Elements of the Tax System and the Mechanism of Their Interaction
Musa Shamsudinovich Basnukaev
1,2 a
and Reseda Ruslanbekovna Madaeva
Chechen State University, Grozny named after A.A. Kadyrova, Grozny, Russian Federation
Laboratory of Economic Research, Integrated Research Institute named after H.I. Ibragimova RAS, Grozny, Russian
Keywords: Taxes, taxation, tax mechanism, elements of the tax system.
Abstract: Taxes are a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that concentrates a wide range of political, legal and socio-
economic relationships in society. The construction of the taxation system is based on a compromise between
the interests of the state and taxpayers, which makes it possible to provide opportunities for the development
of the economy of the country and its constituent regions. The mechanism of interaction between the elements
of taxes, the tax system, the tax system is very important in shaping the strategy of the tax policy of any state,
which is very important for Russia with its three types of budgets, complex financial structure, due to the
large extent of the territory, the unevenness of its settlement, various production base. An analysis of the main
elements of the tax will make it possible to draw correct conclusions about the nature of the tax, the content
of the tax system, identify some patterns of its development and make proposals aimed at improving its
The expediency of considering the interaction of
elements of the tax system is due to the fact that it is
included in the concept of "tax mechanism", the
improvement of which by optimizing the tools is a
very important area of modern research by scientists.
In addition, in order to strengthen not only the
horizon of research, but also its depth, a general
theoretical consideration of this content will reflect
the area of tax theory in which the action of the
elements of the tax mechanism is delimited by a
number of subsystems that are characterized by
reproductive, control and regulatory functions. The
latter function, or rather its implementation at the
national level, determines the degree of centralization
of tax flows by the authorities of the territories, which
has worsened since 2002, when local budgets lost
their stable and long-term share of the most collected
taxes in their territories - VAT and income tax.
It is quite obvious that the imbalance of the elements
of the tax system manifested itself in the imperfection
of the acts and measures taken by the state in the field
of taxes. One of the biggest manifestations of this
imbalance was the duplication in taxation during the
withdrawal of taxes, that is, their doubling, which is
typical for a functioning taxation system.
The development of an optimal model of
economic relations, from the point of view of
observing the financial interests of the state and
taxpayers, especially in municipal territories, should
be facilitated by the tax policy implemented over the
past years (Artamonov, 2020).
One of the main tasks of tax policy at the present
stage is the creation of favorable conditions for the
active financial and economic activity of economic
entities and the stimulation of economic growth by
achieving a combination of personal and public
interests, i.e. the optimal ratio between the funds
remaining at the disposal of the taxpayer and the
funds that are redistributed through tax and budgetary
Basnukaev, M. and Madaeva, R.
Elements of the Tax System and the Mechanism of Their Interaction.
DOI: 10.5220/0011555700003524
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Methods, Models, Technologies for Sustainable Development (MMTGE 2022) - Agroclimatic Projects and Carbon Neutrality, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-608-8
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Solving this problem is important for improving
the tax mechanism of grassroots budgets, most of
which have had a budget deficit for a long time. The
success of the economic decisions largely depends on
the successful implementation of tax policy. Only the
tax policy that stimulates accumulation and
investment and promotes economic growth can be
considered effective, which is especially important
today for the Russian state (
Shchukina, 2018).
In order to determine its content, it is necessary to
return to the study of the essence of its main category
- tax. Among the many questions of the theory of
taxes, the question of the nature of the tax, the content
of this concept, is still relevant. It must be assumed
that it reflects two sides of the tax. One of them
consists in the alienation to the state in accordance
with the established procedure of a part of the
property of the payer. The second reflects the content
of the concept of "tax" as more capacious, namely, a
complex system of relations associated with the
definition, establishment and withdrawal of tax.
The tax consists of separate parts, elements, each
of which reflects its specific meaning: economic,
legal, and is considered established only when all its
elements are legally fixed. As you know, the elements
of the tax, defined by individual components, are
enshrined in the Law on the Fundamentals of the Tax
System. The elements of the tax are the anatomy of
the tax, its internal structure.
The mechanism of interaction between the
elements of taxes, the tax system, the tax system is
very important in shaping the strategy of the tax
policy of any state, which is very important for Russia
with its three types of budgets, complex financial
structure, due to the large extent of the territory, the
unevenness of its settlement, various production base
(Basnukaev, 2021).
Revealing the mechanism of interaction between
the elements of the tax system, one cannot do without
clarifying the concepts of "tax system" and "tax
system". First of all, the concept of "tax system" is
much broader than the concept of "tax system", which
is an integral part of the tax system. At the same time,
it should be noted that throughout the entire period of
functioning of any tax system, both the tax system
and the tax system change.
The tax system, which also consists of separate
elements, includes elements of all types of taxes and
elements of the taxation system, characterized by the
principles of construction and organization of tax
collection. The structure of the tax system can be
compared with human anatomy, where each
individual organ has its own structure, where the
functional dependencies of these organs are
determined and their influence on the state of the
human body as a whole is revealed (Krokhyna, 2020).
A detailed analysis of the main elements of the tax
will make it possible to draw correct conclusions
about the nature of the tax, the content of the tax
system, identify some patterns of its development and
make proposals aimed at improving its effectiveness.
To characterize the main elements related to the
definition of "tax", let's consider their content from a
legislative point of view (
Sharapova, 2019).
First of all, a tax (fee, duty) is a mandatory
contribution to the budget of the appropriate level
(federal, regional, local), carried out by the taxpayer
in the manner and on the conditions determined by
Subjects of taxation or payers of tax - legal entities
and individuals who are obliged in accordance with
the law to pay taxes. The main feature of taxpayers is
the existence of an independent source of income. As
regards the subjects of taxation, with regard to the
problem under consideration, it should be emphasized
that the subjects - payers of taxes, are difficult to
identify for various reasons (Igonin, 2020).
The object of taxation arises as a result of legal
factors (actions, events, states) that determine the
obligation of the subject to pay tax: making a turnover
for the sale of goods, works and services, importing
goods into the territory of Russia, owning property,
making transactions for the purchase and sale of
securities, entering into inheritance rights, receiving
income in one form or another, etc.
The legislation establishes a list of objects of
taxation: profit (income), the value of certain goods,
the value added of products, works, services, property
of legal entities and individuals, transfer of property
(donation, inheritance), transactions with securities,
certain types of activities, other objects established
Since the object and subject of taxation are in
close relationship, the above problems in individual
territories exacerbate the solution of the problem of
improving methodological approaches in the
formation of a revenue base due to incomplete
accounting of the number of taxpayers and their
assets - property and intangible. In view of the
foregoing, it should be remembered that the subject
of taxation is characterized by signs of an actual (not
legal) nature that justify the collection of the
corresponding tax (
Fateeva, 2018).
The taxation base is a quantitative expression of
the subject of taxation, and taking into account the
fact that, for example, there is no single complete
national and even regional registers for land, the
taxable base is lost. In some cases, the taxable base is
Elements of the Tax System and the Mechanism of Their Interaction
actually part of the subject of taxation to which the
tax rate is applied (Silvestrova).
The source of taxation is used to pay the tax. The
source of taxation differs from the object of taxation.
The source of tax payments should be only net
income (profit) or capital of the taxpayer.
The above elements of the tax are characteristic
for each of its types separately. An analysis of the
elements of the tax system shows that the elements
characteristic of each individual type of tax have
different relationships, the degree of overlap with
another type of tax. So, for example, earlier we
argued that the object and subject of taxation are in
close relationship (
Shirov, 2021).
However, it should be remembered that the nature
of this relationship is very different and this implies
the construction of a tax system according to different
principles, namely:
- the principle when the subject of taxation
determines the object of taxation;
- the principle of territorial belonging of taxes,
where the object determines the subject of
The implementation of the first principle assumes
that the state also extends its tax right to all incomes
of persons who have a permanent residence in a
particular country, and to incomes received abroad of
this state concept "resident" includes in Russia the
concept of a legal entity and an individual.
The criteria for "residency" in various countries
are very significant. In our state, it involves the
registration of a legal or natural person. In other
countries, the criteria for residence are considered to
be the established minimum volume of services or
goods produced, the location of the company's
management bodies, and others.
This principle is implemented in economically
developed countries, where the main business is
located in the country, and not abroad. For countries
with a large proportion of foreign investment, the
application of the principle of territoriality is typical.
Many countries, including Russia, apply a
combination of the above principles when building a
taxation system. An analysis of the elements of the
tax shows that the element, in turn, consists of
separate parts, let's call them conditionally
"microelements". Such a structure, or rather the
disunity of the element into components, is not
characteristic of all elements of the tax.
The absence of microelements in individual
elements of taxes predetermined the differentiation of
rates (increased, reduced, standard), that is, their
types. And this allowed the “types of rates” element
to be attributed not to taxes, where the “tax rate”
element appears, but to the tax system, where various
types of rates (differentiated) operate (Buyanova,
It should be noted that the elements of the tax
system are due to functional relationships that
determine the varying degree of tightness between the
elements. Thus, the element "object of taxation" is
very closely linked to another element "taxable base".
