Measuring Emotion Intensity: Evaluating Resemblance in Neural
Network Facial Animation Controllers and Facial Emotion Corpora
Sheldon Schiffer
Department of Computer Science, Occidental College, 1600 Campus Road, Los Angeles, U.S.A.
Keywords: Autonomous Facial Emotion, Emotion AI, Neural Networks, Animation Control, Video Corpora.
Abstract: Game developers must increasingly consider the degree to which animation emulates the realistic facial
expressions found in cinema. Employing animators and actors to produce cinematic facial animation by
mixing motion capture and hand-crafted animation is labour intensive and costly. Neural network controllers
have shown promise toward autonomous animation that does not rely on pre-captured movement. Previous
work in Computer Graphics and Affective Computing has shown the efficacy of deploying emotion AI in
neural networks to animate the faces of autonomous agents. However, a method of evaluating resemblance
of neural network behaviour in relation to a live-action human referent has yet to be developed. This paper
proposes a combination of statistical methods to evaluate the behavioural resemblance of a neural network
animation controller and the single-actor facial emotion corpora used to train it.
As expensive as they are to design and produce,
photo-realistic human agents have become a common
attraction in contemporary video game design of non-
player characters (NPCs). To get them to behave with
emotional veracity, video game developers are using
AI techniques to control facial expressions.
Developers may choose between at least two
approaches. The first evolved through the Computer
Graphics research community. It prioritizes mimetic
resemblance of movement and modelling to the
appearance of a performing actor or model. The
second was developed by the Affective Computing
community, and prioritizes emotional resemblance,
which is the ability of the avatar to autonomously
elicit a facial expression based on an integrated
emotion model. These two approaches have evolved
over several decades using different models of
simulation. The former creates a system of expression
generation based on appearances on the surface of the
agent’s face. The latter attempts to encapsulate an
emotion generation system that is located “inside” the
agent. Both approaches rely on the same two
components: (1) a collection of video samples of the
face from which to extract structured data about a
subject’s facial state and (2) a Neural Network (NN)
controller trained from the aforementioned data, and
programmed to control an avatar’s facial mesh that
resembles the face of the performing actor found in
the collection of video samples.
In this paper we ask, how does a researcher
evaluate the resemblant quality of a NN facial
animation controller and the facial emotion video
corpora on which it was based? An evaluation
technique must determine if the video corpus and NN
architecture that drives an NPC’s facial expression
animation behave in an objectively similar manner to
the original actor’s facial elicitation as depicted in the
video corpus. Past research in the graphics
community has focused evaluation procedures on the
error reported by algorithms that render resulting
animation frames in relation to pre-defined visemes
or expressions. But autonomous emotion in a virtual
agent cannot be performed precisely the same way for
every stimulus. Such consistency would be perceived
as uncanny and mechanical. Thus, a statistical
approach that describes a range of acceptable “error”
is what we propose as unknown probabilistic causes
of variation in facial expressions.
A concern for accuracy is also shared by Affective
Computing researchers. The process of validating the
accuracy of facial emotion elicitation video corpora
Schiffer, S.
Measuring Emotion Intensity: Evaluating Resemblance in Neural Networ k Facial Animation Controllers and Facial Emotion Corpora.
DOI: 10.5220/0011655300003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
has primarily been used for research in the production
of NNs for Facial Emotion Recognition (FER)
software systems. The primary intention of corpus
validation has been to warrantee that the emotion
label value assignments for each frame for static
images, or each clip for dynamic images, is
statistically consistent. The system of giving intensity
values to emotion names identified in static photos
evolved from a century-old method of recognition
techniques (Darwin and Prodger, 1872/1998).
Contemporary emotion recognition classifies facial
muscle group behaviours into culturally and
linguistically determined emotion names, or “labels”
(Ekman 2006). The use of FERs provides a ground
truth referent on which to model the facial
expressions for NPCs. Developers of games and
interactive media need a method to determine if the
two components that influence the behaviours of an
animated character or agent the NN and the video
corpus that trained it are producing facial emotion
elicitations as intended. Thus, video game developers
of photo-realistic characters can draw from the
techniques of both graphical and affective
computation to determine the emotionally resemblant
quality of their corpora and NN. Using some aspects
of both approaches, a method of corpora production
and evaluation can provide consistently evaluated
data sources for training NN controllers. Two
statistical techniques are proposed that provide a
preliminary basis for analysis.
Research in computer graphics and affective
computing were consulted to develop a process of
evaluating resemblance derived from NN controllers
and the corpora used to train them.
2.1 Example-Based Animation
New methods of simulating facial elicitation in
Computer Graphics prioritize graphical accuracy of
modelling and animation over emotional autonomy.
Several studies by Paier et. al propose a “hybrid
approach” that use “example-based” video clips for
frame-by-frame facial geometry modelling, texture
capture and mapping, and motion capture (Paier et al.,
2021). In their experiment, a performing actor speaks
a few lines or elicits a set of idiosyncratically defined
gestures. The recording or real time live stream
provides information for automatic geometry and
dynamic facial texture generation (Paier et al., 2020).
Then, a NN using a variable auto-encoder (VAE)
integrates motion for mesh deformation, while
another NN selects animation sequences from an
annotated database. Database annotation of animation
has demonstrated the efficacy of movement data
classification of a single actor that can be used later
for semi-autonomous expressions utterances. Their
approach demonstrates highly resemblant avatar
animation for short single-word utterances or single-
gesture elicitations.
An assumption that using speech as a primary
modality for determining emotional states, belies the
belief that facial elicitation is more reliably
understood as a function of word utterance. The
emphasis on speech synchronization assumes that the
expressive meaning of an intended facial elicitation
will correspond to the semantic context of the spoken
word. This emphasis is found in a study by
Suwajanakorn et al. (2017) that uses the vast
collections of video samples of a U.S. President.
From a 17-hour corpus, the investigators mapped
speech from persons who were not the subject of their
video corpus, onto a moving and speaking face of the
presidential subject. Their method discovered that
optimal training of their NN benefited from
expression positions of the face of both past and
future video frames to best predict how to synthesize
deformations of the mouth right before, during and at
the completion of spoken utterances. Thus, their NN
incorporated Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
cells to predict mouth animation synthesis for the
video of upcoming visemes. For the experiments
conducted for this research, we also deployed LSTM
cells and found them useful for the same benefit.
From the standpoint of a designer of autonomous
agents for video games however, neither approach
mentioned thus far provides a model of fully
autonomous elicitation in response to measurable
stimuli. Both examples show that the use of single-
actor or single-subject corpora is viable for training a
NN to simulate the facial expressions of an actors
character design or that of a real person. Viability is
made possible with a NN that learns the dynamics of
facial expression based on labelled visemes. This
technique we also integrated through training with
multiple video clips of an actor repeating a
performance in reaction to the same stimuli. This
approach proved useful in our development of NNs
targeted to train specific emotions.
Another distinction in the Computer Graphics
approach is that their corpora structures do not
correlate with widely used psychological
classifications of emotions and their elicitation (e.g.
the six to twelve basic emotions identified by social
and computational psychologists). Neither Paier’s nor
Measuring Emotion Intensity: Evaluating Resemblance in Neural Network Facial Animation Controllers and Facial Emotion Corpora
Suwajanakorn’s research disclose a classification
system of emotions, and therefore the meaningfulness
of their synthesized expression rely on arbitrarily
selected spoken semantics rather than independently
systematized semantics of facial expression. The
graphics approach instead prioritizes frame-by-frame
facsimile of labelled visemes on a real human source
as displayed by its simulated avatar. Nonetheless, the
mimetic quality of results created by the workflows
of both Paier et al. and Suwajanakorn et al. must be
considered for autonomous facial emotion elicitation.
2.2 Performance and Appraisal Theory
Affective Computing has been much more focused on
the history of encoding models of emotions.
Automatic facial expression generation evolved over
several decades, lead in part by computational
psychologists and developers. Academic software
developers of virtual agents designed synthetic
emotion elicitation systems for fundamental posture,
gesture and facial expressions that infer emotional
states. The Oz Project, a collection of video game
experiments and research papers realized by Loyall,
Bates and Reilly in the late 1990s, made use of
emotion generation processes actors use to prepare
and train for performance (Loyall, 1997). The Method
approach, a series of practiced exercises as developed
by Russian theater director Constantin Stanislavsky
(Moore, 1984), were combined in the Oz Project with
the emotion system structure of Ortony, Clore &
Collins (OCC) known as Appraisal Theory (Ortony et
al., 1990). Together, these approaches were
implemented in the virtual agents of their experiments
(Bates et al., 1994). While the Oz Project made use of
a theory for motivating emotion elicitation for AI
agents, it did not use an exhaustive dataset from
which to draw machine learnable examples into a
model, as recently evolved by Schiffer et al. (2022).
2.3 Facial Corpora Production
The primary use of facial emotion corpora is to
provide a ground truth baseline for general emotion
recognition systems. This goal is different than
creating a corpus for simulation systems. Therefore,
our research had to adapt the progress of recognition
applications for our intended simulation application.
Published corpora reports indicate their baseline
definitions of static and/or dynamic emotion
elicitations of the human face. Distinctions between
corpora consist of two fundamental feature
categories: the method of production of the video
clips, and the method of validation of the corpus. Clip
production or selection methods diverge in the choice
to use actors as practiced by Bänziger et al. (2011)
versus non-actors (Vidal et al. 2020). Busso et al.
(2017) produced a corpus with tightly scripted
scenarios, while Metallinou et al. (2010) used more
improvisational techniques. As our ultimate goal was
to systematize simulated facial elicitation, we sought
to discover how actors with a scripted scenario
written to generate emotions were used in facial
emotion corpora. We considered how Lucey et al.
(2010) and Bänziger et al. (2011) produced clips in a
controlled studio environment to support an actor’s
undistracted preparation techniques.
Since our objective was simulation of a limited and
targeted set of facial elicitations, evaluation methods
we developed required fewer elicitation variations than
a corpus or NN designed for generic emotion
recognition. Nearly all corpora reference the Facial
Action Coding System (FACS) that correlates groups
of muscles, called Action Units (AUs), to
manipulations of the face to form expressions of at
least six basic emotion labels: anger, disgust, fear,
happiness, sadness, surprise (Cohn et al. 2007). These
labels are used to estimate emotion intensity or provide
perceived levels of arousal and valence (Soleymani,
2014). Our approach used the classification capacity of
FERs to develop single-actor facial emotion corpora on
a targeted set of emotions.
Drawing from the work of Bänziger et al. (2011),
our system similarly segregates all emotion label
values by intensity on the Russel Circumplex Model
(Posner et al., 2005). We sought to train NNs for
specific emotion labels where each would be
designated to control a set of facial AUs of an avatar’s
wireframe mesh modeled after the face of a
performing actor of the corpus. This approach allows
for classifying resemblance by evaluating the
intensity difference between the emotion label values
of the performing actor and their animated avatar.
2.4 Neural Networks for NPCs
Kozasa et al. (2006) showed a preliminary use of an
affective model for an emotive facial system in an
NPC based on a dataset of expressions. Theirs used a
3-layer feed-forward artificial neural network to train
an NPC from “invented” data for parameters fed to a
NN model as they claimed no databases at the time
existed to train their model. Later, using appraisal
theory-based design from virtual agents,
Mascarenhas et al. (2021) integrated the FAtiMA
architecture with a NN model in educational games.
Khorrami et al. (2016) show that the use of LSTM
cells for emotion recognition of facial video was
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
shown to improve previous NN performance for
emotion recognition. The method proposed in this
paper also adopts Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
cells in a NN. Unlike the methods that this paper’s
research proposes, these previous works did not use
NN models whose emotion elicitation training is
drawn from single-actor video corpora, but instead
chose corpora with clips of multiple human subjects.
Unlike many corpora, this research uses a single actor
as the subject of corpus. The intended use is to train a
NN to control facial animation of a photo-realistic
NPC in a 3d video game. The NPC becomes the
actor’s character Avatar. The general usefulness of
this research is the method of corpora production and
evaluation. A brief overview of our corpus production
and neural network design follows.
3.1 Corpus Production
There are two phases for our corpus production: first,
designing a dyadic conversational scenario and
second, rehearsing and recording video clips.
Scenario design consisted of two characters for actors
to perform asynchronously following a dialog
behaviour tree in the form of a directed acyclic graph.
Actors were cast and rehearsed in preparation of the
video clip recording. One actor played the Stimulus
Source character and recorded a video edited
beforehand of all path variations as if they were
addressing the other character, the Emotion Model.
Then the Emotion Model performed back to the
camera reacting to synchronized video from the pre-
recorded performance paths of the Stimulus Source as
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Setup for sample recording.
The design of the dialog behaviour tree consisted
of distinct fixed start and end nodes with three layers
of six nodes in between. These intermediate layers
allow two possible nodes of dialog turns. No node or
edge could be repeated within a path of the tree as
illustrated in Figure 2. The rules of the graph allow 32
paths through the tree. Each edge segment (the circle
labelled letters) of the tree had a targeted emotion
label. Segments used the same lexical content from
the tree, though all paths had distinct dialog
sequences. With the variations in paths, the dialog
behaviour tree created a permutable performance
structure with stimuli for elicitations to occur.
Figure 2: Box nodes at dialog turns (3, 4, 5, 6) and monolog
events (0, 1, 2, 7). Edges represent mental actions. Orange-
colored nodes were used in the data analysis. As an acyclic
graph, a path can use edge C xor F and I xor L.
Each path was recorded 9 times using three
distinct degrees of intensity of action: high, medium,
and low, to provide more variation to train the NN as
practiced by Wingenbach, Ashwin and Brosnan
(2016). Thus 9 clips times 32 paths yielded 288 total
clips of the Emotion Model.
3.2 Post-Processing Emotion Analysis
Each clip was post-processed by the FER, Noldus
FaceReader 8, for frame-based emotion analysis. The
output data consisted of 7 normalized emotion label
values for each of six emotions, happiness, sadness,
anger, fear, surprise, disgust plus neutral. A new
tuple of seven normalized values were output 3 times
each second. Noldus FaceReader is a tested and
ranked FER system that has produced emotion
recognition validation results that match the accuracy
of human annotators (Skiendziel, Rösch and
Measuring Emotion Intensity: Evaluating Resemblance in Neural Network Facial Animation Controllers and Facial Emotion Corpora
Schultheiss 2019). Furthermore, the recognition
accuracy rate of Noldus FaceReader has been
documented as high at 94%. Its output is machine-
readable text consisting of tuple instances of emotion
recognition scores for each frame of video. These
scores became the data used for training the NN using
the Python language and the TensorFlow library. The
FER was used to analyse all emotion values, plus
3.3 From Emotion Model to Avatar
The Emotion Model was orthographically
photographed from overlapping angles to produce a
photorealistic head mesh that resembles the actor.
The head mesh was generated by the FaceBuilder
plugin for the 3d animation software system Blender.
FaceBuilder is a modelling tool for supporting 3d
head animation with a facial rig whose vertex groups
are controlled by shape key actuators within Blender.
These shape keys were designed to move the same
alignments of facial muscle groups defined in the
AUs of FACS. The head mesh and the shape keys
embedded in the facial rig were deployed in the game
engine Unity 2022. The shape keys were put into
autonomous motion by programmable blend shapes
in Unity that receive streamed emotion data from the
NN animation controller responding to the face of the
Stimulus Source. The embedded NN receives the
FER data and “reacts” to it in a way that intends to
statistically resemble the character behaviour the
actor created in the video clips in the single-actor
corpus. The NN-generates prediction data in the form
of normalized emotion label values as a means of
autonomously controlling the FaceBuilder head mesh
to animate facial expressions.
Figure 4: Developing Emotion Model avatar with Blender
plugin Keen Tools FaceBuilder.
3.4 Recurrent Neural Network Design
Among the clips generated for this research, 68.8% of
the corpus (198 clips) was used only for training the
NN. 20.1% of the corpus (58 clips) was used only for
validation. The remaining 11.1% of the corpus (32
clips) was used to test the NN’s behavioural
resemblance to the actor corpora on which it was
The principal components of the NN follows a
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) design. Each
component of the neural network was selected for its
probabilistic ability to choose values of coefficient
weights and biases for specific input features of the
data that the NN was trying to predict. Predicting the
facial elicitation of game characters based on training
data from an actor’s performance requires spatial and
temporal data representation. For our experiments,
facial feature positions were estimated from their
spatial contexts using Dense architectures (fully
connected). We used a Dense layer of perceptrons
that were fed two layers of bi-directional LSTM cells.
The LSTM layers auto-regressively receive data from
10 seconds in the past using 3 instances of emotion
label data per second. Since the data for this
experiment was fed pre-processed emotion data
tables (as opposed to a live video stream), the NN
analysed 10 seconds into the future as well. Temporal
relations of elicitation events in the data were
processed by LSTM cell layers, while spatial
relations of facial features were handled by the Dense
cell layer. Each emotion label was assigned its own
NN, so the designed recurrent NN was cloned into a
team of 7 NNs and trained on synchronized data
generated from each elicited emotion from the
Emotion Model and the Stimulus Source.
The evaluation methods proposed provide the
developer of NPCs a quantitative process that
measures behavioural difference. Optimally
minimized difference in data can be interpreted as
statistical resemblance. It is our intention to
demonstrate statistically, that given the same or
similar stimulus, prediction data from the NN can
control animation that resembles observed FER-
generated data of the human Emotion Model on
which it was trained. The resemblance then depends
on minimizing the amount of error between predicted
behaviour performed by the Avatar and observed data
performed by the Emotion Model. But the predicted
data is not a single set for each instance in time.
Instead, each time-instance within a path through the
dialog behaviour tree is a video frame shared by at
least 9 video clips and their edge segments, as well as
other paths that share the same edge segment.
Therefore, since all the video clips are precisely
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
synchronized, each of the frames in the experiment
has a mean emotion value drawn from at least 9 clips
of the same edge segment. And this value can be used
to calculate error in relation to the predicted value at
that frame demonstrated by the NN. By looking at the
difference within ±1 standard deviation, two useful
statistical properties provide the results to determine
statistical resemblance. By calculating the Percentage
of Extreme Residuals (PER) that fall outside of ±1
standard deviation, a first test of resemblance can be
applied to the prediction data. To support those
results, the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE)
provides an amplification of variance. If the neutral
emotion label values are used as a benchmark, RMSE
becomes an additional statistical property to show if
a NN facial animation controller resembles the
character facial movement the actor generated, and if
the corpus that trained the NN is sufficiently robust to
confirm resemblance to any emotion labels.
4.1 Percent of Extreme Residuals
For each emotion and for any segment or combination
of segments of a path through the dialog behaviour
tree, it is useful to know how many frames have mean
emotion values that fall outside ±1 standard deviation
from the mean of observed values at that frame. For
this research, the Percentage of Extreme Residuals
(PER) is calculated as follows:
 
  
: 𝜎
Where n is the size of the set of all predicted emotion
values and p
is the predicted value of each frame
measured for emotion values in the dialog behaviour
tree edge segment set. For each absolute value of p
that exceeds σ
of all emotion values at the i-th frame,
increment the sum by 1 and divide the by n such that
we define σ
as the standard deviation at the i-th frame
of an edge segment. To calculate ±σ
, the set m is a
count of all video clips j that cover an edge segment
at the i-th frame where x
is the observed value at the
i-th frame and μ is the mean of all values at the i-th
frame of a given emotion for a given edge segment.
PER is the first measurement to consider.
Validation of a NN facial animation controller
should not require the facial mesh behaviour to
exactly animate the same way every time when it
receives the same input from the Stimulus Source.
But how wide should a range of variance be to seem
human-like? Consider ±1 standard deviation. With
the mean of any emotion value at each frame as a
reference, a range of resemblance can be defined
around the mean by using the standard deviation. The
experiments of this research found as resemblant the
frames where the predicted emotion value of a given
frame fall within ±1 standard deviation from the
mean. For this condition to occur, the predicted value
will fall into a value space with at least 68% of the
observed values. For frames that fall outside ±1
standard deviation, they shall be determined as not
4.2 Root Mean Square Error
Statistical methods proposed in this research consider
the mathematical characteristics of non-linear
regressive models deployed in NN design. The NN
deployed in this research uses RNN components: a
layer of LSTM cells that include sigmoid and tanh as
component functions, both of which are nonlinear.
Since the regression model embedded in the NN used
non-linear functions to autonomously elicit emotion,
the experiment used statistical methods that interpret
variance and are suited to non-linear regression.
The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is used to
measure facial elicitation resemblance as a function
of variance between two synchronized time series
data sets: observed test data and generated prediction
data. Each of the differences between the observed
and predicted values, referred to as residuals,
aggregates their magnitudes from point to point in a
data set. The resulting value is always positive where
0 is a lower bound representing a perfect fit between
the observed and predicted data. The mean of
observed values for each emotion at each frame was
used as a baseline to compare amplified variance
between the emotion labels. The RMSE is calculated
as follows:
is the observed value at the i-th frame. y
is the
predicted value for the i-th frame. n is the population
count, or total number of values in the population of
observed values. Under the radical sign, RMSE
aggregates and amplifies the variance by squaring the
summed difference before dividing by the population
count n. A subset of squared differences will be
magnified quadratically and summed once before
being squared. Meanwhile, a subset of squared and
summed smaller differences will diminish
quadratically. Thus, the extreme differences, large or
small, will be amplified. Since emotion values of
video frames of facial emotion elicitations are
normalized to fractions in a 0 to 1 scale,
Measuring Emotion Intensity: Evaluating Resemblance in Neural Network Facial Animation Controllers and Facial Emotion Corpora
magnification of variance provides a visible contour
of the behaviour of residual values in relation to the
mean of observed values. A low RMSE will lean
toward greater resemblance provided the PER is also
Statistical error scores were computed to determine
the behavioural resemblance between the mean of
emotion values at each frame for all of 6 emotions.
See Table 1.
Table 1: Sums of Emotion Values.
Emotions Analysed on 126 Frames
14 Clips with Edges B, G, H, I, K, M, N, P
Emotion Frame Value Sum % Neutral
871.41 --
Angry 60.64 6.95
7.95 0.91
40.90 4.69
Sad 705.88 81.00
Scared 54.65 6.3
Surprised 54.40 6.24
Neutral was also computed and is used as a
benchmark from which to evaluate the accuracy of
other emotions. Neutral is the absence of emotion and
is theoretically at 1.0 when all other emotion values
are 0.0. Neutral nearly always has the highest
summation of accumulated emotion values over time
as its values increase each time the face returns to
neutral-dominant positions during transition to and
during the listening phase of dyadic conversation. In
all tests for this research, neutral value summations
exceeded all other emotion value summations for any
edge segment. Neutral therefore has the highest
probability of yielding the highest value instances of
any randomly analysed frame.
The highest summation of observed values should
provide the lowest percentage of PER errors for the
predicted values of emotion elicitations. As shown in
Table 2, neutral PER is 0.0794, the lowest of all
recognizable labels. Therefore, following the
behaviour of neutral, the next highest PER emotion
may provide proportionally resemblant results,
proportional in that the higher the percentage the
emotion’s sum is to the sum of neutral, the more
resemblant the primary emotion values are in relation
to the neutral scores. Table 1 shows the emotion with
the highest percentage close to neutral for frame value
sums is sadness with 81%. The next highest is anger
at 6.95%. With such a distant second position and so
far off the benchmark of neutral, one should doubt the
resemblance of anger, while taking note of sadness.
Table 2: Error for Edges B, G, H, I, K, M, N, P.
Emotions Analysed on 126 Frames
Error Between Mean of Observed and Predicted Data
Emotion meanSD RMSE meanRMSE PER
Neutral 0.1680 0.1857 0.1791 0.0794
0.0516 0.0783 0.0705 0.2698
Disgust 0.0071 0.0140 0.0093 0.2619
Happiness 0.0555 0.0891 0.0646 0.4365
0.1982 0.2438 0.2354 0.1984
Fear 0.0378 0.0481 0.0431 0.1984
Surprise 0.0597 0.0801 0.0667 0.1984
The next consideration is the spread of emotion
values for each frame of each emotion. One may
notice in Table 3 that neutral again behaves as a
benchmark, evenly distributing values with a
relatively smooth and centred distribution. Sadness,
the emotion closest to neutral, while somewhat
skewed to the lower half of the distribution pentile
shows an even distribution. All other emotions are far
less evenly distributed, with most of the values
compressed into the first and second pentile of values.
Table 3: Proportion of Values.
Emotions Analysed on 126 Frames
14 Clips with Edges B, G, H, I, K, M, N, P
Emotion Emotion Value Ranges
<0.2 <0.4 <0.6 <0.8 < 1.0
0.054 0.302 0.339 0.229 0.076
0.959 0.036 0.004 0.002 0.0
Disgust 0.999 0.001 0.0 0.0 0.0
Happiness 0.977 0.010 0.004 0.004 0.005
0.258 0.255 0.239 0.202 0.045
Fear 0.979 0.018 0.002 0.0 0.0
Surprise 0.954 0.033 0.007 0.006 0.0
Lastly, again consider the error data as seen in
Table 2. Interpreting error requires the mean emotion
values of any emotion to be high enough so that the
region of the standard deviation is nearly all above
zero. If the standard deviation region is clipped by a
zero-value line, then the prediction values will likely
rest above near-zero as well, providing no “bottom
room” to dip below the standard deviation region.
Unlike sadness as shown in Figure 6 and neutral seen
in Figure 5, the predicted data for scared, surprised,
happiness and disgust show unreliability for the NN
and corpora for this research because their standard
deviation regions drift over the zero-value line
causing the PER and RMSE to appear to support
accuracy, when in fact the NN is reacting with very
little elicitation response for the given stimulus (flat
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
lining). Most interestingly, sadness (Figure 6) and to
some degree, anger (Figure 7), show some promising
responsiveness to the stimulus, reacting in similar
ways as the mean of the frame of emotion values in
the observed test data as indicated by the PER score
for both in Table 2. With the RMSE score for sadness
at 0.2438, its score is 0.0581 higher than neutral at
.01857. Anger shows a lower RMSE, but anger values
are still too low to be fully reliable with much of its
standard deviation clipped by the zero line and the
observed values of the test data also dropping to zero
for nearly 20 frames.
The difference between the RMSE and the
meanRMSE is that while the RMSE score looks only
at the difference between the mean of the observed
test data and the predicted data, the meanRMSE is the
mean of all the plotted RMSE scores shown in red in
each of Figures 4, 5 and 6. The plotted values show
the RMSE for the chosen emotion at each of the 126
frames examined in relation to the same synchronized
frame in the predicted value. The fact that the two
RMSE scores are close in value, provides a check on
the accuracy of the error assessment process.
Figure 5: Neutral provides a benchmark for other emotions.
Figure 6: Mean of Observed values in midrange with
standard deviation region unclipped.
One inexplicable anomaly is an apparent minimum
value PER of 0.1984 in the test results shown in Table
2. Mathematically, it has been determined that for the
126 frame results for each emotion, 25 frames fell
outside the standard deviation for the three emotions:
sadness, scared and surprise. It remains unclear if
this fact is a coincidence or caused by the test design.
Thus far, this paper has identified several statistical
properties relative to neutral: RMSE, PAR, and
Spread of Emotion Values. What has been
demonstrated is that at least one emotion label,
sadness, was successfully simulated. What might be
useful is a classification system for each of these
measurements that would provide discrete labels
within a range. Such a classification system could
indicate if the results will lead to a NN model that will
output predicted emotion values that range from
resemblant to not resemblant in relation to those
values elicited by its human actor referent. The aim
of this research is to expand the creative process of
character design for video games beyond the modeller
and animator and toward the skills of the actor. For
the methods proposed to become useful, they must
also produce salient results that confirm resemblance.
Thus far, this research has demonstrated a statistical
method to validate resemblance. Further investigation
should confirm its viability as a method of production
for game character production workflow.
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HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications