AI-Powered Management of Identity Photos for Institutional Staff
Daniel Canedo
, Jos
e Vieira
, Ant
onio Gonc¸alves and Ant
onio J. R. Neves
IEETA, DETI, LASI, University of Aveiro, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Computer Vision, Face Verification, Deep Learning, Identity Photos, Photo Management.
The recent developments in Deep Learning and Computer Vision algorithms allow the automation of several
tasks which up until that point required the allocation of considerable human resources. One task that is getting
behind the recent developments is the management of identity photos for institutional staff directories because
it deals with sensitive information, namely the association of a photo to a person. The main objective of this
work is to give a contribution to the automation of this process. This paper proposes several image processing
algorithms to validate the submission of a new personal photo to the system, such as face detection, face
recognition, face cropping, image quality assessment, head pose estimation, gaze estimation, blink detection,
and sunglasses detection. These algorithms allow the verification of the submitted photo according to some
predefined criteria. Generally, these criteria revolve around verifying if the face on the photo is of the person
that is updating their photo, forcing the face to be centered on the image, verifying if the photo has visually
good quality, among others. A use-case is presented based on the integration of the developed algorithms as
a web-service to be used by the image directory system of the University of Aveiro. The proposed service is
called every time a collaborator tries to update their personal photo and the result of the analysis determines
if the photo is valid and the personal profile is updated. The system is already in production and the results
that are being obtained are very satisfactory, according to the feedback of the users. Regarding the individual
algorithms, the experimental results obtained range from 92% to 100% of accuracy, depending on the image
processing algorithm being tested.
In this paper, we propose image processing algo-
rithms to be integrated into a photo management sys-
tem, presenting a use-case implemented at University
of Aveiro. With the help of the proposed solutions,
the collaborators can update their identity photo au-
tonomously, with the guaranty of a good image qual-
ity, following the institutional guidelines and validat-
ing the user identity.
Generally, photo management is done manually
with considerable costs associated with human re-
sources, especially in large institutions such as univer-
sities. Automating this process to some extent would
lower those costs. However, one needs to be wary
of automating certain tasks, such as face recognition,
since it deals with sensitive information that if forged
could undermine the purpose of such systems. Since
Deep Learning algorithms are not perfect nor trans-
parent in their decisions (Xu et al., 2019), the photo
management system must deal with failures by pro-
viding feedback to users and Human Resources.
The proposed photo management system takes a
submitted photo as an input, processes it through sev-
eral image processing algorithms to extract relevant
information, matches this data against the validity cri-
teria imposed by the institution in which the system is
operating and provides feedback regarding each sin-
gle criterion as the output. Based on the provided
feedback, the user can correct the submission, or con-
tact the Human Resources reporting the problem. The
whole pipeline of the photo management system, in-
cluding its image processing algorithms, are detailed
in Section 3. A use-case for this system at Univer-
sity of Aveiro is presented in Section 4. The proposed
photo management system allows the collaborators of
University of Aveiro to update their personal photo
autonomously under certain guidelines by uploading
a photo on its website. The image processing block
of this system will verify and transform the submitted
photo to follow those guidelines.
Canedo, D., Vieira, J., Gonçalves, A. and Neves, A.
AI-Powered Management of Identity Photos for Institutional Staff Directories.
DOI: 10.5220/0011649000003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
This document is structured as follows: Section
2 presents the related work; Section 3 presents the
methodology; Section 4 presents the use-case; Sec-
tion 5 presents the results; Section 6 presents the con-
Most of the institutions nowadays have a digital staff
directory, public or private. There are clear advan-
tages to keep this information updated. However, de-
pending on the dimension of the institution, this task
can be complex. Creating procedures to help each
person to update their personal information are of ex-
treme importance. Taking into consideration the fo-
cus of this work, there are cases where the user or
collaborator have not updated their picture for a long
time, which leads to outdated personal biometric in-
formation. This can be a problem for a photo man-
agement system during the face verification.
