Effective Communication in Assistance Recognizing Risk and
Accident Prevention for Elderly Family in Kabupaten Langkat,
Sumatera Utara
Dayana, and Emilia Ramadhani
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Dr. T. Mansyur No. 9, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Effective Communication, Elderly, Family
Abstract: The family as the main support system for the elderly has an important role in maintaining the safety of the
elderly. Communication between families and the elderly needs to use a special approach, so that
communication can run effectively. This study aims to find out how communication has been carried out by
families so far in maintaining the safety of the elderly and to find out what communication barriers are found
in caring for the elderly. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach, using observations, questionnaires,
FGDs and in-depth interviews for data collection techniques. This research will be conducted on people in
Kabupaten Langkat Provinsi Sumatera Utara, precisely in Kecamatan Stabat, as the capital of Langkat. The
number of respondents in this study were 101 people and 27 families to participate in the FGD. While in-
depth interviews were conducted on 2 elderly people aged 80 years and over. The results of the study found
that most of the families who accompanied the elderly felt that the communication they had made so far in
maintaining the safety of the elderly was good enough. The level of knowledge and level of application is
quite balanced. Meanwhile, the acknowledgment from the elderly that they feel ignored, not understood and
no one understands that the elderly only needs friends to talk to makes them more excited to live when they
remember their youth. This need for speech even trumps other needs.
The increasing elderly population is marked by an
increasing life expectancy. The increase in the
number of elderly people is starting to become a
major concern in the world and in Indonesia because
WHO notes that the higher the number of elderly
people, the more the number of elderly falls due to the
older a person is, the higher the risk of falling
(Radebough, Hale, M Rogers, N. Roger, 2013).
Like health, safety is an important part of the life
of the elderly. No one in the elderly wants to fall, it's
just that falls can happen anytime and anywhere, even
in places that are considered safe, such as in the
bathroom and in the bedroom.
The elderly can reduce the possibility of falling,
one of which is by knowing more about the dangers
that can cause harm, especially about falling. Elderly
knowledge about safety will create a safe
environment so that fall injuries can be avoided
earlier and longer and family support to ensure home
conditions are safe from the dangers of falling for the
elderly is highly expected. The safety of the elderly in
Indonesia is still not a special concern. Whereas
Safety and Health in the Elderly are two important
things that are interconnected. Healthy elderly if they
do not behave safely can fall. After falling, the elderly
will be increasingly afraid to move actively so that
their health will decrease (Charles, 2016).
The family as the main support system for the
elderly has an important role in maintaining the safety
of the elderly. Communication between families and
the elderly needs to use a special approach, so that
communication can run effectively. According to
BPS Langkat data in 2019, Stabat District is a sub-
district with a population aged 60 years and over as
many as 117,255 people. This means that with a high
level of public awareness in maintaining health, the
number of elderly people in the community will also
However, problems arise when it is known that
there is a lack of public knowledge about the special
treatment that must be carried out on the elderly.
Families who live with the elderly sometimes feel that
Dayana, . and Ramadhani, E.
Effective Communication in Assistance Recognizing Risk and Accident Prevention for Elderly Family in Kabupaten Langkat, Sumatera Utara.
DOI: 10.5220/0011565600003460
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 2022) - Human Security and Agile Government, pages 263-270
ISBN: 978-989-758-618-7; ISSN: 2975-8300
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
the elderly who live with them are safe and
comfortable at home rather than in a nursing home.
But the families forget that what they have been doing
so far is actually making the elderly feel depressed
and bored because they are only considered as
housekeepers, while other family members are busy
This causes the elderly to feel neglected at home
and not infrequently there are cases of accidents in the
elderly such as falling, be it in the bedroom, in the
bathroom or while playing with their grandchildren
because of the absence of supervision, even worse,
there are elderly who dare to travel alone because
boredom that is always faced every day at home. This
of course will confuse family members because they
don't know where to find their parents and these
parents also don't know how to go home. This kind of
noise, of course, requires the right method of
communication. The way to communicate with the
elderly is certainly different from other family
members. They are much more sensitive, more
willing to be heard and need high moral support from
all family members. All of this, of course, is not
realized by family members who have the elderly at
home because of the lack of knowledge and skills of
family members in caring for the elderly at home.
1.1 Focus of the Problem
Based on the background that has been described
previously, the problems in this study are:
a. How family communication has been carried
out so far in assisting to recognize the risk and
prevention of accidents in elderly families in
Desa Karang Rejo, Kecamatan Stabat,
Kabupaten Langkat, Sumatera Utara
b. What communication barriers were found in
the process of delivering information to the
elderly in Desa Karang Rejo, Kecamatan
Stabat, Kabupaten Langkat, Sumatera Utara
1.2 Research Purposes
The aims of this research are as follows:
a. To find out how the communication carried out
by the family so far in assisting the elderly in
the community of Desa Karang Rejo,
Kecamatan Stabat, Kabupaten Langkat,
Sumatera Utara
b. To find out what communication barriers were
found in the process of delivering information
to the elderly in Desa Karang Rejo, Kecamatan
Stabat, Kabupaten Langkat, Sumatera Utara
Research on the Elderly has been widely carried out,
especially in the fields of medicine, nursing, public
health and psychology. This is in line with the needs
of the elderly who are starting to experience a decline
in physical and mental terms as well as high levels of
anxiety due to the experience of losing their parents,
husband or wife and children, making the elderly
vulnerable to both physical and psychological
Research conducted by Budiono and Rivai (2021)
on factors that affect the quality of life of the elderly,
which emphasizes the health of the elderly which
decreases with age and will affect the quality of life
of the elderly. Increasing age will be accompanied by
a decrease in body function, the emergence of various
diseases, body balance and the risk of falling. The
study was conducted by applying the HRQoL
questionnaire. The results showed that the need
factor, namely health status, most significantly
affected the quality of life of the elderly.
Research on the elderly who live with their
families was also conducted by Ezalina et al., (2020)
with the title Analysis of the Forms of Abandonment
Experienced by Elderly Living with Family. Study.
This study aims to explore the form of neglect
experienced by the elderly based on the fulfillment of
physical, psychological, and financial needs. The
results showed that from interviews with the elderly,
it was found that meeting the physical needs of the
elderly was not the child's obligation, given by the
child if the child agreed, the assistance provided by
the elderly was paid for free. Based on the fulfillment
of psychological needs, the elderly are found only as
objects, the family is less sensitive to what the elderly
want and in fulfilling financial needs, it is found that
the elderly's financial fulfillment is not routinely
given, the elderly need money to handle.
Another study was also conducted by Kiik et al.,
2018 on the importance of balance exercises on the
quality of life of the elderly in Depok City. This quasi
experiment was conducted on two groups; 30 elderly
as a control group and 30 elderly as a treatment group.
The sampling technique used is multistage random
sampling. The results showed that balance exercises
had a significant effect, improving the quality of life
of the elderly.
In addition to some of the above research on the
study of the elderly is also carried out in the form of
community service conducted by Nikmah and
Khomsatun, (2020) with the title Training of Elderly
Cadres in An Effort to Improve Elderly Health
Services in Families. The purpose of this community
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
service is to increase the family's knowledge and
understanding of elderly health services. Training
methods are provided through lectures and Q&A,
discussions, and demonstrations of physical skills
tests on how to care for the elderly at home. Tools
used modules, LCD projectors, and notebooks. The
results of the training were obtained enthusiastically
and the skills of cadres and families about elderly
health services. The skills obtained are fever care
skills in the elderly, measurement of elderly physical
activity, measurement of elderly social activity, and
measurement of elderly body balance.
From some of the previous studies above, it can
be seen that the involvement of the field of
communication science in the elderly empowerment
program does not yet exist. The main problem with
the elderly is that they want to be heard. Most families
only meet all the needs of the elderly at home
including paying attention to their health, but forget
to invite him to talk. This will certainly make his
memory weaker. Feeling lonely and helpless so many
elderly people secretly go out of the house just to find
entertainment on him. But the risk of getting lost,
falling and accidents becomes something that is
vulnerable for the elderly. This is where the
importance of family communication is taught so as
to raise the awareness of family members about the
importance of communicating or talking to the
Family communication can be interpreted as
communication/interaction that occurs between
parents and children in order to give impressions,
desires, attitudes, opinions, and understandings,
which are based on affection, cooperation,
appreciation, honesty, trust and openness between
Ascan and Mery Anne (2002) expressed an
opinion about family communication contained in the
journal "Communication Theory", stating that family
communication is communication that involves
people in the family and symbols to be understood by
many people and can understand each other. others
where there is a sense of home and identity, as well
as past and future experiences.
According to Damaiyanti (2010), communication
techniques in the elderly can be done by:
1. Assertive Technique
Assertiveness is an attitude that can accept,
understand the partner talking by showing a
caring attitude, patient to listen and pay
attention when the partner speaks so that the
purpose of the communication or conversation
can be understood.
2. Responsive
Responding means being active, not waiting for
requests for help from the elderly. The active
attitude of this family will create a feeling of
calm for the elderly.
3. Focus
This attitude is a family effort to remain
consistent with the desired communication
4. Supportive
This attitude can foster the confidence of the
elderly so that the elderly do not feel a burden
to their families, thus it is hoped that the elderly
will be motivated to be independent and be able
to work according to their abilities. Support is
given both materially and morally.
5. Clarification
Clarification can be done by asking repeated
questions and giving explanations more than
once so that our conversations can be accepted
and perceived the same as the elderly.
6. Patience and Sincerity
Sometimes the elderly experience changes that
are troublesome and childish. This change
needs to be addressed with patience and
sincerity so that the family does not become
irritated and still creates therapeutic
communication and also does not cause
damage to the relationship between the elderly
and their family.
The method in this study is a qualitative method
(qualitative research). Qualitative research methods
as expressed by Bogdan and Taylor (Moleong, 2011)
are research procedures that produce descriptive data
in the form of written or spoken words from people
and observable behavior. In addition, the qualitative
research method according to Sukmadinata (2013) is
a way to describe and analyze phenomena, events,
social activities, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions,
thoughts of people individually and in groups.
This study was conducted to analyze and reveal
the phenomenon of family care for the safety of the
elderly. In collecting, revealing various problems and
objectives to be achieved, this research was carried
out with a descriptive analytical study approach.
According to Sugiyono (2008) that descriptive
qualitative research is a research method based on the
philosophy of postpositivism which is usually used to
examine natural objective conditions where the
researcher acts as a key informant. In addition, a
descriptive analysis study according to Surakhmad
Effective Communication in Assistance Recognizing Risk and Accident Prevention for Elderly Family in Kabupaten Langkat, Sumatera
(2000) is a research that focuses on examining the
problems that exist in the present.
This research will be carried out from June 2021
to November 2021, taking the research location in
Stabat District, Langkat Regency, North Sumatra.
The research subjects in this study were members of
the community in Langkat District, amounting to
between 100-200 families represented by Mrs.
However, because the situation is still in the PPKM
condition, the questionnaire can only be distributed to
101 respondents and the FGD may only involve as
many as 27 participants, consisting of Al Hidayah
recitation women, Stabat District from various
neighborhoods and villages. Mother is considered the
most influential person in the family and has the most
time to take care of her family. It is hoped that the
increased knowledge and care of mothers in assisting
the elderly at home can improve the quality of healthy
life of the elderly.
The data collection technique was carried out by
observation and dissemination of questionnaires in
101 respondents to get preliminary data on public
knowledge about the risk and prevention of accidents
in the elderly, and continued with focus group
discussion (FGD) on 27 family members who were
considered to have an important role in maintaining
the safety of the elderly at home. And followed by an
in-depth interview on 2 elderly people who are sudeh
aged 80 years. All data that has been collected will be
analyzed descriptively using a single table analysis in
the form of frequency tables equipped with a
description of data analysis and qualitative data
analysis in the form of drawing conclusions from the
interview results.
The data collection method is carried out using
questionnaires and FGD to dig deeper into the data
and conduct in-depth interviews with 2 informants.
The following will be presented the results of the data
collection that has been done.
4.1 Single Table Analysis of
Questionnaire Data
This single table analysis wants to know how the level
of knowledge is accompanied by actions when
communicating with the elderly.
Table 1: Family Knowledge Level in Communicating.
No Statement SA A DA SD
1. When communicating
with the elderly,
special appreciation
and attention is neede
59 42 0 0
2. I know that the elderly
demand different
patterns as a result of
emotional and social
es in the
50 51 0 0
3. I know that the family
as the closest people to
the elderly must really
understand the things
that need to be
considered when
communicating with
57 44 0 0
4. I know that the process
of delivering messages
to the elderly must be
short, clear, complete,
simple and easy to
54 47 0 0
5. I know that when
communicating with
the elderly, one must
be at close range, the
voice is clear, not too
fast, using short
sentences, the face is
beaming while looking
at the elderly, patient,
painstaking and not in a
hurry, the chest is
slightly bent and the
thumbs are welcomin
59 38 4
6. I know that it is
necessary to master the
material or message
that will be conveyed
to the elderl
58 53 0 0
7. When communicating
with the elderly, we
must use language that
is often used by the
50 51 0 0
8. When communicating
with the elderly we
must have confidence
and have a soft voice
51 50 0 0
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
9. When communicating
with the elderly we
must be confident
51 50 0 0
10. When communicating
with the elderly we
must be friendly and
54 47 0 0
Table 2: Application of Family Communication in the
No Statement SA A DA SD
1. I always
appreciate and
also give special
attention to the
53 48 0 0
2. I often do different
patterns with the
elderly as a result
of physical,
emotional and
social changes in
47 52 1 0
3. I as a family really
understand the
things that need to
be considered
with him
53 46 1 0
4. When
with the elderly,
the process of
messages to the
elderly must be
short, clear,
complete, simple
and easy to
54 47 0 0
5. When
with the elderly,
you must be at
close range, the
voice is clear, not
too fast, using
short sentences,
the face is
beaming while
looking at the
elderly, patient,
painstaking and
not in a hurry, the
chest is slightly
54 46 1 0
bent and the
thumbs are
6. I master the
material or
message that will
be conveyed to the
54 52 0 0
7. I use the language
that the elderly
often use
51 50 0 0
8. When
with the elderly
we must have
confidence and
have a soft voice
55 46 0 0
9. When
with the elderly I
am always
49 52 0 0
10 I am always
friendly and polite
with the elderl
57 44 0 0
From the analysis of the single table above, it can
be seen that the level of understanding and
application of family communication is currently
very good. Although there are 1-3 people who have
not done according to the knowledge they have.
Overall understanding and application of family
communication can be said to be good.
However, it is necessary to dig deeper into what
complaints they face when communicating with the
elderly and what solutions they provide to solve these
4.2 FGD Result
The following are the results of the FGDs that have
been conducted, which involved 27 household heads.
Effective Communication in Assistance Recognizing Risk and Accident Prevention for Elderly Family in Kabupaten Langkat, Sumatera
In conducting the FGD the participants were
divided into five (5) groups so that they could
exchange ideas about what problems they faced when
serving the elderly and what efforts were being made
to solve all the problems of the elderly.
Problems Faced with the Elderly: Irritable, Easy
sulk, Easily angry, Like a child, His words must be
followed, Selfish, Sensitive, likes to talk weird, when
his speak you have to listen, Easy to fall, Likes to ask
for help, ask for more attention, Want to be
understood, Forgetfulness, Wants to be taken for a
walk, The food must be soggy, His needs must be
considered, Always ask for religious guidance, Must
Always want to be with family, Clothes must always
be clean, Always want to be prioritized,and His
health is easy to decline.
The solution provided: Be patient, Respect,
Empathy, Understand, Frequent visits/family
gathering, Paying attention to his health, Prioritizing
their needs, Be gentle, Leading to better, Often gather
at majlis taklim, Taking her for a walk/entertaining
her, Listening to his complaints, Not denying the talk,
Paying attention to meal times, Paying attention to his
break time, Must bask in the sun, Encourage light
exercise, Deliver messages that are easy to
understand, and Routine Health Control.
4.3 Interview Results
The interview was conducted on 87-year-old Mery's
mother. Mery's mother was very happy to be spoken
to. His speaking ability is very smooth, but the decline
in memory makes his memory ability in long-term
memory.Where he is only able to remember past
events that impressed him throughout his life and
forget about newly given information such as the
name of the researcher, the purpose of the researcher
came and other things that at the beginning of the
meeting have been conveyed but will be asked
repeatedly. Mrs. Mery is very proud to tell me that
she used to fight with her parents, crossing the border
that was heavily guarded by the Dutch army. Walked
for miles to avoid the Dutch army. He was very
enthusiastic about telling it and even repeated it many
times. It can be for hours he tells stories without
fatigue and looks very excited and happy
accompanied by telling stories with researchers. As if
he forgot the time, forgot to eat and drink even though
it had been offered by researchers.
Likewise with the next informant Mrs. Nani, age
80 years. He used to be a lecturer. Mrs. Nani is also
very enthusiastic about telling how she never aspired
to be a lecturer because she was originally a teacher.
The teacher who his students said was cruel. But fate
ushered in becoming a lecturer even to get the title of
exemplary lecturer. He was very proud of it because
he himself realized that he was not a good lecturer.
Even the campus once sent him abroad to attend
education there. Mrs. Nani also repeated this story
many times and seemed enthusiastic about telling it.
Every now and then he laughs proudly at the
achievements he has achieved. Because from the
morning Mrs. Nani had not eaten so the researcher
tried to offer her a meal, but she refused. The reason
if you eat can be at any time but the opportunity to
chat like this is not necessarily he gets again.
Researchers were very touched to hear mrs. Nani's
reason because she was so lonely that she didn't want
to miss her time when someone would listen to her
tell a story.
From these two informants, it can be known that
the basic needs of these elderly people are friends to
tell stories. A friend who would accompany him as he
reminisced about his past because that was all he
remembered. But it takes a lot of time to be able to
accompany this elderly, while each family member
also has their own busyness and sometimes also bored
if you continue to hear the story that's all.
But that is the reality that must be faced when we
have the elderly at home. It takes awareness and
patience because the needs of the elderly are different
from others. Their need to speak and be listened to is
becoming dominant today. This makes the elderly
feel more comfortable, and happy because the family
is there for him. A simple but difficult wish for family
members to fulfill. This is also what makes the elderly
feel ignored so that they are often depressed, easily
sick and not excited.
From the results of research that has been carried
out, many new things have been found, such as the
problems of the elderly that have not been thought of
until now, appear as a form of building awareness for
elderly companions. In addition, each participant can
measure his ability so far in serving the elderly.
Knowledge and skills also increase due to exchanging
experiences during FGDs.
The high level of knowledge does not guarantee
the welfare of the elderly at home. The limited time
that family members have because of their respective
occupations makes them forget that there are workers
who care about them, namely the elderly, whether it's
their parents, grandparents or uncles who live in the
same house.
For this reason, one of the family members who
acts as a caregiver is needed, namely the person who
accompanies and cares for the elderly at home.
Usually in a family there is one person who cares the
most about the condition of the family and this person
ICOSOP 2022 - International Conference on Social and Political Development 4
will be the caregiver to help families who are
experiencing problems, including the elderly.
The essence of the problem with the elderly is that
there are still many family members who do not
realize that the elderly do not want to be considered
children but on the other hand they want to be
accompanied to share stories about their past where
they were once victorious. The level of patience and
sincerity needs to be sharpened here. to assist the
The conclusion of this research are as follows:
1. The communication carried out by the family
so far in maintaining the safety of the elderly is
quite good. The level of knowledge and level
of application is quite balanced. Through
FGDs, it can be seen that participants are
starting to realize that there are many things
they have neglected at home when they are
dealing with the elderly. The stages of
development until reaching the elderly of
course bring different characters from other
stages of development. The pattern of
communication also changes so that family
members must be aware that there are family
members who must be treated specifically even
though the elderly themselves do not want
special treatment. For that we need a special
skill in dealing with the elderly, namely
speaking from the heart, laughing together
more and often doing activities together with
them, even in simple things. Special treatment
does not mean that everything is available for
him, it is like dealing with a small child, this is
actually rejected by the elderly because they
will increasingly feel that they are no longer
useful and only become a burden in the family.
This means that special treatment here is that
family members are able to give more attention
than usual to the elderly. The older you get, the
more sensitive your feelings are. Treat the
elderly like other family members but there is
still awareness that the elderly are weak both
physically and mentally. There is no need to
overdo it so that the elderly feel they are treated
like children. Just fulfill his needs and give him
enough time to be with him. Family members
can take turns to accompany the elderly to chat
or or do other light activities according to their
hobbies or wishes. The participants realized
that they already had all the skills or skills
needed for the elderly. They just need to apply
it to the right circumstances. The support of all
family members is needed to continue to
motivate the elderly to feel meaningful for
other family members.
2. Communication barriers found in the process
of conveying information to the elderly are
quite a lot, especially the availability of time
and patience from family members for the
elderly. The key lies in the awareness of family
members that there are elderly people at home
who must be accompanied by storytelling.
Each family member can take turns to
accompany the elderly to tell stories, so that the
elderly feel not alone at home even though
family members are quite crowded with him.
The fulfillment of the needs of the elderly in
telling stories and being listened to gives a new
spirit in his life. Happy elderly will make the
elderly become healthier, reduce the risk of
falling and will certainly bring happiness to all
family members.
The authors thank the Research Institution (LPM)
Universitas Sumatera Utara for funding this activity
to completion and also to partners, all Karang Rejo
Village officials, Stabat who have facilitated this
activity a lot.
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