Overcome Ethnic Discrimination with Unbiased Machine Learning for
Facial Data Sets
Michael Danner
1, a
, Bakir Had
, Robert Radloff
, Xueping Su
3 b
, Leping Peng
Thomas Weber
and Matthias R
2 c
CVSSP, University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K.
ViSiR, Reutlingen University, Germany
School of Electronics and Information, Xi’an Polytechnic University, China
Hunan University of Science and Technology, China
Unbiased Machine Learning, Fairness, Trustworthy AI, Acceptance Research, Debiasing Training Data,
Facial Data Sets, AI-Acceptance Analysis.
AI-based prediction and recommender systems are widely used in various industry sectors. However, general
acceptance of AI-enabled systems is still widely uninvestigated. Therefore, firstly we conducted a survey with
559 respondents. Findings suggested that AI-enabled systems should be fair, transparent, consider person-
ality traits and perform tasks efficiently. Secondly, we developed a system for the Facial Beauty Prediction
(FBP) benchmark that automatically evaluates facial attractiveness. As our previous experiments have proven,
these results are usually highly correlated with human ratings. Consequently they also reflect human bias
in annotations. An upcoming challenge for scientists is to provide training data and AI algorithms that can
withstand distorted information. In this work, we introduce AntiDiscriminationNet (ADN), a superior attrac-
tiveness prediction network. We propose a new method to generate an unbiased convolutional neural network
(CNN) to improve the fairness of machine learning in facial dataset. To train unbiased networks we generate
synthetic images and weight training data for anti-discrimination assessments towards different ethnicities.
Additionally, we introduce an approach with entropy penalty terms to reduce the bias of our CNN. Our re-
search provides insights in how to train and build fair machine learning models for facial image analysis by
minimising implicit biases. Our AntiDiscriminationNet finally outperforms all competitors in the FBP bench-
mark by achieving a Pearson correlation coefficient of PCC = 0.9601.
In recent years, the use of artificial intelligence has
proven to solve a wide spectrum of technical prob-
lems. Especially in the high-tech sector and in knowl-
edge intensive industries, machines and intelligent al-
gorithms turned from clunky tools to sophisticated
systems performing various complex tasks today (Ar-
slan et al., 2021). In today’s global war of talents,
companies are hunting for the best employees with
specific requirements of skills and personal traits to
achieve competitive advantage in their field (Grant,
1991). In this context, a wide range of research has
Both authors contributed equally
This work is partially supported by a grant of the
BMWi ZIM-FuE programs, no. KK5007201LB0.
been conducted to understand the evolutionary basis
of beauty and determine the bias of attractiveness in
the job hiring process (Little et al., 2011; Chiang and
Saw, 2018). Companies desire an efficient and objec-
tive recruitment process with the preferred outcome
of finding the best job candidates and stay compliant
with regulations and ethical aspects. Artificial intelli-
gence has the potential to support these goals by min-
imising the risk of bias in decision making in order
to be a relevant and trustworthy partner for humans in
the future.
1.1 Motivation
In 2016 Beauty.AI, a Hong-Kong based technology
company, hosted the first international beauty contest
judged by artificial intelligence (beauty.ai, 2016) but
the results were heavily biased, for example, against
dark-skinned subjects (Levin, 2016). ”Machine learn-
ing models are prone to biased decisions, due to bi-
Danner, M., Hadži
c, B., Radloff, R., Su, X., Peng, L., Weber, T. and Rätsch, M.
Overcome Ethnic Discrimination with Unbiased Machine Learning for Facial Data Sets.
DOI: 10.5220/0011624900003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ases in data-sets” (Sharma et al., 2020). Biased train-
ing data potentially leads to discriminatory models, as
the data sets are created by humans or derived from
human activities in the past, for example hiring algo-
rithms (Bogen, 2019). The purpose of Facial Beauty
Prediction (FBP) research is to classify images mim-
icking subjective human judgements. Investigations
related to machine perception in a ground-truth free
setting show that the data source depends on the mea-
surement of human perception (Prijatelj et al., 2020).
Therefore, artificial networks need a process to deter-
mine labels of the average person’s judgement. Our
data analysis has already proven that people consider
their own ethnicity to be more attractive than oth-
ers (Gerlach et al., 2020). With this tendency, it be-
comes difficult to generate input data to train a ma-
chine learning algorithm, which assesses attractive-
ness without bias. This is a highly relevant topic
in machine learning, which has a technical compo-
nent to solve and trigger ethical debates about dis-
crimination. To tackle this issue, we used our re-
cently published balanced training data set (Gerlach
et al., 2020). with minimal bias between European
and Asian aesthetic predictions from a convolutional
neural network (CNN). Based on this training data,
we created a model capable to achieve an equally dis-
tributed performance over all classes for those differ-
ent ethnicities. For the first time, we could prove, that
this resampled and balanced training data leads to a
debiased AI model for a fair facial aesthetic prediction
among different ethnicities. The main contribution of
this work is the novel approach towards an unbiased
machine learning among different ethnicities to build
a fair and trustworthy AI model, by applying a mixed
data set, which consists of real images together with
synthetic data.
1.2 Acceptance of AI
AI-based technologies are promising tools to opti-
mise the process of recruiting, assisting recruiters in
their routine work and thus increasing the efficiency
of the whole recruiting process(Ahmed, 2018; Reilly,
2018). However, the extent of willingness to accept
and use AI-enabled recruiting among the actual ap-
plicants is widely uninvestigated until now (Laurim
et al., 2021). Consequently, one of the goals of the
present study was to examine acceptance factors of AI
use in recruiting process among university students.
A total of 559 participants (49% female) completed
the online survey. The results showed that AI accep-
tance is dependent on the following: a contact person
should be available (91%), process should be trans-
parent (86%) and ensure data protection (83%). Even
though the minority (35%) of participants is gener-
ally worried about AI utilisation, however, only 52
% stated that they would support AI-enabled recruit-
ing procedures (Schlick and Reich, 2021). Our survey
demonstrated that the acceptance of AI-enabled sys-
tems heavily depends on the features of the provided
AI. The AI system should make fair decisions that are
transparent and consider individual personality traits
while keeping their data safe and protected. Potential
sources of worries and doubts regarding the AI among
the applicants must be adequately addressed in future
studies. First prerequisite for usage of AI systems is
that they are accepted by the users. Therefore, one of
the central goals of the following study is to design a
fair and unbiased AI.
While research on the estimation of images or por-
traits is not a new trend, it has gained increasing
attention since the emergence of artificial intelli-
gence (Zhang and Kreiman, 2021). Although, AI
is undoubtedly the best solution for many applica-
tions like autonomous driving or image classification,
applications that are affected by unconscious bias,
like beauty prediction (Dornaika et al., 2020), tend
to reflect a bias that is likely to be prevalent within
given data sets. Especially, when people’s subjec-
tive preferences play a role, such as in attractiveness
judgement (Shank and DeSanti, 2018) or human re-
source evaluation (Lloyd, 2018), bias is almost cer-
tain to happen. (Carrera, 2020) conducted research
on the implication of racism in image databases that
analysed the association of aggressiveness, kindness,
beauty and ugliness with different images and found
that the decisions of many people are affected by sub-
conscious racism. Since researchers are aware of such
effects, they found different ways to reduce subcon-
scious bias in machine learning. If the problem orig-
inates from the given databases - either the databases
or the training needs to be changed.
3.1 Bias from Human Indications
Our latest data set included 12,034 images of peo-
ple from different social and ethnic backgrounds that
we collected during the period of eight years long pe-
riod working on this topic. One part of the data was
collected from the students of our partner university
Overcome Ethnic Discrimination with Unbiased Machine Learning for Facial Data Sets
Figure 1: AntiDiscriminationNet is trained on annotations
from students at a German and at a Chinese university. The
trained network follows the bias from the annotations.
in China. This number of images provided 5.4 mil-
lion annotations where different annotators evaluated
the attractiveness of persons in the presented picture.
Our aim in that study (Gerlach et al., 2020) was to
empirically test if data manifest any implicit bias re-
garding ethnicity or some other relevant characteris-
tics of evaluated pictures. Based on the literature re-
search that we conducted, we hypothesised that the
evaluated attractiveness of facial pictures in the Asia-
Europe data set by annotators in China and Germany
is implicitly biased. More precisely, we assumed that
annotators are evaluating more attractive images of
persons that are having the same ethnic background
as them. To test this hypothesis, we separated results
from annotators, divided them based on their racial
background, and then compared their results. Ger-
mans represented European annotators, while Chi-
nese represented Asian annotators. The results of the
conducted analysis indicated that our hypothesis was
supported. As we can see in Figure 1. European an-
notators evaluated European faces as more attractive,
while Asian evaluated Asian faces as more attractive.
3.2 Artificial Intelligence as Facial
Aesthetics Predictor
Current state-of-the-art results of Facial Aesthetics
Predictor system are presented in this subchapter. Af-
terwards, we introduced our AntiDiscriminationNet
Predictor. For the prediction of facial aesthetics, we
used convolutional neural networks (CNN).
Related Work. With the introduction of CNNs
and large-scale image repositories, facial image and
video tasks get more powerful (Krizhevsky et al.,
2017; Zeiler and Fergus, 2013; Deng et al., 2009).
Xie et al. (Xie et al., 2015) present the SCUT-FBP500
dataset, containing 5500 subjects with attractiveness
ratings. Since ”FBP is a multi-paradigm computa-
tion problem” the successor SCUT-FBP5500 (Liang
et al., 2018) is introduced in 2018, including an in-
creased database of 5500 frontal faces with multi-
ple attributes: male/female, Asian/Caucasian, age and
beauty score. Liang et al. (2018) have evaluated
their database ”using different combinations of fea-
ture and predictor, and various deep learning meth-
ods” on AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al., 2017), ResNet-
18 (He et al., 2015) and ResNeXt-50 and achieved the
Pearson correlation coefficient PCC = 0.8777; with p
value being statistically significant at p < 0.01, mean
average error MAE = 0.2518; root-mean-square er-
ror RMSE = 0.3325 as a benchmark. In summary, it
can be said that all deep CNN models are superior to
the shallow predictor with the hand-crafted geometric
feature or appearance feature (Liang et al., 2018).
Benchmark Data Set. The SCUT-FBP 5500 data set is
a small data set for deep learning tasks. Therefore, it
is an even greater challenge to train soft features like
aesthetic or beauty. In order to measure the accuracy
of the network and to be comparable to recent exper-
iments in facial beauty prediction, we calculated the
Pearson correlation coefficient, mean absolute error
(MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE).
Figure 2: The architecture of AntiDiscriminationNet is
based on the VGG Face architecture and is expanded by
two separate skip connections. At the end, the predictions
of the differently convoluted feature vectors are merged.
AntiDiscriminationNet Predictor Architecture. The
VGG Face architecture (Simonyan and Zisserman,
2015) was the basis of our AntiDiscriminationNet.
Inspired by an idea of the paper from (Shelhamer
et al., 2017) we then added modifications to the net-
work by exploiting feature maps from the third and
fourth convolution blocks. Since the size of the fea-
ture maps differed from the size of the resulting fea-
ture vector, we implemented an additional max pool-
ing layer to achieve the wanted output. For the pre-
dictions of the network, we concatenated the softmax
results into a single feature vector as shown in Fig-
ure 2. Our proposed network achieved the Pearson
correlation coefficient PCC = 0.9601; with p-value
being statistically significant at p < 0.01, which in-
dicated an almost linear correspondence between an-
notations and predictions. Our training results have
very high accuracy and outperform state-of-the-art re-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
sults. More detailed results, and comparisons with
other networks are presented in our previous work
(Danner et al., 2021). The normalised mean square er-
ror was nMSE = 3.896 and the normalised root mean
square error was nRMSE = 5.580. These are mea-
surements of the average error of the predicted labels,
which were used to evaluate the accuracy of the net-
work. The results are normalised because there are
different data sets with different score ranges.
Re-annotation of SCUT-FBP5500 Data Set. Since
2013, for our study of facial aesthetics, we conducted
online surveys on multiple image data sets where
thousands of students and their relatives participated
(Gerlach et al., 2020). With this process we have been
able to gather enough data to train a convolutional
neural network with the goal to improve facial beauty
prediction. During training convolutional neural net-
works (CNN) on this data, we recognised a large bias
in this data. This led us to evaluate the annotations
from Chinese and German universities and take a
closer look at the bias. We conducted statistical anal-
ysis to see if the trained network would also produce
bias during aesthetic prediction. Results of mentioned
former paper (Gerlach et al., 2020) indicated a statis-
tically significant difference between CNN aesthetic
prediction based on Chinese and German annotations.
Results are presented in Figure 1. When based on
Chinese annotations, CNN predicted a higher aes-
thetic score for Chinese annotations. Based on Ger-
man annotations, CNN predicted a higher aesthetic
score for German annotations. These results empir-
ically revealed that the trained network reflected the
same bias as human annotators. After this revelation,
our next step was to train unbiased AI.
In general, there are three main paths to reach the
goal of unbiased predictions: fair pre-processing, fair
in-processing, and fair post-processing (Bellamy and
et. al., 2018). Within this paper, we present two ap-
proaches based on those paths to train an unbiased
network with biased data for FBP. The first approach
relies on data pre-processing before training to intro-
duce fairness - we call it ”balanced training”. The
second approach relies on a categorical cross entropy
loss function, for the network to learn the bias and
decrease it. Those processes are explained in the fol-
lowing sections.
4.1 Data Set and GAN-Images
We analysed the data that we gathered with our Anal-
ysis Toolbox and could measure a significant bias
within the prediction of aesthetics through different
ethnicities. Therefore, training a network with the
goal to create unbiased results is still a challenge in
deep learning tasks. In the following we will first de-
scribe our data set blend and the accompanying Anal-
ysis Toolbox and we explain how we used a GAN to
create artificial portraits with European and Asian eth-
Starting in 2017, we used the Asian-European
data set SCUT-FBP (Xie et al., 2015; Liang et al.,
2018) to evaluate biased annotations from Chinese
and German universities. Since the SCUT-FBP 5500
dataset is a small dataset for deep learning tasks, we
used data augmentation methods to enlarge the sam-
ple size of the training set by generating GAN im-
ages with either Asian or European or mixed images
as input and new synthesised images as output. This
augmentation method proves superior to geometric
transformations like cropping and rotating. All im-
ages are pre-processed, by normalisation methods to
harmonise face pose, facial landmark positions and
image size.
For the purpose of a detailed analysis, we blended
multiple data sets in the domain of facial aesthetics to-
gether. In total, this data set included 12,034 portrait
images from persons of different ethnicities with indi-
vidual social backgrounds. These images are labelled
and annotated in surveys over a period of eight years
with a total number of 5.4 million annotations. Beside
that, recently we added the FairFace (K
ainen and
Joo, 2019) database, which includes male and female
portraits of seven different ethnic groups. The synthe-
sised Eurasian images are artificially generated with
StarGAN v2 (Choi et al., 2020) to determine the in-
fluence of the biased view of annotators on aesthetics
of persons from different ethnicities.
After annotating the data set, the unconscious
bias in the annotations can be uncovered. Figure 3
shows the biased average score of our networks on
the SCUT-FBP data set and the Eurasian data set. Fig-
ure 4 illustrates the analysis on the distribution of aes-
thetic score and age for Asians, Europeans and three
mixed-racial subgroups. The different group annota-
tion points are displayed in different colours. We cal-
culated the following metrics for each group cluster
i: Horizontal dashed lines are average attractiveness
values a
. Vertical dashed lines are average age values
. As can be seen, the interval of a
has a small span,
however the interval of y
has a significantly larger
span. Each a
and y
values intersection point forms
Overcome Ethnic Discrimination with Unbiased Machine Learning for Facial Data Sets
Figure 3: Unconscious bias towards ethnic aesthetic of ei-
ther German or Chinese annotators. Left: average aesthetic
score on SCUT-FBP by German annotators, middle: aver-
age aesthetic score labelled by Chinese students, right: aes-
thetic scores on the Eurasian data set annotated by German
Figure 4: Biased correlation between attractiveness, age and
ethnicity by German annotators. In an ethical, fair network
the attractiveness for equal age groups would be the same.
This would be represented in the figure by the same height
of the lines for equal age groups.
an per group attractiveness-age-factor AAF
= a
In a fair machine, these AAF
points would be closer
together, as the y
span is small. This idea is further
elaborated in Section 4.
4.2 Training and Data Pre-Processing
In our first approach of training the network we ap-
plied pre-processing and resampling to the input data,
which is explained in the following paragraphs.
This paper proposes a way to create a fair net-
work with this biased data. Therefore, the bias must
be identified in the ground truth labels of the data set
and divided into two subsets. The first subset (Ger-
man annotations) confirms and increases the existing
bias whereas the second subset (Chinese annotations)
consists of the contrary prejudices (annotation bias).
Afterwards, a GAN then generates synthetic images,
which are a gradation of the mixture of the first and
second subset. This selection bias leads to the best
balanced results of the generated images. This knowl-
Figure 5: Correlation of the bias over the ratio of German
and Chinese annotations. The least bias here is at the ratio
of 1.9.
edge can then be applied back to the original data set.
In our training process, we have a clear bias in the
annotations, as shown in Figure 1 and measured in
the analysis of the data. If we train our network based
only on these labels, it follows the data and replicates
the bias from the annotations. In the next training,
we added the annotations from the Chinese and Ger-
man annotators and trained the network on an equal
distribution of those annotations (Ratio: 1.0). The av-
erage aesthetic rating of European and Asian faces is
still biased, however not as strong as in the previous
In this experiment, balancing the training data
meant finding the minimum by concatenating the Ger-
man annotated subset g with the weighted ω Chinese
annotated subset c. The goal in this approach was to
level the average aesthetic scores g and c for the gen-
erated predictions g
and c
. The network bias B is
then defined by
B =
2n + 1
g g
+ ω
c c
. (1)
Starting from a ratio of 1:1, in which German and Chi-
nese annotations are distributed equally, we gradually
increased the weight of the Chinese annotations. In
our experiment we varied the ratio from 2:1 to 1:3.2
for German annotations to Chinese annotations. Each
training step and the corresponding bias over the ratio
is shown in Figure 5. Determining the minimum in
Figure 5 is equal to finding the least biased network.
It is visible that a ratio of 1:1.9 produced the least bi-
ased network for this experiment and its results are
shown in Figure 6. This means the Chinese annota-
tions are weighted nearly double the amount than the
European annotations. Limitations of this approach
are that information about the structure of the under-
lying latent features are unknown and balancing the
network requires a lot of time and work. Therefore,
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 6: CNN aesthetic prediction with equalised distribution of training data. The charts on the left side show the prediction
of the network if it is only trained on Chinese or German annotations. On the right side, the prediction of the network, which
was trained on the biased data is shown. All bars have more or less the same height and only differ minimally. This means,
that we could eliminate most of the bias in the training data, by balancing and we can assume that this trained network is fair.
we additionally propose another approach, described
in the following section.
4.3 Debiasing Neural Network
4.3.1 Training Network Features
To achieve the first results on unbiased aesthetic es-
timation, we used the existing VGG-Face framework
in Keras with TensorFlow and adjusted it. The net-
work consists of 11 blocks, each containing a linear
operator and followed by one or more non-linearities
such as ReLU and max pooling (Parkhi et al., 2015).
We applied transfer learning here and used the pre-
trained model for Face Recognition (Parkhi et al.,
2015). Building up on the face recognition, attractive-
ness estimation is similar to age estimation (Gyawali
et al., 2020) performed by observing the facial fea-
tures from portraits. The convolutional layers in the
network are followed by a rectification layer (ReLu)
as in (Krizhevsky et al., 2017). We used the Adam
optimiser (Kingma and Ba, 2017). The input to our
network is a face image of the size 256×256×3, and
it uses Zero-Padding around the edges, to ensure that
the image information on the edge is not lost. Our in-
put data is split into 60% train and 40% test data. The
convolutional layers parameters of VGG-Face are not
changed and kept frozen during the training. We used
a dropout of 50%, and as it is a regression problem
our final layer had to be the size of 1. To classify the
aesthetic score, a softmax activation function is used
in the final layer. As a loss metric, we used the mean
squared error and to compare our networks we also
calculated the Pearson correlation and the root mean
squared error.
4.3.2 Balanced Training
The process and the effect of the ratio on the average
aesthetic rating is shown in Figure 5. By modifying
the ratio of the annotations, a minimum is determined
that illustrates the lowest difference between the aver-
age aesthetic prediction of Asian and European faces.
This represents a specific loss function for our net-
work that maps bias onto measurable values. To re-
move bias from our network, we calculated the differ-
ence between European and Asian aesthetic predic-
tions and found the global minimum. The minimum
of the average aesthetic score between Asian and Eu-
ropean faces is located at a ratio of 1:1.9 where the av-
erage aesthetic score differs by about 5%. We created
a model with a fair performance over all classes of dif-
ferent ethnicities as shown in Figure 6. This proves,
that by re-sampling and balancing the training data a
less biased AI can be created. This process created a
less-biased AI in FBP tasks.
Our results are displayed in Figure 6 where all bar
charts have a similar height and the FBP score is con-
siderably less biased. Not all bars have the exact same
height, this is due to some background noise. Real
world data usually contains noise which affects tasks
such as classification in machine learning (Gupta and
Gupta, 2019). This noise also affects our aesthetic
prediction. However, with those minor differences,
we can consider our network as unbiased and there-
fore fair. As we used a factor-based approach to mul-
tiply the annotation data, this noise is present over all
ratios. Only the difference of the averages increases
or decreases within the variations of the ratio.
Overcome Ethnic Discrimination with Unbiased Machine Learning for Facial Data Sets
4.3.3 Removing Bias Using Clustered Labels
A more sophisticated approach in getting rid of the
bias in training data is our second approach. Within
this approach we are developing a new method to re-
duce the bias in the training data. This method con-
sists of a deep learning network that is trained on the
original learning task within the data set, and then
minimises the bias inside the learned latent distribu-
tions using a specially adapted loss function.
Each data record contains a list of labels a =
,..., a
, which are to be debiased, and a further list
of labels b = b
,..., b
. In this example we remove
the bias from the ethnical label a
and preserve the
age, profession, hair colour and skin complexion la-
bels. The network evaluates all attributes of the data
set during the training and groups all objects accord-
ing to the attributes b in clusters.
Within each subgroup the difference between the
ethnical mean value a
represents the bias. A non-
linear operation, similar to the gamma correction in
image systems, is then applied to the ethnic label to
preserve the range of the values and bring the dif-
ferences closer together. These differences for all
clusters are the measure of the loss function, which
is implemented as categorical cross entropy loss and
should be minimised during training. With this we
present a universally adaptable method to make any
network fairer according to given labels.
Societal benefits can arise from aesthetic prediction
when trustworthy AI models are used. We presented
a method to eliminate bias in facial attractiveness pre-
diction and this method can be transferred to other
similar networks and use cases. For example, in
the future, a possible implication of our unbiased
AntiDiscriminationNet is supporting the recruitment
processes or plastic aesthetic surgeries in the medical
domain. Applying those AI models needs to be dis-
cussed in the light of a benefit and risk assessment.
The implementation of machine learning models in
various future tasks must be accompanied by effective
measures, long-term ethical considerations and trans-
parency. Training of an unbiased model on biased
data will be a constant challenge in machine learn-
ing, especially in the field of aesthetic judgement and
other fields where underrepresented ethnic groups are
common. Pragmatical regulations and an open-source
mindset will reduce the implication that algorithms
may become a major threat of discrimination on a
level of gender, sex, and ethnicity. Applying a debi-
ased prediction model like AntiDiscriminationNet is a
starting point for future research and continuous eth-
ical evaluation. The implication and future research
in this domain are driven by the adoption of AI mod-
els which allow us to screen facial images in a high
throughput manner when needed and within the reg-
ulations. Beauty and aesthetic attractiveness predic-
tions raise ethical questions and concerns. This de-
bate needs to be held on an ongoing and open basis,
ideally with a diverse group of stakeholders. Ulti-
mately, the well-known phrase ‘beauty is in the eye
of the beholder’ will stay as a universal rule for ma-
chines and humans in attractiveness judgement.
In this research we used experimental methods to sys-
tematically demonstrate how human implicit bias af-
fects the decision-making of artificial intelligence and
found a way to eliminate the implicit bias of artifi-
cial intelligence. Additionally, we improved the fair-
ness of the prediction towards an equally distributed
prediction between different ethnicities. Moreover,
the Pearson correlation coefficient of PCC = 0.9601,
which denotes a nearly linear correspondence be-
tween annotations and predictions, was reached by
our trained network. Our training results are more
accurate than those obtained in recent studies in this
area. In summary, two main contributions of this pa-
per are AntiDiscriminationNet for facial image anal-
ysis and a new approach towards bias-free machine
learning models. Bias-free decision making is a chal-
lenging problem in machine learning tasks, yet it
yields the great potential to be one of the most signifi-
cant strengths of AI. Future work on this topic should
focus on scaling our approach on larger, more diverse
data sets and in other use cases.
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