Figure 13: Confusion matrix of the spheroid localisation
showing result measures on the test dataset.
processed using a combination of machine learning
algorithms, heuristic optimization, and computer vi-
sion. This combination of state-of-the-art algorithms
allows our workflow to quantify different stages of
forming spheroids which will be used for statistical
analysis in future work, including the influence of dif-
ferent drugs measured over a period of time. De-
spite the low initial segmentation quality, our pre-
sented post-processing and quantification algorithms
increases the classification performance of our work-
flow significantly, which still allows reliable quan-
tification of the different stages. In future different
segmentation methods will be further evaluated to in-
crease the overall performance. Regarding these first
results, the amount of data used for the modeling steps
will be increased significantly in future work, which
should further increase the final quality of the quan-
This work was supported by the Center of Excellence
for Technical Innovation in Medicine (TIMed), the
Dissertation Programme of the University of Applied
Sciences Upper Austria and the Austrian Research
Promotion Agency (FFG, project no. 881547 and In-
dustrienahe Dissertation no 867720).
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In Vitro Quantification of Cellular Spheroids in Patterned Petri Dishes