CHARRA-PM: An Attestation Approach Relying on the Passport Model
Antonio Marques
and Bruno Sousa
DEI, CISUC, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Remote Attestation, Passport Model, CHARRA, Challenge-Response, IoT.
Attestation is a mechanism that is employed to verify the authenticity and integrity of the other(s) part(s), i.e.,
in hardware and/or software of a device. The remote attestation is the activity of verifying the authenticity
and integrity of a target that provides evidence to a verifier over a network that should be accepted or denied
as a result of this process. Classic authorization relies in the information provided by a device and gives
permission for a specific operation. The attestation adds a new a layer of information, not only we need to
know who the device is, but we also need to know if it is in good standing (i.e. performing according to its
design) before authorization. This paper proposes the use of the Passport model, using the Challenge/Response
development based on the architecture described by the IETF working group RATS - Remote Attestation
Procedures Architecture. The elaborated Proof-of-Concept is designed and evaluated using docker containers
and TPM software simulation.
The wide range of low-cost embedded devices with
the ability to command other devices on a network has
grown enormously. The network to which these de-
vices belong is called the IoT, which at the year 2022
registered a growth of 18% compared to the previ-
ous year (14.4 billion dollars) according to IoT Ana-
lytic (IoT Analytics, 2022).
Such devices have low cost, low consumption and
easy integration. Their application is possible in sev-
eral layers of the industry, such as the medical, auto-
motive, smart cities sectors.
IoT devices generally do not have built-in security
features or the ability to install or update software.
That was a limitation without major problems when
installed in isolated networks and not connected to
the outside world. However, as technology advances,
the IoT interconnectivity with the Internet’s enterprise
network grows (Kettani and Wainwright, 2019). An-
other point of observation is the manufacture of these
devices on a large scale, where manufacturers want
to produce quickly and at a lower cost without safety,
security concerns. On the other hand, we have the in-
stallation of devices without proper precautions. Due
to this, IoT systems are becoming a favourite target
for cyber attacks (Martin et al., 2019).
Remote Attestation (RA) allows to find which de-
vice is not following the network’s policies, or not
functioning as intended and was possibly the target
of an attack. Thus, RA supports the collection of evi-
dences regarding the behaviour of a device, which can
be used as input to build the reputation or to set trust
levels regarding the device usage.
CHARRA-PM, built on top of CHARRA (Fraun-
hofer, 2021), introduces the Relying Party component
in the challenge-response remote attestation process.
The relying party entity, within the passport model
is specified in the RATS architecture (Birkholz et al.,
2022b), as an entity that can make decisions about
communication, access, and permissions of devices.
Available implementations like CHARRA do not in-
clude the support of the Relying Party, which is a rel-
evant element, upon the need to apply policies.
The contribution of CHARRA-PM is threefold: 1)
implementation of a relying party contributing to the
support of an architecture for remote attestation; 2) A
complete remote attestation process allowing the en-
forcement of policies, and 3) Open-source implemen-
tation available (Marques, 2022).
The paper is organized as follows, section 1 intro-
duces the paper, section 2 introduces relevant back-
ground and related works. Section 3 introduces the
proposed approach for attestation, section 4 describes
the evaluation methodology and the achieved results.
Section 5 concludes the paper.
Marques, A. and Sousa, B.
CHARRA-PM: An Attestation Approach Relying on the Passport Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0011623600003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 349-356
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
2.1 IETF Remote Attestation - RATS
The objective of RATS is to propose a framework (ar-
chitecture and standardized data formats) for a secure
and reliable connection between IoT devices. The
structure currently in place consists of a device - At-
tester - that produces reliable information - Evidence
- about itself, transmitting it to another entity respon-
sible for validating the information received - Veri-
fier. The Relying Party is responsible for receiving
the verification result to make decisions about com-
munication, access, and permissions.
The verifier, when evaluating the evidence, or the
Relying Party, when evaluating the attestation results,
verify that the claims values correspond to their eval-
uation policy. Such verification can include the equal-
ity comparison with a reference value, or if it is in a
range delimited by reference values, or if it belongs to
a set of reference values.
A concrete example would be the need for a de-
vice - Attester - to prove that it can convey with an-
other device. For that, it has to provide evidence from
its system that must be validated by a trusted entity
- Verifier. This last entity will appraise the evidence
and return an attestation result to prove the attester’s
Upon completion of all checks regarding the as-
sessment policy, values are accepted as input to de-
termine attestation results when evaluating evidence
or as input to a relying party when evaluating the at-
testation results. A Relying Party can be any equip-
ment with software capable of performing authoriza-
tions on the network, such as a router, switch, or ac-
cess point responsible for admitting certified devices
to the network.
For CHARRA-PM it is relevant to consider
the Remote Attestation Procedures Architec-
ture (Birkholz et al., 2022b) and the Reference
Interaction Models for Remote Attestation Pro-
cedures (Birkholz et al., 2022a) that enable the
remote attestation on the RATS architecture. The
RATS conceptual flow considers the following
aspects (Birkholz et al., 2022b).
The RATS specification (Birkholz et al., 2022a)
specifies concepts that are related to the information
produced, requested and exchanged between entities.
The most relevant include the Claim which includes
the structure of evidence and other artefacts in the in-
formation chain. This can be a statement or a value
pair. The Evidence which is a set of claims gener-
ated by the Attester to be evaluated by a Verifier. Ev-
idence can include configuration data, measurements,
telemetry, or inferences. The Attestation Result is
the output generated by a verifier containing informa-
tion about an Attester, where the Verifier guarantees
the validity of the results.
2.2 Reference Models
The RATS architecture documents two refer-
ence models for the Challenge/response opera-
tion (Birkholz et al., 2022b; Birkholz et al., 2022a):
Passport Model and Background-check model.
The Passport-Model is an analogy to the model
of issuing passports by a nation to an individual and
its use at an immigration counter. So, in this immi-
gration counter analogy, the citizen is the Attester, the
passport issuing agency is the Verifier, the passport
application and identification information (e.g. birth
certificate) is the Proof, the passport is a Result Cer-
tificate, and the immigration desk is a Relying Party.
In this model an Attester transmits the Evidence to a
Verifier, who compares it against its assessment pol-
icy or verifies the requested data. The Verifier then
returns an Attestation Result to the Attester, which
does not consume the Attestation Result but can cache
it. The Attester can then present the Attestation Re-
sult and possibly additional Claims to a Relying Party,
who then compares this information against its own
assessment policy.
The Background-check model has this name be-
cause of the similarity of how employers and organi-
zations perform background checks. When a prospec-
tive employee submits information about previous ed-
ucation or experience, the employer will contact the
respective institutions or employers to validate such
information provided. So, in this analogy, a potential
volunteer is an Attester, the organization is the Rely-
ing Party, and the reporting organization is a Verifier.
In this model an Attester transmits Evidence to a Re-
lying Party, who forwards it to a Verifier. The Verifier
compares the Evidence against its assessment policy
and returns an Attestation Result to the Relying Party.
The Relying Party then compares the Attestation Re-
sult with its own evaluation policy.
The challenge/response model only allows the
validation that an attester meets the conditions to con-
vey with another entity. This would be enough in
some cases to implement a model with these two en-
tities. However, using a third entity whose function
would be to validate that the information generated
by the Verifier is trustworthy and, from there, grant
access permission to resources or other entities pro-
vides us with an increase in security.
For a more robust level of security, the Relying
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Party may require the Verifier to provide information
about itself that the Relying Party can use in assessing
the Verifier’s reliability before accepting the Attesta-
tion Results. In order to implement a trust model that
fully utilizes the “trust anchor” concept, it is neces-
sary to have implemented the “Relying Party Owner”.
The Passport Model has less network traffic in
comparison to the Background-check Model and the
possibility to cache the attestation result (for some
time) the Attestation Result in case of no communi-
cation with a Relying Party.
The CHAllenge-Response based Remote Attestation
with TPM 2.0 - CHARRA is a proof-of-concept im-
plementation of the Remote Challenge/Response At-
testation.CHARRA conforms to the RATS architec-
ture description (Fraunhofer, 2021). CHARRA was
written in C language, implementing libraries for ac-
cessing data on TPM chips and transporting this data
using protocols suitable for use in more restricted en-
vironments such as te IoT.
The implementation was entirely developed using
software, not being linked to a specific hardware plat-
form for code execution. Docker containers are using
the official repository of the TPM2 Software commu-
nity. Each container uses a TPM 2.0 chip simulator,
developed by IBM and a C library for interaction with
the TPM (TCG, 2022b).
CHARRA implements the secure challenge/re-
sponse flow to validate evidence collected by an at-
tester but does not return the attestation result back to
the attester.
The challenge/response model can be used when
we want to ensure that a system has started correctly
and only runs authentic software.
Despite the compliance with the IETF RATS ar-
chitecture, CHARRA has some limitations regard-
ing the implementation of the Challenge/Response
Model. First, what is the purpose of doing the attesta-
tion only between the Attester and the Verifier? Sec-
ond, when establishing a new communication with a
Relying Party, how can the Attester verify whether or
not he is trustworthy? Third, if no response is pro-
vided in the challenge/response model there is no re-
mote attestation.
CHARRA-PM, herein proposed, aims to over-
come these limitations, by providing a complete and
open-source implementation (Marques, 2022) of the
remote attestation architecture, with the introduction
of the Relying Party entity that contributes to the en-
forcement of policies regarding devices.
2.4 Related Work
SHeLA (Rabbani et al., 2019) is a model of at least
three layers, with a Root Verifier that acts as the
”owner” of the attestation network and has associated
high computing power. The Root Verifier commu-
nicates with the edge verifiers through the network.
The Edge Verifiers are devices with significant com-
puting power and storage, in comparison to the low-
end devices - Swarm Nodes. Edges verifiers have a
permanent connection to root verifiers. The SHeLA
model assumes that Edge devices are trusted entities
supporting secure hardware that the root verifier can
attest. Swarm nodes (the provers) are low-end devices
that communicate using particular wireless technolo-
gies like Zigbee, Wifi or Bluetooth.
SARA (Dushku et al., 2020) proposes using asyn-
chronous protocols for group attestation, resulting in
the non-interruption of all devices simultaneously.
SARA uses a publisher/subscriber model based on the
Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) or Ad-
vanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). The use
of queue managers and the historical attestation are
an advantage, in comparison to SHeLA.
CHARRA-PM has the advantage of following a
standardized approach for remote attestation, without
introducing demanding requirements in terms of com-
putation. SHeLA, in this regard introduces limitations
due to the high cost of Root and Edge Verifier.
The motivation for choosing the Passport Model was
primarily due to the minimization of traffic processed
by the Relying Party, compared to the one observed
in the Background-check model. On the other hand,
we isolated the Relying Party that centralizes claims
and responses as described in the Background-check
model, significantly reducing the Relying Party’s
work, processing and network connections.
Adding a trusted third party in the Challenge/Re-
sponse model aims to validate the attestation result,
sent by the Verifier to the Attester that forwards it to
the Relying Party. This process can decide the type of
permission/role the Attester can have on the network,
like limiting or blocking communication.
We created a new proof of concept: the
CHARRA-PM (Marques, 2022), taking advantage of
the development already carried out in CHARRA, in-
cluding a new device/entity, the Relying Party, and the
entire process necessary for the signing, transfer and
validation of the Resulting Certificate.
CHARRA-PM: An Attestation Approach Relying on the Passport Model
As stated previously, the contribution of
CHARRA-PM is the addition of the Relying
Party entity, leading to a complete implementation
of the Remote Attestation architecture. In addition,
RP also contributes to the policy enforcement. The
addition of a third party can be thought of in two
situations: functioning as a gateway or firewall for
granting privileges depending on the attestation result
or even an end device that would only establish
communication upon a valid attestation result.
==> claims, eventLog
authSecIDs, claimSelection)
collectClaims(claims, claimSelection)
==> collectedClaims
authSecIDs, collectedClaims)
==> evidence
evidence, eventLogs
eventLogs, refValues)
attestationResults(evidence, results)
Passport Model
step 1
step 2
step 3
step 4
step 5
step 6
step 7
step 8
Figure 1: CHARRA-PM data Flow.
As identified in section 2.3, several limita-
tions were identified regarding the challenge/response
model implemented in CHARRA. CHARRA-PM
adds functionalities to further enrich the compliance
with the remote attestation architecture. First, the at-
testation result, validated by the Verifier, is sent to
the Attester, as per documented in (Birkholz et al.,
2022a). Second the attestation result is employed
for policy enforcement. That is the attestation re-
sult proves that the Attester has requirements (valid
or not) to present to another peer to gain some level
of access. Third, the Relying Party reviews the sub-
mitted certificate by any policy it has or through a Re-
lying Party Owner (RPO). This policy can be a true or
false check, for example. Most importantly, the Rely-
ing Party trusts the Verifier and the attester.
Figure 1 helps us understanding the generation
and data exchange flow between the Passport model
parts. Assuming that the communication between the
parties is carried out safely and securely, as recom-
mended by the RATS documents, in this case, us-
ing the DTLS-RPK or DTLS-PSK. The collection of
information and communication between the parties
involved is summarized in two steps: Challenge/Re-
sponse and the Passport Model.
3.1 Challenge/Response Steps
When the Attester starts up, it produces claims about
its startup and operational state. Event logs track the
statements produced by providing a trail of critical se-
curity events in a system, as per step 1 in Figure 1.
The Challenge/Response remote attestation pro-
cedure is initiated by the Verifier sending a remote at-
testation request to the Attester. This request includes
an identifier (e.g., in the form of a nonce), authen-
tication secret IDs and claims selection, correspond-
ing to step 2 in Figure 1. In the Challenge/Response
model, the handle is composed in the form of a vir-
tually unguessable nonce (e.g., a strong random num-
ber). The nonce generated by the Verifier ensures that
the Evidence is up to date and prevents replay attacks.
The authSecID is a key sent by the Verifier to the At-
tester to sign the Attestation Evidence. Each key is
uniquely associated with an Attestation Environment
in the Attester. As a result, a single Authentication
Secret ID identifies a single Attestation Environment.
The Attester collects Claims based on the Claim
Selection submitted by the Verifier. If Claim Selec-
tion is omitted, all Claims available in the Attester
must be used to create the corresponding evidence by
default. For example, in a boot health assessment, the
Verifier may only ask for a subset, such as Evidence
on BIOS/UEFI and firmware, and does not include
other information about the current running environ-
ment. This corresponds to step 3 in Figure 1.
With the Collected Claims, Handle, Authentica-
tion Secret IDs, the Attester produces the evidence
and signs it. It digitally signs the Handle and Claims
collected with a cryptographic secret identified by the
Authentication Secret ID. It is done once per Attes-
tation Environment, which is identified by the spe-
cific Authentication Secret ID. The Attester commu-
nicates the signed evidence and all accompanying
Event Records back to the Verifier, as depicted in step
4 of Figure 1.
The implementation of CHARRA behaves differ-
ently, using the TPM private key of the Attester and
sending the public key along with the message to the
Verifier. CHARRA-PM modifies this behaviour due
to the fact of communicating the Attestation result to
the Relying Party.
When the Verifier receives the Evidence and Event
Logs, it starts the Evidence assessment process, val-
idating the signature, received nonce against sent
nonce, and received claims. The assessment proce-
dures are application-specific and can be conducted
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
by comparing values, using reference measures, and
producing the Attestation Results. This is done in step
5 of Figure 1.
3.2 Passport Model Steps
After producing the attestation, the Verifier signs it
with its private key and sends it, through a secure
channel, to the Attester, as illustrated in step 6 of Fig-
ure 1. The Attester must immediately send the re-
ceived certificate to be evaluated by the Relying Party,
as per step 7 in Figure 1. The Attester cannot process,
verify or change the received certificate. At most, it
can keep until it expires.
The Attestation results can contain a Boolean
value indicating compliance or non-compliance with
a verifier’s assessment policy, dispensing with the use
of a Relying Party Owner to provide an additional
evaluation policy (Birkholz et al., 2022b). The Re-
lying Party confers greater confidence in the model,
as it is responsible for verifying whether the attesta-
tion result is reliable and valid, deciding the level of
access it will give (or not) to the system.
When the relying party receives the certificate, it
starts evaluating the information, verifying the signa-
ture and the value(s) received. At this time, and de-
pending on the policy, it will give privileges to the
Attester according to the results of the attestation, as
per step 8 in Figure 1.
In the stages where information is exchanged be-
tween parties, it is carried out through a secure com-
munication channel.
3.3 Implementation Details
The implementation of CHARRA-PM was based on
CHARRA. For instance, we reused CHARRA code,
such as calling connection and cryptographic func-
tions. CHARRA-PM introduced new functions, de-
veloped to handle the Passport Model functionality. It
should be noted that it was not a development from
scratch but an improvement to the existing code with
the endorsement of developer Michael Eckel (Eckel
and Riemann, 2021). The CHARRA-PM was coded
as Proof of Concept (PoC) to the Passport Model as
described in RATS documentation (Birkholz et al.,
2022b) and the code is available on GitHub as Open-
Source (Marques, 2022).
3.3.1 Establishing a CoAP Session with DTLS
This section will present and explain the piece of code
functions that handle CoAP sessions using DTLS
PSK and RPK.
c o a p s e s s i o n = c h a r r a c o a p n e w c l i e n t s e s s i o n p s k ( c t x ,
LISTEN RP , p o r t r p , COAP PROTO DTLS , t l s p s k i d e n t i t y ,
( u i n t 8 t
) d t l s p s k k e y , s t r l e n ( d t l s p s k k e y )
Listing 1: Function to set up PSK CoAP connection.
charra coap new client session() function
listed in List 1, is responsible for establishing a
channel through the CoAP protocol using DTLS-
PSK with Pre-Shared key. The shared key is known
to all parties involved (dtls psk key). The other
fields identify the Relying Party, the DTLS protocol
(COAP PROTO DTLS), the shared key, and its size.
c h a r r a c o a p s e t u p d t l s p k i f o r r p k (& d t l s p k i ,
d t l s r p k p r i v a t e k e y p a t h , d t l s r p k p u b l i c k e y p a t h ,
d t l s r p k p e e r p u b l i c k e y p a t h ,
d t l s r p k v e r i f y p e e r p u b l i c k e y ) ;
Listing 2: Function to set up RPK CoAP connection.
Function charra coap setup dtls pki for rpk()
listed in List 2, is responsible for establishing a chan-
nel through the CoAP protocol using DTLS-RPK
with Raw Public Keys. Here the public key of the
target device must be known. That is, the Attester
knows the public key of the Verifier and the Relying
Party; Verifier knows the Attester’s public key; the
Relying Party knows the public key of the Attester
and the Verifier. The advantage of this approach is
related with the fact of sharing a pre-shared key be-
tween the involved entities.
3.3.2 Receipt of the Certificate by the Relying
This is where the Relying Party call functions
responsible to appraise the Attestation Result -
0 1 : /
Re a d i n g CoAP d a t a
c o a p g e t d a t a l a r g e ( i n , &d a t a l e n , &d a t a ,
&d a t a o f f s e t , &d a t a t o t a l l e n ) ;
0 2 : /
c o n v e r t f ro m CBOR t o d a t a
c h a r r a u n m a r s h a l a t t e s t a t i o n p a s s p o r t ( d a t a l e n , d a t a , &
a t t r e s u l t ) ;
0 3 : /
V a l i d a t i n g s i g n a t u r e
c h a r r a v e r i f y a t t r e s u l t ( v e r i f i e r p u b l i c k e y p a t h ,
a t t r e s u l t . a t t e s t a t i o n r e s u l t d a t a ,
a t t r e s u l t . a t t e s t a t i o n s i g n a t u r e ,
a t t r e s u l t . a t t e s t a t i o n s i g n a t u r e l e n ) ;
0 4 : /
m b e d t l s f u n c t i o n r e l a t e d t o s i g n a t u r e v e r i f y
m b e d t l s p k p a r s e p u b l i c k e y f i l e (& p e e r p u b l i c k e y ,
p e e r p u b l i c k e y p a t h ) ;
c h a r r a c r y p t o h a s h (MBEDTLS MD SHA256 , a t t r e s u l t ,
a t t r e s u l t l e n , h a s h ) ;
m b e d t l s p k v e r i f y ( &p e e r p u b l i c k e y , MBEDTLS MD SHA256 ,
ha sh , 0 , s i g n a t u r e , s i g s i z e ) ;
Listing 3: Receive and appraise Attestation Results.
Listing 3 shows excerpt of code with several steps:
Step 01. Reading the data received via CoAP.
Step 02. Reverting the CBOR encoding in data that
can be processed.
CHARRA-PM: An Attestation Approach Relying on the Passport Model
Step 03. Verifies the validity of the received signa-
ture using the Verifier’s public key. This process
will generate a new hash using SHA256 that will
be employed with the public key to verify the va-
lidity of the signature.
Step 04. Functions called by step 03, coming from
the C mbedtls library used to read the public key,
generate the hash of the attestationResult and
validate the signature.
The development was based on the CoAP protocol
with endpoints for communication with the FETCH
method. This means that each endpoint in the code
is associated with a handler function that handles the
information received.
The running environment chosen for this PoC was
Docker containers. Three docker containers Attester,
Verifier and Relying Party, run the same docker im-
age and map a volume in a local folder on the host
with the binaries. The docker container image was
based on the official tmp2software repository (TCG,
2022a).This docker implements the TPM 2.0 Simula-
tor Development Environment simulating a TPM en-
3.4 Data Structures
A Proof of Concept to validate CHARRA-PM has de-
veloped steps 6, 7 and 8 of figure 1. This section aims
to show and explain the PoC running process using
The PoC consists of three different devices, each
running its isolated environment in a Docker con-
tainer sharing the same internal network. When the
Attester starts, two CoAP endpoints ar createed using
the FETCH method: attest and result. The endpoint
attest is where the Verifier requests evidence and the
endpoint result is where the Verifier will send the at-
testation result back to the Attester. The Relying Part
also configures an endpoint where the Attestation Re-
sult, from the Attester, will be received.
When the Verifier starts, it creates a CoAP connec-
tion with the Attester, in this case using the IP address Then it creates an attestation request in-
dicating what it needs (claims) as a response. Then
creates the CoAP message (encoded in CBOR), sends
it and wait for the Attester’s response.
4.1 Evaluation Scenario & Methodology
The evaluation scenario includes the Verifier, the At-
tester and the Relying Party components, running
as docker containers. Each component has specific
CoAP endpoints that are exported to be used other
To assess the performance of the CHARRA-PM
PoC, we consider the time required to execute each
step in the attestation process. This measurement also
allowed us to quantify the impact of the additional
steps that were introduced with CHARRA-PM.
Attester Verifier
==> claims, eventLog
collectClaims(claims, claimSelection)
==> collectedClaims
generateEvidence(handle, authSecIDs,
==> evidence
Time #1
Time #2
Time #3
Time #4
Time #5
Time #6
Figure 2: Times measurement interactions.
Looking the figure 2 helps us understand which
process steps were measured. Each step was mea-
sured by capturing the time registered by the CPU
clock before and immediately after execution. For
the time measurement, the clock() function of the
time.h C library language was our choice. This
function returns the number of elapsed clock pulses
since it was called. To get the number of seconds
used by the CPU, one needs to divide by the num-
ber of CPU ticks per second (CLOCKS PER SEC).
CLOCKS PER SEC is the macro responsible for stor-
ing the number of pulses per second of the machine’s
processor on which the program is being executed
(Puttnies et al., 2020).
For different executions the times go up or down
regardless of the use of encryption using the DTLS
protocol (PSK or RPK).
Times were computed for the remote functions -
libraries calls and the total execution time of the local
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
functions, which are part of the execution code.
Times were computed for the remote functions,
which are called by external libraries, and the total
execution time of the local functions that correspond
to the functions of the programs.
Line 06 - accumulates the time spent in the func-
tion it is running on. This will be the total value of the
running function;
To test different policies, two types of attestation
were considered:
Good Attestation. The Attester sends a correct attes-
tation to the Verifier. For instance the values in the
PCR of TPM were correctly sent by the Attester,
corresponding the to ones expected by the Veri-
Bad Attestation. The Attester sends an incorrect at-
testation to the Verifier. In such case wrong val-
ues of the PCR were sent, thus not corresponding
to the ones expected by the Verifier. Such type of
attestation result denies the evidence, thus invali-
dating the passport.
To assess the functionality of the CHARRA-PM, be-
sides the timing metrics, traces with the exchange
CoAP messages were collected to verify communi-
cations between the entities AttesterVerifier, and
AttesterRelying Party. the collection of such traces
also aimed to check if the encryption mechanisms of
DTLS-PSK and DTLS-RPK function properly.
4.2 Results
The measured results take into account the steps
shown in figure 2. They are related to the execu-
tion of the CoAP protocol using DTLS PSK ver-
sus DTLS RPK and the overhead in the CHARRA-
PM implementation. The total processing time of
Figure 3: Average execution time per approaches.
CHARRA-PM implementation increases the execu-
tion time, as illustrated in Figure 3. This re-
sult was expected due to the additional interac-
tions between the VerifierAttester, and between the
AttesterRelying Party. Besides the communication
processes with the CoAP endpoints, CHARRA-PM
introduced additional functionalities like the signature
of the attestation.
Step 4 corresponds to the attestation signature,
which introduces an higher impact, when compared to
the remaining steps. The development of CHARRA
does not consider the signature of the attestation, the
data packaging time and its transmission to the At-
tester. This step, besides having the higher average
times also have an higher variation, mainly due to the
signature, packaging and transmission processes. In-
deed, this is one of the steps that contributes to the
distinction of performance between CHARRA and
CHARRA-PM, as illustrated in Figure 4.
CHARRA-PM is the only approach implement-
ing the appraising results, corresponding to step 6. In
such step the Relying Party verifies the attestation re-
sult and enforces the policies as configured by the Re-
lying Party Owner.
The employment of distinct approaches for DTLS
has not a substantial performance distinction between
DTLS-PSK and DTLS-RPK. The most clear distinc-
tion is on step 4, where the RPK as a asymmetric ap-
proach introduces higher times. Also, since the num-
ber of entities included in CHARRA-PM is higher
the RPK also tends to present an higher impact, as
demonstrated in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Overhead per Implementations.
Another observable point is about the total over-
head between CHARRA and CHARRA-PM as pic-
tured in figure 4. The results put in evidence that
CHARRA-PM introduces more overhead, as referred
and illustrated. It should be noticed that this overhead
is justified by the fact of involving a third entity - Re-
lying Party to allow the application of policies.
The difference between the use of PSK and RPK
CHARRA-PM: An Attestation Approach Relying on the Passport Model
is almost negligible, since there is not a pattern. In
some steps the RPK takes longer (step 4, 5) in fig-
ure 3, while PSK takes longer in other step 6. RPK
has the advantage of not requiring a full PKI infras-
tructure (Gonzalez Robles, 2015), and thus might be
suitable to scenarios with low complexity, which also
is inline with the PSK model.
This work presented the implementation of the
CHARRA-PM with support for the Passport Model,
This model uses a trusting third party to grant access
to devices that have a certificate validated by a ver-
ifying party. The choice of the Passport Model over
the Background-check Model was due to the interpre-
tation of the number of requests and traffic that the
Relying Party would have to support in this model,
where the Relying Party is the centre of requests, pos-
sibly making it a more robust device.
CHARRA-PM can be used as a source of study
and knowledge for implementations of domestic IoT
networks, where the Relying Party can be software
on the router. Tests show that it is necessary to inves-
tigate the delay in create the attestation results. We
believe that the implementation should be improved,
but as a PoC, the times are acceptable since it is one of
the essential processes. As a next step, a compelling
extension to this PoC would be the insertion of a pol-
icy provider for Attestation Results, the Relying Party
Owner, adding more reliability and integrity without
adding structural complications to the model.
This work was supported by the project ARCADIAN-
IoT project, which has received funding from the Eu-
ropean Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under grant agreement No 101020259.
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ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy