Grazing Management to Restore Soil Health, Ecosystem Functions
and Ecosystem Services
A. Sh. Saparbiev
Chechen State University, Grozny, Russia
Keywords: Pasture management methods, regenerative agriculture, soil health, sustainable capitalism, ecosystem services.
Abstract: Ruminants, including livestock, have been blamed for causing damage to the environment and human welfare.
However, if properly managed, ruminants can play a significant role in efforts to reverse the environmental
damage caused by human mishandling and neglect. Worldwide, at least one billion people who live in
rangeland ecosystems depend on them for their livelihoods, typically through livestock and other ecosystem
services that affect human well-being. To ensure the long-term sustainability of rangelands and environmental
sustainability on a global scale, agricultural production strategies are urgently needed to transform current
harmful non-inorganic industrial farming practices into resource conservation practices that improve
ecosystem functioning.
In order for people to live sustainably, land must be
used to enhance its self-healing potential and provide
essential ecosystem services such as stable and
productive soils, air quality, clean water, and
biological integrity. However, in most pasture lands
of the world, continuous or relatively uncontrolled
grazing exceeds the capacity, which is often
aggravated by additional feeding, has led to
degradation of vegetation and soils, reduced
productivity and biodiversity, as well as reduced
ecosystem sustainability. Pasture managers and
scientists have tried various forms of pasture
management to ensure sustainability or restoration,
but the results have been mixed. The most promising
(and controversial about its effectiveness) is an
approach combining integrated or systemic thinking
with creative, adaptive management to manage the
distribution of grazing over time, across landscapes
and plant communities, using planned movement of
livestock through a number of pens: strategic or
adaptive grazing management with multiple pens
(AMP) (Glazyev,2021).
The results of single-subject, small-scale, short-
term component scientific studies are useful for
mechanistic understanding, but problematic for
complex adaptive systems such as agroecosystems,
since they often overlook the interactions between
different elements and do not seek to identify the
unintended consequences of the options they
promote, and therefore have limited applicability to
managed landscapes. such as pasture lands. To bridge
the gap between single-subject, component-based
research and adaptive methods for effective resource
management, research should have a realistic,
appropriate scale and context; thus, it would be useful
for scientists to collaborate with financially
successful, environmentally-conscious farm
managers to conduct research. Skepticism and
curiosity are necessary in order to push the
boundaries of knowledge, sometimes questioning the
apparent consensus until a higher synthesis is
achieved. The scientific method requires constant
search for deviations from existing hypotheses and
constant verification of consistency between field
research, modeling and practical experience. In this
article, we present what has been published about the
advantages and disadvantages of grazing cattle in
multiple pens, how it is necessary to manage grazing
cattle in multiple pens to achieve the best results, and
hypothesize which studies will better understand how
managing grazing cattle in multiple pens can improve
the provision of ecosystem services and socio-
ecological sustainability of pasture ecosystems, while
avoiding unintended consequences. We rely on the
previous article, which comprehensively examined
the dichotomy between the results of the study of
rotational grazing and the contradictory results
Saparbiev, A.
Grazing Management to Restore Soil Health, Ecosystem Functions and Ecosystem Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0011556900003524
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Methods, Models, Technologies for Sustainable Development (MMTGE 2022) - Agroclimatic Projects and Carbon Neutrality, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-608-8
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
obtained by farmers using AMP grazing. Our current
paper builds on the points discussed in this previous
review and includes AMP grazing results that have
been published subsequently (Gorodnitsky, 2019).
Although simple forms of grazing management (for
example, postponement of grazing, rotational rest and
rotational grazing) have been recommended for more
than a hundred years as an important tool for
maintaining pasture productivity and improving
animal management, they are often applied rigidly,
rather than adaptively, and with mixed results.
Most, but not all, studies of cattle grazing in the
scientific literature have concluded that rotational
grazing is no better than light continuous (seasonal)
grazing, which sharply contrasts with the experience
of many AMP practitioners. This criticism of grazing
in multiple paddocks is based on a subgroup of
grazing management studies, which have generally
been developed and conducted in a reductionist
manner, rather than on methods that were probably
applied by representatives of successful grazing
farms, and therefore do not reflect successes. Made
with AMP on commercial ranches. The plan and
organization of experiments, which are often not
taken into account, show a great influence on the
results obtained (Yulkin, 2019).
Desired results are achieved by achieving specific
goals. Most of the rotary pasture treatments in the
experiments were not carried out in accordance with
management protocols, which, as it was shown, give
the desired results and underestimate the potential of
multi-pasture grazing to improve the functioning of
the ecosystem. In particular, the studies were of a
short-term nature and did not take into account the
critical factor of scale. The pens were grazed for too
long, and the plants were not given enough time to
recover from grazing. As conditions changed,
research management did not adapt to the changes,
but used fixed and predefined protocols. Due to the
lack of adaptation to constantly changing conditions,
it was not possible to achieve good livestock and
improve the use of resources (Bashmakov, 2021). The
researchers also focused on differences in
productivity without taking into account the negative
impact on key elements of ecosystem functioning or
the long-term accumulation of negative effects from
continuous grazing.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the key to
sustainable use and recovery after degradation is
short-term grazing, moderate grazing during the
growing season, leaving sufficient shelter for
children, followed by adequate and planned recovery,
which is facilitated by effective grazing management
protocols in various pens. adjustment of livestock by
feed biomass. The livestock factor has a great
influence on the productivity of plants, species
composition and productivity of animals; Therefore,
it has been thoroughly researched and is considered
by most scientists as a key management factor
necessary to maintain long-term profits while
maintaining the functioning of the ecosystem
(Glazyev, 2018). However, an adequate diet by itself
does not prevent the degradation of pastures, since
cattle in large paddocks constantly use preferred
plants and places.
This multiple preferred consumption of preferred
plants and plots leads to an uneven effect, so that even
at low livestock levels, local undesirable changes
occur in plants and soils, while these plots are
maintained and expanded, and the landscape
gradually degrades. Well-planned grazing can
mitigate these negative effects of grazing and
improve the species composition and functioning of
the ecosystem. Many farmers around the world have
used AMP pasture management to restore ecosystem
services and productivity on degraded pastures in
areas with annual rainfall of less than 250-1500 mm.
Many of these farms in more arid areas were
initially so devoid of vegetation that they could be
classified as diversified. It has been shown that more
effective management reverses the mechanisms
causing degradation, reduces the amount of desert
land, increases the rate of water infiltration, increases
the carbon content in the soil, increases soil
fertilization, increases soil biodiversity and
ecosystem communities, and restores the dominance
of the most productive plant species (Nikoláeva,
2018). All these functions are closely related to
changes in the composition of soil microbial and
biological communities, carbon and nitrogen cycles.
In addition to soil microbes, key organisms such as
beetles and earthworms have a strong impact on
ecological function, and farm management can be
adjusted to optimize the benefits they bring.
Farmers using AMP to graze livestock on their
pastures have received numerous awards for nature
conservation. These farmers work in vast,
heterogeneous landscapes where they face the
adverse effects of uneven pasture distribution and use
their collective environmental and management
knowledge to achieve excellent results by practicing
adaptive pasture management with multiple paddocks
(Porfiriev, 2010). Farmers using MPas with short
grazing periods, long recovery periods and adaptively
Grazing Management to Restore Soil Health, Ecosystem Functions and Ecosystem Services
varying recovery periods and other controls as
conditions change. Many pasture conservationists
(agency staff and consultants) are in constant contact
with farmers, both at the top and at the bottom, and
appreciate the positive resources and economic value
of well-managed pasture management (Nikoláeva,
For Better governance relies on good science
conducted on an appropriate and large scale.
Research in all areas of agriculture, including pasture
lands and forage ecosystems, must have an ecosystem
perspective and a complex system structure that
includes adaptability and creativity, and it is this
excellent synthesis that resolves the long-standing
debate on AMP and rotational grazing. In field
studies, it is impossible to control all variables,
especially when studying processes rather than
events, and this contradicts realistic scales and
context (Ministry of Environment, 2017..
Monodisciplinarity studies on small plots and pots do
not include the complexity and interactions that occur
in managed landscapes, but they are functional
elements that need to be understood and studied, as
they determine the response to different management
at the scale in which the territory is located.
We need to understand more deeply how we can
change the management of grazing systems in order
to take advantage of the positive ecosystem services
provided by soil biota, insects, birds and mammals
that affect the functioning of the soil, and minimize
management practices that lead to negative
consequences. Most of the studies of grasslands were
carried out on terrestrial biota, but since soil biota is
responsible for more than 90% of the functioning of
the soil vegetation system and ecosystem, it is
necessary to rely on a broad scientific base that
allowed us to understand the functions of soil
organisms. Soil biology and biodiversity determine
the basic functions of ecosystems that must function
well to provide basic services, so research on pasture
ecosystems should include key biological factors and
test hypotheses about causal mechanisms (Barnes,
2011; Carroll, 2016). These include the accumulation
of organic matter in the soil, the capture of solar
energy, the infiltration and retention of water, the
nutrient cycle and the maintenance of the necessary
biodiversity of ecosystems that provide these services
(Chiang, 2010; Herrero, 2013).
