Harnessing Digital Technology in 3T Policy to Address
COVID-19 Pandemic
Sudiyatmiko Aribowo
Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: 3T policy, COVID-19, digital technology, regional development disparities
Abstract: In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic downturn amidst the scarcity of limited resources
and increasingly complex public problems, the Indonesian government must seek to resolve both problems.
To address COVID-19 pandemic issues, the Indonesian government promotes the “3M” protocols and “3T”
policy. As the result, public is largely well-acquainted with 3M” protocols, but on the other hand most people
are still unaware about “3T’ policy in the context of pandemic mitigation. To overcome this gap, Indonesian
government needs to make full use of digital technology to handle COVID-19 pandemic and address a wide
range of pandemic-related issues. Thus, this study analyses the regional development disparities in Indonesia
related to the use of digital technology in 3T policy to address COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges in the
implementation of 3T policy in Indonesia using qualitative methods. This study shows that regional
development disparities in Indonesia causes the occurrence of inequality in various sectors, such as access to
internet. The challenges in the implementation of 3T policy that occur in Indonesia such as infrastructure
disparities, lack of government-oriented coordination, human resources inequality, and people’s indiscipline
impacts on the efforts to flatten the country’s COVID-19 incidence curves and maintain low mortality rates.
The spread of COVID-19 continues to occur rapidly
and widely in Indonesia, resulting in changes in
social, political, economic, cultural, and religious life
in various places (Atlani, 2000; Klein, 1997). The
COVID-19 pandemic was first detected on December
31, 2019 in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, People's
Republic of China. Furthermore, World Health
Organization (WHO) classifies COVID-19 as a
global pandemic based on the massive number of
transmission cases that have occurred in more than
110 countries in the world.
Based on the latest data obtained from Indonesia
COVID-19 Task Force (updated on September 12,
2021), there were 4,167,511 cases in Indonesia, of
which 109,869 were active cases, 3,918,753 people
recovered, and 138,889 people died. In addition,
COVID-19 cases in Indonesia have spread to 510
districts/cities in 34 provinces, with the daily
COVID-19 positivity rate as of 12 September 2021 at
3.05%. This figure is already below the standard set
by WHO, which is below 5%. It is noted that this
figure has also decreased from its highest peak,
namely on June 22, 2021, where the positivity rate
reached 51.62%.
The Indonesian Government at the beginning of
the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic actively
minimized the virus’ threat. Furthermore, the
Indonesian government took several policies, such as
installing thermal scanners, preparing hospitals to
handle COVID-19 patients, and closing access to and
from China. However, this response was not effective
because the Indonesian Government did not carry out
massive preventive tests on people who were at risk
of being infected with COVID-19. The response of
the Indonesian Government certainly have an impact
on the decline in public trust in the government,
including the subsequent COVID-19 response
policies. Finally, the Indonesian Government
responded to the problem of the COVID-19 pandemic
after the discovery of the first case on March 2, 2020.
The responses from the Indonesian government that
were deemed less serious resulted in the WHO
writting a letter to President Joko Widodo and ask the
Indonesian government to declare a state of
emergency for COVID-19 nationally. Three days
later, the Indonesian government formed a COVID-
19 Task Force, which at that time was led by the Head
Aribowo, S.
Harnessing Digital Technology in 3T Policy to Address COVID-19 Pandemic.
DOI: 10.5220/0011824100003460
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 2022) - Human Security and Agile Government, pages 418-425
ISBN: 978-989-758-618-7; ISSN: 2975-8300
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
of the National Disaster Management Agency (Badan
Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana-BNPB) Doni
Monardo who would coordinate the Ministry of
Health, Indonesian Armed Force, and Indonesia
The Indonesian government has finally
designated COVID-19 as a national disaster through
Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 12 of 2020 concerning the Determination of
Non-Natural Disasters for the Spread of Corona Virus
Disease 2019 (COVID-19). To catch up with the
delay in handling the COVID-19 pandemic, the
Indonesian government has finally taken a policy that
can minimize the effects of losses both from the
economic and health aspects. These policies include:
a). Two types of social distancing, namely Large-
Scale Social Restrictions and Enforcement of
Community Activity Restrictions Level 1-4 in
accordance with the criteria for the level of the
pandemic situation based on the results of the
assessment in each region; b). The Indonesian
government has also implemented a 3T (tracing, test,
and treatment) policy strategy in dealing with
COVID-19; c). COVID-19 vaccinations; and d). The
Indonesian government provides social aids for the
economic recovery of communities affected by the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Since the entry of COVID-19 into Indonesia, the
Indonesian government has never implemented a
lockdown or regional quarantine policy. The
Indonesian government does not want to implement a
lockdown policy is because it will disrupt the
economy. The regional quarantine policy certainly
has an impact on deteriorating public health
conditions and does not have a significant effect in
increasing national economic growth. However, the
policies taken have saved aspects of the Indonesian
economy from falling. This can be seen from several
countries in the world that have adopted a lockdown
policy, such as the United States and Britain. Inflation
in the United States currently reaches 7.9 percent in
February 2022 (nytimes.com, 2022). Although the
United States has implemented a lockdown policy,
the country has not been able to suppress the spread
of COVID-19. This can be seen from the high number
of cases of COVID-19 infection in the United States,
which is the highest case in the world. This condition
implies that the lockdown policy does not necessarily
bring about positive impact in reducing COVID-19
In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and the
economic downturn amidst the scarcity of limited
resources and increasingly complex public problems,
the Indonesian government must seek to resolve the
pandemic and economic problems. The government
is faced with two choices, namely prioritizing the
handling of the COVID-19 pandemic or the national
economy. Due to limited resources on the one hand
and increasingly complex public problems on the
other, it is impossible for the government to solve
these problems simultaneously. The government then
determines the choice of solving these public
problems based on a priority scale, namely running
the economy and not doing a lockdown to overcome
the health crisis caused by the pandemic (Somit and
Peterson, 2003; Dunn, 2004). The Indonesian
government must be able to make policies that are
able to balance health interests and economic interests
in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Although initially the Indonesian government was
deemed unable to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic
together with optimal economic recovery, currently
the Indonesian government is able to take policies
that are in accordance with the duality principles. The
success of the Government of Indonesia in improving
the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic is also
appreciated by WHO (Indonesian House of
Representative, 2021). The handling of the COVID-
19 pandemic must apply the principle of duality, a
principle that emphasizes that efforts to save the
health of citizens can only run well when the
economic development process gets attention and is
adjusted to the protection of health as well. The
reorientation of the duality principle between saving
public health and economic development in the face
of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Indonesian government also promotes the “3M”
protocols (which stands for menggunakan
masker/mask-wearing, mencuci tangan/hand-
washing, and menjaga jarak/social-distancing. The
public is largely well-acquainted with “3M”
protocols, but on the other hand most people are still
unaware about “3T” policy in the context of
pandemic mitigation, according to a recent survey by
research firm IPSOS Indonesia (Jakarta Post, 2020).
IPSOS said such a gap in awareness suggested that
some people had failed to understand that the two
measures were equally crucial in breaking the chain
of COVID-19 transmission.
Nowadays, Indonesia’s testing rate currently
stands around 2.2 tests per 1,000 people from April 4
to 10, 2022 (Jakarta Post, 2022). This number fell
drastically compared with mid-February when the
government was able to test around 8 people per
1,000 population per week (Jakarta Post, 2022).
Given that, the Indonesian government must initiate a
campaign advocating the importance of the 3T
procedures using digital technology. Indonesian
Harnessing Digital Technology in 3T Policy to Address COVID-19 Pandemic
government needs to make full use of digital
technology to handle COVID-19 pandemic and
address a wide range of pandemic-related issues.
