Rethinking the Backbone Architecture for Tiny Object Detection
Jinlai Ning
, Haoyan Guan
and Michael Spratling
Department of Informatics, King’s College London, London, U.K.
Tiny Object Detection, Backbone, Pre-Training.
Tiny object detection has become an active area of research because images with tiny targets are common in
several important real-world scenarios. However, existing tiny object detection methods use standard deep
neural networks as their backbone architecture. We argue that such backbones are inappropriate for detecting
tiny objects as they are designed for the classification of larger objects, and do not have the spatial resolution
to identify small targets. Specifically, such backbones use max-pooling or a large stride at early stages in the
architecture. This produces lower resolution feature-maps that can be efficiently processed by subsequent lay-
ers. However, such low-resolution feature-maps do not contain information that can reliably discriminate tiny
objects. To solve this problem we design “bottom-heavy” versions of backbones that allocate more resources
to processing higher-resolution features without introducing any additional computational burden overall. We
also investigate if pre-training these backbones on images of appropriate size, using CIFAR100 and Ima-
geNet32, can further improve performance on tiny object detection. Results on TinyPerson and WiderFace
show that detectors with our proposed backbones achieve better results than the current state-of-the-art meth-
Tiny object detection is a sub-field of object detection
in the field of computer vision, and has many applica-
tions including maritime search-and-rescue, surveil-
lance, and driving assistance. It is an active area of
research because classical methods of standard ob-
ject detection (Ren et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2015; Lin
et al., 2017a; Cai and Vasconcelos, 2018; Redmon
and Farhadi, 2018; Tian et al., 2019) that work well
on datasets such as MS COCO (Lin et al., 2014) and
Pascal VOC (Everingham et al., 2015) perform poorly
on tiny object datasets such as TinyPerson (Yu et al.,
2020) and WiderFace (Yang et al., 2016). Detecting
tiny objects is still a challenging task for these stan-
dard methods. As a result, many methods have been
designed specifically for tiny object detection (Tong
and Wu, 2022). As described in (Tong and Wu, 2022),
these existing methods adapt standard object detec-
tion frameworks to be more suitable for tiny object
detection by: using super-resolution techniques (Yang
et al., 2019; Tang et al., 2018); exploiting contextual
information (Hong et al., 2022); using data augmen-
tation techniques (Yun et al., 2019; Yu et al., 2020;
Jiang et al., 2021); employing multi-scale represen-
tation learning approaches (Lin et al., 2017b; Gong
et al., 2021); using anchor mechanisms more appro-
priate for small objects (Zhang et al., 2017; Zhang
et al., 2018); designing training strategies specific to
small objects (Singh et al., 2018; Krishna and Jawa-
har, 2017); or using loss functions specific for small
and tiny objects (Liu et al., 2021a; Lin et al., 2017c).
In this article we propose a different approach that
does not fit into any of these categories.
Although previous approaches vary from each
other in specific details, they all depend on standard
deep neural network backbones, such as ResNet (He
et al., 2015), to extract features. The features are then
used for feature fusion, position regression and cat-
egory classification. Despite the impressive results
previous algorithms have obtained, we believe that by
re-deploying the same standard backbones as are used
for general object detection (Ren et al., 2015; Lin
et al., 2017a; Cai and Vasconcelos, 2018; Tian et al.,
2019), these methods suffer from poor feature extrac-
tion for tiny object detection. The standard backbone
architectures down-sample the feature maps rapidly in
the first few layers, and this down-sampling removes
much of the information about tiny objects that were
present in the original image. As a result, subsequent
Ning, J., Guan, H. and Spratling, M.
Rethinking the Backbone Architecture for Tiny Object Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0011643500003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
(a) ResNet50 (b) BH-ResNet50
Figure 1: An illustration of (a) an existing backbone, and (b) our modified backbone. Our modified backbone delays down-
sampling and changes the number of layers at different depths.
layers in the backbone, and all the methods for im-
proving tiny object detection that fall into the seven
categories mentioned in the preceding paragraph, can
only work with features that are relatively uninforma-
tive and poor at identifying tiny objects.
Down-sampling is a widely applied operation that
has proven highly effective in convolutional neural
networks (CNNs). It can be achieved using pooling
layers that summarize the features in each patch, or
by using a convolutional layer with a stride greater
than one (Springenberg et al., 2015). Down-sampling
can improve translation invariance, avoid over-fitting,
and decrease computational costs. For tiny object de-
tection, down-sampling itself is not an issue. Rather
it is the improper use of down-sampling that results
in poor feature-extraction. Tiny objects occupy very
few pixels and down-sampling could potentially re-
move important features that identify such objects.
The only way to preserve information about small fea-
tures is for convolutional filters in the earliest layers
to encode these features and pass this information on
to subsequent layers. However, in existing backbones
the number of convolutional filters in the early lay-
ers is kept to a minimum to reduce the computational
burden, and this likely means that not all discrimina-
tive features of tiny objects are able to be preserved.
For instance, ResNets decrease feature map size by a
factor of 4 in less than or equal to 2 layers of convo-
lutions. Using such backbones to handle tiny object
detection is likely to result in information about tiny
objects disappearing in the feature maps before it is
fully extracted.
Outside the domain of object detection, previous
work has addressed information loss caused by down-
sampling in a number of different ways. Zhao et
al. (Zhao et al., 2017) introduced random shifting
in down-sampling during the training process to sup-
press contextual information loss without extra cal-
culation cost. Ren et al. (Jiahuan et al., 2021) pro-
posed a low-rank feature recovery module to try to re-
cover the lost information. In other sub-fields of com-
puter vision, such as hyper-spectral target detection
(Bhandari and Tiwari, 2021), and pluralistic image in-
painting (Liu et al., 2022), several methods have been
designed to handle information loss. Similarly, the
chess-playing AI, AlphaGo (Silver et al., 2016), did
not use layers with strides bigger than one to avoid
losing any spatial information about the chessboard.
However, in the domain of tiny object detection, this
problem has previously not been considered or has
been overlooked due to the convenience of using the
same backbone as has been used in general-purpose
object detectors (Ren et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2015;
Redmon et al., 2015).
In this paper we address this neglected problem
and propose alternative backbone architectures that
are more appropriate for tiny object detection. We
show that simple changes to the architecture (as illus-
trated in Fig. 1) that delay down-sampling operations,
and move more convolutional filters to earlier layers
where they can process high-resolution information,
can bring clear improvement to object detection per-
formance. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this
strategy by making the same modifications to two
different backbone architectures: ResNet (He et al.,
2015) and HRNet (Wang et al., 2021b). Experiments
on TinyPerson (Yu et al., 2020) and WiderFace (Yang
et al., 2016) demonstrate that replacing standard back-
bones with our modified versions always results in an
improvement in performance for a number of differ-
ent object detection frameworks. This is achieved de-
spite the modified backbones having fewer parame-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: The size of objects in several typical general object detection datasets (above the double lines) and tiny object
detection datasets (below the double lines). Absolute size is defined as the square root of the object’s absolute bounding box
area, measured in pixels. It is reported as a mean±standard deviation.
Dataset Absolute size Proportion of small/tiny objects
MS COCO 99.5 ± 107.5 32% (with absolute size 32 pixels)
PASCAL VOC 10% (with absolute size 32 pixels)
CityPersons 79.8 ± 67.5 8% (with absolute size 20 pixels)
TinyPerson 18.0 ± 17.4 73% (with absolute size 20 pixels)
WiderFace 32.8 ± 52.7 56% (with absolute size 20 pixels)
ters than the corresponding original ones. These re-
sults support our claim that unsuitable use of down-
sampling occurs in the backbones commonly used for
tiny object detection and that this problem should be
taken seriously to help improve detection accuracy.
Object detection aims to locate, using a bounding box,
and predict the category of each object in an image.
The majority of state-of-the-art algorithms are based
on deep learning techniques (Ren et al., 2015; Tan
et al., 2020; Tian et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2021a;
Liu et al., 2021c), although classic image process-
ing methods have also made contributions in the early
years (Dalal and Triggs, 2005; Felzenszwalb et al.,
2008). CNN-based networks have dominated the ob-
ject detection field for many years. These meth-
ods can be classified as one-stage (Redmon et al.,
2015; Bochkovskiy et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2015; Tian
et al., 2019) or two-stage (Girshick et al., 2014; He
et al., 2014; Ren et al., 2015) algorithms, depend-
ing on whether or not detection is performed by one
end-to-end network. Rather than designing bespoke
backbone architectures, methods in both groups use a
backbone that is a standard CNN architecture that has
been pre-trained on a classification task, and then had
the fully-connected layers removed.
Large datasets are the basic resources required for
deep learning-based methods. For object detection,
MS COCO (Lin et al., 2014) and PASCAL VOC (Ev-
eringham et al., 2015) are widely used as benchmarks
to evaluate the performance of different algorithms.
Both of them contain a variety of natural images, con-
taining a large number of different categories, and can
be used to test how object-detection methods perform
on general tasks.
Tiny object detection is a sub-field of object de-
tection. It focuses on detecting tiny objects in im-
ages because such objects are common in real-world
scenarios, but are hard to detect with standard ob-
ject detection methods. The main difference between
tiny object detection datasets such as TinyPerson (Yu
et al., 2020) and WiderFace (Yang et al., 2016) and
general object detection datasets is the scale of the tar-
get objects. As shown in Table 1, tiny object datasets
contain more small and tiny objects while general
datasets contain objects at a wider range of scales.
