Efficient Aggregation of Face Embeddings for Decentralized Face
Recognition Deployments
Philipp Hofer
, Michael Roland
, Philipp Schwarz
and Ren
e Mayrhofer
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Institute of Networks and Security, Austria
Johannes Kepler University Linz, LIT Secure and Correct Systems Lab, Austria
Biometric Authentication, Face Embedding, Face Recognition, Aggregation, Decentralization.
Ubiquitous authentication systems with a focus on privacy favor decentralized approaches as they reduce
potential attack vectors, both on a technical and organizational level. The gold standard is to let the user be
in control of where their own data is stored, which consequently leads to a high variety of devices used what
in turn often incurs additional network overhead. Therefore, when using face recognition, an efficient way
to compare faces is important in practical deployments. This paper proposes an efficient way to aggregate
embeddings used for face recognition based on an extensive analysis on different datasets and the use of
different aggregation strategies. As part of this analysis, a new dataset has been collected, which is available
for research purposes. Our proposed method supports the construction of massively scalable, decentralized
face recognition systems with a focus on both privacy and long-term usability.
Applications processing personal data do not have to
disclose their existence, thus it is not possible to know
about every data-processing system. However, the
public knows about at least some of these systems, as
they have an immediate effect on individuals: There
are many databases featuring an extensive amount of
highly personal data already in production for many
years, such as the Indian Aadhaar system. These bio-
metric recognition deployments are prime examples
of city- or nation-scale ubiquitous systems that al-
ready bridge the digital and physical worlds through
their use of (biometric and other) sensor data for de-
riving decisions about which physical world interac-
tions people are authorized for. Especially due to the
trend of increasing quantity and quality of such sys-
tems, it is especially critical to think about systems
that contain highly sensitive personal data even
more so, as these systems may depend on public ac-
In general, data can be stored in a central loca-
tion or in a decentralized manner, i.e. spread across
multiple locations. Unfortunately for individuals’ pri-
vacy, the backbone for most current systems is a
central database with highly sensitive personal data,
such as biometrics. This makes such systems espe-
cially vulnerable to multiple attack vectors: trusting
the provider and its security measures. Unfortunately,
even under highest security constraints, data breaches
are permanently happening, even (or especially) with
the largest entities.
In order to reduce this massive attack surface of
having everything stored in a single place, we instead
propose to design decentralized systems. The individ-
ual should ideally be allowed to choose who is man-
aging their (personal) data (or store them on their own
devices) and have the chance to move from one ser-
vice provider to another.
However, these kinds of distributed systems suf-
fer from drawbacks. The integrity of each device
that manages an individual must be verified to pre-
vent identity theft by malicious devices. Stressing
(hardware) requirements might favor fewer, big play-
ers who have the necessary resources, and there-
fore systems with fewer requirements will support
a larger provider distribution. Since biometrics are
one of the most privacy-sensitive data points and ef-
ficiency is crucial for the successful deployment of
large-scale systems, this paper focuses on the compu-
tational complexity required for biometric authentica-
tion systems.
Modern face recognition typically start by extract-
ing embeddings that represent feature vectors of faces
through the use of machine learning models. Subse-
quently, they calculate the similarity to all of these
Hofer, P., Roland, M., Schwarz, P. and Mayrhofer, R.
Efficient Aggregation of Face Embeddings for Decentralized Face Recognition Deployments.
DOI: 10.5220/0011599300003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 279-286
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
images by again deriving embeddings and comparing
them to previously stored templates and each other.
This is inefficient on two different levels: First, re-
quiring multiple (on a holistic system point of view,
redundant) similarity calculations would hurt both
provider diversification and hinder small providers in
serving larger quantities of users because of increased
hardware requirements. Ideally, one could combine
different aspects of these multiple embeddings ex-
tracted from face images with as little data as pos-
sible. Since research on still image face recognition
is quite extensive, and an embedded camera sensor
device can often derive embeddings of the currently
visible person on-line, creating a new, aggregated em-
bedding based on all images available of an individ-
ual would not change the backbone of state-of-the-art
face recognition pipelines. Secondly, having a single
(aggregated) embedding, thus not depending on mul-
tiple similarity computations minimizes network traf-
fic, which is especially significant for decentralized,
embedded systems.
In this paper, our focus is on evaluating different
methods of aggregating face embeddings (Section 3)
from an efficiency and accuracy point of view. Fur-
thermore, we test the limit of sufficient image quan-
tity and analyze whether there is a clear point where
adding additional images does not significantly in-
crease face recognition accuracy. Last but not least,
in order to verify if using multiple images in different
settings boosts accuracy significantly, we propose a
new in-the-wild dataset, where subjects take around
50 images of themselves in a single setting, which
only takes around 3 seconds to achieve practical us-
ability. Additional images in radically different set-
tings are used as approximation of the true embedding
to verify the performance improvements.
In order to evaluate and compare different face recog-
nition methods, they are tested against public datasets.
Many of these face recognition datasets typically are
high quality (to facilitate training face recognition
models) and high quantity (to reduce the bias).
Most datasets define a fixed set of pairs of images
to allow for objective evaluation of face recognition
methods. With this strategy, a single image is used as
template in state-of-the-art face recognition pipelines.
This template is then compared with positive (same
person) and negative (different person) matches. This
approach tests one important metric of face recogni-
tion: How well it performs on still images. Compared
to more complex scenarios, only testing on still im-
ages is efficient at runtime, which decreases computa-
tion time to evaluate the accuracy on a dataset. How-
ever, there are different aspects this method does not
test, such as how to handle multiple images or even
video streams of a person.
In reality, these ignored aspects are essential,
as live-images from cameras do not produce high-
quality images similar to the images from many avail-
able and commonly used face recognition datasets.
Instead, the person-camera angle is far from optimal,
the person is not directly in front of the camera and
thus the face is quite small. Furthermore, the face can
be occluded, e.g. with a scarf, sunglasses, or hair. In
these real-world settings, face recognition pipelines
have a harder time recognizing people than with pub-
lic datasets, although new datasets try to represent
these challenges. Nevertheless, there is a potential
benefit of real-world scenarios: There are many im-
ages of a single person available, as the person is pre-
sumably visible for (at least) many seconds and thus a
camera is able to capture significantly more than one
One way of bridging the gap of having multiple
images of the same person and being of lower quality
is to merge the embeddings obtained from multiple
images into a single embedding. More accurate tem-
plates, by definition, lead to accuracy improvements
of face recognition. The idea behind using multiple
images is that it is not possible to capture a perfect
representation of a face in a single picture due to var-
ious reasons (occlusion, lighting, accessories, . . . ).
While a single image cannot account for all these
different settings, multiple images can capture differ-
ent face areas and settings. Therefore, using multiple
images provides more information about the individ-
ual’s face, and we therefore expect an increased ac-
curacy. As introduced in Section 1, due to hardware
and network constraints, comparing the current live-
image with multiple embeddings of the same person
is not favorable in some situations. For an efficient
face recognition pipeline, it would be best to only
have a single embedding which is used as template for
a person. This would allow the system to make use of
the vast literature on single face image recognition.
In contrast to this single-embedding approach, in
recent years other work is published in the domain
of video face recognition (Rao et al., 2017; Rivero-
andez et al., 2021; Zheng et al., 2020; Liu et al.,
2019; Gong et al., 2019). Most of these papers
propose an additional neural network to perform the
weighting of different embeddings (Liu et al., 2019;
andez et al., 2021; Yang et al., 2017;
Gong et al., 2019). Especially on embedded devices,
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
these additional networks have a significant runtime
impact, as they need to perform an additional infer-
ence step. In order to be runtime-efficient even on
embedded hardware, this paper focuses on creating a
single embedding.
In state-of-the-art face recognition tools, embed-
dings are high-dimensional vectors. If multiple em-
beddings should be aggregated to a single one, this
opens up the questions:
RQ1. How do we (numerically) best aggregate the
embeddings, and is this aggregation actually in-
creasing face recognition performance? How
can we define best?
RQ2. After knowing how to aggregate embeddings,
how many images are necessary and useful?
Is there a point from which adding additional
embeddings do not significantly increase accu-
Depending on the application, there may or may not
be a lot of data available for each person. Therefore,
in many situations (e.g. enrollment of a user) it could
make the process significantly easier if the data can
be recorded in a single session and therefore featuring
only one setting. This leads to the question:
RQ3. Is it beneficial to use different settings? Is it
worth creating images with and without (typ-
ical) accessories, such as face masks, glasses,
and scarfs?
Similarly, it might be unrealistic to expect many im-
ages in various settings from a new user. Having to
verify that these different settings really belong to the
same person makes it even more complicated. It is
easy and practical to capture a couple of images in
one place.
RQ4. Is it enough if we use only images while we
rotate our heads for the aggregated embedding,
similar to the process of how some smartphone
enroll users’ faces? Is the accuracy increased if
we include totally different settings in the ag-
gregated embedding?
This paper evaluates different aggregation strategies
and proposes efficient ways of aggregating embed-
dings in order to create a single, efficient template-
embedding containing as much information as possi-
ble. If multiple images of a person are used, the po-
sition of the person of interest has to be extracted in
each frame. These positions could be either fed to a
neural network which expects multiple images (or a
video) as input (video-based face recognition) or the
embedding could be extracted for each frame and then
aggregated (imageset-based face recognition).
Video face recognition networks have to perform
all necessary steps in a single network. Extracting the
embeddings frame-by-frame and only then aggregat-
ing these embeddings to a single template allows for a
much more modular pipeline. This goes hand-in-hand
with traditional face recognition pipeline approaches,
which can be separated into face detection, face track-
ing, and face recognition, and therefore also allow for
being able to individually optimize each part. Addi-
tionally, systems using this approach can use its vast
literature, as the field of (still) image face recognition
is much more advanced than video face recognition.
Therefore, in this paper, we focus on the modular ap-
proach of extracting embeddings from every image
and then aggregating them.
Since we want to aggregate multiple embeddings
extracted from single frames, we need an aggregation
strategy. Literature typically calculates the mean of
each dimension of the embedding, e.g. as proposed
by Deng et al. (Deng et al., 2019):
, b
, b
Fig. 3 shows the instance space of two people.
The x- and y-axis represent the PCR-reduced form of
their embeddings. The triangle represents the aver-
age of each dimension of the embedding for each per-
son. There is no analysis on whether it is useful to use
the mean of each dimension, or if there are better ap-
proaches to aggregate embeddings. There is not even
an analysis if calculating the mean of the embeddings
improves the accuracy of face recognition pipelines.
In order to verify this hypothesis, a baseline is needed
to compare the performance of aggregated embed-
dings to. In this paper, we use pre-trained state-of-the-
art face-detection (RetinaFace (Deng et al., 2020))
and -recognition (Arcface (Deng et al., 2019)) mod-
els. Arcface receives a single image as input and cre-
ates a 512-dimensional vector. Even though we did
not explicitly test different architectures, we expect
similar results on semantically similar networks. Fur-
ther work will focus on extending these experiments
to multiple face detection and -recognition models.
3.1 Dataset
We chose to evaluate the face recognition models on
the CelebA dataset (Liu et al., 2015) because it con-
tains multiple images of thousands of people.
Efficient Aggregation of Face Embeddings for Decentralized Face Recognition Deployments
More specifically, the dataset contains 10.177 peo-
ple. 2.343 people have exactly 30 images.
In order to reduce the chance of having outliers,
we remove all images with less than 30 images. For
consistency, we also remove people with more than 30
images. Furthermore, we cleaned the dataset by per-
forming face detection with RetinaFace. From the ini-
tial 2.343 people with 30 images, there are 20 people
which contain an image where face detection could
not detect a face—mainly due to too much occlu-
sion. 18 randomly chosen images, where face detec-
tion did not work, are shown in Fig. 1. In order to
have a dataset as consistent as possible, we removed
all images of these 20 people, resulting in a final set
of 2.323 people.
The CelebA dataset has been pre-processed such
that the main person is in the center of the image, so if
multiple faces are detected, we take the most central
person and ignore the remaining ones.
In total, there are 30 images of 2.323 people each
in our cleaned dataset, resulting in a total number of
69.690 images. In order to objectively evaluate the
difference between different aggregation strategies,
we reserve 10 random images of each person as po-
tential template images. Since the dataset does not
have a specific order, without loss of generality and
for reproducibility, we reserve the first 10 images as
potential template images.
In the first setting (baseline), we (only) use the
embedding of the first image.
Calculating the mean of different embeddings is
only one possible strategy to aggregate embeddings.
For different methods, such as taking the minimum of
each dimension, we numerically aggregate each di-
mension of the embeddings from images 1 9, us-
ing its respective aggregation strategy. Applications
set a threshold for their specific task, under which
two faces are recognized as the same person. This
decision is based on their safety requirements. For
security-critical applications the threshold should be
lowered, which results in fewer false-positives (but
potentially more false-negatives).
In order to compare the strategies, we take the
average distance of the template to each embedding
from images 11 – 30 as our metric:
err =
, p
len(people) × len(testEmbs)
Figure 1: Example images where RetinaFace could not de-
tect a person.
Figure 2: Average distance of template- to test-embeddings
in CelebA dataset.
A smaller error represents a higher confidence of
the network, that the template belongs to the test im-
ages. Semantically, the error specifies the average dis-
tance of the template to each test image.
The CelebA row in Table 1 shows the resulting
distance between the template- and test-embeddings.
Fig. 2 visually represents the CelebA column. With
respect to our 2: Except for the (cheating) optimal
setting (which we discuss later), the best aggregation
strategy is using the mean of every dimension of the
embedding. As the distance compared to the baseline
is significantly lower in the average (and median) set-
ting, this clearly shows the effective impact of using
multiple (in our case 10) images as templates. Ag-
gregating multiple embeddings using the mean sig-
nificantly outperforms the baseline. Fig. 3 shows the
intuition behind this behavior on the first two people.
If more than one image of a person is used, the result-
ing embedding approximates the optimal embedding
more accurately. The optimal embedding of a person
with respect to the current test images, is the average
of these test embeddings, since this would minimize
the respective distance.
So far, it was shown that using the average of 10
images significantly outperforms a single image used
as template. Naturally, the question arises if the accu-
racy still increases if more images are used. Is there
a limit above which additional images will not further
improve accuracy (2)?
To answer this question, we need a dataset with
more images of the same person. For this purpose
we used the LFW dataset (Huang et al., 2008) as it
(a) The mean-template. (b) The first image.
Figure 3: Distance of the embeddings to...
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Average distances of the template to the test em-
beddings under different aggregation strategies (factor to
baseline). For matches (top line in each cell), a higher factor
is favorable, while for non-matches (bottom line), a lower
factor is better. The gray rows use information usually not
available, and are displayed for comparison reasons only.
CelebA PS-Normal PS-Smile
Baseline 0.7 (1.0x) 0.6 (1.0x) 0.6 (1.0x)
1.9 (1.0x) 1.8 (1.0x) 1.8 (1.0x)
Avg 0.4 (1.8x) 0.4 (1.5x) 0.4 (1.4x)
1.6 (1.2x) 1.5 (1.2x) 1.4 (1.2x)
Median 0.4 (1.8x) 0.4 (1.5x) 0.4 (1.4x)
1.6 (1.2x) 1.6 (1.2x) 1.5 (1.2x)
Min 1.4 (0.5x) 2.2 (0.3x) 2.1 (0.3x)
2.5 (0.8x) 3.1 (0.6x) 3.0 (0.6x)
Max 1.4 (0.5x) 2.1 (0.3x) 2.1 (0.3x)
2.5 (0.8x) 3.0 (0.6x) 3.0 (0.6x)
Optimal 0.3 (2.1x) 0.3 (1.6x) 0.3 (1.6x)
1.6 (1.2x) 1.5 (1.3x) 1.4 (1.3x)
Best 0.4 (1.6x) 0.1 (3.6x) 0.2 (2.9x)
template 2.1 (0.9x) 2.1 (0.9x) 2.1 (0.9x)
Figure 4: Numeric embedding differences shown for 2 peo-
ple from the LFW dataset.
contains hundreds of images of the same people. In
particular, we use the 5 people in the LFW dataset
who have more than 100 images.
For each person, the embedding of the first image
serves as the starting point. Next, the embedding of
the second image is extracted. The first point of each
plot in Fig. 4 represents the sum of the difference be-
tween these two embeddings. We then combine all
previously used embeddings into our template. After-
wards, we extract the embedding of the next image,
calculate its difference to the template, and plot the
value. We continue with this approach until we used
every available image.
Interestingly, it looks like a (fuzzy) inverse log
function. Intuitively, this makes sense as new im-
ages contain a lot of new information in the begin-
ning, but after the template consists of many aggre-
gated images, a new image cannot provide as much
new information as in the beginning. Furthermore,
there seems to be a limit of roughly 50 images, af-
ter which the embedding is not changing significantly
anymore. Another aspect to point out, is that there are
some upticks in the graph. After looking at the spe-
cific images which cause these effects, they all present
a new variation of the face (either a new face-angle or
different accessories).
Section 3 used images of the same person in dif-
ferent settings, such as different hairstyles, lighting,
and location. For the most part, the dataset consists
of frontal images as the person is directly looking
into the camera. Some modern smartphones provide
the ability to unlock the phone by rotating the phone
around the head. This is probably not only used to de-
tect the liveness of the person, but also to increase the
amount of information gained from the camera. Is the
difference in angle from this type of recording enough
to utilize the benefit of combining embeddings dis-
cussed so far (2)?
Therefore, we did a similar analysis on a differ-
ent dataset: Pan Shot Face Database (PSFD) (Find-
ling and Mayrhofer, 2013). This dataset features 30
participants from 9 perspectives. Every perspective
contains 5 look directions (straight, slightly top left,
slightly top right, slightly bottom right, and slightly
bottom left) and 4 distinct facial expressions (normal,
smiling, eyes closed, and mouth slightly opened).
This gives us 5,400 images to work with.
For the first test, we used all images with a normal
face expression as template and evaluated its average
distance to all other images. The result is visible in
the PS-Normal row in Table 1.
People in this dataset seem to be easier recognized
compared to the CelebA dataset, which is reflected in
a lower average distance (Table 1). For the CelebA
dataset, the template which consists of 10 images is
performing 1.8 times better than if only a single image
is used as template. Interestingly, on our new dataset
this improvement is in the same order of magnitude:
1.5 times better.
In order to simulate real-world templates, images
are professional portrait photographs (e.g. used as
profile images) of the subject. In the second scenario
templates are created with images of the smiling per-
son. The outcome of this PS-Smile setting, is not sig-
nificantly different to the original PS-Normal setting
(c.f. Table 1). Thus, it does not make a significant
difference which facial expression the person put on
while creating template images.
In our experiments so far, we used images of the
same people in different settings, as these are the most
common images provided by available datasets. In
practice, however, it would seem convenient for both
Efficient Aggregation of Face Embeddings for Decentralized Face Recognition Deployments
the provider and the individual to only use images
taken at the time of physical enrollment. The provider
would benefit by ensuring that the individual is not
spoofing the system, e.g., by using images from other
people which would break security guarantees for all
kinds of authentication systems, both with publicly is-
sued credentials such as passports and with accounts
enrolled with only a single (e.g., building access con-
trol) system. The advantage for the user is better us-
ability, as they do not have to provide any additional
data besides their participation in the enrollment pro-
cedure. With enrollment interaction limited to a few
seconds, we argue that creating a more diverse set of
input face images for improving recognition accuracy
as proposed in this paper takes less effort than creat-
ing a traditional user account with setting a new pass-
Unfortunately, there are no publicly available
datasets that systematically contain both images of
people in the same setting (e.g., only rotating the
head, as performed for some mobile phone face au-
thentication implementations) and also images in dif-
ferent settings. In order to test our hypothesis of only
using a single setting while additional images of the
same person in different settings do not increase ac-
curacy, we created a new dataset, which we called
In-The-Wild Face Angle Dataset. We will also use
this dataset to answer 2. Inspired by Datasheets for
Datasets (Gebru et al., 2021), we describe the dataset
on our website: digidow.eu/experiments/face-angle-
In order to test the increased performance if mul-
tiple images recorded in a single session are used, we
calculated a rolling average of the template images.
The first data point for each person is equal to the first
embedding. The second data point is the average of
the first two embeddings. The last data point is the
average of all embeddings of this particular person.
In order to quantify the performance, the 10 im-
ages of each person in different settings are not used
as template images. Instead, the average distance be-
tween the rolling average of the template images and
test images is calculated.
The average distance between the first image of
every person and their test images is, on average,
0.699. If we not only use the first image, but rather
the average of all template images, the average dis-
tance drops significantly to 0.291. Fig. 5 shows the
average plot of a person.
Interestingly, this opposes the previous findings
as the distance grows smaller even after the limit of
roughly 50 images. We argue, that this is due to the
fact that not the amount of images, but the amount of
semantically different images are important.
Figure 5: Rolling distance average of the aggregated em-
bedding to the test images. The y-axis shows the average
distance to the test images (orange greedy search; blue
To verify this, we ran the same experiment, but
used only every n
image as template image. The
distance decreases if more images are used (all im-
ages: 0.291, n = 10: 0.294, n = 20: 0.297, n = 50:
0.325, single image: 0.699). However, distance im-
provements are certainly not linear and are leveling
off at some point. The improvement from using just a
few images is only marginally better than using hun-
dreds of images suggests, that the amount of images
only plays a minor role.
If the improvement best seen in Fig. 2 is due to
having different angles of the face, we expect a similar
improvement if we switch from using dozens to just
a few images picturing different angles. Therefore,
instead of using the template images in sequence, a
greedy search on every iteration should result in the
best embedding for each step. On every step, we cre-
ate the new average embedding for all remaining im-
ages of the person, calculate the new distance to the
test images and select the one which minimizes this
distance. After using just the 3 best images, accuracy
already improved significantly and there is little room
for improvement (0.315 for the 3 best images vs 0.291
if all images are used). After manually inspecting the
top images for each person, in 82 % of the cases the
first 3 images are one frontal image, and two pro-
file images from each side. Further work could add
convergence criteria to automatically select the best
amount of images.
Chowdhury et al. (Chowdhury et al., 2016) proposed
an interesting change: Instead of using the mean-
weighting of features, they propose to use the max-
imum instead. This should reduce the overfit on dom-
inant angles and generalize better (Chowdhury et al.,
2016). However, this could not be replicated with
this dataset, as the minimum and maximum settings
perform significantly worse than the baseline (Ta-
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
ble 1). One potential cause for this bad performance
is that outliers have too much impact on the final tem-
plate. Therefore, we created another template by us-
ing {25, 75}th quantile of each dimension of the em-
bedding, which scores significantly better than both
the minimum and maximum setting, but not as well as
the average aggregation strategy.
Rao et al. (Rao et al., 2017) created a pipeline
with a similar goal. Instead of aggregating the em-
beddings into a single template, they created a neu-
ral network which receives raw images as input. As
the networks have full access to the whole image (in-
stead of an embedding only), this approach offers the
possibility of higher accuracy on the drastic expense
of runtime-performance and is thus not really suitable
for embedded systems.
Furthermore, in the last years, a lot of effort is
spent on deciding how to weigh different dimensions
of embeddings (Yang et al., 2017; Rivero-Hern
et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2019). Even though some of
these approaches look promising, they are not ideal
for embedded systems, as most of them use additional
hardware-intense computations. Therefore, this work
does not favor any specific image over another.
Balsdon et al. (Balsdon et al., 2018) showed that
accuracy of humans doing face identification signifi-
cantly improves in a “wisdom of crowd” setting com-
pared to individual’s performance. This could indi-
cate, that a similar effect is demonstrable if a sys-
tem combines embeddings not only from a single face
recognition neural network, but from multiple differ-
ent ones. Therefore, further work could use the pro-
posed method of combining embeddings of different
neural networks, potentially using the same aggrega-
tion strategies as analyzed in the present paper.
In this work, we evaluated different aggregation
strategies, leading to the conclusion that aggregating
embeddings by taking the average of each dimension
provides the highest improvement in accuracy while
remaining compatible to state-of-the-art face recogni-
tion pipelines as already widely deployed in the field.
We stress that this was one of the design goals of our
work, and that our results indicate that such improve-
ments can be directly applied to existing (embedded
and distributed) systems with changes to only the en-
rollment and template computation processes, but not
the live recognition pipelines.
Even though some previous work implicitly used
this average aggregation strategy, there has been no
evaluation about its effectiveness. We base this pro-
posal on an extensive evaluation of different aggre-
gation strategies using both different public datasets
and creating a new dataset, which is publicly available
for research purposes. After quantitatively analyzing
the number of images used to generate templates, we
find that it only plays a minor role, while different
perspectives we refer to them as semantically dif-
ferent input — significantly improve the performance
of face recognition pipelines. For an efficient, decen-
tralized system, we propose to use just 3 images per
template: one frontal image and one from each side.
These images may share the same setting, thus if there
is a physical enrollment, these images can be taken
live. This increases both the correctness of the system
itself (as there are fewer options to spoof the system)
and the usability of the system (as the user does not
have to provide larger sets of images or even video
Future work could focus on automatically choos-
ing the best images based on various convergence cri-
teria, as well as further studying continuous learning
approaches that update the aggregated template with
new input as user faces change over time (e.g., with
age or clothing). We argue that the average aggrega-
tion strategy that results in best results in our study
would lend itself optimally to dynamic updates; how-
ever, the associated security impact and added threat
models by allowing templates to be updated outside a
controlled enrollment setting will need to be consid-
ered carefully for each scenario.
This work has been carried out within the scope of
Digidow, the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Pri-
vate Digital Authentication in the Physical World
and has partially been supported by the LIT Secure
and Correct Systems Lab. We gratefully acknowl-
edge financial support by the Austrian Federal Min-
istry of Labour and Economy, the National Founda-
tion for Research, Technology and Development, the
Christian Doppler Research Association, 3 Banken IT
GmbH, ekey biometric systems GmbH, Kepler Uni-
atsklinikum GmbH, NXP Semiconductors Aus-
tria GmbH & Co KG,
Osterreichische Staatsdruckerei
GmbH, and the State of Upper Austria.
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ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy