Evaluating the Impact of Low-Light Image Enhancement Methods on
Runner Re-Identification in the Wild
Oliverio J. Santana
, Javier Lorenzo-Navarro
, David Freire-Obreg
Daniel Hern
and Modesto Castrill
SIANI, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Computer Vision, Person Re-Identification, in the Wild Sporting Events, Low-Light Image Enhancement.
Person re-identification (ReID) is a trending topic in computer vision. Significant developments have been
achieved, but most rely on datasets with subjects captured statically within a short period of time in rather good
lighting conditions. In the wild scenarios, such as long-distance races that involve widely varying lighting
conditions, from full daylight to night, present a considerable challenge. This issue cannot be addressed
by increasing the exposure time on the capture device, as the runners’ motion will lead to blurred images,
hampering any ReID attempts. In this paper, we survey some low-light image enhancement methods. Our
results show that including an image processing step in a ReID pipeline before extracting the distinctive body
appearance features from the subjects can provide significant performance improvements.
Our ability to effortlessly identify all subjects of an
image relies on a solid semantic understanding of
the people in the scene. However, despite the hu-
man capability, this ability remains a challenge for our
state-of-the-art visual recognition systems. One of the
primary goals in this area is person re-identification
(ReID), where the task is to match subjects captured
in different spots and times.
ReID research has seen significant progress in the
last few years (Penate-Sanchez et al., 2020; Ning
et al., 2021). New challenging in the wild datasets
have emerged due to the evolution of capture de-
vices, going beyond short-time ReID with homoge-
neous illumination conditions. These new collec-
tions have shown several compelling problems in tra-
ditional ReID benchmarks. In this regard, long-term
ReID copes with substantial variability in space and
time. For instance, individuals may be recorded not
uniquely affected by pose and occlusion variations but
also strongly forced due to different resolutions, i.e.,
producing multi-scale detections, appearance incon-
sistencies due to clothing change, and many environ-
mental and lighting variations.
State-of-the-art face recognition approaches ap-
plied in surveillance and standard ReID scenarios
have evidenced low performance (Cheng et al., 2020;
Dietlmeier et al., 2020) due to the need for high reso-
lution and image quality. Lately, low-light image en-
hancement has attracted the community’s attention on
this subject to cope with illumination changes in the
target images.
Poorly illuminated images suffer from low con-
trast and high level of noise (Rahman et al., 2021).
Significant issues like over-saturation are introduced
on image regions with high-intensity pixels by
straightly adjusting the illumination property. Conse-
quently, the community has proposed several image
enhancement methods to address this problem.
Traditional low-light image enhancement meth-
ods rely on the Retinex Theory (Land, 1977), which
focuses on an image’s dynamic range and color con-
stancy and recovers the contrast by accurately esti-
mating illumination.
Nonetheless, some of these methods may gener-
ate color distortion or they are prone to enhance im-
age brightness presenting unnatural effects (He et al.,
2020). More recently, deep learning techniques have
pushed advances on this challenging task (Zhai et al.,
2021) in two directions: image quality and processing
time decrease.
Santana, O., Lorenzo-Navarro, J., Freire-Obregón, D., Hernández-Sosa, D. and Castrillón-Santana, M.
Evaluating the Impact of Low-Light Image Enhancement Methods on Runner Re-Identification in the Wild.
DOI: 10.5220/0011652000003411
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2023), pages 641-648
ISBN: 978-989-758-626-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
However, despite encouraging progress on low-
light image enhancement, we believe there is room for
improvement. For instance, only a few recent works
have been tested on video clips (Lv et al., 2018; Li
et al., 2022). Unlike still images, video clips present
a continuous lighting signal variation that may affect
subsequent processes, such as person ReID.
This work takes a step towards image enhance-
ment evaluation in dynamic scenarios, proposing a
novel ReID pipeline to unify both tasks, image en-
hancement and ReID. Both are computed differently;
the former exploits the complete scene to enhance
the image by using as much information as possible,
whereas the latter focuses on a specific region of in-
terest of the improved image.
Additionally, we developed a ReID assessment
considering different state-of-the-art methods for im-
age enhancement. In this regard, traditional tech-
niques and deep learning approaches have been ana-
lyzed on a sporting dataset that contains 109 different
identities in a 30 hours race under variable lighting
conditions, scenarios, and accessories. Our results re-
veal the challenge of performing a runner ReID pro-
cess in these difficult conditions, especially when this
process involves images captured under poor illumi-
nation. Our results also show that deep learning ap-
proaches provide better results than traditional meth-
ods, as they consider the overall context of the image
instead of focusing on individual pixels. Neverthe-
less, there is still significant room for improvement
for ReID in this scenario. This work is an interesting
first step in this direction, combining different image
processing techniques to boost ReID under challeng-
ing conditions.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 discusses the related work in the literature.
Section 3 presents the proposed pipeline. Section 4
describes the considered collection, the experimental
protocol, and the ReID evaluation experiments on the
enhanced images. Finally, Section 5 presents our con-
cluding remarks.
Many methods have been proposed to enhance images
captured in low-light conditions. In general, illumina-
tion enhancement models based on the Retinex The-
ory (Land, 1977) decompose images into two compo-
nents: reflectance and illumination. Some techniques
have been proposed for enhancing images working on
both components (Jobson et al., 1997; Wang et al.,
2013; Fu et al., 2016; Ying et al., 2017; Li et al.,
2018), but they involve a high computational cost.
Guo et al. (Guo et al., 2017) proposed a low-
light image enhancement method that reduces the so-
lution space by only estimating the illumination com-
ponent. First, an illumination map is generated based
on the maximum value of each RGB color channel
for each image pixel. The map is then refined accord-
ing to the illumination structure using an augmented
lagrangian algorithm. Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2022)
proposed an efficient algorithm based on a member-
ship function and gamma correction. This method
also has lower computational cost than other tradi-
tional approaches, resulting in images that do not ex-
hibit over-enhancement or under-enhancement. Since
these methods are explicitly designed for low-light
imagery, they are tuned to enhance underexposed im-
ages. Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2019) proposed per-
forming a dual illumination map estimation for both
the original and the inverted images, generating two
different maps. Underexposed and overexposed re-
gions of the image can be corrected through these
Beyond methods based on the Retinex Theory,
the rise of deep learning has led to the development
of image enhancement methods based on neural net-
works (Cai et al., 2018; Park et al., 2018; Wang et al.,
2019; Kim, 2019; He et al., 2020). Recently, Hao
et al. (Hao et al., 2022) proposed a decoupled two-
stage neural network model which provides compa-
rable or better results than other state-of-the-art ap-
proaches. The first neural network learns the scene
structure and the illumination distribution to generate
an image looking close to optimal lighting conditions.
The second neural network further enhances the im-
age, suppressing noise and color distortion.
Low illumination scenarios have been previously
addressed in different computer vision problems. Liu
et al. (Liu et al., 2021) presented an extensive review
of low-light enhancement methods and showed the re-
sults of a face detection task. The authors also intro-
duced the VE-LOL-L dataset collected with low-light
conditions and annotated for face detection. Ma et
al. (Ma et al., 2019) proposed the TMD
L distance
learning method based on Local Linear Models and
triplet loss for video re-identification. The method
results are compared with other low-illumination en-
hancement methods in three datasets, two simulated
based on PRID 2011 and iLIDS-VID, and a newly
collected LIPS dataset. Unlike Ma’s approach, which
seeks to obtain person descriptors directly from low-
illumination images, our proposal is more similar to
Liu’s, having a preprocessing stage for the runner im-
ages but in a ReID context instead of face detection.
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 1: Example of leading runner(s) captured in every recording point (RP1 to RP5).
Our experiments use the TGC2020 dataset (Penate-
Sanchez et al., 2020). This dataset has been used
recently to tackle several computer vision prob-
lems such as facial expression recognition (Santana
et al., 2022), bib number recognition (Hern
Carrascosa et al., 2020), and action quality assess-
ment (Freire-Obreg
on et al., 2022a; Freire-Obreg
et al., 2022b). It comprises a collection of runner im-
ages captured in a set of recording points (RPs) as
shown in Figure 1. This work focuses on applying
several enhancement techniques to sporting footage
in the wild and analyzing these techniques relying
on the ReID performance. However, to tackle ReID
properly, scenes must be cleaned of distractors: staff,
other runners, the public, and vehicles.
Figure 2 shows the devised ReID pipeline, divided
into three main parts. Firstly, the image is enhanced to
improve the runner’s visibility by applying a low-light
image enhancement method to the input footage, gen-
erating improved footage. As shown in the exper-
iments section, several techniques have been tested
to perform the enhancement process: LIME (Guo
et al., 2017), the dual estimation method (Zhang et al.,
2019), and the decoupled low-light image enhance-
ment method (Hao et al., 2022).
Secondly, we are interested in specific regions
where runners are located. Once bodies are detected
by applying a body detector based on Faster R-CNN
with Inception-V2 pre-trained with the COCO dataset
(Huang et al., 2017), we have used DeepSORT to
Evaluating the Impact of Low-Light Image Enhancement Methods on Runner Re-Identification in the Wild
Region of interest
Low-light image
Body cropping AlignedReID++
Runners features
0.141 0.981 ...
0.375 0.864 ...
0.627 0.243 ...
0.345 0.863 ...
0.231 0.381 ...
0.355 0.734 ...
0.687 0.543 ...
0.324 0.263 ...
Enhanced footage
Figure 2: Proposed ReID pipeline. The devised process comprises three main parts: the footage enhancement, the region of
interest cropping, and the feature extraction.
track runners in the scene (Wojke et al., 2017). This
tracker is based on the SORT tracker and introduces a
set of deep descriptors to integrate the appearance in-
formation along with the position information given
by the Kalman filter used in SORT.
Finally, the embeddings of each runner are ex-
tracted from the resulting cropped bodies using the
AlignedReID++ deep learning model (Luo et al.,
2019) trained on the Market1501 dataset (Zheng et al.,
2015). The resulting embeddings are adopted as fea-
tures to compute ReID results. For every RP but the
first one, we probe each runner against the previous
RPs, which act as galleries, thus preserving the tem-
poral progression of the runners throughout the race.
ReID performance is measured using the mean av-
erage precision score (mAP). This metric is ideal for
datasets where the same subject may appear multi-
ple times in the gallery because it considers all occur-
rences of each particular runner. The mAP score can
be defined as:
mAP =
Where AP
stands for the area under the precision-
recall curve of probe i and k is the total number of
runners in the probe. In this regard, we have tried
Cosine and Euclidean distances to compute the mAP
values and obtained similar results. Hence we present
results just for the latter.
This section describes the experimental evaluation
adopted and summarize the achieved results. Firstly,
we evaluate runner ReID in the original dataset, i.e.,
without preprocessing, using the proposed pipeline to
set our comparison baseline. We then apply differ-
ent low-light image enhancement methods to explore
their impact on the ReID results. The objective is to
check to what extent the proposed preprocessing vari-
Table 1: Location and recording starting time for each RP.
The reader may observe that the first two RPs were captured
during the night. Therefore, just artificial illumination was
location km starting time
RP1 Arucas 16.5 00:06
RP2 Teror 27.9 01:08
RP3 Presa de Hornos 84.2 07:50
RP4 Ayagaures 110.5 10:20
RP5 Parquesur 124.5 11:20
ants allow to improve the quality of the final ReID
4.1 Original Dataset
As described by the authors (Penate-Sanchez et al.,
2020), the dataset used in this work was collected by
recording participants during the 2020 edition of the
TransGranCanaria (TGC) ultra-trail race, particularly
those taking part in the TGC Classic, where the chal-
lenge was to cover 128 kilometers by foot in less than
30 hours.
Runners start at 11 pm, covering the initial part of
the track with nightlight, roughly eight hours. Win-
ners take approximately 13 hours to reach the finish
line. The dataset comprises the recording in five RPs,
two during the first eight hours, i.e., with nightlight
conditions, and three more after 7 am, i.e., recorded
with daylight. Given the recording environment, the
images captured at each RP vary significantly in light-
ing conditions; see Figure 1. Table 1 shows the dis-
tance from the departure line where each point is lo-
cated in the race track and the starting time for image
recording at each RP.
Although runners wear a bib number and carry
a tracking device, these monitoring systems do not
identify the person wearing them, leaving the door
open to potential cheating (e.g., several runners can
share a race bib to boost the ranking of the bib owner),
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 2: ReID results (mAP) for the original dataset, i.e. without applying any preprocessing to the images.
RP2 14.80
RP3 9.11 7.17
RP4 22.66 13.13 19.21
22.41 20.32 15.09 48.29
Table 3: ReID mAP percentage variation for the enhanced dataset.
Gallery LIME Dual Net-I Net-II
RP2 RP1 +6.75 +5.15 +10.15 +12.18
RP1 +4.79 +0.61 +9.91 +4.68
RP2 +3.61 +1.59 +11.13 +5.22
RP1 -0.22 -0.89 +3.25 +1.04
RP2 +3.84 +3.42 +11.20 +10.63
RP3 +0.94 -0.34 +5.65 +3.88
RP1 +1.86 +0.42 +4.19 +2.85
RP2 +6.02 +4.19 +8.68 +7.15
RP3 +1.69 -0.72 +4.00 +2.83
RP4 -0.28 -3.53 +8.14 +3.02
hence the need to apply ReID techniques in these
long-distance competitions.
For this study, we used only the images of the 109
runners identified in every RP. As mentioned above,
RP1 and RP2 samples were captured during the night-
time, while the images from RP4 and RP5 were cap-
tured during the daytime.
The images from RP3 provide an in-between sce-
nario, as they started to be recorded in the early morn-
ing hours in a place where the sunlight was blocked
by trees and mountains, creating a situation closer to
twilight than to full sunlight. Once more, the reader
may observe Figure 1, which shows images of runners
in all five RPs to illustrate the meaningful variation in
lighting conditions between different locations.
Table 2 shows the ReID mAP score using RP2,
RP3, RP4, and RP5 as probe and separately each pre-
ceding RP as gallery. The highest value is obtained
by probing RP5 against RP4 as gallery, since both
RPs were shot in full daylight. On the other hand,
the worst results are obtained by RP3, shot in some
peculiar intermediate lighting conditions and having
only night images available to use as galleries, reveal-
ing the great difficulty of runner ReID in the wild.
4.2 Enhanced Dataset
The preprocessed dataset (henceforth enhanced) ap-
plies a previous step to correct the original images in
terms of illumination. In the experiments below, we
do not distinguish between night and daylight RPs to
use the preprocessing. Indeed, it is applied homoge-
neously to any image in the original dataset.
Table 3 provides results for the low-light image
enhancement method (LIME) proposed by Guo et
al. (Guo et al., 2017) and the dual estimation method
(Dual) proposed by Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2019).
We evaluated various gamma values in both cases and
found the best ReID results using a value of 0.3. Al-
though it is common in the literature to use more sig-
nificant values, this is usually done with high-quality
images. As a consequence of the wild scenario, the
quality of the images is lower, and the runners are af-
fected by motion blur. Raising the gamma value too
high makes the images noisier and adversely affects
the ReID process.
The LIME algorithm application leads to an evi-
dent improvement in the first three RPs, the most af-
fected by the low light. The improvement is less no-
ticeable in the better illuminated RPs, even a slight
degradation in some cases. The results of the appli-
cation of the Dual algorithm are, in general, poorer
than those provided by the LIME algorithm. Both al-
gorithms share the same mathematical basis, but the
LIME algorithm focuses on improving the underex-
posed parts of the image.
In contrast, the Dual algorithm aims to improve
both the underexposed and overexposed parts of the
image. These results suggest that overexposure is not
a significant problem for runner ReID when using this
dataset. Consequently, in this scenario it is preferable
to use the algorithm that enhances just the underex-
posed areas.
Evaluating the Impact of Low-Light Image Enhancement Methods on Runner Re-Identification in the Wild
Original LIME Dual Net-I Net-II
Original LIME Dual Net-I Net-II
Figure 3: Images captured in RP2 that have been treated with different methods of illumination enhancement.
Opposed to these methods based on the Retinex
Theory, the decoupled low-light image enhancement
method proposed by Hao et al. (Hao et al., 2022) is
a deep learning approach. This neural network does
not apply a series of preset operations according to
an algorithm but has learned to interpret the general
context of the image, leading to better ReID results.
Table 3 shows separately the results of applying
only the first stage (Net-I) and applying both stages
(Net-II) of this decoupled neural network. In most
cases, the best results are obtained using only the first
stage because it is the stage trained to improve light-
ing conditions. The color and noise corrections ap-
plied by the second stage only provide an improve-
ment in one case, with worse ReID results in the rest.
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Runner ReID in the wild is highly complex due to
the long-term component, which does not necessar-
ily preserve clothes unchanged, and the poor light-
ing conditions often encountered. This latter problem
cannot be easily solved by mechanical means, as in-
creasing the exposure time to capture more light leads
to degraded image quality due to motion blur.
To address these difficulties, we look for syner-
gies between different methods proposed individually
and applied in origin to different scenarios. Our re-
sults show that applying software methods for illumi-
nation enhancement is a promising approach to im-
prove ReID results. As far as we know, the reported
results are the best achieved without using temporal
information (Medina et al., 2022).
It is a well-known fact that computers do not see as
people do and that the enhanced image that may seem
the clearest to us may not necessarily be the most use-
ful for an automatic ReID process. Figure 3 shows the
nighttime image of two runners with different tech-
niques applied, clearly illustrating that it is not trivial
to identify the best one based on human observation.
Overall, it is pretty likely that no single approach
would be considered the best in all circumstances,
which involves that it would be necessary to choose
the method to apply according to the image features.
Determining the best strategy to achieve this goal
is an interesting topic for future research. In this
sense, it would be of great value for the community
to establish a systematic process for choosing the best
method to apply to a low-light image based on the dif-
ferent quality assessment metrics (Zhai et al., 2021)
proposed in the literature.
This work is partially funded by the ULPGC
under project ULPGC2018-08, by the Span-
ish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
(MINECO) under project RTI2018-093337-B-I00,
by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Inno-
vation under projects PID2019-107228RB-I00
and PID2021-122402OB-C22, and by the
ACIISI-Gobierno de Canarias and European
FEDER funds under projects ProID2020010024,
ProID2021010012, ULPGC Facilities Net, and Grant
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ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods