GroupGazer: A Tool to Compute the Gaze per Participant in Groups
with Integrated Calibration to Map the Gaze Online to a Screen or
Beamer Projection
Wolfgang Fuhl
, Daniel Weber
and Shahram Eivazi
University T
ubingen, Sand 14, T
ubingen, Germany
FESTO, Ruiter Str. 82, Esslingen am Neckar, Germany
Eye Tracking, Gaze, Gaze Group, Calibration, Group Calibration, Gaze Mapping.
In this paper we present GroupGaze. It is a tool that can be used to calculate the gaze direction and the
gaze position of whole groups. GroupGazer calculates the gaze direction of every single person in the image
and allows to map these gaze vectors to a projection like a projector. In addition to the person-specific gaze
direction, the person affiliation of each gaze vector is stored based on the position in the image. Also, it
is possible to save the group attention after a calibration. The software is free to use and requires a simple
webcam as well as an NVIDIA GPU.
Eye tracking is an important input modality and infor-
mation source in the modern world (Cognolato et al.,
2018). In the field of human-machine interaction, the
gaze signal is used and further researched for inter-
action with robots (Willemse and Wykowska, 2019)
but also other technical devices (Wanluk et al., 2016).
This involves not only simple control but also collab-
oration in which a human communicates complex be-
havior to a robot or system (Palinko et al., 2016). In-
teraction with the eyes is also an interesting source
of information in the field of computer games (Alkan
and Cagiltay, 2007). Eye interaction is many times
faster than mouse interaction, which could revolution-
ize the professional computer gaming field (J
2005). In the field of virtual reality, gaze information
can be used to render only small areas of the scene
in high resolution, leading to a significant reduction
in the resources consumption of the devices (Meng
et al., 2018). Another important area in which the
gaze signal plays an important role is driver obser-
vation. Here it is necessary to assess whether the
driver is able to control the vehicle or is too tired in
the case of autonomous driving to take over the vehi-
cle (Zandi et al., 2019). Of course, this also applies
to car rental companies, for which it is important to
know whether the driver is, for example, intoxicated
Corresponding author
or an unsafe driver (Maurage et al., 2020). In the
field of medicine, research is also being conducted
into methods of self-diagnosis (Clark et al., 2019).
This involves, for example, the early detection of
Alzheimer’s disease (Crawford, 2015), strokes (Mat-
sumoto et al., 2011), as well as eye defects (Eide et al.,
2019) or autism (Boraston and Blakemore, 2007).
In the field of safety, the eye signal also gains in-
creasingly more interest (Katsini et al., 2020; Fuhl
et al., 2021a). This is due to the fact that personal
behavior is reflected in the gaze signal, which can
be used to identify the person (Fuhl et al., 2021b).
Other information contained in the eye is the cog-
nitive load based on pupil dilation (Chauliac et al.,
2020), attention (Chita-Tegmark, 2016), procedural
strategies (Jenke et al., 2021) and many others. A
relatively new area in which the eye tracking signal
is used is behavioral research (Yang and Krajbich,
2021; Das et al., 2018). Here it is on the one hand
about extracting expert knowledge from the eye sig-
nal and passing this knowledge to trainees (Manning
et al., 2003; Hoghooghi et al., 2020). This concerns,
all areas in which the training is only possible with
expensive tools and training devices (Vijayan et al.,
2018). In the area of medicine the main interest is to
distill the expert knowledge better (Quen et al., 2021;
Manning et al., 2003). Another area of behavioral re-
search which is also the subject of this thesis is group
behavior (Hwang and Lee, 2020; Reichenberger et al.,
Fuhl, W., Weber, D. and Eivazi, S.
GroupGazer: A Tool to Compute the Gaze per Participant in Groups with Integrated Calibration to Map the Gaze Online to a Screen or Beamer Projection.
DOI: 10.5220/0011607000003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: Detection results of the proposed tool GroupGazer on a group photo. The image has a high resolution in the pdf
so you can zoom in to see everything. A larger version of the image with more people is in the supplementary material. The
image is taken from
2020; Kredel et al., 2017). Here there is research in
the area of teaching (Korbach et al., 2020; Schnei-
der et al., 2008; Jarodzka et al., 2020) but also in dy-
namic environments like sports (Oldham et al., 2021;
Du Toit et al., 2009; Reneker et al., 2020).
The current problems in the field of behavioral re-
search for groups, is that there is no freely available
software for this. Therefore, research groups have to
resort to expensive solutions such as multiple worn
eye trackers. This creates further issues like the as-
signment of the important areas between the different
scene cameras. One way around this is to use virtual
reality together with eye tracking. However, this also
changes the behavior of the test persons and cannot be
carried out over longer periods of time with regard to
motion sickness. Alternatively to worn eye trackers,
there is also the possibility to use external cameras.
In this case, the researchers have to implement their
technical solutions independently, which often leads
to dependencies on other working groups and is also
an expensive undertaking due to the image processing
cameras which are usually used.
In this paper, we present software that allows any-
one to use a simple webcam for gaze estimation of
groups and calibration each subject in parallel. By
doing so, we hope to enable anyone to conduct behav-
ioral group research. Our contributions to the state of
the art are:
1. A tool to record the gaze of groups and calibrate
each individual in parallel.
2. The tool has no specialized hardware require-
ments and only needs an NVIDIA GPU with at
least 4 GB memory (We used a 1050 ti with 4
3. Stores the gaze per person as well as the average
gaze location of the group.
Since our software is the combination of several re-
search fields, we have divided the related work into
three categories. The first category is face recogni-
tion, the second category is appearance based gaze
estimation, and the third category is gaze based group
behavior research.
2.1 Face Detection
Face recognition in arbitrary environments is still a
very challenging field of research. Here, an arbitrarily
large image is given, and all faces must be detected.
This often involves occlusions, different head posi-
tions, changes in lighting conditions, and of course
the faces in the image have different resolutions. The
first very successful approach was presented by Viola
and Jones (Viola and Jones, 2004). This is based on
hair features and trained using AdaBoost. The next
major step was achieved with deformable part models
(DPM) (Yan et al., 2014). Compared to feature-based
approaches, DPM is much more robust but requires
significantly more computational effort. With the ad-
vent of deep neural networks, however, the state of
the art was again significantly improved (Bai et al.,
2018; Jiang and Learned-Miller, 2017; Li et al., 2019;
Zhang et al., 2020). The first extension of neural
networks was the combination of face detection with
face matching (Zhang and Zhang, 2014; Zhang et al.,
2016). Current methods for face detection follow two
directions. The first direction is the multistage ap-
proach, which is based on a region proposal neural
network followed by validation of the proposed faces.
The most notable representatives of this direction of
development are RCNN (Girshick et al., 2014), al-
most RCNN (Girshick, 2015), and faster RCNN (Ren
et al., 2015). The second direction of development
is direct methods such as single shot multibox detec-
tor (SSD) (Liu et al., 2016) or you only look once
(YOLO) (Redmon et al., 2016). For YOLO, there are
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
already multiple versions, which consume even less
resources at approximately the same detection rate.
The advantage of the direct approaches, is the faster
execution and the smaller resource consumption. The
multilayer methods, on the other hand, provide a bet-
ter detection rate and fewer misclassifications.
2.2 Appearance Based Gaze Estimation
Here, the entire facial image or eye area of a per-
son is used to directly determine the gaze vector via
a neural network. The first work in this area is from
1994 (Baluja and Pomerleau, 1994) and was extended
in (Tan et al., 2002) by linear projection functions.
These methods require very expensive calibration,
since the neural network was trained for each person
individually with many training examples. The first
extensions to reduce the effort in calibration were a
Gaussian process regression (Williams et al., 2006),
saliency maps (Sugano et al., 2012), and optimal se-
lection using a linear regression (Lu et al., 2014).
