Financial Management and Risk Assessment of Electric Power
Scientific Research Projects based on PDCA Analysis Method
Yingcui Chen, Wangyuan Xie, Sijia Lao and Xinru Yu
China Electric Power Research Institute,Beijing, China
Keywords: Electric Power Enterprise, Science Technology Project, Financial Management, PDCA, Risk Analysis.
Abstract: The power industry is an important supporting industry of the energy revolution. Because of traditional energy
demand, it is also facing industry innovation brought by various emerging technologies. Power grid
enterprises have great demand for science and technology R & D, and the annual scientific research
investment in the power industry reaches billion yuan. With the increase of science and technology R & D
investment by power enterprises year by year, the demand for scientific and efficient management of science
and technology project funds is becoming more and more urgent. By analysing the characteristics of science
and technology project management in power enterprises, this study combs and discusses the management
methods in each stage of science and technology project implementation by using PDCA analysis method.
On this basis, the implementation risk of each stage is established and scored, and the risk level of risk control
point is calculated. This study puts forward the optimization ideas and paths of financial management based
on PDCA cycle theory, guides budget adjustment and project implementation through information feedback,
and strengthens risk point control, which provides a practical reference for the practical application of
financial management in scientific research project management.
With the great leap forward development of science
and technology in the world, the continuous
expansion of the scale of investment in science and
technology, the sharp increase in the number of
scientific research practitioners, and the continuous
great changes in the financial management mode of
scientific research institutions and scientific research
projects, all these have increased the difficulty of
science and technology management and exposed
many specific problems in management, It also
gradually highlights various imperfections in
professional management and internal control of
scientific research projects. From the research
situation at home and abroad, in the financial
management research involving scientific research
project management and performance appraisal,
more attention is paid to the standardization and
safety of fund use management. There are few
theories and methods based on PDCA cycle theory
and professional risk analysis tools to track the
project progress from the perspective of management,
and carry out research on the practical application of
financial management such as scientific research
project process management, auxiliary decision-
making, performance appraisal and guiding budget
preparation. This paper studies and analyses scientific
research projects based on PDCA cycle theory.
During the implementation of scientific research
projects, starting with the analysis of the current
situation and practical problems of financial
management application, this paper analyses the
objective practical problems, puts forward the
optimization ideas and paths of financial
management based on PDCA cycle theory, and
focuses on the application of comprehensive budget
method in budget preparation in the planning stage of
scientific research projects, the dynamic change of
financial data starts research and analysis on the
optimization of project progress and performance
evaluation, the establishment of a closely integrated
financial management system between the project
and the Research Institute, and the establishment of a
‘industry finance integration’ financial management
system has important reference significance for the
scientific research financial management of the
research institute and scientific research projects.
Another remarkable feature of power science and
technology project management is that science and
Chen, Y., Xie, W., Lao, S. and Yu, X.
Financial Management and Risk Assessment of Electric Power Scientific Research Projects based on PDCA Analysis Method.
DOI: 10.5220/0011358100003440
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management (BDEDM 2022), pages 912-917
ISBN: 978-989-758-593-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
technology projects have uncertainty, which exists
objectively, as shown below:
1) The goal is uncertain. The creative
characteristics of science and technology projects in
power enterprises determine the important position of
timeliness in research and development. In the
process of implementation, due to the constraints of
related technologies, the realization of R & D
objectives of science and technology projects is
limited. It is very difficult to grasp the planning
control, fund control and quality control of science
and technology project management. There are many
unknown factors in the implementation, and there
may be a certain gap between the research results and
the expected objectives.
2) Technical uncertainty. With the development
of information technology and intelligent technology,
the technology with low maturity will increase the
workload and difficulty of scientific research on the
one hand, and increase the possibility of failure on the
other hand. At the same time, the operability of some
advanced technologies needs to be verified, so it may
not produce the expected results for the scientific
research projects.
3) The evaluation criteria are uncertain. The
formulation of evaluation standards for traditional
projects is relatively simple. It is necessary to
calculate the deviation between the expected time and
budget cost of the project and the specified standards.
The evaluation indicators can be evaluated
quantitatively according to the operation data. For
power science and technology projects, the
evaluation indicators are mostly non quantifiable
indicators, and the evaluation index system is
difficult to standardize and unify. Therefore, it is
necessary to formulate corresponding evaluation
standards for different types of projects, or conduct
project evaluation by adding scientific and reasonable
elastic indicators.
In the process of completing scientific research
projects, funds must be used to ensure various labour
consumption. Project financial management is to
ensure that the scientific research project achieves the
established objectives and carry out the financial
management process and activities of the project
within the budget prepared according to the project
tasks. In order to carry out the financial management
of scientific research projects objectively,
scientifically and standardized, we must first
establish the concept of "full life cycle cost
management". PDCA is plan do check action. PDCA
cycle is a scientific program that is managed in this
order and goes on continuously. Using PDCA model,
the control method of project management quality is
shown in Figure 1, as follows.
1) The preparation of the budget for science and
technology projects shall be carried out before or at
the end of the science and technology project. The
main methods are the analysis of the technical
scheme of the project research, the basis for the
preparation of funds, the law of fund use in the
process of previous science and technology projects,
the problems encountered and the experience in
solving them.
2) Implement the financial management system of
science and technology projects in the stages of
science and technology project initiation, feasibility
study and project implementation, and check the
monthly, quarterly and annual use of funds during the
implementation of science and technology projects.
3) In the closing stage of science and technology
projects, it is necessary to analyze and sort out the
inspection results in the process of each science and
technology project, formulate the revision scheme of
relevant science and technology project management
system, complete the financial settlement and audit of
project funds, and put forward the use of funds.
Figure 1: Cost elements of power science and technology
project budgeting.
4) The cycle period is generally synchronized
with the financial year, that is, once a year. In case of
national policy adjustment or major problems in the
management system of science and technology
projects, a new cycle can be started at any time.
2.1 Plannning Stage
In the process of completing scientific research
projects, funds must be used to ensure various labor
consumption. Project financial management is to
Financial Management and Risk Assessment of Electric Power Scientific Research Projects based on PDCA Analysis Method
ensure that the scientific research project achieves the
established objectives and carry out the financial
management process and activities of the project
within the budget prepared according to the project
tasks. In order to carry out the financial management
of scientific research projects objectively,
scientifically and standardized, we must first
establish two basic management concepts of ‘full life
cycle cost management’. The comprehensive budget
of scientific research projects shall be classified
according to the accounting subjects involved in the
completion of the project, and the relevant cost
elements shall be clearly divided in each type of
accounting subjects and analysed one by one. Cost
elements are the basis of comprehensive budget
preparation of scientific research projects, as shown
in Table 1.
2.2 Doing Stage
For scientific research projects, building a scientific
project financial management system can provide
useful project information for project leaders and
institute managers and effectively control project
risks. Strengthening the management and analysis of
refined financial data in project management will
provide auxiliary decision-making for project
Figure 2: Reference for fund implementation rate of power
science and technology projects.
2.3 Checking Stage
The current implementation of scientific research
project funds is reflected by the budget
implementation rate. The budget implementation rate
is measured and determined by the ratio between the
approved implementation amount of funds and the
budget allocation amount when the project is
completed. The ratio is the static data when the
project is completed. The fund implementation rate
reflects the difference between the actual expenditure
of the project and the budget allocation, and cannot
reflect the progress of the project. In order to evaluate
the project progress from the perspective of fund
implementation more comprehensively, scientifically
and objectively, the evaluation standard of Dynamic
Fund implementation on project progress should be
constructed. Dynamic Fund implementation is to
combine the current expenditure (or current budget
implementation rate) during project implementation
with the project plan implementation time to form the
current fund implementation, which is used to
evaluate the current project progress. At the same
time, the budget implementation rates at multiple
time points are used to evaluate the trend of project
progress in one stage of the project implementation
period. Figure 2 shows the fund implementation of
general power science and technology projects, in
which the project implementation cycle is three years.
2.4 Action Stage
After the completion of the project, the whole process
multi-dimensional project financial management
performance evaluation will help the project leader
and institute managers summarize and accumulate
project financial management experience, further
improve the project management chain, and play an
enlightening and guiding role in the future institute
project management. The performance evaluation of
project financial management should not only stay on
the static financial data at the conclusion of the
project, but also fully combine the dynamic financial
data indicators in the process of project
implementation to form a dynamic and static,
comprehensive and reasonable evaluation system. At
the same time, build the project financial
management inspection and evaluation model in
three aspects: fund implementation, project progress,
refined financial data monitoring, project cost, whole
process financial dynamic data and internal control,
and form the project financial management
performance evaluation system. The performance
evaluation of project financial management should
reflect the positive incentive effect, respect the labor
achievements of scientific research workers, fully
mobilize their work enthusiasm, change the passive
situation of project financial management of the
Institute, link performance with bonus and
performance with promotion through evaluation,
continuously improve the implementation effect of
project funds and support the ability of scientific
research project implementation.
BDEDM 2022 - The International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management
Table 1: Cost elements of power science and technology
project budgeting.
Cost element
Direct cost
Equipment purchase,
trial production and leasing
2 Material cost
Instrument consumables
and utensils, testing and
analysis drugs and reagents,
electronic components
Testing and
processing fee
Test processing items 1,
Research staff travel,
invited experts travel,
academic conference travel,
transportation travel
Project kick-off meeting,
project demonstration
meeting, review meeting,
final acceptance meeting
cooperation and
exchange fee
International exchanges
and visits, and invite foreign
experts to visit and exchange
8 Publishing
Literature retrieval, data,
publishing, intellectual
property matters
9 Labor cost
The project employs
technicians, master students,
doctoral students and
temporary employees
consultation fee
Conference consultation
Indirect costs
11 Indirect costs
Incentive of scientific
research personnel,
management expenses, daily
water, electricity and gas
12 Taxes
3.1 Analysis of Risk Sources of
Scientific Research Projects
R & D risk: because there are many uncertain factors
in the research process of scientific research projects
and the project covers a wide range, the progress of
synchronous similar projects will affect the
timeliness of the project, delay the project and
insufficient time progress. At the same time, it should
be considered that the uneven level of designers will
also lead to problems in the links of the project,
making it difficult for R & D and difficult to move
forward. These are two important points in the R & D
risk of the project.
Production risk: production risk is also a very
important point in the project. In the first project
procurement stage, due to the untimely procurement,
the purchase of some key devices is slow, sometimes
delayed for a year and a half. At this time, the whole
project will stagnate. This problem is also often
encountered in the progress of the project, constantly
delaying the nodes and causing the accumulation of
projects, If the purchase is not applied in time, it will
take two to three years from development to
production, so that the capital cannot be turned
around. In fact, there are also correlations between
various risks and contain each other. Second, a very
important point in the production process is the
process problem. For example, when making the
structural chassis, the explosion connection problem
caused by the dislocation of an empty or poor process
level will also cause the project to be reworked
continuously, and all aspects of coordination,
communication and reprocessing will be carried out.
Risk management: from the previous risk type, we
can think that coordination and communication also
play a great role in the process of the project. For
example, some design processes require the
cooperation and guidance of designers from other
departments, which requires good communication
between department leaders to prevent being closed.
Because some projects often have no interest in other
departments, which leads to mutual push and quarrel,
so it is very important to do a good job of
communication and coordination.
Environmental risk: sometimes environmental
risk should also be considered, because there is a
certain probability, such as the transfer of department
personnel, resignation, leave for business and other
irresistible factors. If this happens, the project team
leader should arrange other personnel to take over in
time, which will lead to time delay and lack of
understanding of the project situation, requiring
continuous consultation and communication, It will
affect the progress of the whole project.
Financial risk: first, in terms of contract
management, including the lack of prior qualification
examination or lax examination by the contract
signing party; The wording of the agreed terms of the
contract is not clear or the agreement is not clear
enough, so that the legal binding force of the contract
Financial Management and Risk Assessment of Electric Power Scientific Research Projects based on PDCA Analysis Method
is not strong; Lack of in-process tracking and
implementation effect tracking during contract
implementation; The signing and performance of
some contracts are not strict, and the contract terms
of the same matter are contradictory, etc. Second,
budget management. Lack of budget execution
analysis and assessment management, and failure to
carry out real-time tracking, process supervision,
feedback and early warning in the actual expenditure
process of scientific research funds. Such as illegal
expenditure, inflated expenditure, excessive use of
budget, sudden spending, misappropriation of funds,
3.2 Risk Identification and Assessment
Table 2 shows the risk objective level, the
management process is the criterion level, and the key
control points are the index level. A hierarchical
structure model is established, in which {B
1, B2, B3,
B4, B5, B6} is the first level risk control points {C11,
C12, C13}, {C21, C22, C23, C24}, {C31, C32, C33, C34},
41, C42, C43}, {C51, C52, C53}, {C61, C62, C63}. It
is a secondary risk control point. After establishing
the hierarchical structure index system, the
importance standard of quantitative index is
formulated, and the judgment matrix is constructed
according to the subordinate relationship between the
upper and lower levels.
1Calculate the product Mi of factors in each row
of the judgment matrix
2Calculate the random consistency index
𝐶𝐼 =
R represents the average random consistency
3On the basis of the constructed ladder level,
experts are invited to compare and score the elements
of each level, and calculate the judgment matrix of
each index on the primary risk points B
1, B2, B3, B4,
B5, B6
as well as the secondary risk points C11, C12
C13... C63, each judgment matrix passes the
consistency test. Finally, the risk proportion of sub
objectives and indicators at the business level is
4) Through comprehensive analysis, the weighted
possibility of different levels of risk in each index is
obtained, and the risk level of the risk control point of
the university is obtained. In Table 2, H represents
high risk, M represents medium risk and D represents
low risk. For example, the weighted probability of
high risk in contract signing risk C
11 is 0.0061, the
weighted probability of high risk in contract
performance risk C
12 is 0.0053, the weighted
probability of low risk in market recognition and
evaluation risk C
13 is 0.0068, and so on. The risk level
of each key control point in the project level
management process can be calculated. According to
the calculation results, control the points evaluated as
high risk.
Table 2: Risk evaluation hierarchy index of scientific
research projects in power enterprises.
Level 1
Level 2
signing risk
0.0061 H
e risk /C12
0.0053 H
n and
risk/ C13
0.0068 L
revenue and
ing risk/
0.0132 D
on risk/ C22
0.0087 D
source risk
0.0092 D
risk/ C24
0.0051 H
risk/ C31
0.0061 L
risk/ C32
0.0058 D
risk /C33
0.0063 H
risk /C34
0.0077 L
BDEDM 2022 - The International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management
risk /C41
0.0052 H
risk /C42
0.0052 D
risk/ C43
0.0081 L
risk/ C51
0.0069 H
t plan risk
0.0067 D
t activity
risk/ C53
0.0054 H
Risk of
0.0082 L
Audit risk/
0.0072 H
risk/ C63
0.0091 D
In view of the growing demand for scientific research
projects in the power industry, this study uses the
PDCA cycle theory and the concept of life-cycle cost
management of scientific research projects, puts
forward the financial management framework for
electric power science and technology projects, and
studies and analyzes how to scientifically prepare the
fund budget of scientific research projects by using
the method of comprehensive budget. Through the
quantitative analysis of financial data in project
implementation, the implementation process of
scientific research project funds is monitored, and the
financial management methods of project auxiliary
decision-making and performance evaluation are put
forward. Through information feedback to guide
budget adjustment and project implementation,
further reduce the work burden of power R & D
personnel, mobilize the work enthusiasm of scientific
researchers, and provide a practical reference for the
practical application of financial management in the
scientific research project management of the
Institute. Through information feedback to guide
budget adjustment and project implementation,
strengthen risk point control, and provide a practical
reference for the practical application of financial
management in scientific research project
management. With the application of information
technology means, the financial management means
for scientific research projects have been further
developed to achieve a more scientific, efficient and
accurate financial management model.
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Financial Management and Risk Assessment of Electric Power Scientific Research Projects based on PDCA Analysis Method