ELEVEN Data-Set: A Labeled Set of Descriptions of Goods Captured
from Brazilian Electronic Invoices
ıcius Di Oliveira
1,2 a
, Li Weigang
1 b
and Geraldo Pereira Rocha Filho
1 c
TransLab, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil
Secretary of Economy, Brasilia, Federal District, Brazil
BERT, Electronic Invoice, Labeled Data-set, Short Text, Supervised Learning, Text Classification.
The task of classifying short text through machine learning (ML) models is promising and challenging for eco-
nomic related sectors such as electronic invoice processing and auditing. Considering the scarcity of labeled
short text data sets and the high cost of establishing new labeled short text databases for supervised learning,
especially when they are manually established by experts, this research proposes ELEVEN (ELEctronic in-
VoicEs in portuguese laNguage) Data-Set in an open data format. This labeled short text database is composed
of the product descriptions extracted from electronic invoices. These short Portuguese text descriptions are
unstructured, but limited to 120 characters. First, we construct BERT and other models to demonstrate the
short text classification using ELEVEN. Then, we show three successful cases, also using the data set we de-
veloped, to identify correct products codes according to the short text descriptions of goods captured from the
electronic invoices and others. ELEVEN consists of 1.1 million merchandise descriptions recorded as labeled
short-texts, annotated by specialist tax auditors, and detailed according to the Mercosur Common Nomencla-
ture. For easy public use, ELEVEN is shared on GitHub by the link: https://github.com/vinidiol/descmerc.
There is a vast amount of information on the Web,
including images, videos, documents and a colossal
volume of texts. Most of the text data available are
unstructured, which makes it arduous and onerous
to search, analyze and retrieve valuable information
from this source. A labeling process, such as man-
ual annotation could be an expensive solution, which
in some cases, would be prohibitive as a time-costly
task made by expensive labor (Pandolfo and Pulina,
2021). When it comes to short texts, the scenario is
no different. Domain experts are needed for trust-able
labeling and they are hard to find and hire (Du et al.,
2019; Sugrim, 2020). It is possible to notice a short-
age of short texts labeled in English, which is even
greater in Portuguese.
The challenge to build machine learning models
for classifying short texts is huge, especially when
the task needs to analyse beyond Twitter and other
comments on social networks. To construct relevant
and valuable knowledge it is very important to sur-
pass sentiment analysis and move on to semantic clas-
sification. The use of machine learning algorithms is
mandatory to retrieve structured information from un-
structured texts (Ambika, 2020). Thereby, to thrive
on the supervised learning field, an open and truthful
labeled data-set could contribute significantly.
Even with the impressive progress in these fields,
machines are still far from being able to have a com-
plete semantic understanding of the human language
(Maulud et al., 2021; Hitzler et al., 2020; Lake and
Murphy, 2021), so the supervised machine learning
algorithms are quite useful, if not indispensable, in
achieving relevant results.
Research success, both academic and industry,
grows as findings are shared, tested and debated.
Open and free data sets play a very important role in
this challenge, as they can keep parameters of equal
comparison between different models. So different
algorithms and/or different settings can be trained and
evaluated based on the same information (Gasparetto
et al., 2022; Pintas et al., 2021).
This work introduces the ELEVEN Data-Set
(ELEctronic inVoicEs in the portuguese laNguage)
for that purpose. It presents a set of 1,117,623 la-
Di Oliveira, V., Weigang, L. and Filho, G.
ELEVEN Data-Set: A Labeled Set of Descriptions of Goods Captured from Brazilian Electronic Invoices.
DOI: 10.5220/0011524800003318
In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2022), pages 257-264
ISBN: 978-989-758-613-2; ISSN: 2184-3252
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
beled records of merchandise descriptions. The an-
notation process was made by tax auditors specialists
following the Mercosur Common Nomenclature pat-
tern. The descriptions were extracted from the Brazil-
ian Electronic Invoice data base, it was made available
by the Secretary of Economy of Bras
ılia - Brazil.
As the contributions of this paper beside the
ELEVEN Data-set, we will construct Bidirectional
Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT)
and other machine learning models to demonstrate
the short text classification using ELEVEN. Then, we
will show three successful cases in the literature, also
using ELEVEN, to identify correct products codes ac-
cording to the short text descriptions of goods cap-
tured from the electronic invoices (Kieckbusch et al.,
2021) and others (Marinho et al., 2022; Schulte et al.,
The article is organized as follows. After this
introduction, section 2 describes the Brazilian elec-
tronic invoices and Mercosur Common Nomenclature
(NCM) code. Section 3 studies the related work about
the development of the electronic invoice and short
text data-sets. ELEVEN data-set is presented in sec-
tion 4. To show the possible application, section 5
shows BERT and other two model for text classifi-
cation using the proposed data-set. Section 6 reports
three successful cases using ELEVEN data-set. The
last section gives the conclusions of the article.
All trade transactions of goods in Brazil are elec-
tronically recorded. The digital document that keeps
each transaction’s information is called Nota Fiscal
onica - NFe - Electronic Invoice or Electronic
Tax Bill as a free translation form Portuguese to En-
glish. This document is a XML file transmitted by the
internet between the issuer (seller/remittent) and the
tax administration system - in the case of Bras
ılia, the
Secretary of Economy (CONFAZ, 2013).
As shown in Figure 1, the issuer sends the NFe file
to the tax administration system which validates, au-
thorizes, and records the transaction. The transport of
the goods is authorized and the delivery to the buyer is
completed. After, the buyer can confirm the compli-
ance requirements consulting the tax administration
website. The communication between the companies
and the tax administration system are made by a web
service link (da Rocha et al., 2018).
The NFe document contains all the information
to identify the seller (or sender), the buyer (or ad-
dressee), the tax information related, the transport
Figure 1: NFe generation and operation flow.
and freight information, and, finally our study ob-
ject, the goods linked to that transaction, including
descriptions, quantities, volumes, tax rate, tax value,
tax codes, accounting codes and NCM code (Merco-
sur Common Nomenclature - NCM).
The NFe document is free to fill, i.e., there is no
validation rule for the inputs. This feature is due to the
declaratory nature of this document. The validation of
the document’s compliance is carried out later by the
tax inspection. So, there is no guarantee that the input
codes (e.g., tax, accounting, and NCM) are correct.
Hence, there is no parameterized reference to com-
pare the correctness of what has been declared. Fill-
ing errors or the intention to deceive the tax authori-
ties can happen. Anyway, the description of the goods
must correspond correctly with the goods to which
that NFe refers, after all, the buyer will check the
correctness of the description, as he needs to confirm
what was actually purchased and delivered (de Aguiar
and Gouveia, 2020).
Machine learning models that can read the goods’
description field would be extremely useful, as they
would be used to detect fraud and errors in filling
out invoices, consequently contributing greatly to re-
ducing tax losses currently verified (Sinayobye et al.,
2018; Raghavan and El Gayar, 2019).
The tax administration of Bras
ılia began recording
and labeling descriptions to facilitate the automated
process of data cross-referencing. The database pro-
duced resulted in the first version of ELEVEN.
The adoption of the NFe framework for recording and
controlling all the merchandise transactions in Brazil
WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
increased the tax revenue (Vieira et al., 2019), en-
hanced mechanisms to face tax evasion (de Aguiar
and Gouveia, 2020) and, by companies’ side, it im-
proved the tax compliance systems and internal au-
dit procedures (Codesso et al., 2020). In the Logistic
field, as the NFe document has the information of the
sender and the receiver, the data stored in electronic
tax invoices were used as the main input for the al-
location process for generating distribution routes for
cargo vehicles in urban areas (Pipicano et al., 2021).
As this work presents a data-set of labeled short
texts extracted from the Brazilian electronic invoices
(NFe), the following subsections will show works that
illustrate de NFe relevance in information technolo-
gies applications and point out some short text data
3.1 NFe for Information Technology
In the field of high-performance processing of large
data-sets, (da Rocha et al., 2018) analyzes the perfor-
mance of SQL queries on Hadoop comparing it with
an RDBMS-based approach. The study focuses on a
large set of NFe electronic invoice data.
The Brazilian electronic invoices have been used
in several studies across other fields, especially in Ar-
tificial Intelligence. A work (dos Santos Neto et al.,
2022) proposes that using Artificial Intelligence it
is possible to find potential customers for a prod-
uct. They present a methodology developed to iden-
tify pent demand by analyzing the NFe electronic in-
voices. Using the information collected in the elec-
tronic invoices, it was possible to quantitatively evalu-
ate the existence of pent-up demand for some product
in a specific region and then create decision support
mechanisms. The experiment observed that 13,6% of
products presented a strong indication of pent-up de-
More about Artificial Intelligence applications,
(Lucena et al., 2022) proposes an approach to inspect
invoices and extract information about measures and
units from goods descriptions. They used a neural
network with the BiLSTM-CRF architecture, a com-
bination of a long short-term memory (LSTM) and
a conditional random field (CRF). This method vali-
dates product quantity information to verify whether
any product was bought or sold by the enterprise with-
out issuing an NFe electronic invoice.
Other study (Mendes Thame Denny et al., 2021)
defined the creation of a tax credit clearinghouse
and analyzes the applicability of blockchain and Dis-
tributed Ledger Technology - DLT to the Brazilian
Electronic Invoice System. They set the adoption of
Hyperledger Composer Fabric as an encrypted frame-
work that would be able to create a secure environ-
ment for the storage and analysis of information by
using DLT, so it presents itself as a solution to address
privacy and security concerns of the stakeholders.
3.2 Short Text Data-Sets
Other relevant data-sets are embodying short texts.
The term “common data sets” was used by (Tang
et al., 2022) when referring to three well-known data
sets: Yago (Suchanek et al., 2008), Freebase (Bol-
lacker et al., 2007), and Probase (Wu et al., 2012).
They are called “common” because they represent
general content and can be used by non-professional
information and any researcher.
YAGO, A Large Ontology from Wikipedia and
WordNet, presents with high coverage and precision a
large ontology. It brings content from Wikipedia and
WordNet in more than 1.7 million entities and 15 mil-
lion facts. There is a taxonomic hierarchy as well as
semantic relations between the entities. It maintains
compatibility with RDFS while allows representing n-
ary relations in a natural way (Suchanek et al., 2008).
Freebase, a Shared Database of Structured Gen-
eral Human Knowledge, is a graph-shaped database
of structured general human knowledge. It is a store
of large data objects such as text documents, images,
sound files, and software. The primary method of
access to Freebase is through its public HTTP-based
API which contains tools for the collaborative design
of simple types and properties. The data in Freebase
consists of millions of topics and tens of millions of
relationships between them (Bollacker et al., 2007).
Probase, a Probabilistic Taxonomy For Text Un-
derstanding, contains 2.7 million concepts harnessed
automatically from a corpus of 1.68 billion web pages
as well as it uses probabilities to model inconsistent,
ambiguous, and uncertain information it contains (Wu
et al., 2012). It was used as a source for short text un-
derstanding studies with semantic concepts (Ji et al.,
2019; Shi et al., 2018) and used to empower an engine
for products review analysis as a knowledge source
(Luo et al., 2019).
There are other short text data-sets for specific
themes. The Twitter data set could be set or sec-
tioned by specific subjects, e.g. for COVID-19 re-
search (Chen et al., 2020), natural disaster perception
(Alam et al., 2018), and the foremost use for senti-
ment analysis (Zimbra et al., 2018). And the Amazon
Fine Foods reviews (McAuley and Leskovec, 2013).
Those were just examples, as the whole list would be
too extensive and uncountable.
ELEVEN Data-Set: A Labeled Set of Descriptions of Goods Captured from Brazilian Electronic Invoices
The ELEVEN construction started in 2017 with a
team of tax auditors specialists in the inspection of
that kind of operations. Every month the data-set is
updated with new descriptions captured by the tax
administration system and so on. The result of that
work, the more than one million labeled descriptions
data-set, was shared with the authors for academic
study purposes.
The verification and calculation of the tax due is
done electronically on large masses of data. Such
analysis depend on reading the fields filled in the NFe.
The field referring to the product description, named
XPROD, is the most reliable as it is printed and sent
attached with the merchandise, so the purchaser of
the goods usually checks it for order compliance rea-
sons or warranty issues, on the other hand, it is a text
(field of type string), and upper limit of 120 char-
acters, without any filling pattern, so its automatic
reading and classification become unfeasible by tra-
ditional means of data crossing.
That said, it can be seen that the current main
use of the database has its pros and cons. The di-
rect comparison works effectively but is limited to
perfect matching, character by character, between the
checked fields. Therefore, to solve the problem of the
perfect match must, an artificial intelligence capable
of comparing text descriptions and tax codes, with-
out the perfect match restriction, would improve the
tax inspection actions. Finally, the ELEVEN Data-
Set can be the necessary piece to build that artificial
The ELEVEN Data-Set is composed by four
mains columns in which the 1,117,623 elements are
distributed. The columns are described below.
XPROD: goods description in the NFe, max.
length of 120 characters. The text is raw, exactly
as it was inserted by the issuer;
NCM: NCM code inserted in the NFe, 8 fix digits;
Rotulo: specification of the goods identified by
specialists according to the Common Mercosur
Nomenclature - NCM, i.e., the label, text string;
Item: A label code annotated by the experts, 2
digits. This can be read as the class label.
The class label codes are indicated in the Item
meaning column on the Table 1.
The ELEVEN Data-Set is available on GitHub in
a zipped csv file named BaseDesc NCM.zip.
The Common Mercosur Nomenclature - NCM is a
regional nomenclature for the categorization of goods
adopted by Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay
Table 1: Label code annotated by the experts.
Code Meaning
30 Cachac¸a and spirits
31 Wines, vermouths, ciders, other beverages
38 Perfumery, personal care and cosmetics
39 Cleaning materials
40 Food products
41 Building materials
42 Electrical Material
since 1995. It is used in all foreign trade operations of
Mercosur countries. This nomenclature is an ordered
structure that allows determining a single numerical
code for a given commodity. This code, once known,
starts to represent the commodity itself (Brazil, 2019).
By way of illustration, the sequence of NCM
codes for “Milk” identification can be seen by the fol-
40: Milk;
4002: Milk and cream concentrated or with added
sugar or other sweeteners.;
400221: Milk with no sugar and no sweeteners;
40210210: Whole milk.
The Figure 2 illustrates the distribution of records
among code classes, as well as shows the number of
records per code class in descending order of occur-
Figure 2: Illustration of records occurrences.
Data Protection and Tax Secrecy. The data exposed
does not violate the tax secrecy of companies issu-
ing and/or receiving the invoices, as they only show
the description of the goods listed in the electronic in-
voices, as can be verified by any consumer when pur-
chasing a product, as well as no financial reference
that can demonstrate pricing values or profit rates.
The NCM codes are in the public domain and widely
available. There will be mentions of product brands in
the descriptions, but for the reasons explained above,
WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
this indication remains to assure the tax secrecy of
the brands. The authors had authorized access to the
database by the Sub-Secretariat of Revenue of the
State Department of Economy of Brasilia, respecting
the premises indicated above regarding tax secrecy.
All references to values, units, and quantities have
been removed.
In order to demonstrate the feasibility of using the
Data-Set as a basis for a text classifier, a modeling
essay was built and shared in this section. The cho-
sen task was text classification, where the models will
classify the goods’ descriptions (inputs, “XPROD”)
conforming to the given label (outputs, “Item”). Ac-
cording to the nature and purpose of this Data-Set, the
chosen models are supervised learning algorithms.
A sample of 15,000 labeled descriptions is also
shared at the same GitHub page in another csv file
named AmostraDescMerc.csv. This file is a random
sample of three item categories: 38 - Perfumery, per-
sonal care, and cosmetics; 39 - Cleaning materials;
and 40 - Food products. The file is composed of 5,000
records from each category. It is also available a R
code for modelling the sample data-set, the results are
shown in this section.
These are the tested classification prediction mod-
els: KNN, GBM, ANN, and BERT.
The sample data-set was splitted in three parts
on the following proportions, 70%, 20% and 10%
for training, validation and test, respectively. The
Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), Artificial Neu-
ral Network (ANN) and Pre-training of deep bidi-
rectional transformers for language understanding
(BERT) models settings are presented as follow.
GBM: ntrees = 1000, max depth = 3;
ANN: 3 layers of 150, 300, 150 neurons, in 20
BERT: Number of Word = 5000, max length =
150, batch size of 8, and learning rate of 2× 10
in three epochs of training.
The complete code used in this study is shared on
the GitHub folder indicated above. The predictions
results of the three models are presented below. The
KNN in Figure 3, the GBM in Figure 4, and the ANN
in Figure 5. In those figures, the “Macro” value con-
cerns the metrics of the model as a whole.
The neural network architecture was conceived by
testing various layouts, some of them are shown in the
Figure 3: KNN model results.
Figure 4: GBM model results.
Figure 5: ANN model results.
Table 2. The choice criterion was the best accuracy,
so the Table 2 shows the architectures in descend-
ing order of the achieved accuracy values. Therefore,
the architecture chosen was one of three layers with
150, 300, and 150 neurons respectively, in 20 train-
ing epochs. The accuracy achieved is 95.52% and the
AUC is 0.9998. The GBM model achieved an accu-
racy of 90.63% and the AUC of 0.9892.
The results presented indicates consistency with
ELEVEN Data-Set: A Labeled Set of Descriptions of Goods Captured from Brazilian Electronic Invoices
the purpose of the ELEVEN Data-Set and with the re-
sults of these algorithms found in similar tasks of text
classification (Kadhim, 2019; Kowsari et al., 2019;
Thangaraj and Sivakami, 2018).
Relevant results have already been achieved with
a CNN model using the ELEVEN Data-Set in another
study by (Kieckbusch et al., 2021). The sampling
classes chosen were different from those picked for
this study, however the Accuracy achieved with the
CNN model was 0.97. More details about this work
are in the next section.
Table 2: ANN Architectures (20 epochs).
L1 L2 L3 L4 Acc. AUC
150 300 150 - 0.9552 0.9998
100 200 100 - 0.9514 0.9998
40 40 - - 0.9511 0.9999
30 60 60 30 0.9481 0.9999
30 60 30 - 0.9474 0.9998
The BERT model (Devlin et al., 2018), one of
the most prominent state-of-art models (Acheampong
et al., 2021; Bhavani and Santhosh Kumar, 2021; Mi-
naee et al., 2021), achieved the best result with the
data sample used for this experiment, an accuracy of
0.98. The Figure 6 compares the accuracy results
from the models tested. The script used for the BERT
model is also available on the aforementioned GitHub
Figure 6: Tested Models Accuracy.
Although some advances achieved in how to inter-
pret neural networks, they are still hard to explain and
understand (Oh et al., 2019; Buhrmester et al., 2021).
Explain why and how the model classified one de-
scription different from another one is not simple, es-
pecially when facing stakeholders’ inquiries, explain-
ability is a very important issue (Sokol and Flach,
2020). In some cases, there are legal requirements
that demand machine learning model interpretability
(Bibal et al., 2021), i.e., the algorithm predictions
(outputs) would be understood somehow by the users.
That said, looking for the best implementation op-
tions, other models must be taken into account when
their performance is close to the neural networks.
Recently, the labeled data-set from descriptions of
goods, extracted from this electronic invoices, has
been a source of data support for published studies.
ELEVEN data-set has been applied in three cases in
A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based
system, named SCAN-NF (Kieckbusch et al., 2021),
thrived to classify Electronic Invoices based on goods
descriptions. SCAN-NF was built to identify cor-
rect products codes based on the short-text descrip-
tions of goods captured form the electronic invoices.
The SCAN-NF presents and compares two models.
The first is a single CNN. The second is an ensem-
ble model built from two binary classifiers which had
achieved the best performance.
For Data visualization purpose, Marinho and oth-
ers presented a method for visualizing electronic in-
voices to support tax inspectors to detect suspicious
cases of tax frauds using point placement strategies
(Marinho et al., 2022). Their experimental results
with ELEVEN validated that proposed method ac-
cording to the visualizations’ quality by introducing a
case study which simulate the discovery of suspicious
invoices considering a subset of selected products.
A framework for clustering short-text data in the
NF-es using an automatic encoder to cluster data was
proposed by (Schulte et al., 2022) so called ELINAC.
It makes the task of clustering similar data by the
short-text descriptions and improve anomaly detec-
tion in numeric fields.
This research emphasizes the importance of providing
open access to large labeled data sets for the develop-
ment of machine learning algorithms in economic re-
lated applications. Especially because there are a few
data sets of this type and they are expensive to build.
Similarly, the challenge faced by the tax authorities
in verifying the correctness of the electronic invoice
information have also been proved. It is worth noting
WEBIST 2022 - 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
that the description text is not structured and there are
no filling rule, but it is very small, with a maximum
of 120 characters.
The ELEVEN Data-Set was introduced as data re-
sources and a tool to improve the solutions to both
problems. It can be used as a benchmark to enhance
machine learning models for short text classification,
and to improve tax inspection behavior on fraud de-
tection in electronic invoices. According to the de-
scriptive nature of the labeled records themselves, the
prediction tasks could focus on the semantic meaning
of the analyzed text.
Given the presented results, it was shown that the
product descriptions indicated in the electronic in-
voices could be input into the machine learning mod-
els used for goods classification. To demonstrate that
fact, this research shows that the BERT model has
satisfactory performance for this kind of text mining
task. Three successful case studies in literature were
also reported to show the applicability of ELEVEN
Data-set for economic related applications.
Future works. Beyond text classifications by su-
pervised learning, the ELEVEN Data-set could be
used for web scraping tasks as the descriptions sets
could be reference for searching rules. It would be
valuable to use ELEVEN in the pre-training task of
investigating deep learning model. The fitness of data
sets of other Latin languages could also be verified
and measured.
Our sincere gratitude to the Secretary of Economy
of Bras
ılia, especially the auditor Ary Silva J
who, in addition to leading the data-set construction
project, kindly shared the data for this study.
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