While all of these methods advanced the state of the
art, the appearance based approach still had many lim-
itations, such as a fixed head position and per-person
calibration. With deep neural networks and the advent
of big data, this has changed significantly. In (Zhang
et al., 2015) the first successful approach was pre-
sented, which realized appearance based gaze estima-
tion with deep neural networks. The first extensions
used, in addition to eye images, the subjects’ faces,
which resulted in a significant improvement (Krafka
et al., 2016; Kellnhofer et al., 2019). For extreme
head positions and strongly deviating gaze angles to
the head orientation, an asymmetric regression was
presented (Cheng et al., 2020).
2.3 Gaze Based Group Behavior
In this section, we would like to mention and briefly
explain only some works from this area, since our
software is made for this purpose but does not per-
form a behavior research study.
The first area in behavioral research which can
also be applied to groups is mind wandering (Hutt
et al., 2017; Hutt et al., 2019). Mind wandering is a
shift in attention to task-unrelated thoughts. This is an
interesting effect for teaching since it negatively influ-
ences the learning performance of students (Robert-
son et al., 1997; Smallwood et al., 2008; Hutt et al.,
2019). Mind wandering itself is a special form of dis-
engagement and has to be separated from boredom
or off-task behaviors (Cocea and Weibelzahl, 2010;
Mills et al., 2014; Hutt et al., 2019). Another inter-
Figure 2: The workflow of our approach. We first detect
the faces and compute the gaze vector using an appearance
based approach. Each person is calibrated using mouse
clicks on a projection in parallel. The fitted polynomials
are afterwards used to map the gaze to the projection.
esting social behavior is gaze following (Aung et al.,
2018). This gaze following is a form of commu-
nication and socializing. In some scenarios it has
to be done only for a single person (Judd et al.,
2009; Fathi et al., 2012) but in modern research entire
scenes with multiple persons are evaluated and ana-
lyzed (Aung et al., 2018; Mukherjee and Robertson,
2015; Marin-Jimenez et al., 2014; Recasens et al.,
2017; Recasens, 2016). Nowadays, psychologists use
behavior observation methods in classrooms as well
as direct behavior ratings (Woolverton and Pollastri,
2021). While both methods are valid and also used
by teachers themselves, they are limited in effective-
ness due to the attentional limits of the human ob-
servers as well as their induced biases (McIntyre and
Foulsham, 2018). Modern research focuses on es-
tablishing intelligent classroom technologies with eye
tracking and voice recording (Woolverton and Pol-
lastri, 2021; McIntyre and Foulsham, 2018). Those
methods have their limitations due to the data se-
curity but deliver more insights and allow reducing
the induced bias by humans (Woolverton and Pollas-
tri, 2021; McIntyre and Foulsham, 2018; McParland
et al., 2021).
Figure 2 shows the workflow of our approach.
GroupGazer first opens a video stream on an avail-
able camera. Afterwards, all faces in the image
are detected. If not all desired faces are detected,
GroupGazer offers an upscaling factor, which can be
set by the user. This upscaling factor resizes the in-
put image to allow the face detection to detect even
very small faces in the image. After the face detec-
tion, all detected faces are extracted from the image
and resized to 100× 100 pixels in a gray scale image.
These images are grouped together to form a batch
which is given to the gaze vector estimation DNN.
GroupGazer: A Tool to Compute the Gaze per Participant in Groups with Integrated Calibration to Map the Gaze Online to a Screen or
Beamer Projection
Table 1: Shows the architecture of our face detection deep
neural network. The architecture is copied from dlib (King,
2009) and uses the max margin (King, 2015) training pro-
cedure. We modified the model in terms of tensor normal-
ization (Fuhl, 2021b) and gradient centralization (Fuhl and
Kasneci, 2021) as well as convolution size and depth.
Level Gaze estimator
Input RGB image any resolution
1 Pyramid layer with six stages
2 5 × 5 Conv, dep 8, 2 × 2 down, BN, ReLu, TN
3 3 × 3 Conv, dep 8, 2 × 2 down, BN, ReLu, TN
4 3 × 3 Conv, dep 8, 2 × 2 down, BN, ReLu, TN
5 5 × 5 Conv, dep 16, BN, ReLu, TN
6 3 × 3 Conv, dep 16, BN, ReLu, TN
7 3 × 3 Conv, dep 16, BN, ReLu, TN
8 7 × 7 Conv, dep 1
Table 2: Shows the architecture of our gaze estimation deep
neural network. It has the structure of a ResNet-34 (He
et al., 2016) and uses the leaky maximum propagation
blocks (Fuhl, 2021a), tensor normalization (Fuhl, 2021b),
as well as the weight and gradient centralization (Fuhl and
Kasneci, 2021).
Level Gaze estimator
Input Gray scale image 100 × 100
1 5 × 5 Conv, dep 32
2 ReLu with tensor normalization
3 2 × 2 Max pooling
4 3 Max blocks, 2 × 2 d, 3 × 3 C, dep 64, BN
5 ReLu with tensor norm
6 3 Max blocks, 2 × 2 d, 3 × 3 C, dep 128, BN
7 ReLu with tensor norm
8 3 Max blocks, 2 × 2 d, 3 × 3 C, dep 256, BN
9 ReLu with tensor norm
10 Fully connected, 512 outputs
11 ReLu
12 Fully, 7 (3,7 for validation))
The batch size can also be set by the user. This fixed
batch size allows GroupGazer to have a static runtime
and if there are fewer faces in the image, the rest of
the batch is filled with black images. GroupGazer can
be used with a 1050 ti graphics card for up to 40 faces
in real time, which is also dependent on the input res-
olution to the face detection DNN. For newer GPUs
more faces can be set by the user as well as larger
input image resolutions for the face detection. The
gaze estimation DNN processes the entire batch and
computes a starting position (First two values), an ac-
curacy of the starting position (Third value), the gaze
vector (Forth to sixth value), as well as an accuracy
of the gaze vector (Seventh value). With this infor-
mation, each face has a gaze vector and an estimated
accuracy. With the gaze vector and the starting posi-
tion, a polynomial is used to map the gaze vector to
a projection or monitor. The degree of the polyno-
mial can be specified by the user, and the calibration
procedure works as follows. The teacher or adviser
tells the students to look at his mouse cursor posi-
tion. On a left mouse click, all gaze vectors which
are seen as valid and accurate are stored together with
the click location. This is repeated multiple times.
Afterwards, for each user, the polynomial is fitted in
the least squares sense. With those polynomials, the
mapping and therefore the gaze location is computed
for each user. The reidentification of users is done by
the smallest euclidean distance to the last detections,
and the new position is not allowed to leaf the last
face detection bounding box. This is a simple proce-
dure but saves a lot of computational resources since
no additional network has to be used. In addition, it is
much more robust since fine-tuning a Network online
usually needs multiple examples to deliver reliable re-
sults, even if we use the hypersphere approach (Xie
et al., 2019) or siam networks (Abdelpakey and She-
hata, 2019).
The used model architectures can be seen in Ta-
ble 1 and 2. Our face detection model is similar
to the model from dlib (King, 2009) we only made
some slight changes which improve the accuracy of
the model and only impact the runtime slightly. For
gaze estimation we used the architecture of a ResNet-
34 (He et al., 2016) since it has a good accuracy and is
resource saving in contrast to the other networks. We
modified the ResNet-34 architecture only by adding
some novel normalization (Fuhl, 2021b; Fuhl and
Kasneci, 2021), the landmark validation loss (Fuhl
and Kasneci, 2019), as well as leaky maximum prop-
agations instead of the residual connections (Fuhl,
Gaze360 (Kellnhofer et al., 2019) is a huge data set
with 3D gaze annotations recorded using multiple
cameras covering 360 degree. The recordings were
conducted indoor and outdoor with 238 subjects. The
dataset contains large head variations as well as dis-
tances of the subjects to the camera. We only used
approximately 80,000 images of this data set since
the data set contains also human heads from behind
as well as some partially covered heads which we re-
moved from our data for training and evaluation. The
train and test split was done by randomly selecting
20% for testing and 80% for training.
DLIB (King, 2009) data set contains images of
various resolutions. Each image can have multiple
faces which are annotated with bounding boxes. In
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Table 3: Face detection results on DLIB data set (King, 2009) with percition and recall. We compare our model to other
approaches in therms of detection percentage as well as runtime in milliseconds (ms) for one hundred images in average.
OoM means out of memory exception.
Method Percision Recall Runtime GPU (ms)
1920 × 1280 300 × 300
Proposed 0,99 0,89 67 3
dlib (King, 2009) 0,99 0,88 175 8
Res-34 & Faster-RCNN (Ren et al., 2015) 0,99 0,91 OoM 22 & 1
Yolov5s (Redmon et al., 2016) 0,99 0,89 OoM 10
Table 4: Appearance based gaze estimation results on the Gaze360 (Kellnhofer et al., 2019) dataset. We compared our model
to other approaches and evaluated the gaze start estimation in average euclidean distance in pixel as well as the gaze vector
estimation in degree. Time is measured for one face image as average over one thousand.
Method Gaze start Gaze vector Runtime GPU (ms)
Proposed 0,6 0,2 3
ResNet-34 (He et al., 2016) 0,9 0,5 8
ResNet-50 (He et al., 2016) 0,5 0,2 12
MobileNet (Howard et al., 2017) 1,8 1,6 7
MobileNetv2 (Sandler et al., 2018) 1,7 1,6 7
total the data set contains 7213 images and 11480 an-
notated faces. We made a random 50% to 50% split
and used the first half for training and the second half
for evaluation (One image more for training due to the
uneven number). The images in the dataset are taken
from other public data sets and annotated by the au-
thors of (King, 2009).
Table 5: Accuracy of the proposed tool for different dis-
tances to the camera. The results are the average accu-
racy over three subjects on a TV screen with a diagonal of
Distance subjects 1m 2m 3m 4m 5m 6m
Average Error 4cm 5cm 8cm 12cm 15cm 19cm
In Table 3 and 4 our models are compared with
other approaches. For face detection (Table 3), it can
be seen that we have chosen a tradeoff between de-
tection rate and runtime. The recognition rate of our
approach can be further increased via the upscaling
factor. However, this also increases the computation
time, which also increases the runtime per image. For
Yolo this is not possible, because the memory usage
for images larger than 300 becomes too large. For the
backbone of the faster-RCNN, the memory consump-
tion is also too high for a large resolution. Which is
also the main reason why we decided against YOLO
and the faster-RCNN. In addition, both the faster-
RCNN with backbone and the YOLO need a fixed
input resolution with which they have to be trained.
For our fully convolutional approach inspired by the
dlib architecture, this is not necessary.
For the gaze direction determination, you can
clearly see that our net runs significantly faster than
the other nets. This is due to the fact that our lay-
ers use less depth than, for example, ResNet-34. The
MobileNets cannot show their advantage on the GPU,
since they cause cache conflicts here, whereby parts
of the code are executed serialized. On a CPU, Mo-
bileNet would be significantly faster than our net, but
with about 160 ms per face too slow for a real-time
evaluation. In terms of results, ResNet-50 is the most
accurate, closely followed by our network. In addi-
tion to accuracy, if we consider runtime on a GPU,
our network is clearly ahead, which is why we chose
our architecture.
In this paper, we have presented GroupGazer. This is
a software that allows to determine the gaze direction
of groups per person. This gaze determination is done
online on a conventional computer with an NVIDIA
GPU. GroupGazer allows each person in the group
to be calibrated in parallel so that the individual gaze
vectors can be mapped to a projection, such as that of
a projector or large monitor. The software is intended
to support behavioral research and thus make it possi-
ble to easily record the gaze positions of groups.
Daniel Weber is funded by the Deutsche Forschungs-
gemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation)
under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC number
2064/1 – Project number 390727645
GroupGazer: A Tool to Compute the Gaze per Participant in Groups with Integrated Calibration to Map the Gaze Online to a Screen or
Beamer Projection
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