Automatic Reactive Power Classification Based on Selected Machine
Learning Methods
Viktor Prista
, L’ubom
ır Antoni
and Gabriel Semani
Institute of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef
arik University, Jesenn
a 5, 041 80, Ko
sice, Slovakia
Machine Learning, 5 × 2 Cross-Validation Test, Reactive Power, Power Factor, Electricity System.
Reactive power is an important part of the electric power systems in order to rotate machines or to transmit
active power by transmission lines. However, an excess of reactive power in the electrical systems can in-
crease the risk of failure of the transmission system. We present an automatic reactive power classification on
multifamily residential dataset of electricity based on selected machine learning methods. We aim to predict
an excess of reactive power in the apartments located in the Northeastern United States. Moreover, we explore
the statistical significance of differences between mean performances of selected machine learning methods.
Recently, the electricity system has undergone many
important changes. As a result of technological de-
velopment, the amount of distributed electricity is in-
creasing, the nature of electrical appliances is chang-
ing, and cable lines are increasing (Alahmad et al.,
2011; Maitre and Glon, 2015; Sarkar et al., 2018;
Anaya and Pollitt, 2020).
If the balance of capacitive and inductive power
in the distribution system is unbalanced, reactive elec-
tricity flows arise. An excess of reactive power causes
an increase in the voltage in the electrical system. In
periods of low load on individual lines, the voltage
in the transmission system rises to values that exceed
the permitted limit. Exceeding this limit increases the
risk of failure of the transmission system and reduces
its planned service life. Reactive power compensation
technologies are thoroughly investigated to improve
power quality (Dixon et al., 2005; T
ellez et al., 2018;
Vishnu and Kumar, 2020).
The identification of power stations with a pos-
sible future excess of reactive power can be formu-
lated as the supervised machine learning classifica-
tion. Several methods were proposed to tackle the
classification tasks in various application domains,
but none of them can claim being universally best (Al-
paydin, 2010). However, several statistical tests for
deciding if one learning algorithm (supervised clas-
sification method) outperforms another on a particu-
lar learning task are generally described (Dietterich,
1998; Raschka, 2018). The 5 × 2 cross-validation test
is mostly recommended, since it is slightly more pow-
erful and it measures variation due to the selection of
training set.
In our paper, we applied several machine learning
algorithms to classify the apartments from multifam-
ily residential dataset of electricity (Meinrenken et al.,
2020) due to their reactive power and power factor.
Moreover, we applied 5 × 2 cross-validation test to
find if the difference in score measures between mean
performance is probably real or not. In Section 2,
we present the notions of reactive power, capacitive
elements and induction elements. In Section 3, we
describe the multifamily residential dataset of elec-
tricity, the extracted attributes and training set. We
present our results of reactive power and power factor
analysis in Section 4. We provide the review of the
other studies with analysis of the multifamily residen-
tial dataset of electricity in discussion. The remarks
and comments on our possible future work conclude
the paper.
Pristaš, V., Antoni, L. and Semanišin, G.
Automatic Reactive Power Classification Based on Selected Machine Learning Methods.
DOI: 10.5220/0011619000003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 100-107
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In general, power is defined as the amount of energy
transferred or converted per unit time. In electrical
circuits, power is defined as the product of instanta-
neous voltage and instantaneous current. In an alter-
nating current (AC) circuit the voltage oscillates be-
tween positive and negative maximum values at the
frequency of the network.
As a result, in a resistive circuit, the current also
oscillates at the same frequency, because the resis-
tive load current is directly proportional to the applied
voltage. Figure 1 shows the correlation between volt-
age (red), current (blue) and power (green). Instanta-
neous power (since it is the product of the voltage and
current) oscillates at twice the voltage frequency, but
unlike the other two, in such a purely resistive cur-
rent the power never drops to negative. This part of
the power flow (or its averaged value over one cycle
of the AC circuit), is known as real power or active
power and it always flows from the direction of the
source to the load while transferring the net energy
(Zhou et al., 2018; Mukherjee et al., 2018; Mbinkar
et al., 2022).
Figure 1: Voltage, current and power in a purely resisive AC
Distribution and transmission systems are pro-
posed to transfer active power from power stations
to energy consumers. The number of loads requires
for operation not only the active power, but reactive
power, as well. For example, AC motors require mag-
netic fields, which are generated by inductors that
consume a so-called reactive power. Moreover, all
components in inductive reactance distribution and
transmission systems (cables, transformers) require
reactive power.
Induction elements such as electric motors, trans-
formers or induction cookers store energy in their
magnetic field, which direction is opposite to the
change in voltage. Thus, as the supply voltage rises,
the net voltage on the inductor rises more slowly due
to the reverse voltage, which is induced by the induc-
tor. This causes the current lagging behind the voltage
since the current is proportional to the voltage in the
circuit. In a purely inductive circuit, the current lags
90 degrees behind the voltage.
Capacitive elements e.g., capacitors, overhead
power wires, electrical cables, or fluorescent lamps
store energy in their electric field. The behavior of
the capacitive circuit is best best seen on the exam-
ple of the capacitor. The pressure difference across
the plates of a capacitor is the result of the accumula-
tion of electrons on one plate and lack of electron on
the other one. When the plates are uncharged, the in-
creasing voltage from the supply sends the maximum
current in the circuit to be stored on the plates until
they become full of charge and no more charge is be-
ing added. At this point the voltage reaches its peak
and the current is zero. In a pure capacitive circuit, the
current leads the voltage by 90 degrees (Zhou et al.,
2018; Mukherjee et al., 2018; Mbinkar et al., 2022).
Figure 2: Voltage, current and power in an AC circuit where
the current lags (left) and leads (right) the voltage.
Unlike in a resistive circuit, in a capacitive or in-
ductive circuit the instantaneous power oscillates be-
tween a negative and a positive maximum, averaging
zero during one network cycle, as it is seen in Fig-
ure 2. The seemingly negative part of the power is
being returned to the source in each cycle and it is
called reactive power. No net energy can be transmit-
ted using reactive power.
The real networks consist of both resistive and re-
active loads, which form together the complex (ap-
parent) power expressed as volt-amperes (VA). The
ratio of the active power to the apparent power de-
fines the power factor of the circuit that describes the
amount of the real power transmitted to the load along
the transmission line to the total apparent power flow-
ing in the line. The apparent power is the vector sum
of active and reactive power, which is visualised in
Figure 3 as the so-called power triangle (Maitre and
Glon, 2015; Zhao et al., 2005).
The power factor might also be computed as the
cosine of the angle φ, called the phase angle, by which
the current waveform leads or lags the voltage wave-
form. Both methods affirm, that the potential values
Automatic Reactive Power Classification Based on Selected Machine Learning Methods
Figure 3: The power triangle of the real power, reactive
power and apparent power.
of the power factor are within the interval (0,1): the
closer the power factor is to 1, the more efficient the
circuit, and vice versa.
In this section, we describe our dataset, characteristics
of attributes, training set and classification methods
used for our analysis.
Our core focus is to advance research in the field
of binary classification of electricity consumers based
on their power factor. We used a period of three weeks
as the observation period and one week as the result-
ing period. In particular, we explore if the power fac-
tor will be lower than 0.98 at least one day in the fol-
lowing week based on data about the power factor of
the previous three weeks. Our aim is to find the most
efficient algorithm and the most appropriate hyperpa-
rameter values for the chosen problem.
3.1 Dataset
Multifamily residential dataset of electricity (Mein-
renken et al., 2020) includes the annual electricity
use of 390 apartments located in the Northeastern
United States. These apartments are organized into
26 groups of 15 apartments each by their total elec-
tricity consumption in 2019. The apartments differ
in the construction year (constructed before 1940, be-
tween 1940-1980, or constructed after 1980). More-
over, they use different cooling system or heating sys-
tem (stem water, hot water, packaged terminal air con-
ditioning units).
Time stamp, instantaneous real and reactive
power, and cumulative electricity consumed are in-
cluded for each of the 26 apartments groups. Data
at 10-second or 15-minutes time resolution are avail-
able, which corresponds to 3,153,600 and 35,040
number of rows, respectively.
3.2 Extracted Attributes and Training
For our analysis, we use the data at 15 minutes time
resolution of instantaneous real power and reactive
Let O = {o
, o
, . . . , o
} be the set of 26 groups
of apartments and T = {t
, t
, . . . , t
} be the index
of timestamp in 2019 at 15 minutes time resolution.
Thus, the value P(o, t) corresponds to the instanta-
neous real power of the group o O in the time t T .
Analogously, the value Q(o, t) corresponds to the in-
stantaneous reactive power of the group o O in the
time t T . The unit of active and reactive power is
kW and kVar, respectively.
Since the phase angle and power factor are not in-
cluded in the original multifamily residential dataset
of electricity, we need to compute the phase angle as
the binary relation
φ(o, t) = arctan
P(o, t)
Q(o, t)
and power factor as the binary relation
F(o, t) = cos(φ(o, t))
for each o O and t T , i.e. at 15 minutes time
resolution for each 26 groups of apartments.
Note that F(o, t) [1;1] for each o O and
t T . If power factor is equal to 0 (i.e., F(o, t) = 0 for
some o O and t T ), the energy flow is entirely re-
active and the energy in the load returns to the source
on each cycle. If the power factor is 1 (i.e., F(o, t) = 1
for some o O and t T ), all the energy supplied by
the source is consumed by the load.
In order to construct the training set, we create
a period of 3 weeks as the observation period and 1
week as the result period. In particular, our models are
built by data from the observation period of 3 weeks
to classify if the power factor will be lower than 0.98
at least one day in the following week. Thus, our tar-
get attribute has two categories.
Regarding the input attributes, we take 6 origi-
nal attributes from the original multifamily residential
dataset of electricity (number of bedrooms, number
of all rooms, apartment area and their standard de-
viations). However, we constructed additional 28 at-
tributes from the binary relation F(o, t) for each o O
and t T . The extracted attributes are described in
Table 1. Low excess of reactive power means that
power factor F(o, t) will be lower than 0.98 at least in
one day of the week. Medium excess means that the
power factor F(o, t) will be lower than 0.98 at least
in two days of the week. High excess means that the
power factor F(o, t) will be lower than 0.98 at least in
three days of the week.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: The extracted attributes and their tpyes.
Characteristics Period Type
Month nominal
Low excess 1.-3. week binary
Low excess 1. week binary
Low excess 2. week binary
Low excess 3. week binary
Medium excess 1. week binary
Medium excess 2. week binary
Medium excess 3. week binary
High excess 1. week binary
High excess 2. week binary
High excess 3. week binary
Proportion of excess 1. week [0,1]
Proportion of excess 2. week [0,1]
Proportion of excess 3. week [0,1]
Average of F 1.-3. week [0,1]
Standard deviation of F 1.-3. week [0,1]
Minimum of F 1.-3. week [0,1]
Maximum of F 1.-3. week [0,1]
25th percentile of F 1.-3. week [0,1]
75th percentile of F 1.-3. week [0,1]
Median of F 1.-3. week [0,1]
Average of F 3. week [0,1]
Standard deviation of F 3. week [0,1]
Minimum of F 3. week [0,1]
Maximum of F 3. week [0,1]
25th percentile of F 3. week [0,1]
75th percentile of F 3. week [0,1]
Median of F 3. week [0,1]
3.3 Learning Algorithms
To solve our binary classification task, we use the fol-
lowing learning algorithms (methods):
naive classification by using the high excess in last
three weeks (which served as a baseline),
Gaussian naive Bayes,
k-nearest neighbors classifier,
support vector classifier,
deep feedforward neural network,
logistic regression,
decision trees,
AdaBoost classifier
GradientBoosting classifier,
random forests,
balanced random forests classifier,
The main motivation for using these algorithms
is to compare the performance of various popular
machine learning methods on the selected data set.
For hyper-parameter optimization, we used the grid
search method, which is thoroughly described for ex-
ample in (Mantovani et al., 2016; Feurer and Hutter,
2019; Wu et al., 2019; Yang and Shami, 2020).
As our baseline method, we use the high excess
of power factor of the last 3 weeks of the observation
period. The baseline method is stronger than random
assignment, since a high proportion of power factor
excess in the actual period can be a strong indicator of
a high proportion of power factor excess in the future.
Naive Bayes Method: is based on Bayes’ theo-
rem with the “naive” assumption of conditional in-
dependence between each pair of attributes given the
value of the target attribute (Rish, 2001; Chen et al.,
2020). We apply the Gaussian algorithm, since the
likelihood of the features is assumed to be Gaussian.
Nearest Neighbor Methods: are based on find-
ing a particular number of training examples closest
in distance to the new example, and classify the label
from these. The number of examples can be given by
a user by parameter or can vary on the local density of
points (Jiang et al., 2007; Gou et al., 2019). We use
parameters k = 6 for number of neighbors, distance
metric and p = 3 for the Minkowski metric.
Support Vector Classification: methods use a
subset of training points for the decision function (in
the role of support vector) and they provide diverse
options for building the decision function (Christiani
and Shawe-Taylor, 2000). These methods were pro-
posed at AT&T Bell in New Jersey around 1995 and
they were used to recognize handwritten digits on
postal items. We use the linear kernel with regular-
ization parameter of value 1.
Feedforward Neural Network: is a non-linear
function approximator for classification, which con-
tains the input layer, the output layer, and there can
be one or more non-linear layers, called hidden lay-
ers, between input and output layers (Glorot and Ben-
gio, 2010). We use the multilayer perceptron with
one hidden layer of 300 neurons, relu activation func-
tion, adam solver for weight optimization, and con-
stant learning rate.
Logistic Regression: is a linear model for classi-
fication which describes the probabilities of the possi-
ble outputs of a single example. The probabilities are
modeled by applying a logistic function (Kleinbaum
et al., 2002). We use maximum number of 500 iter-
ations taken for the solvers to converge, both L1 and
L2 penalty terms and the elastic-net mixing parameter
with L1 ratio of 0.7.
A decision tree method builds in the data a hier-
archical structure, implementing divide-and-conquer
strategy. It is an efficient method which can be used
Automatic Reactive Power Classification Based on Selected Machine Learning Methods
both for classification (just splitting the data into some
categories) and regression (predicting also the typical
values in different categories (Breiman, 2001; Alpay-
din, 2010). Decision trees are designed for dependent
variables that take a finite number of unordered val-
ues, with prediction error measured in terms of mis-
classification cost. Decision trees are constructed us-
ing a recursive partitioning algorithm. This algorithm
builds a tree by recursively splitting the training sam-
ple into smaller subsets. The algorithm has three main
a way to select a splitting rule,
a rule to determine when a tree node is terminal
(termination criterion),
a rule for assigning a value to each terminal node.
For decision tree, we use gini index to measure the
quality of a split, the maximum depth of the tree of 5,
and the minimum 4 of samples required to be at a leaf
AdaBoost: (abbreviation from Adaptive Boost-
ing) classification is an ensemble classification
method which is based on an iterative approach to
learn from the mistakes of weak classifiers. It starts
by training a classifier on the original data. Thus,
the additional copies of the classifier are constructed
on the same dataset. However, the weights of incor-
rectly classified examples are modified (Freund and
Schapire, 1997). We use decision tree classifier as the
base estimator for AdaBoost classification. We use
the maximum number of 1000 estimators at which
boosting is terminated.
Gradient Boosting: classifier is an ensemble
classification method which generalizes the other
boosting methods by allowing optimization of an ar-
bitrary differentiable loss function (Friedman, 2001).
We use decision tree classifier as the base estimator
for gradient boosting classification. We use the num-
ber of 1000 boosting stages to perform.
Random Forests: are a combination of tree clas-
sifiers such that each tree depends on the values of
a random vector sampled independently and with the
same distribution for all trees in the forest (Breiman,
2001). The principle is averaging classifications over
a large number of trees learned on randomly chosen
subsets of features (predictors). We use 2000 decision
trees in the random forest, the gini index to measure
the quality of a split, the maximum depth of 5, and 5
features to consider if looking for the best split.
Balanced Random Forest: classifier is the exten-
sion of random forests since the classification tasks
are often imbalanced which means that at least one
of the categories comprises only a small minority of
the data. This issue can be solved by adding the
class weights to the random forest classifier. Thus,
it penalizes misclassifying the minority category. On
the other hand, down-sampling the majority class and
growing each tree on a more balanced data set can be
applied (Chen et al., 2004). We use 2000 decision
trees in the random forest, the gini index to measure
the quality of a split, the maximum depth 5 of the tree,
and 5 features to consider if looking for the best split.
3.4 Comparing Classification Methods
For the evaluation of algorithms, we used an exten-
sion of 5-fold cross validation which returns stratified
folds. It means that the folds are constructed by pre-
serving the percentage of samples for each class. In
our experiments, we computed the accuracy, F1 score,
and F2 score for each of the described methods.
Dietterich described the principles of ve statisti-
cal tests (McNemar’s test, a test for the difference of
two proportions, the resampled paired t test, the k-fold
cross-validated paired t test, and the 5 × 2 cv paired
t test) for deciding if one learning algorithm (super-
vised classification method) outperforms another (Di-
etterich, 1998; Raschka, 2018). He argued that the
5 × 2 cross-validation test is mostly recommended
since it is slightly more powerful and it measures vari-
ation due to the selection of the training set. By this
recommended test, we performed five duplicates of
2-fold cross-validation for each pair of our methods
(learning algorithm). In each duplicate, data from our
paper are randomly partitioned into two equal sized
sets, and each method (learning algorithm) is trained
on each set and tested on the other set.
In this subsection we present our results, including
the statistical tests for comparing supervised classifi-
cation learning algorithms.
The overall results are described in Table 2. We
present the accuracy, F1 score, and F2 score for each
of the described methods.
In Figure 4, we present the comparison of F1
scores of 10 learning algorithms on folds of 5-fold
cross validation. The abbreviations of the algorithms
in diagram corresponds to the titles of methods in-
troduced in Table 2. We found that the smallest dif-
ference between F1 scores of folds was observed by
gradient boosting classifier.
The results of the 5 × 2 cv paired t test (described
in Subsection 3.4) are shown in Table 3. We found
that there is a statistically significant difference be-
tween mean F1 score of random forest algorithm
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: The overall results on binary classification task.
Algorithm Accu- F1 F2
racy score score
Baseline 0.71 0.668 0.569
Naive Bayes (NB) 0.76 0.750 0.673
Nearest neighbors (NN) 0.78 0.808 0.818
Support vector (SV) 0.85 0.869 0.883
Neural network (NN) 0.85 0.868 0.880
Logistic regression (LR) 0.83 0.851 0.849
Decision tree (DT) 0.79 0.824 0.835
AdaBoost (AB) 0.83 0.848 0.845
Gradient boost (GB) 0.83 0.852 0.852
Random forest (RF) 0.86 0.877 0.880
Balanced forest (BF) 0.86 0.873 0.858
and naive Bayes algorithm, or between random for-
est algorithm and nearest neighbors algorithm. There
is also a statistically significant difference between
mean F1 score of balanced forest algorithm and naive
Bayes algorithm, or between balanced forest algo-
rithm and nearest neighbors algorithm. Surprisingly,
if the 5 × 2 cv paired t test is applied between neural
network algorithm and logistic regression, difference
between mean performance is probably real.
Figure 4: Comparison of F1 scores on folds.
Multifamily residential dataset of electricity (Mein-
renken et al., 2020) provides the unique source of 12-
month duration data of apartment electricity use in
the multifamily area. This type of data is valuable
since residential building sector responds for over
30% of the energy consumption worldwide (Mein-
renken et al., 2020; Li et al., 2021a).
We have not found a similar study of power factor
classification in the literature for this particular data
set. However, we present the other interesting tasks
solved on these data set in Discussion, which have
Table 3: Comparison of learning algorithms by 5 × 2 cv
paired t test.
NB 0.252 0.012
KN 0.036
SV 0.941 0.141
NN 0.021
NB 0.370 0.038
KN 0.114 0.023
SV 0.648 0.908 0.713 0.268 0.178
NN 0.688 0.882 0.847 0.480 0.703
LR 0.885 0.229 0.254 0.056 0.111
DT 0.680 0.434 0.439 0.533
AB 0.650 0.364 0.234
GB 0.619 0.925
RF 0.687
statistically significant difference on level 0.05
been published by researchers recently. They mainly
focus on the analysis of the active power and they do
not consider the reactive power, as it is described in
our paper. Thus, we hope that our paper can provide
the added value in this interesting issue of electricity
Regarding the scientific papers related to this orig-
inal dataset, researchers (Li et al., 2021b) explored
the effects of outdoor temperature and COVID-19 re-
lated stay-at-home restrictions in residential electric-
ity usage. They applied the set of regression meth-
ods to predict the average consumption over the spe-
cific time windows on weekdays. Moreover, they ap-
plied Monte Carlo methods to predict the effects of
COVID-19 related stay-at-home restrictions. These
types of results can help for managers to improve the
balance of demand and supply in future. The results
of data analysis can help citizens to load-shift part of
their electricity usage, e.g. from day time to night.
In this way, the feedback to residents about the
usage of electricity can help to immediately reduce
demand, however an effect of boomerang can appear,
as well (Meinrenken et al., 2021; Asensio and Del-
mas, 2015). The results of feedback effectiveness
study have shown the average observed reduction of
electricity usage of approximately 11% versus con-
trol group with no feedback. The text messages of
feedback for residents were generated by the meth-
ods of natural language processing (Meinrenken et al.,
Another study (Cen et al., 2022) analyzed mul-
tifamily residential dataset of electricity (Meinrenken
et al., 2020) from the clustering point of view. The au-
Automatic Reactive Power Classification Based on Selected Machine Learning Methods
thors presented four phases of their analysis – cleans-
ing of data, extraction of features by multilevel dis-
crete wavelet transformation, reduction of dimension-
ality by Pearson correlation coefficients and by prin-
cipal component analysis, and the phase of clustering
by k-means, fuzzy c-means, and hierarchical cluster-
ing. They found the representative electricity load
patterns in three clusters group of low load con-
sumption, medium load consumption, or high load
consumption including instability group. These pat-
terns can be used to maintain the stability of power
system or to design the optimal strategies for energy
We emphasize that other related datasets are avail-
able, as well. For example, a synthetic building oper-
ation dataset (Li et al., 2021a) contains electric loads,
end-use energy consumptions, or historical weather
data. It can be used to construct novel datasets with
various conditions on weather, behavior of residents,
or type of building.
Recently, a home energy management device was
installed in the apartment house with 365 flats in
Tokyo to measure the energy consumption data, and
gas use (Yoshida et al., 2021). They argued that im-
plementation of practises for energy saving of resi-
dents is becoming an important challenge and they
proposed the optimal energy-saving behaviours.
Multifamily residential dataset of electricity
(Meinrenken et al., 2020) contains both instantaneous
active and reactive power. We would like to put em-
phasis that our approach provides the additional re-
sults to the mentioned researchers since we did not
found the papers which analyze the reactive power for
this dataset. However, the reactive power allows us to
analyze the phase angle and the power factor of the
apartments since it can help to reduce energy waste
in homes and the built environment. Moreover, the
optimization of reactive power and power factor can
be fruitful in the process of building a smart environ-
ment, as well.
In this paper, we presented an automatic reactive
power classification based on selected machine learn-
ing methods. We predicted an excess of reactive
power in the particular buildings from multifamily
residential electricity dataset. Moreover, we pre-
sented the 5 × 2 cross validation test of the several
machined learning methods. Finally, we discussed the
added value of our paper in comparison with other re-
lated studies.
In our region, the energy company East Slovakia
Distribution distributes the electricity via its own dis-
tribution system to the end customer. Regarding our
cooperation with this company, we have an access
to real data of reactive power of 70,000 households,
30,000 companies and 5,000 transformer stations. In
our future work, we plan to analyze these data of cus-
tomers regarding the possibility to reduce the reactive
power in the electricity system.
This work was supported by the Scientific Grant
Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Re-
search and Sport of the Slovak Republic under
contract VEGA 1/0177/21 Descriptive and com-
putational complexity of automata and algorithms
(G. Semani
sin, V. Prista
s) and under contract
VEGA 1/0645/22 Proposal of novel methods in the
field of Formal Concept Analysis and their applica-
tion (L. Antoni). We would like to kindly thank the
employees of the Data Collection and Management
Department in energy company East Slovakia Distri-
bution, Jozef Dudiak and J
an Pirigyi, for motivation
and discussions on reactive power, as well as for the
real data regarding our future work. We would like to
thank Professor Peter Koll
ar, the head of Institute of
Physics at Faculty of Science at Pavol Jozef
university, for his fruitful remarks and comments on
reactive power principles.
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Automatic Reactive Power Classification Based on Selected Machine Learning Methods