Why Do We Need Domain-Experts for End-to-End Text Classification?
An Overview
Jakob Smedegaard Andersen
Department of Computer Science, Hamburg University of Applied Science, Germany
Text Classification, Human-in-the-Loop, Hybrid Intelligent Systems.
The aim of this study is to provide an overview of human-in-the-loop text classification. Automated text
classification faces several challenges that negatively affect its applicability in real-world domains. General
obstacles are a lack of labelled examples, limited held-out accuracy, missing user trust, run-time constraints,
low data quality and natural fuzziness. Human-in-the-loop is an emerging paradigm to continuously support
machine processing, i.e. text classification, with prior human knowledge, aiming to overcome the limitations of
purely artificial processing. In this survey, we review current challenges of pure automated text classifiers and
outline how a human-in-the-loop can overcome these obstacles. We focus on end-to-end text classification and
feedback of domain-experts, which do not process technical knowledge about the algorithms used. Further,
we discuss common techniques to guide human attention and efforts within the text classification process.
Involving domain experts in text classification can
bridge the gap between machine learning (ML) re-
search and real-world applications. While recent au-
tomated text classifiers have achieved great success
on many benchmarks (Devlin et al., 2019; Yang et al.,
2019), the applicability of automated text classifiers
in real-world environments is still limited and faces
many challenges. Even state-of-the-art text classi-
fiers, such as BERT (Devlin et al., 2019), are not able
to consistently reach desirable classifications results
on arbitrary datasets. Automated text classifiers gen-
erally lack reliability, explainability, interpretability
and human trust.
Semi-automated approaches have lately gained
in prominence (Keim et al., 2008; Amershi et al.,
2014; Holzinger, 2016), in which human background
knowledge, abilities, and expertise are tightly coupled
with ML models. Allowing humans to interact with
ML models, aims to overcome the obstacles of purely
artificial approaches and ultimately increases the
applicability of artificial assisted decision-making.
The term human-in-the-loop (HiL) (Holzinger, 2016)
emerged to describe a semi-automated process char-
acterized by the continuous support of machine pro-
cessing by human feedback. HiL problem-solving
aims to achieve what neither a human nor a machine
can achieve on their own. In this work, we survey HiL
for text classifiers with a focus on non-ML expert sys-
tems, where domain experts support the machine pro-
cessing with their domain-specific prior knowledge
and expertise. We analyse the main types of HiL
implementations for text classification and highlight
how these solve various challenges related to pure au-
tomated approaches.
Text classification is a widespread research chal-
lenge with high practical demands. It describes the
process of assigning predefined class labels to natu-
ral language texts. Since large-scale manual labelling
of text documents is a tedious, time-consuming and
expensive task, there is a high demand for automa-
tion. In order to increase the applicability of auto-
mated classifiers, the question arises how domain-
experts and artificial classifiers can work together ef-
ficiently. In particular, explicit uncertainty informa-
tion (Der Kiureghian and Ditlevsen, 2009) and ex-
planations (Adadi and Berrada, 2018) have shown
to provide valuable insights into automated decision-
making that help to effectively spend human efforts.
To our best knowledge, there is no survey, focusing
on overcoming the limitations of automated text clas-
sification via domain-experts. Wu et al. (Wu et al.,
2022) provide a general survey of human-in-the-loop
in conjunction with a range of ML tasks. Wang et al.
(Wang et al., 2021) survey how several natural lan-
guage processing (NLP) tasks can benefit from hu-
man feedback.
Andersen, J.
Why Do We Need Domain-Experts for End-to-End Text Classification? An Overview.
DOI: 10.5220/0011605900003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 17-24
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 introduces the task of automated text
classification and outlines current challenges in its
application. Then, Section 3 defines the human-in-
the-loop approaches and introduces common types
of human feedback. Section 4 looks at approaches
to efficiently bring humans in the classification loop,
and Section 5 reviews generic applications of the HiL
paradigm to support text classification. Finally, Sec-
tion 6 discusses open challenges and Section 7 con-
cludes the paper.
Text classification is about assigning text documents
to predefined classes (Sebastiani, 2002). It has be-
come a major challenge for research, as large amounts
of textual data are produced daily in many real-world
applications. However, fully automated classification
algorithms remain imperfect and have several limita-
tions that negatively impact their applicability in real-
world domains. In the following, we highlight general
limitations of purely automated text classifiers.
Lack of Knowledge. State-of-the-art classifiers are
usually deep neural networks (Minaee et al., 2021)
consisting of millions of parameters. Such classifiers
require a lot of training data to efficiently model the
prediction function. However, labelled data are typi-
cally scarce and represent a significant bottleneck in
classification. Human labelling is time-consuming,
labour-intensive, and costly, especially when domain-
experts are needed. Therefore, the limited availability
of training data is a serious obstacle to the application
of automated text classifiers.
Further, it is generally assumed that the samples a
model faces during deployment come from the same
distribution as the training data set. However, the dis-
tribution of new in-domain data is generally unknown,
and the underlying distribution is prone to shift over
time (Ovadia et al., 2019). This makes it difficult
to maintain a representative and meaningful training
dataset, which is essential for training a well perform-
ing classifier.
Lack of Performance and Reliability. A primary
goal of text classification is to achieve the highest
possible accuracy. However, classification algorithms
are inherently uncertain and misclassifications must
be expected (Der Kiureghian and Ditlevsen, 2009).
The exact relationship between class labels and text
inputs remains unknown and can only be approxi-
mated by classifiers. Misclassifications usually occur
because of missing training data, inappropriate selec-
tion of the classification algorithm, input noise, lim-
ited number of processable features (Gao et al., 2021),
overfitting (Roelofs et al., 2019) or because unknown
classes in the training data are mistakenly perceived
as different labels (Zhao et al., 2021). Even when a
large amount of training data is available, the most ad-
vanced text classifiers rarely achieve 100% accuracy
on the test dataset and even more rarely on unseen
data. Typically, measured held-out accuracies over-
estimate the real performance of classifiers on real-
world data (Ribeiro et al., 2020). Given a labelled
text corpus, the performance of a classifier usually
converges to a maximum achievable accuracy that the
model itself cannot exceed. Benchmarks indicate that
an accuracy of around 90% on well scoped tasks can
be expected (Devlin et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2019).
Lack of Transparency. Classification algorithms,
especially deep learning approaches, are considered
“black-boxes” for humans because they do not pro-
vide comprehensible insights into their decision-
making. Practitioners are confronted with classifica-
tion results without being told why and how these pre-
dictions were made. Without any human-readable ex-
planations, practitioners can hardly be convinced of
the classification result. Practitioners do generally
not trust artificial classification results if they can-
not understand why and how these decisions were
made. Mechanisms for transparency aim to increase
the trustworthiness, conformity and ultimately the ap-
plicability of text classifiers in practice (Adadi and
Berrada, 2018). However, it is not enough to just ex-
plain the classifiers internal behaviour, humans must
also understand them. Explainability can only be
achieved through the interaction between humans and
ML models (Adadi and Berrada, 2018).
Computational Complexity. The increasing acces-
sibility of powerful computational instructions is
paving the way for more complex classification al-
gorithms that continue to push the boundaries of the
state-of-the-art. Recent classifiers consist of more
than 100 million trainable parameters (Devlin et al.,
2019; Yang et al., 2019). Such complex models re-
quire a lot of computing time and resources, which
precludes their use in product environments and on
large datasets. Excluding many practitioners from
their application. Long training or inference times
also negatively impact the user experience when hu-
mans are involved in the classification loop, as long
waiting times occur between interactions. A common
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
workaround is to use simple linear classification mod-
els instead, such as FastText (Joulin et al., 2017) or
less complex neural networks (Kim, 2014), which re-
duce training, testing, and inference time but compro-
mise accuracy.
Data Quality. Data quality can be viewed as the de-
gree to which a data set is fit for a particular purpose
(Gudivada et al., 2017), i.e. analytical task. Miss-
ing, biassed or insufficient data are a common source
of misclassifications, affecting the overall accuracy.
Raw text is usually noisy, inconsistent, heterogeneous
and has to be initially cleaned to reduce quality is-
sues. Furthermore, classifiers are easily disrupted by
an imbalanced data distributions, i.e. some classes
occur much more often than others, causing a bias to-
wards selecting the majority classes (Sun et al., 2009).
In general, it is assumed that the more labelled data
available, the better a model can be trained. However,
it has been shown that equally high accuracies can
be achieved with few but high quality data instances
(Lewis and Gale, 1994). Overall, learning powerful
classifiers requires good quality data.
Fuzzy Classification Objective. Text is naturally
fuzzy, and its interpretation is highly subjective.
Boundaries between different classification objectives
are commonly fluid and cannot be sufficiently decided
by black and white thinking. Ambiguous borderline
cases will arise that cannot be decided objectively.
Studies show that even experts disagree on the detec-
tion of hate speech (Waseem, 2016). It may happen
that some texts appear as valid examples for several
or all classes. In general, it is assumed that if domain
experts cannot agree on a certain class membership,
an algorithm will not be able to do better (Boguslav
and Cohen, 2017).
This section defines and scopes the HiL approach, and
outlines common types of human feedback to support
the collaboration between humans and text classifiers.
3.1 Scope and Definition
The phrase human-in-the-loop (HiL) (Holzinger,
2016) describes a computational ML paradigm and
field of research characterized by the adaptation of
machine processing by human skills, background
knowledge and expertise. HiL systems aim to facil-
itate problem-solving with the cost of human involve-
ment. At the time of the survey, there is no gener-
ally accepted definition for HiL. Many attempts have
been made covering different aspects and use-cases
of human-machine collaboration. Fails and Olsen
Jr (Fails and Olsen Jr, 2003) were the first to use
the term interactive Machine Learning (iML) to de-
scribe a continuous train-feedback-correct loop for
interactively training a model. In their framework,
humans continuously provide additional training data
to a model until an acceptable level of accuracy is
reached. This approach is also called active learning
(Settles, 1995). Amershi et al. (Amershi et al., 2014)
argue for the importance of an extended user-centric
perspective in iML, focusing on human factors and
the rapid and incremental nature of interaction cycles.
They see iML as an opportunity for domain-experts to
incorporate their knowledge directly into ML models.
Another definition of HiL is provided by Holzinger
(Holzinger, 2016). They use the term HiL to describe
a concept which looks for algorithms which inter-
act with agents and can optimize their learning be-
haviour through this interaction. This definition fo-
cuses mainly on the machine centred aspects of HiL,
where models actively ask for feedback to support
their behaviour during the learning phase. In gen-
eral, human-machine cooperation can be both user-
and machine-centred. In a machine-centred approach,
a model asks the human directly for information. In
a human-centred approach, humans select informa-
tion themselves and make them available to classi-
fiers. The later viewpoint is outlined by Dudley and
Kristensson (Dudley and Kristensson, 2018) which
define iML as a co-adaptive process, driven by the
user, but inherently dynamic in nature as the model
and user evolve together during training”. This defi-
nition focuses on the user and illuminates the process
of knowledge generation that occurs during the pro-
gressive interaction between humans and the model.
Humans gain insight and knowledge about their data
by observing its structure and model results, while
machines learn from human feedback (Sacha et al.,
2014). The knowledge acquired can help to further
improve the quality of subsequent feedback. HiL does
not just focus on training. It has also been shown
that involving domain-experts during inference can
increase the accuracy of text classifiers (Kivlichan
et al., 2021; Andersen and Maalej, 2022). Endert et al.
(Endert et al., 2014) take a step further and advocate
a “Human-is-the-Loop” methodology in exploratory
settings to highlight the importance of seamlessly in-
tegrating human capabilities in the process of knowl-
edge discovery. The application of HiL is not limited
Why Do We Need Domain-Experts for End-to-End Text Classification? An Overview
to model development. HiL can also be applied in de-
ployment to further refine a model in the field. For the
purposes of this survey, we define HiL as “a generic
semi-automated process in which models and humans
interact and learn from each other to improve the out-
comes or applicability of ML algorithms.
3.2 Human Feedback
Users of HiL systems should not require a deep under-
standing of the model they are interacting with (Fails
and Olsen Jr, 2003). Therefore, interactions have
to concentrate on the exchange of domain-specific
knowledge. In the following, we discuss different
types of human feedback to support end-to-end text
classification, where no manual text-processing and
features-engineering is performed.
Feedback from domain-experts within text classi-
fication is mostly limited to label existing text docu-
ments to be added to the training data. The classifier
is then re-trained on the extended training dataset and
possibly improved (Lewis and Gale, 1994). Bernard
et al. (Bernard et al., 2018) distinguish between two
labelling scenarios to support the training process of a
classifier. In pre-labelling, training data is collected
to build the first batch of training data, which is used
to initially train a classifier. In incremental learning,
a model is re-trained when additional training data is
available. In this case, humans continuously provide
new labelled data to refine an already trained model.
Re-training a model is important to strengthen its ro-
bustness and prevent it from deteriorating over time
(Ovadia et al., 2019). Human labels can also be ob-
tained by letting humans agree or disagree with artifi-
cially derived labels (Andersen et al., 2021). Domain-
experts can also provide new text instances to support
a classification model. Textual feedback can be used
to reduce blind spots or misconceptions, such as pro-
viding missing evidence that is not included in the
current training data (Attenberg et al., 2011). Here,
users are asked not only to provide labels, but also to
provide new or modified text examples.
HiL aims for fast, efficient, continuous and beneficial
interactions between ML models and humans. While
artificial decision-making is considerably cheap and
fast, human involvement is usually the bottleneck of
HiL systems. To keep human involvement efficient
and sparse, it is desirable to obtain high-quality feed-
back while avoiding redundant and unnecessary in-
teractions. In the following, we discuss three general
techniques that enable and support the exchange of
high-quality feedback. These are predictive uncer-
tainties, explanations and visualizations.
4.1 Predictive Uncertainties
Classification algorithms are inherently imperfect due
to their probabilistic nature. Artificial predictions
are corrupted by uncertainties which emerge dur-
ing the classification process (Der Kiureghian and
Ditlevsen, 2009). Misconceptions, corruptions, ambi-
guities, noise, a lack of evidence, limited representa-
tiveness, conflicting evidence within the training data,
or out-of-distribution inputs might cause highly unre-
liable predictions which are probably wrong. Unfor-
tunately, automated classifiers are incapable of rec-
ognizing when they fail to provide reliable outcomes.
Thus, it is difficult for humans to reason about the re-
liability and trustfulness of predictions. In the worst
case, a prediction is considered as correct even though
it is not. Quantifying predictive uncertainties could
help to handle these difficulties and is a first step to-
wards more accountable and transparent predictions.
Therefore, classifiers are required to additionally re-
port uncertainty scores beside the usual class out-
come, when a certain level of safety is needed. While
uncertainty can arise and be passed on in any part of
the ML pipeline and in human interaction with them
(Sacha et al., 2015), recent research focuses on the
automatic estimation of classification uncertainty in
individual classification results (Blundell et al., 2015;
Gal and Ghahramani, 2016).
Uncertainty is generally considered as a lack of
confidence in a prediction (Li et al., 2012). It can also
be seen as an indicator of unpredictability, indicating
that instances contain much information the model
might need (Lewis and Gale, 1994). Being aware of
uncertainties helps to take special care of unreliable
predictions and reduces the risk of trusting incorrect
model behaviour, i.e., misclassifications (Hendrycks
and Gimpel, 2017; Andersen and Maalej, 2022; An-
dersen and Zukunft, 2022). Uncertainty also facili-
tates the detection of out-of-distribution examples to
which classifiers typically do not generalize well (Hu
and Khan, 2021; Hendrycks and Gimpel, 2017). In-
teractions guided by uncertainty seek to spend human
efforts most efficiently by focusing feedback on ma-
chine misconceptions and information needs.
4.2 Explanations
State-of-the-art classifiers are more complex and less
interpretable than ever. Especially deep learning ap-
proaches are considered black-boxes since humans
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
can not reason about their internal decision-making.
The lack of transparency makes it challenging to un-
derstand how and why decisions were made. It stays
unknown what the model has learned. Understanding
the rationale for decisions would increase the confi-
dence, trust, and applicability of artificial decisions.
Especially since, users are usually not willing to ap-
ply artificial models when they do not trust them.
Explainable ML (Adadi and Berrada, 2018) aims
to open the black-box of classifiers and ensure that
humans can understand and justify why certain class
results were delivered. Explanations enable us to dis-
cover what a model has learned and how to further
improve it (Adadi and Berrada, 2018). Making arti-
ficial reasoning explicit helps humans to make their
decision-making more efficient. Generally, expla-
nation can enhance a classifiers robustness and user
trust, knowledge transferability, as well as prevent
faulty behaviour, weak points, undesired biases, un-
fairness, and discrimination (Arrieta et al., 2020; Con-
falonieri et al., 2021). Explanations are also used to
provide better cognitive support and enhance the col-
laboration between humans and models.
In order to explain text classifiers, human com-
prehensible interpretations of classification results are
needed. Explanations of classifiers are usually mod-
elled as an additional output alongside the final class
predictions. For deep learning based classification,
typically local or introspective explanations (Con-
falonieri et al., 2021) are provided to explain input-
output pairs based on a subset of input features that
justify the classification result. For text classification,
these are the words of the input text that contribute
most to a particular class outcome.
4.3 Visualizations
Visual perception is one of the most important skills
that enables humans to discover and understand local
patterns and relationships in visual representations of
problems statements (Tropmann-Frick and Andersen,
2019). Information visualization is about mapping
data in a visual context so that it is easier for humans
to understand and draw insights from it. Visual inter-
faces are essential for HiL since these enable domain-
experts to cooperate with ML model without requir-
ing any additional programming (Fails and Olsen Jr,
2003). Just displaying the labels, predicted by artifi-
cial classifiers, greatly improves human accuracy and
speed of manually labelling (Desmond et al., 2021).
A common visualization technique for exploring
large textual data is to embed their high-dimensional
feature vectors, i.e. semantic meaningful text repre-
sentations, into a typically two-dimensional vector-
space using dimensionality reduction techniques (Be-
nato et al., 2020). The reduced vectors can then easily
be visualized via a scatter-plot.
In this section, we present three common HiL imple-
mentations that aim to overcome some major limita-
tions in the application of automatic text classifiers.
5.1 Training Data Acquisition
While obtaining raw text instances usually is not a
problem nowadays, the lack of labelled examples is
the bottleneck of text classification. Generally, la-
belling must be done manually, which requires a lot of
human labour. To reduce the effort required to manu-
ally label a sufficient training dataset is an important
task in text classification. Approaches are needed to
efficiently provide knowledge to classifiers.
Active Learning (AL). (Lewis and Gale, 1994; Set-
tles, 1995) describes an incremental process in which
a classifier accumulates knowledge by soliciting feed-
back from human annotators for the purpose of train-
ing. An actively trained model continuously improves
its learning behaviour by querying human knowledge
until the model reaches the desired accuracy. In the
simplest case, a human is prompted over several iter-
ations to specify the correct class labels for selected
data instances. In several iterations, the potential
training instances are ranked according to their uncer-
tainty. Human annotators are asked to manually la-
bel instances that are believed to have the greatest im-
pact on the model’s learning behaviour. Then, the la-
belled examples are added to the training dataset and
the model is re-trained. AL has proven to be very suc-
cessful in various text classification tasks (Lewis and
Gale, 1994). A general survey of AL is provided by
Settles (Settles, 1995).
5.2 Moderation of Classification
Highly accurate classifiers are required to adequately
automate information retrieval. However, during
training, the accuracy of text classifiers may con-
verge to a level that does not meet the requirements
of an application domain. Faulty and unreliable pre-
dictions are likely to occur, which might stay unno-
ticed. To improve the accuracy or prevent classifi-
cation mistakes of an already trained classification
model, humans can also be involved during inference
post model training.
Why Do We Need Domain-Experts for End-to-End Text Classification? An Overview
Classifier Moderation (CM). (Kivlichan et al., 2021;
Andersen and Maalej, 2022) aims at increasing the
applicability and reliability of an already trained
model. Trained and deployed classifiers generally
perform well, with only a small fraction of the data
responsible for incorrect and unreliable model be-
haviour. CM seeks to maintain a superior level of ac-
curacy by involving humans to prevent unreliable pre-
dictions as the model is used in practice (Karmakharm
et al., 2019; Kivlichan et al., 2021; Andersen and
Maalej, 2022). Humans are responsible for manually
checking highly unreliable, i.e. uncertain, and fuzzy
instances and correcting their labelling accordingly.
If the model is certain of its prediction, no human in-
volvement is required. Although not all misclassifi-
cations can be prevented (Attenberg et al., 2011), CM
has the potential to lead to much better decision out-
comes at the expense of human labour (Zhang et al.,
2019; Andersen and Zukunft, 2022).
Since it might be impractical to let humans check
all unreliable outcomes, Andersen and Maalej (An-
dersen and Maalej, 2022) suggest a saturation-based
stop-criterion for CM. They aim to maximize the
overall classification accuracy while spending human
labour highly efficient. Pavlopoulos et al. (Pavlopou-
los et al., 2017) suggest an approach which aims to
maximize the performance of a classifier with respect
to a given moderation effort, e.g. 10% of the data.
Geifman and El-Yaniv (Geifman and El-Yaniv,
2017) propose an approach to guarantee a certain risk
level. Their approach is based on selective classifi-
cation, where classifiers reject predictions which then
have to be made by a human.
5.3 Interactive Labelling and Data
Interactive Labelling (IL). (Knaeble et al., 2020) is a
user-centred variation of the AL process. Like AL, IL
aims to reduce the number of labelled examples to ad-
equately train a model. In contrast, humans are tasked
with selecting the instances to be labelled. IL is based
on the assumption that humans can select represen-
tative data instances more efficiently than automatic
query strategies. For example, uncertainty sampling
strategies are prone to sample outliers that contribute
little or nothing to the learning behaviour (Lewis and
Gale, 1994) of the models and tend to be overconfi-
dent (Guo et al., 2017).
To enable human-centred data sampling, the la-
bel query problem is reformulated into a visual an-
alytics problem (Keim et al., 2008). Users are pro-
vided with adaptable visual-interactive interfaces to
strategically select and label data instances. IL draws
strength from extensive use of human expertise, back-
ground knowledge and visual perception. A key ad-
vantage over AL is that users generate additional and
expanded knowledge and insights about their data
through the exploratory nature of IL (Sacha et al.,
2014). The accumulated knowledge can then further
support the labelling process. As with AL, the model
is interactively re-trained until a desired accuracy is
achieved. Preliminary research show that IL can come
close or even complement AL in terms of achieved
accuracy (Bernard et al., 2018).
Previous studies demonstrate the usefulness of HiL
text classification compared to a pure automatic anal-
ysis (Lewis and Gale, 1994; Kivlichan et al., 2021;
Andersen and Maalej, 2022). However, the cost of
using human labour is usually very high, whether in
terms of money or time. Practitioners have to decide
whether a pure automated approach is applicable and
can solve a task appropriately, or whether a human
in the loop is actually required and affordable. Fur-
ther, human annotations should be taken with a grain
of salt, as they can also be wrong. When human an-
notations are not reliable, biassed or too noisy, it neg-
atively impacts the interaction between humans and
machines (Andersen and Zukunft, 2022).
HiL approaches place special time requirements
on the underlying classification model. Very short
waiting times and few interruptions between human
interactions are required, to maintain user experience.
The need for fast interactions and model updates often
makes it necessary to trade-off speed with accuracy
(Amershi et al., 2014). Reducing iterative feedback
latency is critical for HiL systems.
Also, uncertainties and explanations are not per-
fect and remain an active field of research. In partic-
ular, uncertainty estimation is challenging, especially
using deep neural networks, since they do not provide
an inherent indicator of uncertainty (Gal and Ghahra-
mani, 2016). Inadequate measurements can inadver-
tently mislead humans into making a false assump-
tion or blindly trusting artificial decision-making, e.g.
unknown-unknowns (Attenberg et al., 2011).
Human-in-the-loop describes a collaborative process
for improving the results and applicability of ML pro-
cedures through human feedback. We emphasize the
need to involve domain experts in the text classifica-
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
tion process in order to increase or even enable the ap-
plicability of machine-assisted text classification. We
survey the current challenges in pure automated text
classification and outline techniques to efficiently in-
volve humans in the classification process. This in-
cludes the importance of uncertainty-based interac-
tions to effectively guide humans providing feedback,
building trust and focusing attention through expla-
nations, and incorporating models into visual ana-
lytics environments. Additionally, we light on cur-
rent human-in-the-loop implementations covering ac-
tive learning, classifier moderation and interactive la-
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