, understandability, security and trust-
worthiness. They provide design recommendations
for privacy notices for body-worn cameras.
Our analysis of existing PETs for IoT finds that
the solutions are privacy-preserving to some extent,
but there are certain limitations. For instance, even
though the policy language in (Morel et al., 2019)
focuses on enhancing informed consent, it is more
relevant for privacy-sensitive data subjects who are
rare and willing to spend quite some time and go
through all the options to set privacy preferences. And
it does not significantly reduce the cognitive burden
of notice comprehension in IoT systems. Locators
in (Song et al., 2020) enhances awareness of pres-
ence of nearby IoT devices, but does not offer any
control over the devices or data usage. IoTA (Wang
et al., 2017) and PARA (Fernandez et al., 2021a) of-
fer simple interfaces enhancing the user awareness of
deployed IoT systems and their data practices, but
they do not directly work with privacy notices. IoTA
requires IoTA owners to register privacy settings in
a predefined template, and PARA uses hypothetical
privacy settings. Several studies (Lee and Kobsa,
2019; Zhang et al., 2020; Emami-Naeini et al., 2017)
have demonstrated that PPM can predict users’ pri-
vacy decisions with fairly high accuracy, but a weak
point of machine learning employed for privacy pre-
diction (and recommendation) in these approaches is
the need to process data at the cloud. Meta data, such
as privacy profiles, privacy preferences, privacy self-
efficacy, needed to train the machine learning mod-
els is personal data in itself. Processing the metadata
in the cloud may leak user-specific privacy decision
making information to adversaries.
Based on our analysis from primary studies, we
observe that more research is needed on devising
PETs with new features and capabilities that present
privacy notices in a way that enhances data sub-
jects’ privacy awareness, understandability, and con-
trol without overburdening them with notice compre-
hension and subsequent privacy configurations. In ad-
dition, more research is needed to build privacy deci-
sion support (like PPM) that can generate privacy rec-
ommendations in a privacy-preserving manner, e.g.,
by using robust decentralized model training.
4.2 Privacy Principles
Figure 3 shows the number of primary studies that ad-
dress the privacy principles described in Section 2.1.
One primary study may address more than one pri-
vacy principle. We classify the privacy principles in
Privacy-Aware IoT: State-of-the-Art and Challenges
three groups based on the number of papers address-
ing them. The majority of the primary studies mainly
address the privacy principles lawfulness, fairness,
transparency (28 out of 36) and data protection-by-
design (28 out of 36). This is followed by the pri-
vacy principles integrity and confidentiality and pur-
pose limitation on a shared second place. Storage lim-
itation, data minimization, accountability, data sub-
ject access right, and accuracy are the least supported
principles. Nine studies support only one of the nine
principles, while only one study supports all the nine
principles. Also, we did not find a PET that follows
all the principles, mainly due to very diverse privacy
concerns addressed by these principles.
Ϭ ϱ ϭϬ ϭϱ ϮϬ Ϯϱ ϯϬ
Figure 3: Privacy principles addressed by number of papers.
28 out of 36 studies addressed the lawfulness, fair-
ness and transparency principle. As mentioned ear-
lier, this principle consists of three different yet con-
nected components, and for simplicity reasons, if a
study supports one or more components of the princi-
ple then we consider that the study supports the prin-
ciple as a whole. This is the reason that the num-
ber of studies addressing this principle is higher. Sev-
eral studies are focused on enhancing individual pri-
vacy awareness through ambient notices (Koelle et al.,
2018b; Mhaidli et al., 2020), privacy labels (Emami-
Naeini et al., 2021; Emami-Naeini et al., 2017),
and also, through privacy assistants/dashboards (Feng
et al., 2021; Das et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2020; Fer-
nandez et al., 2021a) for awareness as well as control.
The purpose limitation principle is addressed in (Lee
and Kobsa, 2019; Pappachan et al., 2017; Toumia
et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2017; Agarwal et al., 2020;
Sanchez et al., 2020) by using ontology, privacy as-
sistant, framework, and architecture. Data minimiza-
tion principle is addressed in (Wang et al., 2017; Pap-
pachan et al., 2017; Fernandez et al., 2021b; Mhaidli
et al., 2020), focusing on either minimizing data col-
lection or processing data with fewer personal identi-
fiers. Accuracy principle is addressed by Agarwal et
al. (Agarwal et al., 2020) by means of ontologies and
by Alkhariji et al. (Alkhariji et al., 2021) by synthe-
sising privacy by design (PbD) knowledge from pri-
vacy patterns and privacy principles. Storage princi-
ple is addressed by (Lee and Kobsa, 2019; Sanchez
et al., 2020; Toumia et al., 2020; Fernandez et al.,
2019; Das et al., 2018) by using a variety of tech-
niques such ontology, privacy architecture, privacy
assistants. Confidentiality and integrity principle is
addressed by the studies (Benhamida et al., 2021; Fer-
nandez et al., 2021b; Koelle et al., 2018a; Ren et al.,
2021; Arachchige et al., 2020; Bose et al., 2015;
andez et al., 2020; Shi et al., 2021), by using a
wide range of techniques such as anonymization, en-
cryption, differential privacy. With 28 out of 36 stud-
ies addressing the data protection by design principle,
it is clear that privacy is treated as a first class require-
ment from design to implementation of services and
products. Which is a big leap for privacy from the
conventional contractual paradigm to computational
paradigm. For instance, (Lee and Kobsa, 2019; Fer-
nandez et al., 2021b; Antignac and Le M
etayer, 2014;
Conzon et al., 2019; Fernandez et al., 2019; Foukia
et al., 2016) can be categorized as privacy by archi-
tecture approaches which enable privacy at the archi-
tecture level. Furthermore, frameworks based on pri-
vacy by design principle are proposed in (Pappachan
et al., 2017; Huang et al., 2021; Morel et al., 2019;
Kammueller, 2018). The last principle, i.e., data sub-
ject access request, is to provide individuals with in-
formation and more control over their personal data.
It is addressed in (Fern
andez et al., 2020; Toumia
et al., 2020; Morel et al., 2019) by means of policy
graph, ontology, framework, etc., and in (Alkhariji
et al., 2021) by synthesising knowledge on data sub-
ject participation and access principle, and relevant
privacy patterns. Confidentiality and integrity are pre-
requisites for privacy, data protection by design and
accountability are key to designing and implement-
ing the privacy controls, while data minimization and
purpose limitation leans more towards policy deci-
sions. Our literature review shows that research ef-
forts are unevenly distributed. For instance, account-
ability is addressed in merely 5 studies, although ac-
countability is explicitly included in the GDPR to ev-
idence compliance as well as to strengthen the core
privacy principles (P1-P6). This may be a result of
the long history of contractual governance practices
for privacy. Quite a number of studies are addressing
confidentiality and integrity because there is a long
history in developing access control mechanisms for
specific security policies.
All privacy principles have their distinct roles in
protecting personal data during its entire lifecycle,
but does not necessarily ensure privacy at large. For
instance, transparency is a prerequisite for account-
ability, but it does not ensure accountability. Simi-
larly, lawfulness and purpose limitation does not en-
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
sure data protection by design, and data protection by
design does not guarantee that data subject’s access
requests are fulfilled. We need to ascertain if imple-
mentations of these privacy principles are effective in
providing users with awareness and control over per-
sonal data collection and processing. There are sev-
eral research challenges that need to be addressed to
achieve a reasonably privacy-aware IoT. In the next
section, we identify specific challenges that needs to
be addressed to empower users in making informed
privacy choices.
Privacy of IoT device (used by the user) is prerequi-
site for privacy of user, and which is only possible
when user can exercise appropriate control over their
data. However, the current situation as revealed by,
e.g., (CISCO, 2019) indicates lack of transparency,
awareness, and control. Based on our analysis of pri-
mary studies addressing PETs in Section 4.1 and pri-
vacy principles in Section 4.2, we reflect in the fol-
lowing on challenges to a human-centered privacy.
The analysis sheds lights on three research areas that
needs to be addressed to empower users.
5.1 Lack of Technical Expertise in
Privacy Notice Comprehension
Complicated privacy notices, low privacy-notice com-
prehension, and often hard-to-locate privacy notices
lead to poor-quality consent. In 2008, McDonald
and Craner estimated that reading privacy notices
took about 244 hours/year for an average Internet
user (McDonald and Cranor, 2008). A decade later,
there is a manifold increase in the number of de-
vices and the number of applications an average per-
son uses in a day. The number of privacy notices
that users need to consent has increased exponentially.
Arguably, consent is often the most exploited legal
ground for processing personal data. Research has
shown that comprehending privacy notices imposes a
high cognitive and time burden on users (Fabian et al.,
2017). Despite a fairly large number of studies fo-
cused on lawfulness, fairness, and transparency, only
a few studies focused on improving the comprehen-
sion of privacy notice text, which is key to obtaining
“good quality” consent in IoT systems. For instance,
Morel et al. (Morel et al., 2019) proposed a policy
language with formal semantics which aims to en-
hance informed consent, which is more relevant for
privacy-sensitive data subjects who are rare and will-
ing to spend quite a significant time and go through
all the options to set privacy preferences. In our opin-
ion, it does not significantly reduce the cognitive bur-
den of notice comprehension. Feng et al. (Feng et al.,
2021) proposed a design space for privacy choices
based on a user-centered analysis to make privacy no-
tices effective, and demonstrated its adoption through
interfaces in the IoTA application. The design space
is sketched for the practitioners to conceptualize and
implement effective privacy notices. However, prac-
titioners proactively using the design space is broadly
not in line with collect all - use all business mod-
els. An alternative to expecting service providers to
design and develop comprehensible notices, is to de-
velop assistive technology that could assist users in
comprehending privacy notices. However, it is chal-
lenging to extract information from privacy notices
and present privacy notice text intuitively to users so
that the privacy notice is more likely to be noticed,
read, and understood.
5.2 Lack of Transparency and Control
of Personal Data
It is problematic to provide users with the trans-
parency and control of their personal data, while data
exchange in the IoT continuum often results in data
flows towards unknown IoT actors. Users usually
have no way to know and control the collected per-
sonal data and associated data practices, such as the
duration for which data will be retained, the third-
parties the data is shared with, or the purpose of the
data collection. Unsurprisingly, the privacy implica-
tions of such hidden data collection and processing
are not conveyed to users, and the users do not feel un-
comfortable with hidden monitoring. Worse still, pri-
vacy notices are hard to locate, and users do not have
simple means to elicit consent in IoT settings, as most
IoT devices do not have any user interface (Emami-
Naeini et al., 2017; Morel et al., 2019). To rem-
edy this situation, the GDPR mandates that data prac-
tices be disclosed to data subjects at the time of data
collection or before data collection to improve trans-
parency. Article 29 Working Party recommends in-
troducing user-friendly tools through which the data
subjects can be informed and engaged regarding the
processing of their personal data. IoT systems need
a privacy dashboard, i.e., a usable interface which
provides users with privacy information and controls
which are easy to understand and use in managing
their privacy settings. Moreover, there are unknown
IoT actors with whom data is often shared (by manu-
facturers or service providers) and it is difficult to dis-
cover such actors in long privacy notices. There are
several studies that propose PETs that can increase
Privacy-Aware IoT: State-of-the-Art and Challenges
user’s awareness of presence of nearby IoT devices,
such as (Song et al., 2020; Koelle et al., 2018b). Be-
sides, there are PETs which provide some level con-
trol in addition to awareness, such as IoTA (Wang
et al., 2017) and PARA (Fernandez et al., 2021a). But
the limitation is that it depends on device manufactur-
ers or service providers to describe the privacy-related
information in a standardized machine-readable for-
mat. And this brings us back to the reality of lack
of interests and incentives for manufacturers and ser-
vice providers. Given the number of IoT devices, such
solutions relying on manually describing notices in
a standardized format are not scalable. Automated
notice processing is a research direction that has po-
tential to address the issue of lack of transparency
and control, as it can also bring to surface hidden
and unfair data practices. Automated methods can be
devised to process privacy notices using deep learn-
ing, natural language processing, and decentralized
machine learning principles to automatically extract
precise and nuanced information, such as data prac-
tices, opt-out choices. However, it is challenging to
extract nuanced information with high accuracy from
ambiguous notices. Equally challenging is to devise a
single destination tool that provides users privacy in-
formation and controls (of their IoT devices), which
is easy to utilize in managing their privacy settings.
5.3 Lack of Personalized Privacy
Given the pervasiveness of IoT devices/services and
therefore the pervasiveness of privacy notices con-
nected with them, there remains the challenge to pro-
vide consent on a near constant basis. Privacy recom-
mendations can assist IoT users in making meaning-
ful privacy decisions, but the challenge is two-fold:
first, it is hard to generate personalized privacy rec-
ommendations, and second it is harder to generate
the recommendations in a privacy preserving man-
ner. Privacy-preference recommender systems gen-
erate privacy recommendations based on users’ be-
haviors with a similar propensity for privacy. To do
so, users’ diverse privacy preferences (e.g., level of
privacy awareness, sensitivity towards privacy, under-
standing of utility-privacy trade-offs) needs to be cap-
tured and modeled. An emerging paradigm in privacy
research is the use of machine-learning to make pri-
vacy preference recommendations (Das et al., 2018).
For instance, Lee and Kobsa demonstrates the feasi-
bility to computationally model and predict privacy
preferences in IoT (Lee and Kobsa, 2016). In an-
other study, they also present a preference model that
predicts users’ binary privacy decisions on whether
to accept or reject a specific IoT scenario, with an
accuracy of 77% (Lee and Kobsa, 2017). Zhang
et al. (Zhang et al., 2020) developed a predictive
model (with purpose as a feature) using clustering
techniques to assist users in consenting to allow or
deny personal data processing in video analytics de-
ployments. Their model was able to predict 93.9%
of the binary decisions (allow/deny) with an accu-
racy of 88.9%. However, a weak point of the con-
ventional machine learning approaches employed for
privacy recommendations is the need to process data
at the cloud, potentially exposing privacy preference
data, e.g., privacy awareness level, privacy sensitiv-
ity, privacy choices, sensitivity towards privacy, un-
derstanding of utility-privacy trade-offs. Therefore,
a decentralized approach involving learning privacy-
preference models locally on devices would be a bet-
ter privacy-preserving approach. Federated learning
(FL) (Lim et al., 2020) has the potential to design
a privacy preserving privacy-preference model using
edge computing. For example, Wang et al. (Wang
et al., 2020) presents a support vector machine (SVM)
based FL, which enables each mobile user to learn its
SVM model using its own local dataset and then col-
laboratively train a global SVM model, while keeping
the training data locally.
Aleisa et al. (Aleisa and Renaud, 2017) reports on a
systematic literature review of privacy-preserving so-
lutions in IoT. The solutions are analyzed in terms of
techniques they deployed and extent to which they
support privacy principles. The authors consider
OECD’s eleven privacy principles, while we consider
GDPR’s privacy principles. Furthermore, the authors
also assessed the literature for privacy threats arising
from IoT data collection, e.g., profiling, linkage, lo-
cation tracking.
We and Aleisa et al. (Aleisa and Renaud, 2017)
share two critical findings: first, the need to involve
data subjects from the outset, and second, the need
to design for privacy awareness. Akil et al. (Akil
et al., 2020) performed a systematic literature re-
view to analyze types of privacy-preserving identifiers
for the IoT environment, particularly implementing
pseudonymity. Their classification scheme includes:
application domains, types of pseudonyms, and sys-
tem architecture. Akil et al. (2020) and our study
differs in terms of research focus, as they focus only
on the data minimization principle while our classi-
fication and analysis includes all the seven (GDPR)
privacy principles. Li et al. (Li and Palanisamy,
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
2018) study the privacy protection problem in IoT
through a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-
art by jointly considering the architecture of the IoT
system, the principles of privacy laws, and the rep-
resentative PETs. In terms of PETs, Li et al. (2018)
does an in-depth analysis and evaluation of the vari-
ous PETs at different layers (Perception, Networking,
Middleware, Application) of an IoT architecture. We
and Li et al. (2018) share the same motivation, i.e., to
provide a broader understanding of privacy principles
and state-of-the-art PETs, and understand how the pri-
vacy principles may drive the design of PETs. Li et
al. (2018) considers eight principles extended from
the five basic Fair Information Practices was the foun-
dation of most EU privacy laws. They are to some
extent similar to privacy principles we also focus on.
Cha et al. (Cha et al., 2018) conducted a com-
prehensive literature review on PETs in IoT. The re-
view is based on 120 primary studies published be-
tween 2014-2017. The authors present an effective-
ness comparison of PETs in terms of three types of in-
dicators: functional requirements, privacy properties,
and user-centered properties. Indicators of functional
requirements are informed consent, anonymity and
pseudonymity mechanisms, and policy enforcement.
Indicators of privacy properties are unlinkability and
unobservability. Indicators of user-centered proper-
ties are transparency and usability. In terms of privacy
principles, Cha et al. (2018) have a broader research
focus, as their review cover privacy principles from
the GDPR as well as ISO/IEC 29100:2011. A review
of prominent PETs supporting the fifteen principles
(of the GDPR and ISO/IEC 29100:2011) is also pre-
sented. Loukil et al. (Loukil et al., 2017) reports on
a systematic literature review of privacy-preserving
solutions in IoT. Their classification scheme con-
sists of six facets: application domain, IoT architec-
tures, security properties, data life cycle, and privacy-
preserving techniques. Loukil et al. (2017) also in-
vestigated eleven ISO privacy principles, focusing on
architecture and data life cycle. Loukil et al. (2017)
and Cha et al. (2018) share a finding that informa-
tion security related principle (confidentiality and in-
tegrity) is the most supported principle, while Loukil
et al. (2017) and our study share a finding that ac-
countability is the least supported principle.
In this article, we investigated the extent to which
the GDPR’s privacy principles are supported by pri-
vacy solutions in IoT. Our review is based on 36
primary studies, which were analyzed along two di-
mensions: PETs and privacy principles. Through
meticulous analysis of the primary studies, we find
that despite a growing stream of research in privacy-
preserving IoT there is an apparent chasm between
achieved privacy and desired privacy. Studies and
surveys have also shown that consumers intrinsically
care about privacy and want to take actions to protect
their privacy. This is also reflected by the increas-
ing consumer-oriented PETs. For instance, several
studies have started to explore innovative PETs (e.g.,
IoTA, PARA) for consumers to govern data and its
use. In addition to the analysis of PETs and princi-
ples, as well as through a reflection of current state
of notice & consent paradigm, we derive three main
challenges to privacy-aware IoT. Namely, the lack of
technical expertise in privacy notice comprehension,
the lack of transparency and control of personal data,
and the lack of personalized privacy recommenda-
tions. Without addressing these challenges, there will
be unfair (personal) data collection and processing,
unfair commercial practices, privacy violations and
reduced consumer trust in organizations.
To fully realise the ambition of privacy-aware IoT,
additional approaches and solutions are required to
present privacy notices to users in ways that enhance
their awareness, understandability, and control with-
out overburdening them with notice comprehension
and privacy configurations. A potential enabler for
such solutions is automated analysis of notices to ex-
tract precise information, e.g., data practices, using
natural language processing and deep learning. Pri-
vacy recommendation is another research direction
where the recommender learns from the user’s pri-
vacy preferences and generates personalized privacy
recommendations. In order to protect metadata about
users’ privacy decision making information, privacy
recommendations needs to be generated in privacy-
preserving manner, e.g., using federated learning.
This work has been carried out as part of the
EU projects CyberSec4Europe (830929) and Cy-
berKit4SME (883188) funded by the EU Horizon
2020 Research and Innovation Programme.
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Privacy-Aware IoT: State-of-the-Art and Challenges