As mentioned in the Introduction, previous methods
for tiny object detection fall into seven categories
(Tong and Wu, 2022). Representative examples from
each category will be reviewed in the following para-
graphs, with results summarized in Tables 2 and 3.
Super-resolution techniques increase the resolu-
tion of the image, to enable standard techniques for
larger object detection to be applied successfully to
images containing tiny targets. Increasing the reso-
lution can be done for the whole image, for example
using a generative neural network (Bai et al., 2018),
or can be used on a small region of interests (Yang
et al., 2019).
Contextual information (ie. features from the sur-
rounding region of the image) can be used to help de-
tect small objects. Hence, many techniques include
context in the computation. One example is the scale
selection pyramid network (SSPNet) that consists of a
context attention module (CAM), scale enhancement
module (SEM), and scale selection module (SSM)
(Hong et al., 2022). CAM includes context informa-
tion by generating hierarchical attention heat-maps.
SEM ensures feature maps of different scales only fo-
cus on objects of suitable scale rather than other ob-
jects and the background. SSM exploits feature fu-
sion between shallow and deep features to keep the
information shared by different layers.
Data augmentation aims to improve performance
by extending the size of training dataset through
identity-preserving image transformations. Yu et al.
(Yu et al., 2020) proposed a simple yet efficient aug-
mentation approach named scale match. This method
can transform the distribution of object sizes from a
general dataset to be similar to a task-specific dataset.
In that paper, MS COCO was transformed with scale
match and then used as additional data for training a
detector for the TinyPerson detection task. One step
in scale match is to sample a size-bin from the his-
Rethinking the Backbone Architecture for Tiny Object Detection
Table 2: Detection performance of previous methods, including the current state-of-the-art methods, on TinyPerson, sorted by
performance on the mAP
Method mAP
Faster R-CNN-FPN (Ren et al., 2015) 47.35 30.25 51.58 58.95 63.18
Faster R-CNN-FPN with S-α (Gong et al., 2021) 48.39 31.68 52.20 60.01 65.15
Faster R-CNN-RFLA (Xu et al., 2022) 48.86 30.35 54.15 61.28 66.69
Faster R-CNN-FPN-SM (Yu et al., 2020) 51.33 33.91 55.16 62.58 66.96
Faster R-CNN-FPN-SM+ (Jiang et al., 2021) 51.46 33.74 55.32 62.95 67.37
RetinaNet-SSPNet (Hong et al., 2022) 54.66 42.72 60.16 61.52 65.24
Faster R-CNN with SFRF (Liu et al., 2021b) 57.24 51.59 64.51 67.78 65.33
Cascade R-CNN-SSPNet (Hong et al., 2022) 58.59 45.75 62.03 65.83 71.80
Faster R-CNN-SSPNet (Hong et al., 2022) 59.13 47.56 62.36 66.15 71.17
Table 3: Detection performance of previous methods, including the current state-of-the-art methods, on WiderFace, sorted by
performance on the mAP
Method mAP
HR (Hu and Ramanan, 2017) 92.5 91.0 80.6
S3FD (Zhang et al., 2017) 93.7 92.4 85.2
FaceGAN (Bai et al., 2018) 94.4 93.3 87.3
SFA (Luo et al., 2019) 94.9 93.6 86.6
LSFHI (Zhang et al., 2018) 95.7 94.9 89.7
Pyramid-Box (Tang et al., 2018) 96.1 95.0 88.9
RetinaFace (Deng et al., 2020) 96.5 95.6 90.4
TinaFace (Zhu et al., 2020) 96.3 95.7 93.1
togram of object sizes, this sampling is done at ran-
dom with the probability based on a given image in
the external dataset. To avoid the range of sampled
size-bins having a big difference with the size of ob-
jects in the external image, monotone scale match
(MSM) is utilized to sample the range of sizes from
small to big monotonically. Jiang et al. (Jiang et al.,
2021) proposed an enhanced version of scale match,
SM+, that improves the scale match from image level
to instance level and uses probabilistic structure in-
painting (PSI) to handle the background.
Multi-scale representation learning aims to en-
hance detection performance by making use of fea-
tures at different scales, represented in different layers
of the CNN. This technique is also commonly applied
in general object detection, for example through the
feature pyramid network (FPN) (Lin et al., 2017b).
Gong et al. (Gong et al., 2021) argue that the FPN
brings not only a positive impact but also a negative
one caused by the top-down connections. They de-
sign a statistic-based fusion factor to adaptively ad-
just the weight of different layers during the feature
fusion. Tang et al. (Tang et al., 2018) argue that not
all high-level semantic features are really helpful to
smaller targets. They therefore modify FPN to a low-
level feature pyramid network (LFPN) that starts the
top-down structure from a middle layer rather than the
high layer. Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2021b) devise a fea-
ture rescaling and fusion (SFRF) network that selects
and generates a new resized feature map with a high-
density distribution of tiny objects through the use of a
Nonparametric Adaptive Dense Perceiving Algorithm
(NADPA) module.