If they match, the first one refers to the tax element,
and if they do not match, the “taxable base” is an
element of the tax system. Accordingly, the question
arises, in what cases does a mismatch occur and what
is the cause of the mismatch? In our opinion, the
"loss" of individual trace elements from the element
leads to a mismatch of the latter (Dombrovsky, 2019).
So, for income tax, the element “object of
taxation” coincides with the element “taxable base” if
the legal entity does not have any benefits. It should
be remembered that the unit of measure used to value
the size of the above elements must be the same,
ensuring the comparability of the two compared
The tax consequences are associated with the
payer with two elements: the subject and object of
taxation. Analysis of the state of the element "subject
of taxation" shows the difficulty in distinguishing
between the two elements of the tax considered in the
tax system (Vlasov, 2019).
The concepts of these elements are very different
in relation to individual taxes. The biggest difference
is seen in relation to property tax and income tax. The
property of a specific individual (in the local budget)
or legal entity may, for example, be the subject of
several taxes, where an element is represented by the
subject of taxation.
With a common element (subject of taxation),
certain types of taxes have different objects of
taxation. This relationship shows the complexity in
determining the scale of the tax, the difference in
methods for determining taxable bases. At the same
time, which is especially difficult and important, the
tax, taking into account the various "objects of
taxation and the taxable base", tax amounts are
withdrawn to various budgets (
Khamzina, 2018).
Even more difficult is the combination of the
above elements (subject and object) in the taxation of
personal income. This circumstance is complicated
by the specifics of the settlements of individuals in
Russia. So, for example, with a single subject of
taxation, the objects are very different (Kalashnikova,
An analysis of the elements of the taxation system
shows that they include elements of taxes, tax systems
and legal facts that determine the implementation of
MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher
such an element of tax as “the procedure and terms of
payment”. For example, the presence of material
assets (goods) in a legal entity does not cause the
obligation to pay VAT, and the purchase and sale
made in accordance with the legislation of the
Russian Federation contributes to the emergence of
the “object of taxation” element, i.e. the presence of a
fact from which the obligation to pay tax follows
(payment procedure) (
Sugarova, 2018).
Elements of the tax system are formed from the
structures of its components, i.e. elements of tax, tax
system and taxation system. The structure of the main
elements of the tax system shows the presence of
elements corresponding to different categories of the
tax system, one might say, levels. It gives us an idea
not only about the number of elements corresponding
to the tax "chain" (Gurova, 2018).
Ultimately, all elements from the first link to the
last are concentrated in the system. Insufficient
interaction gives rise to a "repulsion" of the elements
of the tax system, leads to a malfunction, a violation
of the harmonious interaction of all mechanisms of
the tax system.
The interaction of elements of the tax system is
included in the concept of "tax mechanism". The
general theoretical consideration of this content
reflects the area of tax theory in which the action of
the elements of the tax mechanism is delimited by a
number of subsystems. These subsystems reflect:
reproductive function, regulatory, control (Markin ,
It is quite obvious that the imbalance of the
elements of the tax system manifested itself in the
imperfection of the acts and measures taken by the
state in the field of taxes. One of the biggest
manifestations of this imbalance was the duplication
in taxation with the withdrawal of taxes, that is, their
Thus, the main task of economic reforms in Russia is
the reform of the fiscal system. Inefficient budgetary
policy contributes to the growth of subsidized
budgets, the dispersion of funds among numerous and
poorly controlled extrabudgetary funds.
Fiscal policy should be based on the
implementation of an effective budget mechanism
that ensures conceptual unity in the development of
budgets of the constituent entities of the Federation, a
combination of interests at all levels of the budget
system, and the improvement of methodological
principles for constructing criteria for assessing
budget relationships.
Taxes, which are an important instrument of the
state's budgetary policy, are called upon to serve the
strategic goals of budgetary reforms. The creation of
a flexible tax and budgetary mechanism presupposes
an optimal delimitation of the powers of the federal
and regional authorities, a constant composition of
taxes at all levels of the tax system. The specificity of
the development of economic relations in Russia
determines the assignment of taxes to the levels of
government with their subsequent redistribution.
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MMTGE 2022 - I International Conference "Methods, models, technologies for sustainable development: agroclimatic projects and carbon
neutrality", Kadyrov Chechen State University Chechen Republic, Grozny, st. Sher