Based on the published research results we have
reviewed, our published studies and intelligence
samples in many pastoral settings, we have concluded
that only research at the scale of commercial ranches
and on properly managed ranches can combine the
effects of scale, quality management and adaptation.
management protocols to achieve the desired results.
We recommend including the following elements in
the study of biological components of grazing
increasing heterogeneity of livestock exposure
with increasing scale
sufficient time for treatments affecting biology
and soil carbon, from 5 years in areas with high
annual precipitation and a long growing season
to 15 years in areas with less than 900 mm of
precipitation and a shorter growing season
adaptive management to achieve the best
possible results
parameters related to ecosystem functions as
well as production
several trophic levels and disciplines: soil,
fungi, bacteria, plants, insects, wildlife, spatial
hydrology and socio-economic
sufficient soil depth and spatial sampling
Detailed assessments of the CO2 and 13CO2
fluxes in the static GHG chamber in the context
of each treatment to determine the current
carbon sequestration; this should be done in the
context of the control under study and only
after this treatment has been carried out long
enough to bring it into line with this particular
Regular life cycle analysis and cost calculation
to calculate the total cost of grazing methods on
farms and inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides
and pharmaceuticals to society.
practice-tested modeling to provide
mathematical hypotheses to support our
scientific understanding and to assess which
combinations of management decisions
provide the best results in different locations
and contexts (Lugato, 2014; Martin, 2014).
Grazing in multiple pens provides measurable and
significant advantages over continuous grazing if it is
well planned and adaptively managed. However, it's
about complexity and creativity, not the handles
themselves: more handles make adaptive control
easier. This is the key to conserving resources and
restoring pasture ecosystem services to increase
farmers' incomes. Encouraging easy continuous
MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher
grazing in the hope that this will minimize the
negative consequences, at best, will only support or
slightly improve the degraded state of pasture
resources, limiting the ability of farmers to earn
decent, sustainable livelihoods. Why do so many
studies seem to challenge logic and experience?
When evaluating the results of the study, it is
necessary to take into account how the
implementation affected the results obtained and
whether it is possible to generalize the results beyond
the scope of the study.
In almost all "classical" pastoral studies, there are
two main problems, both of which are the choice
between simplicity and complexity, control and
reproduction in a realistic context. Most grazing
studies, for reasons of scientific rigor, have
considered widely used treatment methods that
exclude adaptive management, and together they
show that all forms of grazing management
("systems") without purposeful, creative and adaptive
management, they are limited in their effectiveness.
The vast majority of these studies have also been
conducted on too small a scale to account for the
diversity and unevenness of grazing (the process by
which degradation occurs), which together show that
small paddocks tend to graze more evenly.
This type of study is a larger landscape, but
divided into many small paddocks, which provides
the inherent advantage of MP (reduced paddock size)
even with continuous grazing. Thus, the problem is
not that the studies were poorly conducted, but that
their design excluded a realistic context, and the result
(usually without visible differences between
treatment methods) cannot be extrapolated to a large
and complex landscape. In contrast, a relatively small
number of studies that have a realistic context of scale
and complexity combined with well-designed
adaptive treatment have demonstrated numerous
benefits of grazing.
The approach to agricultural production should be
based on regenerative management protocols to
ensure the long-term economic and environmental
sustainability of agroecosystems. Environmentally
sound management of pasture ecosystems can make
a positive contribution to basic ecosystem services, in
contrast to the disadvantages of many existing
agricultural production systems. The philosophy of
restoration can be adopted by learning how to restore
the provision of ecosystem services in commercial-
scale landscapes. Many farmers using grazing
principles have improved ecosystem functions,
productivity, carbon and soil fertility, water retention
capacity and profitability. Their method consists in
using several pens per herd with short grazing
periods, adequate recovery periods and adaptively
changing recovery periods, residual biomass, animal
numbers and other controls as growing conditions
On the contrary, many grazing management
studies did not take into account spatial effects, did
not follow adaptive research protocols, provided
adequate recovery periods after grazing, provided a
sufficient number of years to assess resource
improvement after grazing, and ensured sustainable
livestock production to increase net profit. economic
returns with constant changes in grazing conditions.
An ecosystem perspective and system structure can
be achieved by combining studies of small-scale
components within whole agricultural and landscape
systems. Many disciplines should focus on
determining how different management strategies
affect the causal mechanisms governing biological
functions on a local and landscape scale.
It will be important to supplement these studies
with modeling experiments in order to provide a solid
theoretical basis that can be applied not only in
research centers. Simulation models can not only
address these complex and interrelated issues at the
farm level, but can also be expanded to include the
assessment of production, resources and the
economic consequences of adopting various
management strategies.
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MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher