The Current State of the Green Sectors of the Economy in the
Conditions of Innovative Transformation
I. Shakhgiraev
, G. S. Sultanov
and G. U. Magomedbekov
Chechen State University, Grozny named after A.A. Kadyrova, Grozny, Russian Federation
Daghestan State University, Makhachkala, Russian Federation
Keywords: Green sectors, climate, carbon, energy sources consumption, territory, morphological features,
Abstract: The basis of the Russian energy sector is natural gas: it accounted for 60% of primary energy consumption in
2018. The structure of the Russian energy sector from an environmental point of view is more favorable than
in many other major economies of the world. In particular, in India and China, the basis of primary energy
consumption is coal (more than 40% and more than 60%, respectively), the most polluting fossil fuel.
However, in terms of the development of renewable energy sources, Russia lags far behind the world.
Hydropower is well developed in Russia: it accounts for about 3% of primary energy consumption and 17.6%
of electricity generation. At the same time, most Russian HPPs were built even before the start of the transition
to a market economy and are large projects characterized by significant environmental damage. The rest of
the RES, including the world's most dynamically developing areas such as solar and wind energy, are at the
initial stage of development in Russia: they accounted for only 0.03% of primary energy consumption in 2018
and 0.28% of electricity generation in 2019. For comparison, according to REN21, in the world, modern RES,
excluding hydropower and traditional biomass, already provided 7.4% of primary energy consumption in
2018 and 11.4% of electricity generation at the end of 2019. According to Ember, Russia is the largest
economy in the world, which has practically no modern renewable energy.
In Russia, there is also a significant lag behind other
countries in the field of reducing the energy intensity
of GDP. According to the Ministry of Economic
Development, the most rapid progress in this area was
observed from 2000 to 2008, when the Russian
economy was shifting to less energy-intensive
industries and the reduction in energy intensity of
GDP was 35%. Then progress in this area slowed
down, and in the period from 2008 to 2018 it was
possible to reduce the value of this indicator by only
9%. In 2018, the energy intensity of Russian GDP
exceeded the global average by 46% (Ministry of
Energy and Environmental Protection, 2008). The
development of renewable energy technologies and
the improvement of energy efficiency are limited by
the conservative and extremely inertial state policy in
the energy sector, as well as the low cost of traditional
energy resources. Traditional energy in Russia enjoys
significant government support. In 2017, according to
estimates by the International Renewable Energy
Agency (IRENA), Russia ranked fourth in the world
in fossil fuel subsidies after Iran, Saudi Arabia and
China (Dedicoat, 2016). The amount of Russian
energy subsidies was almost evenly distributed
among the oil, gas and electricity sectors, and their
total amount was almost 30 billion US dollars per
year. The subsidization of renewable energy sources
in Russia, however, is so insignificant that data on it
are not available. In recent years, renewable energy
sources have been provided with incentive state
regulation in the wholesale electricity and capacity
market,as well as in retail electricity markets; in the
near future, support for microgeneration due to
renewable energy sources with a connection to the
Shakhgiraev, I., Sultanov, G. and Magomedbekov, G.
The Current State of the Green Sectors of the Economy in the Conditions of Innovative Transformation.
DOI: 10.5220/0011556400003524
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Methods, Models, Technologies for Sustainable Development (MMTGE 2022) - Agroclimatic Projects and Carbon Neutrality, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-608-8
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
grid will begin to function. As a result, in the period
from 2014 to 2019 inclusive, RES-based power plants
were built in Russia with a total capacity of 1.7 GW.
However, this is equivalent to only 0.7% of installed
capacity and about 0.2% of generation (Global
Environment Forum, 2014). By 2025, 5.4 GW of
renewable energy power plants or less than 2.5% of
installed capacity will be built on the wholesale
electricity and capacity market, which will provide
less than 1.2% of generation (Agenda for the 21st
century, 1992).
According to the Association for the
Development of Renewable Energy (ARVE), in
accordance with the existing plans for the
development of renewable energy, in Russia by 2030
it will be possible to avoid emissions of 12 million
tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which
is equivalent to only 1% of the total emissions in
Russia (Sukhinina, 2013). This decline is
unacceptably low and inconsistent with the goals of
the Paris Climate Agreement. Currently, none of the
state programs related to the development of the
transport complex of the Russian Federation or its
individual elements, as well as the regulation of the
sphere of control of emissions of harmful substances
into the atmosphere, does not provide for the
implementation of measures directly aimed at
reducing greenhouse gas emissions. According to
NIIAT and MADI experts, risks of growth in gross
greenhouse gas emissions from road transport remain
in the forecast period due to (Federal Law No. 174-
FZ, 1995):
continuing the trend towards an increase in the
age of the car fleet, an increase in fuel
consumption and greenhouse gas emissions
due to the absence of a state program for the
recycling of cars and a national system for the
recycling of transport equipment;
the absence of regulatory requirements for
mileage (per 1 km) greenhouse gas emissions
of new cars supplied to the domestic market,
which leads to the fact that the level of
greenhouse gas emissions of domestic cars
(VAZ, GAZ, UAZ) is 1.5–2 times higher than
norms emissions adopted in the European
preservation of the stereotype of transport
behavior of owners of private cars and the
growth of motorization in large cities;
lack of an effective system for monitoring the
technical condition of cars of individual owners
in operation due to the destruction of the state
technical inspection system, as well as due state
control over the quality of petroleum products
sold and their compliance with the
requirements of the Technical Regulations of
lack of reliable statistics on annual car mileage,
which hinders incentives to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions by replacing the transport tax
with an environmental payment;
non-fulfillment of state plans and programs for
the gasification of road transport in terms of
achieving target indicators for increasing the
number of gas-balloon automatic telephone
exchanges (natural gas), automobile gas-filling
compressor stations (CNG filling stations).
The electrification of the transport sector is
proceeding at an extremely slow pace. In 2020, there
were only 6.3 thousand electric vehicles in Russia
(0.014% of all vehicles), of which more than 90%
were used. In total, there are about 400 charging
stations in the country. At the same time, more than a
million new electric vehicles were sold in China in
2019. Policies to stimulate the development of RES
in the heating and cooling sector, as well as in the
transport sector, are not implemented in Russia; there
are no reliable statistics in these areas. However,
according to industry participants, the demand for
some renewable energy technologies, in particular
heat pumps and pellet boilers, has recently been
growing, primarily in the SME sector, and especially
during a pandemic. This is due to the economic
efficiency of these technologies. In the world, the
heating and cooling sector, and even more so the
transport sector, lags behind the electric power
industry in terms of the introduction of renewable
energy. At the end of 2019, RES generated 27.3% of
all electricity in the world, including hydroelectric
power plants, and 11.4% without them. In the
heating/cooling sector and in the transport sector, the
share of RES was 10.1% and 3.3%, respectively,
excluding traditional biomass (Agenda for the 21st
century, 1992; Sukhinina, 2013). However, in the
near future, the spread of renewable energy sources in
these sectors will accelerate due to their
electrification, as well as in connection with the
development of green hydrogen as a new energy
carrier (Shakhgiraev, 2019).
The world has high hopes for Power-To-X
technologies, which will allow converting electricity
generated by renewable energy sources into new
carbon-neutral fuels. Unlike electricity, these fuels
will not be consumed at the time of production, but at
any time, and they will be easy to transport. Green
hydrogen is one example of PowerTo-X. These
technologies are expected to accelerate the energy
transition in the heating and transport sectors. Russia
MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher
has not yet taken measures aimed at the development
of Power-To-X technologies.
Russia has not achieved the clean energy goals it
set for itself. Thus, by 2020 it was planned to increase
the share of renewable energy sources in electricity
generation to 4.5%, excluding large hydroelectric
power plants. This goal has not been achieved:
according to Rosstat, in 2019 the value of this
indicator was only 0.28%. It was also planned to
reduce the energy intensity of Russian GDP by 40%
by 2020 compared to 2007 levels. In reality, the
decline was only about 10%. Currently, Russia does
not have any relevant clean energy goals and does not
plan to abandon coal generation, and also intends to
increase coal production and exports until at least
2035. This is contrary to global trends and secures
Russia's dependence on raw materials (Kadner,
The breakdown of non-fossil fuel emissions is shown
in the infographic below. The main sources of
emissions in the industrial sector of Russia are: (1)
metallurgy - it accounts for 44% of the sector's
emissions, of which 39% is from the production of
iron and steel; (2) the chemical industry – it accounts
for 32% of the sector's emissions, of which 16% is
accounted for by the production of ammonia, which
is used mainly for the production of fertilizers in
agriculture (Federal Law No. 174-FZ, 1995;
Shakhgiraev, 2019);
(3) production of mineral materials - it accounts
for another 15% of the sector's emissions, of which
8% is the result of cement production. The key
sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the
agricultural sector are direct nitrous oxide emissions
from agricultural soils (41%) and methane emissions
from internal (enteric) fermentation of domestic
animals (39%). Manure collection and storage
systems accounted for another 11.5% of all emissions
from the agricultural sector in 2018. The bulk of
emissions in the waste sector are methane emissions
from controlled waste disposal sites (66%). Since
1995, Russia has seen a steady increase in greenhouse
gas emissions from waste, mainly due to an increase
in the amount of municipal solid waste accumulated
in landfills. The increase in emissions from waste in
2018 compared to 1990 was 64.7%. In the Inventory
of anthropogenic emissions from sources and
removals by sinks of greenhouse gases for 2020,
waste is understood as "remains of raw materials,
materials, semi-finished products, other products or
products that were formed in the process of
production or consumption, as well as goods that have
lost their consumer properties." The calculation of
greenhouse gas emissions includes both solid
municipal and solid industrial waste, including
agricultural waste, except for emissions from manure
management, which are assigned to the "Agriculture"
sector. In 2018, solid municipal waste in Russia
accounted for almost 82% of all methane emissions
from solid waste disposal, the remaining 18% came
from emissions from industrial solid waste. Most of
all waste is placed in large and very large controlled
landfills. A small part of the waste is incinerated, with
little or no prior sorting, which is a serious
environmental problem (Eurostat, 2021).
The greenhouse gas emissions described above
are due to human activities and do not include
emissions from fossil fuel combustion. They are
directly related to the 12th Sustainable Development
Goal - "Responsible consumption and production",
and their reduction is possible due to the introduction
of the principles of the circular economy. These
principles are based on the transition from a linear
model of the economy, which includes three main
stages: (1) resource extraction, (2) production and (3)
waste generation, to a regenerative model. A
regenerative or circular economy uses renewable
energy, recycled and safe materials and generates
almost no waste. Data from the 2020 Inventory of
Anthropogenic Emissions from Sources and
Removals by Sinks of Greenhouse Gases estimate
that in 2018, 63% of greenhouse gas emissions from
industrial processes came from the production of
three materials: (1) iron and steel, (2) ammonia, and
(3) cement. Together with the agricultural sector,
emissions from these sectors accounted for nearly
60% of non-fossil fuel emissions. This means that in
order to significantly reduce emissions in the non-
energy sector, it is first necessary to introduce the
principles of a circular economy in the production and
consumption of iron and steel, ammonia, cement, as
well as in agriculture. Similar conclusions are
contained in foreign reports. According to a study by
the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, which takes into
account in industrial emissions emissions from the
combustion of fossil fuels necessary to power
production processes in the world (Kadner, 2021;
Maliene, 2010).
Cement, steel, plastic and aluminum production
accounts for 60% of industrial sector emissions. Also,
according to the study, by 2050, almost half of global
emissions from manufacturing processes can be
avoided if the principles of the circular economy are
implemented in five industries: cement, aluminum,
The Current State of the Green Sectors of the Economy in the Conditions of Innovative Transformation
steel, plastics and food. In the IRENA report, iron and
steel production, chemical and petrochemical
production, cement and aluminum production are
among the most energy-intensive and difficult to
decarbonize industries. Steel, cement, plastic and
ammonia are the key materials for the EU economy,
accounting for about 20% of all greenhouse gas
emissions, according to a Material Economics report
on emission reduction opportunities in EU heavy
industry. In Russia, non-fossil fuel emissions from
aluminum production accounted for 1.3% of all
industrial emissions in 2018, and aluminum was not
among the top emitters. At the same time, the
aluminum industry is one of the most energy-
consuming, and Russia ranks second in the world in
aluminum production. All things considered, the
Russian Green Deal circular economy program is
focused on reducing emissions from metallurgy,
cement, ammonia and food production. Systematic
work to reduce these emissions is currently not being
carried out in Russia.
The main sources of emissions in the manufacturing
sector are (Shakhgiraev, 2019; Kadner, 2021;
Maliene, 2010):
1. High-temperature processes. For example, the
melting and shaping of steel and the production
of cement clinker require temperatures of 850–
1600 °C. Electricity is already being used for
some of these processes, notably in electric arc
furnaces for steelmaking, but in most cases
technology does not yet allow it to be used.
2. Emissions during production. In the production
of steel, cement and plastics, carbon is used not
only to provide high-temperature conditions,
but also as an integral part of the chemical
process, which leads to significant carbon
dioxide emissions. For example, in cement
production, calcining limestone to produce
calcium oxide releases a large amount of
carbon contained in the rock. Eliminating such
outliers is the most difficult. To reduce these
emissions, the fundamentals of manufacturing
processes need to be changed.
3. Emissions after end-of-life. Currently, the vast
majority of materials, with the exception of
metals, end up in landfills or incineration at the
end of their lives, releasing large amounts of
greenhouse gases. For example, when burning
plastic, an average of 2.7 kg of CO₂ is released
per 1 kg of plastic.
The recycling of materials usually requires much
less energy than the production of new materials. For
example, the production of recycled steel requires
only 10-15% of the energy that would be spent on the
production of new steel. When processing materials,
it is usually possible to use electricity, which can be
produced by renewable energy sources. Another
important aspect of recycling is that it reduces not
only greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil
fuels, but also emissions from manufacturing
processes, which are particularly difficult to reduce.
Thus, in industrial sectors, the most important
principles should be (1) reducing waste generation,
(2) significantly increasing the utilization rates of
assets, especially buildings and equipment (i.e.
reducing the need for new cement, steel and
aluminum), (3) recycling in the use of products and
the use of secondary resources. This will reduce the
demand for new steel, aluminium, cement, plastic,
and hence the emissions from their production. The
first group of measures can be implemented by
reducing the generation of waste at all stages of
production and consumption of products and
increasing the efficiency of resource use. The second
group of measures can be implemented through the
promotion of product sharing (sharing), the
development of rental services, and the extension of
the service life of goods. As for recycling, for some
materials (for example, for steel) it has already been
established, and electricity, including from renewable
sources, can be used to provide energy. But there is
significant potential to increase the share of steel
recycled and the quality of scrap metal collected.
Recycling of other materials, such as plastic, needs to
be significantly increased through the development of
collection and sorting of plastic waste. Emissions
from ammonia production can be reduced primarily
through the development of agriculture with minimal
use of fertilizers - regenerative or organic agriculture
(Kadner, 2021).
The solution to this problem is closely related to
the transition to sustainable agricultural practices and
sustainable diets. The Russian organic food market is
at the initial stage of development. Sustainable diets,
which should be understood as diets with a higher
content of plant products compared to animals, are
not common in Russia. At the same time, according
to available estimates, about 75% of an individual's
carbon footprint falls on three areas: food, housing,
mobility. Therefore, along with the use of energy
from fossil fuels and travel by private cars and planes,
the overconsumption of meat and dairy products are
among the areas for action with the greatest potential
for reducing lifestyle-related greenhouse gas
MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher
emissions. According to the IPCC report "1.5
degrees", achieving the goal of not exceeding the
increase in the average global temperature by more
than 1.5 ° C requires action not only at the level of the
state and business, but also fundamental changes in
the way of life of people. At the same time, changes
in diets in the direction of reducing the consumption
of meat products are given in the report as one of the
examples of necessary measures. Today, per capita
greenhouse gas emissions from food consumption in
Russia are more than double the levels compatible
with avoiding a global average temperature increase
of more than 1.5°C. There are no official guidelines
for sustainable diets in the country (Federal Law No.
174-FZ, 1995).
In recent years, Russia has taken measures aimed
at the transition to more rational models of production
and consumption. Clause 2 of Article 3 of the Federal
Law “On Production and Consumption Wastes”
dated June 24, 1998 No. 89-FZ fixed the hierarchy of
priority areas of state policy in the field of waste
management: (1) maximum use of raw materials and
raw materials; (2) waste prevention; (3) reducing the
generation of waste and reducing the hazard class of
waste at its source (Eurostat, 2021). Government
Decree No. 1589‑r dated July 25, 2017 approved a list
of types of production and consumption waste
containing useful components, the disposal of which
is prohibited. Some of the items on this list (scrap and
waste containing ferrous and non-ferrous metals,
lamps and waste containing mercury) are prohibited
from burying from January 1, 2018, the rest of the
waste - from January 1, 2019 (paper, cardboard, tires,
polyethylene and polypropylene waste, glass
containers) and from January 1, 2021 (electronic
devices, including computers and parts thereof,
telephones, voice recorders, etc.; electrical
appliances, including refrigerators, kettles, electric
coffee makers, microwave ovens, air conditioners,
etc.; banking equipment, accumulators, wires and
cables) (Maliene, 2010).
Businesses and non-profit organizations are
involved in the process of solving the problem of
responsible production and consumption by
implementing projects to recycle waste and refuse
disposable goods and packaging; the sharing
economy begins to develop in the country. In most
large settlements, infrastructure for separate waste
collection has been created - access to it is available
in more than 80% of cities with a population of over
100,000 people. At the same time, not all container
sites are equipped with tanks for separate collection
of waste, and as a result, such collection is available
to less than 20% of the country's population. The
culture of separate collection is not well developed in
Russia, which negatively affects the volume of
collection of recyclables and its quality.
The Strategy for the Development of the Industry for
the Processing, Recycling and Neutralization of
Production and Consumption Waste for the period up
to 2030 sets an ambitious goal - to increase the share
of MSW recycling in Russia from 8.9% in 2016 to
80% by 2030. The document spells out the 3R
principle (prevention of waste generation, reuse,
recycling into secondary resources), but at the same
time, not a single action from the action plan of the
strategy is aimed at reducing the volume of waste
generation. The document focuses on work with
already generated waste: processing of the general
flow of MSW, disposal, incineration in cement kilns.
Public procurement is currently not focused on waste
prevention and promotion of the development of a
circular economy. In the Federal Law of April 4, 2014
No. 44 (law on public procurement), the
environmental characteristics of the procurement
object are mentioned as one of the possible criteria for
evaluating applications for the execution of a state
contract. However, there are no mechanisms or
specific general requirements to encourage the setting
of environmental criteria. This means that the
environmental criterion can only be used if there is a
certain interest of the enterprise, making the purchase.
Recently, the world has been implementing the “zero
waste” approach based on changing patterns of
resource and product use. As a result of conscious
lean consumption and use, waste generation is
reduced, reuse, repair, recycling and composting are
promoted. By 2050, the implementation of this
approach only in the waste management sector can
reduce global greenhouse gas emissions ranging from
3% of the 1990 level to 9% of the current level.
Emission reduction in the waste sector is based on
three main areas of action: waste prevention;
increasing the reuse, recycling and composting of
waste; technological innovations to reduce emissions
from landfills and wastewater. The “zero waste”
approach also makes it possible to radically reduce
emissions in other sectors, since consumer waste is
directly related to the production of consumer goods,
and therefore to the extraction of primary resources,
transportation, processing and production. The
contribution of the consumer goods sector to annual
greenhouse gas emissions is about 45%, and a circular
economy with a focus on reducing the use of raw
The Current State of the Green Sectors of the Economy in the Conditions of Innovative Transformation
materials and materials (zero waste principles) can
reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions from a
reduction in primary production and resource use by
40% or by 3.7 billion tons by 2050 (Kadner, 2021).
Changing consumption patterns and reducing
packaging can reduce waste by at least 1% per year.
The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions will
amount to more than 800 million tons of CO2-eq.
Waste prevention, the promotion of reuse systems,
new delivery systems and downstream recycling and
composting can reduce waste generation and
emissions from landfills and incinerators by up to
90%, reducing emissions by more than 500 MtCO2-
eq. In general, in Russia there is no coordinated
movement towards a circular economy and
corresponding new business models, there are only a
few examples of the introduction of elements of such
an economy (Shakhgiraev, 2019; Kadner, 2021).
Also, there are no attempts to systematically
implement the principle of "zero waste" at the
national level. Thus, we can conclude that Russia has
so far achieved little in this area, and in order to
change this situation, a lot of work remains to be done
in the coming years.
Directive No. 2008/98/EC on waste and the repeal of a
number of Directives. Ministry of Energy and
Environmental Protection.
Dedicoat, K., 2016. Circular economy: what it means, how
to get there. pp. 52-68.
State of play with extended producer responsibility,
opportunities and challenges, 2014. Global
Environment Forum. pp. 58-64.
Agenda for the 21st century. United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development. Rio de Janeiro. 1992.
Sukhinina, E. A., 2013. Basic provisions and comparison of
international environmental standards in the
construction industry. Bulletin of the Saratov state.
tech. university. 1 (73). pp. 209-215.
Federal Law No. 174-FZ of November 23, 1995 (as
amended on July 2, 2021) On Environmental
Expertise”. Electronic fund of legal and normative-
technical documents.
Shakhgiraev, I. U., 2019. Green structures in the concept of
sustainable development of modern cities. Regional
building complex: investment practice and
implementation of PPP. Materials of the All-Russian
scientific and practical conference. pp. 376-383.
Kadner, S., Kobus, J., Hansen, E., 2021. Circular Economy
Initiative Deutschland: Circular Economy Roadmap
for Germany. Munich/London: acatech/SYSTEMIQ. p.
Maliene, V., Deveikis, S., Kirsten, L., Malys, N., 2010.
Commercial Leisure Property Valuation. International
Journal of Strategic Property Management. 14(1). pp.
Sustainable development in the European Union:
Monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an
EU context, 2021. Eurostat, p. 412.
MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher