Developing RELT Materials Based on PjBL for Teaching the English
Department Students of Z-Generation
Eka Sustri Harida
, Fitri Rayani Siregar
, Sri Rahmadhani Siregar
, Arini
and Bulan Ritonga
Department of English Education, Universitas Islam Negeri Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia
Department of English, Mangalore University, Karnataka, India, and
Keywords: Research in ELT Materials, PjBL, Z-Generation.
Abstract: This study is to explore the use of PjBL (Project-based Learning) in teaching Research in English Language
Teaching (RELT) to English students as a Z-generation. It is studied by the R n D method using the ADDIE
model. The instruments are validation sheets, questionnaires, interviews, and tests. Data have been analyzed
by reading, coding, and interpreting the data; then descriptive statistical analysis. It is found that the students
and lecturer need the materials of RELT taught by PjBL and had a positive perspective on it. There are two
products produced; students’ and lecturer’s books; and the materials developed are effective to be used by
English students because of the difference in the mean score between the pre-test and post-test (59.85 and
68.30). It is also found that more than 60% of students in the RELT classroom felt good in comprehending
the material. The hypothesis is accepted because the result of the t-test (5.878) is counted higher than the t-
table (2.093); or in 0.001 which is lower than 0.05. It is indicated that the RELT materials developed by PjBL
are valid, practiced, and effective for teaching Z-Generation of English students. So, it can be concluded that
RELT materials based on PjBL are appropriate for teaching students in the university level.
A research method is one of the learning subjects for
university students, and it is also submitted to the
English students of the State Islamic University of
Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan
(UIN Syahada Padangsidimpuan). This subject is
given to the students in 2 (two) semesters with
different names of the subjects; they are research
method and research in English Language Teaching
(Hilda et al., 2019). The research method is a subject
of learning to give the students information,
knowledge, and comprehension about how to do
research. It is known as steps or procedures or
techniques that are done specifically for the collection
and analyzing the data (King et al., 2017;
ScribbrTeam, 2022).
Project-based Learning (PjBL) is not a new
teaching model; however, it is still useful to improve
student’s learning ability in the current time. As it has
been stated by Ketut & Cahyani (2021) and Sari &
Prasetyo (2021). Based on their findings, PjBL is a
good model for making the students are being able to
comprehend and increase students' creativity and
critical thinking. By using PjBL, they found that the
student’s learning of creative and critical thinking
increase; it is proved that this model is still suitable to
the current era of the teaching learning process.
Sari & Prasetyo (Sari & Prasetyo, 2021)
conducted research and had proven that
implementation of PjBL has given good improvement
to students’ critical reading; the students had high
motivation in finishing the reading tasks by using
Sustri Harida, E., Rayani Siregar, F., Rahmadhani Siregar, S., Arini, A. and Ritonga, B.
Developing RELT Materials Based on PjBL for Teaching the English Department Students of Z-Generation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012201500003738
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovation in Education (ICoIE 4 2022) - Digital Era Education After the Pandemic, pages 381-389
ISBN: 978-989-758-669-9; ISSN: 2975-9676
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
PjBL. It is also seen that PjBL can be good for
improving speaking ability
(Bakar et al., 2019; Qisthi & Arifani, 2018; Yang
& Puakpong, 2016). Beside, PjBL also had good
result when it is used to develop learning materials
(Hasanah et al., 2018; Ismail et al., 2021). Both of the
result of the research showed that the students have
positive perception about developing learning
materials or students’ worksheet using PjBL. The
validation result is also showed in very good validity;
it means that developing materials for learning based
on Project-based Learning have proved to make good
result for learning. Based on the result, it is known
that PjBL is respectable to learning process or even to
develop materials for learning. Students’ learning
activities, language learning, and many aspects of
learning after giving the PjBL learning model
Moreover, teaching students in G-generation
demand the inspired teachers. G-generation is the
students who born in the periods year between 1995
and 2012; and they are stated as the internet
generation (Gabrielova & Buchko, 2021). As the G-
generation, almost several hours in a day used
internets, used their gadgets that is used not only to
communicate but also for having exist in social life.
As the internet generation, it is the chance of the
teachers to utilize their habit to support their learning
Students in English department are required to
have research projects at the end of their study, and
they are prepared to do it with two subjects of learning
(Hilda et al., 2019). To make the students gain the
aims of the lessons, they must do such kinds of
research project, such as writing mini proposal or
even writing mini research related to their interested.
PjBL model is one of the appropriate models of
learning for preparing the students to make their mini
project. Because of that the writers are interested to
develop materials for learning Research Method with
PjBL. This model is focused on tasking the students
to do activity to produce something beneficial for
their learning process (Iskandar & Mulyati, 2019).
This model has main activity with a series of group
activities based on the projects to make the students
engage in learning
(Ratuanik & Nay, 2017). The
writers believed that developing the material based on
PjBL is appropriate to help the students arranging the
research projects. So, this research was done based on
this reason.
The students in Z-Generation which is very
familiar with internet have the ability to make many
contents and sources for their learning. They will
search many examples from the internet, they
analyse, then create their own project related to their
Based on this condition, it is very interested in
doing research by developing the learning materials
for research methods in English Language Teaching
(ELT) based on Project-based Learning (PjBL) for
the English students of Z-Generation in UIN Syahada
Padangsidimpuan. The objectives of this study are to
develop the learning materials for research in ELT, to
the effectiveness of the materials developed, and to
explore the students’ attitudes to the materials.
2.1 Instructional Materials
Instructional material or learning material is known
as Teaching and Learning Materials (TLM) as
anything that can be used as tools for facilitating
learning in delivering the materials in the teaching-
learning process. TLM is the group of learning
resources and materials of the lessons that are used by
educators to train their students to support learning
aims for all subjects (Tomlinson, 2014). It is also
understood as a diversity of educational materials that
the teachers or lecturers use in their classroom to back
specific learning objectives, as displayed in lesson
plans. Lack of necessary materials and lack of
competence of the teachers in teaching effectively
will affect the learning process and the result of
learning (Chidi-Onwuta et al., 2022). So, it can be
stated that instructional material is important; and it
is a set of teaching materials to be delivered to the
students to reach the learning objectives.
The textbook is a kind of instructional material
have an important position in learning for both
lecturer and students. All the material in teaching is
contained in a textbook. Learner who does not have a
textbook with them during the teaching-learning
activities will not be able to follow the lesson well. In
the other word, a lack of textbooks in teaching and
activities can create less success in teaching
(Prasetyo, 2022). Therefore, the use of appropriate
textbooks in teaching English attracted students’
interest in reading and understanding the course.
In this study, we developed TLM about research
methods in English Language Teaching. The
materials developed provide the English students to
create their results, such as how to make correlational
research, how to create a research proposal, and so
ICoIE 4 2022 - The Fourth International Conference on Innovation in Education
2.2 Project-Based Learning (PjBL)
This section is a brief description of PjBL around the
definition and advantages, and disadvantages of
Project-based Learning.
2.2.1 Concepts of Project-Based Learning
Project-based Learning or PjBL is a model of learning
that is posed to the students to learn by doing a
project. It is a kind model of teaching which
emphasized the students to create or produce the
product during the process of learning (Sharma,
2021). The project-based learning model is authentic
in a constructive investigation by giving direct
experience to students through project-making
activities so that the teacher is only a facilitator.
Projects contain complex, challenging, and
demanding tasks for students to design, solve, decide,
investigate, and provide opportunities for students to
work independently (Suherman et al., 2020). Project-
based learning creates students’ creative thinking to
produce the learning outcomes.
Project Based Learning model provides
opportunities to students to be involved in learning
and can construct their knowledge (Safaruddin et al.,
2020). It is an active student-centered form of
instruction that is characterized by a student’s
autonomy, constructive investigation, goal setting,
collaboration, communication, and reflection within
real-world practices by presenting learners with
problems or a certain situation and motivating
learners to identify and carry out the solutions
(Puangpunsi, 2021). It means that Project Based
Learning model is student-centered learning with the
principle of contextual, active involvement of
students in teaching and learning to achieve learning
goals and competence. Besides, the Project Based
Learning model emphasizes students to solve
problems in learning.
Based on the explanation, it can be concluded that
PjBL is a model of teaching and learning which
provided the students to be active in creating products
related to the subjects of their lessons.
2.2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of PjBL
Project-based Learning (PjBL) has some advantages
and disadvantages. Karyawati (2018) served the
advantage of PjBL is making the students active in
the classroom, making fun of learning, and
reinforcing students’ knowledge. She also adds that
PjBL activities are successful in the classroom in
minimizing the stiff and formal relationship between
the teacher and students. The students can improve
their creativity and problem-solving skill, and the
students can learn by doing.
Besides, project-based learning can also make
students actively engages in project learning (Astuti,
2020). Project-based learning is a method in which
the students are learning through a project that is
decided by themselves with the help of teachers so
that they can be actively engaged in the learning
process. Having active students makes them good
comprehend materials. Project-based learning
facilitates the teaching and learning process, involves
students in the learning process, motivates and
encourages the creativity of students (Hidayah et al.,
2021; Ketut & Cahyani, 2021). The students focus on
finishing their projects to improve their language
Besides having advantages, PjBL also has
disadvantages. Some of the disadvantages are time-
consuming and uncomfortable for students who do
have not similar abilities. (Guido, 2016; Hidayah et
al., 2021; Sharma, 2021). The advantages of the PjBL
happen when it is applied because it needs time to
prepare and to do the PjBL, needs time to understand
the model. In addition, the students must in the same
abilities, however, not all students in a class have the
same ability.
PjBL will give a good effect on the students
because of the advantages. However, the
disadvantages that occur can be minimized by making
various kinds of learning models or combining PjBL
to another model of learning.
2.3 Research in English Language
Research in English Language Teaching (RELT is a
kind of lesson or subject of learning in the English
Department of UIN Syahada Padangsidimpuan. It is
the second subject of the research method that is
distributed to the students in two semester (Hilda et
al., 2019). It is aimed to give the students research
knowledge and to train the students to be able in doing
research related to English language teaching.
2.4 Z-Generation
Z-Generation is the generation with the age of about
20 this year. It is the generation born between 1995 –
2010 who are very familiar with the use and the
function of the internet; they live and are usual with
digitalization (Dewi et al., 2021; Gabrielova &
Buchko, 2021; Soraya & Surya Ariyani Pedo, 2021).
Developing RELT Materials Based on PjBL for Teaching the English Department Students of Z-Generation
So, Z-generation is the generation that very close to
internet life.
However, the students in Z-generation need to be
served with the internet because the internet or the
digital world is very useful in supporting educational
life (Amalia & Halim, 2022; Martin et al., 2022).
Many proves shown that the use of the internet or
digitalization has given not only a positive side but
also a negative side. It can be seen that the English
students as Z-Generation agreed that learning using
digital learning such as the online learning system is
challenging for the students (Harida et al., 2020). It
can be said that the students are ready to face digital
learning. Furthermore, the Z-generation students
need to get the benefit of the internet or digital system
of learning to help them in learning. The development
of the materials for learning in RELT is also related
to the use of the internet or digitalization because
some of the materials and tasks in the materials are
stated with links only. So, the learning process and
tools must support the study of Z-Generation in the
English department of UIN Syahada
This study is a Research and Development that is to
develop materials for learning Research in English
Language Teaching (RELT) by using Project-based
Learning (PjBL). There are several participants in this
research: validators, students, and lecturers. There are
3 (three) validators, 60 (sixty) students as participants
in gaining the data of students’ needs, 5 (five)
students as the participants in small try out, 30 (thirty)
students as participants in the experimental step, and
1 lecturer that has participated in this study. The
validator is important to evaluate the instruments and
the projects valid, and the students to get the data
about students’ needs on the materials of learning, the
effectiveness, and the implementation, while the
lecturer is to take the data about the lecturer’s needs
on the materials and methods used in developing the
materials. ADDIE is the model used in developing the
materials. As stated by (Branch, 2009) that ADDIE is
appropriate to build a learning environment for
performing authentic tasks, and complex knowledge.
In the step of Analysis, the authors have analyzed
the students’ and the lecturers’ need for the materials.
The next step is Design in which the authors have
designed two products as materials for teaching and
learning RELT based on PjBL; they are students and
lecturers’ books. In Develop step, the authors came to
the suggestion, critics, and input from validators,
students, and participants of the Focus Group
Discussion. The fourth step is the Implementation
step by doing two kinds of trials; small try out and
pre-test and post-test control design of experimental
types. The result of a small tryout was used as the
consideration to make a further try at the participants
(15 students as an experimental group).
Some instruments have been used to gather the
data; such as questionnaires, observation, and
interview guidelines, and also tests of knowledge
about the materials. The data that have been collected
were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. In
qualitative analysis, reading, coding, grouping, and
describing were used; while in quantitative analysis
(to get the value of mean-score, normality,
homogeneity, and t-test), SPSS 23 was used. The data
was also well-arranged into a distribution of
frequency and figured out through histogram.
4.1 The Result of Need Analysis
There were two kinds of data namely quantitative
data and qualitative data (Karnedi, Zaim, 2021). Data
about need analysis were gained from the
questionnaires from the students, lecturers, and
experts. The data showed that all of the instruments
and products in the level of valid. All the instruments
have been validated; and the result is shown that
valid, so it can be used to collect all the data. The data
are about the students’ and lecturers’ needs, the
student’s attitude to the materials developed, and the
students’ results on understanding the concepts of the
research in ELT.
Table 1: The Result of Students' Need for Method or Model
of Teaching
Needs of Method/ Strategy/
Techniques/Model of Teaching
Quantity Percentage
Project Based learning
25 41%
Problem Solving Based Learning
5 8%
12 20%
2 3%
5 8%
Direct Method
2 3%
PjBL, Presentation, and FGD
1 2%
PjBL, DM, Drill
1 2%
4 7%
4 7%
61 100%
ICoIE 4 2022 - The Fourth International Conference on Innovation in Education
Based on the table, it is seen that various methods are
proposed to the students in their learning of RELT.
The result of the interview can be concluded that all
the students need a method of learning, and project-
based learning is the highest need of the students in
learning; that is the result of PjBL as a model for
developing the materials for learning RELT. Project-
based learning is stated suitable for studying RELT
courses because it makes the students easy to
understand the materials and makes them active in
learning, and in creating their ideas.
In addition, on the result of the lecturer’s need
for the materials of RELT, it is seen that the materials
are needed for teaching RELT materials. The lecturer
said that the developed materials are needed for
research in ELT. This is under what was conveyed by
Al-busaidi &Alseyabi (2021) and Mahasneh &
Alwan (2018) that was projects are attractive to
students and teachers because of their flexibility.
Based on the result, it is known that the development
of materials for RELT is necessary.develop the
learning materials for research in ELT, to examine the
effectiveness of the materials developed, and to
explore the students’ attitudes to the materials.
4.2 The Result of Research
Based on the result of the research done through the
ADDIE model; it was in the steps of designing and
developing, the result showed that the materials for
RELT used PjBL in four steps (planning, practice,
project, and evaluation). The steps of PjBL in
developing two products are as seen in the following
Figure 1: The PjBL procedures for developing RELT
The RELT materials developed by using the steps of
PjBL above. The materials developed are in two
products; they are students’ book and lecturer’s book.
Both of the products have been implemented to the
students in the process of teaching and learning
The materials developed for learning research in
English Language Teaching are:
1) Introduction to Research in English
Language Teaching and Project-based
2) Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed-
3) Descriptive Research
4) Experimental Research
5) Correlational Research
6) Comparative Research
7) Classroom Action Research
8) Language Research
9) Ethnography
10) Phenomenology
The differences between students’ and lecturer’s
books are that the students’ book consists of learning
objectives, materials, and the exercise at the end of
the book chapter as the projects. However, the
lecturer’s book beside consists of such information
similar to the students’ book, it also consists of
syllabus and the complete evaluation but in the
materials, not all the materials stated in the students’
books available in it. The 9
and 10
materials are not
served all to the students who learn RELT; they are
as supplementary topics, if necessary, in learning
English teaching research.
Further, we also see for the practicalities of the
products as seen in the table below:
Table 2: Practicalities of the products.
No. Categories
1. Usability of
0.70 70% Practice
2. Easiness of
procedures of
learning RELT by
0.70 70% Practice
3. efficient to be use
0.80 80% Practice
The result showed that the books developed are
practice; it means that the books can be used for
teaching the students to learn research in English
Language Teaching. It is realised that the usability of
the books and the easiness of the procedures of using
the books are 70%, while the efficient of the books to
be used in 80%. Based on the result, the researchers
believed that the books can be useful for many
students who learning research, especially for English
Language Teaching.
In addition, the existence of books has helped the
students in learning research in English Language
Teaching. The result of the small try-out showed that
Developing RELT Materials Based on PjBL for Teaching the English Department Students of Z-Generation
5 (five) students who used as the students who get the
small treatment had good results in making a research
proposal on experimental research.
Table 3: The Result of Small try-out.
No. Students Pre-Test Post-Test
1 DW 64 68
2 SD 68 72
3 INR 64 74
4 FYS 54 58
5 DEL 78 80
Total 328 352
Average 65.6 70.4
By looking at the table, it can be grasped that the
students’ pre-test result was in mean-score 65.6; it is
in enough comprehension of the materials. Then, the
result of the post-test showed a mean of 70.4; it is on
the level of good. Although the range of scores is not
so different, it has shown the different results between
pre and post-test of the students after trying out to
study RELT materials of experimental research by
using PjBL
Based on the result of the small try-out, we
decided to implement the products to the students into
two research kinds; they are experimental research
and correlational research. The experimental research
with pre-test and post-test control group design has
been chosen as the design of the research. It has been
done in two groups which consist of 15 (fifteen)
students in each group (experimental and control
group). The result proved that the student’s
understanding of the kinds of research methods is
good because the students achieved an average of
68.30 (good category) while before learning with the
materials given, they only got 59.85 (in enough
category). The range of achievement was 8.45.
Meanwhile, the result of the test in the control class
presented that the score in the pre-test was 59.10 and
in the post-test was 62.95 with a range of
improvement of only 3.85. It means that there is a
significant difference between the students who
taught by using learning materials by PjBL with the
materials available.
In addition, when it is compared, to the result of
the post-test for the experimental and control class, it
is seen that there is a difference between them, and
the students who learn the RELT materials developed
are getting better than those who did not. Know
whether the products, the materials, are effective or
not to the student’s learning, it can be seen from the
result of the t-test. Before, it is needed to check the
result of paired samples statistics as in the table
Table 4: The result of paired sample statistics.
Paired Samples Statistics
Mean N
Std. Error
Pair 1 PreTest 59.85 20 16.135 3.608
PostTest 68.30 20 16.445 3.677
Based on the result it is shown that the pre-test
score was smaller than the post-test (59.35<68.30); it
can be concluded that RELT materials developed by
PjBL are effective in the students’ result of learning.
Next, to see the hypothesis of whether it is
significant the effectiveness of RELT materials on the
students’ learning results let's see the result of paired
sample t-test. When the result of Sign. < 0.05, the
result of students’ learning is effective by using the
materials developed; however, it is the result of Sign.
>0.05, it means there is no significant result of the
products to the student’s learning.
Based on the result of the t-test (to test the
hypothesis), it is counted that the Sign. The value of
the t-test was 0.001 and it is smaller than 0.05 (0.001
< 0.05) or the t-test (5.878) is counted higher than the
t-table (2.093), and it can be concluded that there is
the significant effect of learning RELT by using
materials developed by PjBL through ADDIE model.
The result can be seen in the following table.
Table 5: The result of t-test.
Paired Sam
les Test
Paired Differences t df
Sig. (2-
Interval of
Pair 1
PreTest -
-8.950 6.809 1.523 -12.137
5.763 -5.878 19 .001
Based on Based on the value of the t-test above, it
can be said that there was a significant effect of
materials developed using PjBL on the students’
results on learning RELT of the English students UIN
Syahada Padangsidimpuan.
Further, the students’ attitudes to the materials are
also needed to be known. It is known that more than
60% of English students had good responses to the
materials developed. It is found that about 73% of
students felt comfortable with the materials based on
PjBL given, and about 68% were motivated and
interested to learn. The last, about 75% of students
said that through this material they understand the
ICoIE 4 2022 - The Fourth International Conference on Innovation in Education
method of research. As a result of the student’s
perception, the researchers inverted that the students
had a positive perception of the projects, on the
materials developed, that is the RELT materials
developed by PjBL.
Finally, besides the students’ perception, based on
the result of practicalities and effectiveness, it can be
concluded that the products or the materials
developed are valid, practical, and effective to be
used for learning Research in English Language
It is implied that the materials developed can be
used for the University students, not only for UIN
Syahada students but also for every student who
learns research methodology related to the kinds of
research developed for the materials learning.
By understanding the result of this study, it is
known that this result is supported by what the
previous researchers found As found by Hidayah, et
al, (Hidayah et al., 2021) PjBL has the advantage to
make the students’ competencies improve. What has
been done by some experts before, such as Putra, et
al (2020) and Zuhrita, et al (2016), and Wahyuni
(2014), have also proved by this research. However,
Putra did it for entrepreneur materials while this
research is for research materials. In addition, when
this research has done about research materials and
Zuhrita developed the materials for ASSURE model.
The last is Wahyuni who stated that PjBL is really
beneficial for teaching educational research in
Linguistics, howver, this finding is to the research in
English Language Teaching. What have been stated
before have been as evidence that developing
materials can be done by using the PjBL method, and
PjBL model is very helpful in giving practical
experiences to the students; however, the research
methods in ELT are a kind of subject to prepare the
students in building their real projects, their thesis.
Finally, it is necessary to see the novelty of this
research. As stated before that there are no materials
developed for research method in English language
teaching subject, so it becomes an interesting
materials when the students asked to study by using
PjBL. Another novelty that can be show up is that this
research has 4 steps (planning, practice, performance,
and evaluation) in learning by using PjBL, while the
process of learning PjBL by Wahyuni is only 3,
planning, practice and performance. The findings is
still needed to be enlarged to make the students
become better and to build more references in
research in English language Teaching for Indonesia
students who learn English as their major.
The result of validation from the instruments is stated
as valid and reliable. It is seen from the result of the
validation score that every instrument and the
products are valid. Two products have been
developed in this study; they are students’ books and
lecturers’ guidance in teaching Research in English
Language Teaching (RELT) by using Project-based
Learning (PjBL). Besides valid, the products, and the
materials for teaching and learning RELT based on
PjBL was also valid.
The students’ responses to the materials are really
good and they were also enhanced in learning the
material of RELT by using PjBL, which is proved by
the result of implementation. It is seen that the
students’ result in understanding the materials and in
making the final project that learn by using PjBL is
better than the students who did not. Finally, it is
stated that the learning materials of RELT by using
PjBL are valid, practiced, and effective; so, it can be
used for teaching the students in IAIN
Padangsidimpuan the learning subjects of research,
and other colleges which have the same topic related
to research methodologies. Z-Generation needs
materials for learning that is not only by reading
books but also by practicing through a project and
integrating with digitalization. Unfortunately, this
study was not developed for learning English
subjects; however, further researchers need to explore
more about developing materials based on PjBL to
study many aspects of English learning.
This study has been subsidized with research and
community services (LPPM) of UIN Syahada
Padangsidimpuan from the BOPTN funds in 2022.
Thanks to the Rector and the Chief of LPPM, and also
great thanks to the lecturer and students for joining
actively in helping the researchers complete the study
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