COVID-19 pandemic challenges Indonesian
government and people to use digital technology to
respond the crisis and, increasingly, is requiring
government to adopt an open government approach
and to use digital communication channels to provide
reliable information on global and national COVID-
19 developments (UN, 2020).
In order to satisfy the objectives of the research,
qualitative research in descriptive manner was held.
This method offers a complete description and
analysis of the research subject. By definition,
qualitative research is an inquiry process of
understanding social or human problem, based on
building a complex, holistic picture, formed with
words (Creswell, 2014). It is an approach for
exploring and understanding the meaning individuals
or groups ascribe to a social problem. This method is
primarily exploratory and chosen to uncover trends in
thoughts, opinions, and events, as well as to dive
deeper into the problem. Thus, the scope of the study
is guided by the following research questions: How is
regional development disparities in Indonesia related
to the use of digital technology in 3T policy to address
COVID-19 pandemic? What are the challenges in the
implementation of 3T policy in Indonesia?
The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) started as
the Theory of Reasoned Action in 1980 to predict an
individual's intention to engage in a behaviour at a
specific time and place. The theory was intended to
explain all behaviours over which people have the
ability to exert self-control (LaMorte, 2019). The key
component to this model is behavioural intent;
behavioural intentions are influenced by the attitude
about the likelihood that the behaviour will have the
expected outcome and the subjective evaluation of the
risks and benefits of that outcome. LaMorte (2019)
also stated that behavioural achievement depends on
both motivation (intention) and ability (behavioural
control). The TPB is comprised of six constructs that
collectively represent a person's actual control over
the behaviour (LaMorte, 2019), such as: attitudes,
behavioural, subjective norms, social norms,
perceived power, and perceived behavioural control.
In addition to TPB, the use of digital technology
also becomes one of the main strategies to be
analysed in this writing. According to Rippa and
Secundo (2019), digital technology is divided into
three parts, namely Digital Artifact, Digital Platform,
and Digital Infrastructure. Digital artifacts are
components of digital technology, applications, or
content that offer certain functions and values to their
users. Digital platform is an environment in which a
piece of software is executed, while digital
infrastructure brings together and interconnects
physical and virtual technologies such as compute,
storage, network, and applications. Together these
three components create a friendly environment for
digital technology to improve and provide the digital
experience for the users. When digital technology is
provided, work can be done in a transformational
approach that enables related stakeholders to work
more effectively, collaboratively, and productively
beyond the confines of physical space.
Before discussing further into people’s action
during COVID-19 pandemic and the way digital
technology helps in reducing the spread of the virus,
one must first take into account the perspective of
regional economics. In regional economics, there are
two classes of models that possess very different
policy implications for dealing with regional
inequality (Kim, 2008). The role of government
involvement is relatively limited to infrastructural
investments that affect the mobility of goods, labours,
and other factors. The potential role for government
intervention is significantly higher in the so-called
“new models of economic geography” based on
imperfect competition and increasing returns (Kim,
2008). First, due to the potential for “cumulative
causation” forces, small subsidies can potentially
have significant first-order effects. Second,
infrastructural investments that increase the mobility
of goods, labours, and capital may have significant
impact on spatial inequality due to the self-enforcing
nature of increasing returns. Third, since the
equilibrium market allocations are inefficient in these
models, markets will not reach the optimal level of
spatial inequality without government intervention
(Krugman and Venables, 1995; Puga, 1999). Murata
(2002) then shows that the level of regional inequality
may be constrained by consumer expenditure
patterns. Regional inequality generally arises as an
economy shifts from agriculture to manufacturing,
but the degree of shift may depend on the rapidity by
which consumers increase their expenditure shares in
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
4.1 Regional Development Disparities
in Indonesia
Inequality issues have always been a problem to
Indonesia’s development. Many efforts are taken, yet
the problem remains. These development disparities
are evident not only in physical and infrastructure, but
also in human resource development. Physical
infrastructure refers to several kinds of infrastructure
such as transportation, telecommunications, and
electricity, directly affects economic growth (Torrisi,
2009), while human resource development includes
access and opportunities to education, training, and
new skills to improve one’s ability. Many findings
then conclude that physical and social (education)
infrastructure contributes to inequality increases in
Indonesia though not robustly significant (Nurdina,
The dynamics of Indonesia's development shows
disparities between Java and other islands outside
Java. Disparities can also be further seen between the
Western Region of Indonesia and the Eastern Region
of Indonesia. Developments between regions show
that regions in Java generally experience much faster
economic development than other regions outside
Java. This brings different opportunities for the
people and causes different challenges for the
government to address. Therefore, to address this
issue, the Indonesian government has tried to
accelerate the infrastructure development in areas that
are lacking. The government also stated that the
current national development priorities focus on
efforts to develop regions to reduce gaps and ensure
The impact of inequality in development in
Indonesia may vary, but mostly it causes the
occurrence of inequality in various sectors such as
inequality in employment, public facilities, and
education. In addition to that, the access to internet is
also a part of public facilities that is not available in
regions whose infrastructure development is lacking.
The limited, or in some cases the absence of, internet
access brings about impact to many dimensions of
people’s lives during COVID-19 pandemic. Not only
for the purpose of 3T policy during COVID-19
pandemic, people tend to do many things online. The
absence of internet infrastructure creates another
challenge. For the government, it becomes difficult to
implement 3T policy in the said regions. For the
people, it becomes difficult to access education and
connect with other family members.
Addressing this problem from the perspective of
regional economic theory will eventually bring the
discussion to two approaches, they are: the role of
government involvement and infrastructure
investment. To invest in internet infrastructure in
regions outside Java and Bali is not attractive for
investors, both local and foreign investors (Indonesia
Investment, 2017). This is because the level of
investment attractiveness mainly relates to the basic
manufacturing facilities in Indonesia. For example, if
electricity supply is uncertain or transportation costs
are very high, then the investors will not get
maximum profit gain. Therefore, internet investment
in regions outside Java and Bali are very limited to
investment made by the State-Owned Enterprises
(Badan Usaha Milik Negara¬-BUMN).
The potential role for government intervention is
significantly higher in these regions. It needs to be
done because the government’s investment can
increase the mobility of goods, labours, and capital
which later in time may have significant impacts on
reducing the development disparities. due to the self-
enforcing nature of increasing returns. The
government, through the State-Owned Enterprises,
must be the agent of change that brings about better
and more sustainable development in those regions.
4.2 Challenges in the Implementation
of 3T Policy
The implementation of 3T policy surveillance by the
Indonesian government becomes a serious challenge
for the government, as the pandemic finally lasts for
more than a year, Indonesia's testing capabilities as an
early stage of surveillance is still not satisfactory.
Nowadays, Indonesia’s testing rate currently stands
around 2.2 tests per 1,000 people from April 4 to 10,
2022 (Jakarta Post, 2022). This number fell
drastically compared with mid-February when the
government was able to test around 8 people per
1,000 population per week (Jakarta Post, 2022).
The low implementation of 3T policy in handling
COVID-19 is due to infrastructure disparities,
specifically the information and communication
technology disparities. The Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs) development in
Indonesia is expanding with internet penetration rate
reported to have reached 47.69% or over 126 million
internet users as of 2019 (Indonesia Central Bureau
of Statistics, 2020). With this data, the ICTs in
Indonesia has the opportunity to improve the
development, as well as handling the COVID-19
pandemic. But, the ICTs infrastructure readiness in
Indonesia especially those outside Java and Bali
Harnessing Digital Technology in 3T Policy to Address COVID-19 Pandemic
Island was still unavailable to deliver network
For example, in Papua region there were 90% of
regencies and cities whose villages were covered by
lower than 50% mobile network (Faizah et al, 2021).
With the limited access to the infrastructure, the
actual use of ICT in Papua region was bound to be
lower compared to Java and Bali regions. This
information and communication disparities effect the
implementation of 3T policy in several regions in
In handling COVID-19 pandemic, ICTs is an
excellent means to deliver information quickly and
contact tracing to stop COVID-19 transmission. For
example, in South Korea advanced ICTs was used to
gather data related to personal movement including
phone location data, CCTV images, and details of use
of cash cards, ATMs, and credit cards (ADB, 2021).
In addition, the movement of confirmed cases is
automatically displayed on the map and provided to
epidemiological investigators so they can be used to
find close contact. In Indonesia, the use of ICTs can
be seen on “PeduliLindungi” application to track the
movement, vaccination status, and enter public space.
But this application faces its own challenges when
this application is considered discriminatory because
many people do not have a smart phone or internet
data so they cannot access this application.
Indonesian government has set digital
transformation as one of the key objectives in the
Medium-Term National Development Plan (RPJMN)
2020-2024. Thus, Indonesia government continues to
improve their ICTs capability in handling COVID-19
pandemic. For example, nowadays people with
COVID-19 who already take the PCR test and get
positive results will be automatically be given the
medicine from the government. However, the
implementation of 3T policy in Indonesia also faces
lack of coordination among ministries. A study
conducted by Gadjah Mada University has shown that
a lack of coordination in the government has
exacerbated the impact of COVID-19 handling in
Indonesia. Moreover, the government officials had
regularly given contradictory statements about the
pandemic. For example, in early 2021, the
government prohibited traditional Eid al-Fitr
homecoming, but at the same time the Indonesian
Ministry of Tourism and the Creative Economy began
reopening tourism destinations. To enhance the
implementation of 3T policy using ICTs,
government-coordinated efforts must be improved.
Furthermore, human resource inequality that
occur in regions in Indonesia, particularly in eastern
Indonesia and frontier, outermost and least developed
regions often referred to as 3T (terdepan, terluar,
tertinggal) regions make 3T policy implementation
difficult. These human resources inequality is also the
result of infrastructure inequality so that access to
education and health is limited. Health inequities
create disparities in health status between different
groups of population. COVID-19 pandemic
highlights the pre-existing health inequities and
affects disproportionate health risk to the most
vulnerable groups of population. COVID-19
pandemic will also affect on the increasing inequality
in Indonesia.
This condition is exacerbated by the people’s
indiscipline in implementing health protocols and 3T
policy. COVID-19 forces all people's behaviour to
change according to the crisis they are facing. In this
context, Indonesia follows public health
recommendations and reinforced health behaviours
such as handwashing, wearing mask, and limitation
of social contacts to prevent the virus from further
spreading. Behavioural changes as a response to these
public health recommendations are heavily
dependent on the acquisition of new social norms of
interaction (Wollast et al, 2021).
The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB)
concludes that health behaviours can be predicted by
intentions to perform them. Intentions refer to the
deliberate will to perform a behaviour before
applying it. These intentions, in turn, are affected a)
by attitudes toward the behaviour and whether people
think it is useful, important or desirable, b) by the
social norms they perceive to be prevailing around
them, and c) by the control that people perceive they
have over their actions (Wollast et al, 2021). Thus, the
TPB holds that attitudes, social norms and perceived
control influence behaviour indirectly through
intentions, such that intentions are the direct
precursor of behaviour. Furthermore, perceived
behavioural control is hypothesized to affect
behaviour indirectly but also directly.
People who have strong sense of control
approach difficult goals, have a strong commitment
to their goals, maintain a task focus, persist in the face
of failure, and attribute failure to a lack of effort.
Therefore, people’s ability to perform a behaviour is
likely to facilitate behavioural performance.
Intentions, attitudes, social norms and the perceived
control to apply handwashing will be greater than for
limitation of social contacts, as the latter is
characterized as an avoidant and unnatural behaviour,
that is more difficult to perform. Indonesia health
behaviour can be seen from the high cases of COVID-
19, while the government implements the social
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
distancing policy. People’s behaviour becomes a key
role to tackle COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia.
4.3 Harnessing Digital Technology in
3T Policy to Address COVID-19
Social distancing policy which is being implemented
by the Indonesian government effects the Indonesian
people to rely on the internet for information related
to COVID-19, hence the Indonesian government is
being urged to deploy effective digital technology to
address the pandemic. Indonesian government itself
had posted some information related to COVID-19 on
COVID-19 Task Force website and social media that
can be accessed by the Indonesian people. Indonesian
government information has focused on information
about the outbreak (including statistics of the total
number of cases and fatalities), travel restrictions,
practical guidance on protection, and governmental
response. Indonesia government also designed an
app, namely “PeduliLindungi”.
Some countries, such as South Korea, balancing
health imperatives and privacy concerns, have found
that digital applications can help trace and test people
who have come into contact with an infected person.
However, in Indonesia, the use of digital technology
in Indonesia for handling COVID-19 is still faced
with various obstacles. It is because many regions in
Indonesia do not have the capability of both
infrastructure and human resources to use digital
technology because of the underdevelopment
problems, especially in those frontier, outermost and
least developed regions often referred to as 3T
(terdepan, terluar, tertinggal) regions.
Digital health technology solutions can be used
for people screening, tracking the infection,
prioritizing the use and allocation of resources, and
designing targeted responses. WHO’s Department of
Digital Health and Innovation stated that countries to
be well prepared to digitally detect, protect, respond,
and prepare the recovery for COVID-19. Examining
the technology and related systems that are helpful in
the disease identification, limiting disease spread, and
disease prevention is of paramount importance.
Different new age technologies can be adopted by the
government as an initial response strategy. This
chapter mainly focuses on the use of the Internet of
Things (IoT), Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), and
other smart emerging technologies like drones,
robots, autonomous vehicles (AVs), Bluetooth, and
global positioning system (GPS), which can be
helpful in handling this pandemic (Saher and Anjum,
IoT is a promising technology of interconnected
computing devices, transmitting data over the
network without any human intervention. In the
recent times, IoMT has captivated major attention
from the field of healthcare. It is a blend of medical
devices and software applications connected to
healthcare IT systems. In the current critical scenario
of COVID-19, the most significant issue after the
development of vaccine is an efficient way of
reachability to the patients. This can be best done by
using the concept of IoT (Saher and Anjum, 2021).
Drones, robots, and AVs technology do not only
ensure minimum human interaction but also can be
beneficial to access contagious COVID-19 patients.
Wearables, making use of the Bluetooth and GPS
technology, is another efficient way to monitor
individual’s health and their day-to-day stress levels
in isolation. Altogether, these technologies can add a
consequential share in the new paradigm of Tele
Medicine, either for prevention of disease or
identification and monitoring of the masses,
paramedical staff, symptomatic, and asymptomatic
COVID positives during the pandemic (Saher and
Anjum, 2021).
In implementing 3T policy, digital technology
plays a major role to make this policy work
effectively. For tracking of people, digital technology
has helped facilitate COVID-19 preparedness, so the
spread of infection can be reduced. Tools such as
maps, mobile phones, mobile payment application,
and social media are capable to collect real-time data
on the location of people. For example, Chinese
government uses this technology to track the
movement of people who had visited the Wuhan
market, the pandemic’s epicenter.
For contact tracing and testing, tools such as
security camera footage, facial recognition
technology, bank records, and GPS data from
vehicles and mobile phones can provide real-time
data and detailed timelines of people’s movement.
This strategy is used by South Korea government, and
the government will send its people emergency text
alert about new COVID-19 cases in their region and
people who could have been in contact with infected
people. After that, they will instruct the people to
report for testing and self-isolate. By using this
strategy, South Korea has maintained among the
lowest per-capita mortality in the world (The New
York Times, 2020). In Singapore, people have their
temperature measured at the entries of workplaces,
schools, and public transport. The data from the
thermometers is tracked and used to identify
emerging hot spots and clusters of infection where
testing could be initiated.
Harnessing Digital Technology in 3T Policy to Address COVID-19 Pandemic
For treatment, digital technology can be used to
send medicine to people infected with COVID-19. In
Indonesia, people with COVID-19 who already took
the PCR test will be recorded in “PeduliLindungi”
application. Based on the test result, the infected
individuals will automatically receive the medicine
for free. But, this application has its weakness
because this application is not connected to Integrated
Social Welfare Data (Data Terpadu Kesejahteraan
Sosial-DTKS). If it is connected to the Integrated
Social Welfare Data, the people who live under
poverty lines and affected by COVID-19 will also
receive food and cash transfer provided by the
government. Hence, when lives becomes more
challanging due to COVID-19 for the people who live
under poverty lines, there will not be any social unrest
and political instability because the government is
present and provided supports for its people.
Developments between regions show that regions in
Java generally experience much faster economic
development than other regions outside Java. This
brings about different opportunities for the people and
causes different challenges for the government to
address. The impact of inequality in development in
Indonesia vary, but mostly it causes the occurrence of
inequality in various sectors such as inequality in
employment, public facilities, and education. In
addition to that, the access to internet is also a part of
public facilities that is not available in regions whose
infrastructure development is lacking. The limited, or
in some cases the absence of, internet access brings
about impact to many dimensions of people’s lives
during COVID-19 pandemic. Not only for the
purpose of 3T policy during COVID-19 pandemic,
people tend to do many things online. The absence of
internet infrastructure creates another challenge. For
the government, it becomes difficult to implement 3T
policy in the said regions. For the people, it becomes
difficult to access education and connect with other
family members.
COVID-19 pandemics also change people’s
behaviour. They are expected to implement health
protocols to minimize the spread of the virus.
People’s behaviour becomes a key role to tackle
COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Indonesia health
behaviour can be seen from the high cases of COVID-
19, while the government implements the social
distancing policy. Therefore, people’s ability to
perform a behaviour is likely to facilitate behavioural
performance. Intentions, attitudes, social norms, and
the perceived control to apply handwashing will be
greater than for limitation of social contacts, as the
latter is characterized as an avoidant and unnatural
behaviour, that is more difficult to perform.
Other than that, the integration of digital
technology into pandemic policy and response could
be one of several characteristic features of countries
that have flattened their COVID-19 incidence curves
and maintained low mortality rates. The lesson
learned from other countries who use digital
technology is that countries that have quickly
deployed digital technologies to facilitate planning,
surveillance, testing, contact tracing, quarantine, and
clinical management have remained front-runners in
managing disease burden.
Asian Development Bank. 2021. Assessment of COVID-19
Response in The Republic of Korea, Asian
Development Bank. Philippines.
Atlani-Duault, Laetitia et al. 2000. Social Change And HIV
In The Former USSR: The Making Of A New
Epidemic. In Social Science and Medicine. 50 (11):
Creswell, John W. 2014. Research Design, Qualitatives,
Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approcahes, Sage
Publications. United State of America, 4
Dunn, William. 2004. Public Policy Analysis: An
Introduction, Pearson-Prentice Hall. New Jersey.
Faizah, Chusnul et al. 2021. Information and
Communication Technology, Inequality Change, and
Regional Development in Indonesia. In Journal of
Socioeconomics and Development, 4(2): 224-235.
Indonesia Investment. 2017. “Infrastucture Development in
Indonesia”. Retrived from https://www.indonesia-
accessed on April 22, 2022.
Indonesian House of Respresentative. 2021. “WHO soroti
perbaikan penanganan corona di RI, Puan apresiasi
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