The Gaze and Mouse Signal as Additional Source for User Fingerprints
in Browser Applications
Wolfgang Fuhl
, Daniel Weber
and Shahram Eivazi
University T
ubingen, Sand 14, T
ubingen, Germany
FESTO, Ruiter Str. 82, Esslingen am Neckar, Germany
User Identification, Gaze vs Mouse Movements, Studie, Machine Learning, Classification, Browser
In this work, we inspect different data sources for browser fingerprints. We show which disadvantages and
limitations browser statistics have and how this can be avoided with other data sources. Since human visual
behavior is a rich source of information and also contains person specific information, it is a valuable source
for browser fingerprints. However, human gaze acquisition in the browser also has disadvantages, such as
inaccuracies via webcam and the restriction that the user must first allow access to the camera. However, it is
also known that the mouse movements and the human gaze correlate and therefore, the mouse movements can
be used instead of the gaze signal. In our evaluation, we show the influence of all possible combinations of
the three information sources for user recognition and describe our simple approach in detail.
User identification plays a crucial role in many indus-
trial sectors. In its original form, it is used to protect
data and access to networks or premises (Lee et al.,
2010; Choubey and Choubey, 2013). Today, there is
a growing need for user identification, especially in
the online environment, which includes both person-
alized advertising (Tucker, 2014) and product place-
ment (Shamdasani et al., 2001; Fossen and Schwei-
del, 2019), but also online banking (Lee et al., 2010)
or external access to corporate networks (Cole, 2011).
For security-critical applications such as external ac-
cess to company networks or online banking, user IDs
and passwords have become widely accepted. When
using security-critical functionalities, additional secu-
rity prompts such as a generated PIN or SMS prompts
are added. In online advertising, as well as product
placement, companies try to identify a person without
accessing critical personal data. This is guaranteed in
the modern world by so-called cookies (Juels et al.,
2006) since those have to be activated by the user,
stateless approaches only use browser statistics (Juels
et al., 2006). A disadvantage of this method is that
the statistics can be used to identify a computer very
effectively, but in the case of computers with multiple
Corresponding author
users, all of them are treated as the same person. For
the password and user recognition procedure, there
are also disadvantages. For example, if the identifi-
cation and password is known by an attacker, the at-
tacker can gain access.
In this work, we analyze new data sources, like
the eye signal and mouse movements. The basic
idea is that a person can be identified by means of
gaze signals or human visual behavior. This has
been shown several times (Holland and Komogortsev,
2011; Fuhl et al., 2019; Fuhl et al., 2020). Since the
gaze signal can only be computed with a webcam in
a browser, it requires the user to activate and allow
the access to the webcam. Additionally, the quality
of the camera as well as the different lighting condi-
tions influence the accuracy of the gaze signal (Pa-
poutsaki et al., 2016). Further scientific work has al-
ready been done on the correlation of mouse move-
ments and the human eye signal (Liebling and Du-
mais, 2014; Guo and Agichtein, 2010; Navalpakkam
et al., 2013). It has been found that when clicking
or the end point of a mouse movement almost always
corresponds to the eye position (Liebling and Dumais,
2014; Guo and Agichtein, 2010; Navalpakkam et al.,
2013). With this information, the technique of web-
cam based eye tracking has changed in that the mouse
information is used to calibrate the eye tracker (Pa-
poutsaki et al., 2016). Another advantage of mouse
Fuhl, W., Weber, D. and Eivazi, S.
The Gaze and Mouse Signal as Additional Source for User Fingerprints in Browser Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0011607300003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
movements is that this information is freely accessi-
ble in the browser and does not have to be activated
manually by the user like the camera. We show in
this thesis that the mouse information is sufficient
to identify a user, which is also scientifically based
on the fact that visual behavior is user-specific (Hol-
land and Komogortsev, 2011; Fuhl et al., 2019; Fuhl
et al., 2020) and that mouse movements in the browser
correlate with visual behavior (Liebling and Dumais,
2014; Guo and Agichtein, 2010; Navalpakkam et al.,
The application of these data sources in the indus-
trial environment is enormous. For example, it en-
ables continuous user validation for online banking
and external access to corporate networks. It would
not be enough to have only the password and the user
ID, one would also have to be able to emulate the be-
havior of the correct human user. For user-specific
advertising and product placement, it is also possible
to differentiate between users on a shared computer
and identification of the same user on different com-
In this section, we discuss the state of the art regard-
ing browser-based user identification. The first work
which has dealt with browser-based user identifica-
tion is (Mayer, 2009). It analyzed and used statis-
tics about the browser configuration, version and in-
stalled extensions. In (Eckersley, 2010) the approach
was proven in a larger study, and thus it was shown
that the digital fingerprint can be effectively used
for user identification via statistics. Further, stud-
ies (Alaca and Van Oorschot, 2016; Englehardt and
Narayanan, 2016; Laperdrix et al., 2020; Kobusi
et al., 2018) dealt with extensions of the statistical fea-
tures and their quality for user recognition. In (Alaca
and Van Oorschot, 2016; Kobusi
nska et al., 2018) an
analysis of the stability of the individual character-
istics was also carried out. (Laperdrix et al., 2020;
nska et al., 2018) examined different browsers
and also analyzed security settings that can prevent
fingerprinting. There was also a long term study
which dealt with the creation of a unique fingerprint
over years (G
omez-Boix et al., 2018). Cross-browser
fingerprinting was covered in (Cao et al., 2017) using
both operating system and hardware features. A fur-
ther extension of these approaches is the use of hash-
ing algorithms to make the calculation and identifica-
tion more effective (Gabryel et al., 2020).
Applications for browser-based fingerprints are
described in the literature as user tracking (Eckers-
ley, 2010; Englehardt and Narayanan, 2016), abuse
prevention (Vastel et al., 2020), and authentication
(Alaca and Van Oorschot, 2016) in many contexts.
For example, security companies use the fingerprint to
detect bots or abnormal behavior on web pages (mis,
2020b; mis, 2020a). In (Vastel et al., 2020) it is also
shown that fingerprinting can be used to easily block
scripts that collect data from web pages, but the au-
thors also show that this protection can be easily cir-
cumvented. A fingerprint for mobile devices, which
was calculated on all hardware and installed software,
is described in (Bursztein et al., 2016). This makes it
possible to distinguish between the real device and a
simulated environment of the same device, and thus
block network traffic in case of a simulated device.
Literature that deals with abuse prevention is
mostly in the context of advertising or e-commerce.
These concerns click fraud or credit card payments.
Two new inference techniques were presented in (Na-
garaja and Shah, 2019). The first technique recog-
nizes click patterns within an advertising network and
thus can prevent click fraud. In the second technique,
bait clicks are injected and resulting conspicuous pat-
terns are detected. (Renjith, 2018) deals with credit
card fraud. Here, cheap goods or services are sought
that have never been shipped or performed. The au-
thors use different features and machine learning al-
gorithms to detect this type of fraud.
There is also already some work in the field of
deep neural networks for fraud detection. In (Zhang
et al., 2019) a deep neural network was presented,
which analyses the data for similar behavior. This al-
lows fraud cases, which are repeated and follow the
same procedures, to be detected and traced. This
technique also helps to protect against known fraud,
because the behavior is conspicuous for the sys-
tem. Several interconnected neural networks have
also been used to detect intrusion into computer net-
works (Ludwig, 2019). Here, various deep neural net-
works are used to monitor network communication.
These networks detect patterns in the communication
which do not correspond to the norm and warn early
in case of a possible intrusion. Deep Boltzmann ma-
chines were used for fraud detection in biometric sys-
tems (de Souza et al., 2019). For this purpose, fea-
tures from the deep layers of the network were used,
as these have proven to be more robust against at-
tempts of fraud. Another use of deep neural networks
for fingerprint calculation is described in (Salakhutdi-
nov and Hinton, 2009). Here, auto-encoders are used
to calculate a hash of a document. Similar documents
produce a similar hash. This technique can also be
applied to browser statistics to obtain a fingerprint of
a user.
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
While click patterns(Nagaraja and Shah, 2019)
or drawing symbols (Syukri et al., 1998) have al-
ready been used to calculate a fingerprint, there ex-
ists also work using mouse statistics for user identi-
fication (Ahmed and Traore, 2007). In (Ahmed and
Traore, 2007) the recorded 22 subjects in 998 ses-
sions with a session length of 45 seconds. After-
wards, they computed mouse statistics like average
mouse velocity, click frequency, and a mouse an-
gle histogram. Similar statistical features were used
in (Chu et al., 2013) to detect if the current user is
human or a bot. In (Kratky and Chuda, 2018) the
mouse statistics are combined with keyboard statis-
tics like average key press duration and key press la-
tency. The same statistics are used in (Solano et al.,
2020) for a behavioral login application. The mouse
statistics were also combined with the same statistics
computed on the gaze of a person during game play-
ing (Kasprowski and Harezlak, 2018). A deep learn-
ing approach was proposed in (Hu et al., 2019) where
the authors draw the mouse movements between two
events (Key press) on the entire scene and feed it into
a deep neural network. The disadvantage of this ap-
proach is, that it requires a lot of computational re-
sources as well as it also leads to many misclassifica-
We propose to use spatial distributions as well as
click distributions. This leads to a reduced data rep-
resentation which can be effectively used to identify
the user. In addition, this data only requires a resource
saving machine learning approach to identify the user.
The data was recorded on two PCs with two differ-
ent browsers each. On each PC, six recordings per
person were made, each of which had a minimum
length of five minutes and could be of any length.
On each computer, there were two browsers, each
of which was used for three recordings. The choice
of websites was limited to six and selected with but-
tons on the top and bottom of the web page. In addi-
tion, all sub-pages could be reached as well as other
sites could be visited through internal links. This lim-
itation was due to the need of an iframe, which al-
lowed us to keep the recording software running con-
stantly. We have also chosen to use a fixed selection
of pages that are the same for all subjects, as it is
guaranteed that the subjects receive the same stimu-
lus. This reduces the influence of completely differ-
ent pages on the gaze and mouse data. Before each
recording, the eye tracker software WebGazer (Pa-
poutsaki et al., 2016) was calibrated. During the cal-
ibration, the subject had to gaze at each calibration
point and click on each point two times. This informa-
tion was given to WebGazer (Papoutsaki et al., 2016)
as calibration coordinates. After the calibration, the
recording started. In total, six people performed the
study, which brings the total number of images to 72
(2browser 2computers 3images 6people = 72).
The collected data is the gaze signal encoded as
heatmap, the mouse movements as heatmap and the
browser statistics. For the heatmap, we have quan-
tized the data into a 10 × 10 grid, which is valid for
both the eye movement and the mouse movement. In
addition, we normalized the sum of the heatmap to
one. The collected browser statistics are standard val-
ues like webdriver, webgl, header, language, device
memory, etc. according to the FingerprintJS (mis,
2020c). To store the data online we used a local
Apache server (Wolfgarten, 2004) with a MySQL
database (Greenspan and Bulger, 2001), to which the
data was sent via Ajax (Garrett et al., 2005) using
Javascript (Goodman, 2007).
Figure 1: The gaze, mouse, and absolute difference for three
users. Each row corresponds to one subject.
Figure 1 shows the normalized gaze and mouse
movement data. Each row corresponds to a sepa-
rate image. Comparing the mouse and gaze data, a
clear difference can be seen where both signals have
the main focus relatively central. Since we used an
iframe for our recordings, we could not use tabs in
the browser. Scrolling was also done mainly over the
mouse wheel, and the scrollbar was a bit inside the
screen. In the third column in Figure 1, which repre-
sents the absolute difference, it can be seen that the
signals are clearly different. Nevertheless, the signals
correlate with each other, which is of course also due
to the fact that the heatmap is a quantization and is
invariant to time.
Figure 2 shows the distribution as a whisker plot
of the correlation coefficient over all recorded data be-
tween the gaze and mouse signal. The blue box rep-
resents the 75% confidence interval and the red line
represents the median. Since all values of the correla-
The Gaze and Mouse Signal as Additional Source for User Fingerprints in Browser Applications
Figure 2: Correlation between the mouse and the gaze data
over all samples as whisker plot.
tion coefficient are above 0.5, it can be assumed that
there is a very strong relation between the gaze signal
and the mouse signal in our recordings. As already
mentioned, this is reinforced by the heatmap quanti-
zation, the normalization, and the removal of the time
dependency in the heatmap.
Larger Scale Study of Mouse Movements: In
this study, we recorded the mouse movements of 80
people. Each person made ten recordings and could
determine the websites, duration, device (As long as
our software was running on it) and also the activity
completely freely. With this study, we would like to
show that it is also possible to distinguish people on
a larger scale based on their mouse movements. The
age of the test persons was between 24 and 39. We
recorded the mouse movements as well as the clicks
with the mouse (left, right and middle mouse button
as well as the mouse wheel movements upwards and
downwards). The recording was done with a program
running in the background so that the persons were
completely free in the choice of their activity as well
as in the choice of the web pages. There were also
no time restrictions for the recordings, so the record-
ing time of our data was between 4 and 25 minutes.
As in the first study, we coded each entire recording
into a 10 × 10 heatmap (quantizing the resolution into
10 ×10 fields) and normalized over their sum. Mouse
clicks were also divided by their sum to make this us-
able as a distribution. In our evaluation, experiments
are performed with and without the mouse click dis-
For all our evaluations, we performed a 50% to 50%
split between training and validation data. We made
sure that every user is present in the training data, as
well as every computer and browser. This has been
done because it is necessary to have seen the user at
least once to recognize him. To make the compari-
son to the browser statistics fair, we made sure that
every computer and browser is in the training data as
well. As a machine learning method, we have cho-
sen bagged decision trees with the standard parame-
ters of Matlab 2020b. The only setting we have made
is the number of trees to be trained, which we have
set to 50 for all evaluations. We did not perform any
data augmentation or other preprocessing. We have
chosen this approach because it is the easiest to re-
produce. In addition, this work is not about the best
possible results, but about the proof of concept of us-
ing the mouse as well as gaze data to create a digital
fingerprint. The script and data can be viewed in the
supplementary material and tested together with Mat-
Figure 3 shows the results for the use of the in-
dividual data sources (browser statistics, mouse, and
gaze) separately. The results are displayed as a confu-
sion matrix to view each class separately. Each confu-
sion matrix also has the overall accuracy in the lower
right corner. The matrix on the left side was only eval-
uated with the browser statistics as input. The over-
all accuracy is exactly at the chance level (16.66%).
This shows that the browser statistics, in the case of
computers with multiple users, cannot be used effec-
tively to distinguish between the different users. This
is because if two users on the same computer in the
same browser have the same statistical values. The
middle confusion matrix in Figure 3 shows the results
achieved with the mouse heatmap. The overall accu-
racy of 69.4% is significantly above the chance level
of 16.66%. Thus, it is clear that the mouse data con-
tains information about the user. Furthermore, this
data can be used to distinguish between users who
have used the same computer and the same browser.
The right matrix in Figure 3 shows the results of the
gaze data. These results exceed the results of the
mouse data with 80.6% accuracy. This also means
that the gaze data can be used to differentiate between
users on the same computer, and this even better than
any other data source.
Figure 4 shows the results for the combinatorial
use of the individual data (browser statistics, mouse,
and gaze). Like the individual results, the combinato-
rial evaluations are also displayed as a confusion ma-
trix. The left matrix shows the results of the combi-
nation of browser statistics and the mouse heatmap.
This combination is slightly worse than using the
mouse heatmap alone (69.4 to 63.9%). This is mainly
due to the fact that in our study, the users are equally
distributed over all computers and browsers. Nor-
mally, that is, that every user has his own computer,
except for a few, the browser statistics alone would
be very effective and the combination of mouse and
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Figure 3: The confusion matrices with the browser statistics, as well as for the gaze and mouse data as input separately. On
the bottom right of each confusion matrix, the overall accuracy can be seen.
Figure 4: The confusion matrices for the combination evaluations. The left most confusion matrix is the browser and mouse
data as input. In the central plot, the results for the browser and gaze data as input are shown. For the right confusion matrix,
we combined the gaze and mouse heatmap. On the bottom right of each confusion matrix, the overall accuracy can be seen.
browser statistics would be much better. In the mid-
dle matrix of Figure 4 the results of the combination
of gaze and browser statistics are shown. Here a slight
improvement can be seen (80.6% to 83.3%). This is
not very much, but the same applies as for the com-
bination of mouse and browser statistics. Usually the
browser statistics is very effective, because most of
the users have their own computer, so this combina-
tion would be much more effective. The last and right
matrix in Figure 4 shows the results of the mouse and
gaze heatmaps. Here is only a small improvement to
the gaze heatmaps alone (2.7%). One reason for this
is that the two heatmaps have a very similar content
and therefore correlate strongly (Figure 2). In addi-
tion, larger data volumes of significantly more than
six users would have to be included in order to be able
to finally evaluate this. In general, it can be assumed
that this combination is not very effective.
Figure 5 shows the results for the combinatorial
use of all data together (browser statistics, mouse, and
gaze). As in all previous evaluations, we have used a
confusion matrix. The overall result of all data as in-
put is as good as the result when using the gaze data
alone (80.6 to 80.6). The individual values of the cor-
rect and incorrect classifications in the matrix differ
Figure 5: The confusion matrix with the combination of
all data sources which are the browser statistics, the gaze
heatmap, and the mouse heatmap. On the bottom right, the
overall accuracy can be seen.
slightly, but the overall result shows no improvement.
Of course, as for all combinatorial analysis with the
browser data, the browser data usually works very
well and the result is certainly much better, if there
are only a few users which share a computer. Also, the
combination of the gaze and mouse heatmap may not
be optimal, because these data correlate too strongly.
However, the gaze heatmap can be replaced with the
mouse heatmap. The mouse data have the clear ad-
The Gaze and Mouse Signal as Additional Source for User Fingerprints in Browser Applications
vantage that they can always be retrieved and do not
require calibration.
Table 1: Shows the average validation results of a 5 folds
cross validation. The task for the different classifiers was
the classification of the person (80 persons in the dataset)
based on a heatmap or a heatmap and click distribution. We
used the standard parameters of the Matlab classification
learner and compared to a reimplementation of the state-of-
the-art mouse statistics (Mouse stats).
Method Heatmap Heatmap and clicks Mouse stats
BaggedTree 90.75% 90.5% 83.5%
Discriminant 98.125% 98.375% 87.125%
KNNEnsem. 94.0% 92.5% 90.0%
CubicSVM 93.5% 93.625% 35.75%
LinearSVM 97.0% 95.25% 86.375%
GaussSVM 91.0% 88.375% 82.25%
QuadricSVM 95.125% 95.375% 41.625%
FineKNN 97.125% 97.75% 87.25%
WeightKNN 97.25% 96.625% 89.625%
Figure 6: Histogram of the misclassification occurrence per
user on the left and the histogram of correct classification
occurrence per user on the right for the one vs all evaluation
per subject without the click distribution (All confusion ma-
trices for each user are in the supplementary material). This
means that each user had to be distinguished from all other
users based on a binary classification. We conducted this
experiment since it should be closer to the usage as a se-
curity mechanism in online banking or similar, where it is
about validating the user based on his behavior. For each
user, we conducted a 5-fold cross validation and did not
balance the dataset (Which can be seen in the confusion
matrices based on the numbers of class one and two) nor
used any reweighting mechanism. The results for all confu-
sion matrices are from the Matlab 2020b FineKNN with the
standard parameters as they are used in the classification
learner application. The reason for this histogram evalua-
tion is to show that the approach works for all users.
Table 1 shows the results of person classification
based on the heatmap and the heatmap combined with
the click distribution. The underlying data are the
mouse recordings of the 80 subjects in our second
study. We evaluated each method with a 5-fold cross
validation and calculated the mean accuracy. As can
be seen in Table 1, the Ensemble of subspace dis-
criminant classifiers is the method with the best ac-
curacy (98.125% and 98.375%) second is FineKNN
(97.125% and 97.75%). For all procedures, we used
the default parameters of Matlab and did not per-
form a grid search for the optimal parameters. This,
together with the scripts and data provided, should
make the results easy to reproduce. If we compare
the results of the heatmap as well as the results of
the heatmap with click distribution, we can clearly see
that the click distribution has a rather negative effect
in most cases. This is certainly due to the fact that lit-
tle of an individual’s behavior is reflected in the click
behavior, since people are restricted in their clicks
and the left mouse button and scrolling are probably
the most frequently used functions. This evaluation
shows that mouse movements are a very good way to
detect users based on their behavior.
Since the evaluation in Table 1 is a detection and
identification of one person out of many, this form
of use is rather less suitable for security-relevant sce-
narios such as online banking. Therefore, we have
performed further experiments in which the goal is to
validate one person out of many. For this, we assigned
class one to a single person and class two to all others.
In this way, the machine learning algorithms learn to
recognize a person based on their behavior and to val-
idate them based on their behavior. Which can basi-
cally provide an additional layer of security in online
banking or other security related network services.
The evaluations per person as histograms can be
seen in Figure 6. Here we performed a 5-fold cross
validation for each person and attempted to validate
this person against all others using Matlab 2020b’s
FineKNN. No balancing or cost function weighting
was used for training and evaluation, which means
that the results can also be further improved. As can
be seen in Figure 6 on the left, there are only rare
amounts of misclassifications per user. This is espe-
cially true if the histogram of correct classifications
(On the right side of Figure 6) is considered.
For the results in Figure 7, we also did a 5-fold
cross validation for each individual person. However,
here we computed the confusion matrix over all re-
sults to compare different machine learning methods
and the heatmap in combination with the click dis-
tribution for this task. As can be seen in the confu-
sion matrices in Figure 7, FineKNN is by far the best
method in terms of the first row of the confusion ma-
trix. This means that it is least likely to classify a valid
person as invalid. If we compare the first 6 confusion
matrices with the last 6, we see that the click distri-
bution worsens the results, as it does for the person
identification (Table 1).
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Figure 7: The confusion matrices for different machine learning methods. We conducted the same per user evaluation as in
Figure 6 but computed the confusion matrix on all predictions together. This means we did a 5-fold cross-validation for each
person vs all other persons and did not rebalance the dataset nor reweight the cost function. This does not show that it works
for each user equally good (But this was shown in Figure 6 already). The first two confusion matrices are with the heatmap,
and the last two confusion matrices are with the heatmap in combination with the click distribution.
In this work, we have done a small study and ana-
lyzed both gaze and mouse data to use them for a dig-
ital fingerprint. In our evaluation, it is clearly shown
that these signals can be used individually as well as
in combination for fingerprinting. It also shows that
in the case of computers used by multiple users, the
browser statistic fails and can no longer distinguish
the persons. With our data we can confirm, as in pre-
vious work, that the gaze and mouse signals are de-
pendent on each other.
Daniel Weber is funded by the Deutsche Forschungs-
gemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)
under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC number
2064/1 – Project number 390727645
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