Factors Affecting HIV/AIDS Prevention Behavior in Adolescents
at SMA Negeri 10 Depok in 2022
Fairus Zahrah, Ony Linda and Cornelis Novianus
Public Health Study Program Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA
JL. Limau, South Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Knowledge, HIV/AIDS Prevention Behavior, Adolescents.
Abstract: HIV/AIDS prevention behavior is an effort that can be done by adolescents to avoid HIV/AIDS disease. This
study aims factors related to HIV/AIDS prevention behavior in adolescents. Methodology used quantitative
with a cross-sectional. The population in this study was 629 students, samples taken using the Stratified
Sampling sampling technique 294 students with data collection using questionnaires distributed via gform to
respondents in June 2022. Data analysis with univariate, bivariate and multivariate. The results show that
most of the teenagers who had positive HIV/AIDS prevention behaviors were 216 people (73.5%), positive
attitudes of 155 people (52.7%), 168 individuals (57.1%) played a positive peer role in their lives, the part of
parents, who portrayed 221 people (75.2%), and low media exposure of 191 people (65%). In this study,
attitudes (p<0.001), peer roles (p<0.001), parental roles (p<0.001) were obtained, and media exposure
(p<0.001) related to HIV/AIDS prevention behavior. The knowledge (p=0.235) is not related to HIV/AIDS
prevention behavior. The role of parents who play a role is at 3,343 times greater risk of having hiv/aids
prevention behaviors that are positive rather than respondents who have a less parental role. Advice given is
to maintain attitudes.
Teenagers are the next generation of the nation. The
development and decline of the country cannot be
separated from the role of the younger generation.
Adolescents are talented people who have great
potential to play a major role in the development of
the country, but sometimes most teenagers have many
problems that reduce their quality of life.
Adolescence is a period of change that is
recognized by changes in physical, emotional, and
psychological conditions. The period of adolescence
is the period in which the workings of the
reproductive organs in adolescents begin to function
very well, which can be called the puberty period. In
the period of adolescence, there are drastic changes in
physical organs (organobiological) and these changes
are not balanced with psychological changes (psycho-
emotional). The occurrence of this big change usually
confuses the teenagers who experience it. Because
puberty is an important part of adolescence, the
emergence of unhealthy sexual impulses can lead to
irresponsible sexual behavior that requires special
attention (Lisnawati & Lestari, 2015).
Behavior according to Priyoto (2015) is an
activity carried out by humans, spontaneously or not.
The definition of behavior in general is an action
taken by all things that live in the world, and based on
the American Encyclopedia, behavior is the behavior
or response of a living thing in the place where it
lives. The Indonesian Ministry of Health defines
behavior as a person's response to something that
makes him do something, consciously or
unconsciously, with a certain frequency, duration,
and purpose. Behavior is easily monitored through
human actions.
Preventive behavior that is carried out on
students is important. Prevention of HIV/AIDS
cannot be separated from adolescents who should
have understood the procedures to avoid HIV/AIDS,
treatment with the aim of avoiding a disease is a form
of behavior that reflects health. Prevention efforts are
a strategic component of eradicating HIV/AIDS in
adolescents (Ministry of Health, RI, 2014). STDs,
such as HIV/AIDS, are more likely to exchange
sexual friends and can be caused by a lack of condom
use among adolescents (Umaroh et al., 2016).
HIV/AIDS is the most dangerous and deadly sexually
Zahrah, F., Linda, O. and Novianus, C.
Factors Affecting HIV/AIDS Prevention Behavior in Adolescents at SMA Negeri 10 Depok in 2022.
DOI: 10.5220/0011643100003608
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social Determinants of Health (ICSDH 2022), pages 5-12
ISBN: 978-989-758-621-7; ISSN: 2975-8297
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
transmitted disease known to occur most frequently
during adolescence (Kemenkes RI, 2017). This
makes sexual problems, HIV/AIDS and drugs the
main health problems for adolescents in the field of
reproductive health.
