Green Technologies Are the Foundations of the Future
А. A. Bisultanova
Kadyrov Chechen State University, Grozny, Russia
Keywords: Sustainable development of territories, ecological catastrophe, principles of sustainable development, green
Abstract: The article discusses the main advantages of the introduction of green technologies. It was emphasized that
humanity is on the verge of an ecological catastrophe and the leaders of all countries should take the necessary
measures to reduce the impact of human waste products on the overall environmental situation. The green
economy is an alternative and the only solution in today's difficult conditions of environmental pollution, and
its necessity must be emphasized by economic, social, and political actions. The article argues that the
effectiveness of the introduction of green technologies depends entirely on the combination of public policy
and the economic policy of the private sector. The author pays great attention to the role of the state in the
effectiveness of the development and implementation of green economy technologies. The author emphasized
that the uncertainty of state policy regarding the legal, economic and political basis for the introduction of
green technologies, ultimately, is costly for our planet.
Green technology is a comprehensive term that is
based on the use of science and technology to protect
the environment. Many methods fall under this term,
such as the use of green chemistry, environmental
monitoring and much more. The point of all these
technologies is to ensure that the environment
remains protected and that the damage that has
already been done to it can be repaired to some extent.
It is also called environmental technology or "clean"
technology. Attention has been paid to green
technologies since 1990, these technologies
guarantee that the Earth will remain healthy for the
entire duration of life on it (Figovsky, 2018;
Burmatova, 2021; UNEP, 2011). In general, the
concept of green technologies can be viewed from
different angles (Figure 1):
Speaking about the advantages of using green
technologies, first of all, it is worth noting that with
the help of green technologies, waste can be recycled,
which allows waste to be used for useful purposes for
humans. With the help of waste recycling
technologies, a lot of useful things are created, for
example, fertilizers for plants, fuel, furniture, etc.
Also, with the help of green technologies, it is
possible to effectively purify water, since everyone
knows that there is a shortage of clean drinking water
on the planet. It is thanks to green technologies that
this problem can be solved.
Another direction of the introduction of green
technologies is the fight against carbon dioxide
emissions. Green technologies help to reduce carbon
dioxide emissions and clean the air, which is polluted
by human waste products from day to day. Moreover,
the following observation was made - the higher the
level of development of science and technology in the
region, the more polluted the environment of this
Figure 1. The conceptual apparatus of green technologies.
It should also be said that thanks to the use of
green technologies, energy savings occur, as new
results of IT solutions
aimed at nature
technologies that
ensure the production
of products
the "greening" of
technologies can be
characterized in
historical chronology
rather high-tech and
Bisultanova, A.
Green Technologies Are the Foundations of the Future.
DOI: 10.5220/0011569200003524
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Methods, Models, Technologies for Sustainable Development (MMTGE 2022) - Agroclimatic Projects and Carbon Neutrality, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-608-8
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
devices are being developed that use less energy and
fuel for their work.
Achieving the introduction of green technologies into
the economy, despite their expensive cost, is a social,
political, and economic task for society. The
introduction of green technologies will ultimately be
able to change society, new business models will be
developed, new chains of connections in production
that have not been used before will be discovered,
consumer behavior in the market will change, the list
of preferred goods for a potential buyer will change,
appropriate amendments will be made to the
legislative and regulatory base. According to
numerous studies, without political support,
enterprises will not want to stimulate the long-term
development of green technologies, as well as
consumers of products that are the product of the
introduction of green technologies will not want to
buy it at a higher price than for a product created
without the participation of green technologies. And
even in this case, it is not entirely clear whether
consumers will want to pay a large amount for a car
solely based on the knowledge that the main
production process is less carbon-intensive than
before (Bisultanova, 2021; Dzhabrailova, 2021;
Greening the economy in the Pan-European region,
2014). In addition, the obtained results of
fundamental research and development, which seem
promising, may not actually turn out to be so rosy.
Moreover, the introduction of green technologies is a
costly and knowledge-intensive process, which can
be a serious obstacle for small and medium-sized
enterprises. In total, it is necessary to summarize the
fact that the introduction of green technologies is a
difficult process to predict, however, it is known for
sure that there will be problems in the process of
transition to a green economy: firstly, associated with
high risk; secondly, associated with high material
In addition, the growing importance of diffuse
emissions also requires green innovation in the public
sector. In particular, the implementation of
environmental regulations requires specific
monitoring technologies that can measure pollution
levels. The development of new technologies that, for
example, facilitate low-cost monitoring of emissions
should be encouraged, but it is unclear who has the
incentive to promote and conduct such research and
development. Similar concerns can be raised about
innovations that allow consumers to better assess the
environmental footprint of various products and
services. Private firms cannot be expected to engage
intensively in these types of green innovations.
Nevertheless, governments often spend significant
amounts to finance research and development in the
field of pollution control technologies, but less often
it is observed that government programs finance
research in the field of technologies that can
contribute to policy implementation and
environmental monitoring.
It is obvious that it is also necessary to improve the
system for evaluating the effectiveness of the
introduction of green technologies. In the context of
increased attention to the role of technology-specific
policies, such evaluations are far from unambiguous.
They should take into account the role of various
policies in innovation systems and take into account
the important effects of interaction between the state
and the private sector.
The positive power of technology and green
thinking is evident all over the world, and the use of
green technologies is growing. For example, global
investment in renewable energy has been growing for
many years, increasing five-fold between 2004-2010,
and there has been steady growth since then. A
Bloomberg New Energy Finance report for 2018
indicated that investments in clean energy amounted
to more than USD 322 billion. If we touch on the
advantages that the introduction of green
technologies gives to business, it is worth noting that
the costs of electricity consumed are reduced; the
costs of water consumption are also reduced, for
example, some enterprises have reduced water
consumption by up to half due to the introduction of
green water-saving technologies, such as touch taps;
employee productivity increases, for example the
account of the approach to maintaining a healthy
lifestyle and well-being; gives tax benefits:
depending on the implemented technology, there may
be tax benefits for green devices. For example, the use
of solar panels can give tax benefits, and the sale of
solar panels exempts owners from paying income tax.
It is also worth noting that the introduction of green
economy technologies contributes to the formation of
a more prestigious image of the company, confirms
the fact that the organization has greater social
According to forecasts, the global volume of solar
photovoltaic installations will break new records,
both in 2022 and in 2023, and next year the annual
MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher
market will reach the threshold of 200 gigawatts,
boosted by growth in China and India. There are
expected to be more solar panels on the roofs of EU
homes and businesses as they help consumers save
money on rising energy bills.
A 40 percent drop in the growth of new offshore
wind capacity worldwide is also expected in 2022,
after its growth was caused by a huge jump in China
last year, as developers rushed to meet subsidy
deadlines. "But global capacity growth this year will
still be more than 80% higher than in 2020," the IEA
said in a statement. Even despite the slowdown in
growth this year, China will surpass Europe by the
end of 2022 and become the market with the largest
total volume of offshore wind power capacity in the
world. Lengthy and complicated procedures for
obtaining permits and political uncertainty are
hindering the much faster growth of wind energy,
according to the IEA.
Most of the technologies under consideration are
still at an early stage of development, despite the
objective need for their implementation, and only a
few large projects are working on a scale close to
those required to achieve the company's goals,
The situation with the introduction of green
technologies into the Russian economy is as follows.
Now the first national "Green Standards" with an
integrated approach to energy efficiency, resource
conservation, environmental safety and comfortable
conditions of the human environment have come into
force in Russia (Green News,
The main elements of the "Green Standards" can be
presented visually in the form of a table.
According to the analysis conducted by the
National Research University Higher School of
Economics, the following areas have become leaders
in the introduction of green economy technologies to
improve environmental and resource efficiency in
2021 (Green technologies in the manufacturing
industry, 2021):
energy efficiency improvement (16%);
efficiency of water and raw materials use
reduction of material consumption (14%).
In particular, 13% of enterprises were recorded in
the further use of green technologies to increase the
efficiency of greenhouse gas emissions and
pollutants, and the same proportion of enterprises
planned the introduction of digital technologies to
create clean and safe energy. Further, according to the
outlined industrial development plans in the Russian
Federation, 12% of enterprises focused on
development in the field of expansion of the electric
vehicle fleet and 11% on the implementation of the
transition to renewable energy sources using digital
Table 1. Green standards from 01.02.2019.
No. Name Sco
1. Green standards.
Green technologies
of the living environment and green
innovative products.
Terms and definitions
This standard establishes the main
terms and their definitions used in
evaluation of products and
technologies supplied to the market for compliance
with the requirements of green standards
2. Green standards.
Green technologies
of the living environment.
This standard applies to
green technologies of the life environment and
establishes their classification.
3. Green standards.
Green technologies
of the living environment. Classification
This standard applies to
green technologies of the living environment and
establishes criteria for the attribution of
of the living environment to green ones.
4. Green standards.
Green technologies
of the living environment. Assessment of
compliance with the requirements of
green standards. General
This standard establishes the general
provisions for assessing the compliance of green
technologies in the living environment
with the requirements of green standards.
Green Technologies Are the Foundations of the Future
In 2020, the leaders in terms of the use of digital
technologies to improve energy efficiency in the
medium and high-tech segment were the automotive
industry (46% of all heads of industry enterprises in
Russia noted this direction of development), the
production of machinery and equipment (39%) and
the production of electrical equipment (33%).
In the low-tech segment, metallurgical production
(37%), coke and petroleum products production
(29%) and clothing production (24%) were the
leaders in this indicator in 2020, while manufacture
of leather and related products (10%), production of
ready-made metal products (10%), furniture
production (7%) lagged behind.
From the point of view of plans for 2022-2023, in
the medium and high-tech segment, manufacture of
basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical
preparations was ahead of the indicator (28%), while
in manufacture of machinery and equipment (9%) and
manufacture of motor vehicles (7%), such plans were
least expressed. In the low-tech segment, the leaders
were manufacture of wearing apparel (43%) and
furniture (33%), while the production of textiles
(7%), coke and petroleum products (3%), leather and
leather products (1%) were lagging behind.
Concluding the study, it is worth emphasizing once
again the impact of public policy on the effectiveness
of the development and implementation of green
economy technologies.
It is worth emphasizing that the delay in activating
state policy in terms of implementing the principles
of the green economy is costly for our planet.
Economists have shown, using both theory and data,
that policy uncertainty makes this type of innovation
less likely (Makarov, 2021; Isachenko, 2015;
Krichevsky, 2019). In this regard, it is worth
emphasizing that investments in R&D are particularly
affected by uncertainty, since the profitability of these
investments is sensitive to what is happening with
politics. The harmful effects of carbon dioxide
concentrations continue, which indicates the need for
early decisions, and at all levels of government,
starting with the legislative branch. It is necessary to
stimulate representatives of science and technology in
every possible way so that the process of transition to
the "greening" of the economy is accelerated. It is also
worth paying close attention to the increase in the
level of education in the field of green economy
technologies, part of the fact that the transition to
green technologies is an objective consequence of the
current situation on the planet. It is necessary to
introduce into the education system at all levels,
starting from school, courses on improving literacy in
the field of green technologies. Under the current
conditions, everyone should know all the threats and
possible disasters in the field of ecology, as well as
ways to solve the consequences that have already
occurred. Although the current conditions of
economic development, the fight against the
consequences of the coronacrisis, the increasing
complexity of the geopolitical situation in the world,
this type of innovation is becoming less likely.
Consequently, the uncertainty of state policy is a
factor hindering the development of science and
technology, and the country's leadership should
immediately raise this issue on the agenda, despite the
fact that in the current troubled time of sanctions and
economic crisis on a global scale, our nature is still on
the verge of an environmental catastrophe and if not
ourselves, then no one else can help it.
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Green Technologies Are the Foundations of the Future