Absolute-ROMP: Absolute Multi-Person 3D Mesh Prediction from a
Single Image
Bilal Abdulrahman
1 a
and Zhigang Zhu
2 b
The CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY 10016, U.S.A.
The CUNY City College and Graduate Center, New York, NY 10031, U.S.A.
Machine Learning, Computer Vision, 3D reconstruction, Camera Calibration, Mesh Regression, Pose
Prediction, Human Mesh Regression.
Recovering multi-person 3D poses and shapes with absolute scales from a single RGB image is a challenging
task due to the inherent depth and scale ambiguity from a single view. Current works on 3D pose and shape
estimation tend to mainly focus on the estimation of the 3D joint locations relative to the root joint , usually
defined as the one closest to the shape centroid, in case of humans defined as the pelvis joint. In this paper, we
build upon an existing multi-person 3D mesh predictor network, ROMP, to create Absolute-ROMP. By adding
absolute root joint localization in the camera coordinate frame, we are able to estimate multi-person 3D poses
and shapes with absolute scales from a single RGB image. Such a single-shot approach allows the system to
better learn and reason about the inter-person depth relationship, thus improving multi-person 3D estimation.
In addition to this end to end network, we also train a CNN and transformer hybrid network, called TransFocal,
to predict the focal length of the image’s camera. Absolute-ROMP estimates the 3D mesh coordinates of all
persons in the image and their root joint locations normalized by the focal point. We then use TransFocal
to obtain focal length and get absolute depth information of all joints in the camera coordinate frame. We
evaluate Absolute-ROMP on the root joint localization and root-relative 3D pose estimation tasks on publicly
available multi-person 3D pose datasets. We evaluate TransFocal on dataset created from the Pano360 dataset
and both are applicable to in-the-wild images and videos, due to real time performance.
3D Human pose and shape estimation is one of the
most active fields of research within the current land-
scape of computer vision and AI thanks to its many
applications in robotics (Du and Zhang, 2014; Zim-
mermann et al., 2018), activity recognition (Lo Presti
and La Cascia, 2016; Carbonera Luvizon et al., 2017),
graphics (Boulic et al., 1997; Aitpayev and Gaber,
2020) and human-object interaction detection (Fang
et al., 2018; Qi et al., 2018; Li et al., 2020b; Li et al.,
2020c). Current works on 3D pose and shape estima-
tion tend to mainly focus on the estimation of the 3D
joint locations relative to the root joint, usually de-
fined as the one closest to the shape centroid.In case
of humans, defined as the pelvis joint. Due to the in-
herent depth and scale ambiguity of a single view, it
is quite a challenge to accurately recover multi-person
3D pose and shape with absolute scales from a single
RGB image. Addressing this ambiguity requires as-
sessing cues in the image as a whole, such as scene
layouts, body dimensions, and inter-person relation-
ships. This paper aims to address the problem of es-
timating absolute 3D pose and shape of multiple peo-
ple simultaneously from a single RGB image. Com-
pared to the 3D pose and shape estimation problem
that focuses on recovering the root-relative pose, the
task addressed here additionally needs to recover the
3D translation of each person in the camera coordi-
nate system (or sometimes called camera coordinate
Estimating the absolute 3D location of each per-
son in an image is essential for understanding human-
to-human interactions (Figure 3). Since multi-person
activities take place in cluttered scenes, inherent depth
ambiguity and occlusions make it challenging to es-
timate the absolute positions of multiple individuals.
We argue that body dimensions alone paint a vague
picture of absolute depth. Robust estimation of global
positions requires information cues over the entire im-
age, such as geometric cues, human body sizes in
Abdulrahman, B. and Zhu, Z.
Absolute-ROMP: Absolute Multi-Person 3D Mesh Prediction from a Single Image.
DOI: 10.5220/0011629500003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
the image, any occlusions which might affect the per-
ceived sizes, layout of the entire scene etc.
Most existing methods for absolute multi-person
3D pose estimation extend the single-person approach
with an added step to recover the absolute position
of each detected person individually. They either use
another neural network to regress the 3D translation
of the person from the cropped image (Moon et al.,
2019) or compute it based on the prior knowledge
about the body size (Dabral et al., 2019), which ig-
nores the global context of the whole image. While
others employ complicated architecture with exten-
sive steps, drastically slowing down inference (Lin
and Lee, 2020).
In this paper, we build upon ROMP (Sun et al.,
2020), a light weight, accurate end to end multi-
person 3D mesh prediction network, by adding in
absolute root joint depth estimation and localization
head while maintaining its end to end and light weight
nature. We call the revised network Absolute-ROMP.
We adopt the same end to end pipeline for the task
of multi-person absolute 3D mesh estimation. By
leveraging depth cues from the entire scene and prior
knowledge of the typical size of the human pose and
body joints, we can estimate the depth of a person in
a monocular image with considerably high accuracy.
The target depths are discretized into a preset number
of bins, in order to limit the range of predictions and
thus improve the prediction performance. The range
of these bins is chosen after taking prediction error
mitigation and reasonable distance estimation in con-
sideration. We employ a soft-argmax operation on the
bins for improved accuracy as compared to exact bin
locations and for faster convergence during training
without losing precision to direct numerical regres-
We also train a CNN and a vision transformer
hybrid network to predict the vertical field of view of
the image, which is used to estimate the focal length.
With the predicted focal length we can estimate
absolute distance in camera coordinates without the
need for camera intrinsic parameters. Our model uses
embeddings from ResNet (He et al., 2015), which
are then converted to tokens to be fed into the vision
transformer (Dosovitskiy et al., 2020a). The added
attention from the transformer gives our network an
edge over previous work (Kocabas et al., 2021c).
Our contributions in this work are:
We propose an absolute depth estimation head for
the ROMP network using a combination loss.
We design and train TransFocal, a network to pre-
dict focal length of the image thus negating the
requirement of intrinsic parameters.
Quantitative and qualitative results show that our
approach outperforms or has competitive perfor-
mance to the state-of-the-art on multiple bench-
mark datasets under various evaluation metrics.
This paper is organizes as the follows. Section 2
discusses related work. Section 3 describes the pro-
posed Absolute-ROMP, including the absolute depth
map head and the focal length estimation network:
TransFocal. Section 4 provides some key imple-
mentation details in network architectures and train-
ing/testing settings. Section 5 presents experimental
results and ablation studies. Section 6 provides a few
concluding remarks.
2.1 Single-Person 3D Mesh Regression
Parametric human body models allow complex 3D
human mesh vertices to be encoded into low dimen-
sional parameter vectors. These have been widely
adopted since they allow regression of 3D meshes
from images, such as the Skinned Multi-Person Lin-
ear Model (SMPL) (Loper et al., 2015). Various weak
supervision techniques have lead to reasonable accu-
racy for single-person 3D mesh regression with vari-
ous techniques, such as those using semantic segmen-
tation (Xu et al., 2019), geometric prior (Kanazawa
et al., 2017), motion analysis (Kanazawa et al., 2018;
Kocabas et al., 2019) and 2D pose (Choi et al., 2020).
The work in (Kocabas et al., 2021a) uses a part-guided
attention mechanism to overcome occlusions by ex-
ploiting information about the visibility of individual
body parts while leveraging information from neigh-
boring body-parts to predict occluded parts. Whereas
(Kocabas et al., 2021c) uses predicted camera calibra-
tion parameters to aid in the regression of the body
mesh parameters.
2.2 Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation
For multi-person 3D pose estimation, (Mehta et al.,
2017) proposes occlusion-robust pose-maps and ex-
ploits the body part association to avoid bounding box
prediction. In (Benzine et al., 2021), an anchor-based
one-stage model is proposed, which relies on a huge
number of pre-defined anchor predictions and the pos-
itive anchor selection. To handle person-person oc-
clusion, (Zhen et al., 2020) proposes a system that
first regresses a set of 2.5D representations of body
parts and then reconstructs the 3D absolute poses
based on these 2.5D representations with a depth-
aware part association algorithm. Both (Rogez et al.,
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
2019) and (Moon et al., 2019) employ a top-down de-
sign, which estimates the target via regression from
anchor-based feature proposals.
2.3 Multi-Person 3D Mesh Estimation
(Jiang et al., 2020) proposes a network for Coherent
Reconstruction of Multiple Humans (CRMH). Built
on Faster-RCNN (Ren et al., 2015), they use the RoI-
aligned feature of each person to predict the SMPL
parameters. (Zanfir et al., 2018b) estimates the 3D
mesh of each person from its intermediate 3D pose es-
timation. (Zanfir et al., 2018a) further employs multi-
ple scene constraints to optimize the multi-person 3D
mesh results. All these methods follow a multi-stage
design. The complex multi-step process requires a
repeated feature extraction, which is computationally
expensive. The ROMP (Sun et al., 2020), which our
proposed model is based on, learns an explicit pixel-
level representation with a holistic view, which im-
proves accuracy in multi-person in-the-wild scenes.
2.4 Monocular Absolute Depth
Depth estimation from a single view suffers from
inherent ambiguity. Nevertheless, several methods
make remarkable advances in recent years (Li and
Snavely, 2018; Lee and Kim, 2019). (Li et al.,
2019) employs the use of mannequin challenge to ob-
tain a dataset for depth estimation by employing the
frozen poses and moving camera of the mannequin
challenge. They generate training data using multi-
view stereo reconstruction and adopt a data-driven
approach to recover a dense depth map. However,
such a depth map lacks scale consistency and can-
not reflect the real depth. (Zhen et al., 2020) pro-
poses a system that first regresses a set of 2.5D rep-
resentations of body parts and then reconstructs the
3D absolute poses based on these 2.5D representa-
tions with a depth-aware part association algorithm.
(Lin and Lee, 2020) estimates the 2D human pose
with heatmaps of the joints. Then these heatmaps
are used as attention masks for pooling features from
image regions corresponding to the target person. A
skeleton-based Graph Neural Network (GNN) is used
to predict the depth of each joint. (Li et al., 2020a)
uses an integrated model to estimate human bounding
boxes, human depths, and root-relative 3D poses si-
multaneously, with a coarse-to-fine architecture. All
these methods either employ multi-step prediction or
use large networks which slow down the inference.
Our method is able to estimate depth and regress 3D
mesh of multiple people in real time with high ac-
curacy while also regressing the shape parameters of
2.5 Focal Length Estimation
Recent works such as (Hold-Geoffroy et al., 2017;
Kendall et al., 2015; Workman et al., 2016; Work-
man et al., 2015; Zhu et al., 2020) estimate camera
parameters from a single image. To estimate camera
rotations and fields of view, these methods train a neu-
ral network to leverage geometric cues in the image.
(Workman et al., 2015) uses an AlexNet backbone to
regress the horizontal field of view. Except (Workman
et al., 2015), these methods discretize the continuous
space of rotation into bins, casting the problem as a
classification task and applying cross entropy (Work-
man et al., 2016) or KL-divergence (Hold-Geoffroy
et al., 2017; Zhu et al., 2020) losses. (Kocabas et al.,
2021c) also uses a binning technique. It trains a neu-
ral network with a bespoke-biased loss on a new col-
lected dataset (Kocabas et al., 2021c) . However none
of these methods take advantage of the latest architec-
ture innovation in the vision space, i.e., transformer
networks (Dosovitskiy et al., 2020a). (Lee et al.,
2021) takes both an image and line segments as in-
put and regresses the camera parameters based on the
transformer encode-decoder architecture. The line
segments, extracted from the input image using the
LSD algorithm (Grompone von Gioi et al., 2010), are
also mapped to geometric tokens. However, the sub-
sequent transformer decoder aggregates both seman-
tic and geometric tokens along with the queries for the
camera parameters. In contrast, our model only em-
ploys vision transformer to encode the features from
a single image and a simple MLP layer is used for de-
coding, thus an integration of a vision transformer and
a CNN hybrid network with a combination of losses
during supervision.
Absolute-ROMP is an extension of the ROMP net-
work (Sun et al., 2020), which regresses meshes
in a one-stage fashion for multiple 3D people (thus
termed ROMP). We will briefly explain the working
of our Absolute-ROMP and, therefore by extension,
of ROMP before going into details about our addition.
Figure 1 shows overall system diagram. Absolute-
ROMP employs a multi-head design with a HRNeT-
32 backbone(Wang et al., 2019) and 4 head networks:
Body Center Map, Camera Map, SMPL Map and
Root Depth Map. Details of the backbone will be
described in Section 4. Given a RGB image as in-
Absolute-ROMP: Absolute Multi-Person 3D Mesh Prediction from a Single Image
Figure 1: Overview of how the system works. Absolute-ROMP predicts the mesh parameters and depth. The focal length is
predicted by TransFocal which are then used to get the complete absolute 3D coordinates.
put, it outputs a body center heatmap, camera param-
eters, SMPL parameters and an absolute depth map in
the camera coordinate frame. The resolution for each
map is 64×64 In the body center heatmap, Absolute-
ROMP predicts the probability of each position being
a human body center. Each body center is represented
as a Gaussian distribution in the body center heatmap.
At each position of the camera map, SMPL map and
absolute depth map, it predicts the absolute depth of
the root joint s
( defined as the pelvis joint), cam-
era parameters (t
,s) ( a weak-perspective camera
model with translations in the x and y directions and a
scale), and SMPL parameters (22×6 pose parameters
and 10 shape parameters) of the person that takes the
position as the center respectively.
During inference, we sample the 3D body mesh
parameter results from the SMPL parameter map at
the 2D body center locations parsed from the body
center heatmap. We put the sampled parameters into
the SMPL model to generate the 3D body meshes. we
employ a weak-perspective camera model to project
3D body joints back to the 2D joints on the im-
age plane. The reason for not employing perspective
transform from the absolute coordinates for back pro-
jection is because the root depth map only predicts
the absolute depth parameter s
, not translation in the
x or y direction. This is done in order to preserve real
time inference, but it is not sufficient for a perspec-
tive projection back to the image. Weak-perspective
camera model allows orthogonal back-projection of
the 3D pose to 2D on the image, facilitating training
the model with in-the-wild 2D pose datasets. This
helps with robustness and generalization and also al-
lows for more accurate position estimates than the
body center heatmap, as the body center heatmap has
limited resolution compared to the image. We will
provide more details on heatmap resolution in the next
section. We employ the estimated focal length from
TransFocal, the projected 2D pose and the predicted
absolute depth of the root joint to get the absolute x
and y coordinates of the root joint. Finally, using the
3D pose prediction from the SMPL mesh parameters,
we infer the absolute location of each of the remain-
ing joints.
3.1 Absolute Depth Map Head
From the original ROMP network (Sun et al., 2020),
we maintain an output map size n ×H ×W , where n
is the number of channels and H = W = 64, assum-
ing that each location of the absolute depth map is the
center of a human body, we estimate absolute depth
of its corresponding root joint. Instead of directly re-
gressing the numerical value of depth, we employ a
binning technique in the log depth space. The bin-
ning resolution is set to 120. The range is chosen after
taking prediction error mitigation and reasonable dis-
tance estimation based on all available data into con-
sideration. Since different focal lengths of the camera
affect the scales of a target person in the image, it is
unrealistic to estimate the absolute depth from images
taken by any arbitrary camera. 3D human datasets
with absolute depth information have minimal varia-
tion in focal lengths (most datasets use the same cam-
era for all images in each said dataset). This makes
it challenging for the model to learn this variable and
therefore can overfit on the focal lengths of the train-
ing datasets. The same person will have different
dimensions in the images with cameras with differ-
ent focal lengths. Therefore, the predicted depth is
normalized(divided) by the focal length. The focal
length is estimated by training another network Trans-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Focal, which we will detail in the next subsection.
We employ a soft-argmax operation on the bins
for improved accuracy as compared to exact bin lo-
cations. Exact bins can only give integer outputs and
therefore have limited precision. Whereas soft bins
can output any number between bin indices depend-
ing on what number between 0 and 1 is the output of
that bin. Therefore, there is minimal precision loss
if any. This allows the actual prediction to be a ra-
tio of the bins improving granularity and accuracy of
the model. The bin index for the log depth space is
computed as follows:
d) =
d logS
logE log S
(N 1) (1)
where b(
d) is the bin index of the normalized depth
N is the total number of bins and [S , E] is the range of
the bins. We can state this style of binning depth map
as a collection of 1D heatmaps.There are 64×64 pre-
dictions for each image. Therefore, we have a 64×64
collection of 1D heatmaps. The predicted bin values
B are converted back to normalized depth as follows:
d = exp[
N 1
(logE log S) + logS] (2)
Similar to (Lin and Lee, 2020), the losses added to
supervise depth learning are cross-entropy loss on the
estimated bins B and L1 loss on the bin index b as
= |b
| (4)
To calculate L
we have to generate ground truth
bins. First, we compute bin index using equation 1.
The procedure to generate the final bins from the in-
dex is then laid out in the pseudo code of Algorithm
Algorithm 1: Generate Ground truth Bins.
1: N Number of Bins
2: b(
d) Bin index
3: Arange(x) list of integers from 0 to x
4: ABS(x) Absolute value of x
5: Clip(x,y, z) Clip each value of x between (y,z)
6: GTBins = 1 Clip(ABS(Arange(N)
d)), 0, 1)
The final loss is as follows:
= λ
+ λ
+ λ
+ λ
pa j3d
pa j3d
+ λ
p j2d
p j2d
+ λ
+ λ
+ λ
where λ
represents the weight associated with the
loss, L
is the L2 loss of the pose parameters in
the 3 × 3 rotation matrix format, L
is the L2 loss
of the shape parameters, L
is the L2 loss of the
3D joints, L
pa j3d
is the L2 loss of the 3D joints after
Procrustes alignment, L
p j2d
is the L2 loss of the pro-
jected 2D joints, and L
is the Mixture Gaussian
prior loss of the SMPL parameters adopted in (Loper
et al., 2015). please refer to (Sun et al., 2020) for fur-
ther detail on these losses.
3.2 Focal Length Estimation
To estimate the focal length, we train a CNN and
transformer hybrid network TransFocal. When it
comes to images, convolutional neural networks by
design have a stronger inductive bias compared to
transformer networks (Bai et al., 2021). This results
in them being able to learn to embeddings relatively
quickly from a smaller subset of data. However, when
trained on enough data, the vision transformer is able
to outperform similar state-of-the-art CNN models
(Dosovitskiy et al., 2020a). The transformer’s self at-
tention like architecture results in it having better gen-
eralization properties (Bai et al., 2021). It has been
shown that combining CNN embeddings with the vi-
sion transformer results in the hybrid system perform-
ing better than larger and deeper vision transformer,
with less than half the computational fine-tuning cost
(Dosovitskiy et al., 2020b). Thus combining the ben-
efits of both architectures we are able to train on lesser
data and get improved accuracy.
Since focal length in pixels has an unbounded
range and it changes whenever one resizes images, we
estimate vertical field of view (vfov) v in radians and
convert it to focal length f
where h is the image height in pixels. We follow (Zhu
et al., 2020) and (Kocabas et al., 2021c) to assume
zero camera yaw and the effective focal length values
in both directions are the same, i.e., f
= f
= f .
TransFocal takes the complete image as input to
predict vfov which is the same for all subjects in the
image of a video sequence. This means that inference
has to only be performed once in order to get absolute
coordinates for each frame of a video sequence. The
full image contains rich cues that can facilitate trans-
former self attention. Vanishing points and geometric
lines help the network semantically reason the vertical
field of view. Similar to our absolute depth map head
and (Kocabas et al., 2021c), we discretize the space
of vfov v into B bins, converting the regression prob-
lem into a classification problem. Also similar to our
Absolute-ROMP: Absolute Multi-Person 3D Mesh Prediction from a Single Image
depth map head, we aggregate the predicted probabil-
ity mass using a softargmax operation. For the losses,
we found in our testing that combining cross entropy
loss L
(with a smaller weight) with softargmax-
biased-L2 loss (Kocabas et al., 2021c) L
proves model convergence. The final loss L
f oc
f oc
= λ
+ λ
In the following, we will list the implementation de-
tails of both the absolute depth map head, Absolute-
ROMP, and the focal length estimation network,
TransFocal, in terms of network architecture, training
setting details, training datasets, and evaluation met-
4.1 Absolute-ROMP
Network Architecture. We employ HRNet-32 (Wang
et al., 2019) as the backbone for Absolute-ROMP.
We also maintain CoordConv (Liu et al., 2018) from
ROMP to enhance the spatial information. Therefore,
the backbone feature is the combination of a coordi-
nate index map and output feature embeddings from
HRNET-32. This feature set is then used as input to
the four heads for complete end to end prediction. The
architecture of absolute depth map is similar to the
other map heads. The only difference being the out-
put of the final 1×1 convolutional layer, with a size of
120×64×64: As stated earlier the binning resolution
is set to 120 and the map size is 64×64. For details on
the architecture of the map heads please refer to (Sun
et al., 2020).
Setting Details. The input images are resized to 512
× 512, by keeping the same aspect ratio and padding
with zeros. The size of the backbone feature is H
= 128. The maximum number of detection is N
= 64. The learning rate used is 5e-5. The batch size
is set to 26. We adopt the Adam optimizer (Kingma
and Ba, 2014) for training, and train the model until
performance plateaus on validation set.
Training Datasets. The basic training datasets
we used in the experiments include three 3D pose
datasets: (Human3.6M (Ionescu et al., 2014), MPI-
INF-3DHP (Mehta et al., 2016), MuCo-3DHP (Mehta
et al., 2016)) and four in-the-wild 2D pose datasets
(MS COCO (Lin et al., 2014), MPII (Andriluka et al.,
2014), LSP (Johnson and Everingham, 2010), Crowd-
pose (Li et al., 2018)). We also use the pseudo 3D
annotations from (Kolotouros et al., 2019) and the
pseudo 3D labels of 2D pose datasets provided by
(Joo et al., 2020). For evaluation on a 3D pose dataset
3DPW (von Marcard et al., 2018), we use the train set
for fine tuning.
Evaluation Benchmarks and Metrics. We evaluate
our model on the Human3.6M (Ionescu et al., 2014),
Mupots (Mehta et al., 2017) and 3DPW (von Mar-
card et al., 2018). To evaluate the 3D pose accuracy,
we employ mean per joint position error (MPJPE)
(Joo et al., 2015) and Procrustes-aligned MPJPE (PM-
PJPE). For root depth estimation we employ MRPE
(Moon et al., 2019) and PCK
(Moon et al., 2019).
MPJPE is the average Euclidean distance between
the location of real-life joints on human bodies and
the location of predicted joints on 3D pose after trans-
lating the root joint (‘pelvis’) of estimated bodies
to the groundtruth root. Procrustes-aligned MPJPE
(PMPJPE) uses procrustes alignment (Luo and Han-
cock, 1999) (PA) to solve for translation, scale and
rotation between the estimated bodies and the ground
truth and thus mostly focuses on the pose error. Mean
root position error(MRPE) is the mean of the eu-
clidean distance between the estimated coordinates of
the predicted absolute root and ground truth absolute
root. The 3D percentage of correct absolute keypoints
) treats a joint’s absolute prediction as cor-
rect if it lies within a 15cm from the ground truth joint
4.2 TransFocal
Network Architecture. The architecture is shown in
Figure 2. Similar to (Yang et al., 2021), we use
ResNet (He et al., 2015) as the CNN backbone. Then
learnable patch embeddings are applied to patches ex-
tracted from the ResNet output.Each patch embed-
ding’s kernel size is equal to the patch size, which
means that the input sequence is obtained by simply
flattening the spatial dimensions of the ResNet fea-
tures and projecting to the Transformer dimension.
Since the image is not converted into patches directly,
the original physical meaning of positional embed-
dings is missing. Therefore they are not used when
mapping the patches into a latent embedding space l
using a linear projection.
We also show the overview of the transformer en-
coder architecture in Figure 2, to help with the expla-
nation stated below. The input of the first Transformer
layer z
is calculated as follow:
= l
E; l
E; l
E....; l
E (8)
where z
is mapped into a latent n-dimensional em-
bedding space using a trainable linear projection layer
and E is the patch embedding projection. These
patches are then fed into the vision transformer
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: TransFocal Architecture. The image is input into a ResNet backbone to create embeddings which are then projected
into latent embedding space and used as input for the vision transformer. The output from the transformer’s many layers is
then decoded using a fully connected layer.
specifically the VIT-B16 (Dosovitskiy et al., 2020a)
variant. There are L Transformer layers which consist
of multi-headed self-attention (MSA) and multi-layer
perceptron (MLP) blocks. At each transformer layer
, the input of the self-attention block is a triplet of Q
(query), K (key), and V (value), which are computed
from the output of the previous layer by matrix mul-
tiplication with learnable parameters of weight ma-
trices. The self-attention in the attention head AH is
calculated as:
AH = so ftmax(
Q ×K
)V (9)
where d is the dimension of self-attention block.
MSA means the attention head will be calculated
m times by independent weight matrices. The final
) is defined as:
) = z
+ concat(AH
;· · · ; AH
) ×W
The output of MSA is then transformed by an MLP
block with residual skip connection as the layer out-
put as:
= MLP(Norm(MSA(z
))) + MSA(z
) (11)
where Norm means the layer normalization operator.
Finally we use a fully connected layer to decode the
output of the vision transformer.
Setting Details. The TransFocal model is trained with
images of varied resolutions. The learning rate used is
1e-4. The weight decay is set to 1e-2. The batch size
is set to 4. We adopt the Adam optimizer (Kingma
and Ba, 2014) for training. We train the model until
performance plateaus on validation set.
Training and Evaluation Datasets. A dataset is
created using the Pano360 dataset (Kocabas et al.,
2021c). Pano360 consists of real panoramas taken
from flickr (Flickr, 2022) and synthetic panoramas.
Due to a portion of flickr images being inaccessible,
we were unable to recreate the complete dataset. The
dataset is split for training and evaluation purposes.
The code for creating the dataset is available at (Ko-
cabas et al., 2021b). Note that as the image generation
parameters are randomized, it is difficult to recreate
exact the same dataset.
Here we report some performance comparison on
multiple datasets and a ablation study in using the
5.1 Performance Comparison
The root joint localization results on Human3.6M
dataset are shown in Table 1. The baselines reported
in the first 3 rows follow a two-stage approach (Moon
et al., 2019), where 2D pose and 3D pose are es-
timated separately, and an optimization process is
adopted to obtain the global root joint location that
minimizes the re-projection error. The baseline “w/o
limb joints” refers to optimization using only head
Table 1: MRPE
results comparison with state-of-the-art on
the Human3.6M dataset.
Methods MRPE
Baseline 261.9
Baseline w/o limb joints 220.2
Baseline with RANSAC 207.1
RootNet (Moon et al., 2019) 108.1
HDNET (Lin and Lee, 2020) 69.9
Ours 68
Absolute-ROMP: Absolute Multi-Person 3D Mesh Prediction from a Single Image
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3: Absolute-ROMP is able to correctly position two people hugging: (a). Original image. (b). ROMP mesh positioning
using camera parameters (Sun et al., 2020). (c). Absolute-ROMP mesh positioning using absolute depth prediction.
and body trunk joints. The baseline “with RANSAC”
refers to randomly sampling the set of joints used for
optimization with RANSAC. The baseline results are
taken from the figures reported in (Moon et al., 2019).
We also compare with the state-of-the-art ap-
proaches (Moon et al., 2019; Lin and Lee, 2020). In
(Moon et al., 2019) a multi-stage approach is used
while in (Lin and Lee, 2020) a graph convolution net-
work model is used. Our model is able to outperform
the SOTA while maintaining inference in real time.
Our system runs at 23 fps on a Nvidia Tesla V100
GPU. Our root joint localization head achieves a 68
mm accuracy.
We also showcase the performance of Absolute-
ROMP on the MUPOTS dataset in Table 2. Our
model has comparable performance to the SOTA. We
also compare MJPJPE and PMPJPE performance in
Table 3 which does not make use of the absolute depth
as joints are evaluated after root alignment. Even with
added depth map prediction, we are able to main-
tain comparable performance with the SOTA. We also
show qualitative comparison with ROMP in Figure 3
which highlights the importance of absolute global
coordinates. Thanks to absolute depth information
while positioning the meshes, we improve the loca-
tion accuracy therefore correctly placing people hug-
ging each other.
Table 2: Results on the MuPoTS-3D dataset.
Methods PCK
Moon et al. (Moon et al., 2019) 31.9
HDNET (Lin and Lee, 2020) 35.2
SMAP (Zhen et al., 2020) 35.4
Ours 35.28
Table 3: Comparisons to the state-of-the-art methods on
YOLO + VIBE (Kocabas et al., 2019) 82.9 51.9
ROMP(HRNET-32) (Sun et al., 2020) 76.7 47.3
Absolute-ROMP(HRNET-32) 84 50.5
Finally, in Table 4 we show case TransFocal per-
formance against a SOTA approach CamCalib (Ko-
cabas et al., 2021c). Our model is trained on a
dataset created from partially available images of the
Pano360 dataset, while we compare the performance
with a model provided by the author (Kocabas et al.,
2021c) pretrained on dataset created from complete
Pano360 dataset. We evaluate on a portion of the
dataset unseen by our model. As can be seen our
model is able to outperform CamCalib by up to 40%.
Table 4: vfov error results comparison with state-of-the-art
on dataset created from Pano360 dataset.
Methods vfov diff(degrees)
CamCalib (Kocabas et al., 2021c) 26.35
TransFocal 15.59
5.2 Ablation Study
We show the improvement in performance when we
use a combination loss instead of just employing the
Softargmax-biased-L2 loss when training TransFocal.
We report mean error after training for 1 epoch while
using Softargmax-biased-L2 loss alone and with cross
entropy loss in Table 5. The cross entropy loss acts as
a guide for the gradient descent direction when the
model is starting out thus adding to the speed of con-
vergence of the model .
Table 5: vfov error comparison after 1 epoch with different
losses for supervision.
Methods vfov diff
softargmax-biased-L2 15.8
softargmax-biased-L2+cross entropy 15.6
We build upon an end to end one-stage network
ROMP for monocular multi-person 3D mesh regres-
sion, by adding in absolute distance prediction to cre-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
ate our Absolute-ROMP. In order to eliminate the
need for intrinsic parameters of the camera, we also
design and train a focal length prediction network
called TransFocal, which is a CNN+Transformer hy-
brid model. We evaluate our models on industry stan-
dard benchmarks. Absolute-ROMP shows competi-
tive performance while maintaining real time perfor-
mance, while TransFocal is able to outperform the
Future work could incorporate the absolute cam-
era parameters eliminating the need for predicting the
depth separately. This would require the use of ac-
curate absolute multi-person 3D datasets in a variety
of scenarios, such as the synthetic dataset AGORA
(Patel et al., 2021). In addition, real-time clothes and
texture prediction would be especially beneficial for
VR and AR applications.
The work is supported by AFOSR Dynamic Data
Driven Applications Systems (Award #FA9550-21-
1-0082). The work is also supported in part
by NSF via the Partnerships for Innovation Pro-
gram (Award #1827505) and the CISE-MSI Pro-
gram (Award #1737533), and ODNI via the Intelli-
gence Community Center for Academic Excellence
(IC CAE) at Rutgers University (Awards #HHM402-
19-1-0003 and #HHM402-18-1-0007).
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