User Empowering Design: Expanding the Users' Hierarchy of Needs
David Gallula
, Hadar Ronen
, Ido Shichel
and Adi Katz
Department of Information Systems, The Yezreel Valley Academic College, Israel
Department of Education and Society, Ono Academic College, Israel
Department of Learning Disabilities, University of Haifa, Israel
Usability Center, Industrial Engineering and Management Department, SCE, Ashdod, Israel
Keywords: User Empowerment, User Empowering Design, User-Centred Design, Usability, User Experience,
Human Computer Interaction.
Abstract: We offer a comprehensive framework for HCI designers to empower users. Our purpose is to lay the
foundations for a complete design method: User Empowering Design (UED). Empowerment is not a new
human need, and the ability of technologies to empower users has already been discussed and deemed
important by many experts. UED concentrates on the human need to fulfil the potential for growth, increase
strengths, and reduce weaknesses. It does not replace user-centred design (UCD) but expands it to a higher-
level need. Thus, we suggest that UED is the third revolution in developing interactive technology. Just as
user experience (UX) has expanded usability, UED expands the user experience. The UX design method
focuses on the user experiences while interacting with a digital product (e.g., emotions, feelings, aesthetics,
hedonic needs). The UED approach takes a step further, as it focuses on the impact that goes beyond the scope
of the digital product with an emphasis on aspects that are in the user's main life path. Within this framework,
we offer a methodology that includes eight distinct models, each referring to a variety of technologies that
have an impact on personal, community and organisational empowerment. We explain the current need for a
design that is intended to empower users, present the different models by describing their mechanisms, and
offer practical examples to implement the empowering design.
Technological advancement in recent decades has led
to fundamental changes in the way users think about
and use their digital products. Today, users are no
longer settling for a merely functional product, or for
having a pleasant experience when using the product.
It seems that as technology progresses, users also
expect more from their digital products. In this paper,
we argue that product designers should address an
additional need, which is at a higher level than user
experience. Therefore, we call for User Empowering
Design (hereafter UED). In his seminal paper,
Shneiderman (1990) declared that users need to be
empowered by technology and stated that they should
“be able to apply their knowledge and experience to
make judgments that lead to improved job
performance and greater personal satisfaction.” The
term “Empowerment” denotes reinforcing and
enabling people so that they realize their abilities,
increase their strengths, have a high level of belief in
themselves, and perceive themselves as more self-
efficient (Brendtro et al., 2002). Our research follows
the idea that there should be design methods that
intentionally achieve user empowerment (Gallula and
Frank, 2014) and aims to encourage innovative ideas
and tools for empowering users with technologies.
In recent years, we have witnessed a rise of the
concept of empowerment in various fields, such as
employment and learning. In the field of employment,
one of the most prominent factors that impact
employees’ engagement, their commitment to the
organisation, and their level of performance at work,
is employee empowerment (Osborne and Hammoud,
2017; Hanaysha, 2016). In the past, work was
regarded as a source of livelihood and financial
security. Later generations sought interest and self-
Gallula, D., Ronen, H., Shichel, I. and Katz, A.
User Empowering Design: Expanding the Users’ Hierarchy of Needs.
DOI: 10.5220/0011552500003323
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2022), pages 201-208
ISBN: 978-989-758-609-5; ISSN: 2184-3244
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
satisfaction in the workplace (including a good
atmosphere, and fascinating tasks). Nowadays,
people are looking for a workplace that allows them
to develop abilities and skills, grow and feel
empowered. In a similar vein, in the field of learning,
the rhetoric of empowerment has been linked to
formal education (Selwyn, 2011). This is evident in
the literature related to learning technologies and
pedagogic approaches, where the Internet is
considered an appropriate space for autonomous
learning and where students can exercise their power
and experience with a high degree of freedom and
control (see, e.g., Prinsloo and Slade, 2017; Bennett
and Folley, 2019).
In this paper, we will address the manner in which
digital products can provide empowerment to their
users. We begin by describing the user empowerment
framework, followed by a discussion of the applied
implications of the model, and conclude with
recommendations for future research. Before we
broaden the scope of user empowerment and discuss
how it can be applied in practice in designing digital
products, we must first understand the building
blocks on which user empowerment is laid, i.e., the
current designers’ focus on user's interaction with
digital products and determine whether existing
trends fulfil the aim of user empowerment.
1.1 Time to Address a Higher Order of
User Needs
According to the User-Centred Design (hereafter
UCD) approach, the purpose of a system is to serve
its users, and the needs of the users should lead the
design of the system’s interface (Norman, 1986).
Currently, the UCD approach concentrates on two
main design methods that meet the users needs:
Usability and User Experience (UX). Usability
emphasizes the effectiveness, efficiency, and
satisfaction of execution (Nielsen, 1993) and UX
emphasizes the feelings, sensations, and experiences
of a user (Norman, 2004).
The UED framework is inspired by the ERG
(existence, relatedness, growth) theory (Alderfer,
1969). This refers to an order of needs, in which
certain needs serve as building blocks for higher
needs. If we relate to Alderfer’s theory, existence is
the basic material required for living and is the
cornerstone of the hierarchy pyramid; relatedness
emphasizes the importance of social interactions and
positive emotions, and growth describes the urge to
continue personal development and therefore is at the
top of the pyramid. We propose an extension to the
UCD model by adding a third and higher level to the
users’ needs hierarchy. We claim that it is time to
consciously add user empowerment when designing
digital products.
1.1.1 Usability: The First Need
Usability addresses the users’ need to perform well in
tasks and successfully complete the tasks conducted
via the interfaces of digital systems (Nielsen, 1993).
It refers to the extent to which a system, product, or
service “can be used by specified users to achieve
specific goals with effectiveness, efficiency (in
minimum time, with minimum errors), and
satisfaction in a specified context of use” (Bevan et
al., 2015; ISO FDIS 9241-210). Nielsen referred to
usability as a method for improving ease of use during
the design process. The usability emphasizes the
user's need to achieve pragmatic goals such as
successful and efficient performance in tasks
supported by the computerized system, with a focus
on cognitive and task-oriented aspects, emphasizing
the instrumental value of technological products
(Hassenzahl and Tractinsky, 2006).
1.1.2 User Experience: The Second Need
A User Experience (UX) goes beyond meeting the
instrumental (pragmatic) user's needs for usefulness,
efficiency, and satisfaction. It strives to optimize the
user's holistic experience, which includes the need to
achieve hedonistic goals (Hassenzahl and Tractinsky,
2006). Among these goals, users require aesthetic
pleasure, fun, being surprised, and entertainment
(Gaver and Martin, 2000). The holistic UX includes
emotions, beliefs, preferences, psychological
responses, and physical behaviours (Bevan, 2009).
1.1.3 Empowerment: The Third Need
Shneiderman (1990) declared that users need to be
empowered by technology. Kim and Gupta (2014)
demonstrated the critical role of user empowerment
in regulating IS infusion in organizations. Schneider
et al. (2018) claim that empowering people through
technology is of increasing concern in the HCI
community and reviewed 54 CHI full papers using
the terms empower and empowerment. Inspired by
these previous works, we too concentrate on the
human need to be empowered.
1.1.4 User Empowering Design (UED)
User empowering design (UED) goes a long way
beyond the concept of UX. While UX strives to
increase feelings and emotions of pleasure and
CHIRA 2022 - 6th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
enjoyment, these remain within the limited context of
interacting with the product or system. In contrast,
UED focuses on the effects of the interaction beyond
its occurrence, not in limited terms of reflection on
the user experience, but in a way that benefits aspects
of the user's life that are outside and beyond the
product’s use experience. UED is a powerful idea,
because it is based on the understanding that
technological product designers can positively impact
the users' well-being. UED strives to strengthen the
users and minimize their weaknesses, which are
reflected in the central path of their life. Therefore, it
significantly expands the ramifications that a product,
system, or service has for its user by fulfilling the
user’s need to be empowered in their personal life.
We define UED as a method built from a
collection of design rules and principles aiming to
design HCI systems that meet the need for user
empowerment. These systems will have positive
effects on the perceptions or abilities that are in the
main path of the user's life, in a way that minimizes
the user's weaknesses and/or emphasizes the user's
strengths. While it is possible that the existing models
for designing user-technology interaction might
provide user empowerment unintentionally as a most
welcome side effect, there is more to aspire to. We
argue that the existing situation in HCI should not be
left intact, and the growing need for empowerment
must be addressed; The fact that there is currently no
orderly design method that consciously provides an
answer for this need motivated us to explore and offer
a preliminary basis for such a method. As the
previous two methods have evolved over decades of
research and practice, we do not claim to offer in this
paper a complete and encompassing method, but only
raise awareness of this need and suggest
implementation options.
Just as the need for good UX has not replaced the
need for usability, so the need for empowerment will
not replace the two previous needs. An empowering
product should also be usable and provide a good UX.
Different user need should not come at the expense of
each other. However, different products may
emphasize a particular need, according to their
purpose and the context of their use.
1.1.5 Why Now?
To this date, there is no orderly method designed to
empower users. We believe that the conditions for
empowering users have matured, and this is the time
for a qualitative leap towards a design that is
consciously dedicated to user empowerment. This
argument is based on four components:
First, it is the Zeitgeist of the current generation
who grew up with technology, which leads its users
to take functionality for granted, cease to be satisfied
with positive experiences, and expect technology to
improve their lives. As in the other areas of life we
mentioned earlier - work and education - expectations
from technology are undergoing a revolution.
Usability and UX are already considered foundational
and the need for a transition to the next level has
The second factor is technological maturity.
Nowadays, the hybridity and friction between
humans and technology (e.g., mobile and wearable
devices, augmented reality, virtual reality, IoT) create
a symbiosis between users and the technological
products that surround them. Advanced digital
developments such as Metaverse will increase this
friction. New digital products will continue to adjust
and adapt themselves to the user (e.g., by using AI
and machine learning). While these technological
developments integrate and keep the users more and
more inside the digital matrix, the concept of user
empowerment emphasizes positive changes in the
users' well-being outside the virtual space.
The third factor is based on the fact that, at
present, steadiness, in terms of not regenerating
products, is detrimental to digital companies, and
therefore there is a constant demand for continuous
innovation. Big tech companies that have reached
maturity and technological extraction are seeking
their next breakthrough. Having a competitive
innovation edge is a key aspect of survival and
growth. This makes ‘innovate or perish’ the new
motto of the global knowledge economy era (Shakina
and Barajas, 2020). Thus, one way to overcome
technological barriers and continue to innovate is by
addressing the human high-quality need to be
Lastly, Netflix’ “Social Dilemma” documentary,
which came out in 2020, raised public awareness of
the negative sides of social networks, including their
ability to act as an “addictive drug” (see also Eyal,
2014 on the addictive patterns underlying
technologies). We use the term “Junk Tech” (Bally
and Desmaison, 2021) to describe technology as tasty
but not healthy for us users. That is, we consume
digital products in a way that is equivalent to eating
unhealthy fast food. Technological products capture
our attention and without being aware, we fall into the
rabbit hole. This, for example, causes us to stay
awake late at night, and thus affects us negatively the
next day. Usability, user experience, and
empowerment can be analogous to food consumption
influences. Just as consumers have realized that they
User Empowering Design: Expanding the Users’ Hierarchy of Needs
can and should demand food that is not only fast and
tasty, but also healthy, so will users of digital products
undergo a transformation and stop settling for just the
experience. They will demand products that will also
improve their well-being, lead them to personal
growth and help them fulfil the important goals in
their lives. In other words, people will look for
products that empower them to manage their well-
being and health (Blandford, 2019; Seshadri et al.,
2019). Illustrative examples are apps for body self-
acceptance to elevate the self-esteem of young people
(Paay et al., 2018), for raising the sense of self-
efficacy among job seekers such as "review me" and
"Interview4" (Dillahunt and Hasiao, 2020), and for
dealing with social anxiety, such as the app
"CogniShift" (Elefsen and Khaliq, 2021).
We propose to expand the UCD theory and add
practical tools that enable user empowerment.
To develop a digital product, one must start from
the premise of the steps within the UCD. Within
them, we will focus on the first two processes of the
UCD - research and concept, as a thorough
examination of the design and test stages are beyond
the scope of the current paper. When developing a
new digital product or updating an existing one, the
designers of the product must keep in mind that the
product can improve the user's strengths, and we
encourage them to think of ways to help the users
reach their potential in the central path of their life.
2.1 Research
We consider the common tool of personas as an
effective UCD method (Cooper, 1999; Jansen et al,
2022; Goodwin, 2011). In UED, the persona's
description (user card) includes additional layers that
describe the importance of the product for the user in
terms of the technological product's potential impact
on the user's life beyond the course of interaction with
the product itself.
The UED approach introduces additional
important aspects to the process of building personas,
including the user's personal potential mapping tool.
Using this tool, we ask about the life of the user and
define their “main path,” i.e. their important goals and
ambitions, strengths and weaknesses in the context of
that main path. Applying our mapping tool, for each
persona we add several Likert-type scales, each
representing an attribute that is relevant to the main
path. The attributes are important characteristics or
abilities that the persona wants to have or fulfil. On
each attribute scale, we mark the persona’s current
state and their potential future state. In addition, we
describe the factors that currently inhibit or prevent
the persona from realizing their potential.
2.2 Concept
We suggest that the product designer employ a
systematic usage of our methodology. After the
designer defines the trait/ability that the user wishes
to emphasize and identifies the factor that inhibits the
user’s potential to advance that trait (the “preventive
factor”) the methodology systematically leads the
designers through certain paths to the most suitable
design solutions.
The methodology we offer includes eight distinct
models, demonstrated in Table 1. Each model appears
in a separate column and represents a different
“preventive factor.” We suggest a suitable design
solution for each of these factors, which may
empower the user beyond the course of interaction
with the technological product. We divided the
models into two groups: four models see technology
as the solution for dealing with the preventing factor,
and the other four models identify the source of the
preventing factor in the technology itself.
Due to space constraints, we will demonstrate only
two models out of the eight described in Table 1, the
Walls and the Ripples. For each, we suggest design
features specifically intended to empower users using
a popular instant messaging application, WhatsApp.
2.2.1 The Wall Model: Intergenerational
Many adults experience technology as an obstacle in
their lives. Age-related barriers are derived from
normal changes that a person undergoes in cognition
and physical conditions, along with affective barriers
(age-related perceptions and attitudes towards
technology). In addition, technologies are usually not
designed to be age-friendly. The combination of these
factors leads to intergenerational gaps and negative
consequences, including digital exclusion that may,
in turn, lead to social exclusion and deterioration of
the sense of belonging (Katz and Sophia, 2021). The
acquisition of online literacy for digital
communication creates a linguistic gap that
distinguishes generation Y from the baby boomer
generation (Subramaniam and Razak, 2014). The use
of nonstandard language, emojis and new forms of
slang in social networks may lead to
misunderstandings and communication barriers.
CHIRA 2022 - 6th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
Table 1: The eight model that guides designers to empower users.
Technology offers the solution Technology causes the problem
mental aspects lack of abilities unintentional intentional
arriers transien
exclusion side effects to addic
to har
Engines Breaks Trainers Bridges Walls Ripples Hooks Bad Wolf
deals with
lack of
that prevents
the user from
deals with fears
and changes
thoughts that
hinder the user
from realising
his or her
offers proper
guidance and
coaching, so
users will be
able overcome
difficulties and
can help
overcome a
ermanent or
was not
designed to fit
the user's
needs, and
becomes an
solves a
problem, it
may create
others, by
unexpected by-
products such
as loss or
degrade of
was designed
to addict the
user or
affects the
was designed
to allow for
evil or is
exploited by
users in
Create a habit
and by
Encourage small
successes and
dissolve fears in
a safe
Build a training
process that
will encourage
the user to
without the
Build a tool
that will
provide a
include the
user in the
design process.
Refine and
weaken the by-
impeding the
main product
Neutralize an
addiction or
create an
Block the
ossibility to
harm and
protect the
One of the weaknesses of the WhatsApp
application is faulty communication caused by the
user being unfamiliar with unique slang and terms
that are typical to the medium of instant messaging
correspondence. Through the lens of the Walls
Model, Katz and Sophia (2021) identified this
problem and suggested a solution by designing
“WhatsThat,” which provides a synchronous
automatic translation for dialogue participants.
WhatsThat offers a solution that reduces the gap
between participants and minimizes possible negative
consequences for the well-being of all family
members, especially older adults. Figure 1 shows a
screen that demonstrates message exchanges between
Grandpa David and his grandson, Tamir. The figure
presents Grandpa David’s view. Grandpa David
clicked on an embedded link for the word “sup” that
the system generated automatically and received
contextual knowledge (an explanation) retrieved
from the system’s dictionary (Figure 1).
The design contributes to fulfilling the user’s
communication potential with loved family members,
especially grandchildren, by building common
ground, increasing mutual understanding and
overcoming potential miscommunications. This
design focuses on empowering older adults’ self-
efficacy, a meaningful goal that is on the main path of
their lives.
Figure 1: A synchronous automatic” translation” for
dialogue participants.
2.2.2 The Ripples Model: Displaying the
“Important” along with the “Recent”
Nowadays, people make extensive use of instant
messaging applications throughout almost every
waking moment. They constantly check, read, and
User Empowering Design: Expanding the Users’ Hierarchy of Needs
send messages in the context of various relationships
and activities: family, friends, work, leisure,
colleagues and more.
The Ripples Model portrays situations in which
technology that was invented to solve a certain
problem inadvertently creates other problems. For
example, nowadays people hardly remember
telephone numbers due to the high availability of
digital personal contact apps. Another example is
navigation apps, which help people efficiently move
from one geographic point to another, freeing them
from the need to remember the directions required to
reach their destination. However, this technological
assistance may come at the cost of the loss of intrinsic
navigational skills and lack of attention to landmarks
situated in a route. Thus, researchers list many
negative side effects and ramifications of
technological designs, including loss of navigational
skills, memory loss, lack of attention, inability to
form interpersonal relationships, loneliness and more
(Amichai-Hamburger and Etgar, 2018; Turkel, 2017;
Goodman, 2021).
For the sake of continuity, we will once again use
WhatsApp to demonstrate another ripple effect. In
order to meet user needs, WhatsApp designers surely
applied the rules of usability and UX. To fulfil users'
needs for efficiently detecting and reading messages,
chats with the most recent incoming messages are
presented at the top of the screen. This design strategy
also reinforces the emotional UX level, since people
become more engaged when seeing a new message.
This emotional response is related to the widespread
Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO), which triggers the need
to be constantly updated. Presenting the most recent
chats at the top supports the immediate need to know
what is happening here and now at any given time.
Although the designers’ good intentions to
provide a user-friendly app that meets the users’ need
for usability and a good experience, WhatsApp’s
current design may impede the need of many users to
preserve and promote certain relations that are
important in their lives. As in various social media
platforms, many users feel that their time and
attention have been hijacked by the abundant social
groups to which they belong and that intensive
involvement in social media negatively affects their
well-being (Sagioglou & Greitemeyer, 2014;
Vorderer et al., 2017; Appel et al., 2020). A mundane
message recently received in the kindergarten
parents’ group finds its way to the top of the chat list.
An inflated volume of chats that find their way to the
top of the screen may push important contacts (such
as family members and dear friends) down the chat
history and thereby lead to the “out of sight out of
mind” phenomenon. This may blur the distinction
between recent and important, leading users to focus
on recent chats while forgetting about the important
contacts that are out of sight. WhatsApp developers
identified this problem and attempted to offer various
solutions, such as muting groups and allowing users
to pin up to three chats at the top of the chat list.
However, enabling users to pin more than three chats
is not possible. In addition, WhatsApp’s current
design does not create a continuous awareness of the
people that are important to the user. The user's ability
to see their important contacts at any moment is
crucial for the user’s sense of control (Ng, 2004).
We propose a solution that does not require the user
to give up the convenience of having recent messages
appear at the top of the screen. Rather, we focus on
adding a permanent horizontal bar of important contacts
to the top of the screen (see Figure 2). We enable and
encourage users to select and add their important
contacts to the bar that we label "Important to me". This
microcopy will appeal to the user's emotions and act as
a subtle reminder of who is truly important to them. The
ordinary vertical order of chats preserves the recent,
while our new horizontal bar simultaneously pins the
important to the top. Together, the vertical order of
chats and the horizontal bar that we offer allow the user
to find the balance between what happened recently
(changes dynamically) and what is important (relatively
constant), thus restoring their sense of control over the
important things in life. This design will contribute to
the user's main life path outside the product -
maintaining and strengthening the relationships with
the people who are truly important to them.
Figure 2: Fixed bar of important contacts in the upper part
of the screen.
CHIRA 2022 - 6th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
In this paper, we lay the foundations for a design
method UED, motivated by the fact that there is
currently no orderly design method that consciously
provides an answer for empowering users. We
described the user empowerment framework and
explained how it expands UCD to a higher-level user
need. We also described practical solutions that
implement the empowering design. Our framework
offers a methodology that identifies eight models,
each representing a variety of situations that may
have an impact on personal, community and
organisational empowerment.
Empowerment is certainly not a new concept. The
innovation we offer is UED, designing digital
products intentionally to empower users. UED is a
powerful idea, as it emphasises the understanding that
HCI designers can positively affect the users' well-
being and aspects that are in the central path of the
users’ lives (behaviours, worldviews, feelings of self-
worth, self-efficacy and even perceptions of the
meaning of life). While most designers focus on
providing influences that occur during the interaction
(usability and emotions at the time of interacting),
UED is meant to achieve positive effects way beyond
the interaction. We wish not only to highlight this
ability of designers to enhance the impact of their
designs, but also call on designers to take
responsibility for the characteristics of the product
they produce and design products that will better the
lives of their users.
There are already some very interesting and
inspiring projects by Maes in MIT Media Lab that
show how new body-integrated technologies may
assist people by strengthening cognitive skills and
“soft” skills such as attention, learning, decision-
making, creativity, communication, and emotion
regulation. Maes’ works with her students and
colleagues (e.g., Rosello et al., 2016; Leong et al.,
2021) demonstrate how technologies can assist users
in overcoming their limitations and realizing their
goals. Some applications include intelligence
augmentation, memory augmentation, motor
augmentation, augmented decision-making and more.
These works adopt a design approach to create and
study new wearable and immersive systems that can
help people reach a life with well-being, and while
doing so, they are mindful of ethical and social issues.
In future works, we will further expand the
description of the design stages (research, concept,
design and test) under the UED lens. For example, we
will elaborate on practical instructions for building a
persona card that focuses on the user's weaknesses
and strengths. We will also offer design principles for
each of the eight models and include a solution plan
for various problematic situations. In addition, we
will expand the discussion beyond personal
empowerment, to social and organizational
empowerment. To these ends, we will refine the
measures of user empowerment and test the
usefulness of UED by means of empirical
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CHIRA 2022 - 6th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications