Sustainable Development Goals and Green Economy Indicators
Fatima Dahaeva
and Azalia Amirova
Chechen State University, Grozny named after A. A. Kadyrova, Grozny, Russian Federation
Grozny State Oil Technical University named after Academician M. D. Millionshchikov, Grozny, Russian Federation
Keywords: Economic aspects, climate, global nature, environmental, territory, national conditions, economic and
environmental priorities.
Abstract: In terms of importance among recent UN conceptual documents, the UN Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) for the period 2016-2030, which are formulated in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
(hereinafter referred to as the 2030 Agenda), stand out 165 They are not only reflect the ideology of
sustainable development and balance social, economic and environmental priorities, but also stand out in
terms of instrumentality. After difficult work, the UN adopted 17 Goals and 169 targets for their
implementation. Taking into account Russian realities and interests, it is important to single out priority socio-
environmental and economic aspects in each Goal. The Sustainable Development Goals and targets are
comprehensive, global in nature and universally applicable. In doing so, they ensure that differences in
national realities, capacities and levels of development are taken into account and that national strategies and
priorities are respected. The targets are formulated in the form of recommendations of a global nature, with
each government setting its own national targets, guided by global wishes but taking into account national
conditions. Each government, or more precisely the political elite and society of each country, decides how
to ensure that these global challenges are taken into account in the form of recommendations in national
planning processes, measures and strategies. In developing the SDGs, it is important not only to recognize the
links between sustainable development and relevant processes in the economic, social and environmental
fields, but also to set an integrated agenda that would receive long-term support.
Adaptation of the UN SDGs in the Russian context is
expedient at the regulatory and program levels.
Scientific, methodological, informational, financial
support for the adaptation of the SDGs is important
(Babina, 2020). Now, the Federal Law of June 28,
2014 N 172-FZ “On Strategic Planning in the Russian
Federation” acts as a regulatory and legal basis for the
development of long-term documents, which
determines the achievement of strategic goals and the
solution of priority tasks of state policy in the field of
socio-economic development and national security.
Strategic planning documents developed as part of
goal-setting at the federal level include the Strategy
for the Social and Economic Development of the
Russian Federation, the National Security Strategy of
the Russian Federation, and the Strategy for Scientific
and Technological Development of the Russian
Federation. It seems that this list can be supplemented
by the Strategy for Sustainable Development of
Russia with the Sustainable Development Goals of
Russia until 2030. This Strategy can be developed and
built into the system of strategic planning in the
Russian Federation, which corresponds to both the
need for balanced socio-ecological and economic
development, and international obligations of the
country (Lapaeva, 2019). Strategic planning
documents developed within the framework of goal-
setting according to the sectoral and territorial
principle at the federal level, it is also advisable to
supplement the SDGs, which are interconnected at
the sectoral and territorial levels. This will contribute
to the implementation of the Strategy for the Spatial
Development of the Russian Federation and the
Strategy for the Socio-Economic Development of
Dahaeva, F. and Amirova, A.
Sustainable Development Goals and Green Economy Indicators.
DOI: 10.5220/0011556200003524
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Methods, Models, Technologies for Sustainable Development (MMTGE 2022) - Agroclimatic Projects and Carbon Neutrality, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-608-8
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Macro-Regions, provided for by the Law on Strategic
Planning (Gakaev, 2019).
To successfully adapt and achieve the SDGs, it is
necessary to ensure the participation of governments
at all levels, but the local level is especially important.
Partnerships are critical to achieving the goals, many
of which are best formed at the local and regional
levels. Of great importance is horizontal and vertical
coordination, covering various areas of policy and
levels of government management (Murtazova,
2021), but the achievement of goals and control over
this process must also involve various stakeholders.
In particular, the private sector plays a special role.
Successful achievement of the Sustainable
Development Goals requires the mobilization of
sufficient public and private resources (Gakaev,
In most countries, goals and related targets are
linked to action plans that clearly link to budgetary
processes and resource allocation. The
comprehensive and ambitious nature of the 2030
Agenda highlights the importance of high-quality,
accessible, up-to-date and reliable disaggregated data
in assessing progress and ensuring that individual
pressing issues are not left out of the picture. The
statistical community is taking action to achieve the
Sustainable Development Goals at the national,
regional and global levels. Discussions center on
issues such as the functions and limitations of official
statistics, cooperation between policy makers and
statistical authorities, statistical capacity building,
and coordination and collaboration between different
actors. In January 2017, the first UN World Data
Forum was held, which was attended by producers
and users of statistical information. During the
Forum, the launch of the global action plan for the
production of data in the field of sustainable
development was announced. In March 2017, the UN
Statistical Commission approved a list of global SDG
indicators, and also adopted a draft resolution on the
mechanism for data exchange at the national and
global levels.
Let's consider a possible approach to the development
of long-term environmental goals and objectives
based on the SDGs and indicators adapted for Russia.
The corresponding seven SDGs have been
highlighted above (Gakaev, 2018; Vladimirov, 2019).
The authors did not aim to modify and adapt all the
indicators proposed by the UN for the environmental
component of the SDGs - as noted above, there are
more than two hundred of them in total, and the share
of environmental ones is significant. It is assumed
that Rosstat will carry out such a large-scale work to
adapt the SDGs to Russian realities and present the
results next year. Now in the world in the field of
developing various kinds of indicators, along with the
development of a complete set of indicators, the
approach of key / basic indicators (key / core
indicators), the number of which is limited, is used.
In accordance with this approach, priority indicators
are allocated for a specific goal, task or problem,
which facilitates monitoring and control by the
executive and legislative authorities, the public, and
business. This chapter uses this approach to narrow
down the range of targets and indicators for
environmental SDGs based on what the authors
believe are key indicators that are relevant to Russia
and available in Russian statistics (Vladimirov,
Goal 6 aims to provide the population with safe
and affordable drinking water and sanitation, the
rational use of freshwater ecosystems, which is
necessary for human health, environmental
sustainability and economic prosperity. Access to
clean drinking water was included in the system of
Millennium Development Goals - Goal 7 of the UN
MDG. The corresponding indicator estimates the
proportion of the population that has constant access
to a source of quality drinking water in urban and
rural areas. Adapted for Russia, taking into account
the available statistical data, is the indicator “share of
the housing stock provided with running water
(urban, rural)”. It seems appropriate to keep this
target and indicator in the list of key SDG targets and
indicators for Russia in order to ensure the continuity
of the MDGs and the SDGs and monitor this indicator
over a long period of time.
According to the forecasts of the International
Energy Agency (IEA), the demand for energy in 2020
will decrease by 5% (Molchanova, 2019).
At the same time, oil consumption will decrease
by 8%, coal - by 7%, natural gas - by 3%, and
electricity consumption from renewable energy
sources will increase by 1%. The main reasons for the
positive trends in renewable energy during the
general downturn are the low operating costs of RES
and the priority access of RES-based power plants to
the grid. According to World Bank estimates, oil
prices fell by 30% in the first three quarters of 2020.
In 2019, a barrel of oil cost an average of $61. At the
end of 2020, it is expected that its average cost will
be $41, and in 2021 - $44. Gas prices recovered after
the spring decline, especially in Europe. At the end of
October, they were only 5% below the pre-pandemic
Sustainable Development Goals and Green Economy Indicators
level (Egorova, 2020). Coal prices remain low - 25%
lower than before the introduction of the self-isolation
regime. According to World Bank expectations, gas
prices will recover in 2021, while coal prices will
remain at current levels. Despite attempts to diversify
the Russian economy over the past decade, the fuel
and energy complex still plays a crucial role in
Russia's development (Vladimirov, 2019). The World
Bank estimates that the fossil fuel sector generated
about 14% of Russia's GDP in 2018, and fuel
provided 52% of the country's total merchandise
exports. The share of oil and gas revenues in the
federal budget for 2018 was 46%, for 2019 - 39%. For
comparison, in 2006 this figure was 47%. The
coronavirus pandemic has had a sharply negative
impact on the Russian energy sector. In April-May
2020, Russian oil and gas revenues decreased by 43%
compared to the same period in 2019; in the period
from January to May, the decrease was 30.1%. In the
second quarter of 2020, the federal budget had a
deficit of 823 billion rubles, for the first time since
2017 (Egorova, 2020).
According to the September forecast of the
Ministry of Economic Development, Russia's GDP in
2020 will decrease by 3.9%. Earlier, the ministry
predicted a decline of up to 5%, and a number of
experts considered even this forecast too optimistic,
predicting a reduction in Russia's GDP to 10% in
2020. Given the importance of the energy sector in
Russia, the question of its further development is now
essentially a question of the development of the entire
Russian economy. Russia also faces two serious
global challenges. First, the world is currently in a
deep climate crisis. According to the 2018 Special
Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) (“The 1.5 Degree Report”), so far
human activities have led to an increase in the average
global air temperature by 1 °C compared to pre-
industrial levels. If current trends continue, between
2030 and 2052 global warming will reach 1.5°C
above pre-industrial levels. This will entail dangerous
consequences for all countries of the world, including
Russia. Global climate change leads to an increase in
the frequency and intensity of extreme weather
events, such as strong winds, heavy precipitation,
abnormally hot or cold weather, tornadoes, etc., as
well as to a rise in the water level in the World Ocean,
which has amounted to already 16-21 cm. Extreme
weather events, in turn, cause significant economic
risks, such as risks in agriculture, threats to food
security, disruptions in production processes due to
natural disasters, destruction of industrial facilities,
housing, infrastructure, changing consumer
preferences. According to Roshydromet, the average
annual air temperature in Russia in 1976–2018 grew
2.5 times faster than the world average, and the
number of hazardous events in the period 2014-2018.
in Russia almost tripled the value of 1998–2002.
Secondly, the world is in a state of ecological disaster.
This is expressed in the destruction of forests,
pollution of soil, water and air, loss of biodiversity
and destruction of natural ecosystems. According to
one of the largest estimates of biodiversity loss,
produced by the Intergovernmental Platform on
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) in
2019, the average species diversity in most terrestrial
habitats has declined by 20% since 1900. About 1
million species of animals and plants are under threat
of extinction. Pollution of air, water and soil directly
affects the quality and life expectancy of people.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
atmospheric air pollution annually causes 4.2 million
premature deaths in the world and 33.3 thousand in
Russia (Meckling, 2020).
Another important challenge for Russia is that some
neighboring countries are beginning a large-scale
transformation of their economic systems. In
December 2019, the European Union decided to
implement a new development program called the
European Green Deal. This program aims to achieve
zero net greenhouse gas emissions in the EU by 2050.
This will require fundamental changes in European
economic policy, which will affect, among other
things, Russia, an important economic partner of the
bloc. Russian exports are among the most carbon-
intensive in the world (Molchanova, 2019; Egorova,
2020). The introduction of cross-border carbon
regulation in some jurisdictions will have a
significant impact on the competitiveness of Russian
petrochemical, metallurgical, agricultural and other
products. The EU may introduce such regulation as
part of the implementation of the European Green
Deal as early as 2021. In addition, a number of
countries are planning to move towards carbon
neutrality by the middle of the century (that is, set
themselves the same goal as in the European Green
Deal) and achieve 100% clean or even renewable
energy. The goal of 100% clean energy is
controversial, since in addition to RES, clean energy
usually includes nuclear power (Meckling, 2020).
This approach should be considered unacceptable due
to the significant environmental and man-made risks
of nuclear power plants. In June 2019, the UK became
the first country in the world to formally commit itself
MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher
to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 (Reynard, E.,
Panizza, M., 2020). Later, legislative decisions to
move to zero net emissions by the middle of the
century were also adopted in some other countries: in
France, Sweden, Denmark, Hungary and New
Zealand. In September 2020, China announced its
intention to become climate neutral by 2060 and peak
greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Japan and South
Korea have also pledged to set themselves the goal of
achieving zero emissions by 2050. Elected in
November 2020, US President Joe Biden has made
the transition to 100% clean energy and achieving
zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 an important
element of his campaign. Thus, a number of large and
not very large economies of the world have already
decided to drastically reduce emissions by the middle
of this century, or are very close to such a decision
(Vladimirov, 2019).
Currently, in the state anti-crisis programs of
Russia, as well as in the key strategic documents of
the country, a bet is made on inertial growth and
maintaining positions in those industries that have
historically developed in Russia. The focus of the
Russian economy on the oil and gas sector during the
period of global energy transition and the active
development of green industries creates threats to the
national and economic security of the country. Given
this, Russia needs to take responsibility for reducing
greenhouse gas emissions through the transformation
of its economic system and the active development of
non-primary (primarily green) sectors of the economy
(Molchanova, 2019). Urgent changes are needed in
the energy sector to accelerate the transition to
renewable energy sources and improve energy
efficiency. Industry should immediately start
introducing elements of a circular economy that will
reduce emissions from industrial processes, use
recycled materials on a larger scale, minimize waste
generation (including from disposable goods and
hard-to-recycle packaging), reduce mining and
extend the life of durable goods. A transition to
organic and regenerative agriculture is needed.
Forestry needs to switch to sustainable management
practices and focus on fire safety.
The world is currently experiencing the worst
economic crisis in 100 years. According to the
October forecast of the International Monetary Fund
(IMF), in 2020 the global economy will contract by
4.4%, followed by a recovery growth of 5.2% in
2021. If this forecast is realized, by the end of 2021,
global GDP will be 0.6% higher than in 2019. The
June forecast of the World Bank is more pessimistic:
by the end of 2020, global GDP is expected to
contract by 5.2% (Egorova, 2020). The pandemic will
affect the global economy for at least a few more
years. The COVID-19 crisis is unlike any previous
crisis. Considering this, as well as the scale of its
consequences, measures to stimulate further
development should be different from all previously
implemented anti-crisis programs. Since the start of
the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous civil society
representatives and decision-makers in the world's
leading economies have issued a call for global
leaders to emerge from the crisis by investing in green
industries and infrastructure while respecting the
principles of sustainable development. In particular,
such statements were made by the UN, the Club of
Rome, European and American corporations, 500
NGOs from around the world led by, WHO
and a group of medical professionals from 90
countries, as well as heads of central banks and
ministers. All key proposals are presented in the
appendix to this document. According to the position
of European corporations, the European Green Deal
will become an economic driver for Europe and will
create new jobs in a number of sectors, such as
energy, transport, construction, manufacturing and
agriculture. American corporations outside the
energy sector are demanding support for green
energy. Some former and current EU central bankers,
as well as some EU ministers and city mayors, have
called for a green recovery economy and climate
action. The WHO calls for a rapid energy transition
to reduce mortality from air pollution and draws
attention to the fact that renewable energy has
recently become much cheaper and more reliable, and
their introduction allows you to create more jobs that
are safer and better paid than in the traditional energy
sector. Energy (Murtazova, 2021; Gakaev, 2018).
Organizations from 90 countries, which unite more
than 40 million medical professionals, are calling for
the redirection of subsidies from the fossil fuel sector
to the renewable energy sector in order to reduce
harmful emissions to health without compromising
economic growth. Support for the green sectors of the
economy has already been applied as part of the
policy of national economic recovery after the
previous major crisis in 2008–2009. In particular, it
was used by China, the USA, South Korea, Japan,
Canada and the EU countries. In total, the G20
countries directed about 16% of the funds allocated
for anti-crisis programs to the green sector. Some
countries have made particularly large investments.
For example, China has spent about 3% of its GDP on
Sustainable Development Goals and Green Economy Indicators
stimulating the green sector, mainly on energy
efficiency. South Korea has allocated 5% of its GDP
to the green sector, mainly in solar and wind energy,
electric vehicles and high-speed rail. Russia during
this period, and also after it, did not use the
opportunities to transform its economy, and Russian
green industries, including renewable energy and
energy efficiency, are still at the initial stages of
development. At the moment, Russia risks once again
missing the opportunity to give a strong start to new
sectors of the economy and reduce its dependence on
raw materials.
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MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher