Fully Hidden Dynamic Trigger Backdoor Attacks
Shintaro Narisada
, Seira Hidano and Kazuhide Fukushima
KDDI Research, Inc., Fujimino, Japan
Backdoor Attacks, Poisoning Attacks, Invisible Trigger, Evasion Attacks, Generalization.
Indistinguishable adversarial attacks have been demonstrated with the sophistication of adversarial machine
learning for neural networks. One example of such advanced algorithms is the backdoor attack with hidden
triggers proposed by Saha et al. While Saha’s backdoor attack can produce invisible and dynamic triggers
during the training phase without mislabeling, visible patch images are appended during the inference phase.
A natural question is whether there exists a clean label backdoor attack whose trigger is dynamic and invisible
at all times. In this study, we answer this question by adapting Saha’s backdoor attack to the trigger gener-
ation algorithm and by presenting a completely invisible backdoor attack with dynamic triggers and correct
labels. Experimental results show that our proposed algorithm outperforms Saha’s backdoor attacks in terms
of both indistinguishability and the attack success rate. In addition, we realize that our backdoor attack is a
generalization of adversarial examples since our algorithm also works by using poisoning data only during the
inference phase. We also describe a concrete algorithm for reconstructing adversarial examples as clean-label
backdoor attacks. Several defensive experiments are conducted for both algorithms. This paper discovers the
close relationship between hidden trigger backdoor attacks and adversarial examples.
There has been a remarkable amount of research on
neural networks in recent years, especially in the field
of computer vision, as demonstrated in applications
such as biometrics (Sundararajan and Woodard, 2018;
Minaee et al., 2019), health care (Esteva et al., 2019;
Shamshirband et al., 2021), and self-driving technol-
ogy (Huang and Chen, 2020; Grigorescu et al., 2020).
The vulnerability of deep models to images or videos
intentionally manipulated by adversaries has been re-
vealed. In the image classification domain, perceptual
indistinguishability between adversarial images and
nonadversarial images makes it more difficult for both
humans and machine learning systems to discriminate
poisoned images. Adversarial examples (Goodfellow
et al., 2014; Szegedy et al., 2013; Madry et al., 2017)
are a type of attack mechanism that indistinguishably
manipulates images to cause misclassification of the
prediction model during the inference phase.
Backdoor attacks (Gu et al., 2017; Chen et al.,
2017), in which an attacker injects an adversarial im-
age with a small perturbation (referred to as a trigger)
into the training dataset to misclassify images with
similar trigger patterns during the inference, are also
being discussed in terms of trigger invisibility. There
are two types of triggers: static (or data-independent)
triggers such as watermarking and steganography (Li
et al., 2021a; Ning et al., 2021), and dynamic triggers
that are optimized for each image (Liao et al., 2018;
Li et al., 2021b). The former is easier to realize in
terms of trigger feasibility, while the latter is superior
in terms of attack performance and detection resis-
tance due to the use of data-oriented triggers. Consis-
tency of labels is one of the major factors to be consid-
ered when inserting triggered images into the training
dataset. Although flipping the label of the triggered
image to the target class improves the attack perfor-
mance (Xiao et al., 2012), it compromises the confi-
dentiality of the attack, since the label-flipped image
is significantly different from the images in the target
class. Several papers have suggested backdoor attacks
with consistent labels (Saha et al., 2020; Ning et al.,
Few studies have addressed all of these issues.
Saha et al. (Saha et al., 2020) proposed a clean-label
backdoor attack with a dynamic trigger, in which trig-
gers are invisible in the training phase. During the
inference, the authors used triggers that are conven-
tional visible static patch images since they focused
Narisada, S., Hidano, S. and Fukushima, K.
Fully Hidden Dynamic Tr igger Backdoor Attacks.
DOI: 10.5220/0011617800003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 81-91
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
on the capability of the attack. However, such vis-
ible and nondata-oriented triggers that do not exploit
the features of each image are not only easily detected
by defenders but also fail to provide sufficient attack
In this work, we propose a clean-label backdoor at-
tack where the trigger is invisible and dynamic in both
the training phase and inference phase. Our algorithm
generates dynamic invisible triggers for both the ad-
versary’s base class (source) for the inference and tar-
get class (target) for the training dataset by utilizing
the feature values of images from both classes. The
proposed attack framework is illustrated in Figure 1.
The attack framework can also be specified as an ad-
versarial example if the poisoning ratio is 0 since the
framework constructs a triggered source image that
satisfies the following conditions: (1) the perturba-
tion is invisible. (2) Only the perturbed image has
directivity to the target class. We emphasize that nor-
mal poisoning attacks or backdoor attacks with static
triggers such as patch images cannot be applied as ad-
versarial examples. Using the attack framework, we
generalize adversarial examples as clean-label, invisi-
ble, dynamic backdoor attacks. Note that only known
methods for generalization of adversarial examples
are poisoning attacks that employ label flipping as de-
scribed in (Fowl et al., 2021; Pang et al., 2020).
In our experiments, our algorithm achieves a
100% attack success rate with a 6.25% poisoning rate
and a 99% attack success rate even without poison-
ing on the standard ImageNet dataset. The success
probability is higher than that of the 55.1% of the in-
visible backdoor attack by Saha (Saha et al., 2020)
under the same conditions. For indistinguishability,
we verify that our backdoor algorithm can generate
an invisible trigger when ε is small using the learned
perceptual image patch similarity (LPIPS) indicator.
Compared with adversarial example-based backdoor
attacks, the proposed method provides higher poison-
ing performance, i.e., enhancement of attack perfor-
mance with increased poisoning rate. We adopt neural
cleanse (Wang et al., 2019) and input transformation
defense (Guo et al., 2017) into our algorithms, which
are well-known countermeasures against backdoor at-
tacks and adversarial examples, respectively. These
defensive methods are found to be ineffective or ef-
fective only under limited conditions.
In summary, our main contributions are high-
lighted as follows:
This paper proposes the first framework to imple-
ment fully hidden dynamic trigger backdoor at-
tacks with clean labels. Our attacks render the
triggers indistinguishable in the inference stage
and in the training stage.
We formulate the creation of invisible adaptive
triggers for the training and inference inputs as
a sequence of optimization problems. This for-
mulation allows both triggered source and target
images to function as backdoor poisons and affect
the classification results.
Based on the proposed attack framework, stan-
dard adversarial examples are generalized for the
first time as clean-label backdoor attacks.
We demonstrate through extensive experiments
that our attacks achieve higher attack success
rates, poisoning performance, and invisibility than
the existing hidden trigger backdoor attack.
We show that our attacks are robust against ex-
isting countermeasures both for backdoor attacks
and adversarial examples.
We hope that our results will stimulate interest in re-
search on adaptive attacks and defenses to fully hid-
den trigger backdoor attacks.
Adversarial examples started with the analysis of
the distinct differences between the input space of
deep models and the feature spaces of deep mod-
els (Szegedy et al., 2013; Biggio et al., 2013). Good-
fellow proposed a well-known algorithm referred to
as the fast gradient sign method (FGSM) (Goodfel-
low et al., 2014), followed by many studies on top-
ics such as its iterative variant (Kurakin et al., 2016)
and the projected gradient descent (PGD) introduced
in (Madry et al., 2017). These methods have two
things in common: perturbations are optimized for
each image, and invisibility is guaranteed by the
threshold parameter ε.
Backdoor attacks (Gu et al., 2017; Chen et al.,
2017) are special cases of poisoning attacks (Biggio
et al., 2012; Mu
noz Gonz
alez et al., 2017; Koh et al.,
2018). Poisoning aims to misclassify all clean im-
ages of the source class selected by the attacker, and
a backdoor attack misclassifies only triggered source
images. Consistency of labels for poisoning images in
poisoning or backdoor attacks is one of the primary
issues for maintaining attack feasibility. In poison-
ing attacks, Shafahi (Shafahi et al., 2018) suggests
an algorithm to generate clean-label poison data by
solving an optimization problem in the input and fea-
ture space between the target and the source images.
Clean label backdoor attacks are realized by adopting
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
source 𝑠
target 𝑡
source 𝑠̃
target 𝑡
target 𝑡
source label0
Trigger Generation
target label1
Figure 1: Our framework of fully hidden dynamic trigger backdoor attacks. The framework consists of two optimization
phases: (1) Invisible triggered source image ˜s
generation from a clean source class (unicycle) image s
and a target class
(partridge) image t
, which can be directly utilized as backdoor images in the inference phase. (2) Invisible triggered target
generation from triggered source ˜s
and clean target image t
is injected into the training data of the target class
with the correct label. In the inference phase, the backdoored model mispredicts the triggered source image ˜s
generated in (1)
as the target class while correctly classifying the clean test images. Note that if the attacker does not have WRITE permission
to the training data, step (2) can be skipped and the attack can be executed as an adversarial example without poisoning.
adversarial perturbations using generative adversarial
networks (GANs) (Turner et al., 2019) or inserting a
visible backdoor signal into an image (Barni et al.,
Several papers focus on the invisibility of trig-
gers to more subtly blend perturbed images with
other clean images and with adversarial examples.
Liao (Liao et al., 2018) and Li (Li et al., 2021b)
proposed invisible and dynamic trigger generation al-
gorithms but with incorrect labels. Saha’s method
prepares invisible and label consistent triggers dur-
ing training. However, a visible static patch image
is applied in the inference phase (Saha et al., 2020).
Steganography patterns can also be applied to gener-
ate invisible triggers as presented in (Li et al., 2021a).
Ning (Ning et al., 2021) showed clean-label back-
door attacks with steganography-style invisible trig-
gers generated from a specific image using an au-
toencoder. Although all these methods satisfy crite-
ria such as invisibility, label consistency, and trigger
adaptability, no algorithm that fulfills all of them has
been proposed.
3.1 Threat Model
3.1.1 Backdoor Attack
We will use the same thread model for backdoor at-
tacks defined in (Gu et al., 2017; Saha et al., 2020).
The involved parties are an attacker and a victim. We
assume that an attacker can read a part of the training
or surrogate dataset and is capable of writing manipu-
lated data into the training dataset. However, he can-
not remove or overwrite the existing training dataset.
One such application is an online machine learning
service such as MLaaS, which allows users to submit
individual data from their clients and a deep model on
a central server trains or classifies it. We refer to the
manipulated data injected into the training dataset as
poison. In backdoor attacks, a poison is constructed
by appending a small data referred to as a trigger
to clean data. To generate a trigger using the gradi-
ent information, the attacker also knows the structure
of the victim’s model (white box attacks) or a sur-
rogate model to classify a similar dataset (black box
attacks), but he cannot manipulate the victim’s model
itself. Then, the generated trigger is appended to the
attacker’s training data often accompanied by label
flipping. Note that allowing the attacker to manipu-
late labels reduces the feasibility of the attack since a
machine learning system often employs autoannota-
tion for labeling. The victim is assumed to fine-tune
the pretrained model with the contaminated dataset.
In the inference phase, the model misclassifies trig-
gered data into the wrong class. Typically, attackers
aim to misclassify data belonging to a specific class
(source) into the targeted class (target). To avoid de-
tection of model collapse, data that are not triggered
should be correctly classified.
3.1.2 Adversarial Example
We also describe the standard threat model for (tar-
geted) adversarial examples mentioned in (Szegedy
et al., 2013; Goodfellow et al., 2014) compared with
backdoor attacks. In the adversarial examples, the at-
tacker has less capability than in backdoor attacks,
that is, he can access the model’s gradient or a part
Fully Hidden Dynamic Trigger Backdoor Attacks
of the (surrogate) training dataset to generate triggers,
but he cannot insert the triggered data into the vic-
tim’s training dataset. The objective of the attacker
is to cause triggered source data to be misclassified
into the target class in the inference phase. In con-
trast to the backdoor attacks that normally use visi-
ble triggers such as patch images, triggers are usually
indistinguishable in the adversarial examples so that
defenders do not notice the attack.
3.2 Poisoned Image Generation
The central part of the backdoor attacks and adversar-
ial example is how to create the poisoned data utiliz-
ing trigger generation and label flipping. In the fol-
lowing section, we briefly describe the poison gener-
ation algorithms for backdoor attacks and adversar-
ial examples in the image domain as the most typical
3.2.1 Clean Label Invisible Trigger
In (Saha et al., 2020), the authors proposed a back-
door attack in which the trigger is invisible dur-
ing training by adopting the technique proposed in
(Shafahi et al., 2018) to generate poison using the
data correlation between the source class and the tar-
get class. First, patched source images are created by
Equation 1:
(1 m) + p m, (1)
where s
is a source image and ˜s
is the triggered
source image. p is a small static trigger such as a
patch image. denotes an elementwise product. m
is a bitmask such that it is 1 at the position where
the trigger is located and 0 otherwise. Then, a clean-
label triggered target image with the correct label
) is constructed from the initial target image t
and patched source image ˜s
k f (z) f ( ˜s
s.t. kz t
where z is a triggered target image, f is the projec-
tion to the feature space for the deep model and ε is a
threshold. If ε is small,
can be regarded as an invis-
ible triggered target image. To make
more general
with respect to trigger location and variation of source
images, Equation 2 is reformulated in the style of a
coordinate descent algorithm. In the inference phase,
the model mispredicts patched source image ˜s
as the
target class because the poison (
) was learned to
move the decision boundary near the patch images in
the target class direction. Note that since the trigger
of ˜s
is still visible, trigger detection algorithms may
notice the attack.
3.2.2 Invisible Trigger Generated by
Adversarial Examples
In our paper, we consider an adversarial example as
a special case of backdoor attacks, namely, it is the
case where the number of poisons to be added to the
training data is 0. During inference, a poisoned image
is generated so that the trigger is hidden. A notable
adversarial example algorithm is PGD (Madry et al.,
2017). In PGD, ˜s
is iteratively constructed by:
( j+1)
( j)
a sgn
( j)
( j)
s.t. k ˜s
( j)
where a ε is the step size. Triggers are invisible
if we set ε to a small value. In (Fowl et al., 2021;
Pang et al., 2020), the authors describe that one can
extend adversarial examples to poisoning attacks or
backdoor attacks by adopting the label-flipping tech-
nique. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is
no known algorithm that can realize a backdoor attack
from adversarial examples without label-flipping.
3.3 Fully Hidden Trigger Backdoor
The primary objective of this study is to develop
a clean label backdoor attack whose trigger is dy-
namic and invisible during both training and infer-
ence. Specifically, we seek to replace the visible
patched source image ˆs
generated by Equation 1 with
an invisible trigger. One solution to this is to utilize
Equation 2 not only for generating the poisoned target
but also for the poisoned source by replacing all terms
regarding s
and t
k f (z) f (t
s.t. kz s
For the second term of arg min, we just replace
the normal target t
to avoid a circular reference be-
tween Equation 4 and Equation 2. Then, an invisibly
triggered source image ˜s
is generated from one clean
pair (s
). We intend to create triggered source ˜s
that resembles a source image but is near to the tar-
get in the feature space. Afterward, poisoned target
with a hidden trigger is generated by Equation 2
using t
and ˜s
obtained from Equation 4. A poison
) is inserted into the training dataset. Note that
Equation 2 refers to the triggered source ˜s
by Equation 4, not the clean source s
, so it can gen-
erate poisoning target
focused on ˜s
. The order in
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Algorithm 1: Generate-Invisible-Poison.
Input: K data a
from class y
, b
from class
Output: K poisoning data ˆa
for class y
1 Initialize ˆa
for 1 i K
2 for t 1,. .. ,T do
3 ( ˆa
) Find-Closest-Pair( ˆa,b)
4 L
k f ( ˆa
) f (b
5 ˆa
6 ˆa
min(max( ˆa
+ ε)
7 return ˆa
which ˜s
are created is also important. If
created from clean images s
and t
using Equation 2,
then ˜s
will be generated from clean source s
and trig-
gered target
to maintain the connection with
. This
approach degrades the attack performance of ˜s
is generated to be close to clean source s
in the fea-
ture space.
By combining Equation 2 and Equation 4 in the
appropriate order, we can approach opening a back-
door on the feature space from both sides of the source
and target classes. Thus, our algorithm is assumed to
be more effective than (Saha et al., 2020) in terms of
not only invisibility but also attack performance. Note
that a pair of triggered source images ( ˜s
) is not
suitable for poison since it causes adversarial training
(reduces the attack success rate) by forcing the model
to correctly learn target-like images ˜s
as the source
class. ˜s
is used only in the inference phase instead of
a visible patch image.
3.3.1 Increasing Attack Performance and
An arbitrary source image with the hidden trigger
should succeed in the attack. Optimizing Equation 2
and 4 from single image pairs to K pairs provides
higher attack performance and versatility for source
image variations. A concrete instantiation of the op-
timization is provided in Algorithm 1 as a conse-
quence of the generalization of the algorithm pro-
posed in (Saha et al., 2020). Algorithm 1 outputs K
triggered images ˆa
in class y
from K clean images a
in class y
and K (triggered) images b
in class y
. The
Find-Closest-Pair function in Line 3 permutes K pairs
( ˆa
) so that the sum of the L2 distance between
f ( ˆa
) and f (b
) is approximately minimized by solv-
ing a greedy selection algorithm to obtain good pairs
that are close in the feature space. m is a mapping for
indices i in range 1 i K.
In our backdoor algorithm, we call Algorithm 1 by
inputting K
clean source and target images. The out-
put consists of K
triggered source images ˆs
. Then,
clean target images for class y
and K
source images are input to Algorithm 1 to gain K
triggered target images
. We consider the balanced
case K
= K
in our experiments. P K
target images are added to the training dataset. If
an attacker does not own the write permission to the
training dataset, he can alternatively run an adver-
sarial example variant of the attack by setting P = 0
(skipping the generation of the poisoning target). In
default, K
triggered source images are available for
the test images.
3.3.2 Attack Feasibility
The attacker’s capabilities in our proposed algorithm
are equivalent to those of (Saha et al., 2020); i.e.,
a part of the training dataset and the gradient of the
model. During the inference phase, one might sug-
gest that our algorithm would need more powerful ca-
pabilities than the existing method since our triggered
source images are created using model gradients, un-
like static patch images. However, recall that our
triggered source images can be generated in advance
when generating triggered target images, at which
point the gradient of the model is still required in the
existing method. It is a realistic assumption, such
as in MLaaS, that an attacker prepares backdoor in-
stances to be submitted to the service in advance and
stores them in his devices until the inference. In ad-
dition, our algorithm assumes the same threat model
as adversarial examples when P = 0, since both al-
gorithms access the gradient of the model to generate
perturbed source images in the inference phase.
3.4 Generalize Adversarial Examples as
Clean-Label Backdoor Attacks
Our second objective is to generalize targeted adver-
sarial examples to realize backdoor attacks without
label flipping. In previous research, adversarial ex-
amples are employed as poisoning attacks or back-
door attacks utilizing label flipping (Fowl et al., 2021;
Pang et al., 2020). The key observation is that our
hidden trigger backdoor attack functions as an adver-
sarial example when the amount of poison is P = 0.
Conversely, we hypothesized that adversarial exam-
ples can be converted to backdoor attacks by taking
an approach similar to that presented in Section 3.3.
Instead of flipping the label for the triggered source
image as discussed in (Fowl et al., 2021; Pang et al.,
2020), we utilize a source-target swapped variant for
the trigger generation algorithm to generate clean la-
Fully Hidden Dynamic Trigger Backdoor Attacks
bel poison. For PGD, a poison is generated by:
( j+1)
( j)
( j)
( j)
s.t. k
( j)
Poisoning data to be added to the training data is
formed as (
). Unlike naively inserting ( ˜s
) us-
ing Equation 3 as poison data, appending (
) ex-
pands a specific region of a target class near
in the
feature space. Equation 5 helps ˜s
to become more
easily classified as a target class.
Following the attack framework shown in Fig-
ure 1, one can perform clean-label backdoor attacks
generalized from adversarial examples by replacing
Equation 2 and 4 with Equation 5 and 3, respec-
tively. Whole P poisoning data are prepared by solv-
ing Equation 5 for P different clean target images P
times. During inference, standard adversarial exam-
ple algorithms such as Equation 3 are used to generate
the triggered source images.
4.1 Setup
4.1.1 Dataset and Metrics
The ImageNet and CIFAR-10 datasets are selected for
our experiments. For both datasets, the number of
images in the training dataset is 800 for each class,
a total of 1600 for binary classification. The dataset
available to the attacker consists of 200 source images
and 200 target images in default settings that are in-
dependent of the victim’s training dataset. Then, the
attacker generates 200 triggered source and target im-
ages. The top 100 target poisons with the lowest loss
are inserted into the training data. The poisoning ratio
is 100/1600 = 6.25% in binary classification tasks.
We measure the clean accuracy (abbreviated as
clean acc.) for 50 clean test images for each class
not included in both the victim’s training dataset and
attacker’s training dataset, the poisoned source accu-
racy ( ˆs
acc.) for 50 triggered source images, and the
clean source accuracy (s
acc.) for 50 clean source
images. Note that higher clean source accuracy and
lower poisoned source accuracy (referred to as the at-
tack success rate) are desirable for the attacker.
Our experiments are performed over 10 random
pair datasets as shown in Table 1 for ImageNet and
Table 2 for CIFAR-10 with varying source and tar-
get categories. We measure the average as the results.
Table 1: Random pairs for ImageNet.
ID Source Target
1 slot Australian terrier
2 lighter bee
3 theater curtain plunger
4 unicycle partridge
5 mountain bike Ipod
6 coffeepot Scottish deerhound
7 can opener sulphur-crested cockatoo
8 hotdog toyshop
9 electric locomotive tiger beetle
10 wing goblet
Table 2: Random pairs for CIFAR-10.
ID Source Target
1 bird dog
2 dog ship
3 frog plane
4 plane truck
5 cat truck
6 deer ship
7 bird frog
8 bird deer
9 car frog
10 car dog
Hereafter, we consider the binary classification case
for the ImageNet dataset unless otherwise specified.
4.1.2 Model and Learning Parameters
AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) serves as the pre-
diction model, and the fc7 layer serves as the feature
space f to generate the poison. We fine-tune the pre-
trained AlexNet with the victim’s training dataset and
the attacker’s dataset. The learning rate in fine-tuning
is set to 0.001, the batch size is set to 256, and the
number of epochs is set to 30.
4.1.3 Backdoor Generation Algorithms
In our experiments, we consider the algorithm pro-
posed in (Saha et al., 2020) as a representative of ex-
isting invisible backdoor algorithms (abbreviated as
existing). We do not compare other methods us-
ing label flipping or static triggers since they assume
a stronger attacker’s capabilities or different situa-
tions. For the proposed algorithms, we use the fully
invisible backdoor attack described in Section 3.3
(invisible) and a backdoor attack based on an ad-
versarial example using Equation 3 and 5 in Sec-
tion 3.4 (adversarial). The learning rate η in Al-
gorithm 1 is 0.01. The batch size for existing and
invisible is set to 100, and that for adversarial
is set to 256. The number of iterations for existing
and invisible is 5000, and that for adversarial is
10. We set the threshold ε = 4 and P = 100 unless
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
otherwise specified.
4.2 Binary Classification for ImageNet
First, we compare existing and invisible where
ε = 16 using the random pairs in Table 1 , which is
the same condition employed in (Saha et al., 2020).
The results are presented in Table 3. Both methods
achieve high classification accuracy for the clean val-
idation data for both the clean model and poisoned
model. For the poisoned model, our invisible algo-
rithm accomplishes an attack success rate of 100.0%,
which is significantly higher than the success rate of
55.1% achieved by the existing method. The main
reason for these results is that Equation 1 uses a sim-
ple patch image as a trigger that does not use any
gradient information, while Equation 4 includes the
model’s gradient in the invisible trigger. This finding
is evidenced by the notion that the invisible also
succeeds in the attack against the clean model, i.e., it
works as an adversarial example. However, the poi-
soned model correctly classifies clean nontriggered
source images.
In addition, we conduct several ablation studies on
ε and P for our invisible algorithm to validate the
effects of invisibility and the amount of poison on the
attack performance. The results are shown in Table 4
and Table 5. Table 4 shows that ε does not have any
impact on the prediction of clean images. The attack
success rate exceeds 99% when ε 4. When ε = 2,
the attack success rate drops to approximately 80%;
when ε = 1, the attack success rate drops to approx-
imately 10%. Therefore, there is a trade-off between
the trigger invisibility and the attack performance.
For the poisoning rate, we varied the number of
poisoned images between P = 0,100,200, and 400
with fixed ε = 1 or ε = 2. Note that we conduct ad-
versarial examples rather than backdoor attacks when
P = 0 since the attacker manipulates only testing im-
ages. We skip the case where ε 4 since the attack
success rate is already saturated at P = 0. From Ta-
ble 5, it can be inferred that our invisible attack cer-
tainly has features in common with target poisoning
attacks since the attack success rate increases as P in-
creases, while clean accuracy remains steady.
4.3 Trigger Invisibility
We compare the triggered source between the
existing algorithm and the invisible algorithm.
Figure 2 represents the triggered images. In the ex-
isting methods, the trigger for source images is a ran-
dom patch image. Notably, the trigger for existing
is visually recognized and can be identified by ex-
Figure 2: (Left) Original image for the unicycle class. (Cen-
ter) Patched source image from Equation 1 with a 30 × 30
random patch image. (Right) Hidden triggered source im-
age from Equation 4 , where ε = 2.
isting trigger detection algorithms. In contrast, by
choosing a smaller ε, the proposed method is able to
generate invisible triggers for the source image that is
physically indistinguishable from the original image.
For the target image side, both algorithms can already
generate invisible triggers, so invisible can indis-
tinguishably hide triggers in all training and inference
In addition, we conduct quantitative experiments
on trigger visibility using learned perceptual im-
age patch similarity (LPIPS) (Zhang et al., 2018).
Smaller LPIPS values indicate closer perceptual prox-
imity. In our experiments, we measure LPIPS be-
tween the original source images and the triggered
source images for three backdoor algorithms varying
ε in {1, 2,4,8, 16}. For existing, we paste a ran-
domly created patched image at a random location.
We measure the average LPIPS values for all random
pairs (Table 1). The results are shown in Table 6.
Contrary to what is actually perceived, the LPIPS
value of existing is considerably smaller than that
of invisible and adversarial for ε 2. A pos-
sible reason for this finding is that triggers gener-
ated by invisible and adversarial are spread over
the entire image, while the triggered source image
matches the original image, with the exception of the
patch generated by the existing method. Addition-
ally, the LPIPS values for ε = 1 and 2 are certainly
comparable to the existing method. Even if ε = 2,
invisible maintains an attack success rate of ap-
proximately 80% (Table 4), it accomplishes both in-
visibility and attack performance.
4.4 CIFAR-10 Dataset
To verify that the proposed algorithm is effective in-
dependent of the dataset and image resolution, we
conduct an experiment for a binary classifier on the
CIFAR-10 dataset. The results are listed in Table 7.
From the results, we achieve an attack success rate of
90.1% with less than 1% degradation of the accuracy,
which is higher than 81.3% of the success rate of the
existing method presented in (Saha et al., 2020) with
ε = 16.
Fully Hidden Dynamic Trigger Backdoor Attacks
Table 3: Binary classification results for the ImageNet dataset for (Saha et al., 2020) and invisible under the same settings,
where ε = 16 and P = 100 (poisoning ratio is 6.25%).
(Saha et al., 2020) invisible
Clean Model Poisoned Model Clean Model Poisoned Model
Clean Acc. 0.992 ± 0.012 0.981 ± 0.031 0.992 ± 0.010 0.991 ± 0.021
Poisoned Source Acc. 0.978 ± 0.078 0.449 ± 0.311 0.002 ± 0.018 0.000 ± 0.000
Clean Source Acc. 0.992 ± 0.012 0.970 ± 0.050 0.992 ± 0.012 0.992 ± 0.032
Table 4: Results of the invisible algorithm with varying
ε among 1,2,4,8, 16.
ε model clean acc. ˜s
acc. s
1 clean 0.991 ± 0.01 0.900 ± 0.10 0.992 ± 0.03
poison 0.991 ± 0.01 0.887 ± 0.11 0.994 ± 0.01
2 clean 0.992 ± 0.01 0.362 ± 0.38 0.994 ± 0.01
poison 0.989 ± 0.02 0.206 ± 0.21 0.990 ± 0.03
4 clean 0.992 ± 0.01 0.008 ± 0.03 0.994 ± 0.01
poison 0.993 ± 0.01 0.008 ± 0.03 0.994 ± 0.01
8 clean 0.992 ± 0.01 0.000 ± 0.00 0.994 ± 0.01
poison 0.992 ± 0.01 0.000 ± 0.00 0.992 ± 0.03
16 clean 0.992 ± 0.01 0.002 ± 0.02 0.992 ± 0.01
poison 0.991 ± 0.02 0.000 ± 0.00 0.992 ± 0.03
Table 5: Results of the invisible algorithm with varying
P among 0,100,200,400 for the poisoned model.
ε P clean acc. ˜s
acc. s
1 0 0.991 ± 0.01 0.900 ± 0.10 0.992 ± 0.03
100 0.991 ± 0.01 0.887± 0.11 0.994 ± 0.01
200 0.991 ± 0.02 0.868 ± 0.15 0.988 ± 0.03
400 0.994 ± 0.01 0.822 ± 0.28 0.990 ± 0.03
2 0 0.992 ± 0.01 0.362 ± 0.38 0.994 ± 0.01
100 0.989 ± 0.02 0.206 ± 0.21 0.990 ± 0.03
200 0.988 ± 0.03 0.160 ± 0.24 0.984 ± 0.04
400 0.991 ± 0.02 0.098 ± 0.10 0.986 ± 0.03
4.5 Multiclass Settings
We conduct backdoor attacks toward multiclass clas-
sification tasks with 20 classes using the ImageNet
dataset. We create a multiclass dataset by merging all
the pairs shown in Table 1. It is generally assumed
that the attacker’s party has images of multiple source
classes and that any image belonging to one of those
classes will cause a misprediction simply by show-
ing the model its secret trigger. In the experiments,
we vary the target class from ID1 to ID10, but any
source class listed in Table 1 is the attacker’s source
class. The number of training datasets is 20,918 (ap-
proximately 1050 images × 20 classes). The attacker
should pair a triggered target with each source class
to allow the model to learn the trigger distribution for
each source class. To accomplish the objective, the
attacker generates 400 triggered source and target im-
ages for each source class using Algorithm 1. Then,
the top 40 triggered target images for each class are
selected and inserted into the training data (the poi-
soning ratio is 40 × 10/20, 918 = 1.91%). Fifty im-
ages for each source class are selected for the test
The results are shown in Table 8. Even in the mul-
ticlass settings, the average attack success rate still
exceeds 90%, which is much higher than the existing
result of 30.7%, as shown in (Saha et al., 2020). The
mean value of the clean source accuracy for the poi-
soned model does not decrease from that of the clean
model. Individually analyzing each class, the lowest
attack success rate for the clean model is 62% when
the source class is ”unicycle” and the target class is
”plunger”. In such a case, the attack success rate im-
proves to 100% after poisoning. Therefore, our invis-
ible poisoning can boost the attack performance with-
out sacrificing the clean accuracy.
4.6 Backdoor Attacks Using
Adversarial Examples
Here, we examine how invisible algorithm based
on backdoor attacks and adversarial algorithm
based on adversarial examples transition with respect
to the attack performance when varying the poison-
ing ratio P. Figure 3 shows the results for varying
P = 0,100, 200 and 400. A hidden source trigger us-
ing an adversarial example (Equation 3) achieves a
higher attack success rate when P = 0 (in the case
of adversarial examples). In contrast, Algorithm 1
makes backdoor attacks more powerful than adver-
sarial examples when P 100 (in case of backdoor
attacks). The results imply that both triggers func-
tion as a backdoor attack and an adversarial example,
but invisible is more effective when behaving as a
backdoor attack and adversarial is more effective
when behaving as an adversarial example.
4.7 Resiliency to Defenses
Since our backdoor attacks also have features com-
mon to adversarial examples, it is necessary to ver-
ify the countermeasures against both backdoor attacks
and adversarial examples. In our paper, we use two
fundamental defensive methods referred to as neural
cleanse (Wang et al., 2019) for backdoor attacks and
input-transformations (Guo et al., 2017) for adversar-
ial examples.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 6: Averaged LPIPS values for three backdoor algorithms (existing, invisible and adversarial). We choose
AlexNet for the LPIPS prediction model varying ε in the range {1,2, 4, 8, 16}. Smaller values indicate closer perceptual
proximity to the original image.
(Saha et al., 2020) invisible adversarial
(patch size: 30 × 30) ε = 16 ε = 8 ε = 4 ε = 2 ε = 1 ε = 16 ε = 8 ε = 4 ε = 2 ε = 1
0.0827 0.5595 0.4170 0.2460 0.1122 0.0434 0.2966 0.2781 0.2007 0.0921 0.0299
Table 7: Clean accuracy, poisoned source accuracy and
clean source accuracy for our invisible backdoor attack
on the CIFAR-10 dataset.
Clean Model Poisoned Model
Clean Acc. 0.951 ± 0.064 0.946 ± 0.054
Poisoned Source Acc. 0.121 ± 0.139 0.082 ± 0.166
Clean Source Acc. 0.937 ± 0.103 0.930 ± 0.090
Table 8: Results for the invisible algorithm where ε = 4
and P = 400 (1.91%) for multiclass classification.
Clean Model Poisoned Model
Clean Acc. 0.922 ± 0.120 0.942 ± 0.140
Poisoned Source Acc. 0.130 ± 0.079 0.016 ± 0.007
Clean Source Acc. 0.893 ± 0.010 0.927 ± 0.014
0 100 200 300 400
Figure 3: Poisoned source accuracy of invisible and
adversarial. The invisibility is fixed at ε = 2.
4.7.1 Defense Against Backdoor Attacks
Neural cleanse (NC) is a novel model inspection
mechanism against backdoor attacks. NC outputs
-norm, which is referred to as the minimum per-
turbation cost (MPC), for each class. If a class is
backdoored, the MPC to change the prediction of all
the inputs in the class to the target class is abnor-
mally small. In our experiment, we measured the
MPC for all random pairs in Table 1 for both direc-
tions (target source and source target) after the
model is backdoored using three backdoor attacks.
The results are shown in Figure 4. For existing,
NC works well since the MPC to change source im-
ages to the target class is substantially smaller than
Figure 4: Result of neural cleanse defense against three
backdoor algorithms where ε = 4 and P = 100.
the other class. However, there is a slight differ-
ence in the MPC of invisible between the source
class and the target class. Thus, it is hard to distin-
guish if the model is backdoored using the MPC as
a threshold detection. Notably, both existing and
invisible generate invisible triggered targeted im-
ages, while only invisible is robust to NC. The
MPC for adversarial between two classes is not as
separated as existing.
4.7.2 Defense Against Adversarial Examples
One of the basic defensive measures for adversarial
examples is to sanitize the poison by perturbing the
input image before inputting the model. (Guo et al.,
2017) applies several image transformations such as
image quilting and JPEG compression to remove the
poisonous trigger from the input. In the experiment,
the total variance minimization (TVM), which has
been shown to be effective for PGD in (Guo et al.,
2017), is applied to all images before inputting the
model in both the training phase and inference phase.
We assume that an attacker is unaware of the counter-
measure, i.e., he uses original untransformed images
to generate the poison. The results are shown in Fig-
ure 5. TVM defense reduces the attack success rate
for all methods, but there is still a possibility of a suc-
cessful attack with a probability of more than 40% for
invisible at P 200 and adversarial maintains a
70% attack success rate at P 100. Thus, our pro-
Fully Hidden Dynamic Trigger Backdoor Attacks
0 100 200 300 400
Figure 5: Poisoned source accuracy for the poisoned model
with/without TVM defense against attackers unaware of de-
posed attacks, which generate adaptive triggers, are
more robust than the existing method against the in-
put transformation-based defense. Additionally, if the
attacker is aware of the defense and uses transformed
images to generate poison, the attack is more likely to
We propose a fully hidden dynamic trigger backdoor
attack where the trigger is invisible during both test-
ing and training. Our algorithm dynamically gen-
erates invisible triggers without flipping labels or
changing the victim’s model. Experimental results
verified the superiority of the proposed algorithms in
terms of invisibility and attack success rate. To pre-
vent fully hidden dynamic trigger backdoor attacks in
practice, adaptive defensive methods are essential.
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Fully Hidden Dynamic Trigger Backdoor Attacks