Transfer Learning for Word Spotting in Historical Arabic Documents
Based Triplet-CNN
Abir Fathallah
1,2 a
, Mounim A. El-Yacoubi
and Najoua Essoukri Ben Amara
e de Sousse, Institut Sup
erieur de l’Informatique et des Techniques de Communication,
LATIS-Laboratory of Advanced Technology and Intelligent Systems, 4023, Sousse, Tunisia
Samovar, CNRS, T
ecom SudParis, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 9 rue Charles Fourier, 91011 Evry Cedex, France
e de Sousse, Ecole Nationale d’Ing
enieurs de Sousse,
LATIS-Laboratory of Advanced Technology and Intelligent Systems, 4023, Sousse, Tunisia
Historical Arabic Documents, Word Spotting, Transfer Learning, Learning Representation.
With the increasing number of digitized historical documents, information processing has become a funda-
mental task to exploit the information contained in these documents. Thus, it is very significant to develop
efficient tools in order to analyze and recognize them. One of these means is word spotting which has lately
emerged as an active research area of historical document analysis. Various techniques have been suggested
successfully to enhance the performance of word spotting systems. In this paper, an enhanced word spotting
approach for historical Arabic documents is proposed. It involves improving learning feature representations
that characterize word images. The proposed approach is mainly based on transfer learning. More precisely, it
consists in building an embedding space for word image representations from an online training triplet-CNN,
while performing transfer learning by leveraging the varied knowledge acquired from two different domains.
The first domain is Hebrew handwritten documents, the second is English historical documents. We will in-
vestigate the impact of each domain in improving the representation of Arabic word images. As a final step,
in order to evolve the word spotting system, the query word image along with all the reference word images
will be projected into the embedding space where they will be matched according to their embedding vectors.
We evaluate our method on the historical Arabic VML-HD dataset and show that our method outperforms
significantly the state-of-the-art methods.
It is not always convenient to access the precious cul-
tural heritage of historical Arabic documents (HADs).
Protection and preservation of these valuable re-
sources require scans of innumerable pages which are
stored on different servers. Historical digital docu-
ments are not easily processed in their native form
but must be transformed into a readable form in or-
der to be effectively and automatically interpreted by
computer vision.
One important emerging field in HADs is word
retrieval, which has attracted the interest of many re-
searchers over the past few decades. With the com-
plexity of the Arabic script, it is a challenging task
to locate the occurrences of a particular word in a
large set of historical document images. Thus, there
is a need for an effective approach to locate the query
word in such a document. There are two different
main approaches for retrieving a query word in a
set of documents depending on the query representa-
tion. One is the Query-by-Example (QbE) method in
which the query word is given as an image. The sec-
ond method is the Query-by-String (QbS) method, in
which the query word is indicated by a text string. As
we already know, it is not always easy to get access to
transcriptions of all historical documents, so we are
interested in the QbE. However, extracting features
from historical images is a challenging task.
The objective of deep embedding approaches is to
construct an embedding space that ensures the trans-
formation of the input image into new representations
by selecting the pertinent features.
This problem has been extensively explored on
historical document datasets using deep learning net-
works (Barakat et al., 2018; Fathallah et al., 2019).
Unlike the existing works for improving the perfor-
Fathallah, A., El-Yacoubi, M. and Ben Amara, N.
Transfer Learning for Word Spotting in Historical Arabic Documents Based Tr iplet-CNN.
DOI: 10.5220/0011639800003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
mance of HAD applications, such as architecture en-
hancement or data pre-processing, Transfer Learning
is an appropriate option for adopting knowledge from
pertinent source data to enhance specific target tasks
(Cui et al., 2018; Ye and Shen, 2020; Rajeswar et al.,
2022). More specifically, insights (characteristics,
weights, etc.) can be leveraged from already trained
models for forming new models and even solving is-
sues such as providing less data for the new task. As
such, HADs are challenging, especially in the con-
text of deep neural networks where most models that
address complex problems require large amounts of
data, given the time and effort required to label these
data. This drives Transfer Learning, looking beyond
specific tasks and domains to explore how to draw
on the knowledge of pre-trained models by applying
them to solve new issues.
In the same context, in this paper, we investi-
gate Transfer Learning as a possible way to exploit
learned features from previous document datasets to
train new model for word spotting in HADs in order to
improve embedding features representation of Arabic
word images. Our contribution consists in exploiting
the knowledge acquired from two datasets with differ-
ent aspects: historical documents written in English
and handwritten documents written in Hebrew.
Precisely, we first train a base network on a source
dataset (source domain), and then we repurposed the
learned features to a second target network to be
trained on a target dataset (target domain). In our
case, the source domain is two different datasets:
historical document dataset written in English and
Hebrew handwritten dataset. The target domain is
HADs. Transfer Learning is introduced as an opti-
mization tool that allows rapid progress and enhanced
performance when training the target task. In our
proposed approach, we used Triplet-CNN (Fathallah
et al., 2019) to build the embedding space.
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows: in section 2, an overview of existing word re-
trieval techniques designed for historical documents
and a brief summary of existing types of Transfer
Learning approaches are provided. Then, in section 3,
we introduce a Transfer Learning-based enhancement
strategy for improving the performance of the Triplet-
CNN model (Fathallah et al., 2019). The experiments
and error analysis of the obtained results are discussed
in section 4. Finally, the section 5 reports the conclu-
sions and some potential perspectives.
In this section, we will give an overview of word spot-
ting in historical documents as well as Transfer Learn-
ing approaches.
2.1 Word Spotting in Historical
Word spotting in historical document images can be
utilized to exploit documents content in digital form
(Fathallah et al., 2020). It delineates different query
word occurrences in such document sets. Given ad-
equate and well-annotated data on historical docu-
ments, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have
achieved revolutionary progress in word retrieval
tasks (Barakat et al., 2018; Mhiri et al., 2019; Fathal-
lah et al., 2019; Mohammed et al., 2022). As for his-
torical documents, word spotting techniques already
existing in the literature are divided into two main cat-
egories: segmentation-based approaches that aimed
to split the input document into words and sub-words
(Fathallah et al., 2019; Zagoris et al., 2014; Barakat
et al., 2018) and segmentation-free approaches which
involve the selection of patches from the input docu-
ment through a sliding window technique or template
matching (Konidaris et al., 2016).
Several researchers are interested in improving
the word spotting process in historical documents.
For word spotting handwritten documents, authors
in (Khayyat and Suen, 2018) proposed an enhanced
internal structure hierarchical classifier. They com-
bined support vector machines and regularized dis-
criminant analysis classifiers to increase the perfor-
mance of closed lexicon word spotting systems. They
achieved an enhancement in precision rate of 4%.
Other methods, which were employed to enhance the
performance of the word retrieval approaches intro-
duced in (Westphal et al., 2020; Sudholt and Fink,
2018; Gurjar et al., 2018).
On the other hand, the authors of (Westphal
et al., 2020) illustrated effective sample selection ap-
proaches. Within the word spotting training step, by
using the character pyramid histogram representation,
they decreased the amount of training data required.
Alternatively, other approaches (Can and Kabadayı,
2020; Khayyat and Elrefaei, 2020) for processing
historical documents are based on transfer learning
which seeks to build on the information gained from
the source task to the target task.
In the same context, we propose in this paper an
enhanced Triplet-CNN word spotting approach pre-
sented in (Fathallah et al., 2019). In (Fathallah et al.,
2019), the offline training method is applied. It in-
Transfer Learning for Word Spotting in Historical Arabic Documents Based Triplet-CNN
volves the process of selecting all the triplets appear-
ing in the training set and then proceeding to train
with the generated triplets. Differently from the previ-
ous works in literature, we employ the online learning
method which consists in dynamically selecting the
triplets to mitigate the poor computational efficiency
and parameter non-convergence issues. Moreover, we
Transfer Learning in our approach is employed in the
word spotting process.
In this section, we investigate the problem of word
spotting enhancement using Transfer Learning tech-
nique where the goal is to exploit and leverage the
knowledge of feature representations from the source
domain to the target domain.
3.1 Enhancement Based Transfer
Learning Approach
In order to exploit the knowledge of other languages
and to benefit from the progress of research on Latin
scripts rather than Arabic, two different languages,
Hebrew and English, have been chosen to be eval-
uated. Then, we intend to study the impact of
each language on the improvement of Arabic fea-
ture representation. Figure.1 shows the flowchart of
our proposed approach. It consists of two propo-
sitions: First, Transfer Learning based on histori-
cal English documents George Washington (GW) and
Transfer Learning focused on Hebrew Handwritten
Documents (HDD).
More specifically, as in the first scenario, the
source domain contains word images written in En-
glish and the target domain contains word images
written in Arabic. Thus, from historical documents
presented in the source domain, the idea involves
training the Triplet-CNN to extract features from
Latin script. Each word image is represented effi-
ciently by a feature vector. Then, at the training phase
on the Arabic dataset, the extracted features from the
English document are transferred in order to enhance
the embedding features of Arabic word images used
in the target documents.
In this context, we introduce, in the second sce-
nario, a Transfer Learning from Hebrew handwritten
documents to target documents. The leveraged fea-
tures contributed in extracting a better embedding fea-
tures representation for word images.
3.2 Training Deep Network on GW and
HHD Datasets
The CNN architecture is used to extract pertinent fea-
tures from word images that will be considered as
their new representations in the constructed embed-
ding space. For all employed datasets, the same train-
ing strategy is used. As previously mentioned, a CNN
architecture is used to extract features from word im-
ages. We used the same Triplet-CNN introduced in
(Fathallah et al., 2019). The detailed architecture of
Triplet-CNN is shown in Figure.2. It is composed
of three CNN instances with shared parameters that
take as input three-word images (an anchor, a positive
sample and a negative sample) having a size of 60
× 110 pixels. The CNN architecture is composed of
five convolutional layers followed by a rectified linear
units activation layer. It also consists of four pooling
layers. In addition, the CNN ends with a fully con-
nected layer of 1024 neurons that represents the fea-
ture embedding vector.
In this work, we apply the same Triplet-CNN ar-
chitecture and its parameters to all used datasets as
shown in Figure.2. To train each Triplet-CNN archi-
tecture, a triplet dataset must be provided. A triplet
is given by three instances: an anchor (a), a positive
sample (p) from the same anchor class and a negative
sample (n) from different classes. We note the func-
tion of the feature embedding network by G, which
projects an input image x from raw pixel space into
embedding space R
. From the training set a combi-
nation of image triplet < a, p, n > is produced. We de-
note the set of all possible combinations of obtained
triplets by T = (a
, p
, n
). In order to minimize
the distance between the anchor and a positive sample
and maximize the distance between the anchor and a
negative sample, the triplet loss function L(T ) pro-
posed in (Schroff et al., 2015) and defined in equation
Eq.(1) must be minimized:
L(T ) =
max(0, G(a) G(p)
G(a) G(n)
+ α)
where α represents the margin enforced between pos-
itive and negative pairs.
3.3 Applying Transfer Learning on
Arabic Documents
The main idea is intended to train the Triplet net-
work for extracting features from Arabic word images
by transferring knowledge acquired from previous
datasets. We train the same Triplet-CNN (Figure.2)
on the VML-HD dataset.
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Triplets generation
Embedding space
Embedding space
Embedding space
Euclidean distance
Word spotting
Scenario 2
Scenario 1
Figure 1: The proposed approach based Triplet-CNN architecture: Transfer Learning from historical English and handwritten
Hebrew documents to Arabic document.
Precisely, an embedding space is constructed to
represent word images. This latter must be able to
withstand inter-class similarity and intra-class vari-
Transfer Learning is performed from two differ-
ent datasets. Thus, the word spotting process is ap-
plied on the Arabic database twice using English and
Hebrew datasets. Once the trained model is formed,
the word spotting phase is performed by projecting
the query word and pre-segmented dataset on the em-
bedding space to obtain their new feature embedding,
then, a Euclidean distance is computed to measure the
similarity of the extracted embedding features from
the query word and all dataset words as shown in
distance(G(q), G(r)) = G(q) G(r)
where: q is the query word, r is a reference word.
Finally, word spotting produces a list that repre-
sents the retrieved words ranked according to their
similarity to the query word.
4.1 Databases
The proposed triplet model is evaluated on the Visual
Media Lab Historical Documents dataset (VML-HD)
(Kassis et al., 2017). It is one of the largest avail-
able dataset in historical documents. It is consisting
of five books in Arabic with a total of 680 pages writ-
ten from the XI
to the XV
centuries onward by five
writers. For transfer Learning task, two databases are
George Washington (GW): The George Wash-
ington dataset is a collection of historical doc-
uments written in English by George Wash-
ington and his assistants (Rath and Manmatha,
2007). It contains 20 pages segmented into 4860
words with 1124 different transcriptions, provid-
ing ground truth at page, text line and word levels.
Hebrew Handwritten Dataset (HHD): The
HHD dataset (Rabaev et al., 2020) contains
around 1000 handwritten forms written by differ-
ent writers and accompanied by their ground truth
at character, word and text line levels. The dataset
contains 26 classes balanced in terms of the num-
ber of samples. The train set contains 3965 sam-
ples, test set contains 1134 samples.
4.2 Experimental Setup
4.2.1 Databases Partition
In our proposed Transfer Learning approach, we use
a specific partition for each data set as described in
Table 1.
To have a suitable comparison with (Barakat et al.,
2018; Fathallah et al., 2019), the same evaluation pro-
cedure on the VML-HD dataset is used. Only one
book is used for the training phase, while the model
was evaluated on all five books. There is no shared
data between the train, validation and test sets. The
model was evaluated on all five books.
Transfer Learning for Word Spotting in Historical Arabic Documents Based Triplet-CNN
Input size
FC 1024
CNN architecture
Input size
𝑓 𝑥
𝑓 𝑥
𝑓 𝑥
Input size
FC 1024
FC 1024
Figure 2: Triplet-CNN architecture employed for three datasets in order to extract embedding features from word images.
Table 1: Partitioning of datasets according to the level of
word classes and the number of images per class.
Dataset Sub-set #words #Samples/word
GW Train 93 10
Val 30 5
HHD Train 27 20
Val 27 10
VML-HD Train 141 10
Val 20 10
Test 105 100
For all experiments, Keras backend Tensorflow
framework is employed and the model is trained on
4.2.2 Evaluation Protocol
In order to evaluate performance, we select two per-
formance assessments. The first one is P@K: Preci-
sion at the top-K-retrievals (Deng et al., 2011) and the
second one is mAP: mean Average Precision (Ever-
ingham et al., 2010). To determine the K precision,
the proportion of relevant items at a given rank K
is calculated taking into account only the highest K
scores given by the model (Eq.3).
P@K =
|Res[1..K] Rel|
where Res[1..K] is the first K word retrieved by
the system and Rel is the set of relevant words. In
the evaluation, we present the results from first rank
to the fifth ranks.
The mAP is calculated based on each precision
score obtained over all queries and all ranks K.
4.3 Performance Comparison
In this section, we intend to assess the performance
of word spotting using Transfer Learning technique.
To better highlight the Transfer Learning technique
in embedding features representation, we evaluate the
results on five books of VML-HD dataset. We first
report the spotting accuracy obtained by applying
Transfer Learning using GW dataset and then, using
HHD dataset.
Table 2 presents results according to P@K met-
ric following the top ve ranks. From the obtained
results, it is shown that the proposed TL-GW (Trans-
fer Learning based GW dataset) and TL-HHD (Trans-
fer Learning based HHD dataset) approaches slightly
outperforms the state-of-the-art Siamese (Barakat
et al., 2018) and Triplet (Fathallah et al., 2019) evalu-
ated on VML-HD dataset.
Table 3 displays comparison performances results
in terms of mAP metric on VML-HD dataset.
Many different observations are proposed to an-
alyze the impact of the Transfer Learning technique
on the word spotting system. Firstly, P@1, both
proposed TL-GW and TL-HHD approaches provide
an average enhancement of 2% over all books com-
pared to Siamese and Triplet. In addition, at ranks 2
and 3, an improvement of 1% and 3% is respectively
achieved. We can note that the transferred knowl-
edge from different datasets contributed significantly
to train the model on VML-HD for better feature em-
bedding representations. Secondly, according to mAP
values, the proposed Transfer Learning increased the
model performances on Book 1, Book 2 and Book
5. But there is no improvement on Books 3 and 4.
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 2: The P@K performance of the state-of-the-art methods and different Transfer Learning in our method on VML-HD
Method Book P@1 P@2 P@3 P@4 P@5
Book 1 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.92 0.91
Book 2 1.00 0.98 0.95 0.95 0.96
Siamese Book 3 0.95 0.93 0.95 0.92 0.91
Book 4 0.90 0.90 0.89 0.89 0.89
Book 5 0.81 0.88 0.84 0.85 0.83
All 0.93 0.92 0.90 0.90 0.90
Book 1 1.00 0.95 0.95 0.94 0.94
Book 2 0.95 0.95 0.92 0.93 0.91
Triplet Book 3 0.90 0.93 0.94 0.92 0.92
Book 4 0.95 0.90 0.90 0.87 0.85
Book 5 0.81 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.84
All 0.92 0.92 0.91 0.92 0.89
Book 1 0.95 0.93 0.95 0.96 0.94
Book 2 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99
TL-GW Book 3 1.00 0.98 0.97 0.94 0.93
Book 4 0.95 0.93 0.89 0.89 0.89
Book 5 0.81 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.85
All 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92
Book 1 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.98 0.96
Book 2 1.00 1.00 0.98 0.98 0.96
TL-HHD Book 3 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.94 0.83
Book 4 0.95 0.93 0.92 0.90 0.87
Book 5 0.81 0.81 0.83 0.86 0.85
All 0.94 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.91
Table 3: The mAP performance of the state-of-the-art meth-
ods and different Transfer Learning in our method on VML-
HD dataset.
Method Siamese Triplet TL-GW TL-HHD
Book1 0.66 0.74 0.82 0.80
Book2 0.60 0.67 0.79 0.78
Book3 0.72 0.81 0.78 0.72
Book4 0.67 0.75 0.69 0.68
Book5 0.68 0.69 0.77 0.70
All 0.66 0.73 0.77 0.74
We can state that transferred features from GW and
HHD datasets performed better with word classes in
Books 1, 2 and 5 due to the fact that data in these
books are more eligible. Finally, from a different per-
spective, the Triplet-CNN word spotting system is en-
hanced with TL-GW approach with a mAP rate of 4%.
However, we reached a slightly lower rate of (-3%)
using TL-HHD. This can be explained by the fact that
the GW dataset shares common characteristics with
VML-HD, where both databases are historical in na-
ture and the word images have a similar background
and behavior. Whereas the HHD dataset is handwrit-
ten with a clean background.
4.4 Error Analysis
Our proposed approach-based Transfer Learning has
demonstrated better performance on word retrieval in
HADs. Despite its high performance, the word spot-
ting process has shown miss-retrieved occurrences of
some word images. The miss-retrieved in this case
is defined as the difference in label between a given
model prediction and its actual label. Error analysis
involves examining examples of sets that the TL-GW
model has miss-retrieved, in order to understand the
underlying sources of errors. This can help to identify
issues that require special treatment and to determine
their priority. Thus, guidance for error handling can
be provided. An error analysis is performed to out-
line the reasons why some images have been incor-
rectly spotted by the TL-GW model. The error anal-
ysis process is conducted with word images from the
validation set of the VML-HD dataset where the P@K
metric is considered to evaluate the model. The vali-
dation set consists of 20-word classes and each word
class consists of 10 samples.
Figure.3 introduces some examples of word
classes that are miss-retrieved. We display the query
word in the blue box and the first 5 samples retrieved
then the correct occurrences ranks of the query word
presented in the orange box.
Transfer Learning for Word Spotting in Historical Arabic Documents Based Triplet-CNN
Query & the first 5 samples retrieved
Query word
Word sample miss-spotted
Word sample retrieved at the right
Ranking of correct sample occurrences
Figure 3: Some examples of miss-retrieved words: Error analysis with displaying the first five ranks spotted (from P@1 to
P@5) and the right occurrences ranks.
Depending on the displayed words incorrectly re-
trieved by the enhanced model, several sources of er-
rors can be identified. First of all, an ambiguity be-
tween similar word classes. It is commonly known
that CNN works well when there is a clear separa-
tion between word classes and it is not the case in our
dataset, where there are a lot of similar word classes.
The similarity between the classes of the word con-
sists in the style of writing of the Arabic letters that
constitute a word and in the background color in each
Second, the source of error may come from the
segmentation phase. In the VML-HD database, there
are many missegmented word images, e.g. words that
have additional letters or diacritics or also part letters
of another preceding or the following word. On the
other hand, many of the words that are missing precise
letters or punctuation.
In addition, mislabeled data may be a reason for
error in the Triplet-CNN model: in general, data la-
beling is a subjective task because it is provided by
human judgments. In the VML-HD database, some
word images are mislabeled. To conclude, this analy-
sis showed that the error rate can be reduced by op-
timizing the CNN architecture used for feature ex-
traction to be more efficient in distinguishing between
similar images or through appropriate pre-processing
with emphasis on missegmented word images.
In this paper, we proposed an enhancement approach
for word spotting in HADs. Our approach is based
on Transfer Learning method. It aimed to leverage
knowledge acquired on a source dataset to better ad-
dress a new target dataset. Our approach consists in
two steps: training Triplet-CNN using English histor-
ical documents and Hebrew handwritten documents,
and then, retraining the same deep network on HADs
by transferring the learned features provided in the
first step. The employed Triplet-CNN architecture
aimed to build an embedding space for data represen-
tation using triplet loss for maximizing the distance
between word images belonging to different classes
and minimize the distance between word images be-
longing to the same class. The experimental results on
the VML-HD dataset highlight a high performance of
our proposed approach in order to enhance word spot-
ting in HADs process. A detailed discussion on error
analysis for TL-GW model was presented. It revealed
that the most prominent source of error appears to be
the similarity between word style writing and back-
There are various potential extensions of this re-
search work. We intend to use Transfer Learning to
exploit knowledge from the merging of two databases
GW and HHD. Moreover, we plan to investigate do-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
main adaptation techniques, such as based on adver-
sarial networks, to enhance the data representation.
Finally, we can evaluate our proposed approach by
employing different matching algorithms to measure
similarity between embedding features.
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