A Systematic Review and Recommendation of Software Architectures
for SARS-CoV-2 Monitoring
Kay Smarsly
, Yousuf Al-Hakim
, Patricia Peralta
, Silvio Beier
and Claudia Klümper
Institute of Digital and Autonomous Construction, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
Chair of Urban Bioengineering for Resource Recovery, Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany
Laboratory of Environmental Analysis, Department HAM 2, Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Keywords: SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, Wastewater, Monitoring, Surveillance, Software Architectures.
Abstract: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a highly infectious respiratory disease caused by the severe
acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‑CoV‑2), which has led to the ongoing global pandemic with
more than half a billion cases worldwide. Response measures to COVID-19 outbreaks suffer from lagging
between detecting and reporting COVID-19 cases and by underreporting. By contrast, using wastewater
allows detecting SARS-CoV-2 ribonucleic acid (RNA) in human feces, serving as a timely and reliable basis
for devising effective measures to prevent and control COVID-19 outbreaks. As a technological basis,
software systems for monitoring SARS-COV-2 RNA in wastewater are required, which are capable of (i)
interlinking COVID-19-related data from different sources, (ii) providing user interfaces with remote access,
(iii) implementing software design concepts that are well-established, and (iv) deploying on-demand
SARS-CoV-2 data analysis. To ensure reliable operation, it is crucial to set up SARS-COV-2 monitoring
systems based on sound software architectures. This paper systematically reviews and categorizes software
architectures for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring systems, considering journals, book series, and conference pro-
ceedings indexed in the Scopus database. Then, a software architecture for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring systems
is proposed. In future work, the proposed software architecture may be implemented and validated for
SARS-CoV-2 monitoring.
The global pandemic of the coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19), with hundreds of millions of confirmed
cases, has caused an ongoing health crisis affecting
countries, which are facing COVID-19-related chal-
lenges that have triggered severe social and economic
consequences. The COVID-19 cases reported to
health authorities, together with COVID-19-related
hospitalizations and death rates, are key metrics used
to devise response measures to COVID-19 outbreaks
(Huber and Langen, 2020). However, the practice of
relying on reports of COVID-19 key metrics when
devising response measures comes mainly with two
downsides. First, the time period between detecting
and reporting COVID-19 cases to public health au-
thorities is relatively long (Cheng, et al., 2021). Sec-
ond, not all infections are detected and/or reported,
entailing high rates of underreported COVID-19
cases (Schneble, et al., 2021). As a result, the timeli-
ness and the effectiveness of response measures are
limited, having a non-negligible effect on public
health and on the economy.
To overcome the limitations of the current
practice, the severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARS‑CoV‑2), causing COVID-19,
may be monitored in wastewater (Tandukar, et al.,
2022). The SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be detected in
human feces days to a week before the onset of
symptoms (Wölfel, et al., 2020), thus serving as a
proactive approach towards identifying potential
COVID-19 outbreaks and complementing the
COVID-19 metrics reported to public health
authorities (Nag, et al., 2022). In general, genomic
monitoring of viruses in wastewater has proven to be
a valuable tool for detecting and identifying variants
of concern and for establishing early warning systems
to support response measures on a scientifically
Smarsly, K., Al-Hakim, Y., Peralta, P., Beier, S. and Klümper, C.
A Systematic Review and Recommendation of Software Architectures for SARS-CoV-2 Monitoring.
DOI: 10.5220/0011593000003414
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2023) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 211-217
ISBN: 978-989-758-631-6; ISSN: 2184-4305
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
sound basis (Karthikeyan, et al., 2022). As a
consequence, response measures may be devised
earlier and more goal-driven, causing milder social,
economic, and cultural impacts as compared to the
current practice. For monitoring SARS-CoV-2
variants, influent samples are collected from
wastewater treatment plants and analyzed in
laboratories using reverse transcription quantitative
real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) and/or genomic
sequencing. To devise response measures as precisely
as possible, results achieved by SARS-CoV-2
monitoring must be correlated with data sets (e.g.
COVID-19 metrics) stemming from other data
To efficiently and accurately correlate the results
achieved by SARS-CoV-2 monitoring with data from
other sources, software systems need to be
implemented that are capable of (i) interlinking
COVID-19-related data from third parties, (ii)
providing user interfaces with remote access, (iii)
implementing software design concepts that are well-
established, and (iv) deploying on-demand data
analysis. Hence, a software architecture must be
defined, on which SARS-CoV-2 monitoring systems
may be built. Therefore, this paper systematically
reviews software architectures of SARS-CoV-2
monitoring systems, and of monitoring systems in
general, considering peer-reviewed journals, book
series, and conference proceedings.
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. First, the research methodology of the review
is described. Second, the results of the systematic
review are presented, and requirements of SARS-
CoV-2 monitoring systems are identified. Third,
based on a discussion of the results, a software
architecture for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring systems is
proposed. Finally, conclusions are drawn, and a brief
outlook on future research is presented.
To ensure high quality of the literature screened in the
systematic review, journals, book series and confer-
ence proceedings indexed in the Scopus database are
used (Elsevier, 2022). The review includes literature
published between 2019 to 2022 because the first
COVID-19 case was registered in December 2019.
The research methodology follows three main steps,
(i) data collection, (ii) data organization, and (iii) data
analysis. In the first step, data collection, two search
strings are used, and the first search string is (“soft-
ware architecture” and (“monitoring” or “surveil-
lance”)). Owing to the novelty of SARS-CoV-2 mon-
itoring, SARS-CoV-2-related terms are omitted in the
first search string, i.e. the systematic review starts
with software architectures for monitoring and sur-
veillance applications in general, which results in an
initial search result of 1964 papers. The second search
string is (“software architecture” and (“SARS-CoV-
2” or “covid*” or “corona”)), covering literature on
software architectures for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring,
including monitoring efforts based on wastewater, as
well as literature reporting on software architectures
for SARS-CoV-2 platforms without monitoring fea-
tures, leading to 39 search results.
In the second step of the research methodology,
data organization, the results are subject to inclusion
and exclusion criteria, to ensure high quality of the
search results. It should be noted that, in general,
research papers that consider software architectures
of monitoring systems as well as literature reviews
that summarize software architectures for monitoring
systems are included. Additionally, papers written in
different languages are included. The primary
exclusion criterion is related to the question whether
the software architecture has been described in a way
that allows a clear identification for the systematic
In the third step of the research methodology, data
analysis, the following research question is to be
answered: “What types of software architectures have
been implemented for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring
systems?” When answering the research question,
identified literature is analyzed, starting from a
broader analysis of monitoring system architectures
in general, ending up in architectures of systems
specifically designed for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring.
The research methodology is visualized in Figure 1.
Regarding the first search string, i.e. monitoring sys-
tem architectures in general, from 1964 papers ini-
tially found, 100 papers are relevant to the review.
Regarding the second search string, i.e. monitoring
system architectures related to SARS-CoV-2 moni-
toring, from 39 papers initially found, 3 papers are
relevant to the review. The software architectures of
the monitoring systems presented in the papers found
from the first search string are categorized in Figure
2 and described in the following subsection, followed
by a description of the software architectures pro-
posed for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring systems.
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 1: Research methodology.
3.1 Monitoring System Architectures
in General
As can be seen from Figure 2, the software architec-
tures used for implementing monitoring systems are
characterized by four predominant design patterns,
shown in Figure 3, which are materialized in four cor-
responding software architectures,
the layered architecture,
the client-server architecture,
the microservice architecture, and
the gateway architecture.
The software architectures used for implementing
monitoring systems will be described in the following
paragraphs. For further details on the software archi-
tectures and the underlying architectural design pat-
terns, the interested reader is referred to Fowler
(2002). From Figure 2, it is remarkable that the archi-
tectural design patterns of most software architectures
are hybrid or uncategorizable, the reason of which
will be addressed in the discussion section.
The layered architecture is most frequently used.
The layered architecture consists of three layers, the
presentation layer, the domain layer, and the data
source layer. The presentation layer ensures
interactions between users and the monitoring
Figure 2: Categorization of architectural design patterns
used for implementing monitoring systems that have been
published between 2019 and 2022.
system, the domain layer contains the logic of the
monitoring system, such as validations of user
requests, and the data source layer enables
communication with a database (Fowler, 2002). The
layer-wise separation has multiple benefits to
monitoring systems, as each layer is understood as a
single, independent unit. The separation is
particularly useful for comprehensive monitoring
processes with various parties involved in monitoring
or with respect to a substitution of layers, e.g. in case
of updates of monitoring system elements.
The client-server architecture comprises two
main elements, client and server. The client requests
data, services, or other resources from the server. The
server answers the requests and provides the
corresponding results and resources to the client.
Multiple clients may be connected to a server, where
not all clients need to be situated in the same network.
Since the client-server architecture centralizes data
within a monitoring system, a distinct advantage of
the architecture, besides security aspects owing to a
central server, is the ease of maintenance. Centralized
data not being distributed over several systems can
easily be managed, as compared to decentralized data.
The microservice architecture is used in various
recent monitoring systems. The most important
characteristic of the microservice architecture is the
“componentization” through microservices.