In the use-case of University of Aveiro that is
presented later in this paper, some identity photos
of students and collaborators come from their iden-
tity card and were taken in their adolescence. From
adolescence to adulthood, there are significant facial
changes. The aging problem in face recognition is not
new (Singh and Prasad, 2018), however verifying the
identity of someone using the photo of the identity
card is a particular problem that the proposed photo
management system may face.
(Albiero et al., 2020) proposed AIM-CHIYA (Ar-
cFace Identity Matching on CHIYA) to tackle this
problem. Firstly, they collected a dataset called
Chilean Young Adult (CHIYA), that contains a pair
of images for each person. Each pair of images is one
image of the person’s national identity card issued at
an earlier age, and one current image acquired with
a contemporary mobile device. They also detected
and aligned the faces using RetinaFace (Deng et al.,
2020). For the training strategy, they chose a few-
shot learning with triple loss approach. Since they are
only interested in matching between photos and iden-
tity card images, all the triplets are selected as photos
to identity cards. That is, if the anchor is a photo face,
the positive can only be an identity card face, con-
straining the negative to also be an identity card face.
Then they performed transfer learning using a model
that was trained in a larger in the wild dataset. This
approach can be relevant for our work since depend-
ing on where the photo management system operates,
it may have to deal with identity card faces as the ref-
erence faces for the face verification. This would have
to be done at least one time per user, since after suc-
cessfully updating their photo, the old identity card
one is no longer the reference for future updates.
Another work found in the literature that re-
inforces this approach is DocFace+ (Shi and Jain,
2019). The authors of this work proposed a pair of
sibling networks for learning domain-specific features
of identity card faces and photo faces with shared
high-level parameters. Afterwards, they trained their
model with a larger in the wild dataset and then fine-
tuned it using an identity card dataset. To overcome
underfitting, the authors proposed an optimization
method called dynamic weight imprinting to update
the classifier weights.
A similar photo management system found in the
literature is MediAssist (Cooray et al., 2006). Me-
diAssist is a web-based personal photo management
system that groups all the photos into meaningful
events based on time and location information which
are automatically extracted when uploading the pho-
tos to the system. The authors found that such events
are useful both in the search and indexing operations.
This is a semi-automatic system where the users can
annotate who appears in the photos. The system re-
ceives the uploaded photo and performs face detec-
tion and identification based on body-patch similar-
ity matching. Then, during the annotation, this photo
management system can generate an automatic name
suggestion for someone appearing in a given photo.
Another photo management system found in the
literature is Face Album (Xu et al., 2017). This sys-
tem is basically a mobile application that organizes
photos by person identity. This system is also semi-
automatic since users can correct misidentified faces.
The authors use a light convolutional neural network
(CNN) for face recognition and proposed an algo-
rithm consisting of two pools: the certain pool which
consists of clusters of identified faces, and the uncer-
tain pool which consists of clusters of faces that are
yet to be identified. If some faces form a convincing
cluster within the uncertain pool, this cluster is moved
to the certain pool as a new identity. Besides this au-
tomatic management, the user can interact with the
system to correct misidentified faces and to identify
faces in the uncertain pool.
While the purpose of the photo management sys-
tems found in the literature is to index and organize
photos, mainly around identity, our system’s purpose
is to allow for an automatic picture update. This goal
not only requires face recognition, but also a set of im-
age processing algorithms to validate and transform
the submitted pictures into an adequate format.
AI-Powered Management of Identity Photos for Institutional Staff Directories
This section addresses the pipeline of the proposed
photo management system. Basically, this system
is a web-service that implements several image pro-
cessing algorithms. They should be computationally
optimized to keep the processing time under control
for the system to be responsive. This is intended for
time constrained applications that may have numer-
ous users using the system at the same time.
The main goal of this system is to receive a pic-
ture, analyze it, make the necessary adjustments to
fit within certain guidelines, and return the adjusted
picture with the analysis feedback. Therefore, the
following image processing algorithms were imple-
mented: color verification, face detection, face recog-
nition, face alignment, cropping, head pose estima-
tion, sunglasses detection, blink detection, gaze esti-
mation, brightness estimation, and image quality as-
sessment. The following subsections briefly explain
each algorithm.
3.1 Color Verification
Institutions generally have colored images for the
identity photos of their collaborators (a full RGB im-
age). Therefore, the photo management system must
be able to identify what is the color space of the sub-
mitted photo. A straightforward way to do this is
to extract this information from the image metadata.
However, this metadata can be edited before the sub-
mission, that is why the proposed system should have
a way to complement the metadata information. The
proposed algorithm splits and compares the channels
of the image. If the channels are equal, it means the
image is grayscale, if the channels are different, it
means the image is colored. Thus, if the image meta-
data indicates that the image is RGB and the channels
of the image are different, this algorithm validates the
image as having the adequate color space.
3.2 Face Detection
The face detector on the proposed system uses Dlib
library (King, 2009). This face detector uses the His-
togram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) feature com-
bined with a linear classifier, an image pyramid, and
sliding window detection scheme. The main reasons
behind this choice are the lower processing time when
compared to heavier Deep Learning options and the
fact that in addition to the bounding box, it also re-
turns a set of 68 facial landmarks. Some image pro-
cessing algorithms implemented in this photo man-
agement system take advantage of these landmarks.
To avoid false positives or multiple faces being de-
tected in a single picture, only the largest face is re-
turned, which generally is the face of the user.
3.3 Face Recognition
This algorithm is one of the most important in the pro-
posed system since it deals with sensitive information,
namely personal identity. Therefore, the Dlib ResNet
model was deployed as the basis of the face recogni-
tion algorithm, which is reported to attain 99.38% ac-
curacy on the standard LFW face recognition bench-
mark (Huang et al., 2008). This model maps a face to
a 128-dimensional vector space, therefore two vector
spaces will be needed for this algorithm: the candi-
date face and the reference face. These two vector
spaces are compared with each other by calculating
their Euclidean distance. The closer the distance, the
more likely it is that they are the same person.
3.4 Face Alignment and Cropping
Generally, institutions want a uniform and adequate
directory of pictures of their collaborators. To reach
that, face alignment is performed in every submitted
picture, using the facial landmarks returned by Dlib.
This algorithm considers two facial landmarks on the
eyes and if they form an angle of zero in the horizon-
tal axis, the face is aligned. If the angle is not zero,
a rotation transformation is applied to align those two
facial landmarks with the horizontal axis, until the an-
gle formed by them is zero. After the face is aligned,
the cropping is done.
We also consider as requisite that photos should
have a similar cropping as the identity card photos.
Thus, to achieve that, the cropping algorithm of the
photo management system takes the left, right, top,
and bottom extremities of the facial landmarks. With
these four points, the center point is found. From this
center point, the algorithm expands a bounding box
around it with a certain length, emulating the style of
identity card photos. Finally, the resulting cropped
image is resized to a fixed resolution to keep unifor-
mity between all collaborators’ pictures.
3.5 Head Pose Estimation
Another issue taken into consideration is the rota-
tion of the face, considering that the photo should
be frontal towards the camera. Therefore, the photo
management system is equipped with an algorithm to
estimate the head pose of the face present in the sub-
mitted photo. This algorithm makes use of the facial
landmarks outputted by the Dlib face detector. By
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
calculating the rotation and translation of key facial
landmarks, it is possible to transform those points in
world coordinates to 3D points in camera coordinates
and project them onto the image plane. This results
in the Euler angles which represent the orientation of
the facial landmarks. For a face to be frontal, the pitch
and yaw need to be close to zero degrees, the roll is
disregarded because the face is previously aligned us-
ing this angle.
3.6 Sunglasses Detection
For an identity photo in a professional profile, gen-
erally sunglasses are not adequate. For this reason,
the photo management system implements two algo-
rithms to detect sunglasses: a low-level algorithm and
a Deep Learning algorithm. The low-level algorithm
uses the Dlib facial landmarks to get regions of in-
terest right below the eyes and a region on the nose.
The idea is to make a color comparison between the
regions below the eyes and the nose. If there are sun-
glasses, the regions of interest below the eyes repre-
sent a part of the lenses instead of skin, resulting in
a color disparity between those regions and the re-
gion of the nose. This algorithm triggers a difference
for sunglasses, but not for glasses since the lenses are
transparent. This is obviously desirable since there
are people who need to use glasses in their daily life.
Figure 1 illustrates this algorithm.
Figure 1: Low-level algorithm for sunglasses detection. A
color comparison between the blue regions and the red re-
gion is made.
The photo management system implements an-
other algorithm for this task based on Deep Learning.
A hybrid dataset was created by combining a Kag-
gle dataset for glasses detection
and a Kaggle dataset
for sunglasses detection
. This was done to improve
the quality and robustness of the dataset and to tackle
class imbalance, since sunglasses photos were quite
outnumbered. Then, a model was trained using a
transfer learning approach on a VGG16 network that
was trained on the ImageNet dataset (Simonyan and
Zisserman, 2014). This model is the heavier and more
accurate solution of the photo management system for
the sunglasses detection problem.
3.7 Blink Detection and Gaze
Since having collaborators with their eyes closed on
their identity photos is generally undesirable, the
photo management system implements an algorithm
that estimates the eye aspect ratio (EAR) (Soukupova
and Cech, 2016). This algorithm uses the facial land-
marks of Dlib, namely the eyes landmarks. Figure 2
illustrates which landmarks are used by Equation 1 to
estimate the EAR.
Figure 2: Eyes landmarks used by the blink detection algo-
||P2 P6|| + ||P3 P5||
2||P1 P4||
The numerator of Equation 1 basically calculates
the vertical distance of the eye, while the denominator
calculates the horizontal distance. The EAR is mostly
constant when the eyes are opened, but it is approxi-
mately zero when the eyes are closed. Therefore, with
this algorithm, it is possible to verify if the eyes are
opened as desired.
Not only it is desired that there are no pictures
with eyes closed, but it is also desired that the gaze
is directed to the camera. For this reason, the photo
management system has a gaze estimation algorithm
following the ideas presented in (Canedo et al., 2018).
This algorithm also uses the Dlib facial landmarks,
and Figure 3 shows which ones are used.
As it is possible to observe in Figure 3, an average
between points P1 and P2 is made to obtain the top
left corner and an average between points P4 and P5
is made to obtain the right bottom corner. With these
AI-Powered Management of Identity Photos for Institutional Staff Directories
Figure 3: Eyes landmarks used by gaze estimation algo-
rithm in green and the resulting region of interest.
corners, a region of interest is extracted. These av-
erages are made such that the region of interest only
catches the eye and not unnecessary features like eye-
lashes or skin which could deteriorate the algorithm
performance. After obtaining the region of interest,
a series of low-level image processing operations are
conducted to detect the pupils. Firstly, this region
is converted to grayscale and a bilateral filter is per-
formed to smooth the image. Then a morphological
operation is conducted to erode the image to remove
unnecessary features and noise. Finally, it is applied
an inverted binary threshold followed by Otsu thresh-
olding (Xu et al., 2011). With this, the pupil is prop-
erly segmented. Then, the contours of the pupil are
found, and the centroids of the eyes are calculated us-
ing the moments of the contours. By averaging the
distance of both centroids to the eye’s extremities, it
is possible to estimate where the user is looking at.
3.8 Brightness Estimation and Image
Quality Assessment
It is desirable that the submitted pictures are not
overexposed nor underexposed. Therefore, the photo
management system has an algorithm to estimate the
brightness of the picture. This is simply done by con-
verting the image to the HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value)
color space, splitting the channels, and averaging the
Value channel, since this channel corresponds to the
brightness. The resulting average is then compared to
a certain threshold to indicate if the image has ade-
quate brightness.
It is also desirable that the submitted pictures
have good quality. Therefore, the photo manage-
ment system is equipped a model provided by the
OpenCV library (OpenCV, 2022) called BRISQUE
(Blind/Referenceless Image Spatial Quality Evalua-
tor) (Mittal et al., 2012). This model uses scene statis-
tics of locally normalized luminance coefficients to
quantify possible losses in the genuineness of the im-
age due to distortions, which leads to the measure of
quality. The features used derive from the distribu-
tion of locally normalized luminance and products of
locally normalized luminance under a spatial natural
scene statistic model. This algorithm not only has
a very low computational complexity, but it also is
highly competitive within the image quality assess-
ment field, which makes it an ideal choice for an al-
ready feature-heavy photo management system.
In order to validate the proposed photo manage-
ment system, a prototype called FotoFaces was im-
plemented at University of Aveiro, which serves as a
reliable use-case. Figure 4 illustrates the process fol-
lowed by this prototype.
As it can be observed in Figure 4, the user can
submit a photo in the University of Aveiro’s website
and this photo goes through the FotoFaces Analysis
block, which basically runs all the image process-
ing algorithms described in Section 3 except for the
face verification. If the picture meets all the require-
ments, then it goes through the face verification al-
gorithm, and if it is successfully verified, the photo
is updated. Otherwise, the human resources depart-
ment SGRH will re-analyze the photo manually. This
is still a closed prototype that is going through testing
with the staff before opening it to the students. Figure
5 shows the website of the photo management system
implemented in University of Aveiro.
To test this prototype, a popular and challenging
dataset was chosen: LFW (Huang et al., 2008). This
dataset contains challenging images that were taken in
the wild, meaning they were not taken in a controlled
environment. A new dataset
with 50 pairs of images
was created using images from LFW. Each pair corre-
sponds to a reference picture and a candidate picture.
The reference picture represents a picture that is al-
ready in the system and that is used to verify the iden-
tity of a submitted photo. The candidate picture repre-
sents a submitted photo. LFW is already challenging
by nature, but the pictures chosen for this dataset con-
sider specific challenges that the image processing al-
gorithms need to tackle. Therefore, it was chosen im-
ages with glasses, sunglasses, different ethnicities and
genders, different lighting conditions, different head
poses and gaze directions, different age and looks be-
tween the reference and candidate pictures, and so on.
Finally, the candidate pictures were manually anno-
tated with 1 or 0 for eight different categories sequen-
tially (1 = True, 0 = False): frontal face, colored im-
age, same person, no sunglasses, opened eyes, frontal
gaze, adequate brightness, adequate image quality.
For instance, if a picture meets all these require-
Available in
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 4: Photo management system prototype of University of Aveiro.
Figure 5: Webpage available to the staff of University of
Aveiro for personal photo update.
ments the label is 11111111, if a picture does not
meet the third and fourth requirements the label is
11001111, and so on. Figure 6 illustrates a pair of
images considered for the dataset.
Figure 6: A pair from the dataset. Reference picture on the
left, candidate picture on the right.
Looking at the candidate picture in Figure 6, it
meets all the requirements except for the no sun-
glasses category. Since he is wearing sunglasses, the
opened eyes and frontal gaze categories were also an-
notated as 0 (False) because the eyes are obstructed
by the dark lenses. Therefore, the final label is
11100011. Table 1 shows what the dataset is con-
sisted of.
AI-Powered Management of Identity Photos for Institutional Staff Directories
Table 1: Dataset based on the LFW dataset, with 50 pairs of
Algorithm True False
Frontal 30 20
RGB 50 0
Verification 44 6
No Sunglasses 46 4
Opened Eyes 41 9
Gaze 16 34
Brightness 47 3
Quality 49 1
Two experiments were conducted. In the first one,
each pair of images of the dataset was consecutively
fed to the prototype shown in Figure 4 and the out-
puts of each image processing algorithm were directly
compared with the labels for the pair in question. The
outputs of each image processing algorithm do not in-
fluence each other. Table 2 shows the results of this
Table 2: First experiment: algorithms operate indepen-
Algorithm Accuracy
Frontal 1.00
RGB 1.00
Verification 0.96
No Sunglasses 0.96
Opened Eyes 0.88
Gaze 0.80
Brightness 0.92
Quality 1.00
As it can be observed in Table 2, the accuracy
of each algorithm composing the photo management
system is high. The poorest result is the gaze direc-
tion, with 80% accuracy.
For the second experiment, an improved approach
was taken. It is clear that the image processing al-
gorithms of the photo management system synergize
and are dependent on each other. Most algorithms use
the facial landmarks of Dlib (Figure 1) and are based
on a geometric approach. For this reason, the ideal
condition for most algorithms to function properly is
when the face is frontal to the camera. Not only that,
but it is possible to go further: whenever sunglasses
are present, it is not desirable to run the algorithms
that check if the eyes are opened or if the gaze is
frontal to the camera, since the eyes are obstructed by
the dark lenses. Additionally, if the eyes are closed,
it is not desirable to run the algorithm that checks the
gaze direction since it will not detect the pupils. Fig-
ure 7 shows how these changes impacted the previ-
ously independent pipeline and Table 3 shows the re-
Figure 7: Pipeline for the second experiment.
Table 3: Second experiment: key algorithms operate depen-
Algorithm Accuracy
Frontal 1.00
RGB 1.00
Verification 1.00
No Sunglasses 0.97
Opened Eyes 0.96
Gaze 0.96
Brightness 0.92
Quality 1.00
As it can be observed in Table 3, the results were
significantly improved from Table 2. This was possi-
ble by understanding the dependency and synergy be-
tween some image processing algorithms of the photo
management system. For instance, constraining the
sunglasses’ detection algorithm and face verification
algorithm only to frontal faces boosted the accuracy
from 96% to 97% and 100%, respectively. Constrain-
ing the blink detection algorithm that checks if the
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
eyes are opened to faces that are not wearing sun-
glasses boosted the accuracy from 88% to 96%. Fi-
nally, constraining the gaze estimation algorithm to
faces that are not wearing sunglasses and have their
eyes opened boosted the accuracy from 80% to 96%.
These experiments validate the potential of this
prototype deployed at University of Aveiro. It is
worth mentioning that the sunglasses detection algo-
rithm used in this prototype was the low-level one
and not the Deep Learning one (Subsection 3.6). This
choice was done to keep the system responsive when
in high demand.
A photo management system was presented in this
document. This system analyzes submitted photos
with image processing algorithms, enabling users to
update their identity photo automatically. A use-case
was tested, and it is currently in use at University of
Aveiro. In this use-case, a prototype was implemented
to allow the staff to update their identity photo. To
validate this prototype, a dataset was built and anno-
tated based on images from the LFW dataset. Two
experiments were conducted to test the several im-
age processing algorithms of the prototype. It was
concluded that it is possible to take advantage of the
dependency of certain image processing algorithms
to boost their accuracy. The results obtained were
quite satisfactory, considering the challenging nature
of the LFW images. The results ranged from 92% to
100% accuracy, depending on the image processing
algorithm being tested. The most crucial algorithm
of such systems, which is face verification, attained
100% accuracy.
As for future work, this prototype can be improved
in several aspects. The face verification algorithm
needs to employ strategies to deal with aging, as dis-
cussed in Section 2, since there are institutions that
have not updated the identity photos of their collab-
orators for a long time. This prototype also needs to
be equipped with an emotion recognition algorithm,
since generally identity photos require a neutral ex-
pression. Furthermore, it also needs an algorithm to
detect hats and other accessories that are not usually
welcome in a professional setting.
This work was supported in part by Institute of
Electronics and Informatics Engineering of Aveiro
(IEETA), University of Aveiro.
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AI-Powered Management of Identity Photos for Institutional Staff Directories