The Role of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge in
Analyzing the Adoption of Constructivist Thinking in Primary-Level
Mathematics Education
Arlina Yuza*, Jamaris, Sufyarma Marsidin and Gustiayu Juita Harun
Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: TPACK, Constructivist Thinking, Mathematics Education, Primary School.
Abstract: This study aims to describe the utilization of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) as an
appropriate strategy for examining the implementation of constructivist pedagogy in the context of
mathematics education at the primary school level. The present study employs a qualitative research design,
specifically a phenomenological approach. The study was carried out at SD Negeri 25 Lubuh Lintah. The data
collection techniques employed in this study include observation, interviews, and documentation. The teacher
must facilitate a pedagogical approach allowing students to discover and understand basic concepts
independently. Learning is still dominated by the teacher, who primarily provides notes. Students only copy
notes written on the whiteboard by the teacher. It affects the stimulation of their minds, which is less
productive. The findings of the analysis on applying constructivist ideas in mathematics in primary education
indicate that the learning activities being implemented do not follow the basic principles of constructivist
pedagogy. Implementing technology pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) models for teachers or
educators is the best way to overcome the learning challenges teachers and students confront.
Education plays a crucial part in every aspect of
human existence and directly affects how a person
develops in every aspect of his personality.
According to PAI Admin (2019), philosophy offers
guidance and a systematic approach to educational
practice, whereas educational practice offers subject
matter for philosophical contemplation. One
perspective that has influenced the field of education
is the concept of constructivism. The philosophical
school of constructivism significantly influences
various concepts within science, learning theory, and
the learning process. Constructivism, as the
fundamental concept of the learning paradigm, points
out the imperative of active engagement for students
in learning, in which they construct their knowledge
through real-life situations (Umbara, 2017).
The philosophy of Constructivism emphasizes the
capacity for adaptation, as highlighted by Yusdita et
al. (2022) in their research. They argue that
constructivism requires individuals, including
students, to utilize their abilities to effectively adjust
to the evolving demands of educational progress
following current circumstances. In this scenario,
students must show a higher engagement than the
teacher. Students ought to be able to acquire
knowledge independently rather than relying solely
on transmitting information from the teacher. The
author's research (Waston, 2014) highlights the
significance of creativity and activeness as the
primary mechanisms employed in the search for a
fulfilling life. The constructivist educational
approach places a significant emphasis on the active
involvement of students in initiating their own
learning experiences. The philosophy of
constructivism is a scholarly discipline that explores
the concept of knowledge as a process of self-
construction. According to this perspective,
individuals develop their understanding through
active engagement with various entities such as
objects, phenomena, experiences, and their
surrounding environment. According to Nurhidayati
(2017a), constructivism is a theoretical framework
that involves the assimilation of knowledge derived
from concrete experiences, facilitated by
collaborative activities, and improved through
processes of reflection and interpretation. Hence, it
Yuza, A., Jamaris, ., Marsidin, S. and Harun, G.
The Role of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Analyzing the Adoption of Constructivist Thinking in Primary-Level Mathematics Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0012199900003738
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovation in Education (ICoIE 4 2022) - Digital Era Education After the Pandemic, pages 292-298
ISBN: 978-989-758-669-9; ISSN: 2975-9676
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
can be observed that students have varying
conceptions of knowledge, which are dependent on
their individual experiences and the particular
interpretive frameworks they employ.
The basic principle of constructivism is that all
knowledge is constructed not for direct perception by
the five senses but rather for interpretation by the
human brain. Knowledge itself is nothing more than
an accumulation of prior experience. This claim was
confirmed by the author's research (Nurhidayati,
2017a), from which it can be inferred that the basic
principle of the constructivist education of thought is
that all knowledge is created rather than directly
perceived by the senses (smell, touch, hearing, touch,
and so on), contrary to what realists generally believe.
(Haryanto, 2012) claims that thought is subjective in
his work. As a result, according to the constructivist
school of thought, knowledge is created via
understanding and experience. The constructivism
philosophy is influenced and more readily identified
by the name "The Paradigm of Clutter" since the
nature and outcomes of subjective thinking are
unknown and depend on each individual.
The constructivism theory must collaborate with
other concepts, such as the relationship between
social interaction and biologically active learning, to
be effective in practice. This statement is supported
by research (Nurhidayati, 2017b), from which the
author can draw the following conclusion: "There is
no single theory of constructivism, but there are at
least two main ideas that are the same; first, active
learners are, biologically speaking, engaged in
creating their knowledge; and second, social
interaction is a crucial component in the creation of
knowledge. Consequently, these two components
lead to a person's behavior.
It is consistent with mathematics, which studies
many abstract structures and their connections. For
students to fully understand the abstract structure of
mathematics, practical principles must be used during
the learning process. The idea that arithmetic
instruction should be relevant may be applied to
learning, particularly in primary schools. Italigns with
the constructivism education theory, which holds that
there are two learning processes: teaching and
According to constructivism, learning primarily
focuses on helping students give meaning to what
they are taught using their prior knowledge and
understanding. By supporting the teacher's creativity
as a learning mediator, more focus is placed on
creating meaningful connections between prior
knowledge and new knowledge in this process.
According to the constructivist model of learning,
students prior information and ideas are modified to
create new knowledge (Sani, 2013).
According to a constructivist perspective on
learning, numerous key factors affect a learning
activity's success, including (von Glaserfeld in
Pannen et al., 2001: 3): a) The teacher's function as a
mediator and facilitator in a variety of tasks: (1)
offering educational opportunities that allow students
to take charge of their designs, research, and
procedures; (2) offering resources that encourage
students to think critically; (3) inspiring students and
exposing them to conflict; (1) Students are
accountable for their learning results. The teacher
assists students in evaluating their hypotheses and
conclusions. They incorporate ancient knowledge
into new learning contexts. (2) Students must have
experience formulating and testing hypotheses,
manipulating objects, finding solutions to problems,
describing, researching, dialogue, holding reflections,
expressing questions, and expressing ideas to form
new constructions. (3) They must be able to judge
what they learn by looking for meaning and
comparing it to what they already know (Umbara,
Constructivism defines teaching as assisting a
student in creating his knowledge. Teaching is not
about passing knowledge from those who already
know it (teachers) to those who do not (students), but
rather about assisting someone in building their
knowledge through activities related to the
phenomena and objects they are interested in learning
about. According to the constructivist viewpoint,
several tasks need to be completed, and some ideas
that the teacher has to be conscious of when
instructing, such as: a) the instructor needs to engage
with students frequently to understand what they
already know and believe more fully. b) To involve
students, goals and what will be made in class should
be discussed. c) Teachers must comprehend which
learning opportunities best meet the demands of their
students. Participating as a student among other
students is one way to accomplish this. d) Assistance
with kids who are having difficulty learning is
necessary. e) Teachers must be flexible in their
thinking to comprehend and value students' ideas
since sometimes students form opinions based on
premises that the teacher does not share. According
to constructivism, there are three main components of
teaching: a) adaptation, which is accomplished
through assimilation and accommodation; b)
concepts in the environment; and c) the creation of
According to Piaget's theory of intellectual
development, children in elementary school (6 - 12
The Role of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Analyzing the Adoption of Constructivist Thinking in Primary-Level
Mathematics Education
years old) are in the concrete operational phase,
characterized by high curiosities and special
sensitivity in developing knowledge, skills,
awareness, and attitudes (Marina, 2020). This line of
constructivism is consistent with this theory. It is
believed that integrating constructivism's principles
with the characteristics of primary students can boost
students' engagement and innovative thinking during
the learning process. However, during its
implementation at SD Negeri 25 Lubuk Lintah in
grades 4, 5, and 6, the teacher's position was not yet
recognized as a mediator and facilitator in the
learning process.
The teacher has not provided the students with a
learning opportunity that allows them to be in charge
of studying the topics on their own. By merely
providing notes, the teacher still controls the learning
process. Only notes written by the teacher on the
board are copied by the students. It undoubtedly
affects how productively their brains are stimulated.
According to constructivism, learning activities must
allow students to gain experience by creating, testing,
and manipulating hypotheses, solving problems,
seeking solutions, describing, researching, holding
dialogue, asking questions, and expressing ideas to
create new constructions. By developing their
pedagogical skills, teachers should be able to
overcome the obstacles to applying this learning.
Teachers can create learning activities customized to
their students' needs or skills by mastering
pedagogical competencies, and they can assess how
well they are implemented (Nurhamida, 2018).
Learning demands in society 5.0 cannot be
separated from the role of technology,
communication, and information to confront the
times, in addition to the need for teacher abilities in
teaching or high pedagogical competency. The
TPACK (Technological, Pedagogical, and Content
Knowledge) paradigm may combine pedagogical and
technological competencies to satisfy the
expectations of 5.0. Due to its overview of integrating
learning material, knowledge, pedagogy, and
technology in learning, TPACK as a learning model
can help educators become more professional in their
teaching (Susilawati & Khaira, 2021). The researcher
proposes TPACK as a solution for examining the
application of constructivist thinking in primary
school mathematics instruction because of the
benefits of the model and its consistency with the
learning that takes place. This study aims to describe
TPACK as a response to the analysis of
constructivism thinking's application to learning
mathematics in primary schools.
This study is qualitative and employs a
phenomenological methodology. This strategy was
adopted because the researcher wished to assess the
phenomena that significant informants experienced.
The research analyzes phenomena, social behavior,
and individual or group thought. The study was
conducted in grades 4, 5, and 6 at SD Negeri 25
Lubuk Lintah.
Purposive sampling is the sampling method used.
For the findings of this study to apply to math
instruction in lower grades later on, considerations for
grades 4, 5, and 6 were sampled. It was done to see
the phenomena that lead to concept failure
encountered by high-grade students. The measures
taken to gather data are (a) extending the data
collecting time; (b) making regular, serious
observations; (c) utilizing triangulation; and (d)
involving colleagues in the discussion.
The following are the procedures and methods for
analyzing research data: a). researcher completely
recounts all phenomena and experiences of research
participants; b). researcher identifies the statements
(interview findings), describes them, and elaborates
on them without repeating them; and c). The
researcher identifies the statements (interview
findings). The researcher uses all of his creative
possibilities to reflect on his ideas, d) the statement is
concluded in key sections, and a thorough account of
the experience is written; e) the researcher develops
all justifications for the significance and the core of
the explanation, and f) the researcher summarizes his
findings in a written report based on the experiences
of all informants.
This study examines the learning and teaching
processes in grades 4, 5, and 6 of SD Negeri 25 Lubuk
Lintah's use of constructivist thinking in learning
primary school mathematics. Interviews and
observation sheets were the tools utilized to collect
research data.
SD Negeri 25 Lubuk Lintah locates at Jalan Masjid
Baiturrahman, in the village of Lubuk Lintah, within
the Kuranji District of Padang City, located in the
province of West Sumatra. The school is situated in
the central area of Padang City. The school presents
three distinct challenges concerning nature, animals,
and humans. The school's location, situated beneath a
hill without any surrounding fences, allows
ICoIE 4 2022 - The Fourth International Conference on Innovation in Education
unrestricted access to numerous animal species,
contributing to its natural environment. SD Negeri 25
Lubuk Lintah is under the leadership of a single
school principal, Etifirza, S.Pd. The school is staffed
by eight teachers, three education staff members, and
one school operator. SD Negeri 25 Lubuk Lintah has
obtained accreditation level C.
Constructivism is a general theoretical framework
employed in educational and learning methodologies
during its evolution. Constructivism is an
epistemological perspective that centers on the active
engagement of students in the processes of
knowledge creation, interpretation, and
reorganization, thereby emphasizing the
individualized nature of these cognitive activities.
The constructivist approach is the foundation for
numerous educational principles and movements,
including emphasizing active student engagement in
the learning process and cultivating independent
learning skills among students. There is a growing
recognition of the importance for students to possess
the capacity to cultivate their knowledge
independently. Additionally, there is a corresponding
recognition of the role that teachers should play as
facilitators, mediators, and managers of the learning
process. Constructivism is a philosophical framework
within the knowledge field that posits that knowledge
is a product of individuals engaged in learning.
According to Umbara (2017), knowledge is not
simply a compilation of factual information but a
cognitive construction that individuals develop based
on their interactions with objects, experiences, and
their surrounding environment.
Knowledge is not "something already there" that
we can absorb but rather a dynamic construction of
individuals who rearrange themselves to learn new
things each time. According to constructivism, people
create knowledge due to their interactions with
events, objects, and surroundings. Constructivism
begins with knowledge creation, and the
reconstruction of knowledge refers to the alteration of
information held by someone who has already been
created or built. This alteration results from
interaction with their environment (Nurhidayati,
According to research done at SD Negeri 25
Lubuk Lintah, the teacher's position in the learning
process has not yet been recognized as a mediator and
facilitator. The teacher has not created a learning
environment where students are free to explore the
concepts they learn independently. By merely
providing notes, the teacher still controls the learning
process. Only notes written by the teacher on the
board are copied by the students. It appears from
teaching activities that the teacher has not interacted
with students very much, and the learning
environment offered does not meet the needs of the
students. It is shown by the activities of students who
engage in learning; nonetheless, student engagement
or activity in learning is still relatively low. Activities
that have not been included in activities that make
reasoning based on students' roles. It undoubtedly
affects how productively their brains are stimulated.
According to constructivism, learning activities must
allow students to gain experience by formulating,
testing, and manipulating hypotheses, solving
problems, seeking solutions, describing, researching,
holding dialogue, asking questions, and expressing
ideas to create new constructions. It allows them to
create their own experiences, which helps the
concepts become deeply embedded (Jabir et al.,
The learning environment that the teacher has
created for the students might be characterized as
substandard in terms of constructivism and failing to
prepare them for the integration of technical
requirements required in 5.0. To achieve the required
learning competencies and follow the times'
demands, the teacher must maximize learning with
the TPACK model (Fitria, 2021). From a
constructivist point of view, this integration requires
teacher competency to balance each element of
technology expertise, pedagogy, and content to
achieve balanced, successful learning.
Three categories of activities—adaptation of
technical help, instructional design, and
administrative aid—are used by TPACK to address
these restrictions. The program's description,
outcomes, and thorough documentation are provided
3.1 Technology Adaptation Assistance
3.1.1 Create Interactive Lessons
A teaching strategy that actively incorporates
students in the learning process is known as
interactive learning. Interactive learning utilizing
technology is one of many interactive learning
activities. Positive responses to the development of
this technology are possible, one of which is for
teaching strategies. Suggestions for educational films,
motivational e-books, and other resources, for
instance. Here, we offer educational opportunities
like using anappropriate laptopto take ANBK tests at
school and learn while playing the web. The scores
were as high as 85%, and we observed significant
student growth in using computers to complete
The Role of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Analyzing the Adoption of Constructivist Thinking in Primary-Level
Mathematics Education
ANBK exams, as well as their active and passionate
participation in learning while playing the web. Some
of the children's achievements in this program
included the following:
a. Students in grade 5 at SDN 25 Lubuk Lintah took
the ANBK test.
b. The utilization of a Web link to implement
playing while learning.
c. The students are more enthusiastic about learning.
Figure 1: Interactive Learning with Students.
3.2 Create Interactive Lessons
3.2.1 Introducing the AKM Kelas
Application and Practicing the Use of
the AKM Kelas Application to Students
The Ministry of Education and Culture
(Kemendikbud) created the AKM class (Minimum
Competency Assessment) as an educational program.
The AKM activities in this lesson aim to assess how
well the students have understood their subject
matter. The literacy and numeracy categories
emphasize this class's AKM exercises, which
measure students' progress in these areas. The results
were as high as 90%, and we observed significant
student growth in using laptops to complete the AKM
class tests. Additionally, they demonstrated activity
and enthusiasm when completing the pretest and
posttest for the AKM class, as seen in the following
a. The class AKM pretest and posttest were
successfully implemented
b. Students can already utilize laptops and
computers during exams
c. Students who are enthusiastic when taking tests
on laptops
Figure 2: Introducing the AKM Kelas application and
practicing the use of the AKM Kelas application to students
3.3 Teach
3.3.1 Teaching Literacy and Numeracy to
Through mathematics and non-mathematics learning
activities, numeracy literacy development strategies
can be used at the classroom level. Then, at the school
level, literacy activities can also be established
through the infrastructure with numeracy nuances,
providing interventions for high-risk students, and
holding parent-involved numeracy activities. The
development of numeracy and literacy must occurat
the classroom, school, and regional levels by
providing training for teachers, administrators, and
The results we got from adopting this program, as
evidenced by children who could not read before or
could only spell, can now read and be as high as 80%.
Compared to the prior Numeration exercises, when
only a small number of students memorized multi-
plication from 1 to 10, the changes are much better now,
with 8 out of 10 students memorizing it smoothly.
Figure 3: Teaching Literacy and Numeracy Activities to
ICoIE 4 2022 - The Fourth International Conference on Innovation in Education
3.3.2 Provide Additional Lessons to Students
that Still Lacking in Literacy and
This program is available during school hours. This
exercise wants to teach students who struggle with
literacy and numeracy. The ability to think critically
and absorb information is related to literacy. So, it
goes beyond only spelling and reading
comprehension. The supplementary learning offered
at this school helps students' numeracy as well. The
outcome of success rate used in this program is 70%.
The introduction of this program is crucial because it
addresses the literacy and numeracy gaps among
students at SD Negeri 25 Lubuk Lintah. Students'
accomplishments include:
a. Increasing literacy levels through additional
learning activities
b. Students have started fluently in reading and
Figure 4: Provide additional lessons to students that still
lack literacy and numeracy.
3.4 Administration
3.4.1 Creating a Literacy Corner
Schools use the literacy Corner program to stimulate
students' interest in reading. It is not easy to grow a
literacy movement. Building a literacy culture
requires time, energy, and resources. It is believed
that the literacy corner used in every area of the
classroom is sufficient to encourage students to read
frequently during breaks or while they wait for the
change in class hours. Also, each class has text-rich
environmental assistance, such as the displayed
student work, picket schedules, and lesson plans. This
literacy corner takes the shape of a reading corner in
the back of the classroom. Ithas bookshelves, mats for
the children to sit on, reading materials, and
educational resources. The teacher gives lesson
assignments by using sources from the available
reading material in the classroom literacy corner,
writing motivational words and poetry, affixing it to
the class wall magazines, and participating in the
school literacy corner program. 95% of this program's
implementation attempts were successful. The
following outcomes were attained as a result of the
reading corner's implementation:
a. Increasing students' interest in reading at SDN 25
Lubuk Lintah
b. Making the classroom cozy and lovely when the
teaching and learning process is taking place
c. Inviting children to read more and think critically
d. Bringing books closer to the students can
increase their enthusiasm for reading
Figure 5: Create a literacy corner in each class.
3.4.2 6
Grade Entrepreneurship Activities
The entrepreneurship program aims to provide
students with the resources they need to understand
entrepreneurship, have entrepreneurial character,
seize chances, and obtain practical experience in the
field. Students are asked to prepare various
inexpensive snacks that can be sold for affordable
prices for schoolchildren, starting at Rp. 1,000.
Examples of these snacks include corn dogs, balls of
noodles, crispy mushrooms, and various drinks. 95%
of the program has been successfully implemented.
The outcomes attained by students are:
a. Students can comprehend how to practice
entrepreneurship correctly.
b. Exercise risk-taking, inventiveness, and
c. Encourage students to feel confident.
The Role of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Analyzing the Adoption of Constructivist Thinking in Primary-Level
Mathematics Education
Figure 6: Entrepreneurial Activities in Grade 6.
Activities created after analyzing the educational
environment and actual student learning can go
smoothly and get a decent grade. Implementing
TPACK in classrooms as teachers and students in the
campus program work together effectively instruct.
Students share their technological expertise, and
teachers share their views on the subject matter and
their pedagogical skills with the class. Good
cooperation will help to determine whether the
planned actions are successful.
According to an analysis of the use of constructivist
thinking in primary school mathematics learning, the
learning activities are inconsistent with constructivist
understanding. The best way to get around teachers'
and students' learning challenges is to use the
technology pedagogical and content knowledge
(TPACK) model for educators.
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ICoIE 4 2022 - The Fourth International Conference on Innovation in Education