Analyzing the Effectiveness of Stereotypes
Nanda Kishore Sreenivas and Robin Cohen
Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada
Multiagent Systems, Trust Modeling, Stereotypes, e-Marketplaces, Emotional Intelligence.
In this paper, we present an agent-based model to understand the effectiveness of stereotpyes in supporting
decision making of users in online settings such as e-marketplaces. We define four different agents types
that combine information from stereotypes and past interactions in different ways. Through simulation, we
find that agents that use their memory primarily and stereotypes as a last resort perform the best. We discuss
how this work relates to that of trust modeling in multiagent systems and reflect briefly on how the emotional
makeup of a user may influence what is best for decisions about stereotype use.
A stereotype is a generalized belief about a group or
category of people (Hinton, 2013). Psychologists and
social scientists have learned that the use of stereo-
types lowers our cognitive effort and helps us to re-
member and recall information, especially in situa-
tions that demand a quick response (Fiske, 1992). On
the other hand, the overgeneralization makes many
stereotypes inaccurate (Mullen and Johnson, 1990)
and the cultural aspect of stereotypes also explains
why we hold on to stereotypes even when presented
evidence to the contrary (Hinton, 2013). And yet,
many studies have shown them to be quite accu-
rate (Jussim et al., 2015). While stereotypes can
be explicitly acquired (with the user fully admitting
to and aware of their usage), automatic inferencing
methods may be needed. In our model, we focus on
these implicitly learned stereotypes.
In this paper, we develop an agent-based model
(ABM) to understand the effectiveness of stereotypes
in supporting decision making with high reward, un-
der various scenarios. ABMs are a great tool to model
and analyze such processes and phenomena, and they
have been used for decades in social science for that
reason (Epstein and Axtell, 1996). We model a mar-
ketplace setting where agents must pick a seller of-
fering the highest quality product or service. This
setting is inspired by the trust and reputation litera-
ture (Zhang and Cohen, 2008; Liu et al., 2013). How-
ever, the agent may not always have enough infor-
mation or past experience to calculate the expected
quality of a seller. The agent can fill this missing in-
formation in several ways guessing, stereotypes,
reputation (second-hand information), etc.
We focus on stereotypes in this work, and the
agents form stereotypes based on the sellers’ observ-
able traits (feature). In contrast to researchers focused
on arguing that stereotypes are an effective avenue
for boostrapping decision making in multiagent sys-
tems (Burnett et al., 2013; Taylor et al., 2017), we
explore a more comprehensive analysis of the condi-
tions under which the use of stereotypes may or may
not be helpful. We use the setting of electronic mar-
ketplaces in order to illustrate this decision making
process more concretely. We construct four differ-
ent types of agents with various stereotyping mech-
anisms that cover the spectrum from highly rational
to irrational. For example, agents can rely on stereo-
typical knowledge only to fill in missing information
or recklessly as mental shortcut. The stereotyping is
modeled as a regression model where the seller’s fea-
ture is the independent variable, and the quality is the
dependent variable to be predicted. We comment on
how effective stereotypes are challenged when seller
features and quality are not correlated; we also ex-
periment with forgetting as an exponential decay of
User modeling researchers have proposed the use
of stereotypes to assist users in reasoning about peers
when there is a lack of current knowledge about the
other agent (Kass and Finin, 1988). In this paper, we
explain how that use of stereotypical inference can be
viewed as a decision under the user’s control, clarify-
ing through simulations where reckless use of stereo-
types may introduce challenges and where greater re-
Sreenivas, N. and Cohen, R.
Analyzing the Effectiveness of Stereotypes.
DOI: 10.5220/0011623300003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 1, pages 181-188
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
liance on the user’s own memory of past interactions
with other agents may lead to better rewards. We con-
clude with a brief reflection on how emotional intelli-
gence of users may be modeled in order to refine the
use of stereotypes.
To analyze the effect of stereotypes, we build an
agent-based model (ABM) with two different types
of agents sellers and agents. The number of sell-
ers and agents are denoted by N
and N, respectively.
Sellers are denoted by s
, where 0 i N
, and agents
are denoted by a
where 0 j N.
This is an effort to simulate a marketplace where
the sellers offer products and services at varying lev-
els of quality, and the agents try to choose the best
. In the rest of this section, we discuss the in-
teraction model, sellers, the various types of agents,
their parameters, and their behaviors.
2.1 Interaction Model
The system is simulated for T timesteps. In each
timestep, the sellers are partitioned into N non-
overlapping subsets. The partitions are fully random,
and they change every timestep. Each of these sub-
sets is assigned to an agent, and the agent picks one
seller from this group. This is done to mimic the dy-
namic environment of an online marketplace where
new and unknown sellers crop up often. The agent
and the seller interact, i.e., the agent receives a prod-
uct of some quality (between 0 and 1), which is the
agent’s reward. The agent updates its total reward and
logs the interaction in its memory.
2.2 Seller
A seller is defined by a 3-tuple < i, f ,q >. i is simply
an identifier, and f is the feature vector represented by
an 8-bit binary vector. Each bit indicates the presence
(or absence) of some observable trait. This work is an
abstract model, so we do not define these traits. In the
real world, these could be seller ratings, age on the
platform, number of products, etc. We obtain the fea-
ture vector by taking the 8-bit binary representation
of i mod 256.
Finally, q denotes the quality of a product or ser-
vice offered by the seller. In this work, we assume the
While a marketplace setting (similar to what is used in
prior work (Burnett et al., 2013; Taylor et al., 2017)) helps
to ground our discussion in this paper, our model is general
enough to apply to other contexts.
seller offers only one product, and therefore, q can
be seen as the quality of the seller. In our model,
0 q 1 where 0 corresponds to poor quality, and
1 corresponds to perfection. To understand the effect
of stereotypes, we would like to model a mapping be-
tween a seller’s feature ( f ) and its quality (q). It is im-
portant to note that all traits may not have an equal im-
pact on performance (Zell and Lesick, 2021). Some-
times, we humans place weights on traits that have
no causal relationship with performance. We define a
global variable called the quality influence vector (Q),
a list of traits ordered by their relative impact on qual-
ity. So, the first trait in Q has more weight on quality
than the second and so on. Varying the length of Q
from 0 to 8, we can control the relationship between
the seller’s traits and quality. Q is a simulation param-
eter, and for a given simulation, the same Q applies to
all sellers.
Algorithm 1: Mapping function.
1 Function Θ(f, Q):
2 f
3 l 0;
4 if Q =
0 then
5 q U(0,1)
6 else
7 for i Q do
8 Append( f
, f [i]);
9 l l + 1 ;
10 end
11 temp ConvToDecimal( f
) ;
12 q
pow(2,l) 1
13 end
14 return q;
15 end
We define a mapping function Θ that takes two
arguments f and Q and returns quality q. This
function is outlined in Algorithm 1. If Q is empty,
there is no relationship between a seller’s feature and
their quality. So, the quality is sampled from a uni-
form distribution between 0 and 1 (U(0,1)). If Q is
not empty, f is transformed to f
by taking the rel-
evant traits and arranging them in the priority order
defined by Q (lines 7–10). Now, f
and Q are of the
same length. The binary string f
is then converted to
a decimal number (line 11). As noted above, we want
the weights to be related to the position of the trait
in Q. The binary to decimal transformation ensures
that the order of priority defined by Q is implemented
because the most significant bits get a higher weight.
Finally, we scale it to the range [0, 1] by dividing it by
the highest possible number (given the binary string’s
length) to get the quality (a normalization step).
The feature quality relationship (FQR) of sellers
depends on the length of Q, denoted by |Q|. If Q is
empty, there is no relationship between the observed
traits and quality, which is an interesting scenario
for experimentation, and we denote this scenario as
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
FQR-0. In this case, the seller’s quality is sampled
from U(0,1), a uniform distribution between 0 and
1. When |Q| > 0, there exists a relationship between
the traits and seller quality, and we denote this sce-
nario as FQR-1. Even as |Q| varies, the distribution
of quality in a seller population remains symmetrical,
with a mean of 0.5
. The sellers are non-strategic,
and they do not try to adapt or learn about the agents
in the system.
2.3 Basic Agent
A basic agent is defined by a 4-tuple < j,R,Σ, φ >.
As defined above, j is an integer identifier for each
agent. The total reward of the agent is denoted by R,
where 0 R T because the maximum reward in a
single interaction is 1. The agent’s memory (Σ) stores
its experiences with different sellers.
The stereotyping part of the agent is through a
learning model (φ) that tries to predict a seller’s qual-
ity based on its feature. The agent continuously learns
the relationship and fine-tunes the model by updating
it after every interaction. We implement the learning
model as a simple linear regression because the map-
ping function Θ is a linear combination of the traits.
When an agent a
is assigned a subset of sell-
ers (s
,.. .s
) at any timestep t, it has to pick
the seller offering the highest quality. Essentially,
the agent needs to compute the expected quality of
each seller. This computation for one seller is out-
lined in Algorithm 2. If a
has past experiences with a
seller, it can retrieve past levels of quality from mem-
ory and average them (line 4). Otherwise, a
has no
reliable information to compute the expected quality.
Instead, a
uses stereotypes to fill this information gap
by computing expected quality using φ (line 6).
After computing the expected qualities of all
agents, the agent picks the seller with the highest
value. Then, the interaction takes place, and the agent
receives the reward as defined in Section 2.1. The
agent also adds interaction details such as seller iden-
tifier, feature, and observed quality, to its memory.
Algorithm 2: Expected Quality function.
1 Function expQuality(a, s
2 res search(a.Σ, s
.i) ;
3 if res ̸=
0 then
4 eq average(res);
5 else
6 eq predict(a.φ, s
.f ) ;
7 end
8 return eq;
9 end
The details of this theorem are omitted due to space.
The basic idea is to consider the number of sellers N
to be
of the form 2
We implement the agent’s memory (Σ) as an ar-
ray of episodic traces, with a forgetting rate λ. The
trace is defined as a 4-tuple: < i, f ,q, σ >, where i, f ,
and q denote the seller’s identifier, feature, and qual-
ity, respectively. The last element σ represents the
strength of the trace. All traces are created with an
initial strength of σ
, and with every passing timestep,
the strength σ decays exponentially as: σ
= σ
When the strength of a trace drops below a global
threshold σ
, the trace is forgotten forever and
deleted from the array. The retention period (d
), i.e.,
the number of timesteps a trace remains in memory is
given by: d
× ln
. An agent can search its
memory by a seller identifier and retrieve all available
matching traces. This is implemented by the search
method in Algorithm 2.
We can modify the basic agent described in Sec-
tion 2.3 in several ways to generate different agent
types. A core facet of agent behavior is estimating
the quality of an unknown seller. The basic agent
uses stereotypes to fill the information gap, but we
explore some other approaches in this section. These
agent types are summarized in Table 1. We borrow
the dual-process model terminology of System-1 and
System-2 to differentiate the agent types (Kahneman,
2011). Most stereotypes are automatic and at a sub-
conscious level (Greenwald and Banaji, 1995), and
therefore they belong to System-1 thinking. Looking
up the agent’s memory for past interactions and cal-
culating the average is a cognitively demanding task,
much like System-2. The Type0 and Type1 agents
use System-2 first and resort to System-1 only when
it fails, which is in line with the traditional thinking
that emotions are irrational. However, it is becoming
more apparent that humans do not think that way (Zhu
and Thagard, 2002). Instead, the intuitive, mental
shortcuts-based System-1 is the typical pathway, and
System-2 is rarely invoked. We model Type2 and
Type3 agents to follow this paradigm.
Type0 agents are the same as basic agents. They
try to be rational first by looking up their own mem-
ory for past interactions with a particular seller. The
memory may not have useful information, either be-
cause the seller is completely new or the agent has
forgotten the interaction. In that case, the Type0 agent
falls back on the stereotypes, which could be seen as
irrational as they are gross generalizations.
Type1 agent extends the basic agent and is defined
as a 5-tuple: < j,R,Σ, φ,eq
>. Type1 agents are also
rational because they do the heavy work of looking up
Analyzing the Effectiveness of Stereotypes
the memory to form an opinion about the seller. But,
they do not use stereotypes when the desired infor-
mation is unavailable. Instead, they model the qual-
ity of all unknown sellers as a constant eq
, where
0 eq
1. We use this to model risk aversion in
agents. Risk aversion is the tendency to prefer the op-
tion with low uncertainty (known seller) even if the
riskier option may offer a larger expected reward (un-
known seller) (Kahneman and Tversky, 1984). If eq
is closer to 1, the agent is more likely to choose a
unknown seller. Such behavior can be seen as risk-
seeking, and when eq
is on the lower end, the agent
is risk-averse. The default value of eq
for Type1 is
The Type2 agent does not use its memory and
completely relies on the mental shortcut of stereo-
types. So, this is an implementation of pure System-1
thinking. Type2 agents do not differentiate between
known and unknown sellers; instead, they simply use
the stereotype to predict the expected quality. This
approach is much faster in terms of computation be-
cause it avoids querying the memory.
Type3 agent extends the basic agent and is defined
as a 5-tuple: < j,R, Σ,φ, p
>. Type3 is a slight varia-
tion of Type2 in that it probabilistically uses System-2
thinking. System-1 thinking is still the primary mech-
anism, but with a probability of p
, it scans the mem-
ory for past interactions and uses that information.
We use a default value of p
as 0.1 in our experiments.
Table 1: Summary of Agent Types.
Agent Type Description
Type0 Stereotypes used only when needed
Type1 No stereotypes, unknown sellers’
quality assumed to be eq
Type2 Always use stereotypes
Type3 Probabilistically use stereotypes
We configure the system with 250 sellers (N
= 250)
and 10 agents (N = 10), and simulate it for 500
timesteps (T = 500). We implement the ABM in
Python and use the stochastic gradient descent re-
gressor (SGDRegressor) module in the scikit-learn li-
brary (Pedregosa et al., 2011) for the stereotype learn-
ing model of an agent. We executed all simulations
on a laptop with an 8-core Intel® Core™ i5-10210U
CPU and 16GB RAM, running Ubuntu 20.04.3.
We vary the agent types outlined in the previous
section, some agent parameters like rate of forgetting
and the feature-quality relationship (FQR) in sellers
(described in Section II-B) to observe the effects on
agents’ performance. The metric to compare differ-
ent simulations is the average total reward, i.e., we
compute the total reward (after 500 timesteps) of each
agent and average them. As a baseline, we consider an
oracle, which is an agent that can see all of the seller’s
quality levels. We create two scenarios with almost all
configurations four traits impact the sellers’ qual-
ity, and no trait impacts quality. We refer to these
two scenarios as FQR-1 and FQR-0, respectively. We
chose four traits as a representative scenario for a re-
lationship between the seller’s features and quality.
4.1 Baseline
First, we look at the scenario (FQR-1) where a
feature-quality relationship exists, i.e., a seller’s qual-
ity depends on their feature (see Figure 1). The high-
est possible total reward for an agent is 500, but that
is not attainable even for an all-seeing agent because
none of the sellers in the assigned subset may be per-
fect sometimes. So, we see 458 for the oracle and
432 for Type0. Even with stereotyping, agents still
lose some performance, probably because of poor in-
teractions early when the stereotype has not formed
yet. We will explore this in a later experiment. In
the FQR-0 scenario (where there is no relationship
between the feature and quality for sellers), Type0
agents’ reward drops by about 12%. This result is
expected because the sellers’ qualities are fully noisy
here, and the stereotypes cannot learn anything.
Figure 1: Performance of a Type0 agent in the presence
(FQR-1) and absence (FQR-0) of the feature-quality rela-
tionship in sellers.
4.2 Comparing Agent Types
In this experiment, we run multiple simulations focus-
ing on a different agent type in each run. These agent
types and their behaviors are discussed in Section 3.
We include the oracle for comparison, and we once
again consider both scenarios. First, we look at the
FQR-1 scenario (where sellers’ qualities and features
are related) in Figure 2. The Type0 agent performs
the best, and the Type1 agent is the worst. The two
other primarily-stereotyping approaches (Type2 and
Type3) perform moderately well.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
All agent types except Type1 perform signifi-
cantly worse in FQR-0 (no relationship between a
seller’s quality and its feature), which is fairly obvi-
ous because there is no ‘good’ method to fill the miss-
ing information when there is a new seller. Type1
is not affected by the FQR simply because it does
not rely on stereotypes. Whereas, Type2 and Type3
agents’ performance crash because they rely heavily
on stereotypes, and in FQR-0, stereotypes are typi-
cally meaningless. Type0 also takes a hit because it
can not use stereotypes to fill the missing information.
Therefore, its performance is close to Type1, which is
not surprising as both essentially use random values
to compute the expected quality of unknown sellers.
(a) FQR-1: Seller’s feature
and quality are related
(b) FQR-0: Seller’s feature
and quality are not related
Figure 2: Comparing Agent Types.
4.3 Rewards over Time
We have been looking at the average total rewards in
these experiments. But, to gain a better understanding
of the agent’s learning capabilities, we look at how
the agents’ rewards progress with time for each agent
type (see Figure 3). The oracle’s reward trajectory
serves as the benchmark for other agent types to em-
In the scenario where a feature-quality relation-
ship exists (FQR-1), the Type0 agent performs poorly
early, and it quickly improves within 20-25 timesteps
and gets gradually closer to the oracle’s curve. It
shows that, although we saw a significant difference
in the average total reward between Type0 and or-
acle in the first experiment, most of that loss is in
the early stages, and Type0 performs very similarly
in the long run. The stereotype-focused approaches
Type2 and Type3 also follow a similar trajectory,
with quick stereotype formation and sustained good
rewards later. On the other hand, the memory-based
Type1 has a much slower upward trend because it re-
lies on building experience with sellers through inter-
In the FQR-0 scenario, Type2 and Type3 agents
that rely heavily on stereotypes obtain a reward of
0.5 or thereabouts throughout the simulation. Type1
follows a trajectory as in the FQR-1 scenario, slowly
improving with more experience. Interestingly, the
Type0 curve also looks similar to Type1 because the
(a) FQR-1: Seller’s feature
and quality are related
(b) FQR-0: Seller’s feature
and quality are not related
Figure 3: Reward progression with time.
stereotypes are meaningless, and therefore Type0 es-
sentially devolves to the memory-dependent Type1.
4.4 Other Results
In all of the experiments so far, we assumed perfect
memory for the agents, i.e., λ = 0. We vary the rate
of forgetting in this experiment and observe its ef-
fect on the performance of all four agent types. We
set σ
= 50 and σ
= 1, so the rate of forgetting is
the only other tunable parameter in an agent’s mem-
ory. We want to consider the two extremes of mem-
ory perfect recall and immediate forgetting, and
everything in between. Therefore, we consider values
of λ from 0.001 (retention 3900 timesteps) to 10
(retention < 1 timestep). These results are shown in
Figure 4. Across both scenarios, Type2 is unaffected
by the rate of forgetting because it does not use its
memory at all. Type3 is also similar but occasionally
depends on memory (with a probability of 0.1). So,
there is a slight downward trend with increased for-
Type0 and Type1 experience a sheer drop in re-
wards when the rate of forgetting rises above 0.01,
i.e., retention goes below 390 timesteps. Experience
with a particular seller is already scarce (average of
2 interactions with a specific seller in 500 timesteps),
so forgetting those valuable interactions is not ideal
for these agent types. One critical difference between
the two is that Type0 always has a stereotype to fall
back on. So, its reward is lower bounded by Type2
in a way. However, Type1 suffers more without its
memory and essentially chooses an average seller ev-
ery time (indicated by the average reward of 250,
which is 500 1/2).
Type1 agents calculated the expected quality of an
unknown seller by simply assuming it to be some con-
stant, eq
, which is a parameter of the agent. If eq
on the lower end towards zero, the agent avoids un-
known sellers and picks from the known sellers. We
vary eq
from 0 (risk-averse) to 1 (risk-seeking) in
steps of 0.1 to see its effect on performance. The re-
sults (see Figure 5a) are unexpected because we see
peak performance when the agent is moderately risk-
seeking (eq
= 0.7). The quality among the seller
Analyzing the Effectiveness of Stereotypes
(a) FQR-1: Seller’s feature
and quality are related
(b) FQR-0: Seller’s feature
and quality are not related
Figure 4: Effect of rate of forgetting (λ).
population is symmetrically distributed with a mean
of 0.5. So, one would expect moderate risk-seeking
behavior (eq
= 0.5) would be optimal, but it is not
so. We repeated the experiment with multiple random
seeds (hence the multiple curves) to ensure it is a true
effect, and it is indeed so.
We started with the assumption that sellers’ fea-
tures are fully observable, which is not realistic. Cer-
tain traits in the real world are either hidden or subject
to misinterpretation. To allow for that, we introduce
a bit-level error rate (i.e., noise) in this experiment.
When agents observe a seller’s feature, each bit has
a probability of being flipped. We simulate with an
error rate of 0.125, and since there are 8 bits in the
feature vector, one bit is flipped on average. These re-
sults are shown in Figure 5b. All stereotyping agents
see a performance decline, but there is a steep drop
for Type2 and Type3 agents (roughly 20%). On the
other hand, Type0 suffers only an 8% drop and still
performs better than all alternatives. It shows that
Type0 agents are robust to noisy feature observations
because they primarily use their memory, whereas
purely stereotyping agents do not fare well in such
realistic settings.
As a final experiment, we explored the use of a
real dataset, that of Yelp
, where users review busi-
nesses (sellers) and provide a star rating (out of 5).
With this real-world Yelp dataset, quality is not con-
stant (as assumed in our simulations); it is captured
by the user’s star rating, which we normalize to be
in [0,1] for consistency. We use the seller’s aver-
age star rating and the number of reviews from the
dataset to model the seller’s features. Empirical re-
search (Jadil et al., 2022) suggests “online sellers’
perceived size and perceived reputation” are impor-
tant factors in users’ trust and decision-making in e-
commerce settings. We select 145 users from the
dataset who had reviewed more than 500 businesses,
and we run similar simulations with 500 rounds and
users having to pick from 10 sellers in each round.
The score for the agent in each round is the user’s
normalized rating of the chosen seller. The results
are shown in Figure 5c, and we see a trend similar to
what appeared in Figure 2: the Type 0 agent (that uses
stereotypes carefully) performs the best compared to
other agent types that rely more on stereotypes. This
provides additional validation for our model and con-
firms the findings based on simulations.
While the concept of stereotypes has been exam-
ined by user modeling researchers for a long time
now (Kass and Finin, 1988), more relevant to our
discussion are models for reasoning about trust and
stereotypes, developed by multiagent system re-
searchers. Included in that work is the research of
Burnett et al. (Burnett et al., 2013) where simula-
tions show that reasoning probabilistically together
with the use of stereotypes will improve performance
in trust modeling, especially where hidden feature-
behaviour correlations exist. Taylor et al. (Tay-
lor et al., 2017) discuss how witnesses can provide
stereotype-reputation assessments to assist with sub-
jective differences in trust (an issue that was intro-
duced to the trust modeling community by Regan et
al. (Regan et al., 2006)). They compare the result of
reasoning with and without stereotypes, again lead-
ing to the conclusion that including stereotypes can
improve accuracy. Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2013) also ex-
amine stereotypes in e-commerce settings and suggest
using historical information to arrive at the trustwor-
thiness. Sensoy et al. (S¸ensoy et al., 2016) present
a more practical implementation: they elicit complex
patterns exhibited by malicious agents and then use
those as stereotypes to judge a new and unknown
While many researchers seek to demonstrate how
using stereotypes may be beneficial, we choose to ex-
amine more carefully the circumstances under which
a more cautious approach to the use of stereotypes
is advisable, helping to quantify as well where reck-
less use of stereotypes may introduce difficulties. We
make these comparisons in different settings, where
a feature-behavior relationship may or may not ex-
ist, and feature observations may be noisy. In this
sense, we provide a broader landscape of the condi-
tions under which stereotypical knowledge may be
best introduced, for decision making in contexts like
e-commerce where trust modeling is key. In our ex-
ploration we consider as well forgetting and decay,
more explicitly, and we have initial insights into the
role that the emotional makeup of a user may play,
when deciding whether to rely on stereotypical infer-
ences as part of the reasoning.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
(a) Risk Aversion in Type1 (b) Effect of Noise in Feature Observa-
(c) Yelp Dataset
Figure 5: Results for Risk Aversion, Noise, and Realworld Data.
We present a model of decision-making based on
stereotypes in an environment designed to simulate
a marketplace. The agents are equipped with mem-
ories where they store past interactions. We design
four types of agents with different approaches (0)
use stereotypes when there is no relevant information
in memory, (1) guess at random, (2) use stereotypes
always even if there are experiences in memory, and
(3) use stereotypes mostly but use the memory with
a small probability. The latter approaches always go
for the subconscious mental shortcut first and invoke
the cognitively demanding system rarely, if at all.
We compare all four agent types, and Type0
agents that use stereotypes cautiously perform the
best. Our experiments also show that Type0 agents’
performance is only about 5.8% less than the maxi-
mum possible reward. Considering most of the dif-
ference in reward occurs early when the stereotype is
still forming, Type0 agents’ performance is excellent
in this setting. When the seller’s features and qual-
ity are not related, the performance of all agent types
drops because there is no efficient stereotype in this
scenario. We also relax the fully observable feature
assumption and introduce a bit-level error rate in fea-
ture observations. We experiment with an error rate of
0.125, and we see a minor drop in performance with
Type0 agents. However, the Type2 and Type3 agents
drop by over 20%. This result shows that in the real
world, where some traits are hidden or can be easily
misinterpreted, Type0 agents are better suited.
Varying the forgetfulness, we observe a down-
ward trend in performance with an increasing rate of
forgetting. This effect is less pronounced, if at all,
in Type2 and Type3 agents because they hardly de-
pend on memory. We also observe that Type1 agents
that are risk-seeking perform better than risk-averse
agents. Our detailed empirical study provides impor-
tant insights on the use of stereotypes for agent de-
cision making, advancing from what multiagent trust
modeling has proposed.
While our model is grounded in reality, with im-
plicit stereotypes and forgetting both confirmed by so-
cial science literature, we know that building a per-
fect model of human decision-making that captures
all the intricacies is a nearly impossible endeavour.
One direction for future work is to extend the pro-
posed memory model. For example, it has been
shown that events recalled often tend to stay longer
in memory than those that are not (De Oliveira Al-
vares et al., 2013); this suggests considering not just
recency of interactions with sellers but also frequency.
It would also be valuable to explore in greater detail
the impact of emotion on memory and decision mak-
ing. The work of (Levine and Pizarro, 2004) indicates
that events with higher emotional valence remain in
the memory longer. Motivated by this research, prior
agent-based approaches have looked at various effects
of emotion and mood on decision-making (Sreenivas
and Rao, 2020). We could extend such user models
to better understand the effects of emotion and stereo-
typing on a user’s performance in e-marketplaces.
For our initial study, we focused on cases where
agents make decisions based on what is known in
the multiagent trust modeling literature as direct ex-
perience (Tran, 2010; Falcone and Castelfranchi,
2001). This contrasts with other work (Burnett et al.,
2013; Taylor et al., 2017) which explores scenarios
where peer advice is also guiding the decision mak-
ing (known in the trust modeling literature as advisor-
based trust or reputation). For future work, we will
expand our experiments to integrate reasoning about
these witness reports as well. This would align us
with a wealth of effort today in multiagent trust mod-
eling that focuses on reports from advisors (Zhang
and Cohen, 2008; Wang et al., 2010).
Analyzing the Effectiveness of Stereotypes
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experiments. We are encouraged by efforts such
as (Zhou et al., 2015). This work advocates for a
deeper exploration of context, in order to reason about
the conditions under which stereotypical knowledge
is reliable. The paper also points out the need to ad-
dress deliberate deception from agents and the value
of adopting a more refined kind of regression analysis.
For the future, we can also expand our exploration or
Yelp or move on to consider other realworld datasets.
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence