Firm Value the Moderating Role of Risk Management: Growth, Size,
Age, and Profitability
Kiko Armenita Julito
and Reynold Ari Reynaldo Ticoalu
Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Tarumanegara, Indonesia
Keywords: Firm Value, Banking, Growth, Size, Age, Profitability, Risk Management.
Firm value is one of the important indicators in describe the condition of the company. This study examines
the effects of firm growth, firm size, firm age, and firm profitability on firm value. In addition, this study also
includes risk management as a moderating variable in the relationship between firm growth, firm size, firm
age, and firm profitability on firm value. This study uses data from banking companies listed on the Indonesia
Stock Exchange with an observation period of 2016–2021 with a total of 234 observations through purposive
sampling. A panel data regression test using the fixed effect model is used to test the hypothesis. The test
results suggest that firm growth and firm age have a positive effect on firm value, while firm size and firm
profitability don’t affect firm value. Besides that, risk management assessment was able to strengthen the
positive influence of firm size and firm profitability on firm value partially, weakened the effect of firm age
on firm value, and did not strengthen the effect of firm growth on firm value. This research indicates that
management needs to increase growth and maintain business continuity because it’s an indicator of
assessment by the market.
Maintaining a business existence is the biggest
challenge in running a firm. This is due to the
increasingly intense competition in business, so
companies are required to maintain optimal company
performance, including banking sector companies.
The banking sector is an attractive company for
investors (Ticoalu et al., 2021), and therefore, banks
need to maintain this attractiveness by maintaining
their firm performance.
Firm performance can be seen from firm value.
The value of a firm reflects the firm’s condition on
the consequences of the market’s response related to
the activities and actions carried out by the company.
Firm value is an investor's point of view about the
company's successful rate in managing resources,
which can be seen in the firm's share price (Chaidir et
al., 2021). The increase of stock price in the market
signifies the increase of confidence level of
shareholders (Savitri et al., 2020). The purpose of any
firm is to increase the amount of money received by
the shareholders (Suhadak et al., 2019). The value of
the firm is one of the important factors because it can
attract investors to invest (Firmansyah et al., 2021).
Firm needs to increase their value in order to achieve
the main goal of the firm, which is to improve the
prosperity of owners and shareholders.
Negative sentiment from the public can decrease
the value of the company. The decline in the
company's value must be addressed immediately by
the company as it is an important problem because it
will have an impact on the company's financial
condition and stability. One case of declining firm
value that occurred in Indonesia was the decline in the
value of Panin bank shares in line with the depressed
company's financial statements in 2020 (CNBC
Indonesia, 2021). Data from the Indonesia Stock
Exchange/BEI showed that Panin Bank shares fell
4.23% to Rp. 1.020/share (CNBC Indonesia, 2021).
In addition to the decrease in net profit, Panin Bank
was also investigated by the Corruption Eradication
Commission/KPK (23/03/21) regarding allegations
Julito, K. and Ticoalu, R.
Firm Value the Moderating Role of Risk Management: Growth, Size, Age, and Profitability.
DOI: 10.5220/0011976600003582
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar and Call for Paper (ISCP) UTA â
Z45 Jakarta (ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022), pages 87-98
ISBN: 978-989-758-654-5; ISSN: 2828-853X
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
of tax bribery (CNN Indonesia, 2021).
The case above illustrates that the value of a firm
can decrease. Management has more information
related to the condition of the company and discloses
it to the public, with one of the objectives being to
give signals to investors and the market. Based on
signaling theory (Spence, 1973), investors evaluate
the company based on the disclosure of information
made by the company. The poor signal received by
investors about the condition of the company cannot
increase the value of the company through stock
prices (Setiawanta et al., 2019). The low value of the
company can also affect the perception and trust of
shareholders in the company's performance. A
continuous decrease in value can make the company's
financial statements corrected, and if not mitigated,
can have an impact on bankruptcy. A low company
value indicates poor company performance due to
low stock prices (Chaidir et al., 2021). Poor company
performance can disrupt the company's business
continuity. Seeing the importance of firm value for
the sustainability of the company, then the firm’s
value of the company needs to be tested further.
Research on firm value has been carried out by
several previous researchers. Research on firm value
is carried out by looking at the effect of firm growth
(Nugroho and Patrisia, 2021; Antoro et al., 2020;
Syaifulhaq et al., 2020), firm size (Sari and
Witjaksono, 2021; Natsir and Yusbardini, 2020;
Juhandi et al., 2019; Luqman, 2017; Purwohandoko,
2017), firm age (Susilawati and Suryaningsih, 2020;
Mandala et al., 2019; Samosir, 2018), profitability
(Chaidir et al., 2021; Sugiyanto et al., 2021;
Sondakh, 2019), risk management (Krause and Tse,
2016; Florio and Leoni, 2017; Horvey and Ankamah,
2020; Phan et al., 2020; Faisal and Challen, 2021),
governance (Fatma and Chouaibi, 2021; Suhadak et
al., 2018; Husaini and Saiful, 2019), carbon
emissions (Primanandari et al., 2021; Hardiyansah et
al., 2021), dividend policy (Budagaga, 2020; Endri
and Fathony, 2020; Lumapow and Tumiwa, 2017),
social responsibility (Kartika, 2021; Mohd Razali et
al., 2018; Harun et al., 2020), ownership structure
(Sugosha, 2020; Al Sa'Eed, 2018), Capital structure
(Ayuba et al., 2019; Sudiani and Wiksuana, 2018),
Audit Quality (Yolandita and Cahyonowati, 2022;
Monametsi and Agasha, 2020; Wijaya, 2020),
Leverage (Gusni et al., 2021; Husna and Satria, 2019;
Widyastuti, 2019).
The firm's growth illustrates how far the ability of
the firm to grow and develop, which can be seen from
the growth of the firm's assets (Fajaria and Isnalita,
2018). The high growth of the firm has an impact on
investors' assessment so that it can increase the firm
value (Putri & Rahyuda, 2020). Research conducted
by Suhandi, 2020; Putri & Rahyuda, 2020;
Puspitasari & Wiagustini, 2020; Fajaria & Isnalita,
2018; Ghozali et al., 2018; shows the results that firm
growth has a positive effect on firm value. In contrast,
research conducted by Pramesti et al., 2021; Endri &
Fathony, 2020; Antoro et al., 2020; shows the results
that the firm growth has no effect on firm value. The
existence of inconsistent results of previous tests
about firm growth makes this variable need to be
Firm size shows how well the company is able to
obtain maximum value by using working capital
derived from firm assets (Natsir and Yusbardini,
2020). Firm size shows the total amount of assets
owned by the company, where the larger the
company, the easier the company's access to obtain
funds from external sources so that it has the
opportunity to increase firm value (Gusni et al.,
2021). The results of research from Tabe et al., 2022;
Natsir and Yusbardini, 2020; Husna and Satria, 2019;
Ayuba et al., 2019; Lumapow and Tumiwa, 2017;
stated that there is a positive influence of firm size on
firm value. Meanwhile, the results of research by
Gusni et al., 2021; Endri and Fathony, 2020; Juhandi
et al., 2019; stated that firm size does not affect firm
value. Thus, the test of firm size against firm value
needs to be retested.
More experienced companies display superior
value (Horvey and Ankamah, 2020). The age of the
company implies better credibility and reputation in
the market (Mandala et al., 2019) so that it can
increase firm value. Several studies show that firm
age has a positive effect on firm value (Yulianto and
Widyasasi, 2020; Mandala et al., 2019; Susanti and
Restiana, 2018; Yumiasih and Isbanah, 2017).
Furthermore, research conducted by Horvey and
Ankamah, 2020; Ayuba et al., 2019; shows that there
is no effect of firm age on firm value. The different
tests resulted in inconsistencies between previous
studies, so that they needed to be re-examined.
Profitability is the profit from operational
activities generated by the company based on its
performance measures (Antoro et al., 2020). The
higher profitability will be followed by the increase
of the company's share price, and it’ll have an impact
on increasing the firm’s value due to the good
company's performance being seen by investors, so
that investors will be interested in investing their
capital (Chaidir et al., 2021). Research conducted by
Chaidir et al., 2021; Endri & Fathony, 2020; Antoro
et al., 2020; Husna and Satria, 2019; Natsir and
Yusbardini, 2020; gives the result that profitability
has a positive effect on firm value. However, the
ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022 - International Seminar and Call for Paper Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
results of research by Novitasari and Sunarto, 2021;
Surasmi et al., 2022; Hirdinis, 2019; Astuti et al.,
2018; stated that profitability does not affect firm
value. This shows that the effect of profitability is still
varied, so it is necessary to retest.
This study aims to examine the effects of firm
growth, firm size, firm age, and profitability on the
value of banking firms. Risk management is also used
in this study as a moderating variable in testing the
effects of firm growth, firm size, firm age, and
profitability on the value of banking firms, which are
still rarely found in previous studies. Risk
management is a major factor in business
competitiveness and a very important part of business
activities and organizations because it facilitates
controlling the company's internal systems (Yang et
al., 2018). The role of risk management is very
important for the company's needs in managing
financial risk, especially in banking companies.
Commitment to implementing risk management can
provide value for the company (Faisal & Challen,
2021). Based on this, the company's risk management
is considered relevant to be used as a moderating
variable in this study.
This study also used control variables, consisting
of leverage and auditor type. Leverage is a description
of the size of a firm's debt used to finance its
operational activities (Endri & Fathony, 2020).
Research conducted by Astuti et al., 2022 and Jihadi
et al., 2021 stated that there is a positive influence of
leverage on firm value. The type of auditor is an
indicator that is determined by looking at whether the
company uses the services of a public accounting firm
affiliated with the Big 4 or not. Public accounting
firms affiliated with the big 4 can improve a
company's reputation in the capital market (Afza and
Nazir, 2014). Research conducted by Wijaya, 2020
and Afza and Nazir, 2014 showed a significant
positive influence of the auditor’s type on firm value.
The results of this study are expected to provide
additional references related to firm growth, firm size,
firm age, and profitability for their influence on the
firm value of banking companies in Indonesia. The
results of this study can be used by companies that are
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange to look for
items that support the increase of firm value so that
special attention can be given by management to
maintain the company's business continuity.
Signaling theory explains about company information
disclosed by management with the objective of giving
signals to external parties regarding information on
the company's condition. (Spence, 1973). Signaling
theory states that a good company will deliberately
signal the market, thus the market is expected to be
able to distinguish between good and bad companies
(Suhadak et al., 2019). Basically, signaling theory
seeks to explain how to reduce the asymmetry of
information between two parties (Connelly et al.,
2011). External parties do not have the same
information as internal parties regarding the
company's prospects and risks (Sugiyanto et al.,
2021). Information about the company's financial
statements is a reflection of the company's value that
can provide positive signals and can influence the
opinions of investors and creditors (Kartika, 2021).
Shareholders and investors are the main parties who
need information related to the company's financial
condition (Suhono et al., 2021). The signal issued by
management is expected to be captured by investors
and shareholders as good information so that
investors are willing to pay for the company's shares
at a higher value, which will have an impact on
increasing the value of the company (Sugiyanto et al.,
Firm growth describes a measure of the success of
a company (Nugroho and Patrisia, 2021). Firm
growth provides an overview of the company's ability
to grow and develop (Fajaria and Isnalita, 2018).
Firms that have good growth will attract more
investors to invest in the company (Surasmi et al.,
2022), so the better the company is experiencing
growth, the more the value of the company will
increase (Antoro et al., 2020). Suhandi, 2020; Putri
and Rahyuda, 2020; Puspitasari and Wiagustini,
2020; Fajaria and Isnalita, 2018; Ghozali et al., 2018;
concluded that firm growth can increase the value of
the company positively. Firm growth brings positive
signals for investors in analyzing the company's
future, and this information can be used for making
decisions in order to invest. Firms with increased
growth tend to be able to provide a good image to the
market, and the market responds to this image, which
is seen with the increasing value of the company.
Therefore, the first hypothesis in this study is:
: Firm growth has a positive effect on firm value
Firm size shows the estimated size of a company
(Purwohandoko, 2017). The size of a company can be
determined by looking at the total assets owned by the
company (Gusni et al., 2021). Investors are attracted
to large-scale companies (Astuti et al., 2022). Firm
size provides security guarantees for shareholders on
the continuity of the company's business (Wijaya,
2020). A large company size can show that the
Firm Value the Moderating Role of Risk Management: Growth, Size, Age, and Profitability
company is experiencing development and is a good
signal for investors, so it can increase the stock price
and at the same time increase the firm value (Antoro
et al., 2020). Tabe et al., 2022; Natsir and
Yusbardini, 2020; Husna and Satria, 2019; Ayuba et
al., 2019; Lumapow and Tumiwa, 2017; concluded
that firm size can increase firm value positively. Firm
size implies the firm's ability to carry out their
business activities, which is a positive signal for
investors, showing that the company can operate well,
which brings the opportunity to increase the firm
value. Therefore, the second hypothesis in this study
: Firm size has a positive effect on firm value
Firm age shows the ability of the company to
maintain thier business continuity (Yulianto and
Widyasasi, 2020). The age of the company provides
a better picture of the company's credibility and
reputation in the market (Mandala et al., 2019). The
age of the company can affect the quality of the
company's financial statements because it relates to
the development and growth of the company (Susanti
and Restiana, 2018). Firm age can show superior
value (Horvey and Ankamah, 2020), so it can
increase the value of the firm. Yulianto and
Widyasasi, 2020; Mandala et al., 2019; Susanti and
Restiana, 2018; Yumiasih and Isbanah, 2017;
concluded that firm age can increase the value of the
company positively. The longer a company stands
and operates, it indicates that the company is able to
deal with the tight of business competition, which is
competitive, so it can finally be a signal for investors
in making decisions so the value of the firm can be
increased. Therefore, the third hypothesis in this
study is:
: Firm Age has a positive effect on firm value
Profitability is the ability of a company to earn profits
within a certain period at a certain level of sales,
assets, and share capital (Chaidir et al., 2021).
Profitability is an illustration of management's
performance in managing their company (Hirdinis,
2019). Profitability shows the level of net profit
earned by a company (Sugosha, 2020). The company
always wants a high and stable level of profitability
(Purwohandoko, 2017). The high profitability of the
company shows that the company has a better
prospect, so investors will respond positively to these
signals, which are expected to increase firm value
(Endri and Fathony, 2020). Chaidir et al., 2021; Endri
and Fathony, 2020; Antoro et al., 2020; Husna and
Satria, 2019; Natsir and Yusbardini, 2020; concluded
that profitability has an effect on increasing the value
of the firm. High profitability provides information to
investors that the company has the ability to earn
profits where this is the main goal of investors to
invest their money, so it can increase firm value.
Therefore, the fourth hypothesis in this study is:
: Profitability has a positive effect on firm value
Firm growth is a factor in supporting economic
growth, industrial growth, and also showing the
company's management performance (Wijaya, 2020).
Firm growth is managed by agents or management
companies, which have a direct influence on the
company's stock price because the principal gives a
positive response by buying the firm’s shares
(Setiawanta et al., 2019). Firm value will increase if
firm growth is also improving (Antoro et al., 2020).
Companies need to maintain their growth because it
is one of the important indicators that are seen by the
market. One way to maintain it is by implementing
risk management. Risk management is an important
part because every company has the responsibility to
provide value to stakeholders and at the same time as
planning the company's strategy through
management decisions at all levels (Chairani and
Siregar, 2021). With the implementation of risk
management, the company can determine the
company's business performance is safe from risk so
that the company can continue to experience growth
where this will be important information for investors
in analyzing the company and finally cause firm value
to increase. Therefore, the fifth hypothesis in this
study is:
: Risk management strengthen the positive effect of
firm growth on firm value
Firm size indicates the size of assets owned by the
company (Gusni et al., 2021). Large companies will
have the advantages of being able to get venture
capital easily and having strong power to bargain
(Fajaria and Isnalita, 2018). Firm size can illustrate
the company's high commitment to continue to grow
so that the market will be willing to invest because
they feel confident that they'll get the expected return
from the firm, so it can increase the value of the
company (Sugiyanto et al., 2021). Investor trust in
firm size as an indicator in reviewing the company
needs to be considered by management, so they have
to provide evidence that the company is committed to
operating the company, one of which is by
implementing risk management. Firm size will be
followed by the complexity of risk, so implementing
risk management and disclosing it can give an
indication that management has made an effort to
minimize the risks, both from system support and
ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022 - International Seminar and Call for Paper Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
from competitive resources (Ticoalu et al., 2021).
The implementation of risk management can be a
good signal for investors that the company is aware
of the risks it faces as it grows the company size, so it
can increase firm value. Therefore, the sixth
hypothesis in this study is:
: Risk management strengthen the positive effect of
firm size on firm value
Firm age can be seen by how long the company has
been established or how long the firm has aged from
its initial public offering (Susanti and Restiana,
2018). The firm’s reputation and credibility in the
market can also be seen from how long the firm has
been established (Mandala et al., 2019). The age of
the company can have a positive influence on firm
performance (Horvey and Ankamah, 2020). Firm age
has become an important indicator that is assessed by
investors in making investment decisions, so
management needs to provide assurance to the
investors that the company can maintain their
business continuity, which one of them is with
implementing risk management. The implementation
of risk management by the company can reduce the
overall risk of failure in a business (Saeidi et al.,
2021) so that the company can maintain their business
continuity. The implementation of risk management
is a positive signal received by investors, convincing
them that management is taking the company
seriously about maintaining its business sustainability
so it can increase firm value. Therefore, the seventh
hypothesis in this study is:
: Risk management strengthen the positive effect of
firm age on firm value
Profitability is an indicator in looking at
management's performance in managing company
wealth as indicated by company profits (Sondakh,
2019). Profitability can provide an overview of the
company's ability to obtain high profits for
shareholders (Suhono et al., 2021). The higher a
firm’s profitability, the greater the firm's ability to pay
dividends to shareholders where this certainly attracts
investor’s attention and also gives an idea that the
company has good performance (Sugosha, 2020).
Company profitability is one way that can be done in
assessing the level of return that'll be obtained from
investment activities, precisely (Sudiani and
Wiksuana, 2018). As an important indicator in
attracting investors, management must strive to
increase their profitability, one of the way is by
avoiding risks. Risk management is an important
factor in improving the company's financial
performance (Horvey and Ankamah, 2020). With the
implementation of risk management, firms can
manage and avoid inherent risk in business so they
can continue steadily to make a profit. High
profitability is one of the indicators used by investors
in analyzing the company's performance so it can
increase the value of the company. Therefore, the
eighth hypothesis in this study is:
: Risk management strengthen the positive effect of
profitability on firm value
In this study, the population consists of banking
sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange (IDX) with an observation starting from
2016 to 2021. This study chose financial sector
companies, specifically banking companies, as
objects of research because this sector has an
important role in the development process of a
country (Ben Fatma & Chouaibi, 2021). This study
employs the 2016–2021 periods considering the
Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK)
Circular Letter No. 32/POJK.03/2016 concerning
Transparency and Publication of Bank Statements.
Purposive sampling, which is sampling by the
specified criteria, was adopted in this research. The
criteria in this research are as follows: (1) Companies
in the banking sector listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange from 2016 to 2021; (2) the company
publishes annual reports from 2016 to 2021. The final
sample is composed of 39 banks, so in total this
research had 234 observations.
The dependent variable used in this study is the
firm value. This study employs the proxy for firm
value as Tobin’s Q, which is also used in the research
of Liew and Devi, 2021; Chairani and Siregar, 2021;
Faisal and Challen, 2021; and Al-Sa'eed, 2018; which
is shown in the following equation:
Tobin's Q =
Where :
EMV = Equity Market Value
BVD = Book Value of Debt
BVA = Book Value of Asset
The independent variables used in this study are
firm growth, firm size, firm age, and profitability.
firm growth is measured by looking at the growth of
company assets as used in the research of Nugroho
and Patrisia, 2021; Sugiyanto et al., 2021; Syaifulhaq
et al., 2020; Purwohandoko, 2017 with the following
Firm Value the Moderating Role of Risk Management: Growth, Size, Age, and Profitability
Firm Growth =
Total Assets
Total Assets
Total Assets
Firm size is calculated by looking at the size of
assets owned by the bank and using the natural
logarithm of it as used in research by Natsir and
Yusbardini, 2020; Sari and Witjaksono, 2021;
Antoro et al., 2020; Luqman et al., 2017; with the
formula as follows :
Firm Size = LN (Total Assets)
Firm age is calculated by looking at the age of the
bank since the bank was registered in the capital
market, which was also used in the research of
Horvey and Ankamah, 2020; Susilawati and
Suryaningsih, 2020; Mandala et al., 2019; Samosir,
2018; with the following formula :
Firm Age =
LN (Year of Observation
Year of Listed Company in
capital market)
Profitability is calculated using the Return On
Asset (ROA) ratio, which was also used in the
research of Chaidir et al., 2021; Endri and Fathony,
2020; Husna and Satria, 2019; Sukmawardini and
Ardiansari, 2018 with the following formula:
Net Profit
Total Assets
The moderating variable in this study is risk
management. In this study, the index was followed by
the research of Ticoalu et al., (2021), which was
compiled from the research of Horvey and Ankamah
(2020) and Supriyadi and Setyorini (2020). The
compiled index consists of five disclosure items,
namely: risk information, types of auditors, risk
management committees, risk monitoring
committees, and internal auditor competencies. If the
item in the measurement is disclosed, it is given 1,
and otherwise 0. The total score will then be divided
by the total criteria so that the final value formed
ranges from 0–1 where a value close to 1 is a better
disclosure of risk management. The risk management
formula is as follows :
RM =
Criteria Fulfilled
Total Criteria
This study also used control variables, which are
leverage and auditor type. Leverage is calculated
using the debt to asset (DAR). The proxy for leverage
follows Farooq et al., 2022; Widyastuti, 2019; with
the following formula:
Total Debt
Total Assets
The auditor type in this study is measured using
the dummy method, whereby companies audited by
public accounting firms affiliated with the Big 4 will
be given a value of 1 and 0 otherwise. This method is
also used to measure audit quality in the research of
Yolandita and Cahyonowati (2022) and Wijaya
This study used panel data regression analysis in
conducting hypothesis testing. Hypothesis testing is
done by first determining the best regression model
among the common effect model, fixed effect model,
and random effect model using the Lagrange
Multiplier test, Hausman test, and Chow test. This
study used two research models : Model 1 for H
, H
, and H
tests, while Model 2 tests for H
, H
, H
and H
. The research model is as follows:
Model 1 :
Tobin's Q
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
Model 2 :
Tobin's Q
= α
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
(Growth * RM)
(Size * RM)
+ β
(Age * RM)
(ROA * RM)
+ β
Where :
Tobin's Q
= Frim value i in year t
= Firm Growth i in year t
= Firm Size i in year t
= Firm Age i in year t
= Profitability of the Firm i in year t
= Risk Management Firm i in year t
= Leverage of the Firm i in year t
=Auditor type of the firm i in year t
= constant
1 - 10
= Variable regression coefficient
= error
Table one has the summary of descriptive statistics
for each variable in the study. The components are the
mean, median, maximum value, Minimum Value and
standard deviation over the past six years.
ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022 - International Seminar and Call for Paper Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
Table 1: Summary of Descriptive Statistics.
Source: Processed Data
The value of Tobin's Q has an average value of
1.1624, with a maximum value of 18.3200 owned by
BBHI in 2021 and a minimum value of 0.1518 owned
by PNBS in 2017. The standard deviation value for
the firm value variable is 1.1703. Firm growth has an
average value of 11.1391, with a minimum value of -
82.0366 owned by BBYB in 2016 and a maximum
value of 109.1336 owned by BBYB in 2021. The
standard deviation value for the firm growth variable
is 19.5043. Firm size has an average of 31.3742, with
a minimum value of 28.3530 owned by BBHI in
2016, a maximum value of 35.0844 owned by BMRI
in 2021, and a standard deviation of 1.7305. Firm age
has an average value of 2.4876, with a minimum
value of 0 owned by BBHI and BBYB in 2016, a
maximum value of 3.6636 owned by PNBN in 2021,
and a standard deviation of 0.7431. Profitability has
an average value of 0.0034, with a minimum value of
-0.1806 owned by AGRO in 2021, and a maximum
value of 0.1160 owned by MEGA in 2017. The
standard deviation of the profitability variable is
0.0256. Risk management has an average value of
0.8368, with a minimum value of 0.4 owned by
several companies, such as BSWD in 2017, a
maximum value of 1 owned by several companies,
such as BTPN in 2021, and a standard deviation value
of 0.1477. Leverage has an average value of 0.8067,
with a minimum value of 0.0504 owned by PNBS in
2021, a maximum value of 0.9365 owned by BBKP
in 2017 and a standard deviation value for leverage of
0.1337. The auditor type has an average value of
0.5598, with a minimum value of 0 owned by several
companies, such as BBMD in 2016, and a maximum
value of 1 owned by several companies, such as NISP
in 2016. The standard deviation for the auditor type is
Furthermore, after testing the best model selection
for model one, the selected model to use in testing the
hypothesis in this study is the fixed effect model.
Table two presents a summary of the results of
hypothesis testing for hypotheses one to four.
Table 2: The results of hypothesis testing (First Model).
Source: Processed Data
The test results show that growth has a positive
effect on firm value (H
is accepted). This research is
in line with Sugiyanto et al., 2021; Syaifulhaq et al.,
2020; but not in line with the research Nugroho &
Patrisia, 2021; Endri & Fathony, 2020; Novitasari &
Sunarto, 2021; Antoro et al., 2020. The effect of
growth variable in this study shows that companies
that experience growth will be well received by
investors, so that they are able to increase the value of
the company. Increasing growth due to changes in
total assets can affect the value of the company
(Puspitasari & Wiagustini, 2020). Companies that
have high-value assets provide information to
investors that the firm is growing, which is good
information to assess the company. This result is able
to support the signal theory, where companies that
experience growth can provide positive signals for
investors in analyzing the company's future so that it
can provide an increase in company value.
The results of hypothesis testing indicate that firm
size does not affect firm value (H
is rejected). This
test result is not in line with the research of Sari &
Witjaksono, 2021; Natsir & Yusbardini, 2020;
Lumapow & Tumiwa, 2017. The results of this study
are in line with Sugosha, 2020; Juhandi et al., 2019.
This result shows that investors do not use the size of
the company as the benchmark in making investment
decisions. The level of effectiveness and efficiency of
the company is not reflected in the number of assets
owned by the company, so it does not have an
influence on investor policy in investing (Pratiwi,
2020). The results of this study are unable to support
signal theory, where the size of the company can give
a signal that the company is able to carry out business
activities and can operate properly so that it has the
opportunity to increase firm value.
The test results stated that firm age has a positive
effect on the firm value (H
is accepted). It is in line
with the research of Yulianto & Widyasasi, 2020;
Mandala et al., 2019; Susanti & Restiana, 2018;
Yumiasih & Isbanah, 2017, but not in line with the
Firm Value the Moderating Role of Risk Management: Growth, Size, Age, and Profitability
research of Horvey & Ankamah research, 2020;
Ayuba et al., 2019. A company that has been standing
for a long time indicates that the company is able to
compete with their competitors, which gets a positive
response from investors to invest in the company so
that it can increase firm value. The age of the
company shows the company's ability to maintain
business continuity (Yulianto & Widyasasi, 2020).
Companies that have long been established have good
credibility and reputation in the capital market
(Mandala et al., 2019). These results are able to
support the signal theory where the longer the
company stands and operates, the more it indicates
that the company is able to maintain their business
stability, which this can make a positive signal for
investors and finally can increase the value of the
The results shows that profitability has no effect
on firm value (H
is rejected). The results of this test
are in line with research Novitasari & Sunarto, 2021;
Hirdinis, 2019; and Astuti et al., 2018. However, this
is not in line with research Susilawati &
Suryaningsih, 2020; Antoro et al., 2020; Natsir &
Yusbardini, 2020. The results of this test indicate that
profitability cannot increase firm value. This is
possible because investors tend to look at other
information besides profitability in assessing
companies, especially the banking sector, because
banking is a sector that is supervised by the
government so that it is considered safe to invest in
regardless of the company's profit level. The results
of this study cannot support the signal theory where
high profitability is a good signal for investors
because it provides information that the company has
the ability to earn profits so as to increase the value.
Furthermore, table three shows the results of
model two for hypotheses five to eight.
Table 3: The results of hypothesis testing (Second Model).
Source: Processed Data
The results prove that risk management is not able
to strengthen the influence of firm growth on firm
value (H
is rejected). These results prove that risk
management is not able to strengthen the influence of
firm growth on firm value. Investors tend to give a
positive response to the company's growth and do not
see risk management information in assessing the
company, so that risk management information has
no effect on increasing company value. Besides risk
management, it is possible for investors to view other
information in assessing the company.
The results of the test show that risk management
is able to strengthen the positive relationship between
firm size and firm value (H
is accepted). The
interaction between risk management and firm size
can increase firm value. Large-scale companies tend
to be more trusted by investors than small companies.
The implementation of risk management in large-
scale companies will make investors give a positive
response, which can increase the value of the
company. Besides, the implementation of risk
management carried out by large companies is
considered a form of company transparency.
Investors assume that large-scale companies have
stable financial conditions (Ticoalu et al., 2021) so
that risk management information carried out by
large-scale companies can increase investor and
potential investor confidence to invest, which in turn
can increase the value of the company.
The results prove that risk management is not
able to strengthen the influence of firm age on firm
value (H7 is rejected). The interaction that occurs
between risk management and age can reduce the
firm's value. Investors believe that companies that
have been around for a long time have more trust from
investors, but information on risk management will
be able to reduce investor responses to the continuity
of investment in the company. In addition, investors
also assume that the disclosure of risk management
by long-established companies related to the risks
will result in a negative signal from investors.
Investors perceive that risk management should be
disclosed by newly established companies,
considering that newly established companies are
vulnerable to risk.
The results of the last test show that risk
management can strengthen the positive effect of
profitability on the firm value (H
is accepted). The
interaction of risk management and profitability is
able to increase the value of the firm. Risk
management is an important factor in improving the
company's financial performance (Horvey &
Ankamah, 2020). With the implementation of risk
management, companies can manage and avoid the
ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022 - International Seminar and Call for Paper Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
inherent risks in their business so that they can
continue to make profits, which is a positive signal for
investors in making investment policies. High
profitability is one of the indicators for investors in
analyzing the company's performance so that, with
the implementation of risk management, the company
is able to maintain and increase its profitability.
The testing result in panel data model one (table
two) also analyzes the control variables on the
dependent variable. The test results prove that the
leverage owned by the company has an effect on firm
value. High leverage indicates that the higher the
leverage ratio owned by the company, the lower the
investor's confidence in the company, resulting in a
decrease in firm value. A high leverage value gives a
negative signal to investors that the company has high
debt, which will lead to company risks such as failed
payments and increased company expenses, which
reduce the company's profit. Furthermore, the test
results prove that the type of auditor has no effect on
firm value. The type of auditor who has no effect
indicates that although the financial statements are
audited by the services of a Big 4 public accounting
firm affiliated, this is not able to provide a positive
signal for investors in making investment policies so
that they do not contribute to increasing the firm
value. This can be interpreted as the auditor making
no distinction between the quality of audit reports
based on whether or not public accounting firms are
affiliated with the Big 4.
Firm growth and firm age are partially indicators of
information that can be used by management in order
to give signals to investor’s as a basis for making their
investment decisions. In addition, the size of the firm
and the firm’s profitability are partially not affecting
investors' decisions to invest. Furthermore, large-
scale firms can influence investors' decisions in
making investment decisions when accompanied by
the disclosure information of risk management
implementation. Then, the level of a firm’s
profitability, if followed by risk management
disclosure, can be a positive signal for investors about
the firm's performance. In addition, companies that
have growth and disclose information about the
implementation of risk management do not always
receive a positive response from investors when this
information cannot increase the value of the firm.
Furthermore, long-established companies that
disclose their risk management are considered able to
reduce investor confidence in the company. Investors
give more attention to the implementation of risk
management for companies that are generally new to
This study has some limitations. This research
uses banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock
Exchange where the results of this study cannot be
generalized to all company sectors, especially in the
non-financial sector. Furthermore, firm value, firm
growth, and the level of firm profitability in this study
only use one of several measurement ratios that can
be used to measure variables. The index that is built
to look at risk management is still incomplete because
it is possible that there are other indicators that can be
used in building the risk management index.
Further research can use data from non-financial
sector companies to compare research results and can
also use data on all sectors to get more comprehensive
results. Further research can also use different ratios
in measuring variables so that they can be used as
comparisons of research results. Further research can
also use different proxies to look at risk management
disclosures, either by using indices built from ISO
31000 or from COSO ERM, which are both major
standards in risk management. This research suggests
that a company’s management should pay attention to
the value of firm growth and business continuity
because they are positive signals for investors in
making investment decisions. The company is also
expected to disclose the implementation of corporate
risk management as a form of corporate responsibility
in managing the company.
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