MAKI: A Multi-Agent Public Key Infrastructure
Arthur Baudet
, Oum-El-kheir Aktouf
, Annabelle Mercier
and Philippe Elbaz-Vincent
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble INP, LCIS, Valence, France
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Institut Fourrier, Grenoble, France
Public Key Infrastructure, Multi-Agent Systems, Embedded Agent, Decentralized Security.
This paper presents a public key infrastructure for open multi-agent systems of embedded agents. These
systems rely on agents autonomy and cooperation between heterogeneous systems to achieve common goals.
They are very prone to attacks as they are confronted with unknown systems with unknown goals. We aim
at securing the communications between agents to provide foundations for more advanced security solutions
as well as allowing agents to communicate without the risk of their messages being tampered with. To do
so, we deploy a key infrastructure taking advantage of the agents autonomy to allow authenticity and integrity
checks and accountability of all interactions. The result of our approach is the Multi-Agent Key Infrastructure,
a public key infrastructure leveraging and empowering a trust management system. Agents autonomously
maintain a set of trusted certification authorities that deliver certificates to trusted agents and revoke intruders.
This infrastructure paves the way to build more secure open decentralized systems of autonomous embedded
systems. To make our solution general and adaptable to many situations, we only provide recommendations
related to the cryptographic primitives to use and the inner details of the trust management system.
Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) bring a decentralized
methodology to software and system architectures.
As a system architecture, they are used in distributed
systems such as wireless sensor networks, Internet-of-
Things, autonomous vehicles, etc. This multi-agent
approach to system design results in having a network
of embedded devices, each one executing one agent,
autonomously communicating and collaborating to
reach a common goal. We define these systems as
Multi-Embedded-Agent Systems (MEAS), i.e., multi-
agent systems of embedded agents. In this context,
we focus our study on heterogeneous open MAS, i.e.,
a class of systems that allow agents with different ca-
pabilities to enter in and leave the system as they need
as long as they are running.
Recent meta-studies (Baudet et al., 2021;
Boubiche et al., 2021) show that MEAS and similar
systems are particularly vulnerable to insider attacks,
a kind of attacks that come from one or more ma-
licious agents of the system, as well as attacks on
communications, as they often rely on wireless ad
hoc networks to communicate. They also show that
trust management systems (TMS) are a common way
of mitigating those threats. However, these TMS
often take strong hypotheses concerning the lower
layers, especially the cryptographic layer (Jhaveri and
Patel, 2017; Kukreja et al., 2018). For example, those
hypotheses may require the presence of third-party
to provide a root of trust or to pre-load certificates
in the agents, making them inapplicable in our open
and decentralized context. Thus, a specific solution
to provide agents with cryptographic keys to allow
them to securely communicate is required here.
Threat Model. We seek to secure the communi-
cations in multi-agent systems of embedded agents
to allow the use of TMS without the risk of the ex-
changes being tampered. To this end, we consider the
following assumptions:
The cryptographic primitives that are used, the
hardware they run on, and their implementations
are secured.
A suitable TMS is executing and takes into ac-
count likely attacks on it.
Sybil attacks are mitigated using either the TMS
or by other means.
Baudet, A., Aktouf, O., Mercier, A. and Elbaz-Vincent, P.
MAKI: A Multi-Agent Public Key Infrastructure.
DOI: 10.5220/0011631800003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 177-184
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
An ad hoc routing protocol is used to allow the
agents to communicate with each other.
Following these assumptions, we define the at-
tacker model as a mote-class attacker, i.e., an attacker
with similar resources as the agents of the system, that
would have complete control over the communication
medium. It would be able to eavesdrop on, block and
tamper with any message. Moreover, we make no as-
sumption on the intentions or capabilities (inside the
spectrum of the mote-class) of other agents, their be-
haviors are modeled as Byzantine behaviors.
Related Work. The works presented in (Lesueur
et al., 2009) and (Goffee et al., 2004) rely on re-
spectively threshold cryptography and Simple Dis-
tributed Security Infrastructure to provide a decen-
tralized Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). However,
both solutions still require either off-band verifica-
tion or pre-loaded certificates to provide authentica-
tion. In (Blanch-Torn
e et al., 2015), the authors pro-
pose an enhanced Distributed PKI for industrial con-
trol systems using an agent-based framework that re-
quires an operator to add or remove systems from the
PKI. This conflicts with the openness characteristic
of the systems studied in this paper. Both the works
in (Avramidis et al., 2012; Bonnaire et al., 2013) base
their decentralized PKI on a distributed hash table to
allow the signature, storage, and certification of cer-
tificates. While they solve the problem of consensus
in managing certificates, they do not provide ways to
filter out untrustworthy nodes. Overall, all the ap-
proaches above provide a way of decentralizing or
distributing a PKI but rely too much on third parties
or external control to apply to our problem.
For several years, most of the efforts to-
ward designing a decentralized PKI have involved
Blockchain Technology (BCT) (Singla and Bertino,
2018; Yakubov et al., 2018; Qin et al., 2020). The
BCT is designed to provide a consensus on infor-
mation in decentralized systems where no trust pre-
exists, making it an ideal solution to deliver, store
and revoke certificates, like the two previously cited
works. Yet, BCT is not adapted to our problem. Re-
gardless of the used consensus algorithm, which can
be highly power-consuming in the case of the proof-
of-work, the security of a Blockchain partly relies on
storing the history of all the exchanged information
during the life of the system. This means that it will
only grow and eventually reach a size too large to be
stored in resource-constrained embedded systems.
Alternatively, identity- and attribute-based PKIs,
PKIs that do not rely on certificates but on the char-
acteristics of the members of the network to dis-
tinguish them, can be adapted to decentralized con-
texts (Okamoto and Takashima, 2020; Cui and Deng,
2016). But, this means that they rely on prior knowl-
edge about the agents, an assumption difficult to meet
in open heterogeneous systems.
Consequently, we could not find any existing in-
frastructure satisfying the requirements of the studied
systems: decentralization, openness and autonomy.
This is why we provide in our work the foundations
of such a PKI through Multi-Agent Key Infrastructure
(MAKI), an infrastructure designed for open MEAS.
MAKI empowers TMS by enabling secure communi-
cations and enforcing exclusions. It also leverages it
to deploy a resilient self-organization against insiders’
We introduce MAKI in Section 2 and discuss the
result of a proof-of-concept of it in Section 3. Finally,
we conclude the paper in Section 4.
The use of cryptographic signatures provides integrity
and authenticity verification as well as accountabil-
ity. It only requires agents to generate asymmetric
keys and use them to sign the messages they send.
This mechanism alone meets the decentralized cryp-
tographic requirement we set. However, doing so en-
ables abusive behaviors such as agents using multi-
ple pairs of keys at the same time or changing their
keys over time. We prevent those behaviors by link-
ing an agent identity and leveraging the TMS to make
inefficient to change identity (see Section 3 for an ex-
ample). Then we empower the TMS by allowing the
certificate to be revoked, thus its holder instead of just
ignoring it.
2.1 Architecture
As we are focusing on open heterogeneous systems,
we do not expect agents entering a system with
preloaded certificates nor do we want to enforce spe-
cific authentication protocols. Instead, we designed
MAKI not to require authentication. In MAKI, agents
are anonymous and are only deemed friendly or ma-
licious based solely on their actions. This is possi-
ble thanks to the accountability brought by the use of
cryptographic signatures. This means that the identity
of an agent is linked to the keys it uses to interact.
We designed MAKI as a lightweight decentral-
ized Public Key Infrastructure, such as the X.509 PKI.
From the PKI principles, we only kept the Certificate
Authority (CA) function described below, the manda-
tory use of certificates, and the certificate revocation.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
To enforce the use of cryptography, unsigned mes-
sages as well as messages with invalid signature,
should be ignored. Moreover, agents should make
sure that the source of a message they received holds
a valid certificate, signed by a CA, for the key used
to sign the message before processing it. Of course,
requests to find CAs or certification requests can be
signed with not-certified keys. These certificates are
delivered and revoked by CAs elected through the use
of a self-organization scheme, thus capitalizing on the
autonomy of the agents. An agent can freely request
a certificate and the CA autonomously to answer it or
not. They are also autonomous in choosing to revoke
an agent but they are expected to do so when the ma-
jority of the agents they trust asks for it. The revoca-
tion is done using two mechanisms. First, the CAs
will add the revoked certificates to their Certificate
Revocation Lists (CRLs) and broadcast them. This
method is direct and instantaneous but, depending on
the network capabilities, the CRL updates may take
time to reach every agent. So, to mitigate this risk,
we also use short-lived certificates, which will not be
renewed by a CA that is aware of the revocation.
2.2 Self-Organization
The proper functioning of the self-organization de-
pends on rules MAKI adds to the TMS. For example,
the way we avoid the pitfalls of self-signed CAs, the
likeliness a malicious agent will become CA or the
rewards of being cross-certified are all explained in
Section 2.3.
Agents are either CA or None. None is the default
role and does not hold any responsibility toward the
PKI. The CAs are responsible for delivering certifi-
cates to None agents and other CAs, revoking certifi-
cates, storing a list of the delivered certificates and a
CRL. As MAKI does not rely on third-parties to es-
tablish a root of trust, CAs are all initially self-signed
and can later use cross-certification to create a net-
work of trustworthy CAs.
CAs are self-elected. Agents capable of being CA
(from a resource management point of view) decide
for themselves if they will become a CA. Algorithm 1
describes how the choice is made. This algorithm
was designed with two modular goals: (i) every agent
should be close to a CA and (ii) CAs will not become
a single-point-of-failure. This will lead to a uniform
distribution of CAs with one or more (depending on
T, the probability that an agent decides to become a
CA) CAs by group of agents. It is possible to adapt
the definition of “close” to reduce the number of CAs.
There will be more CAs if close means being in com-
munication range than if it means being in three times
the communication range. It is also possible to adapt
the value of T to increase or lower the number of re-
dundant CAs. If T is very high, almost all agents that
can be CA will be, but if T is very low, only agents far
from a CA will become one. Both the definition of
close and the value of T should be tailored to the ap-
plication, density and capabilities of the application
MAKI runs on.
Algorithm 1: Algorithm describing how the decision of be-
coming a CA is taken.
T [0, 1) The probability that an agent decides to be-
come a CA even if other trustworthy CAs are close.
1: Role None
2: CAs BROADCAST(CAListingRequest)
3: TrustedCAs FILTER(CAs, TrustLevel.Moderate)
4: if can become CA and (TrustedCAs is empty or RAN-
DOM(0, 1) < T) then
5: Role CA
Choosing a CA for a None agent is similar to de-
ciding to become a CA. Singe-point-of-failure situa-
tions can arise if the agents choose the most trustwor-
thy CA to deliver their certificates and that one CA is
designated the most trustworthy by most of them. To
avoid such cases, an agent will choose one from the
ones it trusts the most and specially the most trusted
one. This translates into a weighted random choice
using the trust values as weights. This way of choos-
ing ensures that most of the time a highly trusted CA
will be chosen but with a non-zero probability that a
less trusted CA will also have the possibility to show
that it can be trusted.
Adding a new agent in MAKI is straightforward.
The agent will first determine if it needs to become a
CA and, if not, will request a certificate from a CA.
Once done, it may first decide to select a more trust-
worthy CA by requesting trust information from its
neighbors or keep the CA it chose. In any case, it
will advertise the certificate to ensure that its neigh-
bors learn about it.
An agent can only be revoked by the CA that
signed its certificate. However, self-signed CA are not
susceptible to the revocation mechanisms. The only
way to exclude self-signed CAs is to ignore them and
suggest new agents to avoid them. A way to remove
this advantage is to propose cross-certification. This
means that CAs could request that other CAs sign
their certificates which would make them susceptible
to have their certificate revoked. This has no intrin-
sic benefit for the cross-certified CA as it will only
make harder to obtain and maintain a valid certificate,
but can be considered as a demonstation of good faith
and be rewarded in the TMS.
Overall, MAKI does not reduce the security
brought by the TMS since, even though they can not
MAKI: A Multi-Agent Public Key Infrastructure
Table 1: Trade-off between risk and benefit for each possible interaction between agents depending on their roles.
Interaction Risk Benefit
Certificate Authority
a certificate
Moderate. Allowing malicious
agents to operate.
High. Having its own legitimacy
increase since one more agent is
trusting it to deliver trustworthy
or none
a certificate
High. Decreasing the trust of agents
not agreeing with the revocation.
Excluding a benevolent agent.
High. Helps the overall system by
excluding a malicious agent.
Requesting a
High. Having its reputation
decreased if the cross-certifier is
distrusted. Giving more legitimacy
to a malicious CA.
Moderate. Higher trust is given to
cross-certified CA.
Accepting a
High. Giving more legitimacy to a
malicious CA.
High. Having its own legitimacy
increase since a CA is trusting it
a certification
Moderate. If the CA is not trusted,
having to renew the certificate with
another one. Giving more
legitimacy to a malicious CA.
High. Holding a valid certificate is
mandatory to participate in the
or none
The term “reputation” is used as a way to describe the trust other agents have in one agent.
CAs have no way in checking the trustability of new agents at first so the required trust is set to none for them.
New agents have no way in checking the trustability of CAs at first so the required trust is set to none for them.
be revoked, self-signed CAs can still be ignored and
their bad reputation shared to new agents. This means
that the number of malicious agents MAKI can handle
only depends on the TMS and the complexity of the
attacks executed against it. We show in Section 3 how,
with a simple TMS, MAKI handles malicious agents
once the TMS detects their malicious behaviors.
2.3 Trust Management
MAKI is not designed for a specific TMS. More-
over, defining a trust model for each specific use case
of MEAS is out of scope. Instead, we specify here
how MAKI leverages the TMS to deploy its self-
We present in Table 1 a risk assessement of the
interactions in MAKI and recommended trust thresh-
olds to reach to carry them out. These trust thresholds
are representations of the trust an agent should have
in other agents to interact with them. Their values de-
pend on the trust model. In addition to the presented
interactions, we add that any agent should be able to
request and share their certificates without risk nor re-
quired trust, as doing so allows to check or prove that
the requirement of holding a valid certificate is met.
MAKI also leverages the TMS to mitigate the pro-
liferation of malicious self-signed CAs by adding a
cost to the role of CA. In MAKI, a CA can only be
legitimate if it continually replies to certification re-
quests, and illegitimate CAs should be ignored. This
way, even a malicious CA must contribute to the sys-
tem by delivering certificates to requesting agents.
This can be translated by a small increase of the trust
in a CA each time it answers a certification request.
Moreover, the trust put in certified agent is weighted
by the trust of the CA that signed its certificate. This
is done to encourage agents to choose CAs they trust
but that other agents also trust. This aims at making
the CAs properly behave to every agent and not only
to some of them.
While we explained how to mitigate the risk of
malicious agents becoming CA and thus self-signed
CAs, we can also provide way to reduce the number
of self-signed CA by adding a trust reward for cross-
certified CA. Cross-certified CAs will end up more
selected. This will force self-signed CAs to get cross-
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Id e nt i ty : : = SEQ U EN C E { n ame INTEGE R , p u bl i cK e y BIT S T RIN G }
(a) ASN.1 representation of the Identity field used in MAKI certificates and CRL.
1 C e r ti f i c at e ::= SE QUE NCE {
2 ve r si o n [0] INTEGE R ,
3 s e ri al N um be r INTEGER ,
4 si gn a tu r e BIT S T R IN G ,
5 iss uer Iden t i ty ,
6 va l id i ty SE Q UE N CE {
7 no t Be fo r e UTCTi m e ,
8 no t Af t er UT C Ti m e
9 } ,
10 su b je c t Iden t i ty ,
11 s u bj e c t Ro l e Role ,
12 s u bj e c t In f o Su bj e ct In f o
13 }
14 R o l e : : = INT E GE R { NO N E (0) , CA ( 1 ) }
(b) ASN.1 representation of the MAKI certificates.
1 Cer ti fi ca t e R e v o c a t i o n L i s t :: =
2 ve r si o n [0] INTEGER ,
3 si gn a tu r e BIT S T R IN G ,
4 hol der Iden t i ty ,
5 th is U pd at e UTCTime ,
6 r e v o k e d C e r ti fi ca te s S EQU ENC E OF
7 se ri a lN um b e r INTEGER ,
8 iss u er Identi t y ,
9 sub jec t Iden t i ty ,
10 re vo ca t i o nD at e UTCTime ,
11 re a so nC o de R e as o nC od e
12 }
13 }
14 R ea so n Co de ::= E NU ME R AT E D {
15 id Co m pr i se (0) ,
16 c e s s a t io nO fO pe ra ti on (1)
17 }
(c) ASN.1 representation of the MAKI CRL.
Figure 1: ASN.1 representation of the MAKI certificate and CRL formats.
certified and take the risk of having their certificates
revoked if they behave maliciously.
2.4 Certificate Management
Certificate and CRL representations can be found in
Figure. 1. Excluding the fields we did not keep from
the X.509 format, the main differences are the inclu-
sion of the public key of the issuer since it is part
of its identity and the additional field, subjectInfo,
which is let to be defined by the system designers.
Using this format, with an empty subjectInfo field,
4-byte time_t for UTCTime, 193 byte for the public
key OpenSSH format, 105-byte for the raw signature,
1-byte integer for Version, Role and ReasonCode,
and 2-byte integer for SerialNumber and Name, and
no padding, the size of a certificate is 507 bytes.
Since MAKI does not rely on registration author-
ities to deliver and distribute certificates, the distri-
bution of certificates falls to the agents themselves.
Agents may broadcast their certificates periodically
and should attach them to the first messages of each
exchange. An agent can also request the certificate of
another agent. These distributions methods are less
efficient than having a third-party gathering and shar-
ing the certificates. But, they remove any threat com-
ing from this third-party and any risk of it becoming
a single-point-of-failure as well as enable better scal-
ability and decentralization.
Concerning the CRL format, we moved the
reasonCode field from the CRL Extension to the
mandatory fields so that CAs can be held ac-
countable for each revocation. To keep the CRL
format as small as possible, it is only meant
to hold information related to agents exclusion.
Hence, from the ten possible values, we only kept
the KeyCompromise (renamed IdCompromise) and
CessationOfOperation. Other reason code could
be added to indicate malicious behaviors specific to
the application. Following the same memory size
choices as in the certificate format, a CRL with n N
certificates is 305 + n × 397 bytes. CAs should keep
and distribute, gratuitously or on demand, their CRL.
3.1 Setup
We developed a proof-of-concept (PoC) using the Yet
Another Multi-Agent System Simulator (YAMASS),
an in-house multi-agent simulator based on the Mesa
framework (Kazil et al., 2020). The code used for
this PoC and the results we obtained are available
at (Baudet et al., 2022) to allow complete replicability
of the results and transparency on the implementation
choices. YAMASS allowed us to implement the agent
behavior described above without constraints while
making sure that agents can not share states or infor-
mation outside of sent and received messages.
We followed the NIST recommendations (Barker
MAKI: A Multi-Agent Public Key Infrastructure
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
No trust
Low trust
Moderate trust
High trust
Figure 2: Representation of the trust growth and trust
thresholds in MAKI.
and Dang, 2015) for our choice of cryptographic
primitives. Thus, we used Elliptical Curve Cryptog-
raphy with the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algo-
rithm and 256-bit keys using the P-256 Curve.
We designed a trust model with a slow growth and
a low initial trust, the common mitigation to white-
washing presented in (Ruan and Durresi, 2016). The
model was tailored to the number of agents and the
duration of the simulation. The value of the trust is
bound between 0 and 1 with a growth following the
function defined in Equation 1. (The value 10 was
experimentally chosen to set the slop of the curve.)
f : x 7→
x + 10
The Low, Moderate and High trust thresholds are
respectively set to 0.3, 0.7 and 0.9 and the initial
value is set to Low. In this model, a trust value be-
low the Low thresholds implies that the agent is to be
ignored. The graph of this trust growth function, with
the thresholds, is given in Figure 2.
The TMS also includes indirect information. An
agent can ask other agents how much they trust a cer-
tain agent and add it to its model. Moreover, every
agent eavesdrops on the communications to update in
real-time their trust model, in particular concerning
the certificate deliveries.
This PoC focuses on the behavior at a local scale,
the way agents are meant to be designed for. We de-
fine this local scale by an area in which all agents are
in range of each other. This allowed us to deploy a
very minimalistic routing protocol in which all mes-
sages are broadcasted and no acknowledgements are
expected. As we assumed that a proper routing proto-
col is deployed, we did not emulate packet loss in the
simulator but agents do not assume that every request
will be answered in due time, or at all.
Lastly, agents’ trust increases randomly over time
to emulate the successful interactions among them
and feed the TMS.
3.2 Experimentations
We show two results from the experiments we real-
ized using the PoC. Both of them were done using
a configuration of ten agents. The agents are num-
bered from 0 to 9 and only the four agents 6 to 9 have
the resources to become CA. Agents that initially be-
come CA during our experiments are agents 6, 8, and
9 (fixed by the seed used for the agents random num-
ber generator).
Figure 3 presents the normal fluctuation of trust
in an agent. Overall, the trust increases steadily in
both cases and fluctuates as agents change CA as long
as no CA really stands out. By the 600
step, the
CAs have enough trust in each other to request cross-
certification and see their trust increase accordingly.
Based on this execution, we designed two scenarios
to show how MAKI leverages and empowers TMS.
In the first scenario, we aim to compare the use of
CRL against the use of indirect information to exclude
an agent. To do so, we established a situation where
the trusts of agents 1 to 6 in agent 0 drop below the
Low threshold at step 700 and expect that the agents
7 to 9 also distrust agent 0 (the choice of the agents
does not matter as long as the malicious agent in not
a CA and that the revocation requesters represent the
majority.) From this situation, we executed MAKI
with and without certificate revocations. The results
in trust fluctuations are shown in Figures 4. For con-
ciseness, we do not present the graph of the trust fluc-
tuations with certificate revocations and no indirect
information as it is the same as the one with indirect
information (it is available in the repository (Baudet
et al., 2022)). From these figures we can see that the
revocation leads to all the agents distrusting agent 0.
However, the trust decreases only a little but the in-
direct information is not enough to really change the
trust value of agents 7 to 9. The last result may be
improved with a TMS giving more weight to indirect
information. However, direct information, such as
correct interactions or revocation will often be more
important than indirect information to prevent agents
being swayed too easily by their neighbors.
In the second scenario, we show how MAKI lever-
ages the TMS to adapt to a coalition of malicious
CAs. To do so, from the four agents with the capa-
bilities to become CAs, the three which decided to
become CA, agents 6, 8, and 9 are detected malicious
at step 700. Then, we expect the system to adapt ac-
cordingly by stopping to rely on them and find another
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
(a) Trust fluctuations of a CA agent over time. (b) Trust fluctuations of a None agent over time.
Figure 3: Trust fluctuation of two agents, one CA one None, over time.
(a) Trust fluctuations with the certificate of agent 0 being re-
(b) Trust fluctuations with the certificate of agent 0 not being
Figure 4: Graphs showing the fluctuations of trust in agent 0 as the other agents detect its malicious behavior.
1098 I N F O : m a i n : s t e p :701
1099 D EBUG : a g e nt :7: net : < >: D a ta ( src : I d en t it y (7 , < p u blic _ key >) , des t : -1 , p a yl o ad :
Ce rt A dv e rt ( Ce rt i fi ca t e ( s er i a l _n um b e r : 0 , i ssu e r : I de n ti t y (7 , < p ubl i c _ke y >)
, su b je c t : I de n ti t y (7 , < p ubl i c _ke y >) , s u b je ct _ ro le : Ro l e . CA , n ot _ be fo r e :
702 , no t_ a ft e r : 4702 , ve rsi o n : 1) ) )
1100 D EBUG : a g e nt :0: net := >: Data ( src : I de n ti t y (0 , < p ubl i c _ke y >) , d e s t : I de n ti t y (7 , <
pub l ic_k e y >) , p ay l oa d : C er t Req () )
1101 D EBUG : a g e nt :1: net := >: Data ( src : I de n ti t y (1 , < p ubl i c _ke y >) , d e s t : I de n ti t y (7 , <
pub l ic_k e y >) , p ay l oa d : C er t Req () )
1102 D EBUG : a g e nt :3: net := >: Data ( src : I de n ti t y (3 , < p ubl i c _ke y >) , d e s t : I de n ti t y (7 , <
pub l ic_k e y >) , p ay l oa d : C er t Req () )
1103 D EBUG : a g e nt :2: net := >: Data ( src : I de n ti t y (2 , < p ubl i c _ke y >) , d e s t : I de n ti t y (7 , <
pub l ic_k e y >) , p ay l oa d : C er t Req () )
1104 D EBUG : a g e nt :4: net := >: Data ( src : I de n ti t y (4 , < p ubl i c _ke y >) , d e s t : I de n ti t y (7 , <
pub l ic_k e y >) , p ay l oa d : C er t Req () )
1105 D EBUG : a g e nt :5: net := >: Data ( src : I de n ti t y (5 , < p ubl i c _ke y >) , d e s t : I de n ti t y (7 , <
pub l ic_k e y >) , p ay l oa d : C er t Req () )
Figure 5: Excerpt of the execution trace showing that agent 7 is now a CA and agents 0 to 5 requesting that it delivers them a
MAKI: A Multi-Agent Public Key Infrastructure
CA. An excerpt of the execution trace at step 701 in
shown in Figure 5. It shows that agent 7 changes its
role, broadcasts its new certificate and agents 0 to 6,
which lost their trust in the other CAs, request a cer-
tificate from agent 7. The self-organization algorithm
led to the promotion of a friendly CA and the mali-
cious CAs being ignored.
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key infrastructure, named MAKI, adapted to open
multi-agent systems of embedded agents. This infras-
tructure secures the communications to allow agents
to securely exchange information to detect intrud-
ers. Those intruders are then revoked thanks to the
use of certificates delivered and revoked by a subset
of trusted certification authorities agents maintained
with no third parties involved. A proof-of-concept of
MAKI is also presented, with the source available to
reviews, to demonstrate how revocations are obtained
once one or more intruders are detected. We are now
focusing our efforts on further validating MAKI us-
ing formal methods such as model checking. We are
also exploring a blockhain-based solution to provide
a way to easily share certificates and allow agents to
better audit certification authorities.
This work is supported by the French National Re-
search Agency in the framework of the “Investisse-
ments d’avenir” program (ANR-15-IDEX-02).
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence