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(Denoeux, 2008) 76.3 80.57 75.81
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(Xu et al., 2014) 95.6 85 85.5
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(Liu et al., 2017) 85.56 83.85 76.02
(Qin and Xiao, 2018) 97.07 96.7 86.7 89.03
(Jiang et al., 2019) 69.91 95.33 75.19 70.96 76.48 81.29
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(Zhu et al., 2021) 97.15 99.33 91.48 81.61
(Ranjbar and Effati, 2022) 95.22 79.48 70.96 81.62
Proposed Method 98.24 100 85.36 81.81 67.52 89.65 76.19
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