Let’s Get the FACS Straight: Reconstructing Obstructed Facial Features
Tim B
1 a
, Sven Sickert
1 b
, Gerd Fabian Volk
3 c
, Christoph Anders
2 d
Orlando Guntinas-Lichius
2 e
and Joachim Denzler
3 f
Computer Vision Group, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena, Germany
Division of Motor Research, Pathophysiology and Biomechanics, Clinic for Trauma, Hand and Reconstructive Surgery,
University Hospital Jena, Jena, Germany
Department of Otolaryngology, University Hospital Jena, Jena, Germany
Faces, Reconstruction, sEMG, Cycle-GAN, Facial Action Coding System, Emotions.
The human face is one of the most crucial parts in interhuman communication. Even when parts of the face are
hidden or obstructed the underlying facial movements can be understood. Machine learning approaches often
fail in that regard due to the complexity of the facial structures. To alleviate this problem a common approach
is to fine-tune a model for such a specific application. However, this is computational intensive and might have
to be repeated for each desired analysis task. In this paper, we propose to reconstruct obstructed facial parts
to avoid the task of repeated fine-tuning. As a result, existing facial analysis methods can be used without
further changes with respect to the data. In our approach, the restoration of facial features is interpreted as a
style transfer task between different recording setups. By using the CycleGAN architecture the requirement
of matched pairs, which is often hard to fullfill, can be eliminated. To proof the viability of our approach, we
compare our reconstructions with real unobstructed recordings. We created a novel data set in which 36 test
subjects were recorded both with and without 62 surface electromyography sensors attached to their faces. In
our evaluation, we feature typical facial analysis tasks, like the computation of Facial Action Units and the
detection of emotions. To further assess the quality of the restoration, we also compare perceptional distances.
We can show, that scores similar to the videos without obstructing sensors can be achieved.
Assessing a human’s emotional state by means of fa-
cial expressions is an ability which required human-
ity over millions of years to learn. Researchers are
interested in the automatic classification of these ex-
pressions based on input signals (images, videos, lo-
cally attached sensors, etc.) to infer the connected un-
derlying emotional states. The continuos progress in
machine learning, especially with respect to computer
vision tasks, significantly improved the classification
accuracy (Luan et al., 2020). Often such models are
used in medical and psychological studies, or in-the-
wild applications whereas their emotional assessment
is debateable (Barrett, 2011; Heaven, 2020). Further-
more, the connection between facial expressions and
the actual underlying mimetic muscles is still an open
research question. The Facial Action Coding System
(FACS) (Hjortsj
o, 1969; Ekman and Friesen, 1978)
was a first approach to build a connection between
those two and is still used, today. However, as FACS
is based on the facial landmarks the connections to the
muscles are abstracted via proxies.
A dominant problem for machine learning based
methods applied in these scenarios is the acquisition
and content of the training data set. The intended
and actual usage of these might differ significantly
and thus could lead to unreliable or even undesirable
results. For instance, in regards to the classification
of facial expressions in FER2013 (Goodfellow et al.,
2013), obstructions in the face have not been consid-
ered. We show in our work that, instead of fine-tuning
models to a custom data set the obstructed features
can also be correctly reconstructed. To demonstrate
this, we recorded a custom data set measuring the
face and the muscle activity simultaneously. A sin-
Büchner, T., Sickert, S., Volk, G., Anders, C., Guntinas-Lichius, O. and Denzler, J.
Let’s Get the FACS Straight: Reconstructing Obstructed Facial Features.
DOI: 10.5220/0011619900003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
gle recording contains the following tasks: eleven fa-
cial movements (Schaede et al., 2017), five spoken
sentences, and ten mimics of emotions. To restore
the facial features, we created a recording setup in
which each test subject was recorded with and with-
out sEMG sensors attached to their face. In our ex-
perimental setup, we show that state-of-the-art algo-
rithms fail to correctly solve their intended task. A
brief overview is depicted in Fig. 1. We evaluate
the extraction of the Facial Actions Units (AUs) and
emotion detection. For each analysis the video with-
out sEMG sensors represents the baseline, which we
aim to achieve in our restoration approach. Addition-
ally, we assess the visual quality with two perceptual
In order to recover the obstructed facial features,
several complex tasks need to be solved simultane-
ously. There are 36 individual test subjects in the data
set with a large visual variance. Although an instruc-
tion video is given, the timing and intensity of carry-
ing out a task varies a lot, even within the recordings
of the same test subject. Hence, a pair-wise matching
between corresponding frames of the videos would be
extremely difficult. Furthermore, the correct facial
expression has to be recreated in their correct inten-
sity. Otherwise the estimation of the AUs is likely to
Due to the complexity of this task, traditional
methods like segmentation and image inpainting are
not an option. However, in our setup we are using
sEMG sensors to measure muscle activity. To ensure
correct measurement those sensors have to placed at
the same anatomical locations each time. Thus, we
propose to represent this strict placement of the sen-
sors as a consistent style change between two images
of the same person independent from the facial ex-
pression. In combination with the unmatched-pair
setting, we can deploy the CycleGAN architecture by
Zhu et al. (Zhu et al., 2017) to learn this style transfer.
This proposed approach retains the visual appear-
ances of the test subjects. In fact, we show that
completely covered facial features can be restored
correctly. With respect to quality, our clean videos
resemble the normal videos more than the sen-
sor videos. More importantly, downstream facial
analysis algorithms can be applied directly without
the need of fine-tuning them first for images with
sEMG sensors. We eliminate the problem of ob-
structed facial features that otherwise would render
an in-depth analysis of expressions and muscle activ-
ity impossible.
To restore obstructed facial features, we mention in
the following related approaches in the area of gener-
ative models. There are approaches that similarly aim
to either transfer styles or restore missing features.
However, non of them focus on correctly restoring fa-
cial features for further down-stream applications.
The first method for unmatched-pair style transfer
was established by Zhu et al. (Zhu et al., 2017) with
the introduction of CycleGAN. Their work mostly fo-
cuses on the visual stability and quality during the
translation task. The introduced consistent cycle loss
for reducing the underlying mapping distributions
helped with stabilizing training. In general, Cycle-
GAN can be deployed for different style transfer tasks
and is applicable to in-the-wild images. We propose
to use this method to impaint structured obstructions
in images including frontal face recordings to restore
underlying properties of hidden facial features. The
model must learn an internal representation of the fa-
cial movements in order to restore them.
Another specific task with removing and adding
facial obstructions can be seen in the transfer
of makeup styles between people. Nguyen et
al. (Nguyen et al., 2021) proposed a holistic makeup
transfer framework. In their work, they were able
to retain facial features, but artificially add light and
extreme makeup styles on in-the-wild images. It
shows that even complicated obstruction patterns can
be learned by neural networks. For our data set the
problem definition is easier as the sEMG sensors are
always at the same location. However, they cover
around 50% of the crucial facial areas and the color
of the connected cables varies.
Li et al. (Li et al., 2017) use generative adversar-
ial networks to restore randomly altered human faces.
They artificially crop random areas inside the facial
bounding box and replace them with noise values.
Their model creates high qualitative visual results. At
the same time, it might create different visual expres-
sions depending on the noise patch. We have to retain
the correct underlying facial structure and expression.
Thus, although not fully suited in our scenario, their
approach of using GANs for inpainting missing infor-
mation serves as a good starting point.
To restore facial features, Mathai et al. (Mathai
et al., 2019) proposed an encoder-decoder architec-
ture with matched pairs. In their work, they artifi-
cially place obstructions like sunglasses, hats, hands,
and microphones onto faces to improve the robustness
of facial recognition software. The model learns to re-
place the underlying facial features using the learned
auto-generative capabilities. However, the work does
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Video with
sEMG Sensors
Video without
sEMG Sensors
Perceptual Similarity
Facial Action Units
Emotion Detection
Combination #1
Combination #2
Video with
sEMG Sensors
Style Transfer
Training Data
Lip Corner
Figure 1: Our experimental setup to evaluate the correct restoration of facial features: A video without sEMG sensors repre-
sents our baseline (normal). For comparison we have videos with those sensors visible (sensor) and videos where they have
been removed by our proposed approach (clean). Our evaluation includes the tasks of extracting Facial Actions Units and
emotion detection. Furthermore, we analyze their perceptual similarity in comparison to the baseline. Green check marks,
red crosses and yellow question marks indicate similarity or the possibility to solve a task given the underlying data.
not account for similarity of facial expressions and
movements. Only the facial similarity for biometric
purposes was relevant.
In summary, we can assess that generative mod-
els can retain important facial features while en-
abling correct person recognition. In our research,
we make use of the unmatched-pair property of Cy-
cleGANs (Zhu et al., 2017) to both attach and de-
tach sEMG sensors. It is worth noting that we are not
only interested in the visual quality of the generated
videos. We also want to ensure that existing state-of-
the-art facial analysis methods for down-stream tasks
produce correct results. In our scenario, it would al-
low us to make use of the simultaneous recordings of
sEMG and video signals.
In our work we are interested in learning about the
connection between mimics and muscles. Thus, we
created a new data set measuring both domains si-
multaneously. We recorded the facial movement and
muscle activity of 36 test subjects
, with 19 identi-
fying as female and 17 identifying as male. Facial
movements were captured using a frontal facing cam-
All shown individuals agreed to have their images pub-
lished in terms with the GDPR.
Figure 2: Overview of three selected test subjects with their
three measurements on each of the two recording dates. For
each subject one recording without attached sensors and
two with attached sensors is displayed. The 62 sEMG sen-
sors are attached to the same anatomical locations for all
test subjects. The sensors block relevant facial areas, such
as the forehead, completely.
era with a resolution of 1280 ×720 and 30 frames per
second. Muscle activity was recorded using surface
electromyography (sEMG). For a full measurement
we attached 62 sEMG sensors to the face, including
connector cables. Fig. 2 shows the sensor placement
of three selected test subjects. A single sensor con-
sists of a white connection patch on the skin and ei-
ther a red or white cable. Furthermore, white cotton
swabs were used to fix the cables at their position.
During the attachment of the sensors it is possible that
the color order of the cables change among different
test subjects.
Let’s Get the FACS Straight: Reconstructing Obstructed Facial Features
To be able to learn the restoration of facial fea-
tures, we recorded subjects once without attached
sEMG sensors and twice with attached sEMG sen-
sors. These recording sessions were repeated again
after two weeks under the same conditions. There was
no order, whether subjects were recorded first with at-
tached sensors or without them. It is also not relevant
for the correction of the facial features. However, for
each measurement an instruction video was shown to
ensure the same order of tasks to enable a later com-
parable analysis.
The given instruction tasks can be divided into
three subgroups. In the first task subjects need to
mimic eleven distinct facial expressions three times.
We follow the protocol of Schaede et al. (Schaede
et al., 2017) and refer to this as the Schaede task in
the remainder of this paper. In the second tasks, sub-
jects need to repeat five spoken sentences, which we
will refer to as Sentence. The last task is the imitation
of 24 shown basic emotional expressions and will be
called Emotion task. This split of tasks is intended
to cover different areas of activity for the facial mus-
cles. In total 174 videos were recorded with a ratio
of 1:2 normal and sensor videos, respectively. To re-
duce the influence of background noise in the videos,
we run our experiments only on the facial areas of the
test subjects. Details about the face extraction can be
found in the next section.
Medical experts observed the experiments and
manually started and stopped the capturing devices
for the video and sEMG recordings. Hence, a one-to-
one frame-wise matching between the normal and the
sensor videos is not possible. Time delays among the
recordings of an individual test subject cannot be es-
timated. Even though the test subjects follow a given
instruction video, the intensity of the facial expres-
sions can vary significantly. Further, subjects do not
always start the task at the same time. This might be
due to fatigue and the repeated nature of these tasks
as a recording session takes around 1.5 hours.
Additionally, the test subjects change their head
posture, gazing angle, and distance to the cam-
era throughout all recordings. Among the different
recording sessions the illumination inside the room
changes, which in turn results in different appear-
ances of the cables. Faces might also be obstructed
by hands as sometimes detached sEMG sensors had to
be reattached during the recording. These constraints
require a method which can work without matched
pairs. Additionally, the method should be adaptive
to avoid overfitting to illumination settings and cable
colors in the training data.
Figure 3: Double generative structure of the CycleGAN
for the proposed sEMG sensor removal. Generator G
learns the attaching of the sensors. Generator G
the detaching of the sensors. Different facial expressions
can be combined without being changed during the transla-
tion process.
A lot of machine learning methods learn facial fea-
tures to solve their respective tasks, like emotion de-
tection, person identification or visual diagnostics.
However, many of these only work on non-obstructed
faces and would require fine-tuning. We aim to re-
store their capabilities without the need of adapting
the models. For our given problem, we can define
the facial obstructions in a structured manner. The
anatomical correction sensor placement ensures that
it can be described in such a way, as shown in Fig. 2.
Thus, we can reinterpret the changes between a nor-
mal and sensor video frame as a style transfer for
which we have to learn a translation. In the following,
we will refer to the frames and videos in which the
sEMG have been removed as clean. We first define
the CycleGAN (Zhu et al., 2017) architecture with the
adaption to our task. As we are not only interested in
the visual appearance of the generated images but also
in the restored facial features, we describe methods
for perceptual metrics and facial feature comparison.
4.1 Removal of sEMG Sensor Using
Unpaired Style Transfer
As described in Sec. 3 several challenges arose during
the video acquisition. Among these challenges are the
unmatched-pairs of video frames, the subtle changes
in the recording environment, and the test subjects
head posture, angle, gaze and location changes. How-
ever, the obstruction of the facial features by sEMG
sensors occurs in a structured manner. Thus, a trans-
lation model between the normal and sensor video
frames could be learned to correctly restore the fa-
cial features independent from the underlying facial
The issue of unmatched-pairs style translation was
solved by Zhu et al. (Zhu et al., 2017) with the intro-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
duction of CycleGANs. Instead of relying on a sin-
gle generator-discriminator-architecture (Goodfellow
et al., 2014) they jointly trained two opposing transla-
tion generation tasks. The double generator structure
is shown in Fig. 3 and we tuned it towards the removal
of the sEMG sensors.
The generator G
learns the mapping from
the normal domain to the sensor domain, whereas
generator G
learns the inverse direction. For
a given unmatched training input pair (N
, S
) this
architecture computes the corresponding output pair
, N
). To ensure stable training Zhu et al. in-
troduced the consistent cycle loss (Zhu et al., 2017),
the adversarial loss (Goodfellow et al., 2014), and the
identity loss (Taigman et al., 2016). The discrimina-
tor D
uses the sensor image to estimate the generated
image by G
to check whether they come from the
same source distribution. The discriminator D
dles the inverse direction similarly. To ensure the cor-
rect restoration of the obstructed facial features in our
analysis, we only use the generator G
by translat-
ing the sensor video to the clean video version.
4.2 Feature Restoration Evaluation of
Cleaned Videos
We evaluate the success of the restoration of the ob-
structed facial features by two means. In the first
evaluation, we assess the visual quality of the gen-
erated images by the generator G
by compar-
ing their perceptual similarity to frames of the nor-
mal video. Hereby, we compute two perceptual sim-
ilarity scores. We calculate the image-to-image simi-
larity through all frame pairs between the normal and
the clean video. Furthermore, we estimate the un-
derlying image distributions between these videos and
compute their similarity.
In the second evaluation, we check the cor-
rect restoration of the facial features by applying
well-known machine learning algorithms for facial
analysis. Specifically, we evaluate the fitting of
Facial Action Units (AUs) and emotion detection
restoration. For AUs, we use random decision for-
est (Breiman, 2001) and the attention-based JAA-
Net model by Shao et al. (Shao et al., 2021). Both
models have already been implemented in the li-
brary PyFeat (Cheong et al., 2022), which we use for
our evaluation. For emotion detection we use Res-
MaskNet by Luan et al. (Luan et al., 2020), which still
yields the current state-of-the-art performance. To
further show that our restoration approach produces
convincing results, we run the same evaluations also
as comparison between the normal and sensor videos.
The whole experimental setup is depicted in Fig. 1
summarizing all comparisons. We compare the result-
ing time series with each others using dynamic time
warping (DTW) (Lhermitte et al., 2011) and mean ab-
solute percentage error (MAPE). With DTW we can
avoid the unknown delay between each recording, and
for MAPE we compute all possible shifts in a time
frame of ± 20 seconds.
Learned Perceptual Image Patch Similarity
Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2018) introduced the LPIPS
score for image-to-image similarity measurements.
They compute the L
distance between the feature
vectors of the last convolutional layer of classification
models, either AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) or
VGG (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2015)., to estimate
perceptual similarity. Under the premise of similar
looking images, which would lead to same classifica-
tion results, the features vectors should be similar, as
well. The metric ranges from 0 for image identity, to
1, indicating no perceptual similarity.
As the sEMG sensors cover a substantial area of
the test subjects’ faces, we assume that there is a high
distance between the frames of the normal and sen-
sor videos. Furthermore, we assume that the fea-
ture vectors of the deep learning models stay similar
for a test subject regardless of their facial expression,
head movement, or glance. The pre-training on Ima-
geNet (Deng et al., 2009) does not include these fine-
grained classification tasks and thus should yield the
same feature vectors. If the clean video generated by
produces a low LPIPS score, the restoration of
the facial features might have been already successful.
echet Inception Distance
The image-to-image comparison alone might be in-
sufficient, since correct matching between the frames
is not possible. However, comparing the unknown un-
derlying generative distribution of the video frames
could lead to a more reliable understanding. We use
the Fr
echet Inception Distance (FID) introduced by
Heusel et al. (Heusel et al., 2017) to compare these
generative distributions. The FID assumes that both
source and target are multivariate normal distribu-
tions. Thus, the parameters have to be estimated. We
use Inception v3 (Szegedy et al., 2015) feature vectors
to estimate the mean vector and the covariance matrix.
For the actual implementation, we use the FastFID ap-
proximation by Mathiasen and Hvilshøj (Mathiasen
and Hvilshøj, 2021), which has a deviation of 0.1 to
the original distance but is significantly faster. How-
ever, a drawback of the FID is the dependence on the
batch size. To ensure comparable results all evalua-
tions are run with the same batch size of N = 128.
Let’s Get the FACS Straight: Reconstructing Obstructed Facial Features
Figure 4: We display the trainings progress of the sEMG
sensor removal. During the first 5 epochs the model focuses
on the general removal of the sensors. After that, the more
fine-grained details in the faces are restored.
The problems raised by Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2018) do
not affect our evaluation as our task is class indepen-
4.3 Implementation Details
To learn the translation from faces with and without
attached sEMG sensors, we use the CycleGAN (Zhu
et al., 2017) architecture which fits our problem task
the best. In a first ablation study we discovered that a
test subject unique model creates better results. This
way we can mitigate the impact of other possible la-
tent translation tasks the model could pick up like
gender or age. For each subject we acquired six
videos, four with and two without sEMG sensors. To
create the training data, we randomly choose frames
from the videos. Further, we limit number of training
data to 2% of the available frames to learn the sEMG
style-translation model.
We recording setup was defined in such a manner
that the test subjects do not move their heads. Thus,
a fixed bounding box location for the videos was de-
fined to ensure same head sizes and margins to the
background. We rescale all extracted faces to a size
of 286 × 286 to match the backbone generator net-
work. Then we split the extracted frames into 90%
training and 10% validation data. During the training
the images are augmented using horizontal flipping,
random cropping, and normalization into the range
[1, 1]. The model evaluation is then done on the re-
maining full test subject videos.
We train a ResNet (He et al., 2016) model
with nine blocks from scratch as the generator net-
works. Before the ResNet blocks two additional
down-sampling blocks are added, which are then re-
versed at the end. The PatchDiscriminator by Isola et
al. (Isola et al., 2017) builds the foundation for both
discriminators. All models are trained for 30 epochs
with an initial learning rate of 3e
and a continuos
linear learning rate decay update after 15 epochs. In
Fig. 4 we show the training progress of the G
erator. It can be seen that the model learns the general
removal of the sEMG sensors immediately and then
focuses on restoring fine-grained facial details.
Figure 5: Overview of two test subjects with their respective
sEMG sensor removal. The covered facial features were
restored in all examples.
To validate the correct restoration of the facial fea-
tures we use the described experimental setup in
Fig. 1. For each test subject we translate the four sen-
sor videos with the specialized G
generator. In-
side the video 98% of the frames have not been seen
by the generator and thus serve as test set. The per-
ceptual qualitative comparison was done using the
LPIPS and FID scores. Then we also extract the AUs
and eight basic emotions. However, due to the high
amount of possible video testing combinations we
chose a suitable subset of all these combinations. We
compare only videos from the same recording session
with each other. This reduces possible interference
due to background changes or clothing changes of the
test subjects. For all results, we investigate the three
given tasks: Schaede, Sentence, and Emotion. As a
baseline for comparison we compute all evaluations
between the two normal videos (N
, N
) recorded at
each of the two sessions. In all tables and figures the
sessions will be indicated by a subscript. We assume
that the similarities between these session are limited
to ensure comparability.
We display a selection of the resulting pairs for the
sensor removal in Fig. 5. Additionally, in the supple-
mentary material we also provide the entire videos of
the sensor (S) and clean (C) videos side-by-side for
better inspection. The visual results already indicate
a correct restoration of the underlying facial features.
We assume that the model learned a generalized ver-
sion of each test subject’s face as in some of the shown
examples the view was zoomed out. Thus, missing in-
formation must have been encoded inside the model.
The examples show that the model retains head pos-
ture, orientation, and most significantly the correct fa-
cial expressions. However, to ensure that no underly-
ing artifacts are introduced by the generation process,
we evaluate the images with existing state-of-the-art
models on their correct results. For this quantitative
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
evaluation, we compute four scores per session, total-
ing to nine measurements per individual test subject
including the baseline.
5.1 Perceptual Similarity Comparison
To ensure that the qualitative results are not only vi-
sually correct, we analyze the frames of the videos
and compute a perceptual score. The comparison
between the two normal videos (N
, N
) represents
a perfect match. This will be the baseline for all
our evaluations. The score of a certain combination
is the average over all respective videos. Further-
more, we investigate the results of each task sepa-
rately. Table 1 displays the results for the LPIPS and
FID scores. We show the mean scores over all test
subjects with their respective standard deviation. The
generated clean videos C
and C
have a consider-
ably higher resemblance to the baseline than the sen-
sor videos S
and S
. This is a strong indicator that
our reconstruction method works correctly. Further-
more, the LPIPS scores indicate that there is only lit-
tle difference between the three given tasks. However,
the results of the FID score yield different results in
that regard. As for the FID 128 images are consid-
ered to estimate the underlying image generative dis-
tribution, the different facial movements could be the
reason for the differences among the tasks. Another
interesting observation is that the scores of all the
reconstructed video comparisons yield better results
than our baseline. We assume that the differences in
the background, due to changes of the recording setup
between the sessions, could be the major contributing
factor. Together with the images, as seen in Fig. 1 and
Fig. 5, the perceptual scores indicate that our gener-
ator network correctly recreates the faces of the test
subjects. We provide the side-by-side emotional task
of the sensor and clean videos in the supplementary
material. These will show that the underlying facial
features are reconstructed correctly. One can see that
even small facial movements, including eyelid closing
and gazes, are correctly restored.
5.2 Action Unit Reconstruction
We compare the reconstruction of AUs using two fea-
ture extraction methods. The first method is a ran-
dom decision forest (RDF) (Breiman, 2001) trained
on the 68 facial landmarks extracted with MobileNet
by Howard et al. (Howard et al., 2017). The second
model JAA-NET by Shao et al. (Shao et al., 2021) in-
cludes a custom landmark detector and AUs estima-
tor. The results in Table 2 show the results for both
methods including the similarity between time series
compared with dynamic time warping (DTW) (Lher-
mitte et al., 2011) and mean absolute percentage error
(MAPE). For the comparison we average the results
of test subjects and AUs and show their respective
mean scores and deviation. We separate the results
into the three tasks to investigate differences among
different facial movements. Please note that the RDF
model computes 20 and the JAA-NET model only 12
AUs. Thus a comparison between these models is not
fully possible. Furthermore, we exclude AU43 (eye
blinking (Ekman and Friesen, 1978)) from our analy-
sis as it differs in all videos.
Figure 6: Qualitative comparison between the AU02 and the
restoration of the interesting intervals during the Schaede
task using the RDF model. We highlight five intervals of
activation, which should be detected. Our approach can re-
store missing intervals and correct the amplitude of existing
We can see that for most clean videos we reach a
similar score as the baseline. The qualitative recon-
struction of the correct feature extraction can be seen
in Fig. 6. We highlight the time series for AU02 (outer
brow raiser (Ekman and Friesen, 1978)) during the
Schaede (Schaede et al., 2017) video estimated by the
RDF model. During the video five distinct areas can
be detected inside the normal videos. However, in
the sensor these five areas are either not distinguish-
able from noise or detected with a wrong intensity.
The time series for clean video however shows that
all five area could be restored including a more similar
intensity to the normal videos. In the supplementary
material we provide further qualitative comparisons
to indicate the robustness of the restoration. How-
ever, it can also be seen in Table 3 that the restora-
tion scores for the Emotion and Sentence task do not
reach the baseline scores. As these videos are at the
end of each recording session, we assume that the test
subjects differ significantly in their behavior and the
MAPE metric cannot handle this differences in the
Let’s Get the FACS Straight: Reconstructing Obstructed Facial Features
Table 1: The perceptual scores computed over all test subjects indicate that the clean videos resemble the normal videos more
than the sensor videos. One can even see that some reconstruction yield even better results than our baseline.
Schaede Emotion Sentence Schaede Emotion Sentence
0.27±0.09 0.26±0.07 0.27±0.09 68.6±30.7 72.6±33.2 65.5±34.5
0.55±0.04 0.56±0.05 0.56±0.06 278.3±28.1 280.0±26.9 279.0±32.3
0.25±0.09 0.26±0.11 0.27±0.12 48.4±17.2 50.8±20.5 54.4±44.2
0.55±0.03 0.55±0.04 0.55±0.03 279.8±29.3 278.6±27.3 277.0±32.9
0.26±0.01 0.25±0.09 0.27±0.01 59.3±34.6 61.5±34.2 57.9±37.5
Table 2: The similarity between the Action Unit time series is computed. The results indicate the AUs can be computed
correctly in clean videos, whereas the sensor videos yield wrong results. This is even more evident for the results of the
JAA-NET model.
Schaede Emotion Sentence Schaede Emotion Sentence
2.1±1.1 2.0±1.0 1.4±0.8 0.09±0.05 0.11±0.05 0.09±0.05
2.8±1.4 2.4±1.2 1.7±0.9 0.11±0.05 0.12±0.05 0.10±0.05
2.3±1.2 1.9±1.0 1.4±0.8 0.09±0.05 0.10±0.05 0.09±0.04
2.8±1.4 2.4±1.3 1.7±0.9 0.11±0.05 0.12±0.05 0.10±0.05
2.4±1.2 2.2±1.1 1.3±0.6 0.10±0.05 0.11±0.05 0.08±0.04
5.1± 3.3 3.8± 2.1 3.0± 2.0 2.56± 3.73 1.43± 0.79 1.20± 0.70
25.6±24.9 16.6±16.1 17.0±16.5 13.15±16.03 10.12±11.57 23.09± 28.71
4.6± 2.9 3.6± 2.1 3.0± 2.1 1.75± 1.98 1.57± 1.37 36.13±109.88
24.0±23.5 15.8±15.6 16.4±16.2 10.54±11.20 10.46±10.53 17.39± 19.45
4.5± 2.8 3.7± 2.0 2.8± 1.8 2.38± 4.43 29.80±98.40 2.90± 4.40
time series. Therefore, we can also conclude that the
DTW comparison is a more stable metric to compare
the restoration of the obstructed facial features.
5.3 Emotion Detection Comparison
We evaluate the emotion detection restoration on all
three tasks, whereas the Emotion task should weight
most in the quantitative analysis. To create the time
series for each of the seven basic emotions, we use
the ResMaskNet by Luan et al. (Luan et al., 2020)
on each single video frame. Then we compare the
given video pairs using DTW and MAPE. In Table 3
we show the results over all 36 test subjects averaged
over all emotions. The table contains the mean dis-
tance and deviation for all three tasks. It can can
be seen that our restoration method achieves similar
scores to our baseline evaluation. In Fig. 7 we display
the reconstruction of the time series for the neutral
emotional state. In the sensor video the ResMaskNet
cannot detect any correct neutral state of the test
subject. As the test subjects constantly switch be-
tween emotions back to the neutral an oscillating
pattern should be visible. This is the case for the nor-
mal videos and our clean video time series. However,
in the sensor video this pattern does not appear.
Figure 7: The qualitative results show that the time series
for the neutral emotional state can be correctly restored.
The oscillating pattern between the neutral and other emo-
tional states does not appear inside the sensor video. After
removing the sEMG sensors in the test subject’s face the
ResMaskNet can correctly estimate the facial appearance.
The correctness of our proposed method for restor-
ing facial features is depending on the quality of the
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 3: The reconstruction of the obstructed facial features in regards to the emotional states achieves similar scores to the
baseline. There are no real differences evident between the three different tasks.
Schaede Emotion Sentence Schaede Emotion Sentence
5.0± 2.4 4.6± 0.9 2.4± 1.7 4.5± 3.0 5.5± 3.2 1.9± 0.8
19.3± 16.7 13.8± 8.1 12.3± 14.4 57.5±106.9 30.8± 50.7 36.9± 69.5
6.3± 3.5 5.9± 1.7 3.5± 2.9 8.5± 7.9 6.5± 3.7 6.3± 4.9
18.5± 14.8 12.9± 6.8 11.2± 13.7 45.3± 67.4 20.8± 29.3 34.9± 58.2
6.6± 3.5 6.0± 1.6 3.3± 2.7 8.8± 10.1 4.8± 2.7 6.1± 6.5
Figure 8: There are some limitations to our approach for
obstructed facial feature reconstruction. For instance, dur-
ing the sEMG sensor removal the model closed the left eye
of a test subject.
selected frames during training. In our ablation stud-
ies we observed the following limitations. When se-
lecting frames equidistantly, there was a chance that
eye movement and eyelid closing was not represented
in the data. Thus, the model was not able to restore
these movements in the resulting full video. We found
that a random selection of frames mitigated this unde-
sirable behavior. Additionally, we observed that dy-
namically computing the bounding box of the face re-
quired more training time. Face size and visible areas
vary a lot during a sequence and the face detector does
not always yield a perfect fit. Furthermore, sometimes
artifacts are introduced in the generation process as
seen in Fig. 8, which can be attributed to the selection
of training frames. We also observed that the recog-
nition of the anger emotion using ResMaskNet was
less affected by sEMG sensors in comparison to other
emotions, as can be seen in Fig. 7 and 9. Relevant
facial parts of the anger emotion like the mouth area
are not obstructed. It is worth noting, that our sen-
sor removal method could still slightly improve such
In this paper, we demonstrated that instead of fine-
tuning models to fit obstructed unlabeled data, we can
correctly restore previously hidden facial features us-
ing a CycleGAN (Zhu et al., 2017) approach. We
Figure 9: The sEMG sensors do not obstruct the detection
of the anger emotion with ResMaskNet.
evaluated our method with respect to the visual qual-
ity of the generated faces using perceptual scores.
Evaluation has been carried out by looking into pair-
wise frame similarity and by estimating the under-
lying image distributions. Both methods clearly in-
dicated a high visual similarity of the clean videos
(reconstruction) and the normal videos (no obstruc-
tions). Further, we investigated the correctness of
state-of-the-art facial analysis methods based on these
reconstructed facial features. Here, the results showed
that restoration quality is good enough to success-
fully apply methods for Facial Actions Units (Ek-
man and Friesen, 1978) and emotions detection af-
terwards. In our work specifically, this allowed us
to further progress in the area of connecting mim-
ics and underlying facial muscles, as existing vision-
based methods can now be applied directly. Further-
more, the data driven approach based on individual
test subjects makes this approach applicable to any
person disregarding age, gender, and ethnicity.
This work has been funded by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG - German Research
Foundation) project 427899908 BRIDGING THE
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VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications