An Automatic Method for Building a Taxonomy of Areas of Expertise
Thi Thu Le
, Tuan-Dung Cao
, Xuan Lam Pham
, Duc Trung Pham
and Toan Luu
Department of Research Methodology, Thuongmai University, Hanoi, Vietnam
School of Information and Communication Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
Department of Computer Science, School of Information Technology in Economics,
National Economics University, Hanoi, Vietnam
Move Digital AG, Zurich, Switzerland
Keywords: Topic Taxonomy Construction, Expert Finding System, Expertise Profile.
Abstract: Although a lot of Expert finding systems have been proposed, there is a need for a comprehensive study on
building a knowledge base of areas of expertise. Building an Ontology creates a consistent lexical framework
of a domain for representing information, thus processing the data effectively. This study uses the background
knowledge of machine learning methods and textual data mining techniques to build adaptive clustering, local
embedding, and term ordering modules. By that means, it is possible to construct an Ontology for a domain
via representation language and apply it to the Ontology system of expert information. We proposed a new
method called TaxoGenDRK (Taxonomy Generator using Database about Research Area and Keyword)
based on the method from Chao Zhang et al. (2018)’s research on TaxoGen and an additional module that
uses a database of research areas and keywords retrieved from the internet – the data regarded as an uncertain
knowledge base for learning about taxonomy. DBLP dataset was used for testing, and the topic was “computer
science”. The evaluation of the topic taxonomy using TaxogenDRK was implemented via qualitative and
quantitative methods, producing a relatively good accuracy compared to other existing studies.
For searching systems in general and Expert Finding
Systems (EFS) in particular, it is essential to build a
knowledge database of the research areas of experts
because this will enhance the quality of search and
recommendation algorithms (Abramowicz et al.,
2011; Husain et al., 2019). An EFS will contain a lot
of information about experts in different research
fields (Al-Taie et al., 2018). Thus, each area needs a
consistent vocabulary framework to display,
categorize and process the experts’ information
effectively. A sufficient knowledge framework will
help the systems to find experts, with the keywords as
the research areas or related research areas. By that
means, the systems can suggest or recommend related
researchers. The knowledge base will make the
systems work more smartly, producing more accurate
and sufficient search results (Lin et al., 2017).
Currently, there are two primary ways to solve the
problem: manual and automatic taxonomy building.
Manual building is advantageous because it can
produce a solid taxonomy but requires experts in the
areas as well as considerable time and effort. The
knowledge in a specific field is vast and needs deep
research to have a good taxonomy. Building
automatic taxonomy is supplementary to the manual
method, which can use machine learning to mine the
data structure to create a quality taxonomy (Liu et al.,
2012; Song et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2018).
Extensive expertise data can be created frequently
due to new research orientations and terminologies.
The directory can change over time, and most of the
data can only be understood by humans, not
computers. This gives rise to the appearance of the
semantics web and Ontology, where data and
knowledge are represented in structures that are
comprehensible to computers (Gomez-Perez &
Corcho, 2002).
This study uses background knowledge of
machine learning methods and textual data mining
techniques to build adaptive clustering, local
Le, T., Cao, T., Pham, L., Pham, T. and Luu, T.
An Automatic Method for Building a Taxonomy of Areas of Expertise.
DOI: 10.5220/0011630500003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 169-176
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
embedding, and term ordering modules. By that
means, it is possible to construct an Ontology for a
domain via representation language and apply it to the
Ontology system of expert information. We proposed
a new method called TaxoGenDRK (Taxonomy
Generator using Database about Research Area and
Keyword) based on the method from Zhang et al.
(2018)’s research on TaxoGen and an additional
module that uses a database of research areas and
keywords retrieved from the internet the data
regarded as an uncertain knowledge base for learning
about taxonomy.
However, the topic taxonomy for EFS has
received scant attention, and there has been little body
of research on this topic. The algorithm is used to
build a knowledge database on the research areas of
experts to serve the EFS. We experiment with the
DBLP dataset and aim to address two research
Question 1. How is the performance of
TaxoGenDRK in creating the topic taxonomy in
Computer Science?
Question 2. Is the TaxoGenDRK method
suitable for building the knowledge base for EFS?
To realize the research objectives, the study
focuses on presenting the theoretical basis and related
studies related to the problem, including machine
learning and text data processing theories. This is
followed by an overview of the solution adopted and
a detailed description of the modules used in the
method. Afterward, we discuss the tests of the method
performed on the input dataset and evaluate its
effectiveness. The research results draw conclusions
about what has been achieved and the remaining
limitations of the method used. In addition, some
directions for further research and research
recommendations are provided.
2.1 Ontology in Expert Finding
Ontologies, which are clear formal descriptions of the
concepts in the domain and their relationships
(Gruber, 1993), have recently moved from artificial
intelligence laboratories to the desktops of subject-
matter experts. Ontologies on the Web range from
large-scale classification methods for the
classification of websites to products for sale and
their characteristics (Noy & McGuinness, 2001).
Ontologies define a general vocabulary for
researchers who need to exchange information within
a domain (Çelik et al., 2013). Similarly, an ontology-
based method was proposed to find experts (Uddin et
al., 2011) in a certain field, primarily a research topic
in computer science and engineering.
There are a wide variety of methods that
concentrate on EFS, including Fine-Grained (Deng et
al., 2008), hybrid topic and language models (Deng et
al., 2008), and integrated evidence (Bogers et al.,
2008). Additionally, numerous methods involving
academic and social networks have been created for
locating specialists by the quantity of researchers.
However, they are based on text mining and
probabilistic approaches for performing expert
searches. Based on the collection of information,
ontologies used in expert search have been proposed
to improve the knowledge base model for academic
information (Bukowska et al., 2012).
2.2 Methods for Finding Experts
Numerous research has examined methods for
finding experts. According to their primary areas of
focus, the existing techniques can be grouped into
three major categories.
2.2.1 Content-based Method
Content-based methods have received much attention
from different studies. Text REtrieval Conference
(TREC) considers the first type of content-based
methodology to be an information retrieval task.
These methods fall into two categories: profile-
centric method and document-centric method (Balog
et al., 2012; Petkova & Croft, 2006). All documents
or texts related to a candidate are combined into a
single personal profile in the profile-centric method,
and the ranking score for each candidate is then
estimated based on the profile in response to a given
query (Balog et al., 2006). However, instead of
creating a single expertise profile, the document-
centric method analyzes the content of each document
separately (Balog et al., 2006; Wu et al., 2009). To
take advantage of the benefits of both the profile-
centric and document-centric methods, some existing
approaches have combined the two to improve
expert-finding performance (Petkova & Croft, 2008).
By using the term “vectors” with bag-of-words
representation, these studies typically focus on
matching search results to user queries, which differs
from topic-dependent expert finding based on
automatically inferred latent topics.
Topic modeling is the second type of content-
based method. To overcome the limitations of the
earlier topic model, a three-level hierarchical
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Bayesian model called Latent Dirichlet allocation
(LDA) was proposed (Blei et al., 2003) to change the
problems to topic-vector based representation. To
extend the effort of the LDA model, an author-topic
model was introduced (Rosen-Zvi et al., 2004) to
illustrate the connection between the content of
documents and the interests of authors by sharing the
hyperparameter of all publications by the same
authors. As a result, topic models can support in
evaluating the contribution of candidates to an
inferred topic. They do not, however, analyze the
relationship between fields of research that represent
authors’ knowledge to build a network for more
sophisticated identification of experts.
2.2.2 Link Structure-based Method
To describe the direct evidence of candidates’
expertise, link structure-based method using
PageRank (Ding et al., 2009; Page et al., 1999) and
HITS (Kleinberg, 1999) algorithms were applied in
analyzing relationships in the scholarly network to
find authorized experts. AuthorRank, which is a
modification of PageRank with weights among the
co-authorship links, was also introduced to solve the
connection. Citation graph was used to evaluate the
impact of scientific journals and conferences,
publications, and academic authors. Several
modifications of traditional PageRank for
bibliographic networks were presented and achieved
a better result than the standard algorithm (Fiala et al.,
2008). PageRank with damping factors with weighted
algorithms that consider citation, co-authorship
topology and co-citation network was proposed to
measure author impact and rank them (Ding, 2011;
Page et al., 1999). All those efforts aim to improve
the accuracy of classical indicators such as impact
factor, citation count and H-index by applying
different modifications of HITS or PageRank
algorithms. However, they are ineffective for
identifying the top “experts” without focusing on
content features.
2.2.3 Combination of Content-based and
Link Structure-based Methods
Some researchers have employed link analysis to
further improve the ranking results after using
documents or snippet-level content to evaluate topic
relevance for each applicant. Text analysis and
network analysis were used after gathering all emails
particularly related to a topic and examining
connections between every pair of individuals, to sort
individuals and create “expert graph” (Campbell et
al., 2003). Then modified HITS was applied to find
ratings for all senders and recipients related to that
topic. Candidates’ personal profile and publications
were used to estimate an initial expert score for each
applicant and choose the top applicants to build a
subgraph (Zhang et al., 2007). All of them were
accomplished by operating through local
optimization while ranking among a small subset of
applicants. However, a topical factor graph model
was suggested to find representative nodes from
academic networks on a given topic by utilizing the
topic relevance and social ties between linkages
(Tang et al., 2009). In this research, we suggest an
improved method to identify the relationship between
topics for building topic tree-structured hierarchy,
which is called topic taxonomy.
2.3 Topic Taxonomy Construction
A topic taxonomy is a tree-structured hierarchy in
which each node has a group of semantically related
terms that each reflect a particular conceptual topic
(Shang et al., 2020). Additionally, the topic-subtopic
relation should be followed by the parent-child nodes
in the hierarchical tree. For example, if a node has
children S = c
, c
, ..., c
, then each c
should be a sub-
topic of the node and have the same level of precision
as its siblings in S.
It is important to note that a term may be a sub-
topic of multiple conceptual topics and hence appear
in various nodes. For instance, “search engine” may
be a component of both “search engine in information
retrieval” and “image matching search engine”;
“neural networks” may be a component of both
“neural networks in deep learning” and “neural
networks for data mining.”
The main approaches for building taxonomy were
introduced as hyponymy-based methods, clustering-
based methods, network clustering-based methods.
3.1 Research Process
From an input corpus about a field, we need to create
a topic taxonomy for that field. It is a data structure
of domain terms, namely a tree-structured hierarchy
of topics and terms within the area, in which each
node of the tree consists of a set of terms representing
a topic, and the child nodes are the sub-topics of the
parent node. The hierarchy is shown in the Figure 1.
This structure meets the requirements for building a
taxonomy of areas of expertise as each topic will
An Automatic Method for Building a Taxonomy of Areas of Expertise
usually be described by a group of synonymous terms
or terms related to the same content represented by
the group’s topic.
Figure 1: The topic taxonomy problem.
From the above research objectives and directions,
this study was implemented in the following stages:
1. A new method called TaxoGenDRK
(Taxonomy Generator using Database about
Research area and Keyword) was proposed in
an attempt to improve the topic taxonomy
method Taxogen. This is a method based on
TaxoGen research by Zhang et al. (Zhang et
al., 2018), together with an additional module
that uses a database of research areas and
keywords extracted from the internet – the
data regarded as an uncertain knowledge base
for learning about taxonomy. This dataset is a
data structure about research fields and
keywords built from crawled data from
Google Scholar
2. An experiment was conducted to build a topic
taxonomy, with “Computer Science” as the
main topic for testing, using Python language,
Google Colab Pro, and the DBLP dataset.
3. An evaluation of the topic taxonomy using
TaxogenDRK was conducted from qualitative
and quantitative approaches.
The TaxogenDRK method is the focal point of our
3.2 Proposed Method: TaxoGenDRK
The overview model of the TaxoGenDRK method is
shown in Figure 2 below. The initial input and output
are the same as in the TaxoGen method. Two local
terms embedding, and adaptive clustering modules
are used for term clustering to create the output tree.
In addition, the method needs to perform additional
data retrieval from experts’ research areas and
scientific publications before building a dependency
graph from the extracted information, and finally, use
it to arrange terms based on a topic representation
level. The two reused modules will not need to be re-
described, but the next section will describe the
further developed term ordering module (Figure 3).
Figure 2: An overview of the TaxoGenDRK method.
The term ordering module includes the tasks shown
in Figure 3, starting with the retrieval of data about
the experts’ research areas and keywords in their
scientific publications to the construction of a dataset
of research areas and related terms. The data set is in
the form of a dependency graph between the research
areas and keywords, all of which will be extracted
from information pages about experts in their fields
of research and scientific publications. Google
Scholar was used because it is the leading scientific
and expert information page used in the research
community. Finally, we combined the classified term
clusters to order the terms. The tasks will be described
in more detail in the following sections.
Figure 3: The stages in the term ordering module.
The next step is to build a dependency graph, a set
of graphs in which each graph has a node as a research
area, the remaining nodes are keywords related to that
research area, connected with the research area by a
weighted edge, and the weight is calculated by the
probability that the keyword is related to the area.
It describes the research fields and the keywords
in the field with a weight w
representing the
probability of the keyword in the field.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
= 1 𝑜𝑟 𝑤
In (1), 𝑙𝑒𝑛
is the number of research areas of the
expert whose scientific publications are crawled to
get the keywords. With two identical keywords
extracted from two different publications added to the
same topic, the weights will be updated by the higher
value between the two keyword weights.
This module has the function of sorting terms
according to a level called topic visibility, making it
easy to select the top terms of a cluster.
In this
method, we will use a score to evaluate the topic
representation of the node, and each node will be
illustrated by the term with the highest topic
representation and the top terms with the highest topic
The topic representation for each term for a
cluster is calculated using the following formula:
= 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑚
In (2), 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑚
is the similarity degree
cosine of the embedding vector of term t with the
center of cluster S
, and 𝑟
is the degree of
representation of the term t for the cluster S
included in the parent node of the cluster S
clustering of that parent node).
In the step of ordering terms, the clusters
containing the term is the area of research, and the
topic representation score of the research area will be
recalculated based on the association graph above as
 ∈ 
In (3), T represents the set of terms that are keywords
and belong to the dataset of research fields associated
with the keywords built above.
3.3 Experiments
3.3.1 Dataset
The test dataset is the DBLP, a commonly used data
set in some other topic taxonomy studies. Zhang et al.
(2018) published preprocessed DBLP dataset, and
this study used the above dataset for testing and
evaluation. The above dataset contains a corpus with
more than 1.8 million titles of scientific articles in
computer science fields.
Because the topic taxonomy requires a large
corpus, the effectiveness of the experimental setup is
required for its efficiency in optimizing memory
space and processing time. The preprocessing steps
are used as much as possible as they are performed
only once compared to the next repeated steps of the
algorithm. In the preprocessing step, the tool NPC
(Noun Phrase Chunking) is used to extract noun
phrases from scientific article titles to form a term set
after removing duplicate words and selecting the most
common terms to form a collection of more than
thirteen thousand terms. In addition, the next
preprocessing steps include indexing the corpus,
calculating term frequency on each corpus, learning
global embedding vectors, calculating document
lengths, and storing the index of documents where the
term appears.
3.3.2 Parameters
The study is implemented in Python language version
3.6, and is run on Google Colab Pro. The parameters
used for the implementation of the method are as
follows: n_cluster: 5 (the number of clusters
categorized at each level); max_depth: 4 (the
maximum depth of the taxonomy tree);
filter_threshold: 0.25 (the threshold for generic term
removal in adaptive clustering module);
n_cluster_iter: 2 (the maximum number of iterations
of adaptive clustering); n_expand: 100 (the number
of extended terms, counting from the central term
during local embedding); n_include: 10 (the number
of terms close to the cluster center chosen to extract
the secondary corpus during local embedding);
n_top: 10 (the number of terms with the highest
subject representation selected during the term
ordering process).
The study combines the data structure of the
research areas and the keywords crawled from
Google Scholar. To get the dataset, conduct a query
to crawl the data of more than fifty experts in the field
of computer science, with a number of leading
research citations in several research areas, such as
machine learning, computer vision, computer
security, and natural language processing. The data
structure is as follows: Number of research fields:
34 (research fields from the information of experts);
Number of keywords: 213 (crawled keywords from
the publication description pages); Number of links:
759 (the link between research areas and keywords);
Number of reliable links: 113 (link weighted from
0.5 or more); Average number of links: 293 (links
weighted greater than 0.2 and less than 0.5); Number
of less reliable links: 353 (link weighted 0.2 or less).
An Automatic Method for Building a Taxonomy of Areas of Expertise
4.1 Taxonomy Results
The result of building topic classification on the
DBLP dataset, with the main topic being “computer
science,” the topic taxonomy tree is built in 4 levels,
and each parent topic is divided into 5 sub-topics.
Figure 4 shows a part of the topic taxonomy results,
where the sub-topics are represented by the five terms
with the highest topic representation and are labeled
with the words of the highest topic representation.
Figure 4: TaxoGenDRK results for classifying Computer
Science topics in some clusters.
4.2 Evaluation
4.2.1 Qualitative Evaluation
In the results of the topic taxonomy in the field of
“computer science,” not all taxonomies give reliable
results. Since the number of sub-clusters is fixed at 5,
some clusters do not really belong to their parent
cluster, although the labels and top terms are still
quite semantically clear about the same topic. For
instance, the cluster of natural language processing
can be seen in Figure 5, which was founded during
the clustering process of the topic “information
retrieval.” Since we fixed the number of clusters of
the computer science root node to be 5, the terms on
the topic of natural language processing must belong
to one of those 5 clusters, and the cluster whose center
is close to the term set of the most natural language
processing is the information extraction cluster, so it
is classified as a child of the information extraction
In addition, although the process of adaptive
clustering and local embedding helps the clusters to
separate clearly, eliminating common terms in the
sub-clusters, it is not completely effective for the
whole result. In some clusters, after being split, one
of the sub-clusters is almost still at the center of the
parent cluster, as can be seen in the “search results”
cluster at level two in where there is a subcluster that
seems to be the center of the parent cluster, and they
all represent the same topic. When splitting the above
cluster into sub-clusters, there is a cluster located at
the center of the parent cluster.
Figure 5: TaxoGenDRK results for the cluster “information
4.2.2 Quantitative Evaluation
The quantitative evaluation of a topic taxonomy tree
is not an easy task to implement. The researchers
made references to related studies, as in (J. Shang,
2020; Zhang et al., 2018), to learn about how to build
an assessment of the topic taxonomy tree and to
provide quantitative measures to evaluate the results.
In general, the related studies all constructed a set of
evaluation indicators, then used humans as the main
agent to evaluate each selected example, and finally
arrived at a quantitative evaluation. From the
evaluation indicators, we can compare the results
with each other even at a relative level because, in
different studies, the main agent to evaluate (humans)
are different. The indicators used in this study are:
Relation accuracy: the accuracy between
relationships that measures the accuracy of the
relationship between parent and child nodes in a
classification tree; Exclusive sibling: the semantic
separation between sibling nodes in the same parent
topic; Term coherence: the coherence of terms that
measures how well the top terms represent the same
In all the above criteria, the data points of the
results are given to a team of three engineers working
in the field of computer science, who will learn about
unknown terms and use their knowledge of known
terms to evaluate each result. The majority’s result
was selected as the final result for each data point. In
machine learning taxonomy, the commonly used
metrics are Precision, Recall, and F-score. However,
in the topic taxonomy problem, each data point will
only have True Positive and False Positive, so only
the Precision measure will be used for the three
evaluation indicators above. The specific formula for
the measurements is as follows:
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
In (4), FP is the number of False Positives (number of
false predictions), TP is the number of True Positives
(number of correct predictions), PP is the number of
Predicted Positives (total number of predictions), and
RP is the number of Real Positives (the total number
of correct labels).
The specific results are shown in Table 1. The
first column is the name of the methods, and the next
columns are respectively the evaluation indicators for
the methods, and the blank boxes are the results not
evaluated. The methods are: TaxoGenDRK: the
proposed research method; TaxoGen: the method
that does not use the term sorting module but only
uses the original representative points to generate the
top terms; NoAC: the method does not use an
adaptive clustering module, but uses algorithms to
cluster without removing generic terms; NoLE: the
method does not use local embedding modules but
uses global embedding vectors in the clustering steps;
HLDA: the non-parametric topic hierarchical model
tested to build a topic taxonomy tree; Hclus: building
clustering using global embedding vectors and using
only K-means spherical clustering algorithm to build
a hierarchical taxonomy tree (Zhang et al., 2018).
Table 1: Results of the topic taxonomy tree evaluation.
0.79 0.76 0.82
TaxoGen 0.77 0.73 0.84
HClus 0.44 0.47 0.62
NoLE 0.64 0.70 -
HLDA 0.27 0.44 -
NoAC 0.56 0.35 -
These results show the effectiveness of the model
in building the taxonomy tree. All three modules of
adaptive clustering, local embedding, and term
sorting provide good indicators, and the results are
consistent with the qualitative evaluation in the
previous section. The last module is to order the
terms, which seems to show only a small effect
because it does not affect the process of creating
clusters, but when the terms have been hierarchically
clustered, it orders them to get the position of the top
terms. The results also showed the efficiency of
TaxoGenDRK compared to TaxoGen in the
evaluation index of the relationships between parent
and child nodes as well as the separation between
sibling clusters.
The research process on building an automatic
ontology of expertise has brought insights into how to
represent knowledge in the current web systems, the
approaches, and deployment of machine learning
methods, including adaptive clustering module, local
embedding module, and term ordering module to
solve the problem of building topic taxonomy. The
proposed method helped construct a topic taxonomy
in the field of “computer science” with a relatively
good degree of accuracy compared with the existing
studies. Thus, research question 1 has been resolved.
The proposed TaxoGenDRK model, however, has
given relatively reliable results compared with
existing studies on the problem of automatically
building topic taxonomies. However, it still has some
limitations that must be acknowledged and improved.
Some parameters used seem to significantly influence
the results, such as the number of clusters in each
topic, the threshold to remove generic terms, and so
In research question 2, It can be seen that the
TaxoGenDRK method is quite suitable for building
the knowledge base for EFS. However, the extracted
data about the information of research fields and
keywords in expert publications are only uncertain
knowledge bases. As a result, sometimes, the details
learned are not accurate. Further studies can focus on
parameters suitable for different steps or different
inputs. In addition, the input corpus also dramatically
affects the results of classification construction, so it
is necessary to do more research on building a
generalized input for a topic with complete and
relevant contexts for building a taxonomy. Another
approach is to create a data set on the research field
and keywords in the area with higher reliability.
Currently, this study only focuses on the field of
computer science with DBLP datasets. Further
research can be extended to other fields to build
knowledge representations for scientists in diverse
research areas.
The research team would like to thank the Innovation
Fund (VinIF), Big Data Research Institute (VinBDI)
for financial support to carry out this study.
An Automatic Method for Building a Taxonomy of Areas of Expertise
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