Light U-Net with a New Morphological Attention Gate Model
Application to Analyse Wood Sections
emi Decelle
, Phuc Ngo
, Isabelle Debled-Rennesson
, Fr
eric Mothe
and Fleur Longuetaud
e de Lorraine, CNRS, LORIA, UMR 7503, Vandoeuvre-l
es-Nancy, F-54506, France
e de Lorraine, AgroParisTech, INRAE, SILVA, F-54000 Nancy, France
Wood Analysis, Mathematical Morphology, Depthwise Separable Convolution, Attention Model.
This article focuses on heartwood segmentation from cross-section RGB images (see Fig.1). In this context,
we propose a novel attention gate (AG) model for both improving performance and making light convolutional
neural networks (CNNs). Our proposed AG is based on mathematical morphology operators. Our light CNN
is based on the U-Net architecture and called Light U-net (LU-Net). Experimental results show that AGs
consistently improve the prediction performance of LU-Net across different wood cross-section datasets. Our
proposed morphological AG achieves better performance than original U-Net with 10 times less parameters.
In this paper, we focus on neural networks (NNs) to
segment heartwood in wood cross-section (CS) im-
ages. There are few publications on raw wood CS
image analysis captured by a RGB camera. CS anal-
ysis of RGB image is relevant to estimate wood qual-
ity. More precisely, the wood quality can be de-
fined by several properties (Barnett and Jeronimidis,
2003) among which: mechanical resistance, dimen-
sional stability, durability and aesthetic.
All of these characteristics are unfortunately not
directly measurable on CS images. However, they
can be estimated by considering intermediate char-
acteristics visible on the images. In this paper, the
characteristic studied is the amount of heartwood (see
Fig.1), which is related to the durability properties of
Douglas-fir wood. In the Fig.1, for a better visual-
ization, only the contour of the heartwood is marked
with the blue line. In addition to a high segmentation
accuracy, the time performance is also an important
criterion for real world applications (both industry or
scientific applications).
For segmentation from CS images, only few meth-
ods have been assessed (Decelle and Jalilian, 2020;
Wimmer et al., 2021). Different convolutional neu-
ral networks (CNNs) are used in (Decelle and Jalil-
ian, 2020) for segmenting the wood logs. They com-
pared different CNNs for such a task on six differ-
ent datasets. (Wimmer et al., 2021) also proposed a
method based on CNNs. They proceed twice a CNN
to increase performance. None of these studies fo-
Figure 1: RGB images of CS with manually delineated
heartwood contour in blue.
cused on heartwood segmentation from CS images.
For the best of our knowledge, there is only one
publication which focuses on heartwood segmenta-
tion on raw CS images. Raatevaara et al. (Raatevaara
et al., 2020) developed a method based on region
growing techniques followed by a post-processing.
In this work, we focus on heartwood segmenta-
tion. We propose a novel attention gate (AG) to eval-
uate CNNs with less parameters. Indeed, NNs can
compute fastly the segmentation which is an impor-
tant criterion in sawmill environment. Moreover, they
have shown their performances in other similar tasks.
In this section, we recall different techniques: reduc-
ing parameters, attention mechanism and mathemati-
cal morphology for CNNs.
Decelle, R., Ngo, P., Debled-Rennesson, I., Mothe, F. and Longuetaud, F.
Light U-Net with a New Morphological Attention Gate Model Application to Analyse Wood Sections.
DOI: 10.5220/0011626800003411
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2023), pages 759-766
ISBN: 978-989-758-626-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
2.1 Reducing Parameters
Increasing the depth of CNNs has been regarded as
an intuitive way to boost performance of the networks
for different learning tasks. However, for some appli-
cations, a large CNN is not necessarily the one offer-
ing the best performance, in particular when the avail-
able dataset of training is limited. In this paper, we ad-
dress the specific problem of heartwood segmentation
with a small dataset, having a CNN with many param-
eters seems not relevant and could lead to redundancy
in the features learned, which are not necessary. Many
model compression techniques have been proposed to
reduce parameters, delete redundancy, and/or compu-
tation time once the training is done. Moreover, hav-
ing a network with a great amount of parameters in-
creases the risk of overfitting. This is especially true
when the amount of data is limited.
Network quantization is a technique for reducing
parameters. It consists in quantizing filter kernels in
convolution layers and weights in fully connected lay-
ers (Liang et al., 2021). Other method is knowledge
distillation which focuses on transferring knowledge
from a large model to a smaller one (Gou et al., 2021).
Pruning technique works by removing weights whose
contribution to the network performance is not signif-
icant (Luo et al., 2017).
Another approach is to design new layers. In this
article, we focuses on the Depthwise separable con-
volutional (DSC) layer which is similar to a convolu-
tion with less parameters. More precisely, DSC con-
sists of first performing a depthwise spatial convolu-
tion which acts on each input channel separately, and
following by a pointwise convolution which mixes the
resulting output channels. Such layers have been used
for weather forecasting in order to obtain a lighter net-
work (Trebing et al., 2021).
2.2 Attention Mechanism
Reducing parameters can lead to poorer performance.
Adding attention gate (AG) would help to compensate
for this decrease in performance. Attention mecha-
nism is a key-role in human perception and computer
vision tasks. Indeed, AGs can allocate the available
resources to selectively focus on processing particular
parts instead of the whole scene. Generally, there are
two types of attention mechanism: spatial and chan-
nel attentions (Woo et al., 2018).
Multiple AGs are used to address a well-known
weakness in convolution. Hu et al. (Hu et al., 2018)
proposed the squeeze-and-excitation module and used
global average-pooled features to compute channel-
wise attention. Woo et al. (Woo et al., 2018) com-
bined the spatial and channel attentions to propose a
convolutional block attention module (CBAM). Their
module sequentially infers attention maps along two
separate paths, channel and spatial, then attention
maps are multiplied to the input feature map for adap-
tive feature refinement, which increases the accuracy
of image recognition. Oktay et al. (Oktay et al., 2018)
developed a new spatial attention module (named
AAG) by adding lower-level features, even though it
is computationally more expensive than other AGs.
Yang et al. (Yang et al., 2020) integrated channel at-
tention and wavelet transform so that output feature
maps contain frequency features. Zhu et al. (Zhu
et al., 2021) highlighted the limitations by attentional
activations-based models when spatial and channel
features are separated. They developed a new at-
tention module to address these limitations. Finally,
Misra et al. (Misra et al., 2021) proposed to rotate an
input tensor in order to capture cross- dimension in-
teraction by using a three-branch structure. For that,
the triplet attention module builds inter-dimensional
dependencies by the rotation operation followed by
residual transformations and encodes inter-channel
and spatial information. Their module added a neg-
ligible computational time. In the experiments, we
will compare our proposed AG with CBAM module,
AAG module and Triplet module.
2.3 Mathematical Morphology
AGs use operators that highlight important features.
Mathematical Morphology (MM) applies specific op-
erations on images to recover or filter out different
structures. MM has led to important successes in
many computer vision tasks, such as filtering, seg-
mentation, feature extraction, and so on. In this work,
we will use MM operations in our AG.
Mondal et al. (Mondal et al., 2019) used morpho-
logical layer in order to emphasise or remove different
structures of an image. They applied their method for
de-raining images. Mellouli et al. (Mellouli et al.,
2019) incorporated morphological operations in con-
volutional layers in order to generate enhanced fea-
ture maps. They used the method for digit recogni-
tion. Franchi et al. (Franchi et al., 2020) proposed to
replace the standard max-pooling with a learned mor-
phological pooling. Their results proved to be experi-
mentally beneficial on MNIST dataset.
In this section, we first recall the two MM operators:
dilation and erosion. Then, we describe the proposed
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 2: Diagram of proposed Morphological Attention Gate
AG. Afterwards, we present the proposed light U-Net
(LU-Net) using DSC layers.
3.1 Morphological Layer
Basic MM operators are dilation and erosion. Other
morphological filtering can be defined by combining
these operators. In this work, we borrow the morpho-
logical layers introduced in (Mondal et al., 2019).
Let I be the input gray-scale image. Dilation
and erosion operations for a pixel (x, y) of I are
defined as follows :
(I W
)(x, y) = max
iU, jV
(I(x i, y j) + W
(i, j))
(I W
)(x, y) = min
iU, jV
(I(x i, y j) + W
(i, j))
where W
, W
, U = {1, 2, . . . , a},
V = {1, 2, . . . , b} and a, b N. Both W
and W
respectively dilation and erosion kernel of size a ×b.
3.2 Morphological Attention Gate
Our proposed AG focuses on spatial information but
not channel AG. Indeed, heartwood generally is of the
same colour that varies according to the species. For
instance, douglas fir heartwood is in red tones. Then,
AG for channel seems not very relevant.
Given an input feature map F R
, where
H, W and C are integers, our morphological attention
gate (MAG) first infers a 2D spatial attention map
as illustrated in Fig.2. It results that
is equal to:
= W
where W
contains the weights of a channel-wise 1×
1 convolution and denotes the convolution.
We have considered two paths inside the AG. The
first one uses k N dilatation layers, and the second
one uses k erosion layers. We have considered an ero-
sion (or dilation) sequence using different weights in
order to remove noise or enhance information. Mul-
tiple dilation and erosion maps are useful because it
may have noise in the input features that could not be
remove by a single operation.
The overall dilatation path can be summarised as:
i J0, . . . , k 1K,
= F
= (D
) + F
The spatial attention map F
is also passed in an
erosion path, given an eroded map E
, where the
dilation layer is replaced by an erosion layer .
Since we can not know which path is more effec-
tive for noise removal in a particular situation, we fur-
ther combine both to a single feature map using by a
pixel-wise addition followed by a sigmoid activation
σ. It results a 2D map α. Then, the refined intermedi-
ary feature α is pixel-wise multiplicate by the input
features F channel by channel:
= σ(D
+ E
| {z }
3.3 Network Architecture
In this section, we detail our light CNN based on
U-Net (Ronneberger et al., 2015). U-Net has been
widely used on small datasets and provides fine per-
3.3.1 U-Net
U-Net is an encoder-decoder structure. The encoder
part applies twice a convolution, followed by a batch
Light U-Net with a New Morphological Attention Gate Model Application to Analyse Wood Sections
Figure 3: The proposed Light U-Net architecture.
normalization and an activation function (ReLU).
Then, a max-pooling layer downsamples the image
size and doubles the number of features map. The de-
coder part concatenates features from the encoder part
with an upsampled version of lower features. As in
the encoder part, the concatenation is passed in a dou-
ble convolution, a batch normalization and a ReLU
activation. Finally, a 1 ×1 convolution is applied to
one output image.
3.3.2 Light U-Net (LU-Net)
Instead of performing convolution twice, we have re-
duced to one time. We replace each convolutional
layer by DSC and change ReLU activation to Leaky
ReLU. Furthermore, shakeout, a generalized dropout
(Kang et al., 2018), is added to each convolutional
layer. Max-pooling are used for downsampling fea-
tures and nearest interpolation are applied for upsam-
pling. The last layer is kept. LU-Net’s architecture is
shown in the Fig.3
3.3.3 Other Architectures
For comparison, we trained other U-Net architectures
similar to LU-Net but with different AGs. We com-
pare our module with CBAM (Woo et al., 2018), AAG
(Oktay et al., 2018) and Triplet module (Misra et al.,
2021). In addition, we trained the standard U-Net ar-
chitecture (shakeout included). Each model has 8 fea-
tures map for the first convolution.
Table 1 highlights a comparison of the models’
parameters. The standard U-Net architecture has pa-
rameters that increase quadratically with the number
of filters in the first layer. As it can be seen, our pro-
posed architecture has significantly fewer parameters
than the latter.
In this section, we describe the used datasets and then
we provide implementation details. Afterwards, we
compare the proposed method with the four other
4.1 Dataset
For the experimentations, two datasets (logyard and
sawmill) of wood log ends CS of Douglas fir are
used. These two datasets are from (Longuetaud et al.,
2022). Since removing the background in order to
have only the CS can be done automatically (Schraml
and Uhl, 2014), (Decelle and Jalilian, 2020), (Wim-
mer et al., 2021), we decide to keep only the CS on
the image. Images have been segmented manually to
remove background. Ground truths have been done
manually. The first one, called logyard, consists of
208 images. The second dataset, called sawmill, con-
sists of 150 images of the same logs. Figure 4 shows
five examples of the same logs in both datasets.
4.2 Training
All models were trained for a maximum of 100
epochs. The input size is fixed at 304 ×304. We used
data augmentation each time. Random deformations
Source code:
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 1: Cross validation MCC of the models on both datasets for the considered 8 folds.
Model Parameters Relative Size F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 Mean Std
U-Net 378, 321 1 × 0.931 0.911 0.932 0.926 0.915 0.900 0.933 0.925 0.921 0.011
LU-Net 33, 428 0.08 × 0.883 0.906 0.926 0.881 0.927 0.926 0.888 0.920 0.907 0.019
LU-Net + AAG 99, 672 0.26 × 0.903 0.930 0.939 0.911 0.906 0.942 0.936 0.911 0.922 0.015
LU-Net + CBAM 44, 940 0.12 × 0.897 0.913 0.949 0.915 0.899 0.941 0.904 0.916 0.917 0.018
LU-Net + Triplet 34, 652 0,09 × 0.925 0.926 0.908 0.924 0.874 0.923 0.911 0.929 0.915 0.018
LU-Net + MAG 34, 332 0.09 × 0.936 0.923 0.924 0.925 0.939 0.952 0.934 0.907 0.930 0.013
U-Net 378, 321 1 × 0.892 0.882 0.907 0.943 0.790 0.699 0.888 0.894 0.862 0.074
LU-Net 33, 428 0.08 × 0.932 0.928 0.926 0.931 0.890 0.931 0.929 0.939 0.926 0.014
LU-Net + AAG 99, 672 0.26 × 0.934 0.925 0.920 0.929 0.931 0.917 0.941 0.938 0.929 0.008
LU-Net + CBAM 44, 940 0.12 × 0.932 0.932 0.916 0.931 0.928 0.932 0.945 0.920 0.930 0.008
LU-Net + Triplet 34, 652 0,09 × 0.923 0.930 0.934 0.866 0.923 0.932 0.931 0.933 0.923 0.021
LU-Net + MAG 34, 332 0.09 × 0.941 0.925 0.921 0.946 0.926 0.928 0.942 0.940 0.934 0.009
Figure 4: On the first row, images from logyard dataset. On the second row, images from sawmill dataset.
are proceeded: scaling, rotation, vertical and horizon-
tal shift, zooming and shearing. The data augmen-
tation is done for each batch passed to the network.
The augmentation is also done on the validation set.
The initial learning rate was set to 0.001 and Adam
optimizer was used with default values (β
= 0.9,
= 0.999 and ε = 1e7). Shakeout’s parameters
are τ = 0.1 and c = 0.1.
The training was done on a single NVidia 2070
Super with 8Gb of VRAM. The used loss function
is the Matthews coefficient correlation (MCC) intro-
duced in (Abhishek and Hamarneh, 2021):
= 1
F =
where N is the number of samples, y
is the value of
the ground truth and ˆy
is the value of the prediction.
The output is a mask representing the area of heart-
wood. This loss tackles the class imbalance problem.
It has been shown to improve performance.
4.3 Results
Experimental results have been proceeded using a 8-
fold cross validation on both datasets. We take 6 fold
for the training set (respectively 156 images for log-
yard dataset and 113 images for sawmill dataset), one
for the validation (resp. 26 images and 19 images)
and one for testing (resp. 26 images and 18 images).
The best results have been obtained with k = 3
(see Eq.3) and kernel of size 7 ×7 for both erosion
and dilation layers. In addition to the MCC loss, we
calculate the MCC score after thresholding the pre-
dicted image:
(T P + FP)(T P + FN)(T N +FP)(T N +FN)
where TP is True Positive, TN is True Negative, FP is
False Positive and FN is False Negative.
Table 1 shows the MCC score for each fold of
the cross validation for both datasets. For logyard
dataset, LU-Net is less accurate than the original one.
However, when AGs are added, LU-Net shows bet-
ter results. U-Net is more stable than other models, it
Light U-Net with a New Morphological Attention Gate Model Application to Analyse Wood Sections
(b) (c) U-Net (d) LU-Net
(e) AAG (f) CBAM (g) Triplet
(h) Our
Figure 5: One example of an image from logyard dataset. (a) Original image. (b) Input image with removed background and
contour of the ground truth. (c) Output from U-Net. (d) Output from LU-Net. (e)-(g) Output from LU-Net with additional
attention gate : (e) AAG (Oktay et al., 2018), (f) CBAM (Woo et al., 2018) and (g) Triplet (Misra et al., 2021). (h) LU-Net
with our proposed attention gate.
(b) (c) U-Net (d) LU-Net
(e) AAG (f) CBAM (g) Triplet
(h) Our
Figure 6: One example of an image from sawmill dataset. (a) Original image. (b) Input image with removed background and
contour of the ground truth. (c) Output from U-Net. (d) Output from LU-Net. (e)-(g) Output from LU-Net with attention
gate : (e) AAG (Oktay et al., 2018), (f) CBAM (Woo et al., 2018) and (g) Triplet (Misra et al., 2021). (h) LU-Net with our
proposed attention gate.
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 2: Mean computation time (in ms) to proceed one
image for each network.
U-Net LU-Net +AAG +CBAM +Triplet +MAG
188 67 76 97 81 89
provided the lowest standard deviation over the folds.
Our proposed AG gives the best average score and
outperforms on 3 of the folds.
For the sawmill dataset, we observe that U-Net
gives low performance. LU-Net outperforms U-Net.
A possible explanation for these results is that images
are of very low contrast. Furthermore, in RGB im-
ages each channel is correlated to each other. As a
result, convolution filters fail to highlight the heart-
wood. Instead, the DSCs applies a convolution filter
on each channel then merge them by a pointwise op-
erator. They act like a colour deconvolution (Ruifrok
et al., 2001).
Fig.5 and Fig.6 highlight the outputs provided by
the different networks for the same image in each
dataset (from the testing set). For a better visualisa-
tion, only the countour of the heartwood is shown. In
the Fig.5 we see that U-Net provides a good segmen-
tation. As excepted, the lighted one is less precise.
Adding an attention module increasing the precision
of the light U-Net, as execpted. However, AAG un-
derestimates the heartwood in this case, CBAM over-
estimates, Triplet proposes an unconnex heartwood (a
small part of sapwood is considered as heartwood).
But our proposed module performs as good as U-Net
and even better.
In the Fig.6, the heartwood is not as coloured as in
the Fig.5. We can see U-Net has considered a part of
the background as the heartwood. LU-Net is clearly
worse with many holes inside the heartwood, despite
that the heartwood in the background has been re-
moved. AAG is goo. CBAM performs as well as
LU-Net. Triplet module is the worst output for this
image, the center of the heartwood is missing. Finally
our module is as good as AAG module, but our mod-
ule consider a part of the sapwood as heartwood.
Table 2 shows the mean computation time for each
network. The first thing we notice is that the light ver-
sion of U-Net (LU-Net) is faster. It’s expected since
the convolution has been simplified (by using seper-
able depthwise convolution instead). On the con-
trary, the computation time increases when an atten-
tion module is added. The LU-Net with CBAM atten-
tion takes the longest execution time. Our attention
module has the same time as the classical version of
U-Net. In the end, taking into account the previous
results, our attention module offers better results, for
a minimal addition of parameters and a very small in-
crease in computation time.
This paper introduced a light U-Net architecture for
single-class image segmentation. Besides, we intro-
duced an attention gate based on morphological op-
erators (erosion and dilatation). The key is that our
spatial morphological attention gate performs better
than some of other attention gates used in a light net-
work. Lightening the network leads to a significant
reduction in the number of its parameters. Adding an
attention gate slightly increases the number of param-
eters but allows to compensate the less good perfor-
mances of such a light network. Erosion and dilata-
tion are time-consuming operations. Thus, our AG is
more time-consuming than usual convolution, but it
marginally increases the number of network parame-
ters. However, it provides the best results for our two
datasets for heartwood segmentation of Douglas fir.
This research was made possible by support from the
French National Research Agency, in the framework
of the project TreeTrace, ANR-17-CE10-0016.
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