Anchors are predefined locations where objects
might be detected and are widely applied in two-step
detectors such as Faster R-CNN (Ren et al., 2015) and
Cascade R-CNN (Cai and Vasconcelos, 2018). Zhang
et al. (Zhang et al., 2017) guarantees that different
scales of anchor have the same density on the image,
so that various scales can approximately match the
same number of anchors. They also propose a scale
compensation anchor matching strategy to ensure that
all scales have enough anchors matched. Deng et
al. (Deng et al., 2020) specify different sizes of an-
chors in different layers of features to ensure all sizes
of objects could be matched properly. Zhang et al.
(Zhang et al., 2018) develop a single-level face de-
tection framework to specifically detect small faces,
which uses different dilation rates for anchors with
different sizes and performed anchor-level hard ex-
ample mining. Xu et al. (Xu et al., 2022) design a
novel label assignment method to mitigate the prob-
lems of lack of positive samples and gap between the
uniformly distributed prior anchors and the Gaussian
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) ResNet50
(b) BH-ResNet50
Figure 2: The proportion of FLOPs per stage for (a) stan-
dard ResNet50, and (b) our modified BH-ResNet50.
distributed receptive field.
Adapting the training strategy to be more appro-
priate for tiny object detection can be beneficial. For
example, Luo et al. (Luo et al., 2019) propose a multi-
branch small face attention (SFA) detector. It trains
the model with multi-scale training images to improve
robustness and performance. Hu et al. (Hu and Ra-
manan, 2017) train separate face detectors efficiently
by utilizing features extracted from multiple layers of
a single feature hierarchy for different scales.
Optimizing the loss function is an effective strat-
egy to improve the detection performance of tiny ob-
jects. Zhu et al. (Zhu et al., 2020) modify the loss
function of bounding box regression from the widely
applied smooth L1 loss (Girshick, 2015) to DIoU loss
(Zheng et al., 2020). It ensures the loss function is
consistent with the objective of bounding box regres-
sion by including the IoU metrics.
Our proposed approach, of modifying the back-
bone, is orthogonal to all this previous work. Hence,
potentially all these diverse techniques might be fur-
ther improved by combining them with our proposed
A natural idea to preserve the high-resolution features
required for tiny object detection is to dispense with
several down-samplings. However, such a simplis-
tic approach would significantly increase the compu-
tational complexity of the backbone as the number
of calculations increases quadratically with the size
of a feature-map. To avoid this issue, our proposed
bottom-heavy (BH) architectures perform as much
down-sampling as the corresponding original archi-
tecture, but the number of convolutional filters is in-
creased in the earlier stages of the network, and de-
creased in the later stages. This decrease in the num-
ber of convolutional filters in the later layers reduces
the amount of computation performed in the deeper
layers to compensate for the increased computation
performed in the earlier layers. Specifically, in our
BH architecture, the number of convolutional layers
is increased before the feature-map is down-sampled
for the third time, and decreased after this point. The
proportion of FLOPs performed in different stages of
a ResNet50 and a BH-ResNet50 is shown in Fig 2.
The change in the distribution of the convolutional
layers is designed to ensure that the original backbone
and the modified version perform the same number
of floating-point operations, to allow a fair compar-
ison of the proposed backbones with existing ones.
Another result of these modifications is that the BH
networks have fewer parameters than their original
counter-parts. Full details are provided in Table 4.
These modifications ensure that high-resolution infor-
mation that can distinguish tiny objects is processed
more thoroughly, using more convolutional layers.
4.1 Pre-Training
Pre-training is a process that initializes model pa-
rameters with previously learned ones. For object
detection tasks, it is common to start training the
whole model with a backbone that has been pre-
trained on an image classification task, typically Im-
ageNet. Compared with training the whole detection
network from scratch, using a pre-trained backbone
is better to maintain a stable and fast training process
(Pan and Yang, 2010; Han et al., 2021). Addition-
ally, the learned knowledge from classification also
provides a solid foundation for detection. Our back-
bones are pre-trained on CIFAR-100 (Krizhevsky and
Hinton, 2009), ImageNet (Deng et al., 2009) and
a down-sampled variant of ImageNet, ImageNet32
Rethinking the Backbone Architecture for Tiny Object Detection
Table 4: The architectures of three standard deep neural network backbones (ResNet50, HRNet32, and HRNet18) and the
proposed bottom-heavy (BH) versions. Convolutional layers are specified using the notation width × height, number of
channels, and stride. Pooling layers are specified using the notation width × height, type, and stride, where type is M for max
pooling. Repeated blocks are shown using squared brackets with the number of repeats indicated by the number following
the multiply sign after the brackets. Where stride is unspecified it is equal to one. ’*’ indicates the stride of that layer equals
two but only for the first block in a set of repeated layers. Rather than illustrating all parallel branches of HRNet, only the
deepest branch is shown for clarity. The number of giga-floating-point operations (GFLOPs) is calculated for an input size of
640 pixels ×512 pixels.
Stem Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4
Params &
7 × 7, 64,2
3 × 3, M, 2
1 × 1, 64
3 × 3, 64
1 × 1, 256
× 3
1 × 1, 128
3 × 3, 128, 2
1 × 1, 512
× 4
1 × 1, 256
3 × 3, 256, 2
1 × 1, 1024
× 6
1 × 1, 512
3 × 3, 512
1 × 1, 2048
× 3
3 × 3, 64, 1
3 × 3, M, 2
1 × 1, 64
3 × 3, 64, 2
1 × 1, 256
× 7
1 × 1, 128
3 × 3, 128, 2
1 × 1, 512
× 6
1 × 1, 256
3 × 3, 256, 2
1 × 1, 1024
× 2
1 × 1, 512
3 × 3, 512, 2
1 × 1, 2048
× 1
3 × 3, 64, 2
3 × 3, 64, 2
3 × 3, 64
3 × 3, 64
× 4
3 × 3, 64
3 × 3, 64
× 4
3 × 3, 128
3 × 3, 128
× 16
3 × 3, 256
3 × 3, 256
× 12
3 × 3, 64, 1
3 × 3, 64, 2
3 × 3, M, 2
3 × 3, 64
3 × 3, 64
× 4
3 × 3, 64
3 × 3, 64
× 4
3 × 3, 128
3 × 3, 128
× 8
3 × 3, 256
3 × 3, 256
× 3
3 × 3, 64, 2
3 × 3, 64, 2
3 × 3, 36
3 × 3, 36
× 4
3 × 3, 64
3 × 3, 64
× 4
3 × 3, 72
3 × 3, 72
× 16
3 × 3, 144
3 × 3, 144
× 12
3 × 3, 64, 1
3 × 3, 64, 2
3 × 3, M, 2
3 × 3, 36
3 × 3, 36
× 4
3 × 3, 36
3 × 3, 36
× 4
3 × 3, 72
3 × 3, 72
× 12
3 × 3, 144
3 × 3, 144
× 6
Table 5: Classification top-1 accuracy of backbone archi-
tectures after pre-training on CIFAR-100, ImageNet 32 and
Method CIFAR-100 ImageNet32 ImageNet
ResNet50 65.82% 43.12% 75.92%
BH-ResNet50 68.57% 48.75% 74.68%
HRNet18 55.75% 76.80%
BH-HRNet18 59.91% 50.68% 76.62%
HRNet32 55.08% 78.50%
BH-HRNet32 61.71% 56.00% 78.23%
(Chrabaszcz et al., 2017).
The CIFAR-100 dataset (Krizhevsky and Hinton,
2009) consists of 60000 32×32 colour images in 100
classes, separated into 50000 training and 10000 test
images. It is chosen for pre-training because: (1) the
image size of CIFAR-100 is consistent with the size
of target objects in the tiny object detection datasets
(2) it has a reasonable training time that is appropriate
for prototyping a new backbone; (3) some of the cate-
gories in CIFAR-100 such as man, woman, baby, boy,
girl, sea etc. are similar to those in the TinyPerson
and WiderFace datasets, and hence, it is expected that
the parameters will transfer from image recognition
to object detection.
We also perform experiments using backbones
pre-trained on ImageNet. This allows us to com-
pare the performance of the new architecture with
published results for existing object detectors that are
pre-trained on ImageNet. ImageNet is a large visual
dataset containing more than 20000 categories and 14
million images. It is considered a standard choice to
pre-train a backbone for object detection tasks. In ad-
dition, we also repeat some experiments on a down-
sampled variant of ImageNet, named ImageNet32.
ImageNet32 contains exactly the same number of im-
ages as the original ImageNet, but all images are re-
sized to 32×32 pixels. This dataset has the same ad-
vantages as CIFAR100, but provides more training
For data augmentation, we use random horizontal
flipping, random cropping and resizing. The classifi-
cation results at the end of pre-training are shown in
Table 5. It can be seen that the proposed BH networks
produce more accurate classifications for the datasets
with small image sizes, compared to the correspond-
ing original networks. This supports our claim that
these bottom-heavy networks are more appropriate
for the discrimination of small objects. This improve-
ment in performance on small objects comes at the
cost of a small decrease in classification accuracy for
large images. There may be scope for improving these
pre-training results (and as a consequence improving
the image detection results) as no great effort has been
taken to optimise the hyper-settings used during pre-
training: we had insufficient computational resources
to do so, and searching for the best settings is not the
main point of this paper.
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 6: Detection performance of previous methods and our modified (BH) architecture on TinyPerson. Pre-training is done
on CIFAR-100.
Method Backbone mAP
Faster R-CNN-FPN (Ren et al., 2015) ResNet50 43.02 26.09 47.43 54.24 60.13 75.58
BH-ResNet50 46.53 31.65 50.51 56.60 59.45 75.79
HRNet32 37.67 24.62 41.84 47.29 51.39 100.66
BH-HRNet32 41.82 27.19 46.03 51.85 55.39 100.62
HRNet18 36.94 24.05 41.46 45.94 50.57 69.33
BH-HRNet18 40.27 25.56 44.50 50.18 53.65 69.28
Faster R-CNN-SM (Yu et al., 2020) ResNet50 43.21 27.12 47.44 54.52 59.78 75.58
BH-R50 46.69 31.19 50.88 57.13 61.09 75.59
Adap-FCOS (ucas-vg, 2020) ResNet50 36.29 21.70 40.60 46.10 49.87 174.74
BH-ResNet50 41.42 25.92 45.49 51.33 57.08 174.95
Faster R-CNN-RFLA (Xu et al., 2022) ResNet50 42.41 24.73 45.39 55.11 61.50 75.59
BH-ResNet50 45.34 27.09 49.27 58.41 62.63 75.58
RetinaNet-SPPNet (Hong et al., 2022) ResNet50 48.37 36.78 54.47 55.05 60.74 260.06
BH-ResNet50 49.23 36.01 54.47 56.17 61.60 260.27
Cascade R-CNN-SSPNet (Hong et al., 2022) ResNet50 48.79 35.59 50.75 57.59 65.63 186.62
BH-ResNet50 48.96 37.69 52.15 55.69 62.62 186.83
Faster R-CNN-SSPNet (Hong et al., 2022) ResNet50 48.05 36.40 50.38 56.51 62.94 158.82
BH-ResNet50 49.78 39.99 52.26 57.14 64.44 159.03
4.2 Fine-Tuning
We trained object detectors using the TinyPerson and
WiderFace datasets. TinyPerson has 1610 large-scale
seaside images taken from a long distance. It con-
tains 794 and 816 images for training and testing, re-
spectively. The average absolute size of target ob-
jects is about 18 pixels and non-small objects (ab-
solute size> 32 pixels) are rare. TinyPerson divides
objects into different intervals based on the absolute
size (measured in pixels): tiny [2, 20], small [20, 32]
and all [2, ]. The tiny set is partitioned into three
(overlapping) subsets: tiny1 [2, 8], tiny2 [8, 12] and
tiny3 [12, 20]. The WiderFace dataset is a face detec-
tion benchmark containing 32,203 images of different
human faces with a high degree of variability in scale,
pose and occlusion. The average size of objects in
WiderFace is about 32 pixels. It separates objects into
three evaluation sets (easy, medium and hard) based
on the difficulty of detecting them.
The resolution of the images in TinyPerson ranges
from 497 × 700 pixels to 4064 × 6354 pixels. Di-
rectly feeding large images into the backbone would
produce out-of-memory issues. Meanwhile, simply
resizing such images to make them more manage-
able would risk losing information about tiny objects.
Therefore we follow the procedure described in (Yu
et al., 2020) for training with this dataset. Specifi-
cally, images are cut into overlapping patches of size
640 pixels×512 pixels with 30 pixels overlap. We
use the default training schedule for Faster-RCNN
and Adap-FCOS(ucas-vg, 2020) on TinyPerson: 12
epochs with stochastic gradient descent (SGD) as the
optimizer. The learning rate is initialized to 0.01 and
decreased by a factor of 0.1 after 8 and 11 epochs for
training on 2 GPUs. The only difference for training
different architectures of SSPNet is that the default
schedule is 10 epochs. For WiderFace, the input size
is 640 pixels×640 pixels. The default training sched-
ule of 630 epochs with SGD (Zhu et al., 2020) is used.
The learning rate is initialized to 0.00375 and follows
a cosine restart scheduler that restarts the learning rate
every 30 epochs. We do not apply any complicated
image augmentation methods but follow the same set-
tings used by the corresponding state-of-the-art meth-
5.1 Experimental Setup and Evaluation
Mean average precision (mAP) is a standard crite-
rion for evaluation in object detection. AP calculates
the average precision among a set of different recalls.
mAP is the mean AP among all classes. Whether
a bounding box is marked as a positive or negative
prediction is determined by whether the intersection-
over-union (IoU) of the predicted and ground-truth
bounding boxes is greater than a set threshold. The
mAP on a set of objects i with the percentage IoU
threshold j is noted as mAP
. For example, mAP
Rethinking the Backbone Architecture for Tiny Object Detection
Table 7: Detection performance of previous methods and our modified (BH) architecture on TinyPerson. Pre-training is
done on ImageNet and downsampled ImageNet (indicated with †). Only results with our proposed backbone are trained by
ourselves while all others are previously reported results.
Method Backbone mAP
Faster R-CNN-FPN (Ren et al., 2015) ResNet50† 47.81 31.78 53.54 58.34 64.56 75.58
ResNet50 47.35 30.25 51.58 58.95 63.18 75.58
BH-ResNet50† 52.60 38.18 58.18 61.66 67.42 75.59
BH-ResNet50 52.03 37.95 57.58 60.99 65.71 75.59
HRNet32 53.05 35.61 58.46 63.87 68.02 100.66
BH-HRNet32† 52.62 38.76 57.64 62.28 67.42 100.62
BH-HRNet32 53.29 38.08 58.92 63.08 67.72 100.62
HRNet18 52.28 34.92 58.39 63.36 67.86 69.33
BH-HRNet18† 50.04 35.43 55.10 60.04 65.03 69.28
BH-HRNet18 52.69 36.12 59.13 63.48 67.45 69.28
Faster R-CNN-SM (Yu et al., 2020) ResNet50† 50.65 33.68 55.69 61.40 67.39 75.58
ResNet50 51.33 33.91 55.16 62.58 66.96 75.58
BH-ResNet50† 52.04 37.87 57.01 61.32 65.91 75.59
BH-ResNet50 51.48 37.35 57.35 60.49 65.47 75.59
Adap FCOS (ucas-vg, 2020) ResNet50† 42.13 22.62 46.50 54.32 57.61 174.74
ResNet50 47.42 29.05 52.06 59.15 65.06 174.74
BH-ResNet† 48.20 28.56 53.00 59.87 66.51 174.95
BH-ResNet 49.16 31.13 53.89 60.09 67.60 174.95
Faster R-CNN-RFLA (Xu et al., 2022) ResNet50 † 45.78 27.72 49.09 58.33 64.38 75.58
ResNet50 48.86 30.35 54.15 61.28 66.69 75.58
BH-ResNet50 † 50.07 32.29 54.83 62.60 68.21 75.59
BH-ResNet50 52.27 34.36 56.62 64.48 67.77 75.59
RetinaNet-SPPNet (Hong et al., 2022) ResNet50† 51.28 39.38 56.60 58.55 65.01 260.06
ResNet50 50.98 38.97 57.26 57.68 63.38 260.06
BH-ResNet50† 55.34 42.45 61.04 62.36 67.63 260.27
BH-ResNet50 52.70 39.61 58.82 60.35 69.00 260.27
Cascade R-CNN-SSPNet (Hong et al., 2022) ResNet50† 54.31 39.25 56.81 63.54 69.40 186.62
ResNet50 56.60 42.41 59.56 65.36 71.20 186.62
BH-ResNet50† 56.54 43.65 59.54 64.45 69.59 186.83
BH-ResNet50 57.89 44.39 60.86 66.25 71.03 186.83
Faster R-CNN-SSPNet (Hong et al., 2022) ResNet50† 50.48 36.81 51.08 60.87 67.38 158.82
ResNet50 58.58 44.92 62.22 67.19 71.88 158.82
BH-ResNet50† 56.22 46.07 58.03 63.36 69.54 159.03
BH-ResNet50 58.97 47.22 61.61 67.45 72.37 159.03
represents the mAP among objects in the tiny inter-
val (absolute size [2, 20]) with IoU threshold 0.5.
Floating-point operations (FLOPs) are used to mea-
sure the computational complexity of a model. The
higher the number of FLOPs, the more calculations
are performed by the method, for a given size of the
image. In Tables 6 and 7, FLOPs are measured for an
image size of 640×512 pixels.
5.2 Comparison to State-of-the-Arts
To evaluate our proposed backbone, we tested sev-
eral architectures that have previously been shown to
produce state-of-the-art performance on TinyPerson
and WiderFace, replacing the standard backbone with
our proposed bottom-heavy (BH) equivalent. The re-
sults for TinyPerson are shown in Tables 6 and 7.
In each case better performance was achieved using
the proposed backbones than with the original ones,
as summarized in Table 8. This was achieved with-
out increasing the computational complexity and us-
ing backbones containing fewer parameters than the
originals. It can also be seen from Table 8 that
the proposed BH modifications produce a significant
improvement in detection performance compared to
standard backbones, and that this improvement is
highest when using CIFAR-100 and ImageNet32 for
A pre-training dataset should be consistent with
the target task (Pan and Yang, 2010). Down-sampled
ImageNet is a simple alternative to ImageNet that has
higher consistency with tiny object detection from the
perspective of object size. However, from our experi-
ments, only for some methods did pre-training on Im-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 8: The difference of mAP
between the standard backbones and our ’Bottom Heavy’ versions backbones, calculated
by calculating mAP
(for the BH architecture) minus mAP
(for the corresponding standard architecture).
Method CIFAR-100 ImageNet32 ImageNet
Faster R-CNN (Ren et al., 2015) +3.51 +4.79 +4.68
Faster R-CNN-SM (Yu et al., 2020) +3.48 +1.39 +0.15
Adap FCOS (ucas-vg, 2020) +5.13 +6.07 +1.74
Faster R-CNN-RFLA (Xu et al., 2022) +2.93 +4.29 +3.41
RetinaNet-SPPNet (Hong et al., 2022) +0.86 +4.06 +1.72
Cascade R-CNN-SSPNet (Hong et al., 2022) +0.17 +2.23 +1.29
Faster R-CNN-SSPNet (Ren et al., 2015) +1.73 +5.74 +0.39
Average change in mAP
+2.54 +3.96 +2.04
Table 9: Detection performance of previous methods and our modified architecture on WiderFace. Pre-training is done on
ImageNet. BN, GN & DCN indicates the batch normalization, group normalization and deformable convolution networks
Method Backbone mAP
TinaFace w BN(Zhu et al., 2020) ResNet50 95.77 95.43 92.23 191.30
BH-ResNet50 95.56 95.71 92.28 191.54
TinaFace w GN & DCN (Zhu et al., 2020) ResNet50 96.27 95.67 93.06 184.29
BH-ResNet50 96.61 95.98 93.26 188.60
ageNet32 outperform pre-training on ImageNet. It is
likely that ImageNet32 is more relevant to tiny object
detection but the blurring of images caused by down-
sampling also makes it harder to learn useful repre-
sentations from this dataset. The low top-1 classifica-
tion accuracy, as shown in Table 5, provides evidence
for this. CIFAR-100 also uses images that are consis-
tent in size to the target objects in tiny object detec-
tion, but detection is much worse overall when using
CIFAR-100 for pre-training, presumably because the
small size of this dataset means that the representa-
tions that are learnt generalise more poorly.
When pre-training on ImageNet, although our
method still outperforms the state-of-the-art methods,
the improvement is not as significant as when pre-
training with CIFAR-100 and ImageNet32. This dif-
ference is likely due to two reasons. One is that our
backbones work better when they are pre-trained on
a dataset that is more consistent with the tiny objects
because our backbones are designed specifically for
such objects. Another reason is we have simply used
the same hyper-parameters to pre-train our BH net-
works on ImageNet as are used for the corresponding
standard architectures, as we did not have the compu-
tational resources to search for more optimum hyper-
parameters appropriate for pre-training BH networks
on such a large dataset.
The results for WiderFace are shown in Ta-
ble 9. We evaluate performance using the current best
method, TinaFace (Zhu et al., 2020), with two differ-
ent settings. Our backbones outperform the standard
backbones in both cases in medium and hard tasks and
have achieved the state-of-the-art result in the easy
task at 96.61%.
Overall, improved performance was generated us-
ing different backbone families (ResNet and HRNet),
different network depths, pre-training with different
datasets (CIFAR-100, ImageNet and down-sampled
ImageNet), and when integrating the proposed back-
bones into several state-of-the-art tiny object detec-
tion frameworks. These results demonstrate that
the proposed method of network modification gener-
alises, and could potentially be used with other ar-
chitectures to make them more suitable for small and
tiny object classification and detection. Furthermore,
our results demonstrate that the use of standard back-
bones is harmful for tiny object detection. The results
also suggest that current architectures are potentially
wasting computational resources by performing un-
necessary computations in deep layers.
This paper proposes that standard deep neural net-
work architectures used as feature-extraction front-
ends in object-detection algorithms produce poor fea-
tures for tiny object detection tasks. Our claim is that
early down-sampling in such architectures results in
information loss and features that are poor at rep-
resenting small objects. To test this claim we de-
signed bottom-heavy versions of popular backbone
architectures, ResNet and HRNet, that increase the
Rethinking the Backbone Architecture for Tiny Object Detection
number of convolutional layers in the shallow, high-
resolution, stages of the network, and have fewer con-
volutional layers at later stages in the network. These
changes in the distribution of the convolutional lay-
ers are made to ensure that the computational com-
plexity of the modified backbones matches that of
the original, standard, network. Experimental results
show that these changes, despite reducing the num-
ber of parameters in the networks, result in more ac-
curate object detection across a number of object-
detectors, using different backbones, and pre-training
schemes (CIFAR100, ImageNet and ImgaeNet32),
for two standard benchmark datasets (TinyPerson and
WiderFace). The architectures proposed in this paper
are not a final answer to the information loss prob-
lem. Rather they serve as a motivation for developing
improved feature-extraction backbones appropriate to
the task. Hopefully, our current results and insights
will inspire the development of even better backbones
for tiny object detectors in future research.
The authors acknowledge the use of the research
computing facilities at King’s College London, Ros-
alind, the King’s Computational Research, Engineer-
ing and Technology Environment (CREATE) (Lon-
don, 2022), and the Joint Academic Data science En-
deavour (JADE) facility. This research was funded by
the King’s - China Scholarship Council (K-CSC).
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