Cybersecurity Awareness and Capacities of SMEs
Gencer Erdogan
1 a
, Ragnhild Halvorsrud
1 b
, Costas Boletsis
1 c
, Simeon Tverdal
1 d
and John Brian Pickering
2 e
Sustainable Communication Technologies, SINTEF Digital, Oslo, Norway
IT Innovation Centre, University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K.
Cybersecurity, Cyber Risk, Awareness, Capacity, Practice, SME, Survey.
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are increasingly exposed to cyber risks. Some of the main reasons
include budget constraints, the employees’ lack of cybersecurity awareness, cross-sectoral cyber risks, lack
of security practices at organizational level, and so on. To equip SMEs with appropriate tools and guidelines
that help mitigate their exposure to cyber risk, we must better understand the SMEs’ context and their needs.
Thus, the contribution of this paper is a survey based on responses collected from 141 SMEs based in the
UK, where the objective is to obtain information to better understand their level of cybersecurity awareness
and practices they apply to protect against cyber risks. Our results indicate that although SMEs do apply
some basic cybersecurity measures to mitigate cyber risks, there is a general lack of cybersecurity awareness
and lack of processes and tools to improve cybersecurity practices. Our findings provide to the cybersecurity
community a better understanding of the SME context in terms of cybersecurity awareness and cybersecurity
practices, and may be used as a foundation to further develop appropriate tools and processes to strengthen the
cybersecurity of SMEs.
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are increas-
ingly exposed to cyber risks. According to Khan et
al., 61% of SMEs were exposed in 2017 to malware
cyberattacks (Khan et al., 2020). Recent reports from
across the industry paint a disturbing picture about
overall vulnerabilities. According to a Ponemon Insti-
tute report, 67% of SMEs experienced a cyberattack
and 58% experienced data breach in 2018, while Bea-
zley Group report that 71% of ransomware attacks are
aimed at SMEs (Roy, Mekhala, 2021). The European
Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) reports on
real life incidents SMEs are frequently exposed to,
including ransomware, hijacking email accounts, and
phishing (ENISA, 2021). Among eight cybersecurity
challenges for SMEs identified by ENISA, low cyber-
security awareness is ranked as number one.
Despite the increasing exposure to cyber risks,
SMEs often underestimate this threat and invest less
in cybersecurity measures due to budget constraints
(Saleem et al., 2017). However, the lack of investment
in security is not solely related to budget constraints.
Individual employees represent a significant vulner-
ability (Vakakis et al., 2019). Further, since SMEs
typically operate as co-competitors within a single
supply-chain alongside other SMEs, risk may prop-
agate to others (Lewis et al., 2014). At the same time,
there is a generalised lack of cybersecurity informa-
tion specialized for SMEs to help them address cyber
risks (Gafni and Pavel, 2019; ENISA, 2021). More-
over, organizational IT security research has largely
neglected the SME context, which negatively influ-
ences the SMEs’ cybersecurity investments (Heidt
et al., 2019). Thus, to understand the needs of SMEs
in terms of cybersecurity knowledge, and what guide-
lines and tools may be required, we need to inves-
tigate the cybersecurity awareness and cybersecurity
practices conducted in SMEs.
The contribution of this paper is a survey based on
responses collected from 141 SMEs based in the UK.
We employ survey research to collect and analyze
data from the SMEs, and the objective of our study
is to obtain information about their level of cyberse-
curity awareness and cybersecurity practices based on
Erdogan, G., Halvorsrud, R., Boletsis, C., Tverdal, S. and Pickering, J.
Cybersecurity Awareness and Capacities of SMEs.
DOI: 10.5220/0011609600003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 296-304
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
their answers to the questions in the survey. Thus, our
overall research question is: what is the level of cy-
bersecurity awareness and cybersecurity practices of
SMEs based in the UK?
The survey consisted of 27 questions: 5 questions
about the company in general, 4 questions about the
participant, 4 questions about the company infrastruc-
ture, 8 questions related to cybersecurity awareness,
5 questions related to cybersecurity practices, and fi-
nally one question to collect general feedback about
the survey. In this paper, we focus mainly on the ques-
tions and answers related to cybersecurity awareness
and cybersecurity practices. However, we have made
the complete data set of questions and answers from
the 141 SMEs available online
to show transparency
to our study and provide the data for further research.
Our results indicate that although SMEs do apply
some basic cybersecurity measures to mitigate cyber
risks, there is a general lack of cybersecurity aware-
ness and lack of processes and tools to improve cy-
bersecurity practices.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 describes the design and execution
of the survey, while Section 3 describes the results
obtained. In Section 4, we discuss the results with
respect to cybersecurity awareness and cybersecurity
practices of the SMEs. Section 5 describes limitations
of our work, while Section 6 relates our work to sim-
ilar surveys. Finally, we provide concluding remarks
in Section 7.
An online survey was designed to capture the cyber-
security practices in SMEs. Since information about
cybersecurity practices is potentially very sensitive
and business-critical, an anonymous survey was de-
2.1 Target Group
The target group of the survey were the SMEs’ em-
ployees, and we recruited one employee from each of
the 141 SMEs included in the survey. To define the
recruitment field, i.e., SMEs, we used the European
Commission’s definition of SME based on the staff
headcount (European Commission, 2016), i.e., enter-
prises that employ fewer than 250 persons.
Three main subgroups were identified as sources
for establishing the needed knowledge: 1) per-
sons/roles responsible for cybersecurity, 2) manage-
ment, and 3) other employees, in general.
2.2 Sampling and Data Collection
Participants were recruited through the Norstat re-
cruitment agency for online research
. A recruitment
agency was used due to the specialised and private
nature of the examined topic. For this study, UK was
chosen as the country to recruit participants from be-
cause of i) practical considerations, i.e., approaching
respondents in their native language and ii) the impor-
tance of cybersecurity awareness for UK companies
since four in ten UK-based businesses (39%) report
having cybersecurity breaches or attacks during the
last 12 months, based on the 2021 UK Government’s
cybersecurity breaches survey (DCMS, Ipsos MORI,
2021). The participation of the survey was anony-
mous and in compliance with ethical requirements for
involvement of humans in research, including volun-
tariness and informed consent.
The online survey was implemented using the
survey platform, which includes mod-
ules for survey design and data collection. The survey
was launched in October 2020 and ran for two weeks.
2.3 Questionnaire Design
The questionnaire was developed iteratively and pi-
loted with N = 23 participants, who were recruited
using proximity sampling. As a result, the questions
were shaped according to the received feedback from
the 23 participants. This iterative development of the
questions was conducted to make sure that our ques-
tions capture the necessary information to answer our
overall research question. The completion time for
the final survey was estimated to 10–15 minutes.
The final survey consisted of 27 questions in to-
tal. The questions were a mix of closed multiple-
response items (tick boxes) or single-response items
(radio buttons), often in combination with text input
fields for open-ended questions, e.g., “Please provide
further information”. The questions were organised
into five thematic sections:
1. Information about the company: business sector,
size, and main operation. This section had five
questions in total.
2. Information about the participant: job title,
role(s), responsibilities, and years of employment.
This section had four questions in total.
Cybersecurity Awareness and Capacities of SMEs
3. Information about the company infrastructure: the
usage of technology in the company, outsourcing,
usage of cloud services, customers or partners that
share the company infrastructure. This section
had four questions in total.
4. Information about cybersecurity awareness: the
company’s work in raising awareness about cy-
bersecurity for employees, positions dedicated
to cybersecurity, whether cybersecurity is raised
as an agenda item in meetings and in general,
how employees characterize their own cybersecu-
rity knowledge, the company’s awareness about
cybersecurity, the fear of cybersecurity attacks,
whether the company has been exposed to cyber
attacks previously, and if yes, characterization of
their impact. This section had eight questions in
5. Information about cybersecurity practices: the
company’s threshold to downtime of critical ap-
plications and systems, measures taken to avoid
cybersecurity attacks, specific processes or tools
to assess cyber-risks, identify vulnerabilities, and
identify cyber attacks. This section had five ques-
tions in total.
In addition to the number of questions in the sections
described above, there was a final question to collect
general feedback about the survey. Thus, there was a
total of 27 questions.
2.3.1 Selected Questions
In the rest of the paper, we will focus on the results of
the 13 questions related specifically to cybersecurity
awareness (Point 4 in Section 2.3) and cybersecurity
practices (Point 5 in Section 2.3). Before we provide
the results in Section 3 and discuss the results in Sec-
tion 4, the questions are presented, as follows:
Questions related to cybersecurity awareness
(eight questions):
Q1 Does your company offer courses or training ma-
terial for employees to raise awareness about cy-
Q2 Does your company have positions dedicated to
cybersecurity at any level?
Q3 Do you discuss cybersecurity issues on your com-
pany meetings or presentations or, in general, in-
ternally in your company?
Q4 How would you characterize your own knowledge
about cybersecurity?
Q5 To what degree do you fear for a cybersecurity
attack towards your company?
Q6 How would you characterize your company when
it comes to cybersecurity awareness?
Q7 Were there any previous cybersecurity attacks on
your company that you know about?
Q8 What was the impact of the cybersecurity at-
tack(s)? (only if ”yes” to Q7)
Questions related to cybersecurity practices (five
Q9 How long do you think your critical applica-
tions and systems can be shut down before sig-
nificant disruption is caused to the company?
Q10 What security measures is your company taking
to avoid cybersecurity attacks?
Q11 Does your company use specific processes or
tools to assess risk to its IT assets?
Q12 Does your company use specific processes or
tools for identifying cybersecurity vulnerabili-
Q13 Does your company use specific processes or
tools for identifying cybersecurity attacks?
The online survey collected 150 responses and results
were analysed using IBM SPSS and Microsoft Excel.
Nine (9) respondents were excluded: six of them (6)
were pensioners, one (1) was a freelancer, and two (2)
were unemployed. Their participation did not there-
fore conform with the inclusion criterion of working
at an SME. After filtering the final sample size was
N = 141.
The following presents the results from the se-
lected questions (Section 2.3.1), i.e., the questions re-
lated to cybersecurity awareness (Q1–Q8) and cyber-
security practices (Q9–Q13).
3.1 Cybersecurity Awareness
The participants representing the SMEs characterized
their own knowledge about cybersecurity (Q4) as fol-
lows: 19 out of 141 (13%) answered expert, 52 (37%)
answered moderate knowledge, 57 (40%) answered
basic knowledge, and 13 (9%) answered no knowl-
edge (see Figure 1). That is, only half of the respon-
dents (19 + 52 = 71 or 50.4%) characterize their own
knowledge about cybersecurity as moderate or expert.
The participants were also asked to character-
ize their company’s level of cybersecurity awareness
(Q6): 37 out of 141 (26%) answered high awareness,
76 (54%) answered moderate awareness, 22 (16%)
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Moderate knowledge
Basic knowledge
No knowledge
Figure 1: The participants’ knowledge about cybersecurity
answered low awareness, and 6 (4%) answered I do
not know (see Figure 2). That is, 113 out of 141 SMEs
(80%) answered that their company has moderate to
high awareness of cybersecurity.
Q19 how would you characterize your company when it comes to cybersecurity awareness?
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
High awareness
Moderate awareness
Low awareness
I do not know
Figure 2: The companies’ level of cybersecurity awareness
With respect to offering courses or training mate-
rial for employees to raise awareness of cybersecu-
rity (Q1), and despite the moderate to high aware-
ness of risk (Q6), only 27 out of 141 (19%) con-
firm that they do provide cybersecurity training for
their employees, while 103 (73%) replied that they do
not provide such training, and 11 (8%) were not sure
(see Figure 6). Moreover, the 27 SMEs that do of-
fer training for employees provided additional infor-
mation indicating the kind of topics covered by their
courses/training capacities. The topics addressed are
mainly basics related to security and privacy the em-
ployees need to be aware of when using computers
on-site at work with which the training is provided is
typically when an employee joins the company, and
at the best case, some companies have yearly rep-
etitions of the courses/training. This seems incon-
sistent with the earlier claim that awareness is high
or moderate (ca. 50% for Q4). Figure 3 shows the
distribution of the 27 SMEs with respect to the in-
dustry sector they operate in. We see that 6 op-
erate in legal and professional services, 6 in indus-
trial/manufacturing/construction, 5 in financial ser-
vices, 3 in retail, and 7 in the other category, where
each of the seven companies represent one of the fol-
lowing industry sectors: public sector, leisure and
travel, education and research, communication and
mobile, childcare, engineering, health and pharma-
ceuticals. Industry coverage is therefore good.
When asked whether the SME has any positions
Legal and
services; 6
Industrial /
manufacturing /
construction; 6
services; 5
Retail; 3
Other; 7
Figure 3: SMEs offering cybersecurity training, grouped by
industry sector.
dedicated to cybersecurity (Q2), 45 out of 141 (32%)
answered yes, 85 (60%) answered no, and 11 (8%)
answered I do not know. That is, about 1/3 confirm
that their SME have positions dedicated to cyberse-
curity (see Figure 6). Having cybersecurity on the
agenda in daily operation will inevitably make em-
ployees more aware of cybersecurity. So the partic-
ipants were asked whether they discuss cybersecu-
rity issues in meetings, presentations, or in general
internally in the company (Q3). This question re-
vealed that about 1/3 never discuss cybersecurity (see
Figure 4). That is, 20 out of 141 (14%) answered
that they discuss cybersecurity issues all the time, 70
(50%) answered sometimes, and 51 (36%) answered
not at all.
Q16 Do you discuss cybersecurity issues on your company meetings or presentations or, in general, internally in your company?
0 20 40 60 80
All the time
Not at all
Figure 4: Discussing cybersecurity issues in the company
To obtain an overall understanding of the SMEs’
concerns about cybersecurity, they were also asked
the degree to which they feared a cybersecurity attack
on their company (Q5). The answers show that 11 out
of 141 (8%) fear cybersecurity attacks a lot, 74 (52%)
answered moderately, while 56 (40%) answered not
at all (see Figure 5).
Moreover, the participants were asked whether
they were aware of any previous cybersecurity attacks
on their companies (Q7). As illustrated in Figure 6, 21
out of 141 (15%) answered yes, 109 (77%) answered
no, and 11 (8%) answered I do not know. A cyberse-
curity attack may cause harm to one or more security
qualities represented by the CIA-triad (Confidential-
ity, Integrity, and Availability). The 21 participants
Cybersecurity Awareness and Capacities of SMEs
0 20 40 60 80
A lot
Not at all
Figure 5: Fear of cybersecurity attack on the company (Q5).
who answered yes were then asked about the impact
that those attacks caused (Q8), therefore. Responses
revealed that 12 of the attacks altered the integrity
of information, 11 attacks rendered the information
systems unavailable, while 6 of the attacks caused a
breach of confidential information.
training? (Q1)
positions? (Q2)
attacks? (Q7)
I do not
Figure 6: Answers to Q1, Q2, Q7.
3.2 Cybersecurity Practices
Concerning security measures to avoid cybersecurity
attacks (Q10), the participants were presented with
a list of measures from which they could select one
or more of the options that applied for their com-
pany. The list of security measures and the number
of ticks each option received are shown in Figure 7
We see that five of the security measures distinguish
themselves in popularity. The most common defences
were anti-virus software (selected by 93 out of 141),
firewalls to prevent remote access to internal networks
(selected by 88 out of 141), access control to prevent
unauthorized access to data and services (selected by
84 out of 141), software updates to remove existing
vulnerabilities (selected by 80 out of 141), and ensur-
ing appropriate configuration for security on all de-
vices and software (selected by 78 out of 141).
The security measures that are less used include
stronger forms of authentication such as 2-factor au-
thentication or public key certification (selected by 41
out of 141), staff security training (selected by 38 out
Note: a single SME may identify more than one mea-
of 141), encrypted storage of data (selected by 33 out
of 141), encrypted communications (selected by 27
out of 141), intrusion detection (selected by 27 out
of 141), and bandwidth management on key network
connections (selected by 14 out of 141). In addition,
16 participants did not know what kind of security
measures were used in their company, while one par-
ticipant replied that they have no online presence.
0 20 40 60 80 100
Access control
Software updates
Ensuring security configuration
Strong authentication
Staff security training
Encrypted storage of data
Encrypted communications
Intrusion detection
Do not know
Bandwidth management
Other (no online presence)
Figure 7: Security measures to avoid cybersecurity attacks
Some variants of security attacks, such as Dis-
tributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, aim to
make the victim’s target systems unavailable. Such at-
tacks may cause significant disruption to businesses.
When asked how long the participants thought their
critical applications and systems can be shut down be-
fore significant disruption is caused to the company
(Q9), 12 out of 141 (9%) replied 0 - 1 hour, 24 (17%)
replied 1 - 6 hours, 33 (24%) replied 6 hours - 1
day, 41 (29%) replied more than 1 day, and 31 (22%)
replied I do not know (see Figure 8).
Q22 How long do you think your critical applications and systems can be shut down before significant disrupti on is caused to the company?
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 1 hour
1-6 hours
6 hours 1 day
More than 1 day
I do not know
Figure 8: The time critical applications can be shut down
before significant disruption to business (Q9).
The survey also included three questions asking
whether the SMEs use any processes or tools to assess
cybersecurity risks to its IT assets (Q11), identify cy-
bersecurity vulnerabilities (Q12), and identify cyber-
security attacks (Q13). The replies to these questions
are illustrated in Figure 9.
Regarding the question to whether the SME uses
any tools to assess risks to its IT assets, 18 out of 141
(13%) answered yes, 92 out of 141 (65%) answered
no, and 31 out of 141 (22%) answered I do not know.
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Risk assessment is therefore not widely implemented
in SMEs.
When asked whether the SME uses any tools to
identify cybersecurity vulnerabilities, 22 (16%) an-
swered yes, 87 (62%) answered no, and 32 (23%) an-
swered I do not know. As with risk assessment, there
is therefore little awareness of vulnerabilities.
Finally, regarding the question to whether the
SME uses any tools to identify cybersecurity attacks,
19 (13%) answered yes, 87 (62%) answered no, and
35 (25%) answered I do not know. It follows, there-
fore, that attacks may go unreported or simply unno-
Assess risks?
Identify attacks?
I do not
18 22 19
92 87 87
31 32 35
Figure 9: Answers to Q11, Q12, Q13.
In the following, we discuss our general observations
about the results in Section 3, as well as our specific
observations related to cybersecurity awareness and
cybersecurity practices.
4.1 General Observations
The results of this survey highlight a number of gen-
eral themes: a lack of awareness about preventa-
tive measures around cybersecurity (that is approxi-
mately 20% of ”Don’t know” type answers to Q11,
Q12, and Q13; see Figure 9), and an apparent dis-
crepancy between the levels of awareness and knowl-
edge claimed by individuals (71 claiming moderate
to expert knowledge Q4 from Figure 1) and com-
panies (113 claiming moderate to high awareness in
Q6 from Figure 2) by contrast to their willingness to
take appropriate steps to mitigate risks. Apart from
the potential impact on the SMEs themselves (36 out
of 141 outages of less than 6 hours; and 31 ”Don’t
know” in Figure 8), this is a concern for SME part-
ners (Lewis et al., 2014): failing to take steps to mit-
igate risks is not only an issue for individual SMEs,
but could also affect other businesses. Looking at in-
dividual and company responses, it is well-attested
that what people say they will do (for instance, re-
spond to cyber risks) and what they actually do may
differ (Sheeran and Webb, 2016). By way of explana-
tion, we know that information overload (Smerecnik
et al., 2012) can prevent action. The SMEs may be
aware, as they report, but are overwhelmed by the ex-
tent of the problem. This is consistent with the level of
concern expressed (11 + 74 = 85 or 60% responding
’moderate’ or ’a lot’ of concern about possible attacks
to Q5 in Figure 5). More specifically, though, the lack
of focus (121 or 86% reporting discussion of cyber-
security as ”Not at all” or only ”Sometimes” in Q3;
see Figure 4) and training (Q1), dedicated positions
(Q2), awareness of attacks (Q7) (see Figure 6) sug-
gests a level of unresponsiveness which may reflect
that SMEs do not feel responsible to take action (Bada
et al., 2019). With these points in mind, we consider
specifically Cybersecurity Awareness and Cybersecu-
rity Practices in the following sections.
4.2 Cybersecurity Awareness
When comparing the answers for Q4 and Q6, an in-
teresting observation is that half (71 out of 114) of the
participants characterize their own knowledge about
cybersecurity as moderate or expert. Looking closer
at the answers provided, we see that only 51 out of
the 71 are in fact working with cybersecurity. More-
over, 113 out of 114 participants indicate that their
company have moderate or higher awareness of cy-
bersecurity. It is therefore reasonable to argue that
the SMEs perception about their own cybersecurity
awareness is rather more optimistic than it should be,
compared to recent cybersecurity risk reports show-
ing that SMEs are one of the most exposed group
to cybersecurity attacks and vulnerabilities (Hoppe
et al., 2021; Pugnetti and Casi
an, 2021). Secondly,
participants are rather cautious about claiming that
they have strong awareness of cybersecurity aware-
ness, compared to when assessing the level of their
SMEs awareness (which is assessed to be of higher
awareness in cybersecurity). This could be an indi-
cation that people tend to trust that cybersecurity is
dealt with in other parts of the company or by other
people (such as third party services they may use as
part of their business infrastructure). In the context
of the general observations above, individuals within
SMEs don’t only need the awareness, but must also
accept their responsibility in maintaining robust de-
fences against cyber risks (Paek and Hove, 2017).
Cybersecurity training facilities like cyber ranges
are increasingly being used to develop cybersecurity
skills (Yamin et al., 2020). Such facilities are im-
Cybersecurity Awareness and Capacities of SMEs
portant to help SMEs in building a strong security
culture and maintain robust defences against cyber
risks. However, these training facilities typically fo-
cus mainly on hands-on exercises and not learning
and educational aspects (Erdogan et al., 2021; Erdo-
gan et al., 2020). It is encouraging to see that a vari-
ety of SMEs are adopting some form of cybersecurity
training (see Figure 3). However, the fact that only
27 out of 141 SMEs in our survey are providing cy-
bersecurity training (at a very basic level) is a strong
indication for the need of more easily available and
pedagogical tools and guidelines to support SMEs for
an easy uptake to increase their cybersecurity aware-
In order to successfully raise awareness of cyber-
security and support employees in cybersecurity train-
ing, the SMEs need personnel who are knowledgeable
in the domain of cybersecurity training and who have
the skills to train other people. Our survey shows
that only 45 out of 141 SMEs have positions ded-
icated to cybersecurity and that only 27 out of 141
SMEs provide cybersecurity training. Thus, 18 out of
141 SMEs that have positions dedicated to cybersecu-
rity do not offer cybersecurity training. There can of
course be many reasons to why these 18 SMEs do not
offer cybersecurity training, but we believe that one
important lesson here is that appropriate training must
also be given to cybersecurity experts so that they are
equipped with the tools necessary to provide cyber-
security training of people who are not experts in the
4.3 Cybersecurity Practices
With respect to cybersecurity practices, one obvi-
ous observation is that barely any of the SMEs use
tools or have processes in place to assess cyberse-
curity risks they are exposed to (Q11), identify po-
tential vulnerabilities that may be exploited by an
adversary (Q12), and identify cybersecurity attacks
(Q13) (see Figure 9). This is entirely consistent with
the observations in the previous two sections. But it
may also indicate a lack of appropriate tooling to en-
courage awareness, and more importantly, to present
appropriate and adaptive behaviours easy - such as
implementing cybersecurity measures: responses to
Q10 indicate that some are already in place (Fig-
ure 7). The issue now is not just to train individ-
ual employees and increase the understanding of per-
sonal risk (Von Solms and Van Niekerk, 2013) - mak-
ing the risk personally relevant - but also their self-
efficacy (Raineri and Resig, 2020) - making the risk
individually manageable.
It is easy to criticise quantitative studies for the num-
ber of responses obtained and the generalisability of
the cohort of respondents. We believe, however, that
there is enough consistency in the responses we have
reported here to identify some general trends which
are worthy of further investigation.
We also maintain that the assertions in the survey
itself, validated by domain experts, provide coverage
of the issues which SMEs currently face. Further, that
the industry coverage reported indicates that the re-
sponses we have obtained across those industries sug-
gest that the conclusions are relevant to SMEs in gen-
Finally, relating our findings to what is known
from the literature also suggests that the survey has
highlighted appropriate areas of concern which can
be taken forward in future work.
An online survey conducted by Wilson et al. (Wilson
et al., 2022) surveys 85 U.K-based SMEs. While their
survey focuses mainly on the SMEs’ attitudes toward
cybersecurity, our survey focuses on the cybersecu-
rity awareness and practices of 141 U.K-based SMEs.
Further, Wilson et al. (Wilson et al., 2022) suggest
that while some SMEs are able to carry out preventa-
tive measures to avoid phishing attacks and strengthen
mobile security, generally they still discount the risk
of cyber attacks. This is also in line with our study
in the sense that cybersecurity practices of SMEs are
at a basic level in terms of using anti-virus, firewalls,
access control, etc. Additionally, Wilson et al. fo-
cus on just three constructs from Protection Motiva-
tion Theory and find only partial support for their re-
search hypotheses (Wilson et al., 2022). In particu-
lar, they find evidence of self-efficacy, in relation to
some but not all common attack types. This is con-
sistent with the literature on cybersecurity attitudes:
individual employees feel it is not their responsibility
to respond (Paek and Hove, 2017), or they’re over-
whelmed (Witte and Allen, 2000) (i.e., non-existent
self-efficacy). Our study, therefore, provides more in-
depth information about the cybersecurity and aware-
ness context within SMEs to refine the type of edu-
cation and training Wilson et al. recommend (Wilson
et al., 2022). Further, respondents to their survey re-
port that management need to take more action (i.e.,
responsibility is not theirs individually). Conversely,
managers report having to focus on their core busi-
ness rather than cybersecurity. Our survey provides a
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
clearer picture of what they claim and what actually
happens. For instance, although Wilson et al. (Wil-
son et al., 2022) call for specific, prerecorded training,
we found that such training tended to be confined to
on-boarding. Our survey therefore complements their
findings within the broader context of individual em-
ployee response to cyber risks.
Ncubukezi et al. (Ncubukezi et al., 2020) car-
ried out a survey on 30 South African SMEs where
the objective was to investigate the cyber hygiene of
the companies. Cyber hygiene is basically the over-
all practice to maintain good cybersecurity and safety
(Ncubukezi et al., 2020). The study by Ncubukezi et
al. concludes that SMEs are struggling to maintain
good cybersecurity practices, and that companies pay
little attention to balanced cybersecurity. With respect
to cybersecurity practices, our survey reveals similar
results and in addition includes the aspect of cyber-
security awareness which is not covered in the afore-
mentioned study.
Senarathna et al. (Senarathna et al., 2016) carried
out a survey on 150 Australian SMEs where they ex-
amined the influence of privacy and security factors
on cloud adoption. Their findings show that secu-
rity and privacy factors are not significantly influential
for Australian SMEs when deciding whether to adopt
cloud solutions. Although the survey by Senarathna
et al. (Senarathna et al., 2016) did not intend to ad-
dress cybersecurity awareness or cybersecurity prac-
tices like in our study, their findings do indicate that
the SMEs may not have been fully aware of potential
security and privacy risks as part of the decision mak-
ing process for cloud adoption, which in turn raises
the obvious need for increasing cybersecurity aware-
Heidt et al. (Heidt et al., 2019) carried out a liter-
ature review, as well as 25 interviews with domain
experts, to investigate how SME characteristics in-
fluence organizational IT security investments. Their
study shows that the security literature typically does
some wrong assumptions in the context of SMEs re-
lated to, for example, the presence of skilled work-
force, documented processes or IT-budget planning.
Thus, our study, as well as the studies referred to
above, may be regarded as work that does in fact show
the SME context, which may further help the security
community address the gaps related to cybersecurity
awareness and practices of SMEs.
The contribution of this paper is a survey based on re-
sponses collected from 141 SMEs based in the UK.
The overall objective with the survey is to obtain in-
formation about the level of cybersecurity awareness
and cybersecurity practices of SMEs.
From a cybersecurity awareness perspective, our
results show that the participants perception about
their own cybersecurity awareness is rather more op-
timistic than it should be, and even more optimistic
when assessing the level of their SMEs’ awareness.
Very few (27 out of 141) offer cybersecurity aware-
ness training for their employees, and those who do
offer training typically conduct it once a year. It is,
however, encouraging to see that a variety of SMEs
are trying and adopting some form of cybersecurity
training. Despite the expressed concern about cy-
ber attacks (85 out of 141 responding ”moderate” or
”a lot” of concern about possible attacks), there is a
lack of cybersecurity culture (121 out of 141 report
that they discuss cybersecurity ”not at all” or ”some-
times”). Only about 1/3 (45 out of 141) SMEs report
that they have positions dedicated to cybersecurity,
and only 21 out of 141 are aware of any previous cy-
bersecurity attacks their company have been exposed
From a cybersecurity practice perspective, we see
that the most common defences used are anti-virus
software, firewalls, access control, software updates,
and ensuring appropriate configuration for security on
all devices and software. These were used by about
2/3 of the SMEs. However, stronger security mea-
sures such as 2-factor authentication, encrypted stor-
age data, encrypted communications, intrusion detec-
tion, bandwidth management, and staff security train-
ing were applied by less than 1/3 of the SMEs. De-
spite that most of the SMEs cannot tolerate a down-
time of their critical applications more than one day,
barely any of the SMEs use tools or have processes
in place to assess cybersecurity risks they are exposed
to, identify potential vulnerabilities that may be ex-
ploited by an adversary, and identify cybersecurity at-
Maintaining a high level of cybersecurity aware-
ness and implementing all necessary cybersecurity
practices are difficult tasks for SMEs. However, we
see that some SMEs do try to stay tuned. We believe
our findings provide to the cybersecurity community
a better understanding of the SME context in terms of
cybersecurity awareness and cybersecurity practices,
and may be used as a foundation to further develop
appropriate tools and processes to strengthen the cy-
bersecurity of SMEs.
Cybersecurity Awareness and Capacities of SMEs
This work has been conducted as part of the Cy-
berKit4SME project, which is funded by the Euro-
pean Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation
Programme under Grant Agreement No. 883188.
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ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy