Explainable Recommendations of Drugs for Diabetic Patients
Priscila Valdiviezo-Diaz
Department of Computer Science, Universidad T
ecnica Particular de Loja, Loja, Ecuador
Diabetes, Drug, Collaborative Filtering, Explainable Recommendation, Recommender System.
Currently, recommender systems are widely used for different purposes, for example, to recommend resources,
products, and services. In the health domain, recommender systems are being used to recommender drugs,
treatments, food plans, and healthcare services in general. Collaborative filtering is the most popular technique
in the recommender system area. This technique can be of two types: memory-based collaborative filtering and
based-model collaborative filtering. One of the problems of recommender systems is that most of them focus
on enhancing the precision of the recommendation and do not provide a justification for the suggestions given
to the user. Therefore, it is important to provide explainable recommendations so that the user understands
why an item is recommended. To address this problem, in this paper the use of a Bayesian method for
explainable drug recommendations for diabetic patients is presented. Several experiments are carried out using
a dataset with information on diabetic patients with three collaborative filtering approaches: the memory-based
approach IbCF, and two model-based approaches: item-based NBCF, and Hybrid NBCF. The experimental
results present good results for the Hybrid NBCF approach compared to the other approaches tested. Moreover,
it is observed a better quality of prediction and an increase in recommendation precision with Hybrid NBCF.
The advancement of technology has allowed health
institutions to have a large amount of information
about patients, which can be analyzed and used to
help doctors prescribe treatment and medication prop-
erly. This information, often available in medical
databases, refers to laboratory test results, treatments,
diagnoses, and prescribed medications. According to
(Wang et al., 2022), it is scientifically important to use
drugs to improve their effectiveness in disease treat-
In this sense, recommender systems (RS) are been
widely applied to the health domain to support medi-
cal suggestions and provide personalized attention to
the patient (Tran et al., 2019). Recent research on
RS on the health has focused on disease prediction
and recommending the precautions (Rustam et al.,
2022), content recommendations to patients with dia-
betes (Nagaraj and Deepalakshmi, 2022), recommen-
dations for national fitness items (Li and Yang, 2022),
and recommendations for healthcare services (Meng
et al., 2022). Nowadays, recommender systems de-
veloped within the health care setting, have been used
for disease management programs, for example, hy-
pertension (Sajde et al., 2022), and diabetes (Kamath
et al., 2022), providing a personalized user experi-
In the health domain, it is also important to have
explainable machine learning models that help health
professionals in decision-making, and internal ac-
tions, thus, by explaining the results of a prediction,
the trust of doctors is gained making it possible to ap-
ply the predictive model in practical situations (Yang,
2022). These models are being used in recommender
systems to provide justification for the suggestions
that the system provides.
On the other hand, one of the diseases that has
attracted a lot of attention from health researchers
is diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic disease caused
by a lack of physical activity and unhealthy eating
habits (Bankhele et al., 2017). In this context, (Ali
et al., 2018) develop a recommender system to sug-
gest physical activity and diet plans to help patients
control this disease and avoid future complications.
These systems also help health professionals to
provide medical recommendations on treatments or
medications to prescribe to the patient. According
to (Calero Valdez et al., 2016), these systems are ex-
pected to minimize time and effort in the healthcare
decision-making process. Although some works re-
Valdiviezo-Diaz, P.
Explainable Recommendations of Drugs for Diabetic Patients.
DOI: 10.5220/0011617400003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 73-80
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
lated to recommender systems have been developed
in the health domain, most focus on the recommen-
dation of a specific item or service and enhancing the
recommendation’s precision. Still, they do not pro-
vide an explanation of why a particular drug is rec-
Traditional recommendation systems are based on
machine learning techniques such as matrix factoriza-
tion (MF) (Azri et al., 2023), KNN (Nagaraj et al.,
2022), and neural networks (Chaithra et al., 2023).
However, models based on MF and neural networks
are difficult to explain the recommendations. Accord-
ing to (Ammar and Shaban-Nejad, 2020), explain-
able machine learning models promote credibility and
trust in critical areas, such as medicine, by combin-
ing machine learning techniques that explicitly show
why a recommendation is made. Therefore, unlike the
works reviewed in the state-of-the-art, in this paper, in
addition to providing a list of medications for diabetic
patients, an explanation is provided for these recom-
mendations. Previous this, an analyzing the perfor-
mance of three collaborative filtering recommenda-
tion methods which facilitate the explanation of rec-
ommendations is carried out, and then the approach
that better results present is selected.
Explaining the recommendations to the patient
can improve users’ trust and thus increase acceptance
of the system by health personnel. In accordance with
(Tran et al., 2021), trust is even more critical for RS
to convince patients to follow health-related recom-
mendations. This aspect can be enhanced by provid-
ing explanations for recommendations (Ammar and
Shaban-Nejad, 2020).
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Sec-
tion II presents related work. Section III encloses the
context of the present work. Section IV includes the
material and method used for the experiments. Sec-
tion V shows the experimental results and the process
for the explanation of recommendations. Section VI
encloses the conclusions and future work.
In this section, studies focusing on the development
of recommender systems for diabetes, medicine rec-
ommendation, and works including explaining rec-
ommendations are presented.
2.1 Recommender Systems for Diabetes
Several studies on recommender systems have been
developed for the treatment and control of diabetes.
For example, (Zeng et al., 2017) use information
retrieval approaches in recommending diabetic pa-
tient education materials based on diabetic questions
posted on the TuDiabetes forum. In (Bankhele et al.,
2017) propose an android application based on a
user-based collaborative filtering approach to suggest
probable medication, diet, and exercise to help people
manage their diabetes well. This application can also
remind users to carry out the recommendations which
are provided by the system. Authors in (Rehman
et al., 2017) present a cloud-based food recommen-
dation system, for dietary recommendations based on
users’ pathological reports. An ant colony algorithm
is used to generate an optimal food list and recom-
mends suitable foods according to the values of patho-
logical reports. Likewise, in (Bhat and Ansari, 2021)
a machine learning technique is used for diagnosis of
diabetes and recommend proper diet for diabetic pa-
(Nagaraj and Deepalakshmi, 2022) propose an in-
telligent fuzzy inference rule-based predictive dia-
betes diagnosis model, providing content recommen-
dations to patients with diabetes. The model pre-
dicts the risk of diabetes disease using fuzzy infer-
ence based on Mamdani’s technique, then the recom-
mendations for a normal life, nutrition, exercise, and
medications are given to patients.
In (Almulla, 2020) propose an expert system to
diagnoses diabetes and recommends the right med-
ication depending on the location where the patient
lives and on the symptoms of the patient and other ef-
fective factors. The system outputs a list of names of
locally available brand names of medications that suit
the diabetes type.
2.2 Medicine Recommender Systems
In recent years research related to medication recom-
mendations based on machine learning has been de-
veloped, for example, a medicine recommendation
model based on the incorporation of graphs to rec-
ommend appropriate drugs for patients is proposed in
(Wang et al., 2022). This model generates the rec-
ommended drug list by calculating the cosine similar-
ity between disease combination representations and
drug combination representations. A recommenda-
tion algorithm called LEAP is presented in (Zhang
et al., 2017), which uses records of current patient vis-
its and drug-drug interactions to predict a list of med-
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ications. This algorithm uses a recurrent decoder to
model label dependencies and content-based attention
is used to capture label instance mapping. (Wedagu
et al., 2020) propose a recommendation method called
DIMERS, which combines a prior medical knowl-
edge of doctors with bidirectional Long Short-Term
Memory (BiLSTM). In this study, authors use a
weighted block with prior medical knowledge to en-
hance the learning of deep neural networks.
A drug recommendation model based on mes-
sage propagation neural network is proposed in (Ren
et al., 2022), in this paper, the Drug-Drug Interac-
tion (DDI) knowledge is introduced into the model
to reduce the DDI rate of recommended results. A
two-stage personalized medication recommender sys-
tem is presented by (Bhoi et al., 2021). Authors use
various weights in the system to compute the contri-
butions from the information sources for the recom-
mended medications. The system models the drug in-
teraction from an external drug database and the drug
co-occurrence from the electronic health records as
2.3 Explainable Recommender Systems
In the health domain, a low number of papers have
been found to focus on providing explainable rec-
ommendations, some of them are oriented to recom-
mend food and explain these recommendations, for
example, (Padhiar et al., 2021) include explanations
to users for food-related suggestions. These authors
model food recommendations, using concepts from
the explanation domain to create responses to user
questions about food recommendations. Likewise, in
(Pecune et al., 2022) a conversational system that rec-
ommends recipes aligned with its users’ eating habits
and current preferences is presented. This system is
also able to justify its recipes recommendation by ex-
plaining the trade-off between them.
Authors in (Zoppis et al., 2019) present a com-
putational model for promoting targeted communica-
tion and supplying social explainable recommenda-
tions, in order to support the formation of commu-
nities of patients and health services. In (Guti
et al., 2022) present the design and implementation of
a recommender engine and a mobile application de-
signed to support call recommendations and explain
these recommendations.
In the work of (Cai et al., 2022), a model of ex-
plainable recommendation on account of knowledge
graph as well as many-objective evolutionary algo-
rithm is proposed, which combines recommendation
and explanation. Likewise, (Chicaiza and Valdiviezo-
diaz, 2022) present a research related to explain-
able recommender systems. In this research, the au-
thors describe two scenarios based on the Tripadvisor
dataset to generate restaurant explainable recommen-
dations. Explainable recommendations are evaluated
using Fidelity and Transparency metrics.
A previous work on drug recommendations for dia-
betes patients was presented without considering ex-
plaining the recommendation and using other predic-
tion techniques. This previous work is based on col-
laborative filtering (CF) and clustering techniques for
recommending drugs to diabetes patients (Morales
et al., 2022). This system realizes suggestions accord-
ing to drug information and the characteristics of pa-
tients. The clustering technique is applied to group
patients with similar characteristics, and the collabo-
rative filtering technique is applied to represent the
patient’s explicit data, then based on the group to
which the patient belongs, the recommendation is
made considering the drugs with the highest predic-
tion value.
Currently, Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease
that generates a great impact on the world population.
According to (Saeedi et al., 2019) it disease is among
the top 10 causes of death in adults. Diabetes can
be treated through physical activity, healthy eating,
medication, and regular checkups to prevent compli-
In (Association, 2020) different types of medica-
tions recommended by the American Diabetes Asso-
ciation (ADA) related to or used in the treatment of
this condition are presented. It is possible to deter-
mine that there are many different types of drugs that
can work to lower your blood sugar. Sometimes one
medication is enough, but the doctor may prescribe a
combination of medicines in other cases.
Authors in (Al-Sofiani et al., 2021) propose a
medication algorithm scheme for the treatment of
people with Diabetes. Authors put special empha-
sis on medication cost and medication adherence as
determining factors in the choice of diabetes medica-
tions recommended.
The aim is to use the information on essential
medicines and doses prescribed for diabetes patients
to make drug explainable recommendations for treat-
ing this disease. Therefore, in the present work, a
step forward from the drug recommendation is taken,
considering the justify the recommendation given to
the patient based on the diabetic patient’s explicit
data (patient-dose-drug), and using probabilistic algo-
rithms that allow understanding of the recommenda-
Explainable Recommendations of Drugs for Diabetic Patients
tion. As a result, three collaborative filtering algo-
rithms were tested using a dataset with diabetic pa-
tient information.
In the work presented by (Valdiviezo-Diaz et al.,
2019) a bayesian hybrid approach facilitates under-
standing and explaining the recommendation of the
user. This CF approach called Naive Bayes Collabo-
rative Filtering (NBCF) recommends items by using
similar users’ and items’ information, respectively.
This novelty approach has been considered to ex-
plain recommendations taking into consideration the
information of patients and the drugs specified in the
dataset used, and instead of the rating, the dose of
the drugs is considered. Moreover, this approach has
been selected because it provides successful results in
the quality of recommendations.
Many machine learning techniques have been de-
signed for diabetes diagnosis, the prediction of this
disease, and providing useful analysis of medical
data. In our work, a probabilistic machine learning
model for explainable drug recommendation for dia-
betic patients is used.
For the recommendation, the collaborative filter-
ing recommendation approach will be use, since, ac-
cording to (Wang et al., 2020) this approch is one of
the most applied methods in the health recommen-
dation systems. The collaborative filtering method
recommends to the active user items that other users
with similar preferences have liked in the past (Ricci
et al., 2015). CF can be of two types: memory-
based CF and model-based CF (Yang et al., 2016).
In the memory-based CF method, the RS uses the rat-
ings to find neighbors for the target user or item and
computes the predicted value for the unknown rating.
Model-based CF uses a model to predict the value for
the unknown ratings based on the rating matrix.
In this manuscript, a memory-based CF method
and two model-based CF methods that allow recom-
mendation explanation are tested.
For a better demonstration of the explanation of
the medications, a recommendation scenario centered
on the patient is presented, to whom some medica-
tions are suggested by the system with their respective
For the evaluation, the most common metrics will
be used to evaluate the performance of recommen-
dation systems. The prediction and recommendation
quality are computed using an existing dataset with
information on diabetic patients.
4.1 Dataset
For the experiments, a dataset with diabetic pa-
tient records available in the UCI Machine Learning
Repository is used, which refers to 100,000 observa-
tions and 50 features representing patient and hospital
outcomes (Dua and Graff, 2017). This dataset con-
tains information related to the personal data of the
patients, information about admission, procedures,
medications, and diagnostics results (Strack et al.,
The dataset was pre-processed to construct the
user-item rating matrix necessary in collaborative fil-
tering. Patients who have been administered at least
two medications were selected, leaving a total of
5,148 unique patients. Likewise, a selection of drugs
was made considering those that have been prescribed
to at least 50% of the selected patients, as a result,
there is a total of 10 drugs. Then, to represent the
matrix of collaborative filtering (patient-drug-dose),
the information on the patient’s dose for each drug is
considered, that is, if the dose remains stable, or if the
dose is increased.
Table 1 shows a summary of the data to be consid-
ered for the experimentation. Each drug is on a scale
from 1 to 2 (1: indicates whether the dose is main-
tained for the patient; 2: if the dose is increased).
Figure 1 shows the drugs selected for the experi-
ments and the percentage of patients using the drug.
From figure 1, Insulin is the drug that has been
prescribed the most to patients for the treatment of
diabetes, on the contrary, Glyburide-metformin and
Nateglinide are the drugs that have been prescribed
the least.
Table 1: Dataset Information.
Value Description
#Patients 5,148 Total patients
#Drugs 10 Total Drugs
#Ratings (dose) 46,593 1-2 values
4.2 Evaluation Metrics
To assess the accuracy of the prediction of algorithms,
Mean Absolute Error (MAE) (Wang and Lu, 2018) is
used. Also, Precision and Recall metrics are used to
evaluate the quality of the recommendations. Preci-
sion represents the percentage of recommended items
being relevant, and Recall represents the percentage
of relevant items being recommended (Valdiviezo-
ıaz and Bobadilla, 2019).
In addition to evaluating the quality of the predic-
tion and the recommendation, this paper presents the
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
+#,%& +#,%&
Figure 1: Selected Drugs from the diabetes patients dataset.
evaluation of the explanations given by the algorithm.
To evaluate the quality of the explainable recommen-
dations Fidelity metric is used, which measures the
percentage of explainable items in the recommended
items (Peake and Wang, 2018).
This section presents the results of the experiments
with the dataset used, and the detail on how to explain
the recommendations with the selected method.
The cross-validation method is used to evaluate
the performance of the algorithms, where the dataset
is split into 80% training set and 20% testing set.
5.1 Performance Comparison
In order to select an algorithm for the explanation
of recommendations, we compare the performance
de three collaborative filtering methods for recom-
mender systems, for example, model-based CF meth-
ods: Item-based NBCF and Hybrid NBCF, and the
traditional CF method based on memory IbCF. These
methods were selected for experimentation because
currently, model-based approaches are achieving bet-
ter results in accuracy and performance (Valdiviezo-
Diaz et al., 2019), and also the Bayesian models-
based methods provide a probabilistic interpretation
of their results, which facilitates explaining the deci-
sion process (Cheng et al., 2017). On the other hand,
memory-based approaches are that they are simple to
implement and the resulting recommendations are of-
ten easy to explain (Charu, 2016).
A more detailed description of the methods se-
lected is presented, join with the relevant hyper-
parameters set for the experiments.
Item-based NBCF recommends items to the user
according to the ratings received by each item
(Valdiviezo-Diaz et al., 2019). The hyperparame-
ter set for this method is α = 0.01.
Hybrid NBCF combines user-based NBCF and
item-based NBCF approaches to complement
each other and improve the accuracy of the model
(Valdiviezo-Diaz et al., 2019). The hyperparam-
eter set for this method is α = 0.01. This ap-
proach first computes the prior distributions and
the likelihood for user-based NBCF and item-
based NBCF approaches, then both approaches
are combined using a weighted product.
Item-based CF (IbCF) recommends similar items
to the item the active user has already preferred
in the past (Kant and Mahara, 2018). The cosine
correlation coefficient is used as a similarity mea-
The hyperparameter values were selected in order
to maximize the accuracy of algorithms for quality
measures used.
In NBCF, the explanation is realized considering
the evidence set of the bayesian method. On the other
hand, the IbCF algorithm can explain the recommen-
dations provide, considering the similarity between
the items.
Table 2 shows the results of the comparative anal-
ysis of the CF algorithms based on the performance
evaluation metrics on the dataset used.
From the experimental results, it is observed that:
NBCF methods present a better performance in con-
trast to IbCF. The results show that Hybrid NBCF
outperforms all the other methods in terms of MAE.
A smaller value of this metric means better perfor-
mance. Moreover, it indicates that the predicted and
actual values are closer. Therefore, we can conclude
that the NBCF model is making a good prediction of
the drug dose.
Likewise, the results show more accurate values
concerning Precision for the probabilistic methods
(NBCF) in comparison to IbCF. From the table 2
we can see that 74% of the recommended drugs are
relevant or adequate for the patient. However, Re-
call results show that IbCF is better than the other
two methods tested. Therefore, analyzing the per-
formance of the three CF methods, Hybrid NBCF is
selected for the explanation of recommendations be-
cause it presents better performance in most of the
Table 2: Results of the metrics of each recommendation
algorithm for the dataset used.
Algorithm MAE Precision Recall
Item-based NBCF 0.356 0.695 0.594
Hybrid NBCF 0.332 0.744 0.616
IbCF 0.611 0.530 0.798
Explainable Recommendations of Drugs for Diabetic Patients
metrics calculated, for example: in MAE and Preci-
5.2 Explainable Recommendations for
Diabetic Patients
The selected algorithm Hybrid NBCF allows explain-
ing the predictions. For the explanation, what is men-
tioned in (Valdiviezo-Diaz et al., 2019) is considered,
which indicates that to explain a recommendation to
the user u is necessary to consider the case in which
the system has recommended the item with an esti-
mated rating, in our case, would be that the system has
recommended a drug with an estimated dose value.
Based on the algorithm for the Hybrid NBCF ap-
proach, we have the following recommendation for a
The case in which the system has recommended
the drug i with an estimated dose ˆr = 2 is considered.
As explained in (Valdiviezo-Diaz et al., 2019) is nec-
essary to obtain the P and Q evidences corresponding
to the user-based NBCF and item-based NBCF ap-
proaches, respectively. So, firstly, all drugs that have
been prescribed to patient u according to their likeli-
hood within the drug i are sorted from highest to low-
est. Secondly, the items from the list whose dose has
been increased for the patient are extracted, and add
them to the set of P evidences, in this case: Insulin.
Next, all patients who have been prescribed the drug
i according to their likelihood within the patient u are
sorted from highest to lowest. Then the patients of the
list whose dose of medication i has been increased are
extracted and added to the list of Q evidences, in our
case, patients: 2844, 3019, 3286, 3751. Finally, both
sets of evidence are combined by adjusting the P and
Q values according to the needs.
Figure 2 presents the explain the recommendation
given to a patient.
From figure 2 can be observed that in addition to
presenting the recommendation to the user, an expla-
nation of the recommendation is shown. It is hoped
that this explanation can help the user understand why
the drug is recommended and give the user greater
confidence in the system.
"We recommend Metformin because you were
previously prescribed with the drug Insulin,
and the medication (Metformin) was prescribed
to users: 2844, 3019, 3286, 3751 who share
clinical manifestations with you”.
Figure 2: Recommendation explanation example.
5.3 Evaluation of the Explainable
(Zhang and Chen, 2018) introduce approaches to
evaluate recommendation explanations. The first
approach evaluates the percentage of recommended
items that can be explained by the explainable rec-
ommendation model, regardless of the quality of the
explanations; and the second evaluates the quality of
the explanations exactly. This paper applies the first
approach to evaluate the explication of the Hybrid
NBCF recommendation algorithm used to explain-
able drug recommendations.
In this section, we present the evaluation of the
recommendations using the Fidelity metric. In our
case, the recommended items will be the items whose
estimated dose is 2, that is, those items whose dose
has been increased. The explainable items will be
those items that are recommended but that can be ex-
plained because there is at least one element in the set
of P and Q evidences.
Therefore, applying the equation defined in
(Peake and Wang, 2018), the fidelity obtained is 0.66.
This means that evaluating the quality of the explana-
tions of the NBCF algorithm will depend on the exis-
tence of P and Q evidences. The more items that can
be explained, the higher the fidelity value.
In the health domain, explainability is essential to
gain the trust of healthcare professionals and patients
and to enhance the transparency of the recommender
In this paper, the use of a probabilistic approach
to explain recommendations based on the doses of
drugs prescribed to diabetic patients was presented.
Because this approach is probabilistic, we think that
it makes the explanations easily understandable to
users. We have also established how would be the
explanation of the recommendation made to a user
within the system with the Hybrid NBCF approach,
and how to evaluate the explanations determining
the faithfulness of the explainable recommendation
We focused our research on testing CF meth-
ods which allow the explanation of recommendations.
From tested methods, NBCF shows betters results in
drug dose prediction accuracy. Moreover, the results
of experiments conducted on a real dataset of dia-
betic patients verify the good recommendation per-
formance and explanatory ability of Hybrid NBCF.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Future work includes: a) testing other collabo-
rative filtering methods for explaining recommenda-
tions using the same dataset, and b) evaluating the
transparency of the recommender system, providing
to the patients an understanding of how the system
formulated the recommendation.
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence