Evaluation of DoS/DDoS Attack Detection with ML Techniques on
CIC-IDS2017 Dataset
Saida Farhat
, Manel Abdelkader
, Amel Meddeb-Makhlouf
and Faouzi Zarai
ENET’COM, NTS’COM Research Unit, University of Sfax, Tunisia
Tunis Business School, University of Tunis, Tunisia
Keywords: Cloud Environment, Denial-of-Service (DoS/DDoS), Intrusion Detection, Machine Learning (ML), eXtreme
Gradient Boosting (XGBoost).
Abstract: Cloud computing is one of today’s most promising technologies. It provides its users with simplified IT
infrastructure and management, remote access from effectively anywhere in the world with a stable internet
connection, and cost efficiencies. Despite all these benefits, the cloud comes with some limitations and
disadvantages regarding security. Denial-of-service attacks (DoS/DDoS) are one of the major security
challenges in emerging cloud computing environments. In this paper, the main objective is to propose a
DoS/DDoS attack detection system for Cloud environments using the most popular CICIDS2017 benchmark
dataset and applying multiple Machine Learning (ML) techniques by considering both the Wednesday and
Friday afternoon traffic log files. The implementation results of our model based on the eXtreme Gradient
Boosting (XGBoost) algorithm demonstrate its ability to detect intrusions with a detection accuracy of 99.11%
and a false alarm rate of about 0.011%.
Cloud computing is the subject of the era and is the
current keen domain of interest to organizations. It is
defined by the NIST (National Institute of Standards
and Technology) as “A model for enabling
ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to
a shared pool of configurable computing resources
(e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and
services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released
with minimal management effort or service provider
interaction” (Mell and Grance, 2011).
Apart from the characteristics and services
provided by cloud computing, there are several
security issues that act as a hindrance to its adoption
and may lead to catastrophic impacts on availability,
confidentiality, and integrity.
In this paper, we are interested in the detection of
one of the most important security problems facing
cloud computing which is the Denial-of-Service
attack (DoS/DDoS) that proved extremely damaging
to the availability of the services.
Fundamentally, the DDoS attacks are
accomplished through a network of remotely
controlled computers or zombies via command and
control (C&C) channels by sending overwhelming
amounts of data that exceed the bandwidth
capabilities of the targeted victim. Figure 1 shows the
DDoS attack in the cloud environment.
There are three different types of DoS/DDoS
attacks, such as volume-based which utilize many
computers and internet connections to flood a website
with traffic so that an overwhelming amount clogs up
the website’s available bandwidth. E.g., a UDP flood
attack in which an attacker overwhelms random ports
on the targeted host so that as more UDP packets are
received and answered, the system is unable to handle
the huge volume of requests and thus becomes
unresponsive. Unlike volume-based attacks, protocol
attacks aim to exhaust server resources rather than
bandwidth. Attackers overwhelm websites and these
server resources by making phony protocol requests
to consume the available resources. E.g., Smurf
DDoS. Attackers exploit Internet Control Message
Farhat, S., Abdelkader, M., Meddeb-Makhlouf, A. and Zarai, F.
Evaluation of DoS/DDoS Attack Detection with ML Techniques on CIC-IDS2017 Dataset.
DOI: 10.5220/0011605700003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 287-295
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Protocol (ICMP) packets that contain the victim’s
spoofed IP and then broadcast the IP to a computer
network using an IP broadcast address. If the number
of devices on the network is large enough, the
victim’s computer will be flooded with traffic since
most devices on the network respond by default to the
source IP address. Generally, application-layer
attacks require fewer resources than volume-based
attacks and protocol attacks. This type of attack looks
to disrupt specific functions or features of a website.
E.g., Slowloris, software created by Robert “Rsnake”
Hansen (Shorey et al., 2018), that enables a single
computer to take down a web server. It works by
opening multiple connections to the targeted web
server and keeping them open as long as possible. It
constantly sends partial HTTP requests which are
never completed. Immediately, the target server’s
maximum connection pool is filled and further
connection attempts are rejected.
Figure 1: DDoS Attack Architecture.
These attacks have been around for several years.
In early 2015, a heavy DDoS attack targeted
Greatfire.org and cost it a high bill of $30,000 a day
on Amazon’s Elastic Computing Cloud (EC2)
(Attaran et al., 2018). In 2016, a two-hour DDoS
attack was carried out on Amazon, Twitter, and
Spotify resulting in huge financial losses due to
service interruptions (Gaurav et al., 2017). In recent
years, the scale of these attacks has increased
drastically. On 28 February 2018, Akamai reported a
1.3 TBps attack on GitHub. A few days later, Arbor
Networks reported a 1.7 TBps attack (Shaar and Efe,
2018). According to Nexusguard’s Q1 2020 Threat
Report (DDoS Threat Report Q1, 2020), the DDoS
attacks jumped more than 542% compared with the
last quarter of 2019 and more than 278% year-over-
year and according to NETSCOUT’s ATLAS
Security Engineering & Response Team (ASERT), in
the first quarter of 2021, approximately 2.9 million
DDoS attacks were launched by the threat actors, and
it is a 31% increase from the same time in 2020.
Through the above statistics, we understand the
necessity of an effective and early detection,
mitigation, and prevention of DDoS attacks.
It is obvious that a Cloud IDS should analyze
large volumes of network traffic data, detect
efficiently the new attack behaviors, and reach high
accuracy with low error rates. However,
preprocessing, analyzing, and detecting intrusions in
Cloud environments using traditional techniques
have become very costly in terms of computation,
time, and budget. Therefore, efficient DoS/DDoS
attack detection in Cloud environments requires the
adoption of new intelligent techniques such as
Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL).
Our objective in this paper is to implement
Machine Learning (ML) classifiers to detect
DoS/DDoS attacks with the aim to achieve fast
detection rates, low error rates, and high accuracy
with an affordable computational cost.
The main contributions of this paper can be
summarized as follows:
(i) Reviewing the significant related works to
investigate all aspects of ML models' contribution
in the classification of network traffic traces in
cloud environments as normal and DoS/DDoS.
(ii) Proposing a powerful DoS/DDoS attack
detection system based on ML techniques
reaching high detection accuracy and low error
(iii) Adapting a procedure to select appropriate
features for DoS/DDoS attack detection.
(iv) Applying performance improvement
strategies to reduce computation time and save
processing power.
(v) Our practical way of classifying the incoming
traffic in this paper is advantageous in contrast to
other comparable works as we provide a summary
of the execution results of each detection model.
The remainder of this paper is structured as
follows. A comprehensive review of some related
works is provided by discussing the main
contributions of the proposed solutions in section 2.
Section 3 presents our experimentation with a
discussion of the obtained results. Finally, section 4
states the conclusion with some future directions.
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Several researchers have oriented their research axes
to detect DoS/DDoS attacks using multiple methods
and techniques. In this section, we summarize some
of the recent works in the detection of DoS/DDoS
attacks using different ML/DL approaches.
The focus of (Virupakshar et al., 2020) is on
bandwidth and connection flooding types of DDoS
attacks. The Decision Tree (DT), K-Nearest
Neighbors (KNN), Naïve Bayes (NB), and Deep
Neural Network (DNN) algorithms were used for the
detection of DDoS attacks in the cloud environment.
The DNN model has been chosen as it has the highest
accuracy and precision values of about 96% using the
dynamically generated dataset from the OpenStack-
based private cloud platform. The main limitation of
this paper is that it validates the proposed approach
with an obsolete dataset namely KDDCUP99.
(Bhardwaj et al., 2020) propose a novel architecture
that combines a stacked sparse Autoencoder (AE) for
feature learning with a Deep Neural Network (DNN)
for the classification of network traffic into DDoS and
normal network traffic. A comparative analysis of the
proposed approach has been conducted with ten state-
of-the-art approaches and validated based on the
CICIDS2017 and the NSL-KDD standard datasets.
The proposed approach yields competitive results as
compared to other state-of-the-art methods giving an
accuracy of 98.43% over the NSL-KDD and 98.92%
using the CICIDS2017. However, certain limitations
in this work are evident and the most obvious one is
the lack of information regarding the detection time
of the proposed model.
(Wei et al., 2021) proposed a hybrid method
namely AE-MLP to separate the DDoS attacks from
the normal network traffic. The AE identifies the
most significant features automatically and the MLP
takes the selected features as input and classifies the
DDoS attacks based on the attack types. The
suggested technique was evaluated based on the
CICDDoS2019 dataset. According to the obtained
results, the precision, recall, and accuracy are
measured as 97.91%, 98.48%, and 98.34%,
respectively. One of the advantages of this work is its
ability to detect different types of attacks. However,
it requires high computational resources during the
training phase of the proposed model.
(Azizan et al., 2021) present an analysis of IDS
using three popular classification algorithms, which
are random forest (RF), decision jungle (DJ), and
support vector machine (SVM). The ML-based
NIDSs are implemented and tested using the CIC-
IDS2017. The obtained results show that the SVM
has the best overall results in detecting the DDoS
attacks with an average accuracy of 98.18%, a
precision of 98.74%, and an average recall of 95.63%
and thus can be used as an IDS. This paper limited the
classification process to only three ML algorithms
which may be extended to explore more classifier
The research proposed by (Kumar et al., 2022)
identifies modern DDoS attacks based on the light
gradient boosting method (LGBM) and the extreme
gradient boosting (XGBoost) using the openly
available dataset CICDDoS 2019. These two ML
methods have been selected because of their superior
prediction ability in high volumes of data in less
computation time. According to the experimental
results, the highest accuracy is obtained by the
XGBoost-based model with an average of 94.80% in
229 seconds. A limitation of this work is that all the
instances present in the dataset cannot be processed,
even with the use of high-end machines.
In this section, we first give the performance metrics
used to evaluate our model. Then, we examine the
details of the CICIDS2017 dataset used for
deployment and validation of our detection method,
along with the data pre-processing procedure. Finally,
we discuss the experimental results that we attained.
3.1 Performance Metrics
The ability of IDS to make the correct predictions
considers the measure of its effectiveness. Depending
on the comparisons between the results that are
predicted via IDS and the true nature of the event,
there are four prospect outputs that are illustrated in
Table 1 well known as the confusion matrix. These
four outcomes are:
True Positives (TP): The cases in which the
IDS predicted «Malicious» and the actual
output was also « Malicious ».
True Negatives (TN): The cases in which the
IDS predicted «Benign» and the actual output
was «Benign».
False Positives (FP): The cases in which the
IDS predicted «Malicious» and the actual
output was « Benign ».
False Negatives (FN): The cases in which the
IDS predicted «Benign» and the actual output
was « Malicious ».
Evaluation of DoS/DDoS Attack Detection with ML Techniques on CIC-IDS2017 Dataset
For an IDS to be effective, the FP and FN rates
should be minimized, and TP and TN rates should be
Table 1: Confusion matrix.
Predicted class
Malicious Benign
Malicious True Positive (TP) False Negative (FN)
Benign False Positive (FP) True Negative (TN)
These performance metrics are not dependent on
the size of the training and testing samples and can be
helpful in assessing the performance of the model:
TP  TN  FP  FN
F1  Score
2 x Recall x Precision
Recall  Precision
False Alarm Rate
3.1.1 Experimentation Based on the
CICIDS2017 Dataset
To successfully build an efficient ML-based
DoS/DDoS attack detection system, a reliable up-to-
date labeled dataset is required.
There exist a number of such datasets that have
been used by researchers to evaluate the performance
of their proposed intrusion detection and prevention
approaches. Examples of these datasets are:
CICDDoS2019, etc.
Based on our study of the well known available
datasets since 1998, many such datasets are obsolete
and unreliable while others lack feature sets, traffic
diversity or do not cover a wide range of attacks
which cannot reflect the current trends.
In this paper, we used the CICIDS2017 dataset
generated by the Canadian Institute of Cybersecurity
as it satisfies all the criterias of a reliable benchmark
dataset (Sharafaldin et al., 2018).
The CICIDS2017 dataset contains an abstract
normal behavior of twenty-five users based on the
HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH, and email protocols with
several different attack traces, including Brute Force
FTP, Brute Force SSH, DoS, Heartbleed, Web
Attack, Infiltration, Botnet, and DDoS. this dataset is
spanned over eight different files available in a
comma-separated values (CSV) format. The total
rows contained in those eight files are 2,830,743
rows; each row has seventy-eight features and is
labeled as Benign or one of fourteen types of attacks.
The details of all those files are shown in Table II.
Later, Table 2 lists the features within the
CICIDS2017 dataset.
Table 2: The Details of files containing the CICIDS2017
File’s Name
Class Labels
529,918 0 Benign
432,074 13,835
432,074 252,672
DoS GoldenEye,
DoS Hulk,
DoS Slowhttptest,
DoS slowloris,
168,186 290,782
Web attack-Brute
Web Attack-Sql
Web Attack-XSS
288,566 36
189,067 1966
183,910 41,835
127,537 158,930
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 3: Features of the CICIDS 2017 dataset.
N. Feature N. Feature
1 Destination Por
40 Max Packet Length
2 Flow Duration 41 Packet Length Mean
3 Total Fwd Packets 42 Packet Length Std
4 Total Backward
43 Packet Length Variance
5 Total Length of Fwd
44 FIN Flag Count
6 Total Length of Bwd
45 SYN Flag Count
7 Fwd Packet Length
46 RST Flag Count
8 Fwd Packet Length
47 PSH Flag Count
9 Fwd Packet Length
48 ACK Flag Count
10 Fwd Packet Length
49 URG Flag Count
11 Bwd Packet Length
50 CWE Flag Count
12 Bwd Packet Length
51 ECE Flag Count
13 Bwd Packet Length
52 Down/Up Ratio
14 Bwd Packet Length
53 Average Packet Size
15 Flow Bytes/s 54 Avg Fwd Segment Size
16 Flow Packets/s 55 Avg Bwd Segment Size
17 Flow IAT Mean 56 Fwd Header Length
18 Flow IAT Std 57 Fwd Avg Bytes/Bul
19 Flow IAT Max 58 Fwd Avg Packets/Bul
20 Flow IAT Min 59 Fwd Avg Bulk Rate
21 Fwd IAT Total 60 Bwd Avg Bytes/Bul
22 Fwd IAT Mean 61 Bwd Avg Packets/Bul
23 Fwd IAT Std 62 Bwd Avg Bulk Rate
24 Fwd IAT Max 63 Subflow Fwd Packets
25 Fwd IAT Min 64 Subflow Fwd Bytes
26 Bwd IAT Total 65 Subflow Bwd Packets
27 Bwd IAT Mean 66 Subflow Bwd Bytes
28 Bwd IAT Std 67 Init_Win_bytes_forward
29 Bwd IAT Max 68 Init_Win_bytes_backward
30 Bwd IAT Min 69 act_data_pkt_fw
31 Fwd PSH Flags 70 min_seg_size_forward
32 Bwd PSH Flags 71 Active Mean
33 Fwd URG Flags 72 Active Std
34 Bwd URG Flags 73 Active Max
35 Fwd Header Length 74 Active Min
36 Bwd Header Length 75 Idle MeanIdle Std
37 Fwd Packets/s 76 Idle Max
38 Bwd Packets/s 77 Idle Min
39 Min Packet Length 78 Label
The methodology that has been carried out in this
work is depicted in Figure 2.
Specifically, the proposed method consists of four
stages: a) Data Preprocessing, b) Feature Selection
and Extraction, c) Classification, d) Classification
Results. We detail in the following sub-sections the
functionalities of each used bloc/phase in our
Figure 2: Our research methodology for DoS/DDoS attacks
We should note that our experiments have been
conducted using a Windows 10 64 bits PC with 16
GB RAM and CPU Intel(R) Core-i7 11370H.
a) Data Preprocessing
In this study, we used both the "Wednesday-
WorkingHours.pcap_ISCX.csv" and the "Friday-
combined in the same CSV file. Figure 3 depicts the
frequency distribution of each class label within the
obtained dataset.
Figure 3: Frequency distribution of class labels within the
obtained dataset.
Evaluation of DoS/DDoS Attack Detection with ML Techniques on CIC-IDS2017 Dataset
As the class labels are not balanced, we have
mixed the different attack traces together in one class
label named ''DoS/DDoS" and we obtained the result
shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Frequency distribution of class labels.
To make the records in both training and testing
subsets extracted from this dataset ready for
processing by our proposed IDS, we handle the data
preprocessing using the two following operations:
Categorical Encoding: Our dataset contains
only one non-numeric feature namely ''Label''
corresponding to ''BENIGN'' and
''DoS/DDoS". As this study does not
distinguish between different categories of
attacks, the attributes "BENIGN" are converted
to ''0''. Whereas, the attributes corresponding to
the ''DoS/DDoS'' are converted to ''1''.
Normalization: We used the process of
normalization known as the statistical Z-score
method as it helps reduce classification errors
significantly and allows the model to converge
faster. The Statistical normalization (Z-score)
formula is as follows:
𝑥 𝜇
The value x of a feature A is transformed in X
according to formula (6). μ is the mean and α is the
standard deviation of a given attribute.
b) Feature Selection and Extraction
In this phase, we removed the features having the
same values for all the rows, namely "Bwd PSH
Flags", "Bwd URG Flags", "Fwd Avg Bytes/Bulk",
"Fwd Avg Packets/Bulk", "Fwd Avg Bulk Rate",
"Bwd Avg Bytes/Bulk", "Bwd Avg Packets/Bulk",
and "Bwd Avg Bulk Rate" because their presence will
consume more overhead for loading and processing.
We also eliminated all the rows whose features have
values equal to "Infinity" or "nan" because ML
classifiers cannot utilize them either in training or in
testing phases.
After removing the irrelevant attributes, we
perform feature selection with feature importance
based on the Extra Tree classifier to highlight the
most important or relevant features to the output
variable. The top eight features ranked and selected
for the prediction of our target variable are depicted
in Figure 5 and described in Table 4.
Figure 5: Feature Importance scores.
Table 4: Description of Features used in our IDS.
Feature Description
Fwd Packet Length
Maximum size of the packet in the
forward direction of the data flow.
Flow IAT Mean Mean time between two packets sent in
the forward direction of the data flow.
Fwd Packet Length
Mean size of the packet in the forward
direction of the data flow
Flow IAT Std Standard deviation time between two
packets sent in the data flow
Fwd IAT Total Total time between two packets sent in
the forward direction of the data flow.
Flow IAT Max Maximum time between two packets sent
in the forward direction of the data flow.
Bwd Packet Length
Standard deviation size of the packet in
the backward direction of the data flow.
Bwd Packet Length
Mean size of the packet in the backward
direction of the data flow.
c) Classification
In this phase, we randomly divided our dataset into
70% for training and 30% for testing with the Naïve
Bayes (NB), Logistic Regression (LR), Random
Forest (RF), and eXtreme Gradient Boosting
(XGBoost) algorithms that we chose based on
multiple factors:
- Knowledge of data's structure and complexity;
- Processing speed of the classification task;
- Features taken into account when training the
model for the best possible outcome and
- Parameters such as the number of
iterations directly relate to the training time
needed when generating the output.
A short description of these ML classification
algorithms is presented in Table 5.
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 5: Description of the four classification algorithms.
NB A probabilistic ML algorithm based on the Bayes
Theorem which is a way of finding a probability
when certain other probabilities are known by
considering the following formula:
Where P (H | E) indicates the posterior Probability
of the hypothesis given that the evidence is true, P
(E | H) indicates the likelihood of the evidence
given that the hypothesis is true, P (H) is the prior
probability of the hypothesis, and P (E) is the prior
probability that the evidence is true.
LR The logistic regression algorithm is used to solve
classification problems. The model is defined as
Where 𝑤 indicates the weight, 𝑏 indicates the bias,
and 𝑤𝑥+𝑏 is regarded as the linear function of 𝑥.
Compare the preceding two probability values.
The class with a higher probability value is the
class of 𝑥.
RF An ensemble ML paradigm that independently
builds several decision trees and merges them
together to make predictions more accurate and
Decision Tree is a binary or non-binary tree
structure, where each non-leaf node denotes a test
on a feature attribute, each branch represents the
output of a feature attribute in a certain value
range, and each leaf node holds a class label.
XGBoost A Decision Tree-based ensemble learning
algorithm that uses Gradient Descent as the
underlying objective function and comes with a lot
of flexibility while predicting the desired results
by consuming the computational power in an
optimal way.
d) Classification Results
In this section, we report all the obtained results. The
different diagrams corresponding to the confusion
matrix of the proposed ML models are shown in
Figure 6.
(a) NB (b) LR
(c) RF (d) XGBoost
Figure 6: Diagrams of confusion matrix of the proposed ML
The 'x-axis' of each confusion matrix presents the
predicted class label and the 'y-axis' presents the true
label. By comparing the number of records in each
class label, we can observe that the records in each
class are not uniformly distributed. Hence, we
analyze the performance of the selected ML models
using different classification parameters as detailed in
Table 6.
According to Table 6, we remark that all the
proposed models provide promising classification
results. Thus, all are valid and acceptable models.
From the perspective of the calculation time, NB
is the best classification model as it spends only 0.03
minutes. However, it provides the lowest detection
accuracy of 80.84% and the highest false error rate of
For this dataset, the XGBoost is likely to be the
best classification model as it marginally outperforms
the other models with its highest Accuracy of
99.11%, Precision of 99.12%, Recall of 99.11%, F1-
Score of 99.12%, and False Alarm Rate of
approximately 0.011%.
Table 6: Overall prediction performance of the ML models.
Model Name Accuracy Precision Recall F1-Score False Alarm Rate Training Time
0.03 min
0.43 min
8.48 min
4.43 min
P (Y = 1|x) =
P (Y = 0|x) =
wx + b
1 + e
wx + b
1 + e
wx + b
wx + b
P (H | E) =
P (E)
P (E | H) * P (H)
Evaluation of DoS/DDoS Attack Detection with ML Techniques on CIC-IDS2017 Dataset
To illustrate the diagnostic ability of our binary
classifier systems, we create the receiver operating
characteristic curves (ROC) by plotting the true-
positive rates against the false-positive rates at
various threshold settings. Higher the Area Under the
Curve (AUC) measure, the better the model is at
predicting 0s as 0s and 1s as 1s. Figure 7 presents the
ROC curves with their corresponding AUC scores for
our proposed classification models.
Figure 7: ROC Curves of the proposed ML models.
It is clearly observable from the obtained results
that the highest AUC score is obtained with the
XGBoost classifier with an AUC value of 99.94%.
Therefore, it is the most appropriate model to
distinguish between Dos/DDoS and benign network
traffic features.
To validate the obtained results, we compare our
proposed approach with some state-of-the-art
DoS/DDoS detection methods based on the used
ML/DL techniques and the highest detection
accuracy. The comparison results are summarized in
Figure 8.
Figure 8: Comparison of the proposed approach with
research approaches of related works.
We remark from Figure 8 that our proposed
approach achieves the best accuracy reaching an
average of 99.11% with the XGBoost classification
Compared to the literature, the results obtained by
the proposed approach are very satisfactory.
Detection of DoS/DDoS attacks in a cloud
environment is a challenging task because they are
more dangerous than other possible attacks as they
are difficult to detect, easy to carry out, and rather
difficult to predict the target of the attack. In this
paper we propose a ML-based DoS/DDoS attacks
detection system for cloud environments by
considering the CICIDS2017 dataset.
Our experimental results demonstrate that our
proposed IDS outperforms several recent works in
terms of detection accuracy and error classification
The results obtained in this paper are very
interesting. However, there are still several
contributions that could be furthered. In the future, we
intend to extend this work to include newer ML
techniques, with the aim of improving the
performance against a wider range of cloud attacks.
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Evaluation of DoS/DDoS Attack Detection with ML Techniques on CIC-IDS2017 Dataset