The Effectiveness of the BUMG Program in Improving the
Community Economy in Nagan Raya District
Adam Sani
Universitas Teuku Umar, Alue Peunyareng, Meulaboh, West Aceh, Indonesia
Keywords: Effectiveness, BUMG, Community Economy
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Gampong-Owned Enterprises (BUMG)
program on improving the community's economy in Nagan Raya Regency and to find out the obstacles of
Gampong-Owned Enterprises in improving the economy of the people of Nagan Raya Regency. The method
used in this research is through a descriptive qualitative approach with data sources taken through observation,
interviews and documentation and then analyzed through an interactive model of analysis. The results showed
that the Gampong-Owned Enterprise (BUMG) program has not been effective in improving the community's
economy in Nagan Raya Regency. This is evidenced from the 222 gampongs in Nagan Raya Regency in 2021
to 2022, only 5 (five) villages/gampongs have been able to manage BUMG well, 7 (seven) villages/gampongs
are on the way to good management and the remaining 210 other villages/gampongs are only able to survive
the return on investment for the program they are running. The BUMG program in Nagan Raya Regency
focuses on the agricultural, plantation, fisheries, livestock, industrial and building/goods rental sectors. The
BUMG program that is not running and almost no longer implemented in the community is saving and
borrowing business capital. The obstacles of Gampong-Owned Enterprises (BUMG) in improving the
economy of the people of Nagan Raya Regency are limited human resources, lack of management, limited
capital and lack of guidance and supervision.
Building Indonesia from the periphery by
strengthening regions and villages within the
framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of
Indonesia is one of the contents of the nine Nawacita
programs of the President and Vice President of
Indonesia. This is a form of development policy that
is considered strategic, where strengthening the
lowest area (village) becomes a milestone of national
sovereignty to be globally competent.
The goal of national development is to improve
the welfare of the community to manage the region so
as to create a productive and independent region.
Each region will increase progress in various fields
such as the social, cultural, political, and economic
fields, especially in the economic field, it will have a
large enough impact if the economy increases to
advance the region. Especially in the modern era, it
provides great opportunities for each region that
continues to develop and advance its own region.
Economic development is one of the pillars of the
region to achieve national development.
Several studies show that the number of poor and
poorest people in rural areas is still quite large, half of
them is in the category of absolute poor. Rural areas
at this time can be identified with the word "poverty".
Most of the Indonesian population lives in rural areas.
In general, they live in limitations, poverty and
powerlessness in the face of various developments
and changes that occur. The powerlessness of rural
communities, including the poor, is not only caused
by economic problems, but also the lack of
community access to improve community skills and
abilities, including information.
Economic development in rural areas has long
been carried out by the Indonesian government
through various programs. The Indonesian
government is expected to create a business climate
that encourages healthy economic development, both
in improving the welfare of members and the
surrounding community, as well as participating in
building the national economic system as an
economic organization. One of the new approaches
that are expected to stimulate and move the wheels of
the economy in rural areas is through the
Sani, A.
The Effectiveness of the BUMG Program in Improving the Community Economy in Nagan Raya District.
DOI: 10.5220/0011567000003460
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 2022) - Human Security and Agile Government, pages 321-325
ISBN: 978-989-758-618-7; ISSN: 2975-8300
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
establishment of economic institutions that are fully
managed by rural communities. So that the existence
of this economic institution is not controlled by
certain groups who have large capital in rural areas.
So the ownership of the institution is by the village
and jointly controlled, where the main goal is to
improve the community's economic standard of
living, one of which is through Village-Owned
Enterprises (BUMDes) or in Aceh Province known as
Gampong-Owned Enterprises (BUMG). The
development of this village/gampong-owned
enterprise cannot be separated from the competitive
conditions it faces with other economic actors.
Village-Owned Enterprises or Gampong which are
pillars of economic activity in villages/gampongs that
function as social and commercial institutions.
The legal basis for the existence of Village-
Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) is Law Number 6 of
2014 concerning Villages. Article 87 paragraph (1)
Villages can establish village-owned enterprises
called BUMDes, paragraph (3) BUMDes can run
businesses in the economic sector and/or public
services in accordance with the provisions of laws
and regulations. While the purpose of the
establishment of BUMDes is as a village business
which is intended to accommodate all activities to
increase community income, both those that develop
according to local customs and economic activities
that are submitted to be managed by the community
from government and local government project
programs. The establishment of BUMDes is an
embodiment of the productive management of the
village economy which is carried out in a cooperative,
participatory, emancipatory, transparent,
accountable, sustainable manner. Therefore, serious
efforts are needed to make the management of
BUMDes run effectively, efficiently, professionally,
and independently. To achieve the objectives of
BUMDes, it is carried out by meeting the needs
(productive and consumptive) of the community
through the distribution of goods and services
managed by the community and the village
Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in Law
Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, namely
Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) are business
entities who’s entire or most of the capital is owned
by the village through direct participation from
village assets which are separated to manage assets,
services and other businesses for the welfare of rural
Whereas specifically for Aceh Province and
Regencies/Cities within Aceh province, Village
Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) are better known as
Gampong-Owned Enterprises (BUMG). The
difference in the name is based on the difference in
the designation of the village to the name of the
gampong in Aceh Province. The legal basis for the
use of gampongs in Aceh Province, namely Article 1
paragraph (20) of Law Number 11 of 2006
concerning the Government of Aceh explains that
"Gampongs or other names are legal community units
that are under the mukim and are led by a keuchik or
other name who has the right to carry out business
affairs. his own household”.
The existence of gampong-owned enterprises
(BUMG) in Aceh province and districts/cities in Aceh
should be able to strengthen the community's
economy if managed properly, because these
village/gampong assets will become the foundation of
the community in improving their economy.
However, it is undeniable that many
villages/gampongs, especially isolated
villages/gampongs, have not been able to take full
advantage of the BUMG program so that it affects the
slow progress of the community's economy.
This research was conducted to determine the
effectiveness of the Gampong-Owned Enterprise
(BUMG) program in improving the community's
economy in Nagan Raya Regency.
2.1 Effectiveness
Effectiveness is the ability to do something right.
Effectiveness has a lot to do with goals because the
closer an organization is to its goals, the more
effective it is. Effectiveness is a condition that shows
the extent to which an organization realizes the
activities carried out and the goals achieved.
According to Budiani, to measure the
effectiveness of a program, it can be done by using
the following indicators:
a. Program Target Accuracy
b. Program Socialization
c. Program Objectives
d. Program Monitoring.
2.2 Gampong-Owned Enterprises
Gampong-Owned Enterprises (BUMG) are business
entities whose capital is wholly or most of the capital
is owned by the gampong (village) through direct
participation originating from gampong assets which
are separated in order to manage assets, services and
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
other businesses for the maximum welfare of the
gampong community.
Gampong-Owned Enterprises (BUMG) are
institutions formed by the village government and the
community manages these institutions based on the
needs and the village economy. Gampong-Owned
Enterprises are formed based on the applicable laws
and regulations based on an agreement between
village communities. The purpose of BUMG is to
improve and strengthen the village economy.
Gampong-Owned Enterprises (BUMG) have a
function as a commercial institution through offering
local resources that aim to seek profit and social
institutions through contributing to the provision of
social services that favor the interests of the
According to the Center for Studying the
Dynamics of the Development System for Gampong-
Owned Enterprises, BUMG is a gampong business
institution managed by the community and the
gampong/village government in an effort to
strengthen the gampong/village economy and is
formed based on the needs and potential of the
village. As one of the economic institutions operating
in the village, BUMG must be different from other
economic institutions in general. This is intended so
that the existence and performance of BUMG can
make a significant contribution to improving the
welfare of the community. In addition, so as not to
develop a capitalistic business system in the village
which can cause disruption of the values of social life.
The establishment and management of Gampong-
Owned Enterprises (BUMG) is the embodiment of
productive village economic management which is
carried out in a cooperative, participatory,
emancipatory, transparent, accountable, and
sustainable manner. Therefore, serious efforts are
needed to make the management of these business
entities run effectively, efficiently, professionally and
Efforts to achieve the objectives of BUMG are
carried out by meeting the needs (productive and
consumptive) of the community through the
distribution of goods and services managed by the
community and the gampong government. The effort
to fulfill this need is not to burden the community,
considering that BUMG will be the most dominant
gampong business in driving the village economy.
2.3 Community Economic
Improvement according to the Big Indonesian
Dictionary (KBBI) is progress, change. While
economics is the science of the principles of
production, distribution, use of goods and wealth
(finance, industry, trade), the economy is an
economic action, rule or method.
The term economics comes from the Greek words
"oikos" and "nomos". This means that household
governance, governance is needed so that the welfare
of household life can be achieved. Here the term
“economy” refers to the process or business of
procuring goods and services for household needs.
Meanwhile, in terms of terminology or terms,
economics is knowledge about tourism and issues
related to individual or group human efforts in
meeting unlimited needs faced with limited resources.
The economy is a human problem and social
system that organizes activities to meet basic needs
(i.e. food, shelter and clothing) and non-material
wants (such as education, knowledge and spiritual
Society is a group of people who interact with
each other continuously, so that there are patterned,
organized social relations. According to Paul B.
Harton, society is a group of people who are relatively
independent, who live together long enough, who
inhabit a certain area, have the same culture and carry
out most of the activities in that group.
Community economic improvement is a way or
tactic carried out in an activity to make improvements
in terms of the prosperity felt by the community in
carrying out their business, where the business can
improve the standard of living of the income earned
from the business, so that the business or activity runs
Efforts to improve the community's economy can
be realized in several strategic steps to expand public
access to development resources and create
opportunities for lower-level communities to
participate in the development process, so that people
can overcome their economic competitiveness.
a. According to Mubyarto, the improvement of the
community's economy can be seen from three
b. Creating an atmosphere that allows the potential
of the community to develop. The starting point
of his thinking is the recognition that every
human being has potential that can be
c. Strengthen the economic potential of the
community. Efforts that are very basic are
increasing the level of education and health
status as well as opening up opportunities to take
advantage of economic opportunities
d. Developing the community's economy also
means protecting the community and preventing
The Effectiveness of the BUMG Program in Improving the Community Economy in Nagan Raya District
unequal competition, as well as preventing the
exploitation of the strong economic group over
the weak.
Some of the terms and understandings above can be
concluded that what is meant by improving the
community's economy is advancing the community's
economy for the better to improve the standard of
The research method is the method used for certain
research in accordance with the objectives to be
achieved. This research uses a qualitative descriptive
approach. Descriptive research aims to accurately
describe phenomena that occur systematically,
actually, and accurately in accordance with existing
facts by collecting data, explaining and analyzing
objectively in the sense that the results of this study
will emphasize more on the description of the actual
research object.
In the qualitative approach the researcher makes a
complex picture, examines words, reports in detail
from the respondents' views, and conducts a study of
natural situations.
Primary data sources are obtained through
observation, interviews and documentation from
related parties, while secondary data sources are
obtained through library materials such as books,
articles, dictionaries, newspapers, magazines,
inscriptions, meeting minutes, agendas, and so on.
The main or main data sources that are used as
research and analysis materials.
The data collection used in this research is carried
out through observation, interviews and
documentation and then analyzed using the Miles and
Hubberman model, which is called the interactive
model of analysis. According to H.B. This Sutopo
model consists of three main components, namely:
data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing.
Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) or in Aceh
better known as Gampong-Owned Enterprises
(BUMG) are defined by Law Number 6 of 2014 as a
business entity who’s entire or most of the capital is
owned by the village/gampong through direct
investment originating from the village. from village
assets which are separated to manage assets, services
and other businesses which are broadly for the benefit
of the welfare of the village community.
A business opportunity will be a source of income
that provides additional income to the community if
it is able to capture business opportunities that have
the potential to be developed into a real business
activity. Thus, the community's ability to take
advantage of existing opportunities will be influenced
by the community's ability to seize the opportunity
itself. In addition, the ability to organize the resources
owned in such a way that the potential opportunities
become businesses that can actually be
operationalized. Although not all BUMG activities
absorb labor from the community, the community
must be smart in generating sources of income for
them. The policies of the government, the village and
the ability of the community to benefit from the
development of BUMG are very influential. This will
determine the variety of income sources that appear
Good management of Gampong-owned
enterprises (BUMG) will be able to increase village
assets and support the local community's economy,
the success of BUMG will make the village
independent, less dependent on the government, build
villages from and the results of BUMG and also
increase job opportunities for the community in
improving its economy.
Nagan Raya Regency is one of the regencies in the
Aceh Province of the Republic of Indonesia which
has natural potential in the fields of plantations,
agriculture, mining, fisheries and marine affairs. This
potential is utilized by the gampong community to
develop in the BUMG program. Various programs
can actually be used to develop Gampong-Owned
Enterprises, but in Nagan Raya Regency in general,
villages/gampongs only have several BUMG
programs that are run, including the agricultural,
plantation, fishery, livestock, industrial and
building/goods rental sectors. Then until now there is
one BUMG program that is not running and almost
no longer implemented in villages/gampongs in
Nagan Raya Regency, namely business capital
savings and loans due to difficult prayers during the
process of depositing results from loans to Gampong-
Owned Enterprises (BUMG).
The implementation of the BUMG program in
Nagan Raya Regency which is carried out by villages
in 2021 to 2022 only 5 (five) villages/gampongs have
been able to manage BUMG well, 7 (seven)
villages/gampongs are on the way to good BUMG
management and the remaining 210 other
villages/gampongs were only able to survive the
return on investment for the program being
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
implemented. Gampong-Owned Enterprises
(BUMG) in Nagan Raya Regency have not been
effective in carrying out their duties to improve the
community's economy. This is based on the fact that
BUMG programs have not been implemented
optimally, although every year there are proposals for
BUMG programs in various fields.
Obstacles in the management and development of
Gampong-Owned Enterprises (BUMG) in Nagan
Raya Regency mostly lie in the issue of Human
Resources, Managerial, Capital and Supervision.
a. Limited Human Resources (HR)
The problem that often arises is regarding human
resources who manage BUMG themselves. The main
problem in the management of BUMG is the inability
of human resources to manage and be competent in
their fields. This is because in the process of
establishing and determining the party that manages
BUMG, not many community members understand
the management of BUMG.
b. Lack of Management Management.
In the management of BUMG in Nagan Raya
Regency, another problem faced by BUMG managers
is that they have not implemented a BUMG system
and management based on good governance
principles or based on Good Corporate Governance
principles. This obstacle is due to the different
structure and characteristics of BUMG in each region.
The difference in the BUMG management system is
due to the different characteristics and programs of
the BUMG itself.
c. Limited capital
The capital owned by BUMG in Nagan Raya
Regency which only relies on assistance from village
funds is also an obstacle for BUMG in developing the
community's economy.
d. Supervision and construction of BUMG
Supervision and guidance when viewed from the
structure of the BUMG management is carried out by
the gampong government itself, both the Village
Head/Keuchik and the village/gampong government.
The implementation of supervision and development
of BUMG in Nagan Raya Regency has not been
maximally carried out internally in
villages/gampongs within the scope of Nagan Raya
5.1 Conclusion
The Gampong-Owned Enterprises (BUMG) program
in Nagan Raya Regency has not been effectively
implemented and has not been able to improve the
economy of the local community. BUMG's obstacles
in carrying out its program are due to limited human
resources, lack of management, limited capital and
lack of internal control.
5.2 Suggestions
It is recommended to the Nagan Raya Regency
Government to continue to foster BUMG in villages
within Nagan Raya Regency so that the management
of BUMG is getting better and it is recommended to
BUMG managers to be more active and consistent in
implementing the BUMG program for the benefit of
improving the community's economy.
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The Effectiveness of the BUMG Program in Improving the Community Economy in Nagan Raya District