Essentially, microservices are small software
components that can be deployed, scaled, and tested
independently (Thönes, 2015). The componentization
through services allows independent deployment
with services being independently scalable and being
written in different programming languages. The
microservice architecture is therefore particularly
helpful for comprehensive, heterogeneous
monitoring systems with multiple parties involved in
A Systematic Review and Recommendation of Software Architectures for SARS-CoV-2 Monitoring
The gateway architecture encapsulates decoupled
elements of a monitoring system. The gateway acts as
an interface, through which clients may request a
service from a server. Monitoring systems based on
the gateway architecture are structured clearly, since
coordination and communication are managed by the
gateway. The gateway architecture has advantages
when implemented as a physically distributed system
because system changes do not affect every element,
and only the gateway needs to be adapted to the
3.2 Monitoring System Architectures
for SARS-CoV-2 Monitoring
The three SARS-CoV-2 monitoring systems identi-
fied in the systematic review implement the layered
architecture. Regarding the research topic, Tabbiche,
et al. (2021) propose a modeling tool for designing
applications that monitor real-time context infor-
mation. A prototype application, using a 4-layered ar-
chitecture, is presented in a pervasive environment
that tracks the movements of persons who have tested
positive, to anticipate COVID-19 contaminations.
Sethi and Pal (2021) introduce a monitoring system
for detecting COVID-19 exposure in public transpor-
tation vehicles. The monitoring system is imple-
mented on three layers, where a cloud layer and a user
layer are connected through a communication layer.
Finally, the monitoring approach pursued within
health care software proposed by De Moura Costa, et
al. (2022) aim to evaluate performance metrics re-
lated to COVID-19, such as latency, throughput, and
send rates in different locations. Two layers with mul-
tiple sub-layers and individual services have been im-
plemented, and privacy, scalability, and latency re-
duction have been considered important requirements
when choosing the layered architecture.
From the systematic review, it can be concluded that
the software architectures of monitoring systems
strongly depend on the monitoring objective. In gen-
eral, the layered architecture is most frequently used,
as it is easy to implement, modular, and allows sub-
stituting layers (i.e. elements of the system).
As mentioned earlier, it is apparent from Figure 2
that most architectures proposed for monitoring sys-
tems in general are hybrid or uncategorizable. A rea-
son, as expert surveys indicate, is that many monitor-
ing systems have been implemented from a pragmatic
engineering standpoint, sometimes in a trial-and-error
manner, without following professional software de-
sign concepts from a computer science point of view.
Regarding software architectures explicitly pro-
posed for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring, the layered ar-
chitecture has been used in all papers found in this
review. It is evident from the systematic review that
software architectures for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring
systems have rarely been reported because of the
novelty of the research problem. In addition, the
urgency of this matter has resulted in SARS-CoV-2
monitoring systems being implemented without
explicit architectural design and/or without reporting
the software architectures in scientific literature.
Taking the results summarized above as a starting
point, the software requirements relevant to SARS-
CoV-2 monitoring systems will be described in the
following subsection. Thereupon, a software
architecture for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring systems
will be proposed.
4.1 Software Requirements for
SARS-CoV-2 Monitoring Systems
To design the software architecture for SARS-CoV-2
monitoring systems, functional and non-functional
requirements are considered. The following discus-
sion will exemplarily focus on designing a prototype
SARS-COV-2 monitoring system within the
“CoMoTH” project using wastewater at 23
wastewater treatment plants in the Free State of Thu-
ringia, Germany (CoMoTH, 2022). Project partners,
such as federal, state, and local health authorities as
well as companies, are involved in the design process
to provide advice according to their needs in data
analysis and visualization.
Figure 3: Layered, client-server, microservice, and gateway architecture.
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
As for the functional requirements, the
monitoring system must be accessible through web
browsers and must provide user-friendly
visualizations of the data and of the data analysis
results, the latter based on well-established
mathematical statistics as well as on artificial
intelligence techniques. Representing another
functional requirement, the needs of the project
partners as well as the needs of the general public
(being users of the monitoring system) are to be
implemented. A further functional requirement is the
ability to couple the wastewater monitoring system
with COVID-19-related software platforms operated
by third parties. The German Government’s central
scientific institution in the field of biomedicine, the
Robert Koch Institute (RKI), provides a digital
interface used by hospitals, laboratories, and test
centers to forward COVID-19-related data to the
RKI, which is to be interfaced with the proposed
monitoring system. Furthermore, the monitoring
system must be modular, allowing for easy
modifications. The functional requirements are
summarized as follows: The software architecture
must ensure that the monitoring system
is accessible through web browsers and pro-
vides user-friendly visualizations of the data
and of the data analysis results to be achieved
based on well-established mathematical statis-
tics as well as on artificial intelligence tech-
is, in a first step, adjusted to wastewater treat-
ment plants in Thuringia, Germany, while the
concept is generally valid,
implements the needs of the project partners
and of the general public (being users of the
monitoring system),
is modular, allowing for easy modifications,
and is interlinked with COVID-19-related soft-
ware platforms operated by third parties.
In addition to the functional requirements listed
above, the architecture must ensure that the following
non-functional requirements will be met by the
monitoring system. The non-functional requirements
are basically the quality constraints that the
monitoring system must satisfy:
Usability: The users are enabled to perform the
monitoring tasks safely, effectively, and effi-
Integrity: Data accuracy and consistency are
ensured when storing, processing, and retriev-
ing monitoring data.
Extensibility: Without much effort, the moni-
toring system is expandable.
Portability: The monitoring system can be im-
plemented on different platforms.
Security: The monitoring system is protected
against disclosure, theft and damage of data
and disruption or misdirection of services.
Reliability/availability: For the specified peri-
ods of time (reliability) and at the specified in-
tervals of time (availability), the monitoring
system functions under stated conditions.
Maintainability: The monitoring system is eas-
ily maintainable to correct defects, to repair or
replace faulty software components, and to
maximize reliability.
Robustness: The monitoring system copes
with errors during execution and with errone-
ous input.
Further non-functional requirements known
from software engineering must be met, such
as scalability, performance, efficiency, safety,
flexibility, and reusability.
4.2 A Software Architecture for
SARS-CoV-2 Monitoring Systems
As an outcome of the review and drawing from the
requirements summarized in the previous subsection,
the following software architecture is proposed for
SARS-CoV-2 monitoring systems and recommended
for the specific SARS-CoV-2 monitoring system
described above. Unlike software architectures
identified in the review, a model-view-controller
(MVC) architecture is proposed, which divides a
software system into three elements, model, view,
and controller, as shown in Figure 4. The model,
independently from user interfaces, contains domain
logic and manages the data of the system (e.g. in form
of one or more databases that contain data relevant to
SARS-CoV-2 monitoring). The view acts as an
interface between users and the application, where
different views may be devised, e.g. through web
browsers, remote application programming interfaces
(APIs), or command-line interfaces. Moreover, the
views can be tailored to a user or a user group (such
as federal, state, and local health authorities or the
general public), and the same information provided
by the model can be presented differently, depending
on the view. Finally, the controller receives user
inputs (such as requests regarding SARS-CoV-2
data), performs interactions with the model, and
initiates view updates.
The MVC architecture specifically supports the
processes relevant to SARS-CoV-2 monitoring and
the specific needs of the users and user groups
involved in monitoring. As can be seen from Figure
A Systematic Review and Recommendation of Software Architectures for SARS-CoV-2 Monitoring
4, using a web browser, a user interacts with a
dashboard provided by the view (1) to visualize data
and to conduct online data analyses. Thereupon, the
view alerts the controller (2), which contacts the
model to retrieve the data and conducts the analyses,
applying the algorithms that are available to the view.
Then, the controller updates the model (3) and sends
the requested data and the analysis results to the view
(4), which updates the visualization in the dashboard
for the user (5).
In summary, every element can be designed,
implemented, and validated independently from each
other because of the strict separation of the elements.
The separation of view and model is most important,
as different presentations, tailored to different user
groups, may be implemented independently from the
model. Vice versa, different databases or other
sources for integrating SARS-CoV-2 data may be
included into the systems (such as RKI databases or
other databases operated by health authorities)
without affecting the presentation or the controller,
which handles user requests and makes use of
algorithms (such as AI algorithms) to analyze the data
of the model before passing the results to the view.
Moreover, the view may provide different
presentations, tailored to different users or user
groups, as the presentation depends on the model, but
the model does not depend on the presentation.
Figure 4: Proposed software architecture for SARS-CoV-2
monitoring systems.
Response measures to COVID-19 outbreaks primar-
ily depend on the number of COVID-19 cases, on
hospitalization rates, and on the death rates reported
to health authorities. Reporting is a practice that de-
pends on timely and reliable reactions (from infected
individuals, test centers, and local authorities). The
current practice thus suffers from lagging between de-
tecting and reporting COVID-19 cases and by un-
derreporting. By contrast, using wastewater allows
detecting SARS-CoV-2 RNA in human feces, serving
as a timely and reliable basis for devising effective
measures to prevent and control COVID-19 out-
breaks. To ensure reliable operation of SARS-CoV-2
monitoring systems, it is crucial to design monitoring
systems based on sound software architectures. This
paper has systematically reviewed and categorized
software architectures for monitoring systems in gen-
eral and for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring systems in par-
ticular, considering journals, book series, and confer-
ence proceedings indexed in the Scopus database that
have been published between 2019 and 2022. Build-
ing upon the findings achieved in the review, a soft-
ware architecture for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring sys-
tems has been proposed.
From the systematic review, it has been concluded
that the software architectures of monitoring systems
strongly depend on the monitoring objective. Regard-
ing software architectures of monitoring systems in
general, most architectures are hybrid or uncategoriz-
able. A reason, as expert interviews indicate, is that
many monitoring systems have been implemented
from a pragmatic engineering standpoint, sometimes
in a trial-and-error manner, without conducting pro-
fessional software design concepts from a computer
science point of view. With respect to SARS-CoV-2
monitoring systems, only very few software architec-
tures have been reported, which may be attributed to
the novelty of this matter.
Considering the results of the review and building
upon the analysis of the software requirements relevant
to SARS-CoV-2 monitoring systems, an architecture
for SARS-CoV-2 monitoring system has been be pro-
posed. The architecture is based on an MVC pattern
because of its modularity and the separations of view
and controller as well as of view and model, the latter
being fundamental, as different models may be ex-
changed and integrated into a SARS-CoV-2 monitor-
ing system independently from the view. In future
work, the authors aim to implement the proposed
SARS-CoV-2 monitoring system and, using the moni-
toring system, to validate the proposed approach.
This research is partially funded by Bauhaus Univer-
sity Weimar, Germany, under award number
2360200276-2/21, which is gratefully acknowledged.
The authors would also like to thank the Free State of
Thuringia, Germany, as this work has partially been
conducted within the framework of the CoMoTH pro-
ject, funded by Thüringer Aufbaubank under grant
number 2021 FE 9143/44. Finally, the authors would
like to record their deep gratitude for the invaluable
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
support and suggestions provided by the research
teams at Robert Koch Institute.
Cheng, C., et al. (2021). The incubation period of COVID-
19: A global meta-analysis of 53 studies and a Chinese
observation study of 11 545 patients. Infectious Dis-
eases of Poverty, 10(2021), 119.
CoMoTH (2022). Research project “Monitoring of SARS-
CoV-2 in wastewater in Thuringia [SARS-CoV-2-Ab-
wassermonitoring in Thüringen]”, funded by the Thu-
ringian Development Bank under grant number 2021
FE 9143/44.
De Moura Costa, H. J., et al. (2022). A Fog and Blockchain
Software Architecture for a Global Scale Vaccination
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Fowler, M. (2002). Patterns of Enterprise Application Ar-
chitecture. Cambridge, UK: Addison-Wesley Profes-
Huber, M., Langen, H. (2020). Timing matters: the impact
of response measures on COVID-19-related hospitali-
zation and death rates in Germany and Switzerland.
Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 10(2020),
Karthikeyan, S., Levy, J. I., De Hoff, P., et al. (2022).
Wastewater sequencing reveals early cryptic SARS-
CoV-2 variant transmission. Nature, 2022,
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by Wastewater-Based Surveillance as a Sustainable and
Pragmatic Approach A Case Study of Jaipur (India).
Water, 14(3), 297.
Schneble, M., De Nicola, G., Kauermann, G., Berger, U.
(2021). A statistical model for the dynamics of COVID-
19 infections and their case detection ratio in 2020. Bi-
ometrical Journal, 63(8), pp. 1623-1632.
Sethi, V., Pal, S. (2021). Controlling Spread of COVID-19
Using VANETs. In: Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE In-
ternational Conference on Communications, Montreal,
QC, Canada, 06/14/2021.
Tabbiche, M. N., Khalfi, M. F., Adjoudj, R. (2021). A
Smart Modeling Tool for Model-Driven Engineering of
Ubiquitous Applications: Covid-19 Contact-Tracer. In:
Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on
Recent Advances in Mathematics and Informatics, Te-
bessa, Algeria, 09/21/2021.
Tandukar, S., et al. (2022). Detection of SARS-CoV-2
RNA in wastewater, river water, and hospital
wastewater of Nepal. Science of The Total Environ-
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Thönes, J. (2015). Microservices. IEEE Software, 32(1), pp.
Wölfel, R., et al. (2020). Virological assessment of hospi-
talized patients with COVID-2019. Nature, 581(2020),
pp. 465-469.
A Systematic Review and Recommendation of Software Architectures for SARS-CoV-2 Monitoring