A Sequence-to-Sequence Neural Network for Joint Aspect Term
Extraction and Aspect Term Sentiment Classification Tasks
Hasna Chouikhi
1 a
, Fethi Jarray
1,2 b
and Mohammed Alsuhaibani
3 c
LIMTIC Laboratory, UTM University, Tunis, Tunisia
Higher Institute of Computer Science of Medenine, Gabes University, Medenine, Tunisia
Department of Computer Science, College of Computer, Qassim University, Buraydah, Saudi Arabia
Aspect Term Extraction, Aspect Term Sentiment Classification, Encoder-Decoder Model, seq2seq Model,
Arabic BERT-Based Models.
Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) consists in extracting the terms or entities described in a text (at-
tributes of a product or service) and the user perception of each aspect. Most earlier approaches are tradition-
ally programmed sequentially, extracting the terms and then predicting their polarity. In this paper, we propose
a joint sequence-to-sequence model that simultaneously extracts the terms and determines their polarities. The
seq2seq architecture comprises an encoder, which can be an Arabic BERT model, and a decoder, which also
can be an Arabic BERT, GPT, or BiGRU model. The encoder aims to preprocess the input sequence and
encode it into a fixed-length vector called a context vector. The decoder reads that context vector from the
encoder and generates the aspect term sentiment pair output sequence. We conducted experiments on two ac-
cessible Arabic datasets: Human Annotated Arabic Dataset (HAAD) of Book Reviews and The ABSA Arabic
Hotels Reviews (ABSA Arabic Hotels). We achieve an accuracy score of 77% and 96% for HAAD and ABSA
Arabic Hotels datasets respectively using BERT2BERT pairing. The results clearly highlight the superiority of
the joint seq2seq model over pipeline approaches and the outperformance of BERT2BERT architecture over
the pairing of BERT and BiGRU, and the pairing of BERT and GPT.
Sentiment analysis (SA), also known as opinion min-
ing in (Bing, 2012), can be applied at three lev-
els: document, sentence, and aspect. The most fine-
grained level is Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis
(ABSA) which aims at analyzing and understanding
people’s opinions at the aspect level. An aspect is an
attribute or a characteristic of an entity, such as qual-
ity, or price.
There are four fundamental subtasks for ABSA:
(i) Aspect Term Extraction (ATE), (ii) Aspect Term
Sentiment (ATS), (iii) Aspect Category Detection
(ACD) and (iv) Aspect Category Sentiment Analysis
(ACSA). ATE can be cast as a sequence labeling prob-
lem where one has to assign a label for each word.
The format BIO is the most used for sequence label-
ing (beginning, inside, and outside). Aspect-term sen-
timent (ATS) task may be thought of as a categoriza-
tion issue of the sentiment towards a specific aspect as
positive, negative, or neutral in a sequence, and can be
framed as a sequence classification problem (Pontiki
et al., 2016). Aspect Category Detection (ACD) is
framed as a classification problem in which a term is
classified into one and only one of several given cate-
gories. Aspect Category Sentiment Analysis (ACSA)
is cast as a sequence classification problem where the
sentiment polarities toward each aspect category are
predicted. Table 1 summarises these four subtasks
with an example. In this contribution, we are inter-
ested in solving the first two subproblems, i.e., ATE
and ATS. For this purpose, we propose a sequence-
to-sequence architecture that jointly solves both sub-
Recently, the sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq for
short) learning framework has been effectively ap-
plied to various NLP tasks (Cho et al., 2014;
Sutskever et al., 2014; Bahdanau et al., 2014; Nal-
lapati et al., 2016). A sequence-to-sequence model
consists of two parts, the encoder, and the decoder.
Chouikhi, H., Jarray, F. and Alsuhaibani, M.
A Sequence-to-Sequence Neural Network for Joint Aspect Term Extraction and Aspect Term Sentiment Classification Tasks.
DOI: 10.5220/0011620500003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 117-123
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Table 1: Example of fundamental subtasks for ABSA.
Although many of the novel’s passages
seem to have a Hollywood influence.
However, it is Arabic in nature.
ATE Novel’s passages
ATS Negative
ACD Feelings
ACSA Positive
Practically, both parts are two different neural net-
work models combined into one large network. The
main task of an encoder network is to process and
understand the input sequence and produce a fixed-
length dimensional representation of it. This latent
representation is then fed to the decoder part, which
generates its own sequence that represents the output.
Perhaps the most pertinent example of the Seq2seq
model is part-of-speech tagging, which consists of la-
beling each word in a sentence by its appropriate part
of speech such as noun, verb, adjective, etc.
