Nutrition Education about Overweight with Social Media Instagram
and Youtube Can Increase the Knowledge and Attitudes of
Adolescents in MAN 1 Bogor City
Shafira Salzakilla Damayanti, Utami Wahyuningsih*, M. Ikhsan Amar and Muh. Nur Hasan Syah
University Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Adolescent, Instagram, Nutrition Education, Overweight, Youtube.
Abstract: The high prevalence of overweight in adolescents is one of the nutritional problems in Indonesia. The
provision of nutrition education is a solution to increase knowledge and attitudes about overweight in
adolescents by utilizing social media Instagram and YouTube, which are currently multiplying in accessing
information faster. This study was conducted to determine the effect of education on social media, Instagram
and YouTube on adolescents' knowledge and attitudes toward overweight. The method used in this research
is quasi-experimental, with the number of respondents being 98 students in classes X and XI, which are
divided into four groups, namely Instagram, YouTube, Instagram and YouTube groups and controls. The
results of this study indicate an increase in knowledge and attitudes with a value (p <0.05) and differences in
the effectiveness of knowledge. There is no difference in attitudes between Instagram and YouTube media.
Then, there is no difference in effectiveness between Instagram and combined media (Instagram and
YouTube) on knowledge and attitudes in adolescents. Furthermore, there is no difference in effectiveness
between YouTube media and combined media (Instagram and YouTube) on knowledge and attitudes in
Nutrition is a state of imbalance when a person's
energy intake is greater than his needs, causing excess
body weight. Factors, namely internal and external
cause the incidence of overnutrition.factors that
influence are environmental and lifestyle factors
(Amir 2018).
Adolescents are a group that is vulnerable to
nutritional problems, because the adolescent age
group is in a phase of rapid growth and development,
so this phase requires a greater intake of nutrients
(Simbolon et al, 2018).
Based on the National Basic Health Research in
2013, the prevalence of nutritional status of
adolescents of overweight was 5.7% and increased in
2018 by 9.5%. West Java Province became one of the
provinces with prevalence of overweight. It is
classified as high at 10.9%. The prevalence of
nutrition is relatively higher in adolescents girls
compared to male adolescents, 11.4% for girls and
7.7% for boys (Riskesdas 2018). Based on data from
Bogor City Health, the prevalence rate of overweight
was high at 20.1% in 2013 and includes the highest
prevalence in West Java (Dinkes Kota Bogor 2019).
According to Suryaputra and Nadhiroh (2012),
adolescents who have good knowledge about
nutrition and dietary regulation will mostly avoid
overnutrition, the wider knowledge about nutrition
will affect attitudes and behavior towards the food
The importance of health promotion requires new
learning methods to ensure that the health message
conveyed can be captured properly. The provision of
health education can be delivered by several methods
and media such as through lectures, group
discussions, demonstrations, visual media and social
Instagram and YouTube are social media
platforms that are currently widely accessed by public
users, especially in Indonesia. In 2021 the number of
Instagram social media users is 86.6% which is in
third place, while YouTube social media is in first
place with 93.8% of users (We Are Social 2021). By
utilizing social media Instagram and YouTube,
providing nutrition education will be easier and more
Damayanti, S., Wahyuningsih, U., Amar, M. and Syah, M.
Nutrition Education about Overweight with Social Media Instagram and Youtube Can Increase the Knowledge and Attitudes of Adolescents in MAN 1 Bogor City.
DOI: 10.5220/0011650800003608
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2022), pages 99-104
ISBN: 978-989-758-621-7; ISSN: 2975-8297
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Based on a preliminary study conducted at MAN 1
Bogor City via Google Form on 35 students, it
resulted that 71.4% of students had less knowledge
related to overnutrition, and 60% of students had
never received nutrition education. Therefore,
researchers are interested in using social media
Instagram and YouTube to examine the impact of
providing nutrition education on adolescent
knowledge and attitudes about overweight in MAN 1
Bogor City.
This research is a quantitative type using a quasi-
experimental design. The population in this study
were teenagers in class X and XI at MAN 1 Bogor
City. The inclusion criteria in this study were active
students in grades X and XI, had good access to
gadgets, laptops or computers, could operate gadgets,
laptops or personal computers, had active Instagram
and YouTube social media accounts, and were
willing to be research respondents. The sampling
method used is stratified random sampling.
Respondents will be divided into 3 groups, Instagram
group, YouTube group, and Instagram and YouTube
groups. Data collection was carried out online, pre-
test which was carried out day one before the
intervention, then the intervention in the form of
nutrition education was seven times with a distance
of 2 days intervention, and post-test was conducted
after the last intervention. Data analysis used in this
study included univariate analysis and bivariate
There were only 73 respondents involved in this
research activity, consisting of 25 people in the
Instagram group, 25 people in the YouTube group,
and 23 people in Instagram and YouTube groups.
Based on the results in table 1, it is stated that the
gender of the majority of women who participated in
the study was 82.2%. The age of the respondents is at
most 17 years old as much as 41.1%. The nutritional
status of the respondents was determined based on the
calculation of the z-score value with BMI/U index,
and most of them had normal nutritional status as
Table 1: Frequency Distribution of Respondents Characteristics.
cteristics Total
Gender Male 13 17,8
Female 60 82,2
Age 15 Years Ol
15 20,5
16 Years Ol
27 37,0
17 Years Ol
30 41,1
18 Years Ol
1 1,4
Median ± Min - Max 16,0 ± 15-18
Nutritional Status Thin 5 6,8
Normal 63 86,3
4 5,5
1 1,4
Median ± Min - Max -0,29 ± -2.78 - 2,05
Parents Education Low : Tidak sekolah, SD, SMP 6 8,2
Moderate : SMA/SM
34 46,6
High : Perguruan Tinggi (D3,D4,S1,S2,S3) 33 45,2
Parents Salary Low < R
.1.810.000 10 13,7
Moderate R
.1.810.001 -R
.2.800.000 16 21,9
h R
.2.800.001 - R
.4.000.000 24 32,9
Very High > Rp.4.000.000 23 31,5
Parentss Job PNS/Polri/TNI 10 13,7
19 26,0
Teacher/Leacture 8 11,0
Private Em
ee 27 37,0
0 0
Doesn’t wor
2 2,7
7 9,6
73 100
ICSDH 2022 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
much as 86.3%. This is in line with Nurholilah,
(2019) that the majority of students at SMK IT AN
NABA Bogor City have normal nutritional status
with a percentage of 68.6%. Then the last education
of the respondent's parents is divided into three
categories. The average last education of the
respondent's parents is SMA/SMK as much as 46.6%.
The high or low education of parents affects the
progress of their children's education (Azizah.A.M
2017). The level of parental education will determine
the way parents guide and direct their children in
terms of education, because parents educate their
children according to the knowledge they have
(Sunain 2017). The income of the respondent's
parents is divided into four categories based on the
value of the Provincial Minimum Wage of West Java,
the majority of whom earn Rp. 2,800,001 - Rp.
4,000,000 as much as 32.9%. In the results of research
by Mufida and Effendi, (2019), it is stated that parents
who have a good economic background can support
their children's education and can meet their learning
needs. Then the work of parents is divided into seven
categories, most of which work as Private employees
as much as 37%. This research is in line with
Hadiyanto Herman, (2014) which states that by
working, you can earn income or benefits for the
length of work, this working can meet standards to
meet proper needs which can affect learning activities
and student achievement.
Based on the results in table 2, the distribution of
the frequency of knowledge in adolescents shows that
the Instagram group during the pretest was in the
good category by 88%, and increased at the posttest
by 100%. Then for the attitude value in the Instagram
group at the pretest the most in the less category is
92% and at the posttest the good category is 80%.
The knowledge value in the YouTube group at the
time of the pretest was mostly in the good category of
96% and increased at the time of the posttest by
100%. Then the attitude value in the YouTube group
at the time of the pretest was mostly in the less
category, which was 100%, and at the posttest the
majority was in the good category, which was 96%.
The value of knowledge in the Instagram and
YouTube groups at the time of the pretest and posttest
was mostly in the good category at 100%. Then for
the attitude value in the Instagram and YouTube
groups at the time of the pretest the majority fell into
the less category, which was 100%, while at the
posttest the majority was in the sufficient category,
which was 95.7%.
Based on the results of the analysis in table 3, it
can be seen that there is a significant difference in the
average knowledge about overweight between before
and after being given nutrition education with
Instagram media for adolescent in grades X and XI at
MAN 1 Bogor City (p = 0.000) . This is in line with
the research of Nomiaji et al., (2020) and Rusdi et al.
(2021) which state that there are differences in the
knowledge and attitudes of adolescents before and
after being given nutrition education in the Instagram
group with a p-value of 0.000.
Table 2: Distribution of Respondents Knowledge and Attitude Levels Before and After in each Group.
Variable Instagram Group YouTube Group Instagram-YouTube Group
Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest
n % n % n % n % n % n %
3 12 - - 1 4 - - - - - -
Good 22 88 25 100 24 96 25 100 23 100 23 100
Total 25 100 25 100 25 100 25 100 23 100 23 100
23 92 5 20 25 100 1 4 23 100 1 4,3
2 8 20 80 - - 24 96 - - 22 95,7
Total 25 100 25 100 25 100 25 100 23 100 23 100
Table 3: Differences in Knowledge and Attitudes Before and after Nutrition Education Regarding Overweight in Instagram
Media Groups.
Variable Mean ± SD Min-Max P-Value
Pretest 73,40 ±13,9 40-95
Posttest 84,80 ± 9,94 65-100
Pretest 46,84 ± 11,8 32-82
Posttest 66,80 ± 9,26 56-98
Nutrition Education about Overweight with Social Media Instagram and Youtube Can Increase the Knowledge and Attitudes of Adolescents
in MAN 1 Bogor City
Table 4: Differences in Knowledge and Attitudes Before and After Nutrition Education Related to Overweight in the YouTube
Media Group.
Variable Mean ± SD Min-Max P-Value
72,60 ± 10,0 55-90
93,80 ± 6,81 80-100
Attitude 0,000
41,52± 5,02 32-50
Posttest 68,44 ± 6,21 57-84
Table 5: Differences in Knowledge Before and After Nutrition Education Regarding Overweight in Instagram and YouTube
Media Groups.
Variable Mean ± SD Min-Max P-Value
Pretest 77,39 ± 8,10 60-95
Posttest 90,22 ± 8,18 75-100
Pretest 42,70 ± 3,22 35-47 0,000
Posttest 68,52 ± 5,22 57-80
Based on the results of the analysis in table 4, it is
known that there are differences in knowledge and
attitudes between before and after being given
nutrition education in the YouTube group. This is in
line with the research of Meidiana et al. (2018) and
Rinarto Latifa et al., (2022) that there are differences
in knowledge and attitudes before and after being
given education to the YouTube group. Based on the
results of the analysis in table 5, it can be seen that
there are differences in knowledge and attitudes
between before and after being given nutrition
education using Instagram and YouTube social media
in adolescents. This is in line with the research by
Senja Atika Sari and Suhendra Sulaeman, (2018)
which showed that there were differences in the level
of knowledge and attitudes before and after nutrition
education was given to the visual and audiovisual
combination group.
The results of the analysis in this study indicate
that providing nutrition education about overweight
using Instagram and YouTube social media can
increase the average knowledge score, significant
difference in the average knowledge score between
before being given nutrition education and after being
given nutrition education using social media
Instagram and YouTube.
Based on the results of this study, it is known that
the information obtained by respondents through
nutrition education media in the form of social media
in the form of Instagram feeds in the @Halo.Gizi
account and Youtube videos in the @Halo.gizi
account can increase their knowledge about
In the research of Ratna and Lies Elina P, (2021)
that today's teenagers prefer social media because
they have internet facilities on cellphones to access
information. There are several social media that are in
great demand among teenagers today, Instagram and
YouTube. Where both these applications have their
respective advantages. Instagram is a social network
which is a place to post any content. Instagram is a
very interesting platform, full of inspiration,
opinions, and experiences of other people (Staniewski
and Awruk 2022).
Instagram has considerable potential and has a
broad reach to be used as a medium for delivering
health information. The Instagram application has
interesting features that can be easily accessed by
teenagers in obtaining information quickly and the
Instagram application is very easy to use, making it
an alternative media source of education.
This study utilizes the “Feed” feature to inspire
nutrition education materials in the form of
infographic photos. Respondents can more easily
capture the information conveyed through
infographics, because the information is captured
visually which can be read directly. The material
provided is summarized in a simple manner, and is
supported by a slide feature in the feed that can make
it easier for someone to read information related to
nutrition education easily.
Youtube is one of the online media that has
audiovisual media facilities and this media is very
ICSDH 2022 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
Table 6: Comparison of Group Posttest Values between Instagram and YouTube Media Groups.
Variable Instagram YouTube P-Value
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD
Knowledge 84,80 ± 9,94 93,80 ± 6,18 0,001
Attitude 66,80 ± 9,26 68,44 ± 6,21 0,174
Table 7: Comparison of Posttest Values between Instagram and Instagram – YouTube Media Groups.
Variable Instagram Instagram & YouTube P-Value
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD
Knowledge 84,80 ± 9,94 90,22 ± 8,18 0,064
Attitude 66,80 ± 9,26 68,52 ± 5,22 0,123
interesting to be used as a media choice when learning
online. In the media, YouTube presents a lot of
material content, so that it can attract students' interest
to listen to learning activities. Based on Hatini, (2021)
that YouTube as an online learning medium can
increase knowledge in adolescents, so that
audiovisual videos are more effective in increasing
adolescent knowledge.
Based on the results of the analysis in table 6, it is
known that there are differences in the effectiveness
of nutrition education between Instagram and
YouTube social media on knowledge related to
overweight in adolescents. This is in line with the
research of Primanita, (2020) which states that there
is a difference in the effectiveness of nutrition
education between visual and audiovisual media on
knowledge. The attitude value shows no difference in
effectiveness between Instagram and YouTube social
media. Similarly, research by Putri et al. (2017) that
there is no difference in the effectiveness of nutrition
education between visual and audio-visual media on
attitudes in adolescents.
Based on the results of the analysis in table 7, it is
known that there is no difference in effectiveness in
providing nutrition education between Instagram
social media and Instagram-YouTube social media on
knowledge and attitudes related to overweight in
adolescents. In providing nutrition education using
visual and audio-visual media is more effective than
visual alone. In line with Kurnianingsih, (2019) video
media convey information faster, because video
media convey information through audio and visual
so that someone understands what is taught through
video media and is supported by visual media.
Based on the results of the analysis in table 8 that
there is no difference in effectiveness in providing
nutrition education between YouTube social media
and Instagram-YouTube on knowledge and attitudes
related to overweight in adolescents. This is also in
line with the research of Senja Atika Sari and
Suhendra Sulaeman, (2018) that there is no difference
in effectiveness between using one educational media
with a combination of media on knowledge and
attitudes. Media is an interesting and effective
learning method for students. This is in accordance
with Maria Agustin, (2014) that combining two visual
and audiovisual media is equally effective in
providing education.
In this study, it can be concluded that there is a
difference in the average knowledge about
overweight between before and after being given
nutrition education with Instagram and YouTube
media in class X and XI adolescents at MAN 1 Bogor
City with a p-value of 0.000. Furthermore, in the
difference in the effectiveness of YouTube social
media, it is most effectively used as a student
I would like to thank the student of state MAN 1
Bogor city who participated in this study for their
willingness to give their time, honesty, and trust to
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