Identifying Pulsatilla Chinesis (Bunge) Regel, and Potentilla Discolor
Bunge from Each Other using Restrictive Enzyme Dde I
Erjia Wang
, Shaoxuan Zhang
, Dejun Sun
, Guangzhu Lin
and Tiantian Wang
Li Ying Clinic of Combination with Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, #6366 Nanhu Rd., Changchun, China
Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Department of Advanced Biomedical Techniques, Institute of Frontier Medical
Sciences, Jilin University, #1163 Xinmin St., Changchun, China
Laboratory of Molecular Drugs, Department of Advanced Biomedical Techniques, Institute of Frontier Medical Sciences,
Jilin University, #1163 Ximin St., Changchun, China
Cardiovascular Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Centre, The First Hospital of Jilin University, #71 Xinmin St.,
Changchun, China
Keywords: Dde I, Identification, Potentilla discolor Bunge, Pulsatilla chinesis (Bunge) Regel.
Abstract: For identifying Pulsatilla chinesis (Bunge) Regel, and Potentilla discolor Bunge from each other, a new
method was established. We amplified the ITS regions of them, and sequenced the purified PCR products
directly. We edited and compared the obtained sequences by Genetyx and BioEdit. The possible sites of
restriction endonucleases were searched using PREMIER 5.0. It was found that Dde I can be used for their
identification. In this case, we concluded that Dde I can be used effectively in identification of these plants.
Because of its reliable therapeutic effects, Pulsatilla
chinesis (Bunge) Regel, was included in
Pharmacopoeia of The People's Republic of China,
almost every edition (Chinese Pharmacopoeia
Commisson, 2015). Potentilla discolor Bunge, has
also the similar effects, but it was not included in
Pharmacopoeia of The People's Republic of China
since before. Currently, it was found to hold the
function of curing diabetes, so it was started to be
included in Pharmacopoeia of The People's Republic
of China (Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commisson, 2015).
With the lack of knowledge and morphological
similarity, some regions in China still use them as
each other
(New Medical College of Jiangsu, 1985),
affecting the collecting and even the correct usage,
and more importantly, the therapeutic effects of the
two materia medica. So how to identify the two
materia medica becomes very important. Although
researchers had created and even improved some
methods such as those based on appearance,
differences in structure under microscopy and
differences in chemical components (Zhang et al.,
2000), a thin-layer chromatography (Liu and Lei,
2005), but due to the similarities, it is hard to identify
them from each other precisely with these methods.
With the advance in molecular biology,
authentication and identification using molecular
biology techniques (Tang and Fu, 2000) becomes
more and more popular in decades (Wang, 2001).
And above all, they are very reliable. So, in this study,
based on the fundamental techniques of molecular
biology, we established a new method to identify
Pulsatilla chinesis and Potentilla discolour.
2.1 Plants
We collected Pulsatilla chinesis nearby Changchun,
China. Potentilla discolor was purchased from
chinesis was authenticated by Professor Minglu Deng
of Changchun University of Traditional Chinese
Medicine and Potentilla discolor, Wenchang Guo of
Jilin University (Table 1). We dried the plants with
silica gel and preserved them in our laboratory. The
leaves were used for the experiments.
Wang, E., Zhang, S., Sun, D., Lin, G. and Wang, T.
Identifying Pulsatilla Chinesis (Bunge) Regel, and Potentilla Discolor Bunge from Each Other using Restrictive Enzyme Dde I.
DOI: 10.5220/0011594800003430
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Sciences (ABS 2022), pages 29-31
ISBN: 978-989-758-607-1; ISSN: 2795-5893
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Geological, purchasing information and the dates
of sample collection.
Plants Geological or purchasing
Collected at No.027 Country
Road (4KM far from Tuding
Town, Shuangyang,
Purchased from
2.2 DNA Preparation
We took a small amount of leaf from every sample
and cleaned them with cotton swabs to eliminate the
impurities on the leaves with 70% alcohol in a culture
dish. Then we dried the cleaned leaves at room
temperature for a while and grinded them into
powders with liquid nitrogen. We collected the
powders and prepared genome DNA using Plant
DNA Isolation Reagents (Takara Biotechnology)
following the provider’s instruction. The qualities of
extracted DNA were checked in 1% agarose slab gels.
2.3 Primers
The primers of ITS reported in a former research
(Takaiwa et al., 1985) were selected and synthesized
by Takara Biotechnology Co., Ltd (Dalian, China).
2.4 PCR Reactions
Every PCR reaction was performed following the
former research (Takaiwa et al., 1985) in a total
amount of 50μL [1μL, each of the primers in 2.3, 5μL
every genome DNA, L Reaction Buffer,
5μLdNTPs, 1μL Taq DNA polymerase (Takara
Biotechnology Co. Ltd)]. The PCR conditions are as
follows: 94℃, 1 cylce,5 min, 35 cycles (denature at
94℃,1 min; annealing at 55℃ 2 min; extension at
72℃,2 min), 72℃, 1 cycle for 10 min. MiniCycler
PTC-150(MJ Research Inc,) was used to perform the
PCR reactions. PCR products were checked in 1%
agarose slab gels.
2.5 Sequencing
2.4 PCR products were purified using PCR Filter
Units (Millipore Corporation) then directly
sequenced. We performed the sequencing reactions in
a 10μL mixture for each sample using ABI BigDye
Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied
Biosystems) with every sequencing primer. The
sequencing reactions conditions are as follows: 96℃,
1 cycle for 1 min, 25 cycles (denature at 96℃,30 sec,
extension 50℃, 5 sec.), 60℃, 1 cycle, 4 min. We
analysed the obtained sequences using 3130
Sequencer (Applied Biosystems.).
2.6 Comparisons and Editings
We used Genetyx-SV/RC version 11.0 and BioEidt
version 7.0.9 to edit and compare the sequences.
2.7 Searching for Appropriate Restriction
We used Primer PREMIER (version 5.0, PREMIER
Biosoft international, CA, USA) to search for a
restrictive site that can be used, eventually, we found
that Dde I can digest the two PCR products in
different sites and can be recruited to identify them
from each other.
2.8 Dde I Digestion
We used the purified the 2.4 PCR products for
digestions. Dde I digestions were performed at 37℃
for 2h. We performed the reactions in MiniCycler
PTC-150. Dde I was purchased from Biolabs (New
England Biolabs.). We confirmed the digestions in a
2% agarose gel.
Figure 1: Differences in ITS sequences of Pulsatilla
chinesis and Potentilla discolor.
ABS 2022 - The International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Sciences
Notes: Left to right, 50bp Marker; Pulsatilla chinesis;
Potentilla discolor.
Figure 2: DdeI digestion.
Table 1 shows the geological, purchasing information
and the dates. For each species, three different
individual plants were put into use for sequencing.
Figure 1. shows the differences of ITS sequences
in two plants.
Electrophoresis of the digests (Figure 2).
We for the first time sequenced and reported
Pulsatilla chinesis (Zhang et al. 2017) and Potentilla
discolor ITS sequences (Zhang et al. 2015). Using
these sequences, we established a new simple method
to identify them from each other, that can ensure the
correct use of those two drugs, especially in case they
are used to cure different disease (for example,
diabetes). As shown above, the new method we
created in this study (first amplifying the ITS regions
and then digesting them with Dde I) is very simple
and reliable, so even a kit for identification is
reasonable. It can used in the procedures such as
acquisition, quality control etc. of the rude drugs.
Although, further experimentation and confirmation
are necessary.
Although we can use ITS sequences themselves
directly to identify these two plants. But sequencing
itself is a complicated technique and it need
expensive equipments, like sequencer, to conduct the
experiments. So, this new method should be a more
practical one to be put in use.
Pulsatilla chinesis and Potentilla discolor, both
have wide distributions in China, so differences in
samples of different area can be predicted. For precise
identification, enlargement of analysis in samples of
different area and accumulation of knowledge are
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Pharmacopoeia of The People's Republic of China,
China Medical Science Press, Beijing, 2015 edition,
pages. 371-372.
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Technology Press, Shanghai. 1
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Identifying Pulsatilla Chinesis (Bunge) Regel, and Potentilla Discolor Bunge from Each Other using Restrictive Enzyme Dde I