Multi-label Emotion Classification using Machine Learning and
Deep Learning Methods
Drashti Kher and Kalpdrum Passi
School of Engineering and Computer Science, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Keywords: Multi-label Emotion Classification, Twitter, Python, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Naïve Bayes, SVM,
Random Forest, KNN, GRU based RNN, Ensemble Methods, One-way ANOVA.
Abstract: Emotion detection in online social networks benefits many applications like personalized advertisement
services, suggestion systems etc. Emotion can be identified from various sources like text, facial expressions,
images, speeches, paintings, songs, etc. Emotion detection can be done by various techniques in machine
learning. Traditional emotion detection techniques mainly focus on multi-class classification while ignoring
the co-existence of multiple emotion labels in one instance. This research work is focussed on classifying
multiple emotions from data to handle complex data with the help of different machine learning and deep
learning methods. Before modeling, first data analysis is done and then the data is cleaned. Data pre-
processing is performed in steps such as stop-words removal, tokenization, stemming and lemmatization, etc.,
which are performed using a Natural Language Processing toolkit (NLTK). All the input variables are
converted into vectors by naive text encoding techniques like word2vec, Bag-of-words, and term frequency-
inverse document frequency (TF-IDF). This research is implemented using python programming language.
To solve multi-label emotion classification problem, machine learning, and deep learning methods were used.
The evaluation parameters such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score were used to evaluate the
performance of the classifiers Naïve Bayes, support vector machine (SVM), Random Forest, K-nearest
neighbour (KNN), GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) based RNN (Recurrent Neural Network) with Adam
optimizer and Rmsprop optimizer. GRU based RNN with Rmsprop optimizer achieves an accuracy of 82.3%,
Naïve Bayes achieves highest precision of 0.80, Random Forest achieves highest recall score of 0.823, SVM
achieves highest F1 score of 0.798 on the challenging SemEval2018 Task 1: E-c multi-label emotion
classification dataset. Also, One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test was performed on the mean values
of performance metrics (accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score) on all the methods.
With the increasing popularity of online social media,
people like expressing their emotions or sharing
meaningful events with other people on the social
network platforms such as twitter, Facebook,
personal notes, blogs, novels, emails, chat messages,
and news headlines (
Xiao Zhang, Wenzhong Li1 and
Sanglu Lu, 2017).
Emotion is a strong feeling that deriving from
person's mood or interactions with each other. Many
ways are available for detecting emotions from the
textual data, for example social media has made our
life easier and by pressing just one button everyone
can share personal opinion with the whole world.
Emotion can be detected from the data with the help
of data mining techniques, machine learning
techniques and with the help of neural networks
Avetisyan, H and Bruna, Ondej and Holub, Jan, 2016)
From the examination it was expressed that emotion
detection approaches can be classified into three
following types: keyword based or lexical based,
learning based and hybrid. The most commonly used
classifiers, such as SVM, naive bayes and hybrid
algorithms (
Avetisyan, H and Bruna, Ondej and Holub,
Jan, 2016)
. Emotion mining is very interesting topic in
many studies such as cognitive science, neuroscience,
and psychology (
Yadollahi, Ali and Shahraki, Ameneh
Gholipour and Zaiane, Osmar R, 2017)
. Whereas emotion
mining from text is still in its early stages and still has
Kher, D. and Passi, K.
Multi-label Emotion Classification using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods.
DOI: 10.5220/0011532400003318
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2022), pages 128-135
ISBN: 978-989-758-613-2; ISSN: 2184-3252
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
a long way to proceed, developing systems that can
detect emotions from text has many applications.
The intelligent tutoring system can decide on
teaching materials, based on users mental state and
feelings in E-learning applications. The computer can
monitor users emotions to suggest appropriate music
or movies in human computer interaction (
Ali and Shahraki, Ameneh Gholipour and Zaiane, Osmar R,
. Moreover, output of an emotion-mining system
can serve as input to the other systems. For instance,
Rangel and Rosso (
Yadollahi, Ali and Shahraki, Ameneh
Gholipour and Zaiane, Osmar R, 2017 )( Rangel and
Paolo Rosso,2016) use the emotions identified within
the text for author identification, particularly
identifying the writers age and gender. Lastly,
however not the least, psychologists can understand
patients emotions and predict their state of mind
consequently. On a longer period of time, they are
able to detect if a patient is facing depression, stress
that is extremely helpful since he/she can be referred
to counselling services (
Yadollahi, Ali and Shahraki,
Ameneh Gholipour and Zaiane, Osmar R, 2017)
. There is
analysis on detecting emotions from text, facial
expressions, images, speeches, paintings, songs, etc.
Among all, voice recorded speeches and facial
expressions contain the most dominant clues and have
largely been studied (Carlos Busso, Zhigang Deng,
Serdar Yildirim, Murtaza Bulut, Chul Min Lee, Abe
Kazemzadeh, Sungbok Lee, Ulrich Neumann, and
Shrikanth Narayanan, 2004)( Alicja Wieczorkowska,
Piotr Synak, and Zbigniew W. Ra´s., 2006). Some
types of text can convey emotions such as personal
notes, emails, blogs, novels, news headlines, and chat
messages. Specifically, popular social networking
websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace are
appropriate places to share one’s feelings easily and
1.1 Multi-label Classification for
Emotion Classification
Emotion mining is a multi-label classification
problem that requires predicting several emotion
scores from a given sequence data. Any given
sequence data can possess more than one emotion, so
the problem can be posed as a multi-label
classification problem rather than a multi-class
classification problem. Both machine learning and
deep learning were used in this research to solve the
1.1.1 Machine Learning based Approach
For the machine learning models, data cleaning,
text preprocessing, stemming, and lemmatization
on the raw data were performed. The text data was
transformed to vectors by using the TF-IDF
method, then multiple methods were used-to
predict each emotion. SVM, Naive Bayes, Random
Forest, and KNN classifiers were used extensively
to build the machine learning solution. After all the
training, various performance metrics measures
were plotted for each model concerning every
emotion label as a bar plot.
1.1.2 Deep Learning based Approach
For the deep learning, dataset is loaded, then
preprocessed, and encoded to perform deep learning
techniques on it. From this research shows that RNN
based model performs well on text data, GRU model
was built with an attention mechanism to solve the
problem by training for multiple epochs to obtain
the best accuracy.
In this research, 10,983 English tweets were used for
multi-label emotion classification from (“SemEval-
2018”, 2018), (Mohammed, S., M.; Bravo-Marquez,
F.; Salameh, M.; Kiritchenko, S, 2018). The dataset
of emotions classification includes the eight basic
emotions (joy, sadness, anger, fear, trust, disgust,
surprise, and anticipation) as per Plutchik (1980)
(Jabreel M., Moreno A, 2019) emotion model, as well
as a few other emotions that are common in tweets
which are love, optimism, and pessimism. Moreover,
python 3.7.4 version was used for data preprocessing,
multi-label emotion classification, and data
Data preprocessing is the most crucial data mining
technique that transforms the raw data into a useful
and efficient format. Real-world information is
frequently inconsistent, incomplete, or missing in
specific behaviours and is likely to contain lots of
errors. It is a demonstrated technique of resolving
such issues. It prepares raw data for further
processing. Different tools are available for data
preprocessing. Data preprocessing is divided into a
few stages which is show in Figure 1.
Multi-label Emotion Classification using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods
Figure 1: Structure of Data Preprocessing.
The data preprocessing steps that are performed
before starting machine learning and deep learning
methods are as follows.
Data Cleaning: For data cleaning, sometimes tweets
possess certain usernames, URLs, hashtags,
whitespace, Punctuations, etc., which is not helpful in
machine learning algorithms to get better accuracy.
Then, remove all noisy data from every tweet. All
special characters are replaced with spaces. This step
is performed as special characters do not help much
in machine learning modeling. Every tweet is
transformed into lower case. Also, duplicate tweets
are identified and removed.
Remove Stop Words: Stop words are words that are
finalized in the Natural Language Processing (NLP)
step. “Stop words” or “Stop word lists” consists of
those words which are very commonly used in a
Language, not just English. Stop word removal is
important because it helps the machine learning
models to focus on more important words which
result in more accurate prediction. Stop word removal
also helps to avoid problems like the curse of
dimensionality as it reduces the dimensionality of the
data. It is important to note that there is a total of 179
stop words available in the English language using
NLTK library (Manmohan singh, 2020).
Tokenization: In simple terms, tokenization is a
process of turning sequence data into tokens. It is the
most important natural language processing pipeline.
It turns a meaningful piece of text into a string char
named tokens.
Stemming: Stemming is a process of turning
inflected words into their stemmed form. Stemming
also helps to produce morphological variants of a
base word. Stemming is the part of the word which
adds inflected word with suffixes or prefixes such as
(-ed, -ize, -s, -de, mis). So, stemming results in words
that are not actual words. Stemming is created by
removing the suffixes or prefixes used with a word.
Lemmatization: The key to this process is linguistics
and it depends on the morphological analysis of each
word. Lemmatization removes the inflectional
endings of words and returns the dictionary form of
the word, which is also known as “Lemma”.
Lemmatization also uses wordnet, which is a lexical
knowledge base. Lemmatization is performed after
stemming, and it is performed on the tokenized
Machine learning and a deep learning-based
approaches were used to solve the multi-label
emotion recognition problem on emotion
classification from twitter data. Both machine
learning and deep learning algorithms were applied
after applying domain knowledge-based data
cleaning, NLP based data preprocessing, and feature
engineering techniques. Different feature
engineering and preprocessing techniques were
applied for both the solutions.
3.1 Machine Learning Methods for
Emotion Classification
The most popular machine learning methods such as
Naïve bayes, SVM, Random Forest, and KNN have
been discussed in this section. For the Machine
learning models, data cleaning, text preprocessing,
stemming, and lemmatization on the raw data were
performed. Feature engineering converts the
text/string data to a format that machine learning
algorithms would interpret. It is an important step
before applying any of the mentioned machine
learning algorithms. The overview of applying
machine learning techniques to the emotion
classification labeled data and analysis is shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Overview of applying machine learning
Feature Engineering: The cleaned and preprocessed
tokens of tweets are obtained after all the
preprocessing where each token is a “string”.
Machine learning models cannot work with strings,
they only work with numbers. The tokens are
WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
transformed into numbers by using the methods given
Bag of Words (BOW)
Term frequency and Inverse document frequency
It is always a better idea to use TF-IDF rather than
BOW as the TF-IDF feature engineering technique
also preserves some semantic nature of the sequence.
For this research, the TF-IDF feature engineering
technique was used to encode tokens as numbers.
Naïve Bayes: Naive Bayes is a machine learning
classifier and it used to solve classification problems.
It uses Bayes theorem extensively for training. It can
solve diagnostic and predictive problems. Bayesian
Classification provides a useful point of view for
evaluating and understanding many learning
algorithms. It calculates explicit probabilities for
hypothesis, and it is robust to noise in input
information (Hemalatha, Dr. G. P Saradhi Varma, Dr.
A. Govardhan, 2013). In this multilabel classification,
single Naive Bayes model is trained for predicting
each output variable.
Support Vector Machine: The support vector
machine is a supervised learning distance-based
model. It is extensively used for classification and
regression. The main aim of SVM is to find an
optimal separating hyperplane that correctly
classifies data points and separates the points of two
classes as far as possible, by minimizing the risk of
misclassifying the unseen test samples and training
samples (García-Gonzalo, E., Fernández-Muñiz, Z.,
García Nieto, P.J., Bernardo Sánchez, A., Menéndez
Fernández, M, 2016). It means that two classes have
maximum distance from the separating hyperplane.
Random forest: It is an ensemble learning method
for classification and regression. Each tree is grown
with a random parameter and the final output is
achieved by aggregating over the ensemble (R. Gajjar
and T. Zaveri, 2017). As the name suggests, It is a
classifier that contains a number of decision trees on
different subsets of the given dataset and takes the
average to improve the predictive accuracy of that
dataset. Rather than depending on one decision tree,
the random forest takes the prediction from each tree
and based on the majority votes of predictions, and it
predicts the final output.
K-Nearesr Neighbor: K-Nearest Neighbor is one of
the simplest Machine Learning algorithms based on
Supervised Learning technique. It assumes the
similarity between the new data and available data
and put the new data into the category that is the most
similar to the available categories. It reserves all the
available data and classifies a new data point based
on the similarity. This means when new data comes
out then it can be easily classified into a well suite
category by using K- NN algorithm. It can be used for
Classification as well as for Regression but mostly it
is used for the Classification problems. KNN
algorithm at the training phase just stores the dataset
and when it gets new data, then it classifies that data
into a different category that is much similar to the
new data.
3.2 Deep Learning based Emotion
Deep learning adjusts a multilayer approach to the
hidden layers of the neural network. In machine
learning approaches, features are defined and
extracted either manually or by making use of feature
selection methods. In any case, features are learned
and extricated automatically in deep learning,
achieving better accuracy and performance. Figure 3
shows the overview of deep learning technique. deep
learning currently provides the best solutions to many
problems in the fields of image and speech
recognition, as well as in NLP.
Figure 3: Overview of applying deep learning techniques.
Feature Exrtraction: Feature extraction is the name
for methods that combine and/or select variables
into features, effectively reducing the amount of data
that must be processed, while still accurately and
completely describing the original data set.
Word Embedding: Word embeddings are the texts
changed into numbers and there may be different
numerical representations of the same content. As it
turns out, most of the machine learning algorithms
and deep learning architectures are unable to process
strings or plain text in their raw form (NSS, 2017).
They require numbers as inputs to perform any sort of
work, which is classification, regression etc.
Moreover, with the huge amount of data that is
present within the text format, it is basic to extract
knowledge out of it and build applications (NSS,
Multi-label Emotion Classification using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods
2017). So, word embeddings are used for converting
all text documents into a numeric format.
Word2vec: It could be a two-layer neural net that
processes text (Pathmind Inc., 2022) . The text corpus
takes as an input, and its output may be a set of
vectors. Whereas it is not a deep neural network it
turns text into a numerical form that deep neural
network can process. The main purpose and
usefulness of Word2vec is to group the vectors of
similar words together in vector space (Pathmind Inc.,
Gated Recurrent Unit based Recurrent Neural
Network: In this research, Simple recurrent neural
networks are not used because they do not have long
term dependencies. The way to solve gated recurrent
units used. For solving, the vanishing gradient
problem of a standard RNN, GRU uses two gates:
update gate and reset gate. GRUs can be trained on
data stored for a long time without removing
irrelevant data or cleaning the data.
The following evaluation parameters were used to
evaluate the performance of the classifiers.
Accuracy: It is a ratio of correctly predicted
emotion class to the total number of observation
emotion class.
Precision: It is a ratio of correctly predicted
emotion class to the total number of positive
predicted class.
Recall: It is a ratio of correctly predicted positive
emotion class to all observation in true actual class.
F1 score: F1 score is the degree of calculating the
weighted average of precision and recall. It ranges
between 0 to 1 and it is considered perfect when it is
1 which means that the model has low false positives
and low false negatives.
Confusion Matrix: A confusion matrix is used for
summarizing the performance of a classification
The most commonly used performance evaluation
metrics for classification problems are accuracy,
Precision, recall and F1 score. Evaluation parameters
are measured with the help of confusion matrix.
Figure 4 shows that the Naïve Bayes classifier
achieved the best performance with respect to
precision (0.80) on average of all emotions.
Moreover, KNN method has high precision for
Pessimism (0.951) emotion compared to the other
methods but did not perform well overall compared
to Naïve Bayes. For precision, machine learning
methods achieved better result compared to deep
learning methods. For deep learning models, GRU
based RNN with RmsProp optimizer (0.59)
performed well compare to Adam optimizer (0.52).
Figure 4: Precision of various algorithms at emotion
Figure 5 shows that the Random Forest classifier
achieved the best performance with respect to recall
(0.819) for average of all emotions. Also, SVM and
Naïve Bayes perform well with a recall of 0.81 and
0.815, respectively. Moreover, K-nearest Neighbor
(KNN) classifier has low recall value for trust (0.465)
and surprise (0.384) emotion but overall KNN
performed well with an average recall of 0.749. For
deep learning methods, GRU based RNN with
RmsProp optimizer (0.632) performed well compare
to Adam optimizer (0.452). Figure 5 shows the recall
of the classifiers for each emotion category.
Figure 5: Recall of algorithms at emotion category.
Figure 6 shows that the support vector machine
(SVM) classifier achieved the best performance with
respect to F1 score (0.798) for average of all
emotions. Moreover, K-nearest Neighbor (KNN)
classifier has quite low result (0.671) compared to
Random Forest (0.794), Naïve Bayes (0.762), and
SVM. For deep learning models, both the models
performed similar in all emotions. But GRU based
RNN with RmsProp optimizer (0.595) performed
well compare to Adam optimizer (0.486). Figure 6
WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
shows F1 score of the classifiers for each emotion
Figure 6: F1 score of algorithms at emotion category.
Notice that GRU based RNN with RmsProp,
Random Forest and SVM perform relatively better
over other methods. The efficacy of the task is
achieved through the ensemble modelling. In
ensemble modelling, the predictions of different
models are combined to produce improved
performance over any individual model in classifying
the emotions. This approach helps in reducing the
variance and improves the generalization. The
following two popular ensemble techniques have
been used in this study: (i) majority voting, and (ii)
weighted average.
In majority voting approach, predictions of
different algorithms have been combined and the
majority vote is predicted. In weighted average
approach, predictions of algorithms have been
combined with certain weightage. The weightage
of each algorithm is generally assigned based on the
individual performance of that algorithm on the data.
In this research, F1 score of the algorithm is
considered to be its weight.
The ensemble methods combine the predictions of
all the other methods to produce an improved
prediction. These ensemble methods considered in
this research are parallel in nature which means all the
models are independent of each other. Figure 7 shows
that both ensemble techniques achieved the best result
with respect to precision (0.818, 0.813), recall (0.829,
0.83) and F1 score (0.789, 0.799) for average of all
emotions respectively. Moreover, both the ensemble
techniques perform better than any individual
method. Figure 7 compares performance metrics of
ensemble methods against other individual
Figure 7: Comparison of performance metrics of algorithms
against ensemble methods.
Mohammed et al. (Jabreel M., Moreno A,
2019) achieved 0.59 accuracy, 0.57 precision,
0.61 recall, and 0.56 F1 score using GRU based
RNN classifier, which was used in this research
as a reference. In comparison, different
classifiers were used for measuring all evaluation
parameters for emotion classification labeled
data set. GRU based RNN with RmsProp
optimizer classifier gave high accuracy for multi-
label emotion classification from emotion
classification dataset (SemEval-2018), even
though, other methods give better performance.
Table 1 shows that the comparison of all methods
for emotion classification dataset.
Table 1: Comparison of all methods.
Number Parameters
GRU based
RNN with
GRU based
RNN with
1 Accuracy 0.809 0.815 0.819 0.757 0.79 0.823
2 Precision 0.80 0.794 0.794 0.762 0.526 0.596
3 Recall 0.812 0.815 0.82 0.75 0.452 0.632
4 F1-score 0.762 0.798 0.794 0.67 0.486 0.595
5 AUC 0.79 0.81 0.79 0.59 0.81 0.84
Multi-label Emotion Classification using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods
Table 2: ANOVA test results on performance metrics.
KNN RmsProp Adam
Precision 0.80 0.798 0.80 0.736 0.607 0.539 0.819 0.814 6.85*10
Recall 0.812 0.819 0.824 0.763 0.588 0.463 0.829 0.832 1.72 *10
F1 Score 0.766 0.80 0.801 0.70 0.581 0.497 0.789 0.802 1.36 * 10
Accuracy 0.812 0.819 0.824 0.763 0.827 0.795 0.817 0.805 1.4 * 10
Overall, the better performance is achieved by
using machine learning methods for all evaluation
parameters. But GRU based RNN with Rmsprop
optimizer performed the best in terms of accuracy,
with the highest accuracy (0.823) compared to other
classifiers. The results also show a huge improvement
compared to the results of Mohammed et al. (Jabreel
M., Moreno A, 2019) for the same dataset. Figure 8
shows that comparison of all evaluation parameters
using different classifiers.
Figure 8: Comparison of all methods.
Statistical Analysis: To conclude, or to choose the
best method from these ensemble methods as well as
all classifiers, statistical one-way ANOVA test was
performed. Test for statistical significance helps to
measure whether the difference between the
performance metrics observed via all methods is
significant or not.
In this research, One-way Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA) test is performed on the mean values of
performance metrics on all the methods (shown in
Table 2). The null hypothesis (H0) states that all
models demonstrate similar performance. H0 is
accepted if no statistically significant difference (P >
0.05) is observed in the mean value of the
performance metrics for the different models under
study. The alternate hypothesis (H1) is accepted and
H0 is rejected if a statistically significant performance
difference (P < 0.05) is found to exist (S. Rajaraman,
Sameer K. Antani, 2020). One-way ANOVA is an
omnibus test and needs a post-hoc study to identify
all the methods demonstrating this statistically
significant performance differences (S. Rajaraman,
Sameer K. Antani, 2020).
Table 2 summarizes the ANOVA test results for
performance metrics. It is observed that the P -values
are lower than 0.05 for the performance metrics. This
means that the methods are statistically significant
(null hypothesis H
is rejected) when evaluated on the
basis of these performance metrics. F1 score is the
consonant mean of both precision and recall. It is a
better measure of incorrectly classified cases and used
when it needs to maintain higher precision and recall
instead of just focussing on one. In this study, the
mean value of F1 score is higher for weighted average
ensemble method (0.802) compared to that of
majority voting ensemble method (0.789). This
shows, that weighted average method has proved to
be the best model in view of achieving higher F1
score and model built using weighted average method
would result in higher F1 score over other methods.
In this research, twitter data was analysed for emotion
classification. Since each tweet is associated with
multiple emotions not just limited to one, this
problem has been formulated as multi-label emotion
classification. The popular machine learning
classifiers and GRU based Recurrent Neural Network
with Adam and RmsProp optimizer were used to
solve multi-label emotion classification problem.
The popular ensemble techniques such as
Majority voting and Weighted average methods were
used for reducing the variance and improve the
generalization. These methods have been proved to
be more accurate in terms of all the performance
metrics (accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score).
Also, One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test
is performed on the mean values of performance
metrics on all the methods.
From the results, it is concluded that accuracy
increased from 0.59 to 0.823 using GRU based RNN
with RmsProp optimizer classifier which is 23.3%
(0.233) higher, precision increased from 0.57 to 0.80
using Naive Bayes classifier which is 23% (0.23)
WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
higher, recall increased from 0.56 to 0.82 using
Random Forest classifier which is 26% (0.26) more
and F1 score increased from 0.56 to 0.798 using SVM
which is 23.8% (0.238) higher than Mohammed et al.
(Alicja Wieczorkowska, Piotr Synak, and Zbigniew
W. Ra´s., 2006) research paper results on emotion
classification dataset (SemEval-2018). Highest value
of AUC (0.84) was achieved for GRU based RNN
with RmsProp optimizer. For visualization,
Matplotlib library was used in Jupyter Notebook to
compare all the results using machine learning and
deep learning methods.
Future Work: In the future, the present analysis can
be extended by adding more feature extraction
parameters and different models can be applied and
tested on different datasets. The present research
focusses on establishing the relations between the
tweet and emotion labels. More research can be done
in the direction of exploring relations between the
phrases of tweet and emotion label. Transfer learning
with some existing pre-trained models for
classification and data fusion from different data
sources can be a good direction to explore to improve
the robustness and accuracy. In this study, dataset
comes from only twitter source, but other social
networks can be used for creating this type of dataset.
For this research, emotion classification dataset was
used from the research paper of Mohammed et al., but
new dataset can be created to explore the same
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Multi-label Emotion Classification using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods