Banana Ripeness Level Classification Using a Simple CNN Model
Trained with Real and Synthetic Datasets
Luis E. Chuquimarca
1,2 a
, Boris X. Vintimilla
1 b
and Sergio A. Velastin
3,4 c
ESPOL Polytechnic University, ESPOL, CIDIS, Guayaquil, Ecuador
UPSE Santa Elena Peninsula State University, UPSE, FACSISTEL, La Libertad, Ecuador
Queen Mary University of London, London, U.K.
University Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
External-Quality, Inspection, Banana, Maturity, Ripeness, CNN.
The level of ripeness is essential in determining the quality of bananas. To correctly estimate banana maturity,
the metrics of international marketing standards need to be considered. However, the process of assessing the
maturity of bananas at an industrial level is still carried out using manual methods. The use of CNN models
is an attractive tool to solve the problem, but there is a limitation regarding the availability of sufficient data to
train these models reliably. On the other hand, in the state-of-the-art, existing CNN models and the available
data have reported that the accuracy results are acceptable in identifying banana maturity. For this reason,
this work presents the generation of a robust dataset that combines real and synthetic data for different levels
of banana ripeness. In addition, it proposes a simple CNN architecture, which is trained with synthetic data
and using the transfer learning technique, the model is improved to classify real data, managing to determine
the level of maturity of the banana. The proposed CNN model is evaluated with several architectures, then
hyper-parameter configurations are varied, and optimizers are used. The results show that the proposed CNN
model reaches a high accuracy of 0.917 and a fast execution time.
Nowadays, most nutritionists agree that consuming
fruits is essential to have a daily nutritious diet. Many
people consume several fruits weekly. Markets are
the main vendors of fruit, which need to offer their
customers high-quality fruit. Therefore, international
markets demand quality control of fruits by agro-
industries based on international standards (Reid,
1985; Kader, 2002). One of the parameters for
fruit quality inspection is the level of ripeness, which
is related to the consumer’s appreciation for buy-
ing the product and the consumption time of some
fruits (Wang et al., 2018; Bhargava and Bansal, 2021).
The determination of the maturity of the fruit is
carried out manually in the agro-industries. There
are several weaknesses in the manual method. For
example, it is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and
can cause inconsistencies in determining banana ma-
turity by the personnel in charge. The rise of ma-
chine vision technology together with the evolution
of deep learning techniques can overcome the prob-
lems mentioned above, potentially being relatively
fast, consistent, and accurate. In agriculture, inno-
vative technologies such as artificial vision are used
for various tasks, such as fruit detection, fruit clas-
sification, and fruit quality determination (apples,
bananas, mangoes, strawberries, blueberries, among
others) (Naranjo-Torres et al., 2020). For fruit qual-
ity inspection, international standards consider three
essential aspects: colorimetry (maturity), geometry
(shape and size), and defects (texture). This work fo-
cuses on colorimetry that is directly proportional to
maturity; that is, depending on the fruit’s color level,
the maturity level can be identified (Tripathi and Mak-
tedar, 2021; Sun et al., 2021; Cao et al., 2021; Naik,
2019). For example, banana ripeness has seven levels,
according to the U.S. state Department of Agriculture
(USDA). Bananas are one of the most consumed fruits
worldwide due to its good taste and its high level of
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models are
deep learning techniques applied to computer vision
to identify banana ripeness. In some works, seven
Chuquimarca, L., Vintimilla, B. and Velastin, S.
Banana Ripeness Level Classification Using a Simple CNN Model Trained with Real and Synthetic Datasets.
DOI: 10.5220/0011654600003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
banana maturity levels are considered, but in others,
there are only four maturity levels due to the low num-
ber of images per level in the datasets (Saragih and
Emanuel, 2021).
Below is an overview of state of the art on CNN
models applied to banana maturity:
(Zhu and Spachos, 2021) uses a machine learn-
ing technique called Support Vector Machine (SVM)
to compare the results with a YOLOv3 model, which
is trained on a dataset containing few images of ba-
nanas, which generates an inaccurate model. On the
other hand, the YOLOv3 model considers only two
levels of maturity (semi-ripe and well-ripe) and ob-
tains an accuracy of 90.16%. Furthermore, the level
of maturity of the banana depends on the number of
small black areas detected in the texture of the ba-
nana, the greater the number of black dots found, the
greater the maturity of the banana. However, it does
not take into account international standards recom-
(Saragih and Emanuel, 2021) evaluates only two
CNN models with the same number of epochs but
with a different number of initial layers to identify
four banana maturity levels (unripe/green, yellowish
green, semi-ripe, and overripe). The evaluation re-
sults of the MobileNetV2 and NASNetMobile models
showed an accuracy of 96.18% and 90.84%, respec-
tively. However, it uses a poor dataset for training
and validation, so the models are likely to be inaccu-
rate. Also, it only performs an evaluation with exist-
ing models.
(Ramadhan et al., ) used a deep CNN to identify
four maturity levels of Cavendish bananas. Banana
images are segmented using YOLO and then fed to a
VGG16 model trained with two different optimizers:
Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) and Adam. The
optimization model with SGD has a better accuracy
of 94.12% compared to Adam, which has an accuracy
of 93.25%. In that study, the number of images in the
dataset is sparse, and more CNN models could have
been evaluated.
(Zhang et al., 2018) designed their CNN model
for banana classification considering seven maturity
levels. For the training and testing of the CNN model,
a dataset generated with a total of 17,312 images of
bananas is used. CNN performance results show an
accuracy of 95.6%. However, the research focuses on
a single CNN model. In addition, it does not present
evaluations of the proposed model against existing
After reviewing the state of the art, it can be
said that one of the main problems in measuring ba-
nana maturity levels is that there are no public image
datasets robust enough to work with CNN models.
The generation of datasets might include not only real
images, but can also take advantage of some software
development tools available to generate synthetic im-
ages, using for example: Unreal Engine, Unity3D,
Dall·e mini, among others.
In this article, a CNN model is proposed to mea-
sure four levels of banana maturity, considering that
the model is not heavy and simple. Furthermore, this
work generates a robust dataset for the four banana
maturity levels by using real images plus synthetic
images. In the end, the proposed model with the gen-
erated dataset is evaluated against existing CNN mod-
els, setting specific hyper-parameters. The results ob-
tained from this evaluation verify that the proposed
CNN model obtains better metrics than existing CNN
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-
scribes the proposed methodology for developing the
work. Section 3 presents the results of banana matu-
rity inspection using the proposed model and evalu-
ates it with existing state-of-the-art CNN models. Fi-
nally, the conclusions are given in Section 4.
The contributions of this paper are:
Since there are currently no sufficiently large pub-
lic datasets with different banana maturity levels,
it is proposed to generate an extensive dataset of
images that combines synthetic and real data.
An own CNN model to measure banana maturity
levels is proposed, the model is simple but with
good results.
The proposed CNN model and the generated
datasets are evaluated against existing CNN mod-
els, using various configurations of the hyper-
The generation of the dataset to be used in the
CNN models has two parts: the first is the generation
of the synthetic dataset, and the second is the gener-
ation of the real dataset. It should be noted that the
synthetic dataset is much larger than the real dataset.
The proposed CNN model has two components:
the first component is the design and implementa-
tion of a simple CNN model called CNN1, which
is trained with the synthetic dataset, resulting in the
generation of weights. The second component is the
application of transfer learning to the same proposed
CNN model but with the configuration of weights
obtained in the CNN1 model, resulting in a CNN2
model to estimate the maturity levels of the banana,
Banana Ripeness Level Classification Using a Simple CNN Model Trained with Real and Synthetic Datasets
which is trained with a dataset od real images, result-
ing in a more adjusted CNN model for banana matu-
rity measurement. Finally, the CNN model is evalu-
ated by comparing it with existing CNN models such
as: InceptionV3, ResNet50, Inception-ResNetV2,
and VGG19. This evaluation considers the configu-
ration of hyper-parameters and the application of op-
timizers. For a better understanding of the methodol-
ogy, see Figure 1.
Figure 1: Banana maturity identification process.
2.1 Dataset Generation
For this work, two types of datasets are generated, one
real and the other synthetic, due to the limited num-
ber of real images available in public datasets and the
time demand in developing real image datasets. Pro-
viding a real and synthetic dataset of bananas images,
publicly available at
2.1.1 Real Data
The dataset developed consists of 3,495 real images of
Cavendish bananas, which were taken in a laboratory
with a climate system between 15°C and 18°C for 28
days (the approximate duration of the ripening period
of this type of banana). Also, 4 levels of banana ma-
turity were considered for this work. Therefore, each
week the banana passed from one level of maturity to
another, as indicated in Table 1. However, bananas
have 7 maturity levels, but the number of images that
can be acquired per level for the dataset is low. For
this reason, it is necessary to group into 4 maturity
levels to obtain a greater number of images for the
dataset of each banana maturity level. The acquisition
of the set of images was carried out daily, considering
the maturity cycles of the banana. Therefore, we pro-
ceeded to collect 150 images per day. In the end, a
total of 4,200 images are generated, of which refine-
ment is performed, removing images with noise, low
quality, poor lighting, wrong location of the banana,
and occlusions (see Figure 2). Therefore, the number
of images per level of maturity of the banana will be
variable. It should also be mentioned that some of the
images in the last days of the last level of maturity are
considered rotting and discarded (Ramadhan et al., ).
Table 1: Banana maturity levels per day.
Duration Level of maturity
1 - 6 days A
7 - 14 days B
15 - 22 days C
23 - 28 days D
Figure 2: Real Dataset Refinement.
This procedure is costly and tedious because there
must be a staff dedicated to the data acquisition pro-
cess, during the time that the banana ripens. In ad-
dition, the conditions in which the bananas are kept
must be controlled, such as temperature. Also, it must
be taken into consideration that when moving bananas
care needs to be taken not to spoil them, because it can
cause bruises. So, to obtain a large number of images
for the dataset, which CNN models require, the ac-
quisition process must be performed multiple times,
leading to high costs and extensive staff time.
The acquisition of the images is carried out in dif-
ferent light conditions and backgrounds. However, a
refinement of the images of the real dataset is carried
out, considering several aspects, such as whether the
bananas are at the corresponding maturity levels, and
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
eliminating images where the banana is not clearly
defined. In the end, data augmentation techniques
such as rotation are applied, increasing the amount
of data. Therefore, the final number of images in the
real refined dataset is 3,495 images.
There are currently technological tools that allow
the generation of synthetic datasets. Therefore, this
type of tool is explored, such as the Unreal Engine. It
should be noted that there are other types of synthetic
image generation engines such as: Unity3D, CARLA,
or Dall·e mini (Ivanovs et al., 2022; Deiseroth et al.,
2.1.2 Synthetic Data
Synthetic datasets are an important complement to
the application in CNN models, due to the low cost
and ease of generating large numbers of synthetic
images. In addition, there are several CNN models
in the literature that make use of domain adaptation
and transfer learning techniques by applying synthetic
datasets (Charco et al., 2021).
This section describes the process of generating
the synthetic banana image dataset using a 3D mod-
eled banana. The Unreal Engine tool is used to cre-
ate a virtual scenario from which the synthetic data
is generated. The virtual environment contains: three
rails (rail-1, rail-2 and rail-3), cameras in different po-
sitions and angles mounted on each rail (positions C1
- C30), which allow the acquisition of synthetic im-
ages of bananas in 3D, as shown in Figure 3. The
appearance of the artificial banana ripeness is created
using texture from the real images.
Figure 3: Virtual scenario for the generation of the synthetic
images using Unreal Engine.
Various kinematic components of Unreal Engine
are used for the synthetic dataset generation process,
such as: Camera Rig Rail (rails), Cine Camera Ac-
tor (camera), Level Sequence (sequence), HDRIB-
ackdrop (sky and light), and Material (colors and tex-
tures). The camera is fixed to the rail in different po-
sitions to capture the synthetic images (see Figure 3).
The size of the synthetic images (224x244 pixels) is
the same as the real dataset. Therefore, it must be
taken into account that the camera’s “film back” is
configured in millimeters and that it is also propor-
tional to the pixels of the image (1px = 0.26458333).
For each camera scan, 30 images are taken on each
rail (positions C1 - C30 in Figure 3).
Once the virtual scenario is ready, four banana
maturity levels are considered for the acquisition of
synthetic images as indicated in Figure 4 (labels: A,
B, C and D). Additionally, two sublevels per maturity
level are established and labeled: A1, A2, B1, B2,
C1, C2, D1, and D2. In this way, eight colorations
are used as shown in Figure 4, modifying the tonality
curves and adding spots at maturity levels C and D.
For this it was necessary to modify the texture of the
banana using Adobe Photoshop CS6 software.
Figure 4: Synthetic images of banana maturity levels using
different backgrounds.
To provide further variability to the virtual
scenery, eight different backgrounds were used to
capture the synthetic images. The background col-
ors used were: orange, purple, brown, and light blue.
In addition, materials that come by default in Unreal
Engines were used, such as: Asset Platform, Basic
Wall, Concrete Tiles (R1), and Rock Marble (R2) (see
Figure 4). For the last subclass (level D2), the back-
grounds of ”Concrete Tiles” were changed to ”Ce-
Banana Ripeness Level Classification Using a Simple CNN Model Trained with Real and Synthetic Datasets
ramic Tile” and ”Rock Marble” to ”Rock SandStone”
to avoid confusion in not distinguish the banana from
the background. In this way, considering the combi-
nations of the proposed scenarios, the total number of
synthetic images generated is 161,280, which is ap-
proximately 40 times greater than the number of im-
ages of the real dataset, which consists of 3,495 im-
ages. The number of images per maturity level of both
real and synthetic bananas is summarized in Table 2.
Table 2: Number of images in the banana dataset.
Number of
of Real
Level A 40,320 1,429
Level B 40,320 815
Level C 40,320 559
Level D 40,320 692
On the other hand, before feeding any CNN with
an image dataset, the RGB images must be normal-
ized to obtain good results and to speed up the com-
putational calculations (Sola and Sevilla, 1997). In
addition, the sizes of the images must be standardized,
a batch size defined, and the categorical variables en-
coded in numbers. This last process is applied to both
the real and the synthetic image datasets.
2.2 Description of the Proposed Model
The proposed model (CIDIS) consists of two convo-
lution layers followed by a max pooling layer. This
configuration is repeated three times, with the rec-
tified linear units (ReLU) in the hidden layers, and
fully connected layers follow. The proposed model
(CIDIS) consists of two convolution layers followed
by a max pooling layer. This configuration is repeated
three times, with the rectified linear units (ReLU) in
the hidden layers, and fully connected layers follow.
The model receives as input images of size 224x224
pixels with a depth of three due to the RGB color
channels, and in the end, there are four outputs as-
sociated with the four levels of maturity.
Then, the transfer learning technique is applied
using the CIDIS model trained with the synthetic im-
age dataset. This model has stored the scheme and
the weights of all its layers. Subsequently, the stored
model is loaded into a new instance of the same
network, transferring all the weight matrices learned
from training with the set of synthetic images. In ad-
dition, the last layers of the network (fully connected)
had to be removed to apply the optimizers. Finally,
the training of the first layers (convolutional and pool-
ing layers) is frozen so that the learned knowledge is
not modified, so only the fully connected layers are
When the transfer learning technique is applied to
the CIDIS model, this is trained with the real image
dataset, which is refined to obtain better results. For
this training, the fully connected layers are added, and
the optimizer called Adagrad is used because a con-
siderably small dataset is used compared to the syn-
thetic image dataset. This way, the CNN2 model was
It is important to mention that when the CNN1
model was trained directly with the real image
dataset, the accuracy values obtained were lower
compared to the CNN2 model, which was fed with
the values of CNN1 applying transfer learning, which
was trained with the synthetic dataset. The CNN2
model is optimized with the following actions such
as: changing the learning rate, using dropout layers,
changing the number of epochs, changing the batch
size value, Choose between the two proposed opti-
mizers (Nadam and Adagrad).
During the training of the CNN2 model, the
Nadam and Adagrad optimizers were used. The first
is a Nesterov accelerated adaptive moment estimation
optimizer that combines ideas from Adam (a stochas-
tic gradient descent method) that uses few computa-
tional resources and NAG (Nesterov accelerated gra-
dient), both of which apply to large datasets (Dozat,
2016). On the other hand, the second is an adaptive
algorithm that updates the learning rate as the number
of learning iterations increases and is more used in
small datasets. Both optimizers allowed to converge
quickly and efficiently depending on the dataset used.
Adding dropout layers is also considered to reduce
overfitting problems. Therefore, by modifying the
values of the hyperparameters, it is possible to verify
which ones give best results and to build a final robust
model, ready to make predictions of banana maturity
levels. Ultimately, this optimized model is evaluated
with the real image dataset.
2.3 Evaluation of the Proposed Model
For the evaluation of the proposed model, a literature
review is carried out from which the best CNN mod-
els previusoly reported in the identification of banana
maturity are chosen, such as: InceptionV3, ResNet50,
Inception-ResNetV2 and VGG19, which are men-
tioned in ascending order according to the quantity of
parameters to train (Faisal et al., 2020; Behera et al.,
2021; Mohapatra et al., 2022).
The VGG19 model within the state-of-the-art re-
view has high performance, high levels of accuracy,
and a considerably low training time (less than the In-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
ceptionResNetV2 model) (Behera et al., 2021).
ResNet models are designed for double or triple-
layer hopping. So skipping layers reduces the dis-
appearing gradient problem. This study uses the 50-
layer ResNet-50. Transfer learning and residual learn-
ing are applied to optimize network parameters and
system development (Helwan et al., 2021).
The Inception-ResNetV2 model has 164 layers.
It is selected because it obtained a lower percent-
age of losses compared to other Inception models
in the state-of-the-art (Szegedy et al., 2017). This
model unites two concepts: Inception (reflecting)
and Residual Connection (residual connections) (He
et al., 2016). In addition, Inception models allow
for more efficient computations and increased depth
of networks through dimensionality reductions with
stacked 1x1 convolutions. Therefore, the model man-
ages to reduce the consumption of computational re-
sources and avoid overfitting (Szegedy et al., 2015).
The InceptionV3 model reduces computational power
consumption, being more efficient than the VGGNet
and InceptionV1 models (Kurama, 2020).
The results of the evaluation of the proposed CNN
model against the selected CNN models are indicated
in the section 3.
This section presents and analyzes the results ob-
tained with the generation of the synthetic banana im-
ages and with the refinement process using the real
image dataset. In addition, the results obtained with
the training of the selected CNN models are pre-
sented, as well as the application of the transfer learn-
ing technique with the final optimizations made to
the proposed CIDIS model. For the evaluation of the
models in all cases, a dataset distribution of 60% train,
20% test, and 20% validation is used.
Firstly, the selected CNN models are evaluated
without applying the transfer learning methodology,
and furthermore, they are trained only with the real
dataset. The results obtained with these models are
compared with the proposed CIDIS model using the
same conditions, Table 3 shows these results. The
metric used to evaluate the models was accuracy,
which calculates the frequency with which the pre-
dictions are equal to the proposed labels (0: level A,
1: level B, 2: level C, 3: level D). The time it takes for
a CNN model to classify an image was also measured,
as well as its total memory weight. With the results of
Table 3 a comparison of the accuracy values and the
average classification time is made. Therefore, the
CNN model with the best performance is CIDIS, and
so this is the CNN model chosen for CNN1. These
results were the starting point for this project, estab-
lishing a baseline of what can be achieved only with
the real dataset and without carrying out refinement or
transfer learning. The results of this test serve to com-
pare the accuracy between CNN1 and CNN2, and to
verify if the results obtained by applying the transfer
learning technique are viable.
The CIDIS model was evaluated with the images
of real bananas, obtaining an accuracy of 0.872. After
this, the CIDIS model (as CNN1 model) was trained
on the synthetic data and an accuracy of 1.0 was ob-
tained, which is perfect. This ideal result should not
be a good reference for the model, because the im-
ages of synthetic bananas with different objects, an-
gles and backgrounds are very similar to each other,
and therefore the model easily predicts maturity lev-
els. This means that although the CIDIS model ac-
curately predicts images of synthetic bananas, it is
necessary to train with images of real bananas to bet-
ter generalize the model. Then, the transfer learning
technique is applied to the CIDIS (CNN2) model con-
sidering the parameters and hyperparameters of the
CNN1 pre-trained model with the synthetic dataset,
and it is trained with the refined real dataset. For the
training of the CNN2 model with the real dataset, the
fully connected layers were added and the Adagrad
optimizer was selected because the real dataset is con-
siderably smaller compared to the synthetic dataset.
Figure 5 plots the loss and accuracy functions of the
CIDIS model as a CNN2 model, with the real dataset.
It can be seen that in the accuracy graph, the
model starts learning with an accuracy of 0.74, and
continues with an increasing trend until it stabilizes
when the validation accuracy does not improve, ob-
taining an accuracy of 0.917. The graph of the
loss has a decreasing trend until it stabilizes, without
reaching overfitting. With the results obtained from
the CNN2 model, optimizations are applied, such
as varying the hyperparameters (batch size, learning
rate, epochs) of the CNN model, in addition, optimiz-
ers are changed and Dropout layers are added. The
results can be seen in Table 4.
It was possible to build a dataset of synthetic bananas,
which required lower costs and time invested, com-
pared to taking images of real bananas, considering
large volumes of data. In this case, generating 3,495
images of real bananas took over 30 days and required
multiple people, while generating 161,280 synthetic
images took almost as long and was done by a sin-
Banana Ripeness Level Classification Using a Simple CNN Model Trained with Real and Synthetic Datasets
Table 3: Comparison of results with CNN models using real data and without transfer learning.
CNN Model Accuracy Model Weight (Mb) Average time (ms)
VGG19 0.562 160 364
ResNet-50 0.816 200 107
Inception-ResNetV2 0.869 1075 224
CIDIS (proposed CNN) 0.872 21 132
InceptionV3 0.849 187 79
Table 4: Results of the proposed CIDIS model using real/synthetic dataset and transfer learning.
CNN Model Optimizer Dropout Learning Rate Batch Size Accuracy
Nadam 2 (0.2) 0.001 50 0.881
Nadam 1 (0.2) 0.001 50 0.891
CIDIS Adagrad 2 (0.2) 0.01 50 0.904
Adagrad 1 (0.2) 0.001 50 0.917
Adam 2 (0.2) 0.001 50 0.916
Adam 1 (0.2) 0.001 50 0.906
Figure 5: Results of the accuracy and loss function of the
CNN2 model using transfer learning.
gle person using the Unreal Engine software. In addi-
tion, a simple own CNN model was implemented to
identify banana maturity, it was evaluated with other
state-of-the-art CNN models, using a dataset with real
images of bananas. Better results were obtained with
the new CNN model, which was selected for the de-
velopment of the proposed work.
In this work, the proposed CNN model (CNN1)
was trained with synthetic images, then the transfer
learning technique was used to a CNN model called
CNN2, which has the same simple architecture as the
proposed model. CNN2 was trained and evaluated
with a real dataset, obtaining a higher accuracy of
0.917 compared to the proposed CNN model without
transfer learning with an accuracy of 0.872. There-
fore, it was found that better results are obtained when
using the proposed methodology.
Although it is true, a balance was not made be-
tween the number of real images of each of the ba-
nana maturity levels; therefore, as future work, it is
intended to balance the amount of data to obtain bet-
ter results.
This work has been partially supported by the
ESPOL-CIDIS-11-2022 project.
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Banana Ripeness Level Classification Using a Simple CNN Model Trained with Real and Synthetic Datasets