HIV/AIDS is a problem in the health sector with
its spread classified as active across regional borders,
causing community problems in this country as well
as in all other countries. This disease affects the
body's organs that regulate antibodies in a person,
lowering the patient's immune system and making
him very vulnerable to various diseases (Kemenkes
RI, 2014).
WHO said in 2016, globally 40% of all cases of
HIV/AIDS occurred in young people aged 15-24
years, with 36.7 million people having HIV (WHO,
2016). It is at this age that young people around the
world are at risk for HIV/AIDS. Therefore, it is
important to carry out an activity to prevent the
occurrence of HIV/AIDS.
The majority of people living with HIV
worldwide live in Africa (25.7 million people),
followed by Southeast Asia with 3.8 million people
and the Americas with 3.5 million people. The lowest
level is the Western Pacific with a population of 1.9
million. The large number of infected humans in the
Southeast Asian region must first be carefully
informed about the spread and transmission of the
virus in Indonesia (UNAIDS, 2019).
Data on cases of HIV/AIDS in Indonesia
continues to grow from year to year. In 2019, cases of
HIV/AIDS that occurred in the 15-24 year age group
in Indonesia were 18.3%. In the last 11 years, the total
number of infected people in this country reached
50,282 in 2019. According to WHO data in 2019, it
was recorded that 78% of the Asia Pacific had new
HIV infections. The highest AIDS incidence rate for
the past 11 years is 12,214 cases in 2013. The five
regions with the highest total number of infections are
Papua, East Java, Central Java, DKI Jakarta, West
Java, with the majority in 2017 occurring in these five
areas. The trend of this disease was highest from 2017
to 2019 and remained the same, especially in the Java
region (Directorate General of P2P, 2019).
The trend of this disease in the Depok area
fluctuated during 2017-2020, it can be seen in Figure
1.1 In 2017-2020, cases of HIV/AIDS that occurred
in Depok City in the 15-24 year age group in
Indonesia were 372 cases in 2017.
2018, 247 cases in 2019, and 220 cases in 2020.
(P3M Section of Depok City Health Office, 2020).
Based on research conducted by Nugrahawati
(2018), it shows that as many as 31 (52.5%)
respondents have positive preventive behavior and 28
(47.5%) respondents have negative preventive
behavior. SMAN 10 Depok is a place to gain
knowledge located in Curug Village, Bojongsari
District. SMA Negeri 10 Depok was established in
2014. SMA Negeri 10 Depok has 629 students. Based
on a preliminary study conducted on 30 students at
SMA Negeri 10 Depok, it was found that 3 students
tried to wear tattoos according to him not to cause this
disease, as many as 17 students avoided someone who
had this disease and had bad speculations to sufferers,
as many as 1 student has ever had sexual intercourse,
as many as 14 students avoid and do not make friends
with sufferers, and as many as 15 students avoid
contact with sufferers worried about being at risk.
From the data obtained, the authors were motivated to
conduct research related to "Factors Influencing
HIV/AIDS Prevention Behavior in Adolescents at
SMA Negeri 10 Depok in 2022".
The method is based on an analytic observational
design with a cross sectional study where data
collection for the independent variable and the
dependent variable occurs simultaneously. This study
aims to determine HIV/AIDS prevention behavior so
that awareness is realized in preventing risky
behavior in adolescents. Quantitative research aims to
test the theory and show the relationship between
variables and provide statistical descriptions. In
addition, the advantages of cross sectional according
toYani (2019)can explain the relationship between
studied health phenomena and accompanying factors
(especially persistent traits).
The research was conducted at SMA Negeri 10
Depok. The research was conducted from October
2021 to August 2022. The population in this study
were all students of SMA Negeri 10 Depok who were
registered at the SMA, totaling 629 people, consisting
of 315 class X and 314 class XI. Class XII is not made
into the population because with the consideration
that class XII will carry out the final school exam.
According toGaraika and Darmanah
(2019)population is a large area consisting of objects
with differences determined by the researcher for
research purposes. The total population is 629
The sample of this research is some teenagers in
SMA Negeri 10 Depok. The sample is part of the
entire population (Garaika & Darmanah, 2019).
Samples were obtained as many as 294 students. The
list of sample names was obtained by asking the
attendance list for each class to the administration of
SMA Negeri 10 Depok. The sampling technique used
ICSDH 2022 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
in this study is simple random sampling, which is a
simple random selection by doing a
lottery(Notoatmodjo, 2016).
Table 1: Distribution of Frequency Based on Variables.
Variable Category
n %
Negative 78 26.5
Positive 216 73.5
Not good 128 43.5
Well 166 56.5
Negative 139 47.3
Positive 155 52.7
Peer Role
Not good 126 42.9
Well 168 57.1
The role of
No role 73 24.8
play a role 221 75.2
Low 191 65.0
Tall 103 35.0
Table 2: Bivariate Analysis Factos Associated with
Preventive Behavior.
Preventive Behavior
Odds Ratio
(95% CI)
Negative Positive
N % N %
Not good
29 22.7 99 77.3 0.911
Well 49 29.6 117 70.5 1
56 40.3 83 59.7 1,437
Positive 22 14.6 133 85.8 1
Peer Role
Not good
52 41.3 74 58.7 1,439*
Well 26 15.5 142 84.5 1
The role of parents
No role
34 46.6 39 53.4 1,499*
play a role 44 19.9 177 80.1 1
Media Exposure
Low 67 35.1 124 64.9 1.376*
Tall 11 10.7 92 89.3 1
Note: *Pvalue <0.001; *** Pvalue >0.05
Table 1 shows that most of the respondents have
positive preventive behavior as many as 216 people
(73.5%), good knowledge as many as 166 people
(56.5%), positive attitudes as many as 155 people
(52.7%), role good peers as many as 168 people
(57.1%), the role of parents as many as 221 people
(75.2%), and low media exposure as many as 191
people (65%). Based on table 2. It shows that there is
a relationship (P-value 0.001) with HIV/AIDS
prevention behavior on the attitude variable (P-value
0.000), the role of peers (P-value 0.000), the role of
parents (P-value 0.000), media exposure (P-value
0.000). Meanwhile, those who showed no
relationship (P-value 0.05) with HIV/AIDS
prevention behavior on the knowledge variable (P-
value 0.235). Based on table 3. It shows that the
variable of the role of parents who play a risky role is
3.343 times greater for having a positive HIV/AIDS
prevention behavior than respondents who have a role
of parents who have less role.
Table 3: Multivariate Analysis Factors associated with
Preventive Behavior.
Variable Odds Ratio (95% CI)
Attitute 2.945** (1.602 – 5.414)
The Role of Peers 2.201** (1.184 – 4.095
The Role of
3.343* (1,778-6,288)
Media Exposure 3.103** (1.422 – 6.769)
Note: *Pvalue <0.001;** Pvalue <0.05
Research conducted on adolescents at SMA Negeri
10 Depok showed that there were as many as 78
respondents (26.5%) adolescents at SMA Negeri 10
Depok had negative HIV/AIDS prevention behavior,
while adolescents who had positive preventive
behavior were 216 respondents (73 ,5%). Adolescents
who always apply a clean and healthy lifestyle
(PHBS) have the most positive HIV/AIDS prevention
behaviors as many as 291 people (99.0%).
Adolescents who have positive preventive
behavior are more than those who have negative
preventive behavior. This happens because most of
the teenagers already have good knowledge about the
symptoms of HIV/AIDS, the attitude is not to ignore
positive HIV/AIDS problems, the role of peers by
reminding each other not to have sexual relations
before marriage is good, and the role of other people.
Parents who always remember teenagers not to use
injecting drugs and not to get married under the age
of 20 cause these teenagers to have positive
HIV/AIDS prevention behavior.
Factors Affecting HIV/AIDS Prevention Behavior in Adolescents at SMA Negeri 10 Depok in 2022
This study is in line with the research conducted
by Tampi et al. (2013) showed that as many as 84
respondents (70%) had good preventive behavior in
SMA Manado
International School. According to
research by Kotajin et al. (2020), SMA Negeri 1
Halmahera Utara North Maluku had 173 students
(65.3%) who exhibited good preventative behavior.
Research conducted by Nugrahawati (2018) shows
that 31 people (52.5%) at SMA Negeri 2 Sleman have
positive preventive behavior. This study is not in line
with the research conducted by Lestari et al. (2021)
which shows that respondents who are in RW 15,
Kecapi Sub-District, Harjamukti Sub-district,
Cirebon City mostly have negative preventive
behavior towards HIV/AIDS prevention,
Teenagers in high school are very at risk of
getting HIV/AIDS, if they have negative preventive
behavior. Such as having promiscuity, having sex
outside of marriage, using injection drugs, etc.
Knowledge variable is suspected as one of the factors
related to HIV/AIDS prevention behavior in
adolescents at SMA Negeri 10 Depok. The results of
the univariate analysis showed that 128 respondents
(43.5%) had poor knowledge while 166 respondents
(56.5%) had good knowledge. The results of bivariate
analysis with Chi-Square test showed that there was
no significant relationship between knowledge and
HIV/AIDS prevention behavior (0.235). The results
of the multivariate analysis showed that knowledge
was included in the candidate model (P value 0.184).
Adolescents who have good knowledge already know
AIDS is a collection of symptoms caused by
decreased immunity due to HIV infection, as many as
271 people (92.2%) have positive HIV/AIDS
preventive behaviors.
This study is consistent by Angela et al (2019)
shows the results of statistical tests using the Chi-
Square test obtained a P value of 1,000 so that there
is no significant relationship between knowledge and
student prevention behavior in HIV/AIDS
prevention. Research conducted byErshad
(2014)shows that there is no relationship between
knowledge and HIV/AIDS prevention behavior as
evidenced by the P value = 0.174. Research
conducted byPlantika (2019)shows that there is no
significant relationship between adolescent
knowledge about HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS
prevention in adolescents at SMK X Ungaran with a
P value of 0.196 > 0.05. This research is not in line
with research conducted byAisyah and Fitria,
(2019)shows the results of statistical tests using the
Chi-Square test obtained p = 0.000 <a = 0.05 and Ho
is rejected, which means that there is a relationship
between knowledge and efforts to prevent HIV/AIDS
in adolescents at SMA Negeri 1 Montasik, Aceh
Besar District.
This study explains that respondents who have
poor knowledge are not necessarily at risk of having
negative HIV/AIDS prevention behavior. So the
researchers argue that in this case it is not a significant
risk factor, there may be other factors that have a
more significant relationship.
Attitude is a variable to show the respondent's
statement about the subjective behavior that he/she
does either openly or privately in the prevention of
HIV/AIDS. Attitude variable is considered as one of
the factors related to HIV/AIDS prevention behavior
in adolescents at SMA Negeri 10 Depok. Univariate
results showed that 155 people (52.7%) had a positive
attitude and 139 people (47.3%) had a negative
attitude. The results of bivariate analysis with Chi-
Square test showed that there was a significant
relationship between attitudes and HIV/AIDS
prevention behavior with Pvalue (0.000). The results
of the calculation of the Prevalence Ratio (PR) show
that respondents who have a negative attitude are
1.437 times more likely to have negative preventive
behavior than respondents who have a positive
attitude (95% CI 1.236-1.671).
Adolescents who have a disapproving attitude
will be closed (ignorant) to the discussion of
HIV/AIDS issues, namely the most have positive
HIV/AIDS prevention behavior up to 185 individuals
(62.9%). This study supports research done by
Angela et al. (2019), which demonstrates that there is
a relationship between attitudes towards HIV/AIDS
and HIV/AIDS prevention efforts with a p-value of
0.000. Research conducted byAisyah & Fitria
(2019)showed attitude was significantly related to
HIV/AIDS prevention behavior with P value = 0,000.
Research conducted byTulung et al. (2014)shows that
there is a significant relationship between attitudes
and prevention of HIV/AIDS with P value = 0.014.
This research is not in line with the research
conducted byErshad (2014)shows that there is no
relationship between respondents' attitudes and
HIV/AIDS prevention behavior in adolescents in
Kudus Regency can be concluded with (p value =
1.476). This means that attitudes do not have a
significant relationship with HIV/AIDS prevention
This study explains that respondents who have a
negative attitude are at risk of having negative
HIV/AIDS prevention behavior. So the researcher
argues that in this case it is also a significant risk
factor, because if someone has a negative attitude, he
will carry out negative preventive behavior.
The role of peers is a variable to indicate whether
the respondent has a good peer role relationship at
school, the role of peers is considered as one of the
factors associated with HIV/AIDS prevention
behavior in adolescents at SMA Negeri 10 Depok.
The results of univariate analysis showed that 168
ICSDH 2022 - The International Conference on Social Determinants of Health
people (57.1%) had good peer roles, while 126 people
(42.9%) had poor peer roles. The results of bivariate
analysis with Chi-Square test showed a significant
relationship between the role of peers and HIV/AIDS
prevention behavior with Pvalue (0.000). The results
of the calculation of the Prevalence Ratio (PR) show
that respondents who have poor peer roles have a high
chance of 1, 439 times more likely to have negative
preventive behavior than respondents who had good
peer roles (95% CI 1.226-1.689). The results of the
multivariate analysis showed that the role of peers
was included in the candidate model (P value 0.000).
The role of peers by prohibiting sexual
intercourse before marriage because of the risk of
contracting HIV/AIDS. The highest number of people
who have HIV/AIDS prevention behavior is positive
as many as 275 people (93.5%). This research is in
line with that conducted byMunthe (2016)showing
the role of peers on behavior in the prevention of
HIV/AIDS obtained a P value of 0.029. Therefore,
based on the results of this study there is the influence
of peers on behavior. The same thing in another study
conducted by Manafe et al. (2014) shows a p value of
0.000, therefore p value < 0.05, then H5 is accepted
or there is a relationship between the role of peers and
the prevention of HIV/AIDS infection. Research
conducted bySari (2021)shows that there is a
relationship between peers and HIV/AIDS prevention
behavior in adolescents at SMAN X Pariaman in
2021 with a P value of 0.010.
This study explains that respondents who have a
less favorable peer role are at risk of having negative
HIV/AIDS prevention behavior. So the researcher
argues that in this case it is also a significant risk
factor, because if someone has a bad peer role, he or
she will carry out negative preventive behavior.
The role of parents is a variable to show the
respondent's statement about the role of parents
towards him, the variable of the role of parents is
considered to have a relationship with HIV/AIDS
prevention behavior in adolescents at SMA Negeri 10
Depok. The results of the univariate analysis showed
that there were 221 people (75.2%) who had a
parental role, while 73 people (24.8%) had a non-
parental role. The results of bivariate analysis with
Chi-Square test showed a significant relationship
between the role of parents and HIV/AIDS prevention
behavior with Pvalue (0.000). The results of the
calculation of the Prevalence Ratio (PR) show that
respondents who have the role of parents who do not
play a role have a high chance of 1, 499 times greater
to have negative preventive behavior than
respondents who have a parental role that plays a role
(95% CI 1.198-1.876). The results of the multivariate
analysis showed that the role of parents was included
in the candidate model (P value 0.000).
Parents play a role by always directing to get
married over the age of 20 years, which is the most
positive HIV/AIDS prevention behavior as many as
280 people (95.2%). This study is in line with that
conducted bySari (2021)shows the results of P-value
0.030 where the role of parents has an influence on
behavior in the prevention of HIV/AIDS. Research
conducted bySintia (2017)shows that there is a
significant relationship between the role of parents
with HIV/AIDS prevention behavior with P value =
0.013. This study is not in line with the research
conducted by Endah Yulianingsih (2015) which
showed that the results of the statistical test obtained
p value of 0.092 > 0.05, so it can be concluded that
there is no relationship between the role of parents
and the risk of contracting HIV/AIDS.
This study explains that respondents who have a
parental role who do not play a role are at risk of
having negative HIV/AIDS prevention behavior. So
the researcher argues that in this case it is also a
significant risk factor, because if someone has a
parental role that does not play a role, he will carry
out negative preventive behavior.
Media exposure is a variable to show respondents'
statements about how often they are exposed to
media, media exposure variables are considered to
have a relationship with HIV/AIDS prevention
behavior in adolescents at SMA Negeri 10 Depok.
The results of the univariate analysis showed that
there were 191 people (65%) with low media
exposure, while as many as 103 people (35%) with
high media exposure. The results of bivariate analysis
with Chi-Square test showed a significant
relationship between media exposure and HIV/AIDS
prevention behavior with Pvalue (0.000). The results
of the Prevalence Ratio (PR) calculation show that
respondents who have low media exposure have a
1.376 times greater chance of having negative
preventive behavior than respondents who have high
media exposure (95% CI 1.216-1.557).
Adolescents have low media exposure due to not
keeping leaflets/sheets of paper related to HIV/AIDS,
which is the most negative HIV/AIDS prevention
behavior as many as 258 people (87.8%). This
research is in line with that conducted byManafe et al.
(2014)there is a relationship between information
media and HIV/AIDS prevention in students at SMA
Negeri 4 Manado with a Pvalue of 0.006. Another
study conducted by Endah Yulianingsih (2015)
showed that the results of the statistical test obtained
p value of 0.009 <α 0.05, it can be concluded that
there is a significant relationship between exposure to
information media and the risk of contracting
HIV/AIDS. This research is not in line with the
research conducted bySari (2021)shows that there is
no relationship between media exposure and
Factors Affecting HIV/AIDS Prevention Behavior in Adolescents at SMA Negeri 10 Depok in 2022
HIV/AIDS prevention behavior in adolescents at
SMA NX Pariaman in 2021 with a P value = 0.609.
This study explains that respondents who have
low media exposure are at risk of having negative
HIV/AIDS prevention behavior. So the researcher
argues that in this case it is also a significant risk
factor, because if someone has low media exposure,
he or she will carry out negative preventive behavior.
This study uses multiple logistic regression to see the
most dominant variable with HIV/AIDS prevention
behavior. The dominant variable is obtained from the
largest Odds Ratio (OR) value. The results obtained
for the dominant variable, The role of parents who
play a role is at 3,343 times greater risk of having
hiv/aids prevention behaviors that are positive rather
than respondents who have a less parental role..There
is a significant relationship between the role of
parents and adolescent behavior towards HIV/AIDS
prevention at SMAN X Pariaman in 2021, with a p-
value of 0.030 and an OR of 2.753.(Sari, 2021).
1. Most of the respondents are morehave positive
preventive behaviour, good knowledge, positive,
good peer roles 168 people (57.1%), 221 people
(75.2%), and 191 people (65%) believe that
parents play a significant influence in their
children's lives. Based on the results of the
bivariate test on 294 adolescents studied, which
showed a relationship (P-value 0.05) with
HIV/AIDS prevention behavior on the variables:
attitude (P-value 0.000), the role of peers (P-value
0.000), the role of parents (P-value 0.000) ), media
exposure (Pvalue 0.000).
2. Based on the results of the bivariate test on 294
adolescents studied, which showed no
relationship (P-value 0.05) with HIV/AIDS
prevention behavior on the knowledge variable
(P-value 0.235).
3. Based on the results of the multivariate test on 294
adolescents studied, which showed the dominant
variable, The role of parents who play a role is at
3,343 times greater risk of having hiv/aids
prevention behaviors that are positive rather than
respondents who have a less parental role.
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