UX- for Smart-PSS: Towards a Context-aware Framework
Angela Carrera-Rivera
1 a
, Felix Larrinaga
1 b
, Ganix Lasa
2 c
and Giovanna Martinez-Arellano
3 d
Faculty of Engineering, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Loramendi 4, 20500 Arrasate, Spain
Design Innovation Center (DBZ), Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Loramendi 4, 20500 Arrasate, Spain
Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, U.K.
S-PSS, Context-awareness, User Experience, Recommendation System.
Smart-product service systems are a business strategy that combines product and service into one value propo-
sition. The user experience of digital services and the smart product can be a clear differentiator among
competitors to achieve economically sustainable solutions. Hence, offering a more personalized experience
is an important aspect of S-PSS. This paper aims to provide a theoretical framework for a context-aware user
experience in S-PSS by providing adaptive and personalized services to the users according to their needs
in a given context, by exploiting the digital capabilities of smart products and referring to the use of rec-
ommendation systems. The paper presents an application scenario using a smart-wearable as an example of
a product-oriented PSS to better describe the framework and each component while stating the future chal-
Smart-Product Service Systems (S-PSS) is an ecosys-
tem that proposes the combination of both product
and service into one value proposition. The design
of S-PSS has received increased attention in recent
years (Carrera-Rivera et al., 2022; Cong et al., 2020;
Dou and Qin, 2017) and implies several challenges.
From the service perspective, S-PSS offers digital ser-
vices that can be product independent or product de-
pendent, powered by the integrated sensors in smart
connected products or by technologies like digital
twin or augmented reality (AR) (Zheng et al., 2019b).
Zheng et al. (2019b) defined S-PSS as “an IT-driven
value co-creation business strategy consisting of var-
ious stakeholders as the players, intelligent systems
as the infrastructure, smart, connected products as
the media and tools, and their generated e-services
as the key values delivered that continuously strives
to meet individual customer needs in a sustainable
manner”. However, the design of S-PSS in multi-
ple studies is only limited to the early phases of the
product development and they do not address the evo-
lution and adaptability that S-PSS should have. S-
PSS follows the Service-Dominant (S-D) logic, a fun-
damental pillar of Service Design, that characterizes
for a “value co-creation” view that uses experiences,
context and multi-stakeholder participation to create
innovative business value propositions(Wetter-Edman
et al., 2014). Users may have different roles as co-
creators in the different phases of S-PSS lifecycle:
co-ideators, co-innovators, co-evaluators, co-testers
or experience creators (Pezzotta et al., 2017). Users
as experience creators can be involved in the solu-
tion conceptualization supporting better customiza-
tion. Pezzotta et al. (2017) stated that providers can
generate richer experiences for customers by under-
standing their preferences. A deep understanding
of the customer experiences could help companies
in defining and re-defining better value propositions.
User Experience(UX) can be a clear differentiator
among competitors to achieve economically sustain-
able PSS. Cong et al. (2020) highlighted that “user
preferences should be associated with different design
elements of Smart PSS in specific usage contexts”.
Previous studies have focused their attention on the
connection between some user preferences and design
elements. Misaka and Aoyama (2018) use Knowl-
edge Engineering and machine learning for correlat-
ing users based on KANSEI engineering, a method-
ology to transform customer feelings into design as-
Carrera-Rivera, A., Larrinaga, F., Lasa, G. and Martinez-Arellano, G.
UX- for Smart-PSS: Towards a Context-aware Framework.
DOI: 10.5220/0011379700003323
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2022), pages 113-120
ISBN: 978-989-758-609-5; ISSN: 2184-3244
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
pects of a new product. However, the studies in this
research area are still limited to user-specific pref-
erences in the usage stage of Smart PSS. A current
challenge is a way to collect and process user behav-
ior data in real time and define how it will be used.
Existing research focused primarily on customer data
from surveys or data from online reviews on social
media. Further work on adaptation of the means of
interaction with S-PSS needs to be done in order to
improve the user experience to meet individual user
needs. This paper proposes a framework to provide
an adaptive UX according to user context, consider-
ing the interactions and data from devices and user
profiles. The structure of this work is as follows: Sec-
tion 2 starts with the fundamental background related
to UX and Context-Awareness. Section 3 presents
the framework and provides a detailed explanation of
each phase. Section 4 provides a proof of concept of
the framework using a wearable S-PSS. Finally, Sec-
tion 5 presents the description of challenges, future
work and conclusion of this work.
UX is a result of the internal state of the user, the
characteristics of the designed entity and the context
features where the interaction occurs (Hassenzahl
and Tractinsky, 2006). According to Valencia et al.
(2015), in S-PSS, the UX is characterized by feel-
ings of customer empowerment, the individualization
of services, the sense of ownership, and an individual
and shared experience. Non-engineering approaches
and qualitative tools (i.e., observation, interviews, ex-
perience maps, etc.) are broadly used by UX design-
ers at the very early stage of design for user research,
to understand the context of use and users involved.
Chang et al. (2019) presented a case study for a smart
pillbox directed at the elderly; using behavioural anal-
ysis and interviews they perform a user analysis not
only to capture their specific requirements but also
to understand the physiological and cognitive dimen-
sions. Similarly, Jia et al. (2021) used behavioural
analysis and experience maps for the development of
a smart rehabilitation assisting device. In both cases,
current users’ problems, popularly denominated ’pain
points’ usually highlight service opportunities.
However, there is a need to exploit the digital ca-
pabilities of S-PSS to generate an adaptive UX with
the collected data available. A data-driven UX is a
particular characteristic of S-PSS where data from
smart products and digital services is easily accessible
(Carrera-Rivera et al., 2022). Furthermore, the ability
to capture user-generated data in real-time should be
an important part of the design process, and it is a way
of identifying and evaluating users’ needs. For in-
stance, methods to collect and process real-time user
behaviour data and define in what ways it will be used.
Existing research mainly focuses on online reviews
data on social media or customer data from surveys.
Wang et al. (2019) used user ratings and comments
related to smart bicycles service from a website, and
with the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP)
techniques were able to capture implicit requirements
that users had. Similarly, Mourtzis et al. (2018) pre-
sented a framework to evaluate the PSS services us-
ing the feedback received from shop floor experts and
business customers through social media platforms.
They also considered the information from machines
and manufacturing execution systems to obtain KPI
values. Therefore, user behaviour data from devices
and interactions with service applications are typi-
cally not discussed.
In S-PSS, the delivery of personalized services
can have a great impact on UX to affect the level of
user satisfaction. Multiple approaches beyond PSS
have used adaptive user interfaces as a way to offer
personalization. Reguera-Bakhache et al. (2021) cap-
tured the interaction sequences, consisting of a series
of click events from the interface of a mixing machine
to understand the patterns of interaction from oper-
ators through a clustering analysis, and in this way
reduce the time and interaction sequences of opera-
tors to perform a task. Todi et al. (2021) presented a
system for adaptive menus using the data from user
clicks on menu items and reinforcement learning to
approximate menus to the user’s expertise and inter-
est. However, the use of context can further improve
the personalization and adaptation by capturing the
real needs of the user at a given time.
2.1 Context-awareness
Context is defined by Abowd et al. (1999) as “any
information that can be used to characterize the situa-
tion of an entity. An entity is a person, place, or object
that is considered relevant to the interaction between a
user and an application, including the user and appli-
cations themselves”. In UX, the context of use rep-
resents the users, tasks, equipment (i.e. hardware,
software), and the physical and social environments
in which S-PSS is used (Iso, 2010).
The term “context-aware” was defined by Schilit
and Theimer (1994) as the “ability to discover and
react to changes in the environment”. In general, a
context-aware system uses context to deliver informa-
tion and/or services relevant to a user’s task (Abowd
et al., 1999). Thus, a context-aware system does
CHIRA 2022 - 6th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
not necessarily imply automatization or real-time pro-
cessing, instead, it refers to the ability to respond to
context. For instance, context can be used to resolve
what services or information need to be presented to
the user. Therefore, context-awareness capability can
be used to personalize the UX by providing services
for a specific user situation.
In the design of S-PSS, multiple context-aware
approaches have been proposed for the requirement-
elicitation phase. For instance, Wang et al. (2019,
2021) proposed a graph-based context-aware frame-
work for the requirement elicitation process in a data-
driven manner. The framework includes a knowl-
edge management layer that uses domain ontologies
to model the product’s components, services, and
context; and a requirement elicitation layer, which
uses graph algorithms to discover implicit require-
ments that user’s had by analyzing reviews and com-
ments from social media. For UX, context-awareness
has been used to create realistic prototypes. For in-
stance, Seo et al. (2016) proposed a hybrid evaluation
method for smart home services based on VR and AR
prototypes using a UX ontology for smart home ser-
vices and semantic reasoning using the open source
framework Jena. On the other hand, Dou and Qin
(2017) obtained physiological data from several sen-
sors including electrocardiography (ECG) and facial
electromyography (fEMG) from elderly people com-
bined with environmental information, to build a user
mental model to better understand the experience of a
smart TV S-PSS. The authors used clustering analy-
sis as a way to identify patterns and build user profiles
according to the context. Such approaches, however,
do not address the need of adaptation in the means of
interaction with the smart products in the usage stage
of S-PSS.
Users’ short term memory is limited to a few
items of information. Cognitive load refers to the
total amount of mental activity on working mem-
ory at an instance in time. If the user interface re-
quires the user to hold more than it can retain, it
will produce a cognitive overload (Tracy and Albers,
2006). Therefore, providing customized services rec-
ommendations address this problem in applications
designed to fully manage or interact with smart prod-
ucts. Context-awareness recommendation systems
have been proved to provide better customization
since context information is very important in improv-
ing recommendation accuracy (Yang, 2018). Tarus
et al. (2018) proposed a context-aware recommender
system for e-learning, using collaborative filtering
(CF) algorithms and learner´s goals and study pat-
terns as sources of context in addition to a traditional
rating of courses. Yang (2018) presented a recom-
Figure 1: Context-aware life cycle.
mender system model, implemented as a website for
movie recommendation. Users are allocated to the
corresponding set of similar users using the Top-N
algorithm. In the user behaviour analysis step, pop-
ular movies are recommended. Then, a matrix of user
scores is established by analyzing the results of user-
registered movies and using time as context of each
score (i.e. season of the year, weekday or weekend).
This section has attempted to provide a brief sum-
mary of the literature. As discussed above, the pro-
posed approaches to UX focus their attention only
on the design stage, before the use phase. As S-PSS
represent a way of continuously striving to meet cus-
tomer needs, adaptation needs to be reflected also in
the interaction with smart products. The section be-
low describes the framework proposed in this paper.
Perera et al. (2013) defined four general steps in con-
text life cycle as a way to describe the process of de-
veloping context-aware applications (Figure 1). The
first step is Context Acquisition, which refers to data
that needs to be acquired from different sources (i.e.
sensors, cyber-physical systems (CPS), databases,
etc). In Context Modelling, the collected data needs
to be represented in a meaningful way. Then, in Con-
text Reasoning, data is processed to provide useful
information and insights (context). Context Dissemi-
nation phase distributes context to consumers, which
can be end-users or other applications. Lastly, Con-
text Monitoring represents the evolution of the de-
sign of S-PSS. It is a stage not broadly represented
and should be considered after Dissemination because
context may change at some point. Systems or appli-
cations have to be able to identify changes and update
the models accordingly.
Following the context-aware life cycle, this paper
proposes a theoretical framework to provide a per-
sonalized UX where services are recommended and
shown according to context when the interaction oc-
curs. Figure 2 presents the overall graphic represen-
tation of the framework. The following subsections
will describe each layer of the framework in detail.
UX- for Smart-PSS: Towards a Context-aware Framework
Figure 2: Context-aware framework for UX.
3.1 Context Acquisition
The process of context acquisition will require captur-
ing the data from multiple sources. This process can
be classified by the source of context and the nature
of the data. Figure 3 presents three main data sources,
Smart Connected Product (SCP), user, and external.
The nature of the data can be dynamic or static. User
context refers to any information related to the user.
User static data might include user personal infor-
mation or user preferences (Liu et al., 2011). The
dynamic information might include: the user’s cur-
rent and historical location, user’s current and histori-
cal activity, user’s current emotion, relationships, etc.
For instance, capturing the data from users while they
interact directly with products or e-services usually
delivered by mobile apps or web applications. SCP
data is acquired from the device through sensors in
smart products that can proportionate relevant infor-
mation of the user when the smart products are used
to monitor the user routine, for instance, wearable de-
vices. Finally, external sources contain dynamic en-
vironment physical information(i.e lighting , noise,
temperature, and humidity level, traffic conditions)
Figure 3: Context data sources.
3.2 Context Modelling
Context modelling allows the representation of the
data acquired in terms of attributes, characteristics,
and relationships with previously specified context
(Liu et al., 2011). Thus, a static model is necessary
to represent the services of smart devices where each
of them groups low-level services or sub-services re-
lated. A sub-service will represent a very specific
function of the e-service platform or smart device.
According to (Maleki et al., 2018) in an S-PSS ar-
chitecture, the domain knowledge models function in
an intermediary role to integrate the S-PSS services
with the cyber-physical components. One approach is
the use of domain ontologies. Ontologies are a means
to formally model concepts from a particular domain
into a detailed specification of entities with properties
and relations. Domain ontologies define the vocab-
ulary related to a particular domain (Guarino et al.,
2009). In this case, each service is modelled into a
pattern that relates the product, service and required
information (Maleki et al., 2018) and integrates it with
context-specific classes and relationships (see Figure
4). In this way, the interactions with the service can
be labelled into multiple categories (i.e. click, like,
close) and then linked to the services to understand
user behaviour for each of the sub-services.
Figure 4: S-PSS Pattern and derived ontology.
3.3 Context Reasoning
Context reasoning is the process of deducting new in-
formation that is useful for a task or user, from multi-
ple context-data sources. The relevance of a recom-
mendable service solution not only depends on the
users’ general preferences but also on their current
situation and their short-term interaction and inter-
ests (Quadrana et al., 2018). Furthermore, the data
from the product itself is a source of context. Col-
laborative Filtering (CF) is a recommendation tech-
nique largely used in e-commerce to provide person-
alized recommendations on items (i.e. books, movies,
CHIRA 2022 - 6th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
Figure 5: Reasoning process context-aware recommendation systems.
clothes, etc). It uses similarities between users and
items simultaneously to provide recommendations.
CF exploits the ratings provided to products explic-
itly (i.e. starts ratings) to measure the similarity and
provide adequately recommendations (Elahi et al.,
2016). However, is also possible to get implicitly
forms of ratings by obtaining and evaluating the in-
teractions that the user had (i.e. page views, clicks,
purchases, etc), which is the more adequate method
in the case of S-PSS. Each type of interaction could
represent a higher level of engagement with a spe-
cific service. For example, monitoring events such
as filter changes and clicks would represent a higher
rating in comparison with a page view event (Chen,
2005; N
nez-Valdez et al., 2018) as seen in Figure 5.
In a context-aware scenario, ratings are modeled as a
function of: users, service as well as context. Hence,
the rating function can be defined in three dimensions
(Tarus et al., 2018): User x Service x Context Rat-
ing, the process will produce as output an ordered
list of recommended services based on the generated
ratings of other users with similar preferences in the
same context (Figure 5). Although collaborative fil-
tering is the most popular recommendation technique,
its major disadvantage is the new user and new item
problems (Barjasteh et al., 2016), referred commonly
as the cold-start problem, which occurs in scenarios
where it is not possible to make reliable recommen-
dations due to an initial lack of ratings (Adomavicius
and Tuzhilin, 2005). Semantic reasoning can be used
to explicitly infer the preference of implicit users, re-
ducing the sparsity of user information, and alleviat-
ing the problems of cold start (Yang, 2018). Consid-
ering the use of ontologies in the modelling stage, se-
mantic reasoning could take advantage of this to infer
new knowledge based on established relationships.
3.4 Context Dissemination and
Context Dissemination is related to the methods to
deliver context to clients or users. The purpose of
this stage is to provide the individualization of the
experience by providing services adequately for each
user situation. Digital services should be adaptive to
user context and easily accessible through digital plat-
forms provided by the service in the form of apps or
websites or the product means of interaction by itself.
Furthermore, the process of context monitoring repre-
sents the evolution of the design of S-PSS. It is impor-
tant to monitor user feedback regarding the services
delivered by the application. Feedback from users can
come through integrated surveys, but also from user
behaviour. For instance, if a user is not happy with
the service that the application is offering, it is likely
they will return to an old state of the application, or do
not interact with the information. This can be taken as
negative feedback and a negative rating for the service
provided. Having discussed each layer, the following
section of this paper addresses an application scenario
to understand the implementation process.
In order to demonstrate the proposed framework, an
activity monitoring scenario is used for a product-
oriented PSS. Tukker (2004) classified PSS into three
main categories from the business aspect: Product-
oriented, Result-oriented, and Use-oriented. Product-
oriented is related to services that facilitate the sales
of products or add functionality or personalize exist-
ing products. In Result-oriented and Use-oriented,
the ownership usually remains with the provider. Fit-
bit is one of the most popular multi-purpose activ-
ity wearable trackers and smart-watch and represents
a clear example of Product-oriented PSS for end-
consumers (B2C). An important part of the product
UX- for Smart-PSS: Towards a Context-aware Framework
is the e-services platform since it represents a means
of interaction with the device and also a source of in-
formation to the user which is accessible through the
mobile app or web application.
Figure 6: Fitbit application scenario.
In the framework, the context acquisition layer
collects the information from the device, which in
this case represents data about the user’s behaviour,
for instance, the number of steps taken by the user
in a day. This translates into information such as the
distance, the duration as well as the intensity of ac-
tivity. User interaction with the e-service platform
will be captured using Matomo
, which is an open-
source platform capable to capture user interaction
(i.e clicks, page views) from a web application into a
Mysql database. Figure 6 represents the context mod-
elling layer. Using an ontology, according to section
3.2, each high-level service provided by the S-PSS
(i.e activity monitoring) has associations with low-
level services that represent specific options on the e-
service platform. Each interaction that is recorded can
be related to a specific service and further enriched
with contextual information, for instance, weather,
time and device status. Another significant aspect is
that the use of an ontology could mitigate the ’cold
start’ problem when there is a lack of historical inter-
actions. In this scenario, profiles were defined using
a dataset from 30 anonymous users (Furberg et al.,
2016) by means of a non-supervised machine learn-
ing technique, using the clusterization algorithm, K-
Means (Figure 7).
Four profiles were identified, in base of their be-
havioural information, and further used to model an
ontology using GraphDB. The ontology can define
the relationships among users, profiles and high-level
and low-level services as shown in Figure 8, User1
has an Active profile and uses trackExercise low-level
service. Using semantic reasoning, it can be inferred
that users with Active profile use the trackExercise
service. In future work, the reasoning layer will use
Figure 7: K-means clustering.
collaborative filtering algorithms to produce an or-
dered list of recommended services. These services
will be delivered through the e-service platform ap-
plication in the form of widgets or personalized no-
tifications in a web application using React frame-
work. One of the challenges will be to achieve a
way to deliver the adaptive services in several S-PSS
interfaces; software frameworks for application cre-
ation are very diverse. Javascript is the ultimate web
standard with multiple frameworks available (i.e. Re-
act, Vue, AngularJS), which have extended to mobile
apps. But, forms of interactions might vary in indus-
trial (i.e. manufacturing) settings. This highlights the
importance to understand the type of market where
the S-PSS is directed. It is key to validate the frame-
work in both, B2C scenario and also in a Business to
Business scenario (B2B), where the UX can be per-
ceived differently by users, and the means of interac-
tion and feedback recollection can also change.
Figure 8: Ontology query in GraphDB.
Another challenge of a data-driven UX is the
need for users’ personal and behavioural information,
which could vary depending on S-PSS’ application
domains (i.e health & welfare, manufacturing, smart
home, etc.). The services created must help users
make informed decisions about their privacy. Simi-
larly, users must have control over their personal in-
formation (van Ooijen and Vrabec, 2019). Privacy
regulations should be followed (i.e. General Data Pri-
vacy Regulation GDPR) and ensure users’ consent
and awareness of the data collected (Zheng et al.,
CHIRA 2022 - 6th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
S-PSS emerges as a way to provide a market offer
combining both product and service while maintain-
ing a lasting relationship between provider and cus-
tomer. It is important to comprehend the role of UX
to understand the use and expectations of users with
smart products and e-service platforms. Continuously
delivering personalized experiences for users is chal-
lenging. The creation of value with user interac-
tions can allow maintaining the system relevant to the
changing needs. This can be accomplished, by imple-
menting technology in a way that it results in a simple
and intuitive experience. This work described a theo-
retical context-aware framework for the UX of S-PSS,
following the life cycle of context-aware application
and considering the use of context in recommenda-
tion systems and the users interactions. The goal is to
provide a personalized and adaptive e-service S-PSS
platform for each user. An application scenario of a
wearable activity tracker device was presented as a
product-oriented S-PSS that allows to better showcase
the general overview of the framework. The work also
presented a description of the challenges that brings
S-PSS, such as a multi-business perspective to under-
stand users in different scenarios and industries, and
the management of behavioural data and how to han-
dle privacy aspects within the applications. Future
work will provide an implementation of the frame-
work and further analyze each of the stages described
in this paper.
This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro-
gramme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant
No. 814078.
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CHIRA 2022 - 6th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications