Inferring New Information from a Knowledge Graph in Crisis
Management: A Case Study
Julie Bu Daher
, Tom Huygue
, Nathalie Hernandez
and Patricia Stolf
IRIT, Universit
e de Toulouse, CNRS, Toulouse INP, UT3, Toulouse, France
IRIT, Universit
e de Toulouse, CNRS, Toulouse INP, UT3, UT2, Toulouse, France
Semantic Web, Crisis Management, Knowledge Management, Information Inference.
Natural crises are dangerous events that can threaten lives and lead to severe damages. Crisis-related data
can be heterogeneous and be provided from multiple data sources. These data can be formally described
using ontologies and then integrated and structured forming knowledge graphs. Inferring new information
from knowledge graphs can strongly assist in the various phases of the crisis management process. Different
approaches exist in the literature for inferring new information from knowledge graphs. In this paper, we
present a case study of a flood crisis where we discuss three approaches for inferring flood-related information,
and we experimentally evaluate these approaches using real flood-related data and synthetic data for further
analysis. We discuss the interest of using each of these approaches and detail its advantages as well as its
Natural crises, such as floods are adverse events re-
sulting from natural processes of the Earth. They
could lead to severe consequences such as loss of
lives, disruption of normal life of the population and
materialistic damage in properties, infrastructure and
economy. From here comes the urgent need of the cri-
sis management in order to limit these consequences.
Crisis-related data can be exploited for taking impor-
tant decisions that can assist in the crisis management
process. These data are heterogeneous and can be
provided from multiple sources. Managing these data
is important for two main reasons. First, integrating
and structuring the crisis-related data allows the ac-
tors involved in the management process to access
the needed data at the right time. Second, structur-
ing the data allows managing its heterogeneity and
thus inferring new information that enriches the ini-
tial data shared by the actors in real-time during the
crisis. This can be attained using semantic web tech-
nologies that allow the structuring of the data and the
inference of new information from it.
An ontology allows a structuring and a logical rep-
resentation of the knowledge through concepts and
relations among concepts of an ontology. They are
known for managing heterogeneity and having a con-
sistent shared understanding of the meaning of in-
formation (Elmhadhbi et al., 2019). Heterogeneous
crisis-related data can thus be integrated and struc-
tured using the concepts and relations of an ontol-
ogy to form a knowledge graph. This enhances the
interoperability of the data among the various actors
involved in the crisis management process, and it al-
lows inferring new information and making it explicit
which helps in the decision making process of the cri-
sis management.
Inferring new information from the crisis-related
data can help in past, present and future aspects. It
can help in improving a past experience through in-
ferring new information from past crisis-related data.
The situation of a current crisis can also be analyzed,
and we can infer new information that helps taking
current actions. In addition, we can infer new infor-
mation that helps in predicting a future crisis or its
phases and properties.
Crisis management has been described in the lit-
erature as a lifecycle, and it is categorized into four
main phases: mitigation, preparedness, response and
recovery (Franke, 2011). This work is in the frame of
a project that aims at integrating several disciplinary
expertises to limit the consequences of flash floods. It
is a case study on real flood-related data where the aim
is to propose solutions for limiting the consequences
of a flood during the flood response phase. When a
flood occurs, the safety of the population is the most
Bu Daher, J., Huygue, T., Hernandez, N. and Stolf, P.
Inferring New Information from a Knowledge Graph in Crisis Management: A Case Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0011511200003335
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2022) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 43-54
ISBN: 978-989-758-614-9; ISSN: 2184-3228
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
important concern; therefore, an evacuation process
of the population in demand points should take place
where a demand point represents a place that can be
impacted by the flood and thus needs to be evacu-
ated. This process is handled by the firefighters who
are responsible for taking rapid decisions and actions
concerning evacuation. In our case study, we aim at
proposing evacuation priorities to demand points in
order to assist in the evacuation process of flood vic-
tims. In this frame, we have proposed an ontology
that formally describes the flood-related data and, and
we have integrated the heterogeneous data in a knowl-
edge graph using the shared vocabulary of the ontol-
ogy (Bu Daher et al., 2022). Using this knowledge
graph, we aim at inferring new information repre-
senting evacuation priorities to all the demand points
in our study area, and we then aim at enriching the
knowledge graph with this information about prior-
ities and updating it constantly with real-time data.
The aim of this paper is to evaluate three approaches
for inferring evacuation priorities of demand points
through a case study on real data representing a past
occurring flood.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 dis-
cusses the related work in this domain. Section 3
presents the problem statement containing our prob-
lematic, data description and the used ontology and
knowledge graph. Section 4 presents the three ap-
proaches that are proposed as solutions for our prob-
lem which are later evaluated in section 5. Finally,
section 6 discusses the conclusion and the future
Ontology-based approaches have been proposed in
the literature in the domain of crisis management.
The main purpose behind proposing ontologies in this
domain is the information management and sharing
among different actors involved in the crisis manage-
ment process.
An ontology has been proposed by (Katuk et al.,
2009) for integrating flood-related data to allow the
coordination of response activities among different
agencies involved in the management process and to
provide up-to-date information that facilitates the de-
cision making by the management committee chair-
man. Another ontology was proposed by (Yahya
and Ramli, 2020) to formally integrate flood-related
data in order to be shared by all related agencies in
the management process. They propose an ontology
for each agency including one describing data about
evacuation centers, and they then aim at integrating all
the ontologies in a global one that shares information
among all agencies. An flood ontology was proposed
by (Khantong et al., 2020) for managing and sharing
flood information among different responders, orga-
nizers or processes that are handled by different sys-
tems in organizations in order to carry out disaster re-
lief operations. The ontology manages static and dy-
namic data. Static data represent the data that don’t
change during a flood, while dynamic data represent
the data evolving throughout a flood. Their static data
are described through concepts including area and re-
source, and their dynamic data represent coordination
and production acts concerning the crisis.
Some of the proposed ontologies include concepts
related to victims’ evacuation such as victim, flood
as well as evacuation areas, resources and centers
(Khantong et al., 2020; Yahya and Ramli, 2020);
however, these concepts are not exploited for infer-
ring new information that assist in the evacuation pro-
Although not widely existing, some approaches in
the literature propose inferring various kinds of infor-
mation in this domain. An ontology-based framework
for risk assessment is proposed by (Scheuer et al.,
2013) to manage and share the knowledge of stake-
holders and decision makers in risk management and
to infer information from the ontology concerning el-
ements at risk against certain event types based on the
user’s input. Different types of events such as floods
are defined in the ontology where the user chooses an
event type and defines the event intensity in order to
assess elements at risk against this event. The pro-
posed framework identifies the intensity parameters
that are suitable for this flood event using the rela-
tion ”IntensityOf” defined in the ontology between
”Event” and ”Intensity” classes. Then, the frame-
work infers the elements at risk that are susceptible to
this event through matching susceptibility functions
against the chosen event type using the “isSusceptib-
lityTo” relation that is used to link each susceptibility
function to the respective event types. A susceptibil-
ity function takes one or more intensity parameters
as input and allows obtaining a damage ratio. The
relevant elements at risk against the event type are
then inferred by matching susceptibility functions us-
ing the ”susceptibilityOf” relation defined in the on-
tology between ”Susceptibility Function” and ”Ele-
ment AtRisk” classes. (Wang et al., 2018) propose a
hydrological sensor web ontology, based on three ex-
isting ontologies: SOSA
, Time
KEOD 2022 - 14th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
to integrate heterogeneous data provided from differ-
ent sensors effectively during natural disasters. They
then use SWRL rules on their constructed knowledge
graph to infer flood phases from the precipitation of
water level and observation data. (Kurte et al., 2017)
propose an ontology that captures dynamically evolv-
ing phenomena to understand the dynamic spatio-
temporal behaviour of a flood disaster. ”SIIM” (Kurte
et al., 2016) and ”Time” ontologies were used to de-
scribe geospatial and time concepts, and SWRL rules
were then used to retrieve image regions based on
their temporal interval relations. (Sun et al., 2016)
propose an ontology that allows inferring flood states
as well as their properties, such as precipitation and
water course in the frame of a context-aware system.
Jess rules (Hill, 2003) are used to infer new infor-
mation that enrich their context-aware system so that
its components can be adapted according to context
We notice from the approaches proposed in the
domain of crisis management that new information
can be inferred using the relations defined among con-
cepts of the ontology (Scheuer et al., 2013) and using
rules such as SWRL rules (Wang et al., 2018; Kurte
et al., 2017). SPARQL queries are used to query
the knowledge graphs in order to extract information
(Wang et al., 2018).
Inferring new information using defined concepts
and relations’ characteristics of the ontology is an ap-
proach that can be conducted using existing tools and
reasoners. SPARQL query language, that is usually
used for querying the knowledge graph, can be also
used for inferring new information from the knowl-
edge graph. Rules have been usually used in the do-
main of crisis management in order to infer new in-
formation. There exists a different kind of rules for
inferring new information from knowledge graphs. In
our work, we propose to evaluate three different ap-
proaches for inferring new information in the domain
of crisis management.
In this section, we discuss our problem statement in-
cluding our problematic, the data representing our
case study, our proposed ontology and knowledge
graph, the evacuation priorities defined for the study
area and the proposed solutions for our problematic.
3.1 Problematic
Flood crisis management is a critical process as it con-
cerns severe consequences where the most adverse
consequence is having victims in danger. Therefore,
the evacuation of victims is an essential process in the
flood response phase. The proposed solutions for as-
sisting in this process should respect the delicacy of
the situation in being rapid and efficient. In our work,
we propose evaluating three different approaches for
inferring information that can assist in the evacua-
tion process of flood’s victims. These approaches are
based on approaches existing in the literature for in-
ferring new information from knowledge graphs. The
evaluated approaches propose inferring the same in-
formation differently. The first approach proposes
inferring the information that enrich the knowledge
graph from the concepts and relations of the ontol-
ogy using OWL constructors, the second approach
uses SPARQL query language to infer new informa-
tion through directly enriching the knowledge graph
using insert and delete queries, and the third approach
proposes inferring the information using rules and en-
riching the knowledge graph with the inferred infor-
mation. Rules are frequently used in the literature for
inferring information from knowledge graphs. Dif-
ferent kinds of rules have been used for this purpose
including SWRL rules
. In this approach, we propose
using SHACL rules
, a more recent kind of rules that
overcomes certain limitations of other kinds and that
hasn’t been used in the domain of crisis management
Each approach relies on the knowledge graph con-
taining the flood-related data to infer evacuation pri-
orities of demand points and to enrich the knowledge
graph with the inferred priorities. We experimentally
evaluate the performance of the three approaches on
a real use case of a flood crisis in order to discuss the
importance of inferring new information that helps in
the crisis management process and to find the most
efficient approach applicable to this use case. In addi-
tion, we extend this use case with synthetic data when
needed in order to further analyze the specificities of
each approach.
3.2 Data Description
The data in our study area concern the Pyr
ees flood
that occured in June 2013 in Bagn
south-western France. It was a torrential flood, de-
structive and dangerous for the population. The con-
sequences of this flood include destructed houses,
cut roads, flooded campsites and damaged farms.
The food-related data are heterogeneous and are pro-
vided from various data sources. These sources in-
Inferring New Information from a Knowledge Graph in Crisis Management: A Case Study
clude institutional databases such as BD TOPO
providing data about hazards, vulnerabil-
ity, damage and resilience. Some sources provide
data about geographical locations of roads, buildings,
companies and establishments in France. Other data
sources provide various data including data sensors
providing data about water levels and flows, a hy-
drological model computing flood generation, a hy-
draulic model for flood propagation as well as other
sources providing other kinds of data such as socio-
economic and population data as well as danger and
vulnerability indices of the flood calculated by the do-
main experts. The vulnerability index measures the
vulnerability of a demand point, and it is calculated
using topographic and social data like population den-
sity, building quality and socio-economic conditions.
The danger index measures the level of danger of a de-
mand point, and it is calculated using the water speed
and level obtained from a hydraulic model. These
data can be categorized as static and dynamic data.
Our static data include the number of floors and geo-
graphic locations, while our dynamic data include the
water level and the number of population in a demand
3.3 Ontology and Knowledge Graph
In a previous work, we have proposed an ontol-
ogy that formally describes our heterogeneous
flood-related data with all the needed concepts
and relations, and we constructed our knowl-
edge graph through integrating the heterogeneous
flood-related data of our study area (Bu Daher
et al., 2022). Our ontology consists of 41 classes,
6 object properties and 23 data properties, and
it is available online via the following URL:
Nondations.owl. It is used in a further step to infer
new information assisting in the flood response phase
of the management process. We present as follows
the concepts and relations that are strictly related
to inferring new information concerning evacuation
We define in our ontology a class named ”de-
mand point” representing either an infrastructure or
an infrastructure aggregation. This class is char-
acterized by four subclasses representing evacuation
priorities that are used in a further step for infer-
ring new information concerning the priorities of de-
mand points. The class ”Material infrastructure” de-
scribes all possible types of infrastructure in the study
area including homes, working places and facilities
such as healthcare facilities. We also define a class
named ”Infrastructure aggregation” that allows man-
aging different types of infrastructure in an aggre-
gated manner by regrouping them in districts, build-
ings and floors. For example, we can describe that
the district has buildings, the building has floors, and
the floor has apartments using the relation ”has part”.
This class is useful when data about different kinds
of infrastructure are unavailable. For example, when
data about a building are not available, we consider
the data about its district.
The defined class ”population”describes the pop-
ulation in an infrastructure including fragile and non-
fragile population defined using the relations ”is in”
and ”contains”.
The object and data properties are divided into
static and dynamic properties to represent static and
dynamic flood-related data. The static object prop-
erties represent the relations between concepts de-
scribing static data such as ”has part” describing an
infrastructure or an infrastructure aggregation, while
the dynamic object properties represent the relations
between concepts describing dynamic data such as
”contains” that describes the population in an infras-
tructure or an infrastructure aggregation.
Concerning the data properties, the static data
properties include building’s vulnerability index and
number of floors, and the dynamic data properties
include danger index, submersion height, flood du-
ration, number of population and whether a demand
point is inhabited or not.
Using the previously described ontology, we have
constructed our knowledge graph integrating static
and dynamic flood-related data. The static data were
integrated only once at the beginning of the flood,
transformed into RDF triples and added to the ontol-
ogy. In contrary, the dynamic data were transformed
into RDF triples and updated in real-time throughout
the flood. The transformation of static and dynamic
data into RDF triples has been performed using ”rd-
flib” library
in python that maps data according to
the corresponding concepts and relations of the ontol-
ogy (Bu Daher et al., 2022).
3.4 Evacuation Priorities
There are four evacuation priorities defined by the do-
main experts in flood management for the evacuation
process as follows:
”Evacuate immediately”, ”Evacuate in 6 hours”,
”Evacuate in 12 hours” and ”No evacuation”. Each
KEOD 2022 - 14th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
evacuation priority is represented as a set of con-
ditions defined for certain properties of the demand
points where the conditions of each priority are also
defined by the domain experts. The properties used
for defining the evacuation priorities are: danger in-
dex, duration of flood, number of floors, submersion
height, vulnerability index, housing type and whether
the building is inhabited or not. The conditions are
defined such that the evacuation priorities are exclu-
sive and consider all the possible values of properties
describing the demand points in the study area.
3.5 Inferring New Information
concerning Priorities
We recall that our aim is to manage and share hetero-
geneous flood-related data among different actors in-
volved in the flood crisis management in order to help
them access the needed data at the right time and take
decisions with the help of the inferred information.
Based on the knowledge graph that integrates all
the flood-related data, we propose inferring new in-
formation concerning the evacuation priorities of the
demand points of the study area to help the firefighters
take rapid decisions and actions in the evacuation pro-
cess of flood victims. As previously detailed, we have
four evacuation priorities that are represented as sub-
classes of the class ”Demand point” in the ontology.
Each demand point will then be typed with one of
these four evacuation priorities according to its prop-
erties. In other words, we classify the instances of
demand points in our study area into four categories
where each category represents one of the four evacu-
ation priorities. The inferred information is then used
to enrich the knowledge graph so that it is shared by
different actors involved in the management process.
In this section, we discuss the three approaches for in-
ferring the evacuation priorities of the demand points
in our study area.
4.1 Inferring Evacuation Priorities
using FaCT++ Reasoner in Prot
The first approach consists of enriching the knowl-
edge graph using the semantics of the ontology. Each
class representing an evacuation priority is defined
with axioms that express the conditions that a demand
point should satisfy, and a reasoner is used to auto-
matically classify the demand points’ instances ac-
cording to the four priority classes.
Several reasoners already exist in the literature
for inferring new information from knowledge graphs
where some of them can be plugged in Prot
cluding Pellet (Sirin et al., 2007), HermiT (Glimm
et al., 2014) and FaCT++ (Tsarkov and Horrocks,
2006) reasoners. This allows inferring new informa-
tion directly through the ontology editor and visualiz-
ing the demand points and their corresponding evac-
uation priorities. We choose the FaCT++ reasoner
in Prot
e to infer new information from our knowl-
edge graph which represent evacuation priorities to
demand points of the study area. FaCT++ is more ef-
ficient on our knowledge graph than other reasoners
plugged in Prot
e. For example, The information
about the evacuation priorities is inferred from the
knowledge graph using FaCT++ in 1.24 hours, while
it takes 10 hours to be inferred using Hermit reasoner.
Figure 1 displays the four defined classes of prior-
ities in our ontology visualized in Prot
e, and figure
2 displays the axioms defined for the priority class
”Evacuate in 12h”. Similarly, axioms are defined for
the corresponding classes of the three other evacua-
tion priorities.
Figure 1: Classes of Evacuation priorities in Prot
Figure 2: Evacuation priority: ”Evacuate in 12 hours”.
When loading the knowledge graph in Prot
FaCT++ reasoning can be directly conducted to in-
fer the evacuation priorities of demand points. The
instances of demand points are thus classified among
the four evacuation priorities according to their prop-
erties where each demand point can be classified and
viewed under the priority class that it satisfies. Figure
3 displays an example of some demand points classi-
fied under the priority class ”Evacuate in 12h”
Inferring New Information from a Knowledge Graph in Crisis Management: A Case Study
Figure 3: ”Inferences for ”Evacuate in 12h” priority in
We then obtain the knowledge graph enriched
with the inferred priorities, and this enriched knowl-
edge graph can thus be shared with the different actors
of the flood management process, particularly the fire-
fighters concerned in the victims’ evacuation in order
to help them take decisions concerning the evacuation
4.2 Inferring Evacuation Priorities
using SPARQL Queries
The second approach that we evaluate is enriching the
knowledge graph with inferred information about the
evacuation priorities using SPARQL queries
. In this
approach, the knowledge graph integrating the flood-
related data is first stored in a triplestore. We have
chosen ”Virtuoso” triplestore for storing knowledge
graphs as it is proved to be efficient in storing a big
number of triples in a relatively short time
. For in-
stance, the results of a benchmark show that Virtuoso
loads 1 billion RDF triples in 27 minutes while it takes
hours to load the same triples in other triplestores such
as BigData, BigOwlim and TDB
After storing the knowledge graph in Virtuoso,
SPARQL insert and delete queries are implemented
to classify the demand points among the four de-
fined evacuation priorities according to their proper-
ties. The definitions of each priority class in the first
approach are now expressed as conditions of each
evacuation priority in its ”WHERE” condition of the
SPARQL query.
We define an ”insert” statement in the SPARQL
query of each evacuation priority in order to type each
demand point that satisfies the conditions of the query
with this evacuation priority after making sure that
we have deleted all possible priorities with which this
demand point could have been typed before. A new
triple is thus obtained for each demand point express-
ing its typed priority. Figure 4 displays the SPARQL
query implemented for the priority ”Evacuate in 12h”.
Figure 4: ”SPARQL query of the priority ”Evacuate in 12”.
The knowledge graph is directly enriched with the
new triples defining the evacuation priorities of de-
mand points on the triplestore, and it can be shared
with different actors to assist in the evacuation pro-
4.3 Inferring Evacuation Priorities
using SHACL Rules
The third evaluated approach is inferring the evacua-
tion priorities of demand points using SHACL rules.
A Shapes Constraint Language (SHACL) rule is a re-
cent kind of rules that can be used for inferring new
information from knowledge graphs while having ad-
vantages over other kinds of rules used in the litera-
ture, and it has not been used in the domain of crisis
management yet. A SHACL rule is identified through
a unique Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI)
not like other kinds of rules. In addition, it can be
activated or deactivated upon its usage purpose where
a deactivated rule is ignored by the rules engine and
is not executed. An execution order can also be deter-
mined for SHACL rules when more than one rule is
Rules are executed using TopBraid SHACL API
which is an open source implementation of the W3C
SHACL based on Apache Jena
KEOD 2022 - 14th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
There exist different types of SHACL rules in-
cluding SPARQL rules, which are based on SPARQL
query language that allows writing rules in SPARQL
notation. In this approach, we use SPARQL rules to
infer the evacuation priorities of demand points. For
each priority, we define a rule as follows. We first
define the node shapes representing the classes that
describe the priorities and the property shapes rep-
resenting the properties used to define the priorities;
then, we define the rules. Referring to the axioms de-
fined in the first approach for each priority class, they
are now defined as rules determining the conditions
of each evacuation priority. The SPARQL rule defin-
ing the priority ”Evacuate in 12h” in the shape file is
displayed as follows.
sh:rule [
rdf:type sh:SPARQLRule ;
sh:prefixes ns1: ;
sh:construct ”””
PREFIX ns1: <
MELODI/ontologies/i-Nondations.owl# >
{?this ns1:priority ?priority.}
{ ?this ns1:danger index ?danger index.
?this ns1:duration of flooding
?duration of flooding.
?this ns1:number of floors ?number of floors.
?this ns1:submersion height ?submersion height.
?this ns1:vulnerability index ?vulnerability index.
?this ns1:is habitated ?is habitated.
(?danger index >0
&& ?danger index <50
&& ?duration of flooding 12
&& ?number of floors 1
&& ?submersion height >0.0
&& ?submersion height 1.0
&& ?vulnerability index <50.0
&& ?is habitated = true ) .
BIND (”12h before evacuation” AS ?priority).
””” ;
sh:condition ns1:12h before evacuation ;
The rules are executed on the knowledge graph to
infer new triples. Each inferred triple consists of a de-
mand point typed with an evacuation priority accord-
ing to its properties. The knowledge graph is then
enriched by adding the inferred triples to it, and it can
be shared by different actors in the crisis management
In this section, we discuss the experimental evalu-
ations conducted in order to evaluate the three ap-
proaches for inferring the evacuation priorities of the
demand points. The evaluations are divided into three
main categories. The first category concerns analyz-
ing the impact of the variation of the number of in-
stances in a knowledge graph on the complexity of
the process of inferring new information. The sec-
ond category concerns analyzing the complexity of
the evacuation priorities. The third category concerns
analyzing the impact of the variation of the number of
evacuation priorities on the complexity of the process
of inferring new information.
All the conducted experiments run in 4h and 1min
on 8 CPUs Core i7-1185G7, and draw 0.28 kWh.
Based in France, this has a carbon footprint of 11.01 g
CO2e, which is equivalent to 0.01 tree-months (calcu-
lated using v2.1 (Lannelongue
et al., 2021)).
5.1 Variation of Number of Instances
In our knowledge graph, evacuation priorities are in-
ferred for demand points; therefore, the number of in-
stances of demand points determines the number of
evacuation priorities inferred. It also represents the
number of times the conditions of each evacuation
priority need to be tested in order to infer a priority
for a demand point. We thus aim at analyzing the
impact of the variation of the number of instances in
the knowledge graph on the complexity of three ap-
proaches of inferring the priorities in terms of execu-
tion time.
5.1.1 Knowledge Graph
The knowledge graph containing all the flood-related
data of our study area is composed of 472,594 triples.
There are 15,078 demand points in our study area;
therefore, 15,078 new triples representing evacuation
priorities of demand points are inferred.
5.1.2 Experimental Results
A demand point is described by different proper-
ties and thus by different instances representing these
properties. To analyze the impact of the variation of
the number of instances, we study the execution time
with decreasing percentages of demand points in the
knowledge graph from 75% to 25% of the total num-
ber of demand points.
Table 1 displays the percentage of demand points
in the knowledge graph (named KG in the tables) with
Inferring New Information from a Knowledge Graph in Crisis Management: A Case Study
the number of demand points for each percentage
which thus represents the number of inferred evacu-
ation priorities of demand points.
Table 1: Percentage of demand points in KG.
% of demand points
in KG
Number of
evacuation priorities
100 % 15,078
75 % 11,308
50 % 7,539
25 % 3,769
Table 2 presents the execution times (in seconds)
of the three approaches for inferring the priorities
with decreasing percentages of demand points in the
knowledge graph. We recall that the three approaches
are as follows: FaCT++ in Prot
e, SPARQL insert
and delete queries as well as SHACL rules.
Table 2: Execution times (s) of inferring priorities using 3
approaches with decreasing percentages of demand points.
of KG
of KG
of KG
of KG
FaCT++ 4464.2 1809.5 1131.5 164.1
80.62 41.37 23 8.09
12.86 8.78 6.55 4.56
From the results in table 2, we notice that the exe-
cution times decrease with decreasing percentages of
demand points in the knowledge graph using the three
approaches. Inferring the priorities using SHACL
rules takes 12.86 seconds for generating 15,078 pri-
orities (100% of demand points in knowledge graph)
and only 4.56 seconds for generating 3,769 priorities
(25% of demand points in knowledge graph). It is
the most efficient approach in terms of execution time
compared to the two other approaches.
In the SPARQL approach, the knowledge graph
should first be loaded on the triplestore which takes
from 3 to 4.5 seconds depending on its size. After
that, 2 SPARQL queries (delete and insert queries)
are executed for each evacuation priority in order to
define the priorities for all demand points and obtain
the enriched knowledge graph. On the other hand,
the chosen SHACL implementation is independent of
a triplestore where the knowledge graph, the node-
shapes of classes and properties as well as the rules
are defined in a single Turtle RDF file. The new in-
ferred triples are then added to the knowledge graph
to obtain the enriched one.
FaCT++ in Prot
e takes around 36 times longer
than SHACL rules to infer the priorities for 25% of
the demand points in the knowledge graph. We note
that we use FaCT++ reasoner in Prot
e which could
not be conducted independently of all other Prot
functionalities; this would thus increase the complex-
ity of the process which explains the long execution
time of this approach compared to the other two ap-
5.2 Evaluation of Complexity of
Evacuation Priorities
We define the complexity of an evacuation priority as
the number of demand points that are typed with this
priority and the time taken to classify them using the
three different approaches. An evacuation priority is
defined as a set of conditions on certain properties that
describe the demand points where these conditions
are combined through ”and” and ”or” logic operators
such that all the possibilities of demand points’ prop-
erties are considered for the four evacuation priorities
in an exclusive manner. We define the worst case sce-
nario of an evacuation priority as the case where all
its conditions should be tested in order to determine if
a demand point is typed with this priority.
The number of conditions defining each of the
four evacuation priorities as well as the properties
used in these conditions vary from one priority to an-
other. For example, the property ”duration of flood” is
not used in the conditions defining the priority ”Evac-
uate immediately”; however, it is used in the condi-
tions defining the three other priorities. Table 3 dis-
plays the number of conditions defining each evacua-
tion priority with considering the worst case scenario
for all the priorities.
Table 3: Number of conditions constituting evacuation pri-
Evacuation priority Number of conditions
Evacuate in 12 hours 8
Evacuate in 6 hours 16
Evacuate immediately 18
No evacuation 27
Due to the different number of conditions and
properties among the four evacuation priorities, we
can tell that they have different complexity. We eval-
uate the complexity of each of the four evacuation pri-
orities using the three different approaches.
5.2.1 Evaluation on Knowledge Graph
Containing Real Data
The knowledge graph that contains the real flood-
related data corresponding to our study area consists
KEOD 2022 - 14th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
of 15,078 demand points with the various instances
of properties describing them. In this experiment, we
evaluate the complexity of the four evacuation pri-
orities on this knowledge graph using the three ap-
proaches for inferring the priorities of demand points.
Table 4 shows the execution times (in seconds) of
each evacuation priority in the three approaches, and
table 5 presents the number of demand points that are
typed with each priority.
Table 4: Execution times (s) of evacuation priorities.
Evacuate in 12h
2080.72 12.88 6.61
Evacuate in 6h
2080.83 7.2 7.28
2054.88 13.19 7.27
No evacuation 2424.88 64.52 9.96
Table 5: Number of demand points per evacuation priority.
Evacuation priority Number of demand points
Evacuate immediately 412
Evacuate in 12h 398
Evacuate in 6h 31
No evacuation 14,237
From these results, we can conclude that the
SHACL approach is the most efficient one when be-
ing applied on the real flood-related data of our study
area, and the SPARQL approach is more efficient
than the approach that uses FaCT++ in Prot
e which
proves to be inefficient on this knowledge graph.
However, our interest is to analyze the complexity of
the evacuation priorities further and in a more generic
manner. Using this knowledge graph, it is difficult
to draw more precise conclusions due to two main
reasons. First, the number of conditions defining
each evacuation priority is not identical among dif-
ferent priorities, and they are not necessarily defined
by the same properties. Second, the number of de-
mand points that are typed with each evacuation pri-
ority is not identical as we can see in table 5. For
example, although the number of conditions defining
the priority ”Evacuate in 12 hours” is less than that
of the priority ”Evacuate in 6 hours”, inferring the
information related to the former priority takes more
time (12.88 seconds) than the latter (7.2 seconds) us-
ing SPARQL queries. The reason is that there are 398
demand points typed with the former priority while
only 31 demand points typed with the latter.
5.2.2 Evaluation using a Synthetic Knowledge
In order to evaluate the complexity of the evacua-
tion priorities more precisely, we propose to evalu-
ate the impact of the number of conditions defining
each evacuation priority on its complexity. To do that,
there are two important factors to be taken into con-
sideration. First, the number of demand points sat-
isfying each evacuation priority should be fixed as it
impacts the complexity. Second, the worst case sce-
nario should be considered for all evacuation prior-
ities in order to ensure a precise evaluation of their
complexity. Considering the worst case scenario rep-
resents having demand points whose properties en-
sure the need of testing each and every condition in
all the evacuation priorities. Therefore, we propose a
new synthetically generated knowledge graph for the
purpose of evaluating the complexity of the priorities.
This synthetic knowledge graph is generated such
that there are four categories of demand points; each
category contains 4,000 demand points whose prop-
erties satisfy the conditions of an evacuation prior-
ity. The total number of demand points in the knowl-
edge graph is then 16,000. This knowledge graph
is generated as follows. Random data are automati-
cally generated representing random ID’s of demand
points with their properties respecting the conditions
of the evacuation priorities. These data are then trans-
formed into RDF triples to form the knowledge graph
relying on the concepts and relations of our ontology.
The RDF triples constituting the knowledge graph are
generated using JENA Java library
As the experimental results of the approach of in-
ferring evacuation priorities using FaCT++ in Prot
has proved to be inefficient compared to the two other
approaches in terms of time, we exclude this approach
from the coming experiments, and we will thus only
evaluate the two other approaches, that are SPARQL
insert and delete queries and SHACL rules.
Table 6 presents the experimental results in terms
of execution time (in seconds) of each evacuation pri-
ority using the two approaches.
We can notice from these results that the execu-
tion time increases as the number of conditions defin-
ing each priority increases in both approaches (re-
fer to table 3 for the number of conditions defin-
ing each priority). This confirms that the number of
conditions defining an evacuation priority impacts its
complexity. In addition, inferring the priorities us-
ing the SHACL approach takes less time than the
SPARQL approach for all the evacuation priorities
which proves that it is the most efficient approach for
Inferring New Information from a Knowledge Graph in Crisis Management: A Case Study
Table 6: Execution times (s) of evacuation priorities of the
synthetic knowledge graph.
Evacuate in 12h 104.54 7.97
Evacuate in 6h 128.49 8.59
158.99 9.01
No evacuation 187.89 9.13
inferring the priorities.
5.3 Variation of Number of Evacuation
The number of evacuation priorities represents the
number of times that the properties of each demand
point are tested against the conditions of all the evac-
uation priorities in order to type this demand point
with its appropriate evacuation priority. Therefore,
the number of evacuation priorities tested in an inte-
grated manner on the knowledge graph has an impact
on the complexity of the process of inferring the evac-
uation priorities.
There are four evacuation priorities defined by the
domain experts concerning the evacuation of victims.
These priorities are defined such that they consider
all the possibilities of demand points, and they are
exclusive. In the following experiments, we aim at
evaluating the impact of the variation of the number
of evacuation priorities on the complexity of the pro-
cess of inferring the priorities of demand points. For
the sake of this evaluation, we propose defining new
evacuation priorities in addition to the four priorities
defined by the domain experts. As the demand points
of our knowledge graph representing the real data of
our study area are typed with the four existing evac-
uation priorities, we propose to enrich the knowledge
graph so that it contains new demand points whose
instances of properties satisfy the new evacuation pri-
5.3.1 New Evacuation Priorities
The evacuation priority having the lowest complex-
ity among the four priorities defined by the domain
experts is ”Evacuate in 12h”. We thus propose to
add three new evacuation priorities that have the same
complexity as this priority for the sake of simplicity of
evaluations. As previously mentioned, the four evacu-
ation priorities are exclusive and consider all the pos-
sibilities. Therefore, in order to add new priorities,
we choose to modify the existing evacuation prior-
ity ”Evacuate in 12h” by adding only one condition
Table 7: The intervals defining the property ”duration of
flooding” in the new evacuation priorities.
Evacuation priority
”duration of flooding”
Evacuate in 12h
(modified priority)
>=12h , <15h
Evacuate in 15h >=15h , <18h
Evacuate in 18h >=18h , <24h
Evacuate in 24h >=24h , <1000h
such that we can define new priorities from this one
through modifying this condition and maintaining the
exclusiveness of the different priorities. Let’s recall
the conditions defining this evacuation priority as pre-
sented in figure 2. We propose to add a condition con-
cerning the property ”duration of flooding” to allow
the division of the values’ range of this property in
order to define several evacuation priorities.
We then define three new evacuation priorities
from the priority ”Evacuate in 12h”. The difference
among these priorities is the value range of the prop-
erty ”duration of flooding” as displayed in table 7.
5.3.2 Knowledge Graph Enrichment
We propose to enrich our knowledge graph with ad-
ditional RDF triples representing demand points with
their instances satisfying the three new evacuation pri-
orities. For this purpose, we have generated synthetic
RDF triples of three categories. Each category con-
tains demand points whose instances satisfy the con-
ditions of one of the new evacuation priorities. We de-
fine 398 demand points for each category that repre-
sents the number of demand points initially satisfying
the evacuation priority ”Evacuate in 12h”. The en-
riched knowledge graph is generated similarly to the
generation of the synthetic knowledge graph for the
previous experimental evaluation, and it thus contains
16,272 demand points with their instances.
5.3.3 Experimental Evaluation
We first evaluate the complexity of the modified evac-
uation priority ”Evacuate in 12h” on the enriched
knowledge graph using the two approaches: SPARQL
insert and delete queries and SHACL rules. We then
evaluate the complexity of the four existing evacua-
tion priorities on the enriched knowledge graph us-
ing the two approaches. After evaluating the exist-
ing priorities, we evaluate the impact of the variation
of the number of evacuation priorities on the process
of inferring the priorities of demand points from the
enriched knowledge graph using the two approaches.
Table 8 displays the results of these evaluations in
terms of execution time (in seconds) where ”4 pri-
KEOD 2022 - 14th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
orities” represent the four existing evacuation prior-
ities defined by the domain experts. We notice from
Table 8: Time for inferring priorities of demand points (s)
with 7 evacuation priorities progressively.
New evacuation priority
Evacuate in 12h 12.88 6.61
4 priorities 84.32 13.1
4 priorities + Evacuate in
94.93 15.34
4 priorities + Evacuate in
15h + Evacuate in 18h
104.59 17.61
4 priorities + Evacuate in
15h + Evacuate in 18h
+ Evacuate in 24h
115.08 19.18
the results that the time increases after the addition
of each evacuation priority using the two approaches.
The time increase after adding each new priority is
by around 10 seconds using the SPARQL approach
which is close to the time of inferring the priority
”Evacuate in 12 hours” for the corresponding demand
points. While the time increase after adding each pri-
ority is around 2 seconds using the SHACL approach
which is less than the time taken to infer the prior-
ity ”Evacuate in 12 hours” for the corresponding de-
mand points. It takes less time to infer the priori-
ties of 16,272 demand points using the SHACL ap-
proach (19.18 seconds) than using the SPARQL ap-
proach (115.08 seconds).
5.4 Discussion
The evacuation process of flood victims is a critical
process that should be rapid and efficient as it threat-
ens the lives of the population. The SHACL approach
is proved to be the most efficient one among the three
approaches for inferring the evacuation priorities in a
real use case as well as using synthetic data that are
generated for various experimental purposes. It is ca-
pable of generating priorities for a big number of de-
mand points in a short time compared to the two other
The constraint of inferring the evacuation prior-
ities of demand points rapidly in order to assist in
taking rapid actions concerning victims’ evacuation
is not satisfied in the approach of FaCT++ in Prot
due to the long time that it takes to infer the priori-
ties. It is thus considered inefficient for inferring the
The delicacy of the evacuation process requires
proposing solutions that are not only efficient and
rapid but also simple to assist in this process. The per-
sons in charge of the evacuation process are usually
non-experts in novel technological techniques; there-
fore, the proposed solutions to assist in taking actions
and decisions should facilitate the process. SPARQL
queries defining the priorities can be integrated in a
tool where a natural language query written by the
user concerning an evacuation priority can be trans-
formed into a SPARQL query that allows inferring
the information about this priority using existing ap-
proaches that propose query transformations (Shaik
et al., 2016; Ochieng, 2020). SHACL rules that are
used in our third approach are based on SPARQL
query language; therefore, it can take the same advan-
tage of transforming natural queries to rules and thus
can be integrated in a tool used by the users to obtain
information. In addition, integrating SHACL rules in
a tool would allow users to choose whether to activate
or deactivate rules as well as to set an execution order
to different rules based upon their needs.
Natural crises management is a critical process; there-
fore, we consider that it is important to propose so-
lutions that help in the information management and
sharing among different involved actors as well as to
infer new information that assist in the crisis manage-
ment process. In this paper, we have proposed a case
study that relies on a previously proposed ontology
and a knowledge graph integrating real flood-related
data (Bu Daher et al., 2022) in order to evaluate three
approaches for inferring new information represent-
ing evacuation priorities for demand points during a
flood crisis. The three approaches were evaluated us-
ing real data as well as synthetic data for further anal-
ysis. The experimental results show that inferring the
priorities using SHACL rules is the most efficient ap-
proach as it allows inferring the priorities in a short
time and assist in taking rapid decisions and actions.
As a future work, we first aim at translating this
work into an industrial usage through an interface
that integrates SHACL Rules and allows to transform
users’ natural language queries to rules. This allows
the users to obtain information about evacuation pri-
orities of demand points in a study area, to activate or
deactivate different rules as well as to set their execu-
tion order according to their needs.
We also aim at relying on the ontology and the
knowledge graph in order to infer new information
concerning the management of the resources (evacu-
ation vehicles) that are used for the evacuation pro-
cess and the routes organization. In addition to in-
ferring new information that assists in the crisis re-
Inferring New Information from a Knowledge Graph in Crisis Management: A Case Study
sponse phase, we aim at inferring new information to
improve a past crisis experience. In this frame, we
aim at proposing a learning approach that learns from
the data of a past crisis and adjusts the values of the
properties that define the conditions of different evac-
uation priorities with the aim of improving the expe-
rience of this crisis.
This work has been funded by the ANR in the context
of the project ”i-Nondations” (e-Flooding), ANR-17-
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