The main contributions of this paper can be sum-
marized as follows:
Design a joint Seq2Seq architecture based on
BERT embedding for Aspect Term Extraction
(ATE) and Aspect Term Sentiment.
prepare the datasets HAAD (Al-Smadi et al.,
2015) and ABSA Arabic Hotels (Mohammad
et al., 2016) so that the classification task could be
performed appropriately on the joint model. Al-
though it is a language-specific task, the exten-
sion of the datasets can be generalized to other
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. In Section 2, a review of previous research on
Arabic ABSA and Seq2Seq models is presented. The
proposed models are provided in Section 3. The de-
tails of the experiments and the evaluation results are
presented in Section 4. Section 5 concludes the paper
and provides future directions for this work.
Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) is one
type of sentiment analysis that specifically focuses
on identifying and evaluating the individual aspects
and the associated sentiment of a text. For each
ABSA subtask, AL-Smadi et al. (Al-Smadi et al.,
2015) covered many standard models. They received
an F1 score of 23.4% for aspect term extraction and
15.2% for aspect category, respectively, and 29.7%
and 42.6% of accuracy for ATS and ACSA (Ben-
soltane and Zaki, 2022).
Compared with other NLP tasks, deep learning
approaches are currently in an early stage of advance-
ment for ABSA (Oueslati et al., 2020) and especially
for Arabic, which is more complicated than English
ABSA(Al-Dabet et al., 2020). (Al-Smadi et al., 2019)
carried out Long-Short-Term Memory (LSTM) based
network in order to enhance the findings on HARD
dataset ((Mohammad et al., 2016), (Pontiki et al.,
2016)) in slots 2 and 3. The best result for slot 2
was accomplished with BiLSTMCRF (FastText), a
39% improvement over standard outcomes (F1 score
= 69.9% versus 30.9%). Slot 3 gave results similar to
the best model of SemEval 2016 Task 5 (Pontiki et al.,
2016) (Accu = 82.6%). In (Al-Dabet et al., 2020), the
ATS model was improved by inserting two additional
layers: a CNN layer for character-level extraction and
a CNN layer for character-level extraction and con-
nection. It achieved an F1 score of 72.8% using a
CBOW model prepared on a Wikipedia dataset. They
showed that the character-level vectors extracted by
CNN have a positive effect on the exhibition of con-
volution tweets.
SOTA performance in many downstream applica-
tions, including sentiment analysis, has lately been
attained by large-scale pre-trained models like Ope-
nAI GPT (Radford et al., 2019), XLNET (Yang et al.,
2019), and BERTBERT (Devlin et al., 2018). These
models may be adjusted for further NLP tasks be-
cause they have already been pre-trained with a mas-
sive amount of data. In (Fadel et al., 2022), the
authors concatenated the embedding of BERT and
Flair to better represent the words for the Arabic lan-
guage. For Arabic ATE, two models were developed
by concatenating AraBERT (Antoun et al., 2020),
and Flair embedding and following them with an ex-
tended layer, BiLSTM-CRF or BiGRU-CRF (noted
BF-BiLSTM-CRF and BF-BiGRU-CRF ). The exper-
imental results achieved an F1 score of 79.7% HARD
In this paper, we propose a Seq2Seq model for
joint ATE and ATS. As far as we know, this is the first
attempt that a Seq2Seq learning method built upon
the BERT has been used to tackle ATE tasks using
an Arabic dataset.
In this section, we explain the Seq2Seq architecture,
for Aspect Extraction and Aspect Term Sentiment
(see Figure 1).
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Characteristics of Arabic BERT versions.
Models Variant Size Word Tokens Vocab size Steps
ArabicBERT (Safaya et al., 2020) MSA 95GB 8.2B WordPiece 32K 4M
AraBERTv0.2 (Fouad et al., 2019) MSA 77GB 8.6B WordPiece 60K 3M
MARBERT (Abdul-Mageed et al., 2020) MSA/DA 128GB 15.6B WordPiece 100K 17M
ARBERT (Abdul-Mageed et al., 2020) MSA 61GB 6.5B WordPiece 100K 8M
CAMeLBERT-MSA (Inoue et al., 2021) MSA 107GB 12.6B WordPiece 30k 1M
GPT-2 (Inoue et al., 2021) MSA - 1.5B - 50K 124M
Figure 1: Seq2Seq architecture.
3.1 Datasets Annotation
The BIO format (short for Beginning, Inside, Out-
side) is the common tagging format for tagging tokens
in ATE and named entity recognition. In this contri-
bution, we introduce a more fine-grained labels sys-
tem (Extended-BIO) by crossing the classes of both
subtasks ATE and ATS to obtain a new classification.
The new set of labels is {B-Positive, B-Negative, B-
Conflict, B-Neutral, I-Positive, I-Negative, I-Conflict,
I-Neutral, O} where for example B-Positive stands
for the beginning of a term with positive sentiment.
The joint model is subject to many constraints, e.g.
the sequence ”O I-Positive” is not allowed. These
constraints are implicitly considered throughout the
learning process.
3.2 Encoder-Decoder Architecture
A Seq2Seq model is a generic framework composed
of two parts: encoder and decoder, where the input
sequence is first processed by the encoder and then
fed to the decoder to generate the output sequence
(Brownlee, 2021).
Encoder part: The Encoder part consists of a
BERT model that is used to learn the represen-
tation of the input sequence. BERT (Bidirec-
tional Encoder Representations from Transform-
ers) BERT (Devlin et al., 2018)BERT is a lan-
guage model pre-trained on unsupervised plain
text corpora, making it easier for smaller, more
defined tasks such as (Chouikhi et al., 2021;
Chouikhi. et al., 2021; Saidi et al., 2021;
Saidi and Jarray, 2022; Saidi et al., 2022). For
the Arabic language, there are many versions
of BERT with different parameters and trained
on different corpora such as ArabicBERT(Safaya
et al., 2020), ARABERT (Fouad et al., 2019) and
MARBERT (Abdul-Mageed et al., 2020). Ara-
bicBERT (Safaya et al., 2020) used the stan-
dard configuration of BERT, including maxi-
mum sequence length of 512 tokens, 12 at-
tention heads, 768 hidden dimensions, and 12
transformer blocks. CAMeLBERT-MSA (Inoue
et al., 2021) was made as an assortment of pre-
trained BERT models on Arabic texts with vari-
ous sizes and variations (Modern Standard Ara-
bic (MSA), Dialectal Arabic (DA), Classic Ara-
bic (CA), and a blend of the three). ARABERT
(Fouad et al., 2019) utilized the BERT base setup
with 12 encoder blocks, 768 hidden dimensions,
12 attention heads, and 512 maximum sequence
lengths. MARBERT (Abdul-Mageed et al., 2020)
is an enormous scope pre-trained masked lan-
guage model focused in on both Dialectal Arabic
(DA) and MSA. Table 2 shows the characteristics
of the Arabic BERT versions.
Decoder part: The decoder part consists of ei-
ther a BERT model or a Bidirectional Gated re-
current units (BiGRU) or a GPT. A Gated recur-
rent units (GRU) cell is a variant of the Recur-
rent Neural Network that learns dependencies in
sequence data. A BiGRU is made up of a for-
ward GRU
and a backward GRU
and there-
fore has the ability to capture long-term contex-
tual dependency from both the past and the future.
In mathematical terms:
GRU (x
) and
GRU (x
). A Generative Pre-Trained
Transformer (GPT) is a SOTA deep learning lan-
guage model that has been trained to generate
human-like output in various NLP tasks(Radford
et al., 2018).
Globally, we follow the framework proposed by
(Rothe et al., 2020) for pairing encoder and decoder
models. More precisely, we design three families
of the seq2seq model: BERT2BERT (see Figure 2)
A Sequence-to-Sequence Neural Network for Joint Aspect Term Extraction and Aspect Term Sentiment Classification Tasks
Figure 2: BERT2BERT family models (Naous et al., 2021). A BERT version as an encoder paired with another BERT version
as a decoder.
Table 3: Classes distribution of HAAD and ABSA Arabic Hotels datasets.
Dataset Sub-dataset #Positive #Negative #Neutral #Conflict Total Variant
Train 1252 855 126 26 2259
MSATest 124 432 22 1 579
Total 1376 1287 148 27 2838
ABSA Arabic Hotels
Train 6197 3629 683 0 10509
MSATest 1508 927 169 0 2604
Total 7705 4556 852 0 13113
and BERT2GPT. Table 4 shows the different proposed
pairings of encoders and decoders architecture.
In BERT2BERT, a BERT-initialized encoder is
paired with a BERT-initialized decoder. Similarly,
in BERT2GPT, a BERT-initialized encoder is paired
with a GPT-initialized decoder. The final layer of the
decoder in the aforementioned models is followed by
a softmax that outputs the probability of each label.
In BERT2BIGRU, a BERT-initialized encoder is
paired with a bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit (Bi-
GRU). The forward
and backward
GRU are
concatenated and pass to fully connected layers (FC).
The FC is followed by a softmax output layer consist-
ing of 9 different nodes which are required for the 9
different classes (Extended-BIO).
4.1 Parameter Settings
Word embeddings and hidden states (for both encoder
and decoder) were configured to have a dimension of
128 and 256, respectively, in all of our experiments.
For stochastic optimization, the Adam opti-
mizer (Kingma and Ba, 2014) is employed using the
hyper-parameter values β1 = 0.9, β2 = 0.999, and ε
= 10
. The batch is 16, and the learning rate is fixed
at 0.0001. We utilized the accuracy metric to assess
4.2 Datasets
In this study, we conducted experiments using two
existing datasets: the HAAD and ABSA Arabic Ho-
tels datasets. Following the standard way, we divided
each dataset into two subsets, with 80% of the data be-
ing used for training and 20% for testing. Most ABSA
approaches can only be applied to a small number of
academic datasets because there is a shortage of user
reviews that are properly labeled according to aspects.
HAAD dataset: (Al-Smadi et al., 2015) is con-
sidered as the most readily accessible dataset.
There are 1513 Arabic book reviews. There are a
total of 2838 aspect words in HAAD, and Table 3
summarizes their distribution across the four As-
pect Term Sentiment classes (Positive, Negative,
Conflict, and Neutral) in both the training and test-
ing datasets.
ABSA Arabic Hotels Dataset: was introduced
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 4: Experimental results for encoder and decoder pairing in Seq2Seq architecture over HAAD and ABSA datasets.
Models are classified into three families: BERT2BERT, BERT2BIGRU and BERT2GPT.
Pairing Model Encoder Decoder HAAD ABSA Arabic Hotels
M1 ArabicBERT ArabicBERT 77% 92%
M2 AraBERTv0.2 AraBERTv0.2 75% 91%
M6 ArabicBERT AraBERTv0.2 76% 96%
M7 ArabicBERT MARBERT 75% 90%
M8 ArabicBERT ARBERT 72% 87%
M9 ArabicBERT CAMeLBERT-MSA 73% 90%
M10 AraBERTv0.2 MARBERT 76% 89%
M11 AraBERTv0.2 ARBERT 71% 84%
M12 AraBERTv0.2 CAMeLBERT-MSA 70% 82%
M16 ArabicBERT BiGRU 73% 88%
M17 AraBERTv0.2 BiGRU 74% 89%
M18 MARBERT BiGRU 72% 85%
M19 ARBERT BiGRU 66% 70%
M21 ArabicBERT GPT 48% 56%
M22 AraBERTv0.2 GPT 50% 55%
M23 MARBERT GPT 47% 52%
M24 ARBERT GPT 42% 50%
in SemEval-2016 on the side of ABSAs multilin-
gual task, including tasks in 8 dialects and 7 ar-
eas (Mohammad et al., 2016; Pontiki et al., 2016;
Al-Smadi et al., 2019). There are 19,226 prepara-
tion tuples and, 4802 testing tuples in the dataset.
The dataset includes many reviews, and each re-
view contains multiple sentences. Each sentence
includes three parts: the aspect category, the ex-
tracted opinion term, and the aspect polarity.
4.3 Results
Table 4 presents the results obtained using the Arabic
Seq2Seq method. The bold values are the best results
in their respective columns. With HAAD dataset, The
pairing of ArabicBERT as the encoder and the de-
coder gives us good performance with HAAD dataset.
For ABSA Arabic Hotels dataset, the optimal result is
given by ArabicBERT as an encoder and AraBERT as
a decoder.
Moreover, MARBERT seems to be more ade-
quate than ARBERT as a decoder and ArabicBERT
as an encoder (90% in front of 87% with ABSA
Arabic Hotels dataset) Concerning BERT2BiGRU,
we note that for both datasets, there is a compe-
tition between ArabicBERT and AraBERT as en-
coder and BiGRU as decoder (the difference is about
1%). For HAAD dataset, we noticed that AraBERT
gives the best performance. For ABSA Arabic Ho-
tels dataset, AraBERT2BiGRU gives a quite good re-
sult. It should be mentioned that BERT2BERT out-
performs BERT2GPT because warm-starting (Rothe
et al., 2020) a BERT decoder with a BERT checkpoint
is more efficient than warm-starting a GPT2 decoder
with a BERT checkpoint. In fact, any pair of BERT
versions share more parameters than a pair of BERT
and GPT do. Finally, we note that BERT2BERT out-
performs BERT2BiGRU because the BiGRU layer is
randomly initialized as there is no weight sharing be-
tween BERT and BiGRU.
In this paper, we propose a joint Seq2Seq model de-
voted to the Arabic ATE and ATS classification tasks.
The experiments were carried out using the HAAD
and ABSA Arabic Hotels datasets. We also annotated
the datasets by manually adding polarity to each as-
pect. The experimental results show that pairing a
BERT encoder with a BERT decoder achieves the best
As a future continuation of this work, it would be
A Sequence-to-Sequence Neural Network for Joint Aspect Term Extraction and Aspect Term Sentiment Classification Tasks
interesting to jointly solve the aspect term extraction
and the other subtasks of the Aspect Based Sentiment
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A Sequence-to-Sequence Neural Network for Joint Aspect Term Extraction and Aspect Term Sentiment Classification Tasks