Persistent Homology Based Generative Adversarial Network
Jinri Bao
, Zicong Wang
, Junli Wang
and Chungang Yan
Key Laboratory of Embedded System and Service Computing (Tongji University), Ministry of E ducation, Shanghai, China
National (Province-Ministry Joint) Collaborative Innovation Center for Financial Network Security,
Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Generative Adversarial Network, Persistent Homology, Topological Feature.
In recent years, image generation has become one of the most popular research areas in the field of computer
vision. Significant progress has been made in image generation based on generative adversarial network
(GAN). However, the existing generative models fail to capture enough global structural information, which
makes it difcult to coordinate the global structural features and local detail features during image generation.
This paper proposes the Persistent Homology based Generative Adversarial Network (PHGAN). A topological
feature transformation algorithm is designed based on the persistent homology method and then the topological
features are integrated into the discriminator of GAN through the fully connected layer module and the self-
attention module, so that the PHGAN has an excellent ability to capture global structural information and
improves the generation performance of the model. We conduct an experimental evaluation of the PHGAN
on the CIFAR10 dataset and the STL10 dataset, and compare it with several classic generative adversarial
network models. The better results achieved by our proposed PHGAN show that the model has better image
generation ability.
Image generation has always been a key problem
in the field of computer r esearch, and h ow to make
computers automatically generate realistic images
has always puzzled computer scholars. In 2014,
the emergence of Generative Adversarial Network
(GAN)(Goodfellow e t al., 2014) mad e significant
progress in computer-generated images. GAN con-
sists of a generator and a discriminator. The generator
is trained to generate imag e s that are as similar as pos-
sible to real images, and the discriminator is trained
to determine whether the potential distribution of the
generated images is consistent with the poten tial dis-
tribution of the real images. Through the confron ta -
tion between the generator and the discriminator, the
generato r can generate more and m ore realistic im-
After GAN was proposed, Radford et al.(Rad ford
et al., 2015) conducted further research on the un-
derlying ar c hitecture of GAN and used the convolu-
tional neural network as the underlying architecture
of the generator and discriminator of GAN. The gen-
eration perfor mance has been grea tly improved, lead-
ing to commonly use of convolutional n eural network
in subsequent GAN -based models(Zhu et al., 2017;
Wang et al., 2022) as backbones.
Although GANs based on the convolutional neu-
ral network structure have achieved success in im-
age genera tion, there are still some problems to be
solved: the model performs we ll in generating lo-
cal details but poorly in overall structure generation.
Study(Zhang et al., 2019) found that this is because
GANs based on the convolu tional neural network rely
on the convolution opera tion for feature extraction,
while the convolution operation has a limited size of
the convolution kernel. Its receptive field is limited,
and some long-distance de pendenc ies cannot be cap-
tured, so that the model does not perform well in the
overall structure.
In recent years, persistent homology
(PH)(Zom orodian and Car lsson, 2004) has at-
tracted attention in terms of data feature extraction.
Compared with existing data feature extraction
methods, persistent homology method can c onnect
algebra and topology, and provides measurable
global information. The quantitative numerical
value of the topological feature has opened up new
research dir ections in the field of c omputer science.
For example, Kindelan et al.(Kindelan et al., 2021)
and Khramtsova et al.(Khramtsova et al., 2022)
researched the classification proble m based on
persistent homology. Byrne et al.(Byrne et al., 2022)
and Li et al.(Li e t al., 2022) re searched the image
Bao, J., Wang, Z., Wang, J. and Yan, C.
Persistent Homology Based Generative Adversarial Network.
DOI: 10.5220/0011648200003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
segmentation based on persistent homology. Carriere
et al.(Carri`ere et al., 2020) and Kim e t al.(Kim et al.,
2020) proposed the topological feature layer that can
be embe dded in neural networks based on persistent
homology. Moor et al.(Moor et al., 2020) studied the
optimization of ma chine lear ning models using the
topological features of the data as a new loss term.
This paper proposes the Persistent Homology
based Generative Adversarial Network (PHGAN).
Based on the original convolutional neural network
architecture of GAN, the topological features ob-
tained by persistent homolo gy are integrated into
GAN. Th e topological features of the data make up
for the lack of the original model’s ability to capture
long-distance dependencies so tha t PHGAN can co -
ordinate the global structural features and local detail
features when genera ting images.
2.1 Persistent Homology
The topological features obtained by per sistent ho-
mology are generally represented by the persistent di-
agram or the persistent barcode. However, these data
formats are not suitable for subsequent machine learn-
ing tasks, so some researches a re carried out on topo-
logical feature transformation. Adams et al.(Ada ms
et al., 2017) and Cang et a l.(Cang et al., 2018) re-
searched how to transform topological features into
two-dimensional matrices or three-dimensional ten-
sors. After transformation , such data formats can be
treated as images for machine learning tasks. Mi-
leyko et al.(Mileyko et al., 20 11) proposed to use
the Wasserstein distance to measure th e proximity of
the topological features of the two da ta. Merelli et
al.(Merelli et al., 2015) proposed to use entropy to
measure the distribution of topological features and
assign a certain entropy value to the distribution of
topological features of data. Hofer et al.(Hofer et al.,
2017) p roposed to use of a neural network for topo -
logical feature transformation so tha t the neural net-
work ca n lea rn to obtain topological feature transfor-
mation parameters that are most suitable f or machine
learning tasks.
In this paper, we proposed to transform to pologi-
cal features obtained by persistent h omology into one-
dimensional vector, then the vector can be input into
neural network for processing.
2.2 Persistent Homology Based
Generative Model
Recently, som e researchers have explored the appli-
cation of persistent homology in the field of image
generation. For examp le , Khrulkov et al.(Khrulkov
and Oseledets, 2018) used the approximate value of
the topological features of the generated images and
the real im a ges a s an indicator to measure the gen-
eration performance of GANs. Coincidentally, Ho-
rak et al.(Horak et al., 2021) also proposed a differ-
ent GANs generation performance eva luation index
based on the persistent homology method. Howeve r,
what they pr oposed only u sed the topological features
of the g enerated images and real images to measure
the ge neration performance of GANs, and did not use
the topological features of the real images to guide the
generato r to generate images.
Br¨uel-Gabrielsson et al.(Gabrielsson e t al., 20 20)
proposed to use the topological features obtaine d by
persistent homology to guide GAN to genera te im-
ages, but the author only did explicit topological fea-
ture optimization for the noise input to the generator,
and the generator did not learn the topological feature
distribution of real images.
In addition, there are also some studies on the ap-
plication of persistent homology in other generative
models. For example, Schiff et al.(Schiff et al., 2022)
proposed a variational autoencoder mode l based on
the persistent homology, using the topological fea-
tures as a new reco nstruction loss term to optimize
the gen eration per formanc e of the variational autoen -
coder model.
Our proposed PHGAN uses the topological fea-
tures of real images to guide the ge nerator of GAN to
generate images, so that th e gen erator can learn the
topological feature distribution of real images.
The overall model architecture of our proposed PH-
GAN is shown in Figure 1. We sample r a ndom no ise
from a Gaussian distribution, and then feed this no ise
into the g e nerator to generate an image. The gener-
ated image and the real image are input into the dis-
criminator to discrim inate the real and fake. In the
discriminator, the input image is not only processed
by the convolution module to obtain the features of
the convolutional neural network, but also processed
by the persistent homology mo dule and topological
feature transformation module to obtain the topologi-
cal features. These two features are connected in se-
ries to discriminate the real and fake images.
Persistent Homology Based Generative Adversarial Network
Noise z
CNN feature
Figure 1: PHGAN Architecture.
In this way, we can incorporate the topological
features wh ich reflect the global structur e of the im-
age into GAN. On the one han d, the topological fea-
tures enable the model to discriminate the real and
fake images on the glob a l structure, and on the other
hand, in the adversarial training process of the gener-
ator and the discriminator, the ability of the generator
to generate images can be improved. The specific im-
plementation details are described below.
3.1 Persistent Homology: From Image
to Topological Features
Persistent homology is a meth od for extracting the
topological features of data. The basic process is to
construct complex and complex filtering ba sed on the
original data, an d then extract the topological features
of the data. In this paper, the data sets consist of o nly
two-dimensional images, and for im a ge data, cubic a l
complex(Zio u and Allili, 2002) is the most suitable
choice for complex construction. We represent the
two-dimensional image data with a two-dimensional
array X of N
, the value of each point X
i j
in the
array is the value of the ima ge pixel, and then we con-
struct a subset of the array X , that is, the set of pixels
in the array X that are below the threshold t, as shown
in Eq. (1). We use the S to denote a su bset of the array
S(t) = U
i, j
i j
: X
i j
<= t (1)
where U denotes the set of pixel points.
When the th reshold t changes fr om small to large,
we can get a series of sets:
S(0) S(t
) S(t
) . . . S(1) X (2)
Each such set of pixel points can be constructed
to form a cubical com plex, and th e cubical complex
formed by this series of sets is called a complex filter-
When the value o f t is relatively small, accord-
ing to Eq. (1), the set S consists of only a few pix-
els. As the threshold t continues to increase, new
pixels are add ed to the set S to form a new cubical
complex, and the topological features appear and dis-
appear during the transformation of the old and new
cubical complex. The persistent homology me thod
is to calculate the number o f topological features of
the cubical co mplexes for med under different thresh-
olds. We use β
to represent the number of topo-
logical features of k-dimen sio n: β
, the number of
topological feature s of 0-dimension (connected com-
ponen ts); β
, the number of 1- dimensional topolog -
ical features (rings/holes). Because we are study-
ing two-dimensional image data, we only involve 0-
dimensional and 1-dimensional topological features
The fina l result of the persistent homology method
is the appearance and disappea rance of each topolog-
ical feature (appears at the threshold t
and disap-
pears at th e threshold t
). We generally use a per-
sistent diagram or a persistent barcode to repre sent
the result of pe rsistent homology an alysis, as shown
in Figure 2.
For topological features, the longer the persistent
time (the disappearance time minus the app earance
time we call the p ersistent time), the more imp ortant
and meaningful the feature is. If topologica l features
are of short persistent time, we usually treat them as
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Persistent diagram and persistent barcode; the
far left is 0 in the MNIST dataset. After persistent homol-
ogy analysis, 0-dimensional topological features (connected
components, red) and 1-dimensional topological f eatures
(rings/holes, blue) are obtained.
3.2 Topological Feature Transformation
After the image is processed by the persistent homol-
ogy module, the obtained topological features are ex-
pressed as a per sistent diagram or a persistent bar-
code. However, these data fo rmats are not suitable
for input into the subsequent discriminator. There-
fore, we need to transform the topological features.
We use the persistent time of each topologica l fea-
ture as a measure of th is topological feature:
= d
where b
, d
, τ
represent the appearance time, dis-
appearance time and the persistent time of the i-th k-
dimensional topo logical featur e .
For o ur image data, the topologic al featur es ob-
tained by persistent homology analysis have two
dimensions, one of which is the 0-dimensional
connected components, and the other is the 1-
dimensional holes. We combine the persistent time
of 0-dimensional and 1 -dimension al topological fe a-
tures contained in an image to fo rm a vector. In this
way, the topological features of the im age are trans-
formed into a vector data format.
The specific process of topological feature trans-
formation is shown in Algorithm 1
3.3 Discriminator Network
The overall network structure of the discriminator is
shown in Figur e 3.
After the image is proce ssed by the persistent ho-
mology module and fed to topological feature trans-
formation, the vector representa tion (ν
to po
) of the
topological features is obtained. In addition, we tr ans-
form the features extracted by the original convolu-
tional neural network into vector ν
for rep resen-
tation and then c oncatenate these two vectors (ν
to po
) to form a vector (ν).
Here, we process the vector ν using two different
network structures: one using a fully connected layer
network and the other using a self-attention network.
We use the Python module Gudhi to produce the per-
sistent diagrams.
Algorithm 1: The algorithm of topological f eature transfor-
Input: image X of size H W with C
Output: vector ν
to po
represents the
topological features of image.
1 For X using persistent homology, obtaining a
0-dimensional persistent diagram and a
1-dimensional persistent diagram.
2 Ob ta ining persistent time τ
using Eq. (3) for
each topological feature in 0-dimension and
3 Ob ta ining ν
to po
= (τ
, τ
, τ
, ......, τ
, τ
, τ
, ......, τ
4 Retur n ν
to po
3.3.1 Fully Connected Layer
We use the network structure of the fully connected
layer to pr ocess the input conc atenated vector ν. The
fully connected layer can combine topological fea-
tures with convolutional neural network features to
discriminate between real and fake imag es. The fully
connected layer will learn the most appropriate pa-
rameter relationship between these two features dur-
ing the training process and coordinate the influ ence
of topological fe atures and convolutional neural net-
work features on the discriminatio n result.
3.3.2 Self-Attention Network
Different from the use of the fully connected
layer network structure, the use of the self-
attention(Vaswani et al., 2017) n etwork will learn the
correlation between the convolutional neural network
features and the topological features during the train-
ing process, and then discriminate the authenticity
of the image. We input the vector ν into the self-
attention network, then obtain the vector ν
after the
convolutional neural network features interacts with
the topologic a l features. we use the residual network
to add the vector ν
to the original vector ν, as shown
in Eq. (4), to obtain the vector ν
. Finally, th e vector
input to the fully connected layer to judge the au-
thenticity of the image.
= γ ν
+ ν (4)
Where γ denotes a learnable parameter.
3.4 Loss Function
After we incorporate topological features into GAN,
in addition to the original convolutional neural
network-based loss, a new topological feature loss
Persistent Homology Based Generative Adversarial Network
$,2'". ν
$,2'". ν
$,2'". ν
Figure 3: Schematic diagram of the structure of the PHGAN discriminator based on the full y connected layer and the self-
attention network.
term is added to the discriminator. In the PHGAN,
the generator and the discriminator are alternately
trained. When training the discriminator, the top olog-
ical feature loss term will guide the discriminator to
discriminate between r eal image and gen e rated image
in term s of global struc ture, and then when training
the generator, the discriminator can guide the genera-
tor to g e nerate an image that is mo re similar in global
structure to the real image. Th e total loss function of
the discriminator and the generator a re shown in the
following Eqs. (5) and (6):
(x) D
to po
log(1 (D
(G(z)) D
to po
(G(z)) D
to po
Where D
to po
represents discrimination based on topo-
logical features. D
represents discrimination
based on convolu tional neural network features.
represents the combination of convolutional neural
network features and topological featu res through
the fully conne cted layer and self-attention network
structure for discrimination.
See Algorithm 2 for the training proc ess of the
4.1 Experimental Environment and
We use the CIFAR10 d ataset(Krizhevsky, 2012) an d
the STL10(Coates et al., 2011) dataset for experi-
mental evaluation and com parative analysis with DC-
Algorithm 2: The algorithm of training PHGAN.
Input: image X of size H W with C
Input: epoch: number of training iterations.
1 for epoch do
2 Obtaining noise z by randomly sampling.
3 Generating fake ima ge Y using noise z.
4 For fake image Y run steps 7-1 0,
obtaining the discriminant result.
5 For re a l image X run steps 7- 10,
obtaining the discriminant result.
6 Update generator and discr iminator
parameters using Eqs. (5) and (6).
7 For inpu t image run algorithm 1, obtaining
topological features vector representation
to po
8 For inpu t image, obtaining convolutional
features vector representation ν
convolutional neural network in
9 Ob ta ining image feature vector representatio n
ν by concatenating ν
to po
and ν
10 Input ν into MLP/Self-Attention to get the
discriminant result.
GAN(Radford et al., 2015) , WGAN-GP(Gulrajani
et al., 2017) , and WGAN(Arjovsky e t al., 2017) .
The CIFAR10 dataset consists of 10 c a tego ries of
32x32 color images. Each category c ontains 6 000 im-
ages, of which 5 000 images are used as training sets
and 1000 images are used as test sets. The STL10
dataset consists of 10 c ategories of 96 x96 co lor im-
ages, each with 1300 images, 500 for training, and
800 f or testing. In the experiment o f this paper, the
original image is first cropped into a 32x32 size image
by cente r cropping, and then the training set is used
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Experimental results on the CIFAR10 dataset.
ml p
IS 5.01 5.05 4.43 5.24 5.37
FID 66.61 65.00 70.02 64.57 62.50
) 10.20 14.50 20.04 9.48 6. 97
Figure 4: Experimentally generated images base on C IFAR10 dataset.
to train the generative model. In addition to using
the FID (Fr´echet Inception Distance)(Heusel et al.,
2017) and IS (Inception Score)(Salima ns et al., 2016)
to evaluate the genera tive model performance, we
also used the GS (Geometry Score )(Khrulkov and Os-
eledets, 2018) evalu ation index: a generative adver-
sarial network model generation performance evalua-
tion based on the similarity of topological features.
Experiments are conducted on a Linux server,
Ubuntu 18.04 system, and Nvidia Tesla P40 24 GB
single graphics card. The Adam optimizer(Kingma
and Ba, 2014) with β
=0.5, β
=0.999 was used, the
batch size was set to 64, an d the learning rate during
training was 0.0002.
4.2 Experimental Results and Analysis
Table 1 shows the results of our proposed PHGAN on
the three image gener a tion metrics of FID, IS, and GS
on the CIFAR10 dataset, and compares it with three
classic gener a tive adversarial network models: DC-
It can be seen from the table that the generation
results of our proposed PHGAN outpe rform that of
the three compa rative GANs on the evaluation indica-
tors of FID and I S. Among them, the PHGAN using
the self-atten tion ne twork (PHGAN
) has b etter FID
and IS evaluation indicators than the PHGAN using
the fully connected layer ( PHGAN
ml p
), so its experi-
mental performance is the best among the five GANs.
From the experimental resu lts, it can be seen that the
integration of topologica l features into the ge nera-
tive adversarial network model can enhance the image
generation performance.
In addition, we also use the GS evaluation index
to evaluate th e experimenta l results. The GS evalua-
tion index is based on the sim ilarity of the topological
features of the gener ated images and th e real images.
From the experimental results, we can see that when
we use the topological features of the real images to
guide the generative adversarial network m odel, the
generated images can better learn the top ological fea-
ture distribution of the rea l images. Figure 4 shows
the images generated by the experimental five gen-
erative adversarial network models on the CIFAR10
dataset. We observe that the images generated by the
PHGAN have a clearer overall stru cture so that it is
easier to see the category of the images.
Table 2 shows the experimental results on the
STL10 dataset. Similarly, on the FID and IS evalu-
ation indicators, PHGAN p e rforms th e best. Differ-
ent from the experimental results on the CIFAR10
Persistent Homology Based Generative Adversarial Network
Table 2: Experimental results on the STL10 dataset.
ml p
IS 2.97 2.67 2.81 3.04 3.12
FID 74.14 79.41 73.96 71.07 72.84
) 17.19 3 9.95 22.32 14.47 11.68
Figure 5: Experimentally generated images base on STL10 dataset.
dataset, the PHGAN
ml p
is slightly better than th e
in the FID evaluation index. It might be-
cause the STL10 dataset is relatively small. I f we use
the self-attention network to process the images, there
may be a slight overfitting phenomenon, which leads
to the FID indicator not as good as the PHGAN that
directly uses the fully connected layer.
Similarly, on the GS indicator, we can also see that
PHGAN c an learn the topological feature distribution
of the real images relatively well on this da ta set. Fig-
ure 5 shows the images generated b y the experimen-
tal five generative adversarial network models on the
STL10 dataset. We can see that the images gener-
ated by PHGAN have sharper boundaries and overall
This paper proposes the PHGAN which integrates the
topological features obtained by persistent homo logy
into the gen erative adversarial network model. The
PHGAN has a good ability to capture global informa-
tion. It has been verified in experiments. Compared
with the original several classic gener a tive adversarial
network models, PHGAN has achieved better results
in the evaluation matrics for image generatio n, and
the generated im ages are m ore realistic. This paper
explores the application of the persistent homology
method in image gen e ration. And the application in
other fields, such a s image editin g, and image style
transfer, is the direction that can be studied in the fu-
This work was supported in p art by the Strate -
gic Research and Consulting Project of the Chi-
nese Academy of Engineering under grant 2022-XY-
107 and in part by the Shanghai Science and Tech-
nology Innovation Action Plan Project under Grant
